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11/8/2017 06 ­ Sequence & Series ­ Entry Test Notes

Sequences & Series


 Quote

A Sequence is an arrangement of numbers subject to some de nite rule.


A Sequence is a function whose domain is a subset is the set if natural numbers.

Notation used for Sequence is {an }.

Each number in the Sequence is called a term.

The nth term are or general term of a sequence is denoted by an .

If all members of a sequence are real numbers, then it is called real


If domain of sequence is a nite set then the sequence is called a nite

sequence otherwise in nite sequence.

An in nite sequence has no last term.

A series is obtained by adding or subtracting the terms of a sequence.

If the terms of a sequence follow certain pattern then the sequence is called
a progression.

Types of Progression
Arithmetic Progression (AP)

Geometric Progression (GP)

Harmonic Progression (HP)­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 1/15
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Arithmetic Progression
A sequence whose terms increase or decrease by a xed number is called
Arithmetic Progression.

The xed number is called common difference of the A.P

Common difference (d) can be a +ve or -ve number.

Total term (n) can never be a negative number

General term of AP is:

an = a + (n − 1)d

Properties of AP

If a1 , a2 , 23 ,..., an are in AP then:

a1 + k , a2 + k , a3 + k ,..., an + k are also in A.P

a1 − k , a2 − k , a3 − k ,..., an − k are also in A.P
a1 ⋅ k , a2 ⋅ k , a3 ⋅ k ,..., an ⋅ k are also in A.P
a1 /k , a2 /k , a3 /k ,..., an /k are also in A.P , k=0
If a1 , a2 , 23 ,..., an are in A.P then:

In an A.P. of nitely many terms, sum of terms equidistant from the

beginning and end is constant equal to the sum of the rst and last
terms and so on.

a1 + an = a2 + an−1 = a3 + an−2

an = (ar−k + ar+k ), 0 ≤ k ≤ n − r
For Example: 2, ? , ? , ? ,10,12 then a3 =?
a3 = (a3−2 + a3+2 )/2
a3 = (a1 + a5 )/2 a3 = (2 + 10)/2 = 6
1 1 1
If a2 , b2 , c2 are in AP then b+c , c+a , a+b are also in AP.

If l,m,n be the pth, qth and rth terms of an A.P then:

l(q − r) + m(r − p) + n(p − q) = 0­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 2/15
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p(m − n) + q(n − l) + r(l − m) = 0

 Info

If we have to take three numbers in AP we take these to be

a − d, a, a + d
If we have to take four numbers in AP we take these to be
a − 3d, a − d, a + d, a + 3d
If we have to take ve numbers in AP we take these to be
a − 2d, a − d, a, a + d, a + 2d

Arithmetic Mean
If three quantities are in AP then middle term is known as arithmetic mean (
AM ) of the other two.
If a, A, b are in AP then A = 2
If a, A1 , A2 , A3 , ..., An , b are in AP then the numbers A1 , A2 , A3 , ..., An are
called n arithmetic means between a and b.

The sum of n AM between any two numbers a & b is equal to n-times the AM
between a & b that is given by :

n( )

nth arithmetic mean between a & b is given by

a + nb
An =

mth AM from n terms in AP eg. nding A3 from 2, A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , 30, we

can use the formula

Am = a + m

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If a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ..., a + (n − 1)d is an AP. Then series

a + (a + d) + (a + 2d) + ... + (a + (n − 1)d)

is called an Arithmetic series.

 Important Notes

If am and an are two terms of an AP whereas am is bigger then an also m > n then
am − an
If a is the rst term and d be the common difference of an A.P having m terms then nth
term from the end is (m − n + 1)th term from the beginning. Thus nth term from the end
is given by
an = a1 + (m − n)d
whereas m is total terms and n is speci c term from the end

If 1/a, 1/b, 1/c are in A.P then b = 2ac/a + c.

If 1/a, 1/b, 1/c are in A.P then d = a − c/2ac
For total no of terms in AP we use the formula
an − a1
n= +1
Middle term of three consecutive terms of A.P. is A.M. between the extreme terms

Sum of Arithmetic Series

If any three of a, n, d or Sn is given use formula

Sn = [2d + (n − 1)d]
If rst term (a1 ) and last/general term (an ) is given given then use formula

Sn = [a1 + an ]
Sum of Alternating Series:

a − a+a − a + a... having even number of terms is equal to 0

a − a+a − a + a... having odd number of terms is equal to a

 Shortcut for Sum­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 4/15
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Once we get the corresponding terms for any A.P, we can easily nd the sum of an A.P by using
the property of averages.
S = n × A.M of that A.P

For Example Sum of 2,6,10,14,18,22??

