Bubblegum Crisis - EX, Extreme Anime RPG Expansion

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Se pS pS ee bee ea ey a RAO! ADNENTURES BEYOND THE ANIME WORLD OF BERSERK BOOMERS AND H-TEG BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX THE EXTREME EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS peo ese N= Nile i Sir : I al 7 . gar + Kn 4 p y ie. a « \)) = a S are | nin Bae aS So, ENPANSION eDOCS q| ° = ra) a % g BS} Contes Py Crcors 3 IntrooucTION 4 EX TECHNOLOGY. . 6 Stingray Tec 7 Hanosur Ano-Ons 7 Mororsurr 8 Hyaaio Harosurr. 9 Heavy Harosutt 10 TT Highway Stan Markeving PRovecr 12 Tornano Morons.ave 4 Teweest Mo 15 TyeHo0N Il VARIATIONS 16 Moro-Launches 7 Heavy Morons: 18 Lano Cruiser 20 New Boomers a Boomer Gotem & BU-K9 2 BU-12 Bare Boomer Vaniarions. 2 ‘Space Boomers 24 BU-15B Goauny Bare Boomer 26 BU-17B He..eenoeR Barrie Boomen, 2 Space Devetorwent Boomen 28 Nexus & Beers Boomers 29 Boomers At Work 30-32 TeaRonist & FiGHtinG BooMens 33 Boomer-Boomen FUSION 34 AD Pouce Tec. 36 Heavy FRONTLINE ARMOR 36 K-11 Team, 36 K-11 Haao DETalL 37 Pat-RoaDen Suave-Cyc.e 38 ‘ADP Mororow. 39 ADP VEHICLES. 40 Oren EX Tech 42 MF-405D 2 USSD K-12B 4% K-11 Jaen 44 New BATTLEMOVERS. Tyre-§ BarTiewoven ~Japawese Seur-Derense Forces. MisceiLaneous GEAR. CHARACTERS REVISITED. Priss ‘Sys Lina Nene Mackie Leon OrHer CHaRacTens BUBBLEGUM EX WORLD. Guosat Crossrine Neo-ANceves San Francisco Nicht Crry PorTuano, Searnie, & Meca-GotHaN Batrimore, CovoGne, & Sy EX-paoing FRONTIERS Space: THe HicH GRouND Tue Oceans: Unpen Paessurt THe DigitaL DoMAN Runine Boomers. Camnicn Tyres EX-panbeo HaRDsurTs EX ADVENTURE “VIRTUAL VISION”. ‘SILHOUETTE AWAKENS Inrer.une: TasTING THE APPLE Breakout on THe Macrese Cross Sutran’s Cow. Tosa, Ticea Enemy OF My ENEMY How SwaReen Than a SenPent’s TooTH. ‘Aten Tue BATTLE Unnoty Grait Neven THE ENo New CxaRactens BUBBLEGUM) CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS VABOUT THIS BOOK Welcome to Bubblegum Crisis EX, the EXtremely EXciting EXpansion, Exploding with Extras! (OK, OK, sorry; we'll stop now.) Anyway, you may be asking, “Why EX"? Well, roleplayers are continuously pushing he boundaries, always laoking for that elusive edge, constantly seek ing out that special something which will elp them take their games further. Tha’s what BGC EXis all about When the Bubblegum Cri saying Game first came aut players and Referees were given everything they needed to start role playing in the world of Bubblegum Crisis. Next came Bubb sis Before & After, which covered Bubblegum Crash! and AD Police in detail, thereby opening new dimensions to AGC gamers. But beyond the videos was a whole other world of BGC goodies, a fas nating world of pre-production designs and “sidestory” conceptions, world that BGC gamers and fans alike would thoroughly enjoy exploring, To that end, we've put together Bubbleg Within this book, you'l find all the mecha which never appear the BGC videos, plus new world background information, more paign guidelines, and another high-octane Bu venture Throughout this book, its assumed that you have the BGC APG ‘and BGC BBA, but even if you don't, you'l find a wealth of artwork ‘and data from ane ofthe coolest anime series ever do Y ABOUT BUBBLEGUM CRISIS he m Crisis Roleplaying Game is based onthe ¥/7> Japanese anime video ser its sometimes called). BGC was podiced by Artic A do and was released as an 8-partvideo-only series in Japan from 198% 1990. It spawned two spin-off series: The 3-part prequel series, AD Police (which was released in Japan in 1990), and the 3-part seque! {which was released in Japan in 1891). sand di dubbed versions of Bubble Police for the U.S. market. If you haven't seen these videos yet, check them out! Bug your local video store or contact AnimEigo at: PO. Box 989, Wilmington, NC 28402 (0989. You can also email them at orders@animeigo.com. T d Wide Web URL address is htp://www.animeigo.cam ‘As some fans may know, BGC was originally supposed to b episodes long, However, ony eight were made due to legal complica: tions. The last five episodes were eventually bailed down into the 3 part sequel series called Bubblegum Crash!, but many fans fee! that the storyline was never fully resolved ... but fear not! BGC’ legal problems are now over, and AIC is working an a new BGC TV series, which will air in Japan in 1998. Details are stil sketchy, but appa ently the new series will not be inthe same continuity as the OVAs— it will stil follow the Knight Sabers, but the four girls wil have new voice actresses and new character designers. Stay tuned for more information from all of us here at ANimechaniX BUBBLE@UM CRISIS ©@+< CREDITS WRITERS: Benjamin Wright. David Ackerman: Gray, David Pulver TECHNICAL MATERIAL, FUZION™ ADAPTA- TION, & ART CLEAN-UP: Benjrnin Wright Before ard After, SPECIAL ILLO CREDITS: los on pg. 21 and 85 ‘are from the BGC novels, Vol Bestia Boomer on pq, 29s from the BEC video game manual, Crime Wave FUZION™ ROLEPLAYING RULES: (© 1997 The Fuzion Labs Group OTHER CONTRIBUTORS: Join Janek. Dona Jorgenson, Alex Okita, Robert Farquhar, Chistian Conkle, Max Fauth, Taylor. Wofford, Grebo Guru TRANSLATORS: Ryosuke Tekotomi, Koj Goto EDITORS: Oren Schnurr, Bruce Harck Interactive Map website LAYOUT DESIGN: Benjamin Wright (GRAPHICS: Benjamin Wright, David Ackerman: Bray, Bruce Harlick, Oren Schnurr ANIMEIGO SUPPORT: Janice Hindle, Suranne Stanley, Robert Woodhead yee PU a cL) BELATED SPECIAL THANKS: Jon Nowa, who provided valuable asistance to David Pulver durin the writing of Bubblegum Crisis: ONLINE RESEARCH THANKS: ober Farquar {imagines@ic ne.2u),kooper ofthe Syiney 2033 page (wawwnicnetau/-imagines/bgesydney © Bian Edmonds, keeper of the 861 (htp,/nwncsubc.ca/spider/edmonds/snime/og chil) # Michael Ko, keeper ofthe MegaTokyo (rta//hagses ju. edu/-vici/megatkyo hl) © ‘Jeanne Hage, keeper of tho GC Synopses wobsite (htp:/munacesyst.com/jpedge/bgcindx hn) © fic Tiberius Cheng keper ofthe AD Police ies website thtn/wwew.cyberus ca/-etefadp ml © ‘Andy Skuse, keper ofthe Raven's Garage web- site htp/execulink con-askuse/ravenga tm) ‘+ Julian James Kulock, keeper ofthe Gunes-acc FJ website to: /phoeni kent et fucken) ‘ Davi Kel creator ofthe homegrown BGC: ‘Mekton rules and keeper of his own BGC website (ht /aries phys yorkca/physis/kle bub Dletmll © Shawn Hagen, creator ofthe BGC: ‘Shadowrun ules Andy MeDermot, aka Pay, compiler ofthe BEC AZ2 is (http wen yi con/hom/Medermatndy ml) Png Lin Enrique Cony, Mike Goi Chanda Reyer, Nick Cela, Thomas Chan, and ‘Cala Stingray’ compe ofthe BC DYN ists + Stove Pat dtr ofthe BGC FA and moderate ofrocartanime.mise «C.J. Sot{aka. “Th Pi uo figued out the connerton between Meson and Largo * Ben Cantek alias Macky Stary) ‘and 2. The website ADDITIONAL THANKS: Pots: Norden, Evan Hughes, Salomon Farin, Ban Quackenbush, Steve Gil, Nick Celan Frank, Douglas M. Akin Andreas van Ruth, Todd Showalter, Parck Hall, ‘Ami Mizuno, Ken Aromdee,C, Rosetti Stephen Douglas, Shawn Kester, Chris Holmes, Ross M. Simmecmaa, Phil Yf, The Nomad. San SLIG3ID 8 SINDINOD ole erex FIT] “THE LIGHTS SHINE ON WITHOUT €ND. | RUSH THROUGH THEM, HAVING FNITH IN TH TOWN... “SOMEBODY GETS HURT, AND SOMEBODY LAUGHS.. “DO MTIITS A LONELY CRAZY TOWN BGAIN TONGHT....” “BURNING HIGHWAY! KUAXONS HOWLING IN THE INIGHT SKY. BURNING HIGHWAY! DREAMS DURST INTO FLNINE. BURNING HIGHWRY! RUN WITH ANGER UNTIL IT SHINES. = CRISIS-RUN WITH ANGER YWUSING BGC EX IN YOUR GAME ‘Bubblegum Crisis EXis divided into fou sections, offering players ane erees new adventure material, new world information, a new way to look at the characters from the videos, and—mast importantly —iots of new toys! Truth be told, though BGC EXhas four sections, the book is mastly about toys: There are aver 75 new items featured inthe EX Technology section! The EX Technology section alone should keep BGC players and referees busy for quite a while, but we also include Characters Revisited, which offers revised values for the major BGC characters. If you've been ‘wanting a slightly more “realistic” power level for your campaigns, this section is for you. Following the revised characters is the Bubblegum EX Worl section which examines cities across te globe and even expires the frontiers of inner and outer space. Tis section also includes referee ‘guidelines for handing those tricky Boomer issues, and introduces a new self-contained Hardsutt construction system. The last section in the book is Virtual Vision, a 2034-era adventure which throws the players into a complex plot and pits them against some of the new boomers and other items which appeared in the EX Technology section. ‘Some readers may be cancered that all