Lawrence Edward: Larry Page"

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Good afternoon my friends.

before I talk at length in front, I want to ask you some questions. please answer.

are you internet users?

your search engine on the internet what?
do you guys know google? yaa ... everyone now knows google, who does not know google.

almost everyone around the world knows google. but whether those who know google not
necessarily know also who created google.

google is the most famous US company through its search engine which is also called

so!!! who created google?

LAWRENCE EDWARD is the creator, or commonly known as "LARRY PAGE".

discussed a little background "LARRY PAGE"

Larry Page is one of the founders of Google and is currently President of Google Products.
Lawrence Edward. or Harry Page was born in 1973 in Lansing, Michigan, USA. From Carl
Vincent Page's parents, is a professor of computer science at the University of Michigan and
Gloria Page, who is a computer programming teacher at the University of Michigan. After
graduating from East Lansing High School he studied and earned a Bachelor of Science
degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan and went on to study the
Master's program at Stanford University.
Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) was founded on September 7, 1998 in the garage
room of their friend's house in Menlo Park, California. In February 1999, the company
moved to an office at 165 University Ave., Palo Alto, California before finally moving to the
"Googleplex" by the end of the year.

Google is a search engine on the Internet based in the United States. Google is one
of the most popular search engines on the web and receives at least 200 million daily search
requests through its websites and client websites such as American Online (AOL). Google
headquarters is located (at "Googleplex") in Mountain View, California.

Google originated from a research project of two Ph.D. students. Stanford University, Larry
Page and Sergey Brin in early 1996 who developed the theory that a search engine based on
mathematical analysis of relationships between websites would give better results than by
using the basic search techniques used at the time. This system was originally called
BackRub because it uses backlinks to estimate how important a site is.

Convinced that the page with the most links to that page from other relevant web pages was
the most relevant pages, Page and Brin decided to try their thesis as part of their study - this
became the foundation for their search engine. They formally established their company
Google Inc. on September 7, 1998.

Google became popular among Internet users because of its simple and 'clean' design and its
relevant search results. Ads are sold on the keyword so that they become more relevant to the
users, and those ads are required to use text only to keep the page design neat and page
loading fast. The concept of selling keyword-based advertising begins with Overture,
formerly By the time most other dotcom companies go bankrupt, Google has
quietly reinforced its influence and earned profits.
In September 2001, Google's ranking mechanism (PageRank) was granted an American
patent. The patent was officially granted to Leland Stanford University and listed Lawrence
Page as the creator.
In February 2003, Google bought Pyra Labs, owner of Blogger, a pioneering website and
weblog hosting leader. This acquisition appears inconsistent with Google's general mission,
but this step allows Google to use information from blog posts to improve the speed and
relevance of articles in Google News.
At its peak in early 2004, Google handled nearly 80 percent of all search requests on the
Internet through its website and clients like Yahoo !, AOL and CNN. Share Google down
since Yahoo! released Google search technology in February 2004 in order to use their
independent search results.

Another Essay on Google History.

Google ...
unique name, unique history

Who does not know Google. For all surfers of the cyber world would have been very familiar
with this Google Om. Google is very popular with search engines in the wilds of the virtual
world. All you need to do is type in the desired password then Om Google will track and
search any desired information.

Google with two "o" is unique, because if the search results data is found, the number "o"
will appear as much as the Web gained by search engines.

The word Google comes from the word Googlo. The word was coined by Milton Sirotta,
Ponakan Edward Kasner a Mathematician from the US. Sirotta makes the term googlo to
name the number 1 (one) followed by 100 numbers 0 (zero), Therefore the use of the word
Google is a reflection of the word Googlo.

But you know, Google is not only unique from the origin he said. Google also has a unique
historical background. Google was born from a meeting of two young men who happened by
accident in 1995. Larry Page, an alumnus of the University of Michigan, who was enjoying a
weekend visit, accidentally met Sergey Brin, one of the students who had been assigned to
take Lary around.
In the accidental encounter earlier, the two Google founders are often involved long
discussions. Both have different opinions and views that often engage in debate. However,
the difference in their thinking has resulted in a unique approach to solving one of the biggest
challenges in the computer world. That is, the problem of how to recover data from massive
data sets.

In January 1996, Larry and Sergey began collaborating on the creation of a search engine
called BackRub. A year later their unique approach to network analysis raised the reputation
of BackRub. The news of new techniques of search engines spread directly across campus.
Larry and Sergey continued to refine Google technology throughout early 1998. Both are also
beginning to look for investors to develop Google's technological sophistication.

The bracket was welcome. They got an injection of funds from a college friend, Andy
Bechtolsheim, who is the founder of Sun Microsystems. Their encounter took place in the
early morning in the Stanford faculty boarding school hall, in Palo Alto. Larry and Sergey
gave a brief demo because Andy did not have a long time.

Through the demo Andy agreed to provide funding assistance in the form of a check worth
100 thousand US dollars. Unfortunately, the check was written on behalf of the Google
company. Yet at that time a company called Google has not been established by Sergey and

The investment from Andy became a dilemma. Larry and Sergey are unlikely to present
checks as long as there is no legal institution named Google. Therefore, the two Google
founders are back to work hard in search of investment. They are looking for donors from
family, friends, and colleagues to collect about 1 million dollars. And finally, the Google
company can be established on September 7 th, 1998 and officially opened in Menlo Park,

Google's mission is to "collect the world's information and make it universally accessible and
useful." Google's philosophy includes slogans such as "Don't be evil", and "Work should
come and challenge it should be fun", depicting a relaxed corporate culture.

Currently Google is a leading company in the top 100 most desirable US companies, with an
employee of about 10,000.
1. Google makes it easy to search using relevant keywords. Just a few seconds as we type in a
keyword, google offers some popular and relevant keywords that you might want.
2. Sources of information, we can search all information about all fields presented in full in
the search engine box or search engine in google.
3. Communication tool, we can create an e-mail on gmail in google.
4. Media publications, we can publish a paper or our website for many users who see, by
registering it on google
5. The existence of web service support, where this feature can be software developer used by
the user.
6. Google also uses the indexing of a web page periodically. Such that
can help users while doing web updates.

1. internet access outside world (yaa you must understand what I mean) which is very easily
accessed by child under age
2. lack of protected access to certain sites that will produce viruses and periodically the virus
spreads in our computer.
3. Sometimes it raises irrelevant search results.
"and many other shortcomings."

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