HR Attrition Report

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Monthly Attrition Report - 2017

Employees Closing
Sr. Opening Joined Employees Balance
No. Month Balance Lef

1 January 27 3 1 29
2 February 29 1 5 25
3 March 25 4 2 27
4 April 27 1 0 28
5 May 28 0 6 22
6 June 22 12 3 31
7 July 31 1 2 30
8 August 30 1 0 31
9 September 31 1 2 30
10 October 30 1 1 30
11 November 30 1 1 30
12 December 30 1 2 29
t - 2017 Chart Title
Retention % Retention %
3.45% 96.55%
20.00% 80.00% 80.00%

7.41% 92.59%
0.00% 100.00% 60.00%

27.27% 72.73%
9.68% 90.32% 40.00%

6.67% 93.33%
0.00% 100.00% 20.00%

6.67% 93.33%
3.33% 96.67% 0.00%
y ry ri l ay ly t r
ar ar
ch ne Ju us be
3.33% 96.67% u ua Ap M Ju g
J an br M Au te
Fe ep
6.90% 93.10%
art Title

ly t r er r r
ne Ju us be b be be
Ju g m to
Au te Oc em em
ep N ov ec

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