these new items can upset the power balance of @ campaign To avoid problems, don't introduce lots af new mecha in a single adventure. Instead, each time a new vehicle, ‘mecha, boomer, or other item appears, it should be a major event. Infact, ‘new mecha and weapons can became the foci of entire adventures them selves! A team may have to track down parts, hack their way into secure tems to download blueprints, or capture prototypes from the enemy. ‘At the same time, its important thatthe new toys in BGC EX be inte- grated into a game ina smooth way. Nobody's going to buy the idea that their vigilante team suddenly gets a whole crop of new mecha simpy because the latest supplement i out.” For this reason, we offerte idea of Syia Stingray Data Updates as part of the Bubblegum Crossfire set- naa TOs Zt || ting. Ths idea operates on the principle that Syia keeps tack ofthe aetvty of ther Stingray. style vigilantes around the word and regulary sends them new dat, keeping al the word's teams abreast ofthe Knight Sabes' latest technological vances (se page 20 for more on ths). Stl if you'd prefer to atvibute the invention ofthese new items to your own characters, go ight ahead... a long as your Re say its OK Y FUZION™ EVOLUTION Thus, Fuzion™ is a work in progress. In order to bring the BGC APG up to date, BGC EX features a few small differences from the base rule ‘book. From now on, all BGC books will use these changes: New Terminology: PERSonaliy has been changed to PREsence because “presence” is a more accurate description of the Stats use; a haracter’s PD (Physical Defense] has been changed to SD (Stun Defense) because that’s what it rally is; and all armor's PD (Physical Defense) has been changed to KD (Killing Defense) to distinguish it from SD; addition: ally, the term “Campaign Points” has been changed to Option Pints ‘Scaling Kills: The many mecha of the BGC RPG have been sorted into various scales. Human-scale mecha (such as Hardsuits, Powered Suits, and Boomers) and small vehicles (such as cars, motorcycles, Motorslaves, Battlemavers, trucks, and helicopters wil ahways be listed with KD, SDP and their weapons wil do damage in D6s—Kill will no longer be used for them. Therefore, all damages dished out by mecha of this scale should be multiplied by 1406 inorder to find their scale-correct damages. For example, the Mouth Laser of the BU-S5C | BGC p.99) does 2208, since 1.6 x14 = 224 Larger mecha (such as aircraft, tanks, and giant robots) will use Kills, and no fractions will be used—In the Bubblegum Crisis RPG book ‘only the Orca shuttle and the VA-B1 Satelite will use Kills. Read below ta see how damage works in these different scales: SDP- and Hit-rated targets attacked by Dé-rated weapons: Damage is applied normaly, by determining the total amount of damage rolled, subtracting armor, then applying any remaining damage to the SDP “Soft Targets” attacked by Kill-rated weapons: Fox any target weighing TO00Kg or less (which has Hits or SDP|, damage is applied by adding 13 to the numberof Kills of damage the resuitis the numberof dice cof damage that is dane to the taget. Determine the total amount of dam- ‘age rolled, subtract armor, then apply any remaining damage to the SOP Large SDP-rated targets attacked by Kill-rated weapons: Damage is applied by multiplying the Kills of the weapon by 60, sub- ‘acting armor, then applying any remaining damage to the SDP. Kill-rated targets attacked by Dé-rated weapons: Damage is applied by dividing the DC of the attack by 14 and dropping any fractions. The results the Kils of damage done (e.., a 3308 attack against a Kill: rated target becomes a 2-Kil attack), Subtract the numberof Kils of armor from the attack, then apply any remaining damage tothe targets Kills, Kill-rated targets attacked by Kill-rated weapons: Damage 's applied normally, by subtracting the number of Kills of armor from the Kills of damage, then subtracting any remaining damage from the tar get’ Kills Another way of looking atKillon- [pay 006 versions is to check how many ‘non-frctional Kills the attack | O-4K: +106 OK: +806 ddoes—each full Kill is 1406. Ad 4306 0.7K: +1006 these 1406 increments up, then | 93K: 4406 OK: +1106 refer to the right to convert any | 6 ay remaining factional Kills to dice: BOG; BAR 4906. BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS THE €X ICON SYSTEM Because of BGCEXs unique subjoct mater, a special system of consis used to identify the various items inthe EX Technology, chapter (which covers pages 6 through 53}. This chapter details some 79 new items—items culled from a wide variety of sources. In the spirit of keeping BGC fans on top of things, each item has been tagged with icons which explain the origin ofthe item. ‘V ROUGH DESIGN The “upward: pointing arrow” seen to the eft means thatthe item was a rough design, a preproduction version of something which eventually turned up in the animation, albeit in a different form. Many rough designs are hardly different from what actually appeared in the animation, and were therefore skipped over as candidates for inclusion in BGC EX. On the other hand, some roughs are completely unrecognizable from their final frms—these were the designs which were included in this book, since they're effectively new material to mast readers! We occasionally Use ths icon also ta represent material that appeared so briefly in the anime that you probably missed it. \ W SIDESTORY DESIGN ‘The “dual-headed arrow” seen tothe left means that the item was created to serve the purposes of a sidestory What isa sidestory? Well, the Japanese use the term as a catch-all for stories which take place outside of or par allel to the central plating, The AD Police mangas, the two BGC novels, and the Soldier Blue story (which bridges Crisis and Crash’) are all considered BGC sidestories. In addition, new mecha and ther items are often invented to fill gaps in continuity, effectively becoming small sidestories themselves. Sidestory designs are therefore somewhat more official and authentic than rough designs WIEXT TRANSLATED FROM JAPANESE The Japanese character (or “kanji symbol to the lft means that the text accompanying the item was derived from translated Japanese text. Sidestary designs usvally tend to have more text accompanying them than rough designs do, thereby adding yet another level of authenticity to sidestory designs. However, sometimes rough designs wil have their own text, which often makes for fascinating reading. On occasion a rough design o side story design will even be adopted into the official canon this was the case withthe MSX.O1; see BGC. p. 86) 9 WIEXT CREATED BY RIG The “question mark” symbol to the left means thatthe text accompanying the item was invented by the dement. ed minds here at the RTG offices. This was only done when there was no Japanese text to translate, and thus was used mostly for rough designs. Every effort was made to remain tue to the style and character of BGC, so the text’ details were extrapolated from careful analysis ofthe artwork. On accesion, we created new text to supplement translated text, but you will only see ths icon when lite o na text was available for translation ‘WARTWORK CLEANED UP BY RTG The “fountain pen” icon seen to the left means thatthe item's original Japanese artwork was too sketchy or faint tobe published as-is. This problem only occurred a few times and {as might be expected} was exclusively an issue with rough designs. These “very rough roughs” were therefore “cleaned up’—that is, traced over o digitally ‘ouched-up—by the RTG staf sa that you can make out what the item looks like! Vey few pictures in this book ‘needed to be cleaned up, so rest assured that you'te stl getting original Japanese anime artwork ‘VEXAMPLE: THE ICON SYSTEM AT WORK “othe right we see the Heavy Hardsut {hich is fly detailed on page 10. The picture bears two cons: the “ugward-pointng arrow” and the “question mark”. These icons tll us thatthe Heavy Hardsuitis a rough design (as opposed to a sidestory design) and that ATG made up its text writeup (since it had no accompanying Japanese tet). Since the “fountain pen” icons not present, the orignal Japanese artwork has not been altered, NEW DAMAGE NOTATIONS We inroduced a new damage notation system in BGC:B&A which uses mutipliers of D6 sets (Le. 708x4) These work the same as normal dice of damage you can even rll al those dice if you want}. When converting such damage ratings to Kil, calculate the total number of dice the notation represents and divide by 14, rounding down. Example: 6083 represents 2408 of damage (3x8=24), Divided by 14 equals 1.7 0 1 Kil fused against a Kllrated structure NOILSNGOUINI