Software Engineering

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Babu Banarasi Das University

Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &

Engineering (Software Engineering)
S Name Of Subject Code Credit Evaluation Scheme Sub. Weekly Load Deptt.
M Tota (Hrs) Concern
S Sessional Exam ESE l L T P -ed
E al
1 Advance Software Engineering MCS-003 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Principles & Practices
Object Oriented Software Engineering & MCS-004 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Probability and Statistical Analysis MAS-001 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 Maths
Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer MCS-001 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Elective I 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0
Software Agents MCS-005 CSE
Information Architecture MCS-006 CSE
Real Time and Concurrent Systems MCS-007 CSE
IT Infrastructure Management MCS-008 CSE
Mobile Computing MCS -058 CSE
Fundamentals of Operating System and MCS-002 CSE
DBMS (Compulsory for students of
non-cs background)

Object Oriented Modeling & Design Lab MCS-004P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Operating Systems Lab (Unix/Linux) MCS-002P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Seminar MCS-198 2 50 2
Total 900 20 0 6

2 Software Design and Testing MCS-009 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE

Web Semantics MCS-010 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Software Project Management MCS-011 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Elective II 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0
Elective III 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0
Software Reliability Engineering MCS-012 CSE
Software Architecture and Integration MCS-013 CSE
System Simulation and Modeling MCS-014 CSE
Agile Software Engineering MCS-015 CSE

Embedded System Theory & Design MCS-016 CSE
Requirements Elicitation and Analysis MCS-017 CSE
Software Reusability MCS-018 CSE
Formal Software Specifications MCS-019 CSE
Software Design and Testing Lab. MCS-009P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Web Semantic Lab MCS-010P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Seminar MCS-298 2 50 2
Total 900 20 0 6
3 State of the art seminar MCS-398 4 - 150 150
Thesis MCS-399 20 - 150 150 300 450
Total 600

4 Thesis MCS-499 24 - 300 300 600

Total 600
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
S Name Of Subject Code Credit Evaluation Scheme Sub Weekly Load Deptt.
M . (Hrs) Concern
S Sessional Exam ESE Tot L T P -ed
T CT TA Tot al
E al

1 Probability and Statistical Analysis MAS-001 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 Maths

Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer MCS-001 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Elective I 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0
Software Agents MCS-005 CSE
Information Architecture MCS-006 CSE
Real Time and Concurrent Systems MCS-007 CSE
IT Infrastructure Management MCS-008 CSE
Mobile Computing MCS -058 CSE
Fundamentals of Operating System and MCS-002 CSE
DBMS (Compulsory for students of
non-cs background)
Operating Systems Lab (Unix/Linux) MCS-002P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Total 500 12 0 2

Software Design and Testing MCS-009 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE

Software Project Management MCS-011 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Elective II 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0
Software Reliability Engineering MCS-012 CSE
2 Software Architecture and Integration MCS-013 CSE
System Simulation and Modeling MCS-014 CSE
Agile Software Engineering MCS-015 CSE
Software Design and Testing Lab MCS-009P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Total 500 12 0 2

3 Advance Software Engineering MCS-003 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE

Principles & Practices
Object Oriented Software Engineering & MCS-004 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE
Object Oriented Modeling & Design Lab MCS-004P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Seminar MCS-398 2 50 2
Total 400 8 0 4

4 Web Semantics MCS-010 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0 CSE

Elective III 4 30 20 50 100 150 4 0 0
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Embedded System Theory & Design MCS-016 CSE
Requirements Elicitation and Analysis MCS-017 CSE
Software Reusability MCS-018 CSE
Formal Software Specifications MCS-019 CSE
Web Semantic Lab MCS-010P 2 10 10 20 30 50 0 0 2 CSE
Seminar MCS-498 2 50 2
Total 400 8 0 4

5 State of the art seminar MCS-598 4 - 150 150

Thesis MCS-599 20 - 150 150 300 450
Total 600

6 Thesis MCS-699 24 - 300 300 600

Total 600
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MAS-001 Probability & Statistical Analysis

Definition, sample space, conditional probability, Baye’s theorem, Bernouli’s trials,
Asymptotic theorems, Poison’s theorem and random points.
Statistical Inference

Concept of Statistical Hypothesis, Types of hypothesis, Procedure of testing the

hypothesis, Types of Error, Level of Significance, Degree of freedom. Chi-Square
Test, Properties and Constants of Chi-Square Distribution. Student’s t-Distribution,
Properties & Applications of t-Distribution. Analysis of Variance, F-Test, Properties
& Applications of F-Test.
Non-Parametric Test

Introduction and Advantages of NP Test, Sign Test, Rank-Sum Test: Mann-Whitney

Test, One Sample Run Test, Kruskal-Wallis (H-Test).
Random Variable

Random Variables, Distribution and Density functions, Moment and Moment

generating functions, Independent Random Variables, Marginal and Conditional
Distributions, Conditional Expectation, Elements of stochastic processes,
Classification of general processes.
Queuing Theory

Single and Multiple server Markovian queueing models - customer impatience -

Priority queues - M/G/1 queueing system - queueing applications.

Reference books:
1. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes- A. Papoulis,
2. Probability, Random Variables and Estimation Theory for Engineers- H. Stark
and J.W. Woods, PHI
3. An Introduction to probability and Mathematical Statistics, Rohatgi V, Wiley
Eastern Ltd. New Delhi
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
4. An Introduction to Finite Markov Processes, Adke, S.R. and Munjunath, S.M.,
Wiley Eastern
5. Probability and Stochastic Processes-A friendly introduction for Electrical &
Computer Engineers, Roy D. Yates and David J. Goodman

MCS-003 Advance Software Engineering Principles and Practices


System Engineering: Computer based systems, system engineering hierarchy,
Information engineering, Information strategy planning, business area analysis,
product engineering, modeling the system architecture, system modeling and
simulation, system specification. Computer Based System Engineering: Emergent
system properties, systems and their environment, system modeling, system
engineering process, system procurement.


