Small Talk: Really? What's The Name of The Book?

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Pilar: Hi, brother. What are you doing?

Carlos: Hi, Pilar. I am reading a book that I bought yesterday.

Pilar: Really? What’s the name of the book?

Carlos: The House of Paper by Gillermo del bosque

Pilar: Is he a Peruvian writer?

Carlos: No, he is from Mexico

Pilar: Oh great, what is it about?

Carlos: It is about a young boy who wants to be famous but he ends up in jail.

Pilar: Oh, I see. Have you liked it so far?

Carlos: I don’t know. It’s been a bit complicated, but I’ve heard great comments about it.

Pilar: Look! Tomorrow I will buy a new book for your birthday. How about?

Carlos: Oh fantastic Thank you, Pilar. You are the best sister in the world.

Pilar: I know! I have to get back to work; I’ll see you on Friday.

Carlos: Yeah. See you sister.

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