BUBBLEGUM) CRISIS EX — tHe exTREME EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS x TEOANOLOGY ra = ia a 8 = = e Q fo} Ba Shr Gen Mata ADD- Ons & its powergiove to powers theca rotor, and a weight inthe stongh It predides use ofthe ight hand ar ———e am In exchange, Eats Des cg tw system packs the power ofthe Han arduits calves and thi For fring, the chest Pee loc | sPecist NOTES SUNGERS [1 PooomT (TAA T *énanging (560 pa] Ths par of amr mouned ine throwers uses omy nc The 200m lines ae capable of supp ring rm biting to buiding and/or entangle oppoents 40K [STRUCTURE _30 SOP] WEIGHT _+31.5kq MRTIEWER__-2 fet, Dex, 8 Move 6. BB-2000 GAs ako | SPCR NOTES FELMINATOR | +0 | 186m os | RA] “APL ROFS, 20 buss] LOE PN LO) eh Or Pee) bs zy Rn 8 a S| s = a Z| a rs fa} 2 BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS. WMOTORSUIT During the early days ofthe Knight Sabers, one of Sylia and Macks “pet Project” was experimenting with the possibilty of combining the conc tof a Motoslave and a Hardsuit. This Hardsuit Motorslave Integration Project involved the design ofa transformable hardsuit—which would also free up the basic shape of a fullsize motoryce fr use as an extra-heavy weapons platform. This project led to the conception of the Motosut, the Hybrid adult, and the Heavy Hardsuit; a heavy-weapons motorcyete system ithe Moto-Launcher, on page 17| was developed parallel to these new hard The first prototype conceived as part ofthe project was designed by Sylias brother Mackie, a confessed motorcycle nut. The Motorsut can function as anormal Hardsuit, armed with a laser gun in the right forearm and a retractable lasersword in the left forearm, but the addition of an ckpack array facilitates the sult’ transformation into ‘a motorcycle, In Motorcycle mode, the rider is not wearing the hardsuit as armor and is poorly protected, a kevlar-armored innerwear sult was pro posed to solve this problem, but it was never made, The complexity ofthe Motorsut design makes itcifficul to transform while moving; ony a high Iy agile and acrobatic rider could to go fram motoreyce mode to Hardsuit ‘mode without stopping and cismounting from the bike (DEX + Athletes + die rll vs 25 to transform in one Phase; otherwise, three phases are nee ‘ed-—one to stop & dismount, one to transform, and ane to re-board and get ‘moving agin, Unie ul ledgod Motorslaves, however, the Motorsuithas ro onboard Al, so the bike cant drive by itself or can it be remote-con- tolled (vera, Sa thought the Motorsuit was too dangerous and complica td to warant actual combat use, a decision which relegate i ta the sta ofa Knight Sabers technology demonstrator Stil, Sylia include its blueprints in data-updates to Stingray inspired vigiante groups in ther pars of the wold, some of wham have fielded similar unt... ath mixed results MOTORSUIT 135 OP TIANEUVER __-1 DEXA REF DESIGNS STYLE +1 PRE STRENGTH UFTING JUMPING | Peevon [os oe) OTS] RSE BER, BSR BURST com S| a= oil ed orl - ‘* Maneuvering Rockets and Jumpjets [usable in ‘Cycle mode). * Emergency armor ejection function (blows armor off wearer) TRANSFORMATION With wheel-and-engine backpack (which can be mounted or ors sform to Motoreycle mode: ms TODTSOOEDA. ‘Maneuver does not change, but MOVE BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISI ‘Skercn oF HyBrio Suir n Bike Mooe UMA WEIGHT, 1028 k MANEUVER 2 DEX & REF STRENGTH STR10 UFTING. Weaters 10 | JUMPING _ SEWOR ANCE Tim | COMMAANGE 10 km RRMOR KD GB Hits | STRUCTURE SD His SER DERM 800m] 53" U3SeR BRST 600m] 1 USER BEAM USER RST 210 OP 50 hours TI PRE 24 (72kph) 750m POWER, DEIGH& STVLE SKATING — Move inked to ather laser. RO = 10, = ECOM System (Rank = 7} and radio scrambler. [+ hfaneuvering Rockets and Jumpjats (usable in Oyele model ® ® ‘WHYBRID HARDSUIT This was the second prototype hardsuit designed by as part of t Hardsuit/Motorsiave Integration roject. Much lke the Motorsut, this unit was designed to supercede the Motorsave by transforming from a Hardsuit to 2 Motorcycle—however, based on the problems with Mackie’ concept, Sylia designed this model using altemative meth ods to those used in the Motorsut. Syli's design the Hybrid Hardsuit, was large and thus mare struc turally sound than the Motorsui, and also did better job of approx: mating the strength and armor protection of a Motorslave. Furthermore, its transformation didn't rely upon an optional backpack, instead inte rating the transformation mechanies more fully into the suits overall structure. A benefit of this structure was the fact thatthe Hybrid boast ed a high groundspeed even in Hardsuit mode, thanks to the positioning of the wheels atthe hase of the legs—this suit could “skate” under power at speeds of over Sdmph, It was even faster in motorcycle mode, and offered a slightly better safety margin bocause ofits recumbent lay out: The rider satin @ more reclined, “lowrider” postion than the typ cal racing-style posture required by both the Motorslaves and Motorsut. This postion also made it much easier to transform while moving (no skill oll required). The Hybrd's weakest spot was arma- mment—the transformation demanded retractable manipulators, which sacifced valuable space normally dedicated to weapons. ts only offen sive systems were an array of laser guns whose lenses were built into the fingers of the retractable manipulators Though in some ways it was an improvement aver the Motorsut the Hybrid was much less maneuverable in Hardsuit mode, As a result Syla decided to mothbal the design, although she did include its specs in data-updates to other vigilante groups, so similar units have actually been builtin other cites. a bs s rs a 2 a8 mi Ps 4 4 z ~ rs 8 SY BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe exTReme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS HD31L ANYONILS—HD3L X> Ls A Alaa e WEIGHT 111.7 kg | POWER 50 hours MANEUVER 2 DEKE ALF | DEIGNA STE +1 PRE STRENGTH STR 11 | DRVING Move 33 199kph) LETING Wearers x11 | MNPING —— Wearers +11m, WHEANY HARDSUIT Following the development of the Motorsut and the Hybrid Hardsuit, Sylia decided to do away with the problematic transformation ‘mechanic and instead chose to directly integrate Motorsiave elements into a Hardsuit. The result was a mare powerful, higher-speed hard suit whose atmor protection was significantly greater than that ofthe team’s normal suits, However, a sacrifice of maneuverability and dex- trty was unavoidable, so this prototype, like its two predecessors, faded into Knight Saber obscurity Stil, the Heavy Hardsuits strength, armor protection, and ground speed abilities did indeed approach those of a full Motorslave—an impressive achievement in itself. Notable features of the Heavy Hardsuit included powered manipulators on both arms in order to make use ofthe increased skeletal strength, and caterpillar belts [powered by a large backpack engine) were built into the feet ta give the suit a high ‘round speed without sacrificing balance. (As a dedicated heavy unit, this Hardsuit had jumpjets and no flight capability) The suits extra heavy armor was supplemented by bracersize shields on each fore ‘arm—shields whose blunt tips functioned like the knuckle guards on Priss’ second hardsuit. With the manipulators dedicated to maximum tipping power, the signature laser weaponry was placed in the helmet, bby mounting twin Linna-styletiple-bareled lasers, the head was effec: tively turned into a high-irepower laser turret. In addition, an early ver- sion of the Pulse-Strker system was added because its wide-angle attack ability helped make up for the sui's poor dexterity. Though Slia opted not to use the Heavy Hardsuit inthe fied, its design specs were included in data-updates to other Stingray vigilante ‘groups, so unis like this one have been used on occasion RRMOR KD, [waron Tw LASER TURRET | 1 PULSE-STRKER [13 10 ‘Shield DA, 10 Killing damage lal & Chara agers opal, uo, fxping we a56-Up Display 2 Perception. jd cao scrambler acfockets + Flat actuated Tinear motor syste ear necessary ® Emergency armor ejection function (blaws armor off wearer High-speed caterpillar belts built into foot sectio eed “skating” at up to GBmph over paved surfaces (haf that ov woughoond SSS ions allow pow AY BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM. ” Ry ® ® ‘Asove: Detait oF HEAD COVER SECTION WITH SENSOR CLUSTER RETRACTED AND VISOR OPENED. FRIGHT KNIGHT SUIT 47 OP Y “FRIGHT KNIGHT” ARMORED SUIT This powered unit represents an unusual divergence from classic TANCE PDEKE REP] DESIGNER STE 7 PRE] Sti2ary technology. Though based on principles similar to those sed poe - in Genom’s prototype powered suit (see the 8GC APG, p.135}, it