Readings:: Markets Is Available Free of Charge

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It is highly recommended that you obtain the following books written and co-written by the lead
faculty for the course.
Khanna, Tarun. (2007). Billions of Entrepreneurs: How China and India Are Reshaping Their
Futures—and Yours. Harvard Business School Publishing (Boston, MA)
Khanna,Tarun and Krishna G. Palepu. Winning in Emerging Markets: A Roadmap for Strategy and
Execution. Harvard Business Press (Boston, MA), 2010. [The early chapters of this book introduce
a framework for thinking about entrepreneurial action. The rest of the book is only tangentially
applicable, so library reference may suffice.]
It is also highly recommended that you purchase the HBS Case Pack. Both individual cases and the
complete pack (at a bulk discount) are available.
One excerpt, "Spotting and Reponding to Institutional Voids," from Winning in Emerging
Markets is available free of charge here.
For this module, please also read the following online articles:
 Auletta, Ken. (March 2011). The Dictator Index: A Billionaire Battles a Continent’s Legacy
of Misrule. The New Yorker.
 7 Billion and Counting, by David E. Bloom, Science 333: 6042 (2011)
 Browse through summaries of the Human Development Report 2010—20th Anniversary
Other suggested readings without direct access online:

 • Easterly, William. (2006). The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the
Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
[Chapter 1: Planners and Searchers].
 • Sachs, Jeffrey. (2005). The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time. New
York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc. [Chapter 14: A Global Compact to End Poverty].
Recommended Readings
 • Bertrand, M., Djankov, S., Hanna, R., & Mullainathan, S. (2007). “Obtaining a driver’s
license in India: An experimental approach to studying corruption.” The Quarterly Journal
of Economics, 122(4), 1639–1676.
 • Sachs, Jeffrey, The End of Poverty. [Chapter 17: Why we should do it].
 • Easterly, William. The White Man's Burden. [Chapter 11: The Future of Western

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