Vaccination Activity

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Vaccination Activity

Read the article on vaccines, and complete the following:

Tick the statements that appear in the text. Cross next to those you
think are wrong. The statements may be worded differently but have the
same meaning.

1. A vaccine is made from the same virus that causes the disease.
2. Some diseases mutate so quickly it is impossible to contain them by
3. Vaccines are cures for diseases.
4. Not all people can be vaccinated.
5. A vaccine triggers the body’s immune response to produce antibodies
(cells that fight off viruses).
6. Antibiotics can destroy viruses.

Tick the statements that you think are true from what the text says. Find
evidence in the text to support your answers.

1. The more people that are vaccinated against a disease, the harder it is
for a disease to spread.
2. A virus is altered before it is given in a vaccination.
3. There are no complete cures for viruses.
4. Your immune system remembers a virus from the vaccine it was given.

Tick the statements that you agree with, using what the author says and
what you know. Be prepared to back up your answers with reasons.

1. A virus is more destructive than a bacterial disease.

2. A vaccine is preventative; there is nothing that can be done once you
have the viral disease.
3. Vaccinations are the only defence against viral diseases.

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