Design Concepts: Mapping of analysis model to design model, design process, design
principles, design concepts, effective modular design, design model, design
heuristics, design specification. Architectural Design Process: Transform mapping
and transaction mapping, design post processing, interface design, Human computer
interface design, and interface design guidelines, procedural design.


Real–time systems, definition, System consideration, Real time system analysis,
stimulation / Response systems, Real –time System model, system elements, Real –
time programming, system design, Real-time system modeling, RTOS, process
priority, process management, scheduling strategy, RT-Systems, design process,
monitoring and control system, Generic architecture, data acquisitions systems.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Overview of agent based Software Engineering Methodologies for agent based modeling.


CBSE: Component based software engineering, components and component models;
Component based software engineering process, Component Composition. Software
Reuse: Management issues, Reuse process, domain engineering, Building Reusable
Components classification and retrieving components.

Reference Books:

1. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach”, - 4th edition,

McGraw Hill Publications.

2. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, - 6th / 7th edition – Pearson Education


3. Shari Lawarence Pfleeger, “ Software Engineering Theory and Practices”, - 2nd Edition.

4. John W. Satzinger, Robert B Jackson, Stephen D Burd, “ System Analysis and Design in
Changing World”, Thomson Course Technology.

5. Richard Murch, Tony Johnson, “ Intelligent Software agents”. Prentice Hall

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-004 Object Oriented Software Engineering & UML

UNIT 1 :

Object Oriented Design and Modelling: Object Oriented Fundamentals, Objects

and object classes, object oriented design process, importance of modelling,
principles of modelling, object oriented modelling. Conceptual model of UML,
building blocks of UML, Mechanisms in UML, architecture, software development
life cycle. Basic Structural Modelling-Classes, relationships, common mechanisms,
class and object diagrams

Advanced structural Modelling, Advanced classes, Advanced relationships,
Interfaces types and roles, packages, instances and object diagrams.

Collaboration Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams, Terms, concepts and depicting a
message in collaboration diagrams. Terms and concepts in sequence diagrams.
Difference between collaboration and sequence. diagram. Depicting synchronous
messages with/without priority call back mechanism.

Basic Behavioral Modelling Interactions, use cases, Use Case Diagrams, Interaction
Diagrams and activity diagrams. Advanced behavioral modelling: Events and signals,
state machines, process and threads, Time and space, state chart diagrams.

Architectural Modelling: Terms, Concepts, examples, Modelling techniques for
component diagrams and deployment diagrams.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Reference Books:

1. Grandy Booch, James Rumbough, Ivar Jacobson. ‘ The Unified Modelling Language
User Guide.

Pearson Edutaion 2002.

2. Ian Sommerville, ‘ Software Engineering Sixth Edition’ 2003.

3. Meilir Page Jones, ‘ Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML’ , Addison

Wesley, 2000
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-001 Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science

Unit 1:

Mathematical Preliminaries: Set, Relations, Partial Orders, Well-ordered sets and

principle of Noetherian induction, Structural induction, Cardinality of Sets.
Propositional Calculus: Syntax and semantics, Hintikka's Lemma and Model
Existence Theorem, Model theory: Compactness, Lowenheim-skolem theorem,
normal forms, functional completeness, Semantic Tablaeux: soundness,
completeness and decidability, Hilbert style proof system, Sequent calculus.
Unit 2:
First-order logic: Syntax and semantics, Hintikka's Lemma and model existence
theorem, First-order semantic Tableaux: soundness and completeness, Hilbert style
proof system for FOL, deduction theorem, Sequent calculus
Unit 3:

Models of computation -- classification, properties and equivalences.

Regular languages models: finite state machines (deterministic and non-
deterministic), regular grammars, regular expressions, equivalence of deterministic
and non-deterministic machines and of the three models. Properties: closure,
decidability, minimality of automata, iteration theorems.
Unit 4:
Recursive and recursively enumerable sets models: turing machines, grammars,
recursive functions, their equivalence. Church's thesis. Properties: closure,
decidability, undecidablity/non-computability, notion of reductions.
Context-free languages models: grammars (including different normal forms),
pushdown automata, and their equivalence. Properties: closure, iteration theorems,
Unit 5:
Church's thesis, undecidability.
Computational complexity: time & tape bounds, time & tape bounded simulations,
notion of complexity classes, classes P & NP, NP-completeness, some natural NP-
complete problems.

Reference Books:

1. First-Order Logic, Raynold M. Smullyan. Springer-Verlag.

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
2. Introduction to Antomata Theory, Languages of Computations, J. E. Hopcroft
and J. Ullman. Addison Wesley.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS -058 Mobile Computing

Unit 1:

Evolution from 2G over 3G to 4G, Beyond 3G Network Architectures , Overview:

UMTS, HSPA (HSDPA and HSUPA), Introduction to Network Architecture, Air
Interface and Radio Network , LTE-Introduction, Network Architecture, Air Interface
and Radio Network, Basic Procedures, Summary and Comparison with HSPA.
802.16 WiMAX: Introduction, Network Architecture, The 802.16d Air Interface and
Radio Network The 802.16e Air Interface and Radio Network, Basic Procedures,
Summary and Comparison with HSPA and LTE, 802.16m: Complying with IMT
Advanced, 802.16j: Mobile Multi-hop Relay. 802.11 Wi-Fi: Introduction, Network
Architecture, The Air Interface – from 802.11b to 802.11n Air Interface and
Resource Management, Basic Procedures, Wi-Fi Security, Quality of Service:

Unit 2:

Network Capacity and Usage Scenarios, Usage in Developed Markets and Emerging
Economies, How to Control Mobile Usage. Per Minute Charging, Volume Charging,
Split Charging, Small-screen Flat Rates, Strategies to Inform Users When Their
Subscribed Data, Measuring Mobile Usage from a Financial Point of View, Cell
Capacity in Downlink, Current and Future Frequency Bands for Cellular Wireless
Cell Capacity in Uplink, Per-user Throughput in Downlink ,Per-user Throughput in
the Uplink Traffic Estimation Per User, Overall Wireless Network Capacity, Network
Capacity for Train Routes, Highways and Remote Areas, A Hybrid Cellular/Wi-Fi
Network for the Future.

