Mechanism of Hypokalemia in Magnesium Deficiency: Science in Renal Medicine

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Mechanism of Hypokalemia in Magnesium Deficiency

Chou-Long Huang*† and Elizabeth Kuo*
*Department of Medicine, †Charles and Jane Pak Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

ABSTRACT deficiency is likely associated with en-

Magnesium deficiency is frequently associated with hypokalemia. Concomitant hanced renal K⫹ excretion. To support
magnesium deficiency aggravates hypokalemia and renders it refractory to treat- this idea, Baehler et al.5 showed that ad-
ment by potassium. Herein is reviewed literature suggesting that magnesium ministration of magnesium decreases
deficiency exacerbates potassium wasting by increasing distal potassium secre- urinary K⫹ excretion and increases se-
tion. A decrease in intracellular magnesium, caused by magnesium deficiency, rum K⫹ levels in a patient with Bartter
releases the magnesium-mediated inhibition of ROMK channels and increases disease with combined hypomagnesemia
potassium secretion. Magnesium deficiency alone, however, does not necessarily and hypokalemia. Similarly, magnesium
cause hypokalemia. An increase in distal sodium delivery or elevated aldosterone replacement alone (without K⫹) in-
levels may be required for exacerbating potassium wasting in magnesium creases serum K⫹ levels in individuals
deficiency. who have hypokalemia and hypomag-
nesemia and receive thiazide treatment.6
J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 2649 –2652, 2007. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2007070792
Magnesium administration decreased
urinary K⫹ excretion in these individuals
(Dr. Charles Pak, personal communica-
Hypokalemia is among the most fre- cin B, cisplatin, etc. Concomitant magne- tion, UT Southwestern Medical Center
quently encountered fluid and electro- sium deficiency has long been appreci- at Dallas, July 13, 2007). Moreover, mag-
lyte abnormalities in clinical medicine. ated to aggravate hypokalemia.2 nesium infusion decreases urinary K⫹
The concentration of potassium (K⫹)in Hypokalemia associated with magne- excretion in normal individuals.7
the serum is a balance among intake, ex- sium deficiency is often refractory to K⫹ is freely filtered at the glomerulus.
cretion, and distribution between the ex- treatment with K⫹. Co-administration Most of the filtered K⫹ is reabsorbed by
tra- and intracellular spaces.1 Accord- of magnesium is essential for correcting the proximal tubule and the loop of
ingly, hypokalemia may be caused by the hypokalemia. The mechanism of hy- Henle. K⫹ secretion occurs in the late
redistribution of K⫹ from serum to cells, pokalemia in magnesium deficiency, distal convoluted tubule and the cortical
decreased dietary intake, or excessive loss however, remains unexplained. Here, we collecting duct, which contributes in
of K⫹ from the gastrointestinal track or review existing literature on the subject large part to urinary K⫹ excretion.1 Ka-
from the kidney. Understandably, hypo- to provide better understanding of the mel et al.8 addressed the tubular site of
kalemia from excess renal or gastrointes- mechanism. Because of space limita- action of magnesium by measuring the
tinal loss or reduced intake would likely tions, this review cites review articles in transtubular K⫹ concentration gradient
be associated with loss and deficiency of lieu of many original publications. (TTKG). The TTKGprovides an indirect
other ions. It is estimated that more than Previous articles suggested that im-
50% of clinically significant hypokalemia pairment of Na-K-ATPase caused by
has concomitant magnesium deficiency. magnesium deficiency contributes to K⫹ Published online ahead of print. Publication date

Clinically, combined K⫹ and magne-

available at
wasting.3,4 Magnesium deficiency im-
sium deficiency is most frequently ob- pairs Na-K-ATPase, which would de- Correspondence to: Dr. Chou-Long Huang, or Dr.
served in individuals receiving loop or crease cellular uptake of K⫹.3 A decrease Elizabeth
Kuo, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Department
thiazide diuretic therapy.1 Other causes in cellular uptake of K⫹, if it occurs along of Medicine, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX
include diarrhea; alcoholism; intrinsic with increased urinary or gastrointesti- 75390-8856. Phone:

nal excretion, would lead to K⫹ wasting

renal tubular transport disorders such as; elizabeth.kuo@
Bartter and Gitelman syndromes; and and hypokalemia. Little K⫹ is excreted
tubular injuries from nephrotoxic drugs, by the gastrointestinal tract normally; Copyright © 2007 by the American Society of
including aminoglycosides, amphoteri- therefore, hypokalemia in magnesium Nephrology

