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ANSWER KEY speakout Intermediate

Unit 1 Identity Unit 7 Success
Ex 1: 2 spare 3 come 4 lives 5 talking 6 families Ex 1: 2 ’d 3 so 4 but 5 makes 6 trying
Ex 2: 3 Mexican 4 London 5 Mexico 6 England 7 Canada Ex 2: 2D 3A 4B 5C 6B 7E
8 Toronto 9 Canada 10 Scottish 11 Irish 12 Scottish Ex 3: 2T 3F 4T 5F
13 southwest Scotland 14 Ireland 15 the NW of Ex 4: 2c 3a 4c 5b
England 16 Northern Ireland 17 Belfast Ex 5: 1c; 2 her grandmother/ c; 3 Nelson Mandela/ a
Ex 3: 1C 2E 3A 4F 5B 6D Ex 6: 2 built a 3 not only 4 out of 5 country 6 the skills
Ex 4: 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T 9T 10F Ex 7: 2 holding the country together 3 impressed with
Ex 5: Deletions: 1 of 2 mother’s 3 sister 4 history 5 lived in/ 4 bitter 5 empire 6 survived
born 6 of/----
Ex 6: 2 guess 3 as 4 similar 5 don’t 6 from 7 to 8 both Unit 8 Communities
9 quite 10 like 11 bit 12 a lot Ex 1: 2 a few 3 well 4 similar 5 quite 6 neighbours
Ex 2: 2D 3C 4B 5E 6A 7C
Unit 2 Tales Ex 3: Jane: 5; James: 8; Rosie: 1, 7, 9; Eddie: 4, 9;
Ex 1: 2 in 3 of 4 for 5 from 6 of 7 about 8 about 9 in Dawn: 2, 3, 6, 10
Ex 2: TV: B; the radio: B, F; the newspapers: B, D; Twitter: Ex 4: 2 as well 3 six a.m. 4 intruding 5 just 6 participating
A; other people: C, D, E; the internet: C, D, F; news 7 noise 8 upkeep 9 friendly
programmes: F Ex 5: 2a 3b 4c 5a 6c 7b
Ex 3: 1C 3E 4D 5 extra question 6B Ex 6: 2 varies 3 really quite 4 look like 5 very typical 6 Not
Ex 4: 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 7 even seen 8 at all
Ex 5: 2 on 3 can 4 bit 5 don’t 6 what 7 know 8 the 9 quite
10 suppose Unit 9 History
Ex 6: 1A 2B 3B Ex 1: 2 the 3 the 4 have 5 to 6 has
Ex 7: 2 headline-grabbing 3 critical consumer Ex 2: B Yes; C Yes; D No; E No; F No
4 biased 5 turn out 6 self-interest Ex 3: 2A 3C 4E 5F 6B
Ex 4A: 2A 3 – 4E 5C 6 – 7B
Unit 3 Contract Ex 4B: 2a 3b 4a 5a
Ex 1: 2 by 3 social 4 out 5 modern 6 with Ex 5A: Princess Diana, Friedrich Nietzsche, the moon landing,
Ex 2: email(s) ✓✓✓✓✓; mobile phone etc. ✓✓✓✓; face-to- the American War of Independence, September 11th
face ✓; letters ✓✓✓; have dinner ✓; postcards ✓; text Ex 5B: 2 about 3 the way 4 event 5 focus 6 define 7 nation
messages ✓ 8 to 9 definitely 10 before
Ex 3: 2T 3F 4T 5T 6T Ex 6: 1 I’d like to 2 would have 3 probably 4 to have/have
Ex 4: 1D 3C 4A 5D 6B been 5 would have liked
Ex 5: 2 given 3 not 4 used 5 should 6 for 7 worse 8 not
Ex 6: 1 in practice 2 lifeline 3 kind of 4 bandwagon 5 awful Unit 10 World
lot of 6 put across 7 a kind of Ex 1: 1 issues 2 concern 3 challenges
Ex 2: 1B 2A/C/E 3H 4F 5G 6E 7F 8B/F 9H 10F 11C 12D
Unit 4 Jobs Ex 3: 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7F
Ex 1: 2b 3a 4b Ex 4: 2 stop all the wars 3 talk to each other 4 more women
Ex 2: 2 Salvation Army minister 3 stand-up comedian Prime Ministers 5 wind farms 6 save natural resources
4 a brass instrument repairer 5 architectural 7 help the poor 8 change places with other people
technologist 6 history and maths teacher 7 student Ex 5: 2 peace 3 hopefully 4 conflict 5 chat 6 power
8 student nurse 7 nurturing 8 sorts 9 source
Ex 3: 2 a footballer 3 a cellist 4 a teacher/paediatrician Ex 6: 2 get 3 out 4 live 5 going 6 the 7 on the
5 a vet/solicitor 6 a guitarist Ex 7: 2 run out of 3 sort it out 4 on the other side
Ex 5: Susan: 2a; Philippe: 1b; Fawn: 1b 2a; Phil: 1b 2a 5 going through 6 get together 7 switch roles
Ex 6: 2 enough 3 When 4 of 5 performing 6 As 7 starting
8 Later on 9 finally 10 get

Unit 5 Solutions
Ex 1: 2 fixing 3 emotional 4 I’m talking 5 solving 6 yourself
Ex 2: 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 with some things
7 Most of the time
Ex 3: 1 One 2 Two 3 One 4 Two
Ex 4: 2T 1F 2F 1T 2F 1T 2F
Ex 5: 2E 3 B 4F 5 G 6C 7D
Ex 6: 2 be 3 because 4 like 5 know 6 stuff 7 do 8 being

Unit 6 Emotion
Ex 1: 2 good 3 sun 4 always 5 smile 6 feeling
Ex 2: The four extra words: worried, amazing, distressed,
Ex 3: 2g 3f 4a 5d 6b (e is the extra answer)
Ex 4: 2 optimist 3 both 4 optimist 5 pessimist 6 optimist
7 optimist
Ex 5: 2a 3a 4b 5a 6a
Ex 6: 2c 3a 4c
Ex 7: 1 generally / hope 2 ’d say/ mean 3 consider
4 Probably / like to

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