Unit 3:
Voice over Wireless, Circuit-switched Mobile Voice Telephony, Circuit Switching, A
Voice-optimized Radio Network, The Pros of Circuit Switching, Packet-switched
Voice Telephony, Network and Applications are Separate in Packet-switched
Networks, Wireless Network Architecture for Transporting IP packets, Benefits of
Migrating Voice Telephony to IP, Voice Telephony Evolution and Service Integration,
Voice Telephony over IP: the End of the Operator Monopoly, SIP Telephony over
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Fixed and Wireless Networks, SIP Registration, Establishing a SIP Call between Two
SIP Subscribers, Session Description, The Real-time Transfer Protocol, Establishing
a SIP Call Between a SIP and a PSTN Subscriber Proprietary Components of a SIP
System, Network Address Translation and SIP, Voice and Related Applications over
IMS, IMS Basic Architecture, The P-CSCF, The S-CSCF and Application Servers, The I-
CSCF and the HSS, Media Resource Functions.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Unit 4:

Evolution of Mobile Devices and Operating Systems, Introduction: The ARM

Architecture, The x86 Architecture for Mobile Devices, From Hardware to Software,
The ARM Architecture for Voice-optimized Devices, The ARM Architecture for
Multimedia Devices, The x86 Architecture for Multimedia Devices, Hardware
Evolution: Chipset Process Shrinking, Displays and Batteries, Other Additional
Functionalities Multimode, Multifrequency Terminals, Wireless Notebook
Connectivity, Impact of Hardware Evolution on Future Data Traffic, The Impact of
Hardware Evolution on Networks and Applications Mobile Operating Systems and
APIs: Java and BREW, Symbian/S60, Windows Mobile, Linux: Maemo, Android and


Mobile Web 2.0, Applications and Owners, Overview, (Mobile) Web 1.0 – How
Everything Started, Web 2.0 – Empowering the User Web 2.0 from the User’s Point
of View, The Ideas Behind Web 2.0, Discovering the Fabrics of Web 2.0: Aggregation
AJAX, Open Application Programming Interfaces, Mobile Web 2.0 – Evolution and
Revolution of Web 2.0: The Seven Principles of Web 2.0 in the Mobile World,
Advantages of Connected Mobile Devices Offline Web Applications, The Mobile Web,
2D Barcodes and Image Recognition Walled Gardens, Mobile Web 2.0 and the Long
Tail, Web Page Adaptation for Mobile Devices(Mobile) Web 2.0 and Privacy: On-
page Cookies, Inter-site Cookies, Flash Shared Objects, Site Information Sharing,
Social Distribution Session Tracking Mobile Applications: Web Browsing, Audio,
Media Sharing, Video and TV Voice and Video Telephony, Widgets, Social Media,
Microblogging Location, Shopping, Mobile Web Servers

Reference Books:

1. “Beyond 3G: Bringing Networks, Terminals and the Web together”, Martin Sauter, Wiley.

2. “Mobile Computing”, Hasan Ammed, Mc GrawHill.

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-005 Software Agents

Unit 1:

Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Introduction to Intelligent Agent, Situated Agents:

Actions and Percepts, Proactive and Reactive Agents: Goals and Events, Challenging
Agent Environments: Plans and B: eliefs, Social Agents, Agent Execution Cycle,
Prometheus: A Brief Overview , System Specification, Architectural Design, Detailed
Design Guidelines for Using Prometheus, Agent-Oriented Methodologies

Unit 2

System Specification, Goal Specification , Identify Initial Goals , Goal

Refinement,Functionalities Scenario Development,Goal Step Details,Capturing
Alternative Scenarios,Interface Description Percepts and Actions , Data Checking for
Completeness and Consistency.

Architectural Design: Specifying the Agent Types Deciding on the Agent Types,
Grouping Functionalities, Review Agent Coupling – Acquaintance Diagrams, Develop
Agent Descriptors, Finalizing the architectural Design Overall System Structure
Identifying Boundaries of the Agent System Describing Percepts and Actions
Defining Shared Data Objects System Overview Diagram, Checking for Completeness
and Consistency Consistency between Agents and Functionalities, Consistency
between Interaction Diagrams, Scenariosand Protocols Consistency of
Communication Specifications Consistency between Descriptors and the System
Overview Diagram .


Detailed Design: Agents, Capabilities and Processes, Capabilities Agent Overview

Diagrams Process Specifications Develop Capability and Process Descriptors
Detailed Design: Capabilities, Plans and Events Capability Overview Diagrams Sub-
tasks and Alternative Plans Identifying Context Conditions Coverage and Overlap
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Events and Messages Action and Percept Detailed Design, Data Develop and Refine
Descriptors Checking for Completeness and Consistency Agent Completeness
Missing or Redundant Items Consistency between Artifacts Important Scenarios


Implementing Agent Systems Agent Platforms Example of Agent Capabilities Data

Messages/Events Plans Automatic Generation of Skeleton Code.

Reference Books:

1. “Beyond 3G: Bringing Networks, Terminals and the web together”, Martin Sauter,
Wiley Publications.

2. “ Mobile Computing Handbook: Mohammad Illayas, CRC Press

3. “ Wireless Internet and Mobile Computing: Interoperability and Performance

(Information and Communication Technology Series,),John Wiley & Sons.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-006 Information Architecture

About information architecture, What is information architecture? IAin a project,
Who does IA? IAfor non web, Before you start.

Understanding content Content you have, Content you need, Communicating about
content, Content planning Classification schemes

Understanding people Learning about your users, Analysing user research,
Communicating about users, How people look for info How people think about

Understanding content, Content you have, Content you need, Communicating about
content, Content planning, Classification schemes. Designing an information
architecture IA patterns, Labels and language How to create IA, Testing IA,
Communicating IA

Designing navigation, Navigation core, Navigation extras, Designing navigation,
Testing navigation, Communicating navigation.

