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HW 6

HW 6
Due: 11:59pm on Monday, June 11, 2018
You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy

Exercise 3.19 - Enhanced - with Solution

In a carnival booth, you win a stuffed giraffe if you toss a quarter into a small dish. The dish is on a shelf above the point where
the quarter leaves your hand and is a horizontal distance of 2.1 from this point (the figure ). If you toss the coin with a
velocity of 6.4 at an angle of 60 above the horizontal, the
coin lands in the dish. You can ignore air resistance.

You may want to review (Pages 75 - 82) .

For related problemsolving tips and strategies, you may want to view
a Video Tutor Solution of Height and range of a projectile i: a batted

Part A
What is the height of the shelf above the point where the quarter leaves your hand?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

= 1.5

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1 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Part B
What is the vertical component of the velocity of the quarter just before it lands in the dish?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

= -0.89

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2 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Problem 3.45

A jungle veterinarian with a blow-gun loaded with a tranquilizer dart and a sly 1.5- monkey are each a height 25 above
the ground in trees a distance 70 apart. Just as the hunter shoots horizontally at the monkey, the monkey drops from the
tree in a vain attempt to escape being hit.

Part A
What must the minimum muzzle velocity of the dart have been for the hunter to hit the monkey before it reached the
Express your answer using two significant figures.

= 31

Problem 3.58

In Canadian football, after a touchdown the team has the opportunity to earn one more point by kicking the ball over the bar
between the goal posts. The bar is 10.0 above the ground, and the ball is kicked from ground level, 36.0 horizontally from
the bar in . Football regulations are stated in English units, but convert to SI units for this problem.

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3 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Part A
There is a minimum angle above the ground such that if the ball is launched below this angle, it can never clear the bar,
no matter how fast it is kicked. What is this angle?

= 15.5

Part B
If the ball is kicked at 53.0 above the horizontal, what must its initial speed be if it is just to clear the bar? Express your
answer in .


= 11.9

Part C
What if this speed in .


= 42.8

Problem 3.47

In fighting forest fires, airplanes work in support of ground crews by dropping water on the fires. A pilot is practicing by
dropping a canister of red dye, hoping to hit a target on the ground below.

Part A
If the plane is flying in a horizontal path at an altitude of 99.0 above the ground and with a speed of 70.0 , at what
horizontal distance from the target should the pilot release the canister? Ignore air resistance.
Take free fall acceleration to be .


= 315

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4 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Problem 3.63

A physics professor did daredevil stunts in his spare time. His last stunt was an attempt to jump across a river on a motorcycle
(the figure ). The takeoff ramp was inclined at 53.0 , the river was
40.0 wide, and the far bank was 15.0 lower than the top of the
ramp. The river itself was 100 below the ramp. You can ignore air

Part A
What should his speed have been at the top of the ramp to have just made it to the edge of the far bank?

= 17.8

Part B
If his speed was only half the value found in part A, at what horizontal distance from the left bank did he land?

= 28.4

Exercise 3.23 - Enhanced - with Solution

The earth has a radius of 6380 and turns around once on its axis in 24 .

You may want to review (Pages 82 - 85) .

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5 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

For related problemsolving tips and strategies, you may want to view a Video Tutor Solution of Centripetal acceleration on a
curved road.

Part A

What is the radial acceleration of an object at the earth's equator? Give your answer in .


= 3.40×10−2

Part B
What is the radial acceleration of an object at the earth's equator? Give your answer as a fraction of .


= 3.40×10−3

Part C
If at the equator is greater than , objects would fly off the earth's surface and into space. What would the period of
the earth's rotation have to be for this to occur?

= 5070

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6 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Exercise 3.24

Dizziness. Our balance is maintained, at least in part, by the endolymph fluid in the inner ear. Spinning displaces this fluid,
causing dizziness. Suppose a dancer (or skater) is spinning at a very fast 2.8 revolutions per second about a vertical axis
through the center of his head. Although the distance varies from person to person, the inner ear is approximately 7.0 from
the axis of spin.

Part A

What is the radial acceleration (in ) of the endolymph fluid?

Express your answer to two significant figures.


= 22

Part B
What is the radial acceleration (in 's) of the endolymph fluid?

Express your answer to two significant figures.


= 2.2

Exercise 3.25

A jet plane comes in for a downward dive as shown in below. The bottom part of the path is a quarter circle with a radius of
curvature of 280 . According to medical tests, pilots lose
consciousness when they pull out of a dive at an upward
acceleration greater than 5.5 .

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7 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Part A
At what speed (in ) will the pilot black out for this dive?


= 120

Part B
At what speed (in ) will the pilot black out for this dive?


= 270

Exercise 3.28

The radius of the earth's orbit around the sun (assumed to be circular) is , and the earth travels around this
orbit in 365 days.

Part A
What is the magnitude of the orbital velocity of the earth in ?



Part B
What is the radial acceleration of the earth toward the sun?


Part C
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8 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

What is the magnitude of the orbital velocity of the planet Mercury (orbit radius , orbital period = 88.0


Part D
What is the radial acceleration of the Mercury?


Exercise 3.31 - Enhanced - with Solution

A "moving sidewalk" in an airport terminal building moves at a speed of 1.1 and is of length 34.0 . A woman steps on
at one end and walks at a speed 1.8 relative to the moving sidewalk.

You may want to review (Pages 86 - 90) .

For related problem-solving tips and strategies, you may want to view a Video Tutor Solution of Relative velocity on a straight

Part A
How much time does she require to walk from one end to the other if she walks in the same direction the sidewalk is

= 12

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9 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Part B
How much time does she require to walk from one end to the other if she walks opposite to the direction the sidewalk is
Express your answer using two significant figures.

= 49

Exercise 3.35

A river flows due south with a speed of 2.8 . You steer a motorboat across the river; your velocity relative to the water is
4.1 due east. The river is 770 wide.
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10 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

Part A
What is the magnitude of your velocity relative to the earth?
Express your answer with the appropriate units.

= 5.0

Part B
What is the direction of your velocity relative to the earth?

= 34 south of east

Part C
How much time is required to cross the river?
Express your answer with the appropriate units.

= 190

Part D
How far south of your starting point will you reach the opposite bank?
Express your answer with the appropriate units.

= 530

Exercise 3.36
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11 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM
HW 6

A river flows due south with a speed of 2.0 . A man steers a motorboat across the river. The river is 800 wide.

Part A
In which direction should the motorboat head in order to reach a point on the opposite bank directly east from the starting
point? (The boat's speed relative to the water is 4.2 .)

Express your answer using two significant figures.


= 28 north of east

Part B
What is the velocity of the boat relative to the earth?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

= 3.7

Part C
How much time is required to cross the river?

= 217

Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 99.0%.
You received 28.7 out of a possible total of 29 points.

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12 of 12 09-Jun-18, 8:04 PM

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