Spider Myth Scenario

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Πέτα σαΐτα μου γοργή

πέτα με το μετάξι

Educational scenario based on the spider myth

Teacher: Erasmia Politidou

This scenario is aimed at students in kindergarten school

• Subjects

The scenario includes cross-curricular activities covering the subjects specified by

the guide for Kindergarten teachers in Greece ie Language, Mathematics, Creation
and Expression and Information.

Link to Curriculum

The script is compatible with the guide for Kindergarten teachers(2003) as the
activities done and the software will be used to encourage total development of
young children and their familiarity with the concept of patterns in providing
opportunities to express themselves, to explore, experiment and draw conclusions.

summary and considerations:

The script uses webquest. Based on the myth of the spider to attract children's interest
in the issue of creating patterns. The scenario actively involves students in the
process of learning, through the use of new technologies. Like young researchers to
seek, select, edit, organize and finally present new knowledge. At the same time, the
visualization and virtual representation of information and knowledge according to the
multisensory approach (Gardner), helps children to remain concentrated in the activity
longer (as in these ages the time of concentration is limited), but also to understand
concepts that may complicate if approached with a more traditional method of
teaching. The use of computers facilitates the key learning objectives such as for
students to realize what needs of modern people are served by the new technologies
and develop skills to use new technologies as tools, investigation, exploration and
production. This class was a multicultural classroom, with the number of foreign
children outnumbering Greek children. This created the need for making the script,
and using the computer as a tool would eliminate some differences and normalized
some language and communication problems. Studies have shown that children who
work with computers, oral communication and general high-level interactions that are
often more advanced than those that develop when they are involved in more
traditional activities such as puzzles and blocks (Siraj-Blatchford and Whitebread
2003). The use of computers and technology will help language development of
children coming from other countries
Through this learning scenario, students get to know the myth of the spider and learn
how to create and reproduce patterns. The script was entirely related to the guide for
kindergarten, and interests of children giving personal meaning to activities, thus
serving learning in operational context (meaningful learning).


To understand and reproduce specific patterns.

To listen to the spider myth and consider what it is about
To get in touch with the popular tradition
To encourage cooperation
To encourage interaction and promote the socialization
To develop critical thinking
To Promote creativity
To develop autonomy
To help in understanding cause and effect
To develop oral communication through the presentation of their work
To develop technological skills
To get in touch with presentation software (powerpoint)
Be familiar with the process of webquest

Required knowledge:

Children need to know to use the mouse and computer keyboard. We also spent
two hours teaching to familiarize children with the presentation software
(powerpoint) and conceptual mapping software (Kidspiration).

Pedagogical reasoning:

In modern societies, young children come daily in contact with a range of technological
breakthroughs. The kindergarten can not ignore this reality. Its role is to utilize the
experiences children have from their environment and help them expand the technological
literacy which is absolutely essential in today's kindergarten.
This scenario is based on the discovery and exploration learning (Bruner) as pupils are
asked to find information online and choose the ones which are useful. The work will be
done in groups and are thus connected to the sociocultural theory of Vygotsy because this
way will enhance interaction and cooperation among students.
Also, as they are invited to see, hear and "read" the myth of the spider, they create their
own legend by selecting the information is useful. This process refers to the method of
scaffolding as a process of building knowledge is aided initially but gradually removed.
This way children build out new knowledge thus approaching the zone of imminent growth
(proximal development zone) (Vygotsky)
The teaching of patterns done with the help of scenario learning through various activities
gave students the opportunity to represent knowledge in various forms (symbolic, virtual
etc) and helped them develop knowledge of the evolutionary spiral form (Bruner and
H create the script and helped us to unify knowledge (integration) and our theme was
developed through appropriate cross-curricular activities.
The active involvement of students in the learning process helps children develop positive
attitudes towards learning (Dodge and Colker 1998), but also to build the edifice of
knowledge (Papert)
Finally, the script is close to the critical theory of learning (school of criticism cheirafetiki
Paulo Freire) after it has been designed to develop presentation skills and critical
negotiation of work by pupils and students.

Timing and duration:

To implement this scenario require approximately 8 hours of teaching.

Cooperation and Coordination:

This scenario is implemented in the classroom using three laptops

Organization of the class:

Research data reveals that children prefer to work two or three per computer rather than
themselves (Lemers et al; 1993). For this reason, the class is divided into groups. In
addition, according to sociocultural considerations, the interaction of children in group
projects have multiple benefits. Due to lack of equipment our teams will comprise four
people instead of three.
H then the class is divided into four groups of four people and working with the method
webquest.I first group are decorators / interior, the second group is the designer /
designers, the third group are the authors and the fourth and the weavers the weavers.
The separation of groups was done according to the wishes of the students but also have
ensured the teams are mixed (4-6 years old together). The teacher coordinates, headed
by pupils and students and acts as a mediator of knowledge.


• One shiny school day an unexpected visitor came to our classroom. Fillipos attempted to
destroy it but Maria told him.” Wait! Lets see how she makes it”.All the other children
gathered together , watched and commented.It was a very good opportunity to use the
interest of the kids in order to become familiar with creating patterns. Of course our friend
the spider would help us . In order to increase their interest we let them see a video from you
tube which refers to the spider myth.

It would be more interesting if we formed groups of four and each group had a role

The interior designers will go to page

and decorate the house using patterns
Fashion designers will visit page


Take ideas and make your own patterns in Kidspiration so as to decorate clothes.
Writers visit page

Take ideas and write spiders myth

Weavers will visit page

And make a textile of your own inspiration using all different kinds of materials

Little students work in groups and the teacher provides guidance and help when needed.When they
finish they present their work in font of the whole classroom with the help of a videoprojector.They
talk and comment.They feel proud for their creation and ask to be photographed. In the end they
listen to the music and dance following dancing patterns.This way our educational scenario ends
with a small party.


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