Reference Books:
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
1. A Practical Guide to Information Architecture (Practical Guide Series), Five Simple
Steps LLP, 2010

2. Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web (2nd Edition) (Voices That
Matter), New Riders Publishing, 2009

3. Information Architecture with XML: A Management Strategy, John Wiley & Sons,
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)


Introduction: Definition, Issues in Real Time Computing, Structure of a Real

Time System, Task Classes


Characterizing Real Time Systems and Tasks: Introduction, Performance

measures for real time systems: Traditional performance measures, Performability,
Cost functions and hard Deadlines


Task Assignment and Scheduling: Introduction to Classical Uniprocessor

scheduling algorithms: Rate Monotonic, EDF algorithm, Task assignment, Fault
tolerant Scheduling


Real Time Databases: Basic definitions, Real time Vs General Purpose

databases, Main Memory databases, concurrency control issues, databases for hard
real time Systems

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Real Time Communication: Introduction, Architectural Issues, Protocols:
Contention based protocols, Token based protocols, Deadlines based protocols, Stop
and Go Multi-hop protocol, polled bus protocol, Hierarchical round robin protocol.

Reference Books:

1. A Practitioner’s Handbook for Real-Time Analysis: Mark H. Klein, Thomas

Ralya, Bill Pollak, Ray Obenza, Michael Gonzalez Harbour, Springer.
2. Software Design for Real-time Systems: J.E. Cooling, Prentice Hall.
3. Real-time systems design and analysis, an engineer's handbook, Phillip
Laplante, IEEE Computer Society Press
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)

Infrastructure Management Overview,Definitions, Infrastructure management
activities, Evolutions of Systems since 1960s (Mainframes-to-Midrange-to-PCs-to-
Client-server computing-to-New age systems) and their management, growth of
internet, current business demands and and their management, growth of internet,
current business demands and IT systems issues, complexity of today’s computing
environment, Total cost of complexity issues, Value of Systems management for

Preparing for Infrastructure Management Factors to consider in designing IT
organizations and IT infrastructure, Determining customer’s Requirements,
Identifying System Components to manage, Exist Processes, Data, applications,
Tools and their integration, Patterns for IT systems management, Introduction to
the design process for information systems, Models, Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Service Delivery Processes Service-level management, financial management and
costing, IT services continuity management, Capacity management, Availability


Service Support Processes Configuration Management, Service desk, Incident

management, Problem management, Change management, Release management.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Storage and Security Management Introduction Security, Identity management,
Single sign-on, Access Management, Basics of network security, LDAP fundamentals,
Intrusion detection, firewall, security information management. Introduction to
Storage, Backup & Restore, Archive & Retrieve, Space Management, SAN & NAS,
Disaster Recovery, Hierarchical space management, Database & Application
protection, Bare machine recovery, Data retention.

Reference Books:
1. Foundations of IT Service Management: based on ITIL, by Jan Van Bon, Van Haren
Publishing, 2nd edition 2005
2. Floyd Piedad, Michael Hawkins, “High Availability: Design, Techniques, and
Processes”, Prentice Hall, 2000
3. Harris Kern, Stuart Galup, Guy Nemiro, “IT Organization: Building a Worldclass
Infrastructure”, Prentice Hall, 2000
4. Rich Schiesser, “IT Systems Management: Designing, Implementing

MCS-004P Object Oriented Modeling & Design Lab

A) Object Oriented Programming Lab(USING C++)

Experiments should include but not limited to:

A complete C++ program Assignments corresponding to fundamental C++ features

like objects, classes, flexible declaration, dynamic initialization, reference variable,
inline, friend function, static member function Program introducing array, pointer to
member, pointer to function. Program illustrating fundamental OOP concept:
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance–single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical
Program on operator and function overloading, virtual function Program on files
and exception handling.

B) Object Oriented Programming Lab(USING JAVA )

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)

1. Assignments on class, constructor, overloading, inheritance, overriding

2. Assignments on wrapper class, vectors, arrays

3. Assignments on developing interfaces- multiple inheritance, extending interfaces

4. Assignments on creating and accessing packages

5. Assignments on multithreaded programming, handling errors and exceptions,

applet programming and graphics programming
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-009 Software Design and Testing

Review of Software Engineering: Overview of software evolution, design models,

Development life cycle, unit and system testing, project management, maintenance,
Concept of Software verification, validation and testing. V & V and their Limitations:
Theoretical Foundations; Impracticality of Testing All data; Impracticality of Testing
All Paths; No Absolute Proof of Correctness.


The Role of V & V in Software Evolution: Types of Products, Requirements;

Specifications, Designs, Implementations, Changes, V & V Objectives, Correctness,
Consistency, Necessity, Sufficiency, Performance. Software Reliability and Quality
Assurance: Software reliability, validation, safety and hazards analysis; features
affecting quality of software. Concepts and importance of quality assurance,
Software quality assurance strategies, FTR, structured walk through techniques.

Software V & V Approaches and their Applicability: Software Technical Reviews,
Software Testing: Levels of Testing, Module, Integration, System, Regression,
Testing Techniques and their Applicability, Functional Testing and Analysis,
Structural Testing and Analysis.

Error-Oriented Testing and Analysis, Hybrid Approaches, Integration Strategies,
Transaction Flow Analysis, Stress Analysis, Failure Analysis, Concurrency Analysis,
Performance Analysis, Proof of Correctness, Simulation and Prototyping,
Requirements Tracing.

Software V & V Planning, Identification and Selection Techniques: Requirements,

Specifications, Designs, Implementations, Changes, Organizational Responsibilities,

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Development Organization, Independent Test Organization, Software Quality
Assurance, Independent V & V Contractor, V & V Standards, Integrating V & V
Approaches, Problem Tracking, Tracking Test Activities, Assessment.

