Stonehenge Is An Ancient

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Stonehenge is an ancient ................ monument. It's ............... 4000 years .........

and it's in the

south ........ England. Stonehenge is a group....... very big stones organised ....... two circles.
Some of the stones ..........13 metres tall and weigh more ........... 50 tonnes each. Some of the
stones come .......... about 250 kilometres away. There ........ different .......................... about
Stonehenge. Was it a ................................ temple? Was it an astronomical ................? or was it
a ................................?

Loch Ness is a very big .......... in Scotland. Some .................... think that the Loch Ness Monster
.................. in the ................. According to reports, the Loch Ness Moster has got a small .........
.a long ............. and a long ................... There are different theories about the Loch Ness
Monster. Is it ..................... a monster? Is it a type of .........................? or is it people's

Crop circles are patterns in ..................... They appear mysteriously at ........... and people see
the patterns in the .................. In the past, crop circle ...... often simple patterns.
Nowadays, the are often more complicate ......................................... or astronomical patterns.
There are different theories about crop .......... Do aliens ......... them? Do mini tornadoes make
...................... or do ............................. make them?

Welcome back¡ ......................................we were on ............. in the USA. We played in New

Yor, San Francisco and Los Angeles. It ......... lots of .......¡

............................................ we were back in the UK for ................ great ...................... We

played in Bristol and Manchester. Our ............................ fans ......................there to cheer us
on¡ Last .......................... was ................. There weren't .......... concerts and we ...............
time to ............................ our families and ....................

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