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Thanks are due to the following for permission to reproduce The immediate origin of this book is a series of six lectures
material from copyright sources: on Jung and Christianity which I gave in 1980 at the invi­
tation of the then vicar, the late David Sparrow, in the church
Routledge and Kegan Paul: The Collected Works of C. G. of All Saints, Margaret Street, London. I was grateful for the
J ung: vol. VI Psychological Types 1971; vol. vn Two Essays on opportunity the lectures gave me of thinking out and sharing
Analytical Psychology 1953; vol. VIII The Structure and Dynamics of with others some of the insights I have gained from the great
the Psyche 1960; vol. x Civilization in Transition 1964; vol. XI Swiss psychologist. I am grateful also to my publishers, Dar­
Psychology and Religion: West and East 1958; vol. xv The Spirit ton, Longman and Todd, for their encouraging me to expand
of Man 1967; vol. XVI The Practice of Psychotherapy 1954 the lectures into a book and so reach a larger public.
I feel indebted to Jung for the light he has shed for me on
the Christian faith and way of life; and I hope this book may
do something to discharge the debt. Jung himself believed
that he had much to offer theologians and pastors in their
task of interpreting the Christian gospel to men and women
of the twentieth century; and he was surprised and disap­
pointed that only a comparative few of them paid serious
attention to his work. Since his death Christian thinkers have
come increasingly to recognize Jung's greatness and the spiri­
tual relevance of his exploration of the human psyche.
The aim of this book is twofold. First I hope to convince
Christian readers, who know little or nothing aboutJung, of
his relevance; that he can help them to understand their faith
and live their life as Christians better. This has meant that
I have had to give some outline of Jung's ideas. I have
however made no attempt to provide a complete account of


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