Point To Point ELINE Service

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Provisioning ELINE service using TJ1400-12

ELINE Services are created on TJ1400-12 CEF1 9P card when customer needs point to point link.

Step–1: Make Admin status of ETH & VCG Ports UP
Step–2: Add VC to VCG port
Step–3: Create ELINE service between Ethernet & VCG ports

1) Adding cross connect to VCG port:

Go to Configuration ->Facilities ->VCG -> Select VCG port (Here we have taken VCG-1-3-101)
Make Admin Status UP, Select Operational Granularity [VC11, VC12, VC3 or VC4]
Click on Submit button.
Click on Add new VC option to add cross connect.
 Give Number of Connections
 Change Circuit Identifier [Optional]
 Select Work Port
 Enable Protection Port / Revertive / Non-Revertive [Optional]
 Click on Submit.

We are creating flow point before provisioning new ELINE service.

2) Creating Flow point:

Click L2 Services>Service Switch-(slot number)>Service provisioning>Flow point

Template>Provision a new Flow Point Template.
 Flow Point Template Description -> Provide Service template name.
 Flow Point Template Type -> Select CVLAN.
 CVLAN Range -> Provide CVLAN range.
 VLAN Range ->Provide the range of VLANs allowed in a VLAN flow point (1 – 4094)

Click on Create. On successful creation of flow Point we will get following message:

3) Creating New ELINE Services including above Template:

Click L2 Services>Service Switch-(slot number)>Service provisioning>ELINE
Services>Add New ELINE Service.
 Service Name -> The name given to the ELINE service.
 Trail Identifier -> Allows you to enter the trail identifier for the ELINE service (0 to
 Customer Name -> Enter the customer name.
 Flow Point 1 & Flow Point 2 -> Select the port of the flow point1 and flow point2 from
drop list. The drop-down lists the ETH and VCG ports which will be part of the ELINE
 Flow Point Template -> Select the flow point template on which the flow point is based.
Drop down menu displays the available Flow Point templates.

A confirmation message is displayed, on clicking create.

Click Yes. A success message is displayed. The New ELINE service is provisioned.

We can also create a new Flow Point template, while provisioning ELINE service as well by selecting the
check box against Create a new Flow Point template.

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