Reference Books:

1. Effective Methods for Software Testing; William Perry, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

2. Software Testing; Marc Roper, McGraw-Hill Book Co., London, 1994.

3. Testing Computer Software; Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, Nguyen Quoc, 2nd ed.Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.

4. Software Testing (2nd Edition) by Ron Patton , Pearson Education.

MCS-010 Web Semantics


Semantics for the Semantic Web: The Implicit, the Formal, and the Powerful, The
Human Semantic Web: Shifting from Knowledge Push to Knowledge Pull, General
Adaptation Framework: Enabling interoperability for Industrial Web Resources.

A Survey on Ontology Creation Methodologies, A Tool for Working with Web
Ontologies, An Ontology-Based Multimedia , Annotator for the Semantic Web of
Language Engineering

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
A Layered Model for Building Ontology Translation Systems. Querying the Web
Reconsidered: Design Principles for Versatile Web Query Languages.

Semantic E-Business, A Distributed Patient Identification Protocol Based on

Control Numbers with Semantic Annotation, Static and Dynamic Semantics of the
Web, Sources of Dynamic Semantics, Web Agents Make Use of Dynamic Semantics,
Information Retrieval and Theorem-Proving Perspectives.

Semantic Annotation for Web Content Adaptation, External Annotation Framework,
Annotation-Based Transcoding System, HTML Page Splitting for Small-Screen

Reference Books:

1. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, “Internet and World Wide Web – How to Program”,
Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2. Eric Ladd, Jim O’ Donnel, “Using HTML 4, XML and JAVA”, Prentice Hall of India .

3. Aferganatel, “Web Programming: Desktop Management”, PHI, 2004.

4. Rajkamal, “Web Technology”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001.

MCS-011 Software Project Management

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Planning fundamentals-major issues in software project planning –planning
activities -Project master schedule-software risk management –risk monitoring –
risk analysis

Software cost- major issues in estimating software cost- cost estimation method-
Experience based model- parameter based model- COCOMO- versions of COCOMO –
Software size estimating – function points – software project schedule – Raleigh

Function organization – project organization – matrix organization – staffing quality
replacement – turnover management.

Directing a software engineering project – issues – activities conflict management .
Issues in controlling software project- controlling activities threads of control- Work
breakdown structures- earned value tracking.

Team Software Process TSPi Overview: What is TSPi? TSPi Principles, the TSPi
Design, TSPi Structure and Flow the TSPi Process, the Textbook Structure and Flow.
The Logic of the Team Software Process: Why Projects Fail, Common Team
Problems, What is Team? Building Effective Teams, How Teams Develop, How TSPi
Builds Teams.

Reference Books:

1. Watts S. Humphrey “Introduction to the Team Software Process(sm)”, Carnegie-

Mellon University, Addison Wesley Professional.

2. Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell; Software Project Management, third edition, Tata

McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.

3. Pankaj Jalote; Software Project Management in Practice, Pearson Education Asia.

Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
4. Watts S. Humphrey; Winning with Software – An Executive Strategy, Pearson
Education Asia.

5. Software Engineering Project Management: Richard Thayer, IEEE Computer




Software Reliability: Basic Ideas of Software Reliability, Computation of software

reliability, classes of software reliability models.


Time Dependent Software Reliability Models: Time between failure reliability

Models, Fault Counting Reliability Models.


Time Independent Software Reliability Models: Fault injection model of Software



Input Domain Reliability Model, Orthogonal defect classification, Software

availability Models.

Software Reliability Modeling: A general procedure for reliability modeling.
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Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Reference Books:

1. Hoang Pham, Software Reliability, Springer Verlag, New York.

2. Jhon D. Musa, Software Reliability Engineered Testing, Mc. Graw Hill , New York.

3. Doron Reled, Software Reliability Methods, Springer Verlag, New York

4. R. Ramakumar, Reliability Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice

Hall, New Delhi.
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Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)

MCS-013 Software Architecture and Integration


Software Architecture terms: Component, Relationship, View, Architectural Styles,

Frameworks, Patterns, Methodologies, Processes, Functional and Non-functional
Properties of Software Architectures

Enabling Techniques for Software Architecture: Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Information Hiding, Modularization Separation of Concerns, Coupling and Cohesion,
Sufficiency, Completeness and Primitiveness Separation of Policy and
Implementation, Separation of Interface and Implementation


Architectural Styles: Pipes and Filters, Data Abstraction and Object-Orientation,

Event-Based, Implicit Invocation, Layered Systems, Repositories, Interpreters,
Process Control, Heterogeneous Architectures

Software Implementation - development environment facilities: code generation,
reverse engineering, profiling, software libraries, testing and debugging


Software Quality: Changeability, Efficiency, Interoperability, Reliability, Testability,

Reusability, Fault tolerant software.

Reference Books:

1. M. Shaw: Software Architecture Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline, Prentice-

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Engineering (Software Engineering)
2. Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman: Software Architecture in Practice, Pearson

Education Asia.


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Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)

When Simulation is the Appropriate Tool; When Simulation Is Not Appropriate;

Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation; Areas of Application; Systems and
System Environment; Components of a System; Discrete and Continuous Systems;
Model of a System; Types of Models; Discrete-Event System Simulation; Steps in a
Simulation Study.



Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation: The Event-Scheduling / Time-Advance

Algorithm, World Views, Manual simulation Using Event Scheduling. Properties of
Random Numbers; Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers; Techniques for
Generating Random Numbers; Tests for Random Numbers.



Inverse Transform technique: Exponential Distribution, Uniform Distribution,

Discrete Distributions; Acceptance-Rejection Technique: Poisson Distribution. Data
Collection; Identifying the distribution with Data; Parameter Estimation; Goodness
of Fit Tests; Selecting Input Models without Data; Multivariate and Time-Series
Input Models.