has STRENGTH STR 11 | RUNNING +2 Move been heavily modified with systems utilized by the Motos litte in common with a Hardsuit, but that hasn't prevented the inf aus Fright Knights vigilante group from using it as their standard issue suit of armor The mast notable feature ofthis armored suits its arms, which use a distinctive motorslave-lke arrangement: The wearer's aims are inside armored “master-arm” sleeves which connect to the larger, ‘more powerful “slave arms", which are equipped with powered UETING Wearers x11 | FIVING Moi SENSOR RANGE Zkm [COMM RANGE 80 km STRUCTURE 75S0P WEAPONS (2) [WAT ANG | DMG [LOC] SPECIRL NOTES TASERSWORD | +1 Toa" | unser GUN [+0 [800m 2063 | [macu——[0 |seam| wor] | [zen 37 PROF = 2,12 busts Sart [Biel 2 ‘manipulators, hardpoints for mounting interchangeable weapons, plus subsensors and targeting systems which are housed in the wrists, Another distinctive feature is the oversized backpack, which consists of two large turbine engines mounted on swiveling joints. Wh stowed, the engines are folded down behind the tack; for tight they ‘swing up so thatthe ascaop intakes point forward over the shoulder ‘and the variable-geometry wings have room to depioy. Thanks to these large engines and the wings, the Fright Knight suit's airspeed is much greater than that of a Hardsuit like Syia's, Also unlike the Hardsuits, the Fright Knight suit does not have a separate helmet, Instead, the wearer's head is fully enclosed by the armor, with scan ning performed by a cluster of sensors atop the body. In non-combat situations, the sensors can be retracted and a visor can be opened to give the operator a clearer view. ‘Anime Note: This is actually a very early rough design for the Hardsuits used by the Knight Sabers, who were originally going to be * Emergency armorejection function (blows armor off wearer) * Ouick-chan is on Torearms (choose 2 from Ist called the “Fright Knights." Cool, hut? BS 3 2 fy 2 iF Fs g & 5 z = z 8 2 z= FS @ = = = S a rs fa) = ey fe} i BR { BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS WTHE HIGHWAY STAR MARKETING PROJECT f In 2033, Mackie proposed a marketing project forthe Highway Star as a possible way to solve the Ki ms, The original Highway Star was an experimental vehicle designed for a hardsuit he shape of a Hardsuit’s feet, its gearshift used an air shifter. However, with modifications, it could be sold ina vat ht Sabers’ constant der, in order to ian markets. Dragger (top right): The Highway Star, with its power and nitro-boosters, was @ monster; orginally the bike was designed with acceleration 8 its top priority (which was why it was able ta catch up with the Grifonl, soit is best suited for drag racing, private use, he dreamed). By leaning and using the right Racer (bottom right): Mackie also envisioned a professional racing w bike's inherent high speed, balance could be completely self-supported. This variant of the Highway Star would have airbrakes atop th and left boosters, and shifting gears would be one with a 1-up, 5-down foot pedal [_thassis TOKO 6 __|__Chassis_{ _10K0 7-8/9-10_| Wheels (F/8) + Heads-up instrumentation display with stereo & ‘= Figh:ntensty headight BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS errs NEST ary WEIGHT 430kg_| SPACE tdiver | [WEIGHT 430kg_|_ SPACE 1 driver MANEUVER ORet_| MOVE 144 (433iph) | | ManeuvER ORet_| MOVE 148 1444p 1010) LOCATION | _AwnOR | sTRUCTURE | [710 LOCATION [ABNOR | STRUCTURE Chassis 100 aosor | [+6 Chassis OK __40 SDP - Wheels (A) 2030? each | [7-8/9-10_| Wheels (R/U) [20 s0P each SUBSYSTEMS SUBSYSTEMS «© Heads-up instrumentation display, « Highintensty headight. © Nivo | | « Heads-up instrumentation display. « Highantensty headlight. « Nito Boosters: When activated, will boost the bike's speed for 10 phases (30 | | Boosters: When activated, will boost the bike's spoed for 10 phases (30 | ‘seconds} to a Move of 175 [5:25kph, but during that time the driver suffers | seconds) toa Move of 166(500kphi, but during that time the driver suffers REF due to the machine's shuddering, Market value = ¥233,333 1 REF due ta the machine's shuddern EB 3 g E Fe a 2 fey fe S ) 3 & HDL AWYONILS—HO9L X> ‘WTORNADO MOTORSLANE: When Sia first incorporated the Motorsiaves into the Knight Sabers arsenal, all four members used Huricane-ts, with each members Motorsiave color-coded for them. When the Hurricane model was upgreded tothe Typhoon, each member's Motorsiave wes upgraded However once Sylia had perfected the Al used by the Motorslaves, sha set to work on creating a purpose-made Motorslave for each hardsult. The demand for these specialized machines wes brought on by the selfish, pushy demands of the members, and oniy Mackie's and Or. Raven's all-nighters and overall hard work made their completion pas- sible. The first of the new Motorslaves to be constucted was the Typhoon Il, which was issued to Pris (and not a moment too soon} Following the success of the Typhoon 1, new Motoslaves with advanced Als were on the way for Lina and Nene The Tornado is Linas specialized Motoslave, designed for max- imum speed and aerial maneuverability. While its groundspeed in rmotorycle made iso better than the others, its lightspeed using ts hover rotors) isthe highest of any Motorsiave, To achieve this, the Tornado isthe smallest and lightest Motoslave yet constructed—but this doesn't mean that its week. In fect, because the Hardouited rider’ limbs fit inside the Tomado’s chassis sections, it actually offers eater protection than any other Motorsiave. This type of design is necessary fr Lina, who specializes in hand-to-hand and melee com bat; the chances of a fimb injury are greatest in such close quarters. Like all previous Motoslaves, the Tornado fas no built-in weaponry. Instead, it relies: on hand-held firearms. Sylia plans to design special Motoslave-sze melee weapons for Lina’s Tornado, buthasnt gotten around to it yet BUBBLEGUM CRISIS X — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBDLEGUM CRISIS eLIromironren nur EK [moo maneuver | Motorcycle 0 115 (345kph) ‘Motorslave -1 Ref & Dex 36 (108kph) | 100 (300kph) ‘Motoroid ~ 36 [108kph)__| 100 (300kph) “Alas NT REE DEX, & combat sls of 7. When under rete contol itusos Hardsuited operator’ stats & sls at 1/2 their normal values. 15 9/10 | R/L Leg TOC T SPECRE NOTES [so [= ose] | Kling damage. (130k, stereo, targeting, low-light vision & HUD instrumentation (2 Perception) © ECCM (Rank 7) © One high-intensity headlight Transformation: Font wheel spits into two hoverrotors fr fight * | Vemmier rockets * Emergency-ejection system blows operator out ‘through back » Styling (+2 PRE) e Fusion-proof armor (Note: On Leg of Torso it, damage is frst applied tothe Slaves KD: if any damage penetrates, roll 106: even, itis applied tothe Hardsuited ‘Operator, odd, damage is applied to the Motorslave's SOP and any| Temaining damage goes on to the Hardsuited operator BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — THe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS TEMPEST MOTORSLAVE 404 OP WEIGHT, 242 kg_| STRENGTH 12 Motorse A 713 (40kah) Motocslave | -3Ref & Dax | 30(90koh) | 93 (260K0h) Motocoid ; 30/90kph) | 99 (2804oh) Alas INT REF, DEX, & combat sils of 7. When urder remote contra, ituses Hardsited operators stats & sills at 1/2 their normal valves, [206 [toc Kd | sop [906 [oc TKD Tso? | 3_| Head_|_75 970 [AML Leg 56. 