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Discrimination Task

Instructional Objective: When shown a variety of bills, in the classroom, Shane will name the

bills, 1, 5, and 20, with 80% accuracy on two consecutive trials.

Concept Analysis:

Relevant Dimensions: Money value/number

Irrelevant Dimensions: money color, bill shape, picture on bill

Phases (Response prompts and fading procedures)

I. Say, “What is this?/Name this?/How much is this” and show bill.

0 Second delay – immediately say the value of bill

II. Say, “What is this?/Name this?/how much is this” and show bill 1 second delay – Wait 1

second and they say the value of the bill .

III. Say, “What is this?/Name this?/How much is this” and show bill. 2 second delay – Wait 2

seconds and they say the value of the bill.

IV. Say, “What is this?/Name this?/How much is this” and show bill 3 second delay – Wait 3

seconds and they say the value of the bill.

Steps (Instructional Sequence) – (be sure to vary irrelevant dimensions across trials)

1. 5

2. 20

3. 10


5. 10

6. 5

7. 20

8. 5, 20, 1, 10

Error correction procedures: (what to do if the student makes an error)

1. Say, “No, this is a (bill value). Say (bill value) after me.”

2. Say, “What is this?” and immediately provide the bill value.

3. Say, “That’s right, this is a (bill value).”

Reinforcement: (what to do if the student gets the right answer)

1. Give praise: “Good job/that’s right/correct, it is a (bill value)”

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