Model Building: Verification and Validation; Verification of Simulation Models;

Calibration and Validation of Models. Types of Simulations with Respect to Output
Analysis; Stochastic Nature of Output Data; Measures of Performance and Their
Estimation; Output Analysis for Terminating Simulations; Output Analysis for
Steady-State Simulations.
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Engineering (Software Engineering)


Introduction: Simulation Tools; Model Input; High-Level Computer-System

Simulation; CPU Simulation; Memory Simulation.

Reference Books:

1. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Barry L. Nelson, David M. Nicol, "Discrete-Event

System Simulation",Third Edition, Prentice-Hall India

2. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, "Simulation Modeling and Analysis" Third

Edition, McGrawHill.

3. Geoffrey Gordon, "System Simulation", Second Edition, Prentice-Hall India.

MCS-015 Agile Software Engineering



Introduction to Agile Methodology, The Quality Agenda, Do We Really Need All This
Mountain of Documentation? The Human Factor, Some Agile Methodologies,
Dynamic Systems Development Method, Feature-Driven Design, Crystal Agile
Modeling, SCRUM.


Extreme Programming Outlined, Some Guiding Principles, The Five Values,

Communication Feedback, Simplicity Courage, The 12 Basic Practices of XP 25,Test-
First Programming, Pair Programming, On-Site Customer, The Planning Game,
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Engineering (Software Engineering)
System Metaphor, The Evidence for XP Evidence for Test First, Evidence for Pair
Programming, Evidence for XP.


Foundations: People and Teams Working Together, Software Engineering in Teams,

Personalities and Team Success, Observations of Team Behavior in XP Projects,
Setting Up a Team, Developing Team Skills, Training Together, Finding and Keeping
a Client for a University-Based Project or a Small Business Start-Up, The
Organizational Framework, Planning PERT (Program Evaluation and Review
Technique) , Gantt Charts 62


Starting an XP Project, Project Beginnings, Researching the Business Background,

Exploring the Outline System Description via Contents, The First Meetings with the
Client, Business Analysis and Problem Discovery, The Initial Stages of Building a
Requirements Document , Techniques for Requirements Elicitation, Identifying
Stories and Preparing to Build, Looking at the User Stories, Collections of Stories


XP Architectures and Patterns, Finite State Machines, Extreme Modeling (XM),

Multiple Stories and XXMs, Building the Architecture to Suit the Application: A
Dynamic System Metaphor, Another Look at Estimation. Testing Internet
Applications and Web Sites. Units and Their Tests, Basic Considerations, Unit
Testing, Writing Unit Tests in JUniti.

Reference Books:

1.Kent Beck, "Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Changes" Addison Wesley, 1999
2. Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle, "Agile Software Development with SCRUM" Prentice
Hall, 2002 ISBN 0- 13-067634-9

3. Jim Highsmith, "Agile Software Development Ecosystems" Addison Wesley, 2002

4. Alistair Cockburn, "Agile Software Development" Addison Wesley, 2002
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
5. Robert Martin, "Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices"
Prentice Hall, 2003.

MCS-016 Embedded System Theory & Design

Unit 1
Network Embedded Systems: An Introduction Networked Embedded Systems: An
Overview, Middleware Design and Implementation for Networked Embedded

Unit 2
Wireless Sensor Networks

Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks, Architectures for Wireless Sensor

Networks Overview of Time Synchronization Issues in Sensor Networks ,Resource-
Aware Localization in Sensor Networks, Power-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor
Networks, Energy-Efficient MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
,Distributed Signal Processing in Sensor Networks Sensor Network Security
Wireless Sensor Networks Testing and Validation Developing and Testing of
Software for Wireless Sensor Networks

Unit 3

Automotive Networked Embedded Systems Trends in Automotive Communication

Systems, Time-Triggered Communication Controller Area Networks for Embedded
Systems FlexRay Communication Technology LIN Standard, Standardized System
Software for Automotive Applications ,Volcano: Enabling Correctness by Design

Unit 4
Networked Embedded Systems in Industrial Automation Fieldbus Systems:
Embedded Networks for Automation, Real-Time Ethernet for Automation
Applications, Configuration and Management of Networked Embedded Devices,
Networked Control Systems for Manufacturing: Parameterization, Differentiation,
Evaluation and Application, Wireless LAN Technology for the Factory Floor:
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Engineering (Software Engineering)
Challenges and Approaches, Wireless Local and Wireless Personal Area Network
Communication in Industrial Environments, Hybrid Wired/Wireless Real-Time
Industrial Networks Wireless Sensor Networks for Automation, Design and
Implementation of a Truly-Wireless Real-Time Sensor/Actuator Interface for
Discrete Manufacturing Automation.

Networked Embedded Systems in Building Automation and Control Data
Communications for Distributed Building Automation

Reference Books:

1. H.Kopetz, “ Real Time Systems”, Kluwer, 1997.

2. R. Gupta, “Co-synthesis of hardware and software for embedded systems”,

Kluwer, 1996.

MCS-017 Requirements Elicitation and Analysis

Unit 1:

Introduction: Introduction to Requirements Engineering , Misconceptions about

Requirements Engineering , Industrial Challenges in Requirements Engineering, Key
Success Factors in Requirements Engineering, Characteristics of a Good
Requirement, Quality and Metrics in Requirements Engineering.
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Engineering (Software Engineering)

Unit 2:
Requirements Engineering Artifact Modeling, Using the Artifact Model, Eliciting
Requirements, Issues and Problems in Requirements Elicitation, Requirements
Elicitation Methods: Business Goals, Ethnographic Techniques, Quality Function
Deployment (QFD) Method, Customer-Specific Business Rules.


Requirements Modeling: Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MDRE)-

Advantages, Estimate Project Size and Cost, Rapid Review of Business Processes and
Requirements Relationships, Metrics for Quality and Progress, Prerequisites for
Using MDRE, MDRE Processes, Elicitation and Analysis Model Heuristics,
Determining Model Completeness, Transitioning from Analysis to Design, Design
Model Structure.