48 [An Am | 752 Wheel | 60e | 45 Torso_| 75 Rotor | 30e | 226 TAND-TO-HAND | +0 To6x| AAT *Kiling Damage FOCUSED S.A. | +0 | 800m |6DGx6"] RW [*Smara, shock warm AL-RANGES.A. [+0 | 800m |606x3"| AVY |*60, sok, wamrup 3 [Note that an Al-Ronge Saber Artack wil do ul damage o anyand alec tronic devices and machines within 80m ofthe Tempest! Except ise) SUBSYSTEMS, As per Tornado (see opposite pagel, plus. 6Okm Sensor Range, Orbital Comm Range « Rank? Anti Wissilo, Ant dar, Ant-Sensor ECM [500m radius) ¢ 1000km Radar erSonsors (+3 Perception)» Target Note: On Hit Location Rol of 2 the Motorslave's operator is hit nan [uoroteted area ie, arm oleh, Far Tors its, damage feces Slave’ | [ Torso KD, then SOP; then operator a b WIEMPEST MOTORSLAVE ‘Much lke the Typhaon Il and the Tornado, the Tempest isa specialized Motorslave designed for use with the new Hardsutts. Made far Nene, ‘the Tempest can be seen here along with Priss and her precious Typhoon II in all its matoreycle-mode glory—ane tas to wonder ‘whether the stickers on the bike signify Priss’ personal taste, or a requirement by the bike's sponsors. Hmmm, The Tempest uses a mare conventional layout than the Tornado, the operator's arms and legs control the Motorslave's limbs from the outside. It is also the slowest and least maneuverable of the ts Nene's standard tactics of standing back to per form sensor scans, maintain communications, and engage in electon ic warfare. To this end, the Tempest has extensive communications and electronic warfare systems, primarily housed in the wheel sec: tions which project from the back in Motoroid & Motarslave mades. The front wiveel section possesses most of the Tempest’ jam ming and sensing abilities. A variable unipulse/phased-array radar system and a high-powered ECM/ECCM suite are integrated into the tires housing, supplementing the assorted sensors and communica tors in the head and chest modules ‘The rear whee! section houses a high power output Pulse Striker lke system. This device can unleash a “Saber Attack” which can com pletely incinerate any regular Boomer within an 800 meter radius! By increasing the directivity, an even more powerful Saber Attack can be released. This unique feature makes the Tempest the only Knight Saber Motorslave with any built-in weapons, Syli's Motorsiave has yet to be completed, but it would seem that the plan isto modify the Huricane J even more outrageous ra by s ry fa} ay 4 = e ol B = a fe} Ss BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS SE THE BACK COVER OF TAS WSUPER TYPHOON II /\ ‘0K FOR & LARGER, COLOR Never ane a sett for beng part ofthe crowd, Pris insist on yet ancter VERSION OFTHIS AGE. power-up for her Motorsleve—she is supposed to be the Knight Sabers St assault specialist, after all. After using various methods 10 persuade "Mackie Pris got her wishin te fm ofthe Super Typhoon I Tis new form is actually a package of enhanced parts and weaponry which can be attached tothe Typhoon Ito increase its dealiess in combat (although te Super parts make itimpossible to transform into Motorcycle frm The Typhoon is Super pats begin with versized shoulder shields, which house improved radiators and powe-boosters which support the other Super systems Also includes area st of wings (to stabilize fight wile caring all the Super parts) an armored pod over te crotch area (whi contains enhanced ECM tems and a 6-shot grenade launcher), and new handweapons, Replacing the standard 36mm handcanon are apa (of camera-2imod 40mm machine ca rons with underbarel 115mm rocket launches, giving the Super Typhoon I more fiepawer than any other Knight Saber weapon. SUPER TYPHOON II +137 OP WEIGHT 490.5kg | TOTAL 3085, ef & Dox | 27 (820M | Ta 2aeky Motoroid =| 27 (B2kph) | 7912 [weapons Twa Tang [onc [ioc | spécint nores | Detese Ay 3 Oren MC. (x2) ona" HH | “AP ROFB, 5 bursts. ‘5mm ROCKET (19) 4K | ‘20m blast, 1 shot GEMS 7406 | 7 H331 AWYONILS—HD3L XD soned instantly, returning all stats to those of normal Typhoon Il TYPHOON & This Motorslave variants technology and design are based onthe Typhoon but its physical layout is fke that ofthe Typhoon I—that is to say, the Hardsuitd rider's arms are outside the chassis, operating the mecha’s arms by external contol, This frees up space in the chest for a pair of autoloading grenade launchers, supplementing the modest firepower of the Typhoon Xs handheld sub-machino cannon. The Typhoon X is also slendorer, and thus lighter, than the Typhoon Ul. Te slimmer legs have the consequence af reduc ing the sie of the fuel tanks, but the saved mass balances out overall TYPHOON & 252 OP WEIGHT 242 kg | STRENGTH 12 Motorcycle 1 |_125 00kph Motorslave [3 Ref & Dex | 30(80kph) [92 (275koh) Motoroid ~ 30(90kph) 92 (275kph) *Alhas INT REF DEX & combat sas of, When under emt con it uses Hardt operators stats & hls at 1/2 their no [206] 10c | KD | oP] 26 [Head | 75] 4% | 910 [Wl leg| Toe | S50 4/5 _[R/LAm | 75e | 50e &8_| Toso [75 ang Ton T10C HAND-TOWAND [20 - | 2K TAA] Killing damage ‘35m SMC_—| 20 | 400m | 2006 | hand | API ROFS, 3 bursts srmal valves. BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS i Ay ¢ CANNON IN Low- VELOCITY FIRING MODE FOR USE IN MOTORCYCLE FORM 1 = y | Tor view oF {Ef | Moro-tauncuen's L J chassis, sHowin 2 [2 — ome wuss & | 4) surponr soom (4 WMOTO-LAUNCHER This new design grew out of S project; her experimer WEIGHT TANEUER 50 LOGON | amo 2s fod te task a 7 Tae EID Tr] een ses ml chy The gun turret is a duat iassdriver; in nowmal made, the gui idecar/Driver 75D F/R Wheel acts as a basic gauss weapon, firing explosive proj level low enough tobe employed while moving, Hi auncher transforms to artll hells at over HORTALODE | AaTILER RODE | ‘almost any conceivable target. The fairing and recoil compensator fn the main by lly sits in tho bike’ sideca Fearing that this machine would be too destructive a weapu coven for the Knigh Sylia decided not to bul (couch ating gun mation. The proc of trans ‘Anime Notes: (vr problematic” transforming bike, but as a fe design company, his designs all lend themseh s. Perhaps this is why the Moto-Launcher cuncept sketches and never appeared it ry x = rs fe) ES i 4 I cy zB EA Ea a rn fa) = BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe exTREME EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS He1Ght Comparison oF THE TyeHoow | MoTORSLAVE AND rhe Heavy MOTORSLAVE: 221m vs 3.5m PeEYWANC CNR eEae] Aurotoaoine Assautt CANNON WIT UNDERSLUNG 140MM RIFLE ‘Assautt WEAPON Heavy MoToRstave HEAD ‘assemeuy: NOTE PROMINENT [AIRSPEED SENSOR PROTRUDING FROM THE SENSOR TURRET. BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — THe exTREME EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS ‘SponGE-MoUNTED INSTRUMENTATION bisptay oF Heavy Mororstave in MOTORCYCLE MODE. Massive MOTORCYCLE De oF Heavy Mororstave Piss UT SUCH ARMOR is NOT \\ \\ neeoeo to mineTne = || Heavy Mororstave. HEAVY MOTORSLAVE WHEANY MOTORSLAVE =n under remote cont. I ole mode, the fairing is completely atod {unlike the Highway St fwaPOr [wt [AG [UNS neath he dsr is Son vlna x HRD-TOANND | «0 yi iar [ : Bs ast CMON [+1 we te gee mare cnc, cmt! il wu Om Rd clot i teens oie eres to age ane eee oy ist rato te spsdont: hey coma foo Motes na en toate Ast ; reset elt teen fe * Ne ost} er inNcoremee is bem on te iron yg, BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS J WLAND CRUISER d Thi z = @Q ch eo a Z| 4 Eo 7 rs Anime Note fe) E | re 7 fe) i eS Eye) TRUCTURE ¥1,000,000| POWER RATING USER BONUS 2 size WeIGHT 2 SUBSYSTEMS VWBOOMER GOLEM, ‘WBU-KO xperimenting with ced BU Kah BOOMER GOLEM TYPE RUNKING 6 168 TARNTING | SKILLS AIRNTING DEX 3 [pre 2 | SKILLS a smn [wit 3 [BODY move 56 | TECH RECO! wenrons [wa [RnG [ome [ioc | speciat nores HAND-TO-HAND | +0 rsp6 [Jaws [kil Laser Gurt nse GUN ry) bo s a fe) = i z ® oa re) ° 4 ay @, BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS i ‘WBU-12B COMMANDO TYPE The 12 sellers, and can serve a variety of fu ith multi-role Cammando-type ecu ins almost any opponert, under proof antibal eft shoulder, and hands on bath erms s catty a variety of firearms [such asthe smartgu ed to its loft balance RUAN ety /KIm BY EM foley Wurey ‘WBU-12B ANTI-TANK TYPE Since the 128 fel which appea armed version! The antitank 12-B' mal 0 the right arm) which can kil any MBT with twin miss pods an its back One poc +9 ground missiles, allowing to defeat alms adr alsa: mount mini id automatic g fr am-personny BU-12B ANTI-TANK TYPE WeGHT 59 TM a]me 5 ]omt 0] cH one 7 DER sin 12 [90 20 REC AON _LA SLs FEROS Targeting, ovlight & IR * Rank CCM/ECCM Suite © 500km scrambled radio © 16km mo radar © 3 extra reloads for 125mm gun stored on left hip « Limi BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS \ ‘WBU-12B RECONNAISSANCE TYPE BU-12B RECONNAISSANCE TYPE FLY /SKIM 0 Fee 5 [HL ; sm12/800 7 WENPONS _|WAJRNG [DMG [LOC SPECIE NOTES] FAND-TOAND | al Kling damage SUDSYSTEMS, Shelled o EL a AMOR GORD] SDP _100 PRE 6 WE STR_12 [BOD 20 |REC [wa RNG TONG [LOC o bs ray re) 2 1 2 ry ca re} fe} a 3 & BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extREmE EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS ‘WBU-96C RECON BOOMER from the infamous BU-BSC, but in order Ne This Combat Boomer is derive (its unarthodax sithauette, it's impossible for the 3 an disguise WEIGHT 623k ARMOR a5 KO PRUNING ‘STRUCTURE ro sap J ety /SxIn. ALRRTING 6 | SLs BY Ed loko] Wile) em Pee) weRPOns [wa TRIG [MG HRND-TO-HAND | +0 BLADE WEAPON | +0 MOUTH LASER [+0 HEAT CANNON | 10 mation d phased-array radar, ‘WBUS-OA SPACE ASSAULT BOOMER ei or protection is also un adiation layers. Standing 2 and in fact has largely a human farm at al WEIGHT ARINOR RUNING STRUCTURE a5 S0P [FVING 100 (Cumulative STAIRNTING Levels DEX PRE 5 [SKILLS 35 SiR [wits Jsopv 7 RECOVEW 20/1 wenpons Twa [RNG] DING. HAND-TO-HAND | +0) SHIELD Loc | SPECInL NOTES *Kiling dam ling damage, *DA=2 RRILGUN 4 Piercing TER DER GUNS TT Cross-linke XLink means that damage is applied Iwice, ROF for each gun is =! SUBSYSTEMS, Thrustors & vermiers » I radar & targeting opt ied iia | BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS} ‘WDRENDNOUGHT SPACE BOOMER fe ge, no-huma for space comba 2? a 5 € @) DRERDNOUGHT SPACE BOOMER WEIGHT, TYPE Battle ARNOR r STRUCTURE AIRNTING 2 | SKILLS BODY 20 RECOVERY 30/1 WEAPONS WA] ANG [DING | LOC] SPECIAL NOTES FHAND-TO-HAND DENN CANNON | +2 [entn CRNNON, can be “Aborted” to (see BGC pi). Every tum 2d, ther in 10 cha load, doing D6 g [suesvsTems. 