J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 2649 –2652, 2007 ISSN : 1046-6673/1810-2649 2649


Aldosterone Influx Efflux

A Zero Mg2+ B Zero Mg2+
+ Out In Out In
–100 mV –50 mV

Na+ ENaC Na+ K+ K+

+ Depolarize Na+
K+ 5 mM 140 mM 5 mM 140 mM
EK = –86 mV EK = –86 mV

Urine Blood
C 1 mM Mg2+ D 1 mM Mg2+

–100 mV –50 mV
⫹ Mg2+
Figure 1. K secretion in the distal
nephron. K⫹ is taken up into cells across
the basolateral membrane via Na-K-AT-
5 mM 140 mM 5 mM 140 mM
Pases (blue oval) and secreted into luminal
EK = –86 mV EK = –86 mV
fluid via apical ROMK channels (yellow cyl-
inder). Sodium (Na⫹) reabsorption via Figure 2. Mechanism for intracellular magnesium to decrease K⫹ secretion. A ROMK
ENaC (green cylinder) depolarizes the api- channel in the apical membrane of distal nephron is depicted. (A and B) At zero
cal membrane potential and provides the intracellular Mg2⫹, K⫹ ions move in or out of cell through ROMK channels freely
driving force for K⫹ secretion (indicated by depending on the driving force (i.e., not rectifying). At intra- and extracellular K⫹
dotted line and plus sign). Thus, increased concentrations of 140 and 5 mM, respectively, the chemical gradient drives K⫹ outward.
Na⫹ delivery (indicated by black line) An inside-negative membrane potential drives K⫹ inward. Inward and outward move-
would stimulate K⫹ secretion. Aldosterone ment of K⫹ ions reach an equilibrium at ⫺86 mV (i.e., equilibrium potential [EK] ⫽ ⫺60 ⫻
increases sodium reabsorption via ENaC to log 140⁄5). When membrane potential is more negative than EK (e.g., ⫺100 mV, a
stimulate K⫹ secretion (indicated by red condition that rarely occurs in the apical membrane of distal nephron physiologically), K⫹
line). ions move in (influx; see A). Conversely, at membrane potential more positive than EK
(e.g., ⫺50 mV, a physiologic relevant condition), K⫹ ions move out (see B). (C and D) At
reflection of K⫹ secretion in the distal the physiologic intracellular Mg2⫹ concentration (e.g., 1 mM), ROMK conducts more K⫹
nephron. The authors found that mag- ions inward than outward (i.e., inward rectifying). This is because intracellular Mg2⫹ binds
nesium infusion (but not ammonium ROMK and blocks K⫹ efflux (secretion; see D). Influx of K⫹ ions displaces intracellular
chloride infusion to correct metabolic al- Mg2⫹, allowing maximal K⫹ entry (see C). This unique inward-rectifying property of
ROMK places K⫹ secretion in the distal nephron under the regulation by intracellular
kalosis) reduced urinary K⫹ excretion
Mg2⫹. Note that, though inward conductance is greater than outward, K⫹ influx (i.e.,
and decreased TTKG in four of six pa-
reabsorption) does not occur because of membrane potential more positive than EK.
tients with Gitelman disease and hypo-
kalemia, hypomagnesemia, and meta-
bolic alkalosis. Thus, magnesium than out.12 Sodium (Na⫹) reabsorption logic extracellular K⫹ and apical mem-
replacement prevents renal K⫹ wasting, via epithelial Na⫹ channel (ENaC) depo- brane potential in the distal nephron, the
at least in part, by decreasing secretion in larizes the apical membrane potential, effective intracellular concentration of
the distal nephron. Previous micropunc- which provides the driving force for K⫹ Mg2⫹ for inhibiting ROMK ranges from
ture studies also confirmed that magne- secretion. Aldosterone increases sodium 0.1 to 10.0 mM, with the median concen-
sium decreases distal K⫹ secretion.9,10 reabsorption via ENaC to stimulate K⫹ tration at approximately 1.0 mM.13 The
What is the cellular mechanism for secretion (Figure 1). Maxi-K channels intracellular Mg2⫹ concentration is esti-
the decrease in K⫹ secretion by magne- are responsible for flow-stimulated K⫹ mated at 0.5 to 1.0 mM.14 Thus, intracel-
sium? In the late distal tubular and corti- secretion (data not shown). Inward rec- lular Mg2⫹ is a critical determinant of
cal collecting duct cells, K⫹ is taken up tification of ROMK results when intra- ROMK-mediated K⫹ secretion in the
into cells across the basolateral mem- cellular Mg2⫹ binds and blocks the pore distal nephron. Changes in intracellular
brane via Na-K-ATPases and secreted of the channel from the inside, thereby Mg2⫹ concentration over the physiolog-
into luminal fluid via apical K⫹ channels. limiting outward K⫹ flux (efflux). In- ic-pathophysiologic range would signifi-
Two types of K⫹ channels mediate apical ward K⫹ flux (influx) would displace in- cantly affect K⫹ secretion.
K⫹ secretion: ROMK and maxi-K chan- tracellular Mg2⫹ from the pore and re- Magnesium is the most abundant di-
nels. ROMK is an inward-rectifying K⫹ lease the block (Figure 2). The valent cation in the body. Approximately
channel responsible for basal (non–flow concentration of intracellular Mg2⫹ re- 60% of magnesium is stored in bone, an-
stimulated) K⫹ secretion.11 Inward recti- quired for inhibition of ROMK depends other 38% is intracellular in soft tissues,
fication means that K⫹ ions flow in the on membrane voltage and the extracellu- and only approximately 2% is in extra-
cells through ion channels more readily lar concentration of K⫹.13 At the physio- cellular fluid including the plasma. The