Unit 4:

Quality Attribute Requirements: Methods for Architectural Requirements

Engineering, Testing ASRs. Requirements Engineering for Platforms: Derive the
NFRs for the Software Platform Requirements Management: Routine Requirements
Management Activities, Identifying Volatile Requirements, Establishing Policies For
Requirements Processes And Supporting Them With Workflow Tools, Guidelines,
Templates And Examples, Traceability, Measurement and Metrics: Project Metrics,
Quality Metrics. Scalability.

Unit 5:

Requirements-Driven System Testing: RE Inputs for Testing, Model-Based Testing,

Testing Performance and Scalability Requirements, Rules of Thumb/Best Practices.

Rapid Development Techniques for Requirements Evolution: When to Prototype,

Requirements Engineering and Prototype Development in Parallel, Identify and
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Engineering (Software Engineering)
Eliminate Stakeholder Conflicts, Rapid Iteration of Requirements/Stakeholder

Reference Books:

1. “Software & Systems Requirements Engineering: In Practice”, Brian

Berenbach, Daniel J. Paulish, Juergen Kazmeier, Arnold Rudorfer, McGraw Hill.

MCS-018 Software Reusability

Unit 1:

Introduction: An overview of software components and its reusability / refactoring,

Defining Refactoring, Why Should You Refactor?, Refactoring Helps You Find Bugs,
When Should You Refactor?, What Do I Tell My Manager? Problems with
Refactoring, Refactoring and Design, Refactoring and Performance, Where Did
Refactoring Come From?


Software Reuse: Introduction and Motivation, Benefits of Software Reuse, Obstacles

to Software Reuse

Unit 3:
Technical Aspects of Software Reuse, Reuse Facets, Reuse Substances, Reuse Scopes,
Reuse Techniques, Reuse Intentions, Reuse Products.
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Engineering (Software Engineering)
Unit 4:

Nontechnical Aspects of Software Reuse: Legal Issues, Economic Issues,

Organizational Issues, Measurement Issues.

Unit 5:

Building Reusable assets: Usability, usefulness, Acquiring reusable assets, Domain

engineering lifecycles, Domain Analysis: Basic Concepts, Domain Scoping, Anatomy
of a Domain component, Abstraction and domain analysis.

Reference Books:

1. Software Engineering with Reusable Components, Springer, 2001

2. Reuse-Based Software Engineering: Techniques, Organizations, and Controls,

John Wiley & Sons, 2001
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)

MCS-019 Formal Software Specifications

Unit 1:
Propositional and Predicate Logic: Introduction to Propositions & Predicate Logic,
An Introduction to Specification in VDM-SL.

Unit 2
Introduction to UML, Specifying the Operations, Specifying the State Specifying
Functions, A Standard Template for VDM-SL Specifications.

Unit 3

Sets: Introduction, Sets for System Modeling, Declaring Sets in VDM-SL, Defining
Sets in VDM-SL Implementing Sets: Introduction, The Collection Classes of Java,
Using a Vector to Implement a Set. Sequences: Introduction, Notation, Sequence
Operators, Defining a Sequence by Comprehension, Using the Sequence Type in
VDM-SL, Specifying a Stack, Specifying the State of the Stack, Specifying the
Operations on the Stack.

Unit 4:

Composite Objects: Defining Composite Object Types, Composite Object operators,

Implementing Composite Objects. Maps: Introduction and Implementation, Using
the Map Type in VDM-SL, Using the Map Type in VDM-SL.

Unit 5:
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Engineering (Software Engineering)
Case Study Part 1: Specification (Introduction, The Requirements Definition, The
Informal Specification, The Formal Specification) Case Study Part 2: Implementation
(Developing and Using a Class with any suitable example. )

Reference Books:

1. Formal Software Development, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003

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Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS -001 Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science

Unit 1:

Mathematical Preliminaries: Set, Relations, Partial Orders, Well-ordered sets and

principle of Noetherian induction, Structural induction, Cardinality of Sets.
Propositional Calculus: Syntax and semantics, Hintikka's Lemma and Model
Existence Theorem, Model theory: Compactness, Lowenheim-skolem theorem,
normal forms, functional completeness, Semantic Tablaeux: soundness,
completeness and decidability, Hilbert style proof system, Sequent calculus.
Unit 2:
First-order logic: Syntax and semantics, Hintikka's Lemma and model existence
theorem, First-order semantic Tableaux: soundness and completeness, Hilbert style
proof system for FOL, deduction theorem, Sequent calculus
Unit 3:

Models of computation -- classification, properties and equivalences.

Regular languages models: finite state machines (deterministic and non-
deterministic), regular grammars, regular expressions, equivalence of deterministic
and non-deterministic machines and of the three models. Properties: closure,
decidability, minimality of automata, iteration theorems.
Unit 4:
Recursive and recursively enumerable sets models: turing machines, grammars,
recursive functions, their equivalence. Church's thesis. Properties: closure,
decidability, undecidablity/non-computability, notion of reductions.
Context-free languages models: grammars (including different normal forms),
pushdown automata, and their equivalence. Properties: closure, iteration theorems,
Unit 5:
Church's thesis, undecidability.
Computational complexity: time & tape bounds, time & tape bounded simulations,
notion of complexity classes, classes P & NP, NP-completeness, some natural NP-
complete problems.

Reference Books:

3. First-Order Logic, Raynold M. Smullyan. Springer-Verlag.

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Engineering (Software Engineering)
4. Introduction to Antomata Theory, Languages of Computations, J. E. Hopcroft
and J. Ullman. Addison Wesley.
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Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS -002 Fundamentals of Operating System and DBMS

Unit 1:

Introduction to operating systems.

Process management: process synchronization and mutual exclusion, two process
solution and Dekker's algorithm, semaphores, examples (producer-consumer,
readers-writer, dining philosophers, etc.).
CPU scheduling: multiprogramming and time sharing, scheduling approaches (SJF,
FIFO, round robin, etc.).
Input/Output: device controllers and device drivers, disks, other devices.
Unit 2:
Memory management: with and without swapping, virtual memory - paging and
segmentation, page replacement algorithms, implementation.