5 Hunan wv USSD K-128 ieable optics with targtig,lowhht &R functions. « Poweneo Sact Sut ron Scait YMINESWEEPER BOOMER OO Y a BS ca ay fe} ae o = a = 9° ° 3 3 BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — THe EXTREME EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS A wa 15B GOBLIN ered designe co SY9WOOd MON — HDD! XD BN Dery |" oe a HAND-TO-FAND SHLD ome REM 40m ININIGUN GRENADES MOUTH LASER SUDSYSTEMS. Hightets dOkn radia. © Armored Spates with pet ght & IR functions iagne ene), © ECIM lant-sensor, ant BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS WBU-17B HELLBENDER somewhat les arm han an anti-tank boomer. Its forearm hard nts normally maunt a galling gunpod for anti-nersonnel use and al-barrel subroc launcher (which can be used un abow ound. and can even fire from underwater at above-surface targe n addition, blades on the fee destroy obstack ko barbe her mantiaps, and the Boomer’s mouth spor 2 typical ora-cavity laser lens. The head i also packed with ECM quipment and reconnaissance sys 2 17-B's are not fusion and their neural software di me vulnerability ta viruses vably due to their higher intelligence}, their own fusian abilities are icant, equivalent to that of @85-C. The comparatively high costo re Hellender makes it something of a rat, used mostly by powerful nd rich) argar Anime Note: this ary kg_ [TYPE AMOR RUNTING STRUCTURE OF gh design for the FLY /SKIM, 4 TAIRATING 6 | SKILLS [poov 4 | RECOVERY FOOT BIRDES ING GUY THINS ok grant M0 grant MO © Ena 3144 kp m as led to 5D kph hi 3 AYE) ele MuNc) Rem ec ancl BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — THe ExTREINE EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS SEN Coke): Mute) Maem fee) fe} \ a Ne A z SPACE DEVELOPMENT BOOMER AMOR STRUCTURE SOP ‘AD Police Chiel Toodo, AD2033. =r ARINGEEE DEX 6 PRE SKILLS rf periment SIR will boby hers at Wie Laboratories in Move TECH RECOVERY WERPONS WAT ANG DING [LOC] SPECIAL NOTES HAND-TO-HAND, 106 Liking SUBSYSTEMS BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — THe exTREme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS 4, WNEXUS BOOMER O17 WilL 6 | TECH [BOD _ ia [REC al WARNG [DING [LOC 0 SPECIN, HOTS BEETLEBOOMER TYPE MOUTHIRSER | -2 (HEGA-LRSER) BYE) Coley) lem Osco ie ic) @, BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — the extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS ES Ea > 7} \ ee ay MA “BOOMER “o> aK SF) Cele] MiNC) Mem OCP asc) racy runing trough their minds BUILD they se the evening I BOOMER \ 98155 soe BGC p29) except that they have no built-in weaponry, good. For example, by taking the place of human fire ‘WBUILD BOOMER (2) Designed for regula srysical work, Bulé Boomers are often found on bul ide Consttion Boomers (see BGC B8A p79). However, Contu Boomers ae ddicated building site units, but Build Boomers alsa workin assom- measures, they're biylines and other manufatois. Working tirelessly around the lights WEIGHT 826 kg 70 KD [RUNNING ARINOR x STRUCTURE E STTSKah) sites There a freeing system built nto the shou BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — THe exTREME EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS WSPRCE BOOMER (1) fat Dr. Stingray envisioned, these Boomers are the same as Disaster reli is one ofthe areas where Boomer technology has done the mast WFIRE BOOMER (3) ighters, Fre Boomers have ‘saved cous tes, both of vitims (harks to a Boomers suparior pial capabilities) and of human firefighters thanks to @ Boomers superior durability, s, so theyre effectively walking, sto ther uit-in eat resistance of up to 1500 degrees! This 1 doube-bareled fre extinguishers —and t ie 10 operat in to lock, wat might also makes them useful fr rescue operations, so forest rangr units and other parkemanagement groups often awn several ire Booms. FIRE BOOMER a — TYPE WEIGHT ARMOR BYE ele] MMe) Mie Oe? ae tc} SUBSYSTEMS. HAND-TO-HAND] +o [Tr DMG LOC 106" 5 soP | Flv/SKIM, o-} [structure REF NT ZTAIRATING Level ARATING Level 4 PRE 1 SKILLS 33° | [dex B 1 | SKILLS gy wil 2 [BODY i [sir 77 [wit 2 [BODY i TECH 7 [RECOVERY 22/day | | MOVE 12 [TECH 5 | RECOVERY 22/day SPECINL NOTES, ‘Arms [Killing damage. WERPONS, RNG] DMG | LOC T SPECIAL NOTES HaND-TO-HAND | ‘SUBSYSTEMS: Robotic brain, optics (awight.thermograph, iashpra * Latches for various highs 1 cables and tools * Robotic brain, optics with lowight function and 2km radio * Effectively no Fusion ability or disguise function 10km radio. © Freezing System (CO? fire extinguishers in each a Can spray three square m/yds (about the size of 2 doors) per Phase, ‘each has 20 uses. « Eff ‘ability or disguise function, “Related skills include: Per ‘WPOLICE BOOMER As the Normal Police's press release soy cdr, Police Boomers ar the ales of com cers” Being chsically super, they Operate Heavy Machinery and Basic Tech (4) e n, Athletics, Building, Demolitions, “Related skills include: Perception, Athletics, Melee, Expert Firefighting, Demolitions, and Operate Heavy Machinery. ‘WMARINE BOOMER (5) Enforcing the law and maintaining Used for underwater work, Marine Boomers are able to reach depths of upto nitiens,cilen and fama ff- 3000 meters—and since they dont nee to change pressures like human ives lent candidates for taking the 4, oce sand other underwater work can cary on floor constuction pro of human policemen i high-hreat situations; as such, they have the potential to much more smoathiy. Tei intemal technology is racial diferent from that of sere as of AD Police special tiers. Of cause, th very idea ofa Poline Boomer other Boomers: They have hycromagnetic “caterpillar” divs bull into thet has met with massive resistanco in some fr fear of what might happen fb to propel them though the water their senses are moified with builtin one goes berserk; AS a result, Police Boomers have no built-in weapons Sil, sonar so that they can navigate through the pitc-black depts, and their ims many politicians and voters) want to use PoiveBoorer ope thor local AD (especialy Police—wia stongly abject to this ee (stele: idea 1 hands and feet) are thy bull to reduce water resistance and ease underwater werk bats Agen varies, avg [INT Pee varies; avg 5 [PRE ARINOR KO oe ABIL varies; avg'5 | AIRRTING. oH varies: avg 5 | SKILLS ARMOR 20 Ta) aa a ‘gh, 1/3 in 4 \ INT 3\a a Level a 3 | PRE 1 | SKILLS +" SIR 17 [Wit varies; avg 5 [BODY 2 STR 9 | will 2 [BODY @ Move 20 [TECH ‘graph, targeting, & video tran varies; avg 5 606" [ Arms RECOVERY 22/tay SPECINL NOTES "Stun damage RECOVERY 18/¢ay ‘SUBSYSTEMS: functions 'SUOSYSTEMS, Imprinted Al brain. » Optics with lowlight, thermo 25km polce-band ‘© Robotic brain, optics with thermograph, 1km range sonar system, Hydromagnetic “caterpillar” drive in back unit, radio & datalink to HO» Effectively no Fusion ability or disguise ecively no Fusion ably or guise function, Firearms, Detective, Persu n, and Driving, "Related skills include: Perception, Athletics, Hand-to-Hand, “Related skills include: Perception, Swimming, Bui ns, Operate Heavy Machinery, and Basic Tech Dema WTERRORIST BOOMERS Doctor Yuri wasn't the only louse who ever needed some cheap Boamer muscle, which is why countless street techs out there continue to recy- cle civilian cyberdrois into imitation Combat-type Boomers. Depending upon the street techs’ whims, Terorist Boomers have been made with all manner of sadistically humorous appearances, from streetpunk to salariman to geriatric geezer. The most advanced Terrorist Boomers may even have built-in weapons, which they can deplay once they shed their disquse (ften a rather messy process TERRORIST BOOMERS ARMOR 15-25 KO [RUNNING —_6-12(18-a6Koh) STRUCTURE 45-55 SOP | tv/SKIN a REF 2-6 [INT ZATARNING Las DEX £6 | PRE US SiR 7-3 | Will BODY on Move 6-12 [TECH REC 14-18/t wenpons Twa [rnc[om | oc | specint notes HAND-TO-HAND | 20 [r-s0e" [arms | Killing damage (mourn inser) | +0_[ 555m|708%2 | Head Optional SUBSYSTEMS. Robotic brain * Targeting, Towight & IR optics * Scrambled 50km radio * Custom appearance (depends on circum stances) « Effectively no Fusion ability * Expensive models may have a mouth laser « Skills include: Perception, Athletics, Hand:to