2650 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 2649 –2652, 2007 SCIENCE IN RENAL MEDICINE

critical for stabilizing membrane poten-

Outward ROMK
conductance × Driving
force = Potassium
secretion tial and decreasing cell excitability.16
Magnesium replete + ++ ++ Magnesium deficiency will not only ex-
acerbate K⫹ wasting but also aggravate
Magnesium deficient the adverse effects of hypokalemia on
Alone ++ + ++
target tissues.16 Recognition of concom-
itant magnesium deficiency and early
+ Sodium delivery ++ ++ ++++
treatment with magnesium are impera-
+ Aldosterone ++ ++ ++++ tive for effective treatment and preven-
tion of complications of hypokalemia.
Figure 3. Summary of effects of intracellular magnesium and driving force on K⫹

cytosol is the largest intracellular com- and urinary K⫹ excretion are normal. How
partment for Mg2⫹. The cellular Mg2⫹ do these findings reconcile with the pro- C.-L.H. is supported by grants from the Na-
concentration is estimated between 10 to posed model that lowering intracellular tional Institutes of Health (DK54368 and
20 mM. In the cytosol, Mg2⫹ ions mainly Mg2⫹ increases ROMK-mediated K⫹ se- DK59530) and the Jacob Lemann Professor-
form complexes with ATP and, to a cretion in the distal tubules? One reason ship in Calcium Transport at University of
smaller extent, with other nucleotides for the lack of significant hypokalemia and Texas Southwestern Medical Center and is an
and enzymes. Only approximately 5% of K⫹ wasting in isolated magnesium defi- established investigator of the American
Mg2⫹ (0.5 to 1.0 mM) in the cytosol is ciency is related to the impairment of Na- Heart Association (0440019N).
free (unbound).14 The degree of ex- K-ATPase. Decreased cellular K⫹ uptake We thank Drs. Michel Baum, Orson Moe,
change of Mg2⫹ between tissues and in the muscle and the kidney would tend to Charles Pak, and Robert Reilly for critical
plasma varies greatly. It was shown in maintain serum K⫹ levels but decrease re- reading and comments on the manuscript.
kidney and heart that 100% of intracel- nal K⫹ secretion4,10; therefore, additional
lular Mg2⫹ can exchange with plasma factors are needed for promoting renal K⫹
within 3 to 4 h.15 In contrast, only ap- excretion. Another reason is related to the DISCLOSURES
proximately 10% of magnesium in brain fact that ROMK channels in the apical None.
and 25% in skeletal muscle can exchange membrane of distal tubules also play an
with plasma, and the equilibrium occurs important role in regulating membrane
after ⱖ16 h. The basis for the differences potential.11 An increase in the K⫹ secretion
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