As, AM = (22 + 2)/2 = 12
So, Sum = 6 × 12 = 72

 Important Notes

If nth term of a sequence is a linear expression in n then sequence is an AP. eg.

an = 2n − 1 is an AP.
If the sum of the rst n term of a sequence is a quadratic expression in n then the sequence
is an A.P. eg. an = n(5n − 1) is an quadratic expression.
When the middle term of A.P is given and no. of total terms are odd then sum can be given
Sn = amiddle × n
When the no. of total terms are even and the middle terms are two then Sum can be given
Sn = (sum of middle terms/2) × n
When d = 0 then Sn = a + a + ...n terms = na

 Guessing Sum of AP

Here is a tip for guessing the sum of AP very quickly.

For example: 1+3+5+7+...+(2n − 1) =?

n(n + 1)
2n + 1
None of these

Simply put the some values of n and check the validity.

Put n =1

12 = 1
1(1 + 1) 2
2(1) + 1 3
So, n is correct ans.­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 5/15
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Geometric Progression
A Sequence of numbers in which every term after the rst is obtained from
the preceding term by multiplying it with a constant number is called a
Geometric Progression

The general form of a GP is

a, ar, ar2 , ar3 , ..., arn−1

The general term of GP is

an = arn−1

The constant ratio of any two constant terms in GP is called by Common

Ratio. It can be found by


Common Ratio can never be zero or one.

If a GP has n-terms then nth term is called last term or limiting term and it is
denoted by l & is given by l = arn−1
If am and an are two terms of an GP whereas am > an also m > n. Then

r=( )
am m−n

When last term l and common ratio r is given then:

an =
If rst term (a) and common ratio is given the nth term from last can be
given by ar m−n

Number of terms can be calculated by using formula

rn = r
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 Info

If we have to take three numbers in GP we take these to be

, a, ar
If we have to take four numbers in GP we take these to be
a a
, , ar, ar3
r3 r
If we have to take ve numbers in GP we take these to be
a a
, , a, ar, ar2
r r


After applying any basic mathematic operation on each of its term the
progression remains in GP.

If we have two GP, the progression formed by the product or division of its
corresponding terms, is also in GP.

In a G.P. of nitely many terms, the product of terms equidistant from the
beginning and end is constant equal to the sum of the rst and last terms.

Geometric Mean
If three quantities are in GP then middle term is known as geometric means
of the other two.

If a, G, b are in GP, then G = ± ab.

If a, G1 , G2 ,..., Gn , b then the numbers G1 , G2 ,..., Gn are called n
geometric means between a and b.

nth GM between a & b is given by


Gn = a ( )
b n+1

The product if n geometric means between two given number is equal to nth
power to single GM between these numbers. n GM between a & b is
Gn = ( ab)n or an (b/a)n/2­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 7/15
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If A & G are respectively arithmetic and geometric means between two

positive numbers a and b then:

The quadratic equation having a & b as its roots is
x2 − 2Ax + G2 = 0
The two positive numbers are A & ± A2 − G2

Geometric Series
If a, ar , ar 2 ,..., ar n−1 is a GP then

a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ... + arn−1

is called Geometric Series.

Sum of n terms of Geometric Series

Following are some formulas of Sum of Geometric Series:

a(1 − rn )
Sn = , ∣r∣ < 1

a − lr
Sn = , ∣r∣ < 1

a(rn − 1)
Sn = , ∣r∣ > 1

lr − a
Sn = , ∣r∣ > 1

where l is last term of GP.

 MCQ Trick

Finding total covered by the object dropped from height h and rebounds r th of its actual height.
h(1 + r)
distance =
1−r­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 8/15
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Sum of in nite Geometric Series

The series a+ar 2 +ar 3 +...+ar n−1 +...∞ is called in nite geometric series.
We can compute the sum only if ∣r∣ <1

Case 1 ∣r∣ < 1

If for an in nite geometric series ∣r∣ < 1, the series is said to be Convergent
Series. In this case

S∞ =

Sum of in nite Geometric Series when common ratio and rst term is given can
be found by:

S∞ = × a1

Case 2 ∣r∣ > 1

If for an in nite geometric series ∣r∣ > 1, the series is said to be Divergent

In this case sum of series increases inde nitely so:

S∞ → ∞

Case 3 ∣r∣ = 1

In this case also sum of series increases inde nitely, but we can calculated its
sum if its is not in nite ie. n is given Thus

Sn = na1

Case 3 ∣r∣ = −1­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 9/15
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If for an in nite geometric series r = −1, then series is said to be Oscillatory

Series. In this case

a1 − (−1)n a1
Sn =

Sn = a1 if n is positive odd number

Sn = 0 if n is positive even number.

Arithmetic Geometric Progression (AGP)

It is the combination of Arithmetic & Geometric Progressions.

