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Asportation Arson Abortion Corpus delicti
Bribery Assault Adultery Euthanasia
Coercion Battery Bigamy Felon
Computer fraud Bulgary Drug Trafficking Felony homicide
Fraud Cyber-bullying Incest Feticide
Embezzlement Cyber-harassment Miscegenation Genocide
Extortion Cyber-stalking Polygamy Homicide
Forgery Domestic Violence Pornography Infanticide
Larceny Maim Sodomy Manslaughter
Mail fraud Mayhem Murder
Money Laundering Rape Self defense
Racketeering Robbery Suicide
Receiving Stolen Sexual Assault Uxoricide
RICO Stalking
White collar crime
Wire fraud
Crimes Against Property

Asportarion: is one of the elements required to establish the crime of Larceny. In order to prove
that asportation hasoccurred, it is not necessary to show that the goods were moved a substantial d
istance, but only that they were moved.

Bribery:the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influenci
ng the action of an official in thedischarge of his or her public or legal duties.

Coercion:The intimidation of a victim to compel the individual to do some act against his or her will
by the use of psychologicalpressure, physical force, or threats.

Computer Fraud:

is the act of using a computer to take or alter electronic data, or to gain unlawful use of a computer

Fraud: is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or todeprive a victim of a legal right.

Embezzlement:is the act of withholding assets for the purpose of conversion(theft) of such assets,
by one or more persons to whom the assets wereentrusted, either to be held or to be used for speci
fic purposes

Extortion: is a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, or services from an individual or

institution, through coerción.

Forgery:is the process of making, adapting, or imitating objects, statistics, ordocuments with the int
ent to deceive for the sake of altering the publicperception, or to earn profit by selling the forged it

Larceny:is a crime involving the unlawful taking of the personal property ofanother person or busin

Mail Fraud: use the mail to defraud someone

Money Laundering: concealing the source of illegally gotten money

Racketeering:A person who engages in an illegal business or other organized illegal activities

Uttering:in the criminal law of Scotland, the crime of using as genuine a fabricated writ intended to
pass for that ofsomeone else. It does not matter that the document was forged by someone else.

White Collar
Crime:a generic term for crimes involving commercial fraud, cheating consumers, swindles, insider
trading on the stock market,embezzlement and other forms of dishonest business schemes.

Wire Fraud:Fraud committed by means of electronic communication, as by telephone or modem

Crimes Against Person

Arson: The crime of intentionally and illegally setting fire to a building or other structure

Assault: An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another

Baterry: The unlawful and unwanted touching or striking of one person by another, with the intentio
n of bringingabout a harmful or offensive contact.


is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic forms of contact. Cyberbullying hasbecome incr
easingly common, especially among teenagers

Domestic Violence:
is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuseby one person against another in a d
omestic setting, such as in marriageor cohabitation

to injure, disable, or disfigure, usually by depriving of the use of a limb or other part of the body

Mayhem: The criminal offense of willfully maiming, disabling, or disfiguring a person.

The crime of using force or the threat of force to compel a person to submit to sexual intercourse.

The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidat

Sexual assault:
Sexual penetration of a person without that person's consent or of a person incapable of consent;

Stalking: To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.

Crimes Against Morality

Abortion: Induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus.

Consensual sexual intercourse between a married person and a person other than the spouse.

Bigamy: The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another.

Drug Trafficking:buying and selling; especially illicit trade

Incest: The crime of sexual relations with a person defined by statute as too closely related.

Cohabitation, sexual relations, marriage, or interbreeding involving persons of different races, espec
ially in historicalcontexts as a transgression of the law.
Poligamy; The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time.

Sexually explicit writing, images, video, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual

Any of various forms of sexual acts regarded as perverted, especially anal intercourse, oral-
anal contact, or sexualintercourse with an animal.

Corpus Delicti:

The corroborating evidence that shows that a crime has been committed, other than a confession
or an allegedaccomplice's statement.

The act or practice of ending the life of a person or animal having a terminal illness or a medical con
dition that causessuffering perceived as incompatible with an acceptable quality of life, as by lethal i
njection or the suspension of certainmedical treatments.

Felon:one who has commited a felony

Feticide: Intentional destruction of a human fetus.

The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religi
ous, or ethnicgroup.

Homicide: The killing of one person by another, regardless of intention or legality.

Infanticide: The act of killing an infant.

The killing of a person without malice aforethought but with either the intention to commit an unlawf
ul act that leads toan unintended death, or with an otherwise murderous intent that is extenuated by
some partial defense.

The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person
withmalice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of
human life

Self defense:

The use of force against another person as permitted by the law when that person is perceived as
presentingan immediate or imminent threat to one's own life or safety.

Suicide: The act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself.

Uxoricide: The killing of a wife by her spouse.

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