Hand, Firearms, Melee, and Driving FIGHTING BOOMER This male-styled cyberdroid is similar to the Boomer Women (see BGC 1.102} and is also designed to perform inflation, espionage, and bot (quard duties. Being an endoskeletory model, it cant change into “fll omer” form, insted it has a bulletproof, laser refractive weave integra cd inits “skin. During cambet, the Fighting Boomer deploys optic shields from its brow, sensor antennae from its clavicles,taserpoints from its Iuckes, and duct-ke membranes from its pectorals and shoulderblades ‘which allow the boomer ta skim like @ hovercraft and make boosted jumps. FIGHTING BOOMER AMOR RUNNING: 70130 koh STRUCTURE 60 SOP [skim 25 75kph 3 phases REF 7 ARNTING Level? | SKILLS * Deployable 100km scrambled radio & motion detector antennae * Deployable fan-memn dashes or Zim jumps @ Organic structure; cant rip out of disguise, no Fusion ability; REC limited to 18/day (not turn. nes allow 10-second (3-phase) hovercraft BYE) oles Wile] em eee mic 0 x ra) 9 2 I 2 ro) Ps 3° fe) 3 Fd 3B Gj DUBPLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS WBOOMER-BOOMER FUSION j As is discussed in the BGC APG (see page 97), Boomers have the ability to fuse with each other, a last-ditch strategy usually taken when ane ‘ormote af the boomers has been damaged. Even Boomers with Fusian-proof armor like the Bu-128) can fuse with other Boomers through open wounds, provided one of them has at least Limited Fusion capability, The results of boomer fusion are high-tech Frankenstein's monsters, the thalidomide babies ofthe 21st century. They are extremely dangerous thanks to their chaotic shapes, which give them unpredictable behavior f ‘and abilities. Sometimes, many cyberdroids may be absorbed by a dominant Fusion Boomer, transforming like bacteria into some kind of huge organism This has become a particular problem on battlefields where boomers are u have been known to combine with other tatlefield debris, forming conglomeration U-55c in the Philippines fused with the control functions of an abandoned, old-modk Damaged boomers which are abandoned at battle sts with truly terrifying abilities, For instance, one damaged U-80 tank, While it could not fuse with the entire tank, BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS it managed to gain control of the gun sighting and autoloading sys ‘tems, which were disabled during the battle. It repaired them using its fusion ability and preceded to open fire on anything that entered its line of sight—no matter what side they were on. It took an airstrike to finally destroy this “boomer bunker.” Asa result of such incidents, armed forces utilizing boomers try to maintain a “clean site” policy, which mandates the total moval or destruction of any damaged enemy (or even friendly} boomers left at 2 battle scene, This has led to many firefights as damaged boomers have struggled for their (artificial ives against military “salvage or destroy” teams, Left page: These two boomers seem to have been terminated at, the scrap yard... but they've fused through their open wounds and have arisen as a steel scrap monster! Ifyou look har, you can even see parts of a Motorslave and the SuperBoomer within this abomina tion. Weight: 2354kg. Armor $OKD. Structure: 145KD. Move: Zero, INT 3, REF 6, DEX 6, PRE 9, WILL 7, TECH 4, STR 14, REC 28/t, Al Level 5 ‘Weapons: Heat Cannon (¥3, 725m, 6D6x3, 2.5m area, 2 tum warmup) Mouth Laser (+0, 1000m, 1106x3, ROF=9), Machinecannon (+1, 1600m, 506x4, AP. ROF=9, 5 bursts), Grenade Launcher (-2, 3km, 706x4, Blast radius tm). Subsystems: Recon sensors, vectored fan (STR 12 10m exaust blast). ‘Above: What if Doctor Yur'’s death squad of terrorist boomers had fused with their combat boomer leader? The result might have been something like this mult-headed giant. Weight: 1865kg. Amar: 30KD. Structure: 180KD. Move: 8. INT 4, REF 6, DEX 6, PRE 6, WILL 5, TECH 3, STR 10, REC 20, Al Level 5. Weapons: Mouth Laser (+0, 720m, 606x3), Claws (+0, 706x2). Subsystems: Four arms, four extra sets of sensors, exeerriawanen ‘Add weights of all Boomers together. XD of most heavily armored Boomer. ‘Ad all smaller Boomers’ SOPs together, divide by 2, ad to largest Boome's SOP Average ofall Boomers” values. Average ofall Boomers” valves. Use highest values of any Boomer in group. WEIGHT ‘ARNOR STRUCTURE = RUNNING Fav /SKI. STATS & SKILLS = WERPORRY: + Any weapons which were pat ofthe Boomers before they were fused together become usable by the fused Boomer mass. ‘Any weapons which were not part ofthe Boomers are treated like handheld weapons, except that there is no limit to the number of [sch held” weapons which the used boomer can hold", and they SUBSYSTEMS, + Ary systems which were apart ofthe Boomers before they were fused together become usable by the fused Boomer mass. ‘Any systems or athe items which were nat part of the Boomers are treated lke handheld iter number of such “held” items which the fused boomer can “hold and they cannot be grabbed away. ‘= Fused boomers cannot disguise themselves as humans except that there isno limit to the ® Be a re) 2 i 2 I of ce} fe} a Ay NHDOW dy MON — HD31 XD WK-11 TEAM ‘As these Boomer-bustes drop ito a battlezone, their retro-rockets boom and flare, creating fireballs which render the ground beneath therm useless fo years! The suit onthe lft is armed with 8 visual homing missiles (+0, 1.5m, 2K, Sax two 30mm raileannons (+1, Shm, 606 12 shots—these weapons fire antiarmar penetrators and require a hefty port equipment The suit in the mide is equipped with 2S) Som AP ROFTON, £00. command pack of sensor equipment, {+2 Perception| communications devices, an 127mm short gatling gun (-1, 600m, TOD6AP ROF75, 600 rounds\ Lice FECA ‘WADP HEAVY ARMOR This isa heavily armored combat uniform for Advanoed Police fontine off cers. tis curently being evaluated ty several departments around the word, and seven seeing field test in a few major cites, The softshell ak anmar is ‘more resistant to peneation by small arms fre and shrapnel, but some of ‘ors have complained about the added bulk restricting teic movements ADP FRONTLINE HEAVY ARMOR ABNOR WEIGHT 14.6 4g | OVERALL KD 26 ENCUMPRANCE —-3Dex*, | TORSO @HELMET KD 25 3 Ret 2 Move _[ Und KD *DEX penalty is reduced by 1 if not wearing the helmet. Armar is effective against all types of ding bullet biunt trauma, and fire SERA ba Magnum Auto (600 p14] LONGRRIN “Ant-Boomar Heawy Rifle (BGC B&A p32) MELEE WERPON Police Baton las Tonfa; BGC p_ 141) EQUPMENT Radio w/ satelite uplink, qasmask w/ 30 minutes af air, shoulder 1D plate, mineproof boots, belt with clips for 6 both firearms, Boomer Deactivator (nandhe remote 5 off pa tic system of any cv ian boomer, does not work on berserkers) 706x3, Blast radius 10m, 5 rounds) implanted in BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS {2 WHARD DETAILS OF THE AD POLICE K-11 a In the early 19908, the Slave Trooper Madox was put into use, Though the machine hada simple physical body, its systems were highly advanced forthe time soit design theory was employed forthe current K series. Thus, the old Madox Slve Traper represents the basic structural form of madem battesuits, as embodied by the AO Police’ 11 shown here To the right we see a K-11 undergoing mainte nance inits hangar. With its armor plating removed, the arms actuators are visible. A very detailed check-up is necessary befare each use, since the batlesuit has so meny moving parts. In fact, the check-up on a K-11 is much more complex than that ofa fighter plane! tlesuit must be adjusted for its human controller's etic ability, The adjustments aren't as meticulous asthose forthe Knight Sabers' custom-made Hardsuits, but the ae precise enough to allow only those fitted with the machi ais it, Should another person board the battlesut, he would only teable to stumble awkwardly and would probably wind up spa iysomething, Above we see a K-11 operator undergoing the fiting noess. The stroke of his elbow is being observed, and the data fom the torque meter on the machine's joint will be adj snatingly Above is a K-11 trainer machine used for practice walkin training device is available for use at the ADP Trainin AOE Wie) ie ele) ab dc) NHDDW day MON — HD91 XD ‘WADP “PRT-RORDER” SLAVE-CYCLE 12083, the ADP finally took native over the police ores ofthe wore by exper meting witha transformable motorcycle mecha—one whose Al gave it patil selfeliance.Dutoed the Pat-Roader, this transformable assistant rbot can take ‘an partially acton ts own, even in motorcycle made can operate without ad vr thanks ts bull neta guidance syst. Urike much of te ADPS enuip- ‘ment wich was originally designed forse by the ary, this units unique