General form of AGP is

a, (a + d)r, (a + 2d)r2 , (a + 3d)r3 , ...

nth term of an AGP is

Tn = [a + (n − 1)d]rn−1

 Note

A sequence is both an A.P. and a G.P. iff it is a constant sequence.

Harmonic Progression
A sequence of numbers is called a harmonic progression if the reciprocals of its
terms are in arithmetic progression.

No term of HP can be zero

Every HP has a corresponding AP

There is no general method to nd the sum of a HP.­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 10/15
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Harmonic Mean
If three quantities are in HP then the middle is called harmonic mean of
other two.

If a, H , b are in HP then


nth harmonic mean between a & b is given by

(n + 1)ab
Hn =
na + b

Relation between AP, GP & HP

G2 = AH
A > G > H , if a & b are two distinct +ve real numbers and G>0.
A < G < H , if a & b are two distinct -ve real numbers and G<0.
Reciprocals of GP form a GP

Reciprocals of AP form HP

If ax , by , cz are in GP then x, y , z are in HP

If ax , by , cz are in GP then 1/x, 1/y , 1/z are in AP

1 a+b 1
The number a , 2ab , b are in GP

The reciprocal of whose terms form again same type of sequence is HP

If the rst term of an in nite geometric series is equal to twice of the sum of
all the terms of that follows it, then the value of r is 1/3.

If a, b, c form a G.P with common ratio r (0 < r < 1).If a,2b,3c form an
A.P then r = 1/3.
Three numbers of G.P. If we double the middle number we get an A.P the
common ratio of G.P is 2 ± 3.
Every term of GP is the logarithm of each term of AP.

Every term of AP is the anti logarithm of term of GP.­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 11/15
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If a,b,c are in HP then bc, ca, ab are in AP.

1 1 1
If a,b,c are in AP then 1−a , 1−b , 1−c are in HP.

The expression

an + bn
an−1 + bn−1


AM when n =1
GM when n = 1/2
HM when n =0
The expression $$ \frac{a^{n+1} + b^{n+1} }{a n+bn} $$ is:

AM when n =0
GM when n = −1/2
HM when n = −1

Relation with Quadratic Equation

If α & β be roots of the quadratic equation x2 − 2Ax + G2 = 0 then:
AM = 2
GM = αβ
HM = α+β

Let a & b are two numbers and if a = b then

GM = HM = AM

When quadratic equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0 then:

AM = −b
HM = −2c
GM = a
If A & G are Arithmetic and Geometric means between a & b then the
quadratic equation having roots a & b will be­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 12/15
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x2 − 2Ax + G2 = 0

Sigma Notations
∑[k m − (k − 1)m ] = nm

Sum n times unity

∑1 = n

Sum of rst n natural numbers is given by

n(n + 1)
∑k =

The sum of rst n even natural number is given by n(n + 1)

The sum of rst n odd natural number is given by n2

The sum of squares of rst n natural numbers is given by

n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
∑ k2 =

The sum of squares of rst n odd natural numbers is given by

n(4n2 − 1)
The sum of squares of rst n even natural number is given by

2n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
The sum of cube of rst n natural number is given by­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 13/15
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n(n + 1)2
∑k = 3

The sum of cube of rst n even natural number is given by 2n2 (n + 1)2

The sum of cube of rst n odd natural number is given by n2 (2n2 − 1)

nth Term of Repeated Series

nth term of series like b+bb+bbb+... is

an = (10n − 1)
nth term of series like is

an = (1 − 10n )

Vulgar Fraction
A type of decimal fraction in which the decimals repeats endlessly is called
recurring or repeated decimals.

For example: 0.31313131...

Every recurring decimal can be converted into a fraction called common fraction
or vulgar fraction by using formula for S∞ .


Here are some key points to convert recurring decimals into vulgar fraction
within seconds.

Case 1 When all digits are recurring

In this case, in the denominator of vulgar fraction, the number of nines is equal to
number of repeating digits and numerator is actually the complete given number
without decimal, minus the number before decimal.­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 14/15
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Vulgar Fraction of 2.342 will be

2342 − 2 2340
999 999
13.4235 will be

134235 − 13 13422
9999 9999
0.271 will be

0271 − 0 271
999 999
Case 2 When all digits are not repeating

In this case, in the denominator of vulgar fraction, the number of nines is equal to
the number of repeating digits and after nines we put zeros and the number of
zeros is equal to the number of non-repeating digits in decimal part. The
numerator is the whole given number without decimal minus the number before
repeating digits.


2.1341 will be

21341 − 21 21320
9990 9990
0.021 will be

0021 − 002 19
900 900­test­notes/maths/ch06/ 15/15

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