File systems: FS services, disk space management, directory and data structure.

Deadlocks: modeling, detection and recovery, prevention and avoidance.

Unit 3:

Introduction to database systems.

The entity-relationship model : Beyond the ER Model, Entities, Attributes, and Entity
Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Additional Features of the ER Model, Key
Constraints, Participation Constraints, Weak Entities, Class Hierarchies Aggregation,
Conceptual Database Design With the ER Model, Entity versus Attribute, Entity
versus Relationship, Binary versus Ternary Relationships, Aggregation versus
Ternary Relationships, Conceptual Design for Large Enterprises.
The relational model: Introduction to the Relational Model, Integrity Constraints
over Relations, Key Constraints, Foreign Key Constraints, General Constraints,
Enforcing, Integrity Constraints, Querying Relational Data, Logical Database Design:
ER to Relational, Introduction to Views , Destroying/Altering Tables and Views
Unit 4:

Relational algebra and calculus: Relational Algebra, Selection and Projection, Set
Operations, Renaming, Joins, Division, Relational Calculus, Tuple Relational Calculus,
Domain Relational Calculus, Expressive Power of Algebra and Calculus
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
Sql: queries, programming, triggers, The Form of a Basic SQL Query, Expressions
and Strings in the SELECT Command, UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT, Nested
Queries, Aggregate Operators, Null Values, Embedded SQL, Cursors, ODBC and JDBC,
Complex Integrity Constraints in SQL-Triggers and Active Databases, Constraints
versus Triggers.
The Memory Hierarchy, RAID, Data Striping, Redundancy, Disk Space Management,
Files and Indexes.
File organizations and indexes: Cost Model, Heap Files, Sorted Files, Hashed Files,
Choosing a File Organization, Indexes, Properties of Indexes. Tree-structured
indexing: Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM), B+ Trees, Format of a Node,
Search Insert, Delete. Hash-based indexing: Static Hashing, Extendible Hashing,
Linear Hashing, Extendible Hashing versus, Linear Hashing.
Evaluation of relational operators: Introduction to Query Processing, The Selection
Operation, General Selection Conditions, The Projection Operation, The Join
Operation, The Set Operations, Aggregate Operations. Introduction to query
optimization: Overview of Relational Query Optimization, System Catalog in a
Relational DBMS. A typical relational query optimizer: Translating SQL Queries into
Algebra, Estimating the Cost of a Plan, Relational Algebra Equivalences,
Enumeration of Alternative Plans, Nested Subqueries, Other Approaches to Query
Unit 5:
Schema refinement and normal forms: Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms,
Decompositions, Normalization, Other Kinds of Dependencies.
Introduction to Database Security, Access Control, Discretionary Access Control,
Mandatory Access Control
Transaction management overview: The Concept of a Transaction, Transactions and
Schedules, Concurrent Execution of Transactions, Lock-Based Concurrency Control,
Introduction to Crash Recovery. Lock-Based Concurrency Control Revisited, Lock
Management, Specialized Locking Techniques, Transaction Support in SQL,
Concurrency Control without Locking.
Crash recovery: Recovering from a System Crash, Media Recovery, Other Algorithms
and Interaction with Concurrency Control.
Reference Books:

1. Operating System Concepts, J. Peterson, A. Silberschatz, and P. Galvin.

Addison Wesley.
2. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, A. V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J. D.
Ullman. Addison-Wesley.
Babu Banarasi Das University
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Engineering (Software Engineering)
3. Fundamentals of Data Base Systems, R. El. Masri and S. B. Navathe.
Benjamin Cummings.
4. Database System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S.
Babu Banarasi Das University
Course Structure and Syllabi for M. Tech. – Computer Science &
Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-009P Software Design and Testing Lab

List of experiments will cover the following testing techniques:

Black box testing , White box testing , Unit testing , Incremental integration testing ,
Integration testing , Functional testing , System testing , End to End testing , Sanity
testing or smoke testing , Regression testing ,Acceptance testing , Load / stress /
performance testing , Usability testing , Install / Uninstall testing , Recovery /
failover testing , Security testing , Compatibility testing , Exploratory testing , Ad-hoc
testing , Context driven testing , Comparison testing , Alpha testing , Beta testing,
Mutation testing.

MCS-010P Web Semantic Lab

Graphically design RDF instance documents, RDFS vocabularies, and OWL

ontologies then output them in either RDF/XML or N-Triples formats.

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Engineering (Software Engineering)
MCS-002P Operating System Lab (Unix/Linux)

Unix commands.

Basic File IO File Descriptors, open, creat, close, lseek, read and write Functions,
Atomic Operations, dup Function, fcntl, ioctl Function, dev/fd

Files and Directories: stat, fstat, and lstat Functions, File Types, File Access
Permissions, Ownership of New Files and Directories, umask Function chmod and
fchmod Functions, Sticky Bit, chown, fchown, and lchown Functions, File Size, File
Truncation, Filesystems, link, unlink, remove, and rename Functions, Symbolic
Links, symlink and readlink Functions, File Times, utime Function, mkdir and rmdir
Functions, Reading Directories, chdir, fchdir, and getcwd Functions, Special Device
Files * sync and fsync Functions.

Standard I/O Library: Streams and FILE Objects, Standard Input, Standard Output,
and Standard Error, Buffering, Opening a Stream, Reading and Writing a Stream,
Formatted I/O.

Processes: main Function, Environment Variables, setjmp and longjmp Functions,

getrlimit and setrlimit Functions. fork Function, vfork Function, exit Functions, wait
and waitpid, exec Functions. Threads.

Basic Interprocess Communication: Pipes, popen and pclose Functions, Coprocesses,

FIFOs, IPC, Identifiers and Keys, Message Queues, Semaphores, Shared Memory.

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. W. Richard

Stevens, Stephen A. Rago, Addison-Wesley.

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