athe although itis cleatly a cop ofthe Knight Saber’ motorstves n fat, ‘tumor has ithat Sia secretly designed it for forthe ADP in oder to help aio ate the Knight Sabes’neverendig nancial problens. The purpose ofthis motorod ist inflate and investigate dangerous areas forts partne, an ADP rider. To tis end, the Pat Roader can transmit audiovisual information about its suroundngs tits partner his helmet’ soreens can receive and interpret the data in rea-ime allwang hr to survey a racial range of 200 in urban areas. Io gereral, the matorad flows is partners instructions, but tundorcortin stations it makes its own decisions, suchas engaging in pursut, taking defensive maneuvers, or making attacks... without a weapon. ‘Weapons ae infact, the largest problem pose by this motrid Though its well armed, te iagal controversy aver giving 2 robotic unit the potential to use frearms against is targets quickly resulted inthe placement a programming block in the Patoaders Alt simply cannot make the individual desion to fie a weapon Instead it uses a sychtonze targeting system ike to theride’ ‘met, whose synehrasighting corral system ensures that only the motoraids human garner can tigaer and fe any ofthe PatAoader’s weaponry. This com plated arangerent has given rise to concem thatthe ADP car't put this pow erful new machine to fl use, ‘Though tno capable of hovering or linking wit ts darn motcaid form Fike the Knight Sabes’ Motostaves can, the Pt Road is indeed pow is ‘armed with two lm multipurpose laurchers which can re grenades, gas pack ‘as, shatshlls, ruber bulls, et, and its right rm mounts @ mm SD. algun ‘ilar tothe Stomach (see BGC p28) ith a submanipulatr tsa ‘mounts white search light on itslef loudspeaker onthe right. gt 225 em Weight: 196 kg Power unit Craric gas turbine with 3 als, ‘Maximum output T10PS Maximum speed: 240 kn BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS POEs 141 OP [oto [oc TK [sor [oro [toc [Kb Tso? | 19 T | Head | 40 | leg | ae | ole Z| Torso | a0 ip |e Wheel 0 56 | Am | de A. Wheel | 20 MODE IMANEUVER ‘SURFACE FLIGHT, Motoroyle 1 80 (240k) Motoraid : 18 S¢koh) “Alhas INT, REF, DEX. & combat skills of 3. When under remote contro ituses operator’ stats & skills at 1/2 thor normal values, wenpons [wa Tang [ onc [0c | sPeCIi nOres HAND-TO-HAND | 20 10068 | AA | _“Kiling Damage ‘Baw ANLGUN | +1_[S20m)8062"| RA. "AP 20 shots. aOmnicrat [1 [200m] _* [1] “Osho oad varies Grenade = 606x, 5m area; Gas = 706x2 Stun (ignores SO}, 10m area Shotsell = 606 applied twicel to 3m are, ruber bullet = 606: Stn, SUSYSTEMS acm + Motorid cannot fie is on weapons iver must use Syncho-ar. geting systom ult ino helmet no penalties for doing $0). © Sensor Turet as audiovisuals (4k), scrambled radio (BOkm), ta geting and lowight vison, * Fight shoulder mounts white searchlight * Loft shoulder mounts loudspeaker. BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS 2 Eanty pesign Fo ADP Moronoin. SHanP ANGLES WERE REMOVED IN FINAL ‘Monet. perps' escape vehi 1825 kg | STRENGTH tna refinery area. Thi place ha erps! Genonm-made vse ly case the Head 73] ley | abe [torso | 45 9 |E Wheel your backup ront be hove for __|R. Wheel [mone THRNEUER | SURFACE FLIGHT Sea Motorcycle i 38 (295%ph) vend your motoreget | Motaroid E 18 (54kph) your automag jour sensors peoled, Max. They vere “Alas INT, REF, DEX. & combat skis of 5. When under remote conto ‘Keep your sen ituses operators stats & skis at 1/2 thei normal values. need mG | mG T10c | SPecint NOTES = [1106* TAA “Killing Damage | WADP MOTOROID aSom606x2"] 2H | PABAOFS. 7busts | Even as the Pat-Roader was entering service, development had already begun on an improved model... but the new ADP Motoroid wasn't put 0 bled radio (0k, tar 3 use nt later because its Al was so greatly improved. Ths new operat entirely on its own and has conversational ably ‘no weapony is builtin because such intligence allows it to compel mounts If spotlight ife-and-death decisions. Sine this does away with the troublesome sj Left shoulder mounts white spotlight chrotargeting system, the ADP only ams these new Matooid when ser ore Seotight cous rouble is expected. In such cases, they use the same weapons s do the * Right hip (sidesadde box in Motorcycle form) can store an extra | by K-serias powered suits. Although its Als signiticany mare advanced, for handhe n. the ADPS new Motori stil cannot hove, nar can it nk with i rider to become a Motosive, Furthermore, because of this units ability to use weapons on its own, few AD Police departments have been issued any of the new Motorids—-nervous politicians don't want to lose votes ver such a paltial “hot potato ee TU) ea OC a tc) WADP TASKWAGON With the introduction ofthe Pat Reader and other Motooids, the ADP devel ‘oped a motile police station designed to work in conjunction with a team of Motori divers, These Taskwegons” are crewed by three to six officers, and ‘fer them suppor inthe form of advanced electrons [su as computers, com munications gear, and survllance equipment) and two hydraulic booms. paving from either side ofthe vehicle, the booms can both launch cyclefarm foids at the same time, even while the Taskwagon is m Taskwagon’ interior can accomadate upto four bikes and ther Peon 14 OP MOVE 45 135kph) [STRUCTURE_115 SOP [CREW 1412-5) entra passenger scrambled ra microphone, wight, thermographics, recorders & image enhancement) | ‘Hangar for 2 to 4 Motori, dal launch booms. ‘WADP RUNABOUT Designed for long missions ithe i, a Runaboutis effectively a smaller version ofa Taskwagon without the Motorod support ability. Ris designed to allow ives tigations tobe cared out on-the-go, so while itcan accommodates officers, go gives them plenty of room to work togete Al six eats are rotating bucket type, and acenval desk can fold down fom the celing This desk intogrates tx ‘inal for various electronics computers, surveillance gear, and communications equipment) For chase purposes, the Funabout aso boasts a high performance engine and a evecable machnegun ture. ADP RUNABOUT 12 OP [renewes_ 2 ance _S hese 2612kg | | Move 63 (188kph) [STRUCTURE _ 80 SDP] CREW 15 WERPONS | WAT ANG [DMG | LOC | _ SPECIE NOTES TURRET IG, TT ROFS0, 200 is 4 computer Sok ception suvellance a ee = ra) fe} = i =| a =| PS 8 4 a fa) = EA Died radio communications, ne, owiight, themmagraphies, recorders & image enhancement) rniropho WADP BUGGY Based on a military general-purpose car, the ADP buggy is armored ‘much mare heavily than standard cruises. t was chosen because AD Police departments found that large numbers of Interceptors and other cats are lost every year in engagements with wild boomers—a stu ier, beter protected car could help prevent that. tis also buit ow to ‘the ground for increased steadiness, and is six tes are arranged in a toad wheelbase to better grip the streets. ADP BUGG Exe MOVE _70(210kph) [STRUCTURE _55 SDP | CREW. 1st BUBBLEGUM CRISIS EX — tHe extreme EXPANSION FOR BUBBLEGUM CRISIS ‘WADP RIOTCAR This is @ rugged APC capable of traversing tera as rough as shattered streets and roadblocks thanks to its four-wheel-drive independent-sus- pension. its cabin can hald as many as four frontine officers in full com. bat gear or one officer and one Motoroid. Originally a military vehicle, the ADP version is designed tobe used in riot situations, so is been modi fied wit ahigh-visblty cab and solid rubber tres. ts armament consists solely of @ water cannon housed in atop tur Dera Exe MANEUWER -4ReffARMOR —_ASKD] WEIGHT 240K MOVE 50 (750kphi [structure 90 soP| crew Tm) SHORLTOTES SUBSYSTEMS: not be punctured or slashed.» Loudkpeaker sien and ‘emergency lights © Police band radio, data ink to ADP headquarters VAD POLICE UFV ‘A mei’ military minitank, ths “Urban Fight ie" is used by AD Poice units to counterattack cybemetically-enhanced steetpunks, heavily ‘axed criminals and of couse rampaging boomer. has been modified with 2 high-visblity cockpit and its wheelbase has been reduced, affording it speed and manewverabiliy disproportionate to its design concept. I is well armed, sporting a 25mm chin turet and two SOmm wide-angle cannons, but his unfortunately lasses it as Mobile Heavy Force equipment, and thus Diet approval is needed to authori its deployment COU ExKey | move 44,133kpi | structure 105 spP[crew 2 | WERPONS, a ‘SPECIAL NOTES. DSrmMG | v1 | a00m| 1308] _F | ROFZO, 12 bars 5Ore GUNS 1 | 600m} 2K SUBSYSTEMS, Sod tes cant puncture or slash.» Loudspeaker, sion and emergency igs» Poice-and rato data nko ADP HO. VADP AEROCHASER Tis isa larger better protected altemative tothe FireBee used by some AD Falce departments, is stl an open

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