Subtraction Algorithm Annotated Planning Template

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Name of Lesson: Alternative Subtraction Algorithm

Your Name: Date of Lesson: Time, including duration:
Topic: Math
Supports provided for ELLs (visuals, manipulatives, word bank, gestures, native language references etc.)
Common Core State Standards: Learning Goals: Assessments:
What, specifically, will students know and be able How will you know if students met the learning goal and
to do at the end of this lesson? how will you evaluate the quality of students’ performance?
Students will be able to (SWBAT): Student: (end-of-activity check):

Teacher: (how you will collect, evaluate and process

evidence of students’ learning)

Important Vocabulary to teach: Content-specific academic vocabulary students should know

Materials: I highly encourage you to go back to manipulatives here if students seem to need that extra support

Attending to the Learners

Anticipating student ideas: How do you think students will respond to this new algorithm? What questions will they have? What might be
Making the content How will you support all the learners in your group? Do you have any special education students who need particular
accessible to all students: supports? What about your learners who struggle? What about the learners who excel? (specific supports for ELs are
already included above so you don’t need to include them again)

Teaching Sequence:
Time/Task Instructional Moves (Include key questions you want to ask.) Considerations
(Things you want to remember/attend to:
e.g., differentiation, transitions)
5 min Launch
• Take time to explicitly review and/or re-teach academic content vocabulary if Think ahead of time about what vocab
needed students are struggling with or misusing
• Examples of vocabulary words you may need to review: subtract/subtraction, and what will support this algorithm
borrow, carry, regroup, difference, equal, solution
• Explain to students that this is a different way of arriving at the same answer as
other algorithms you have used
Lesson Sequence (I recommend I Do, We Do, You Do)
• Use manipulatives to demonstrate for students how the algorithm makes sense, Always have manipulatives!! These
then have them try it on their own/with groups hands-on visuals are helpful for all
• Demonstrate how alternative algorithm will get us the same solution as another students but NECESSARY for your ELs.
algorithm they have used
• Have students try alternative algorithm with a new problem or two
• Give students time to practice independently or with groups/partners, using
whatever algorithm makes the most sense to them. Leave manipulatives out for
students who need them
• During independent work time, select 2 students who solved the same problem
using 2 different algorithms
• Have students explain their work on the board
• Point out/have Ss notice that the solutions are the same, even though the
methods were different

• Ask students for what they like/don’t like about this new algorithm Make sure Ss don’t feel pressured to
• Explain that Ss can use whatever algorithm works best in their head when doing use/not use a certain algorithm
• Reinforce that there is no “right” way to solve a problem

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