Dynamic Tower, Dubai: - Ayush Gangwar

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Dynamic Tower ,Dubai

-Ayush Gangwar

Previous such models: A comparative study

Suite Vollard, Actual Image Floor plan Differences with Similarities

CURITIBA, BRAZIL The Dynamic Tower

Finished in 2004. 15 Scale of The Dynamic Both have a

floors out of which 11 Tower is very large . In
apartment floors with
Suite Vollard , the
central core
independently rotating and a similar
units. Each floor rotates things requiring water
360 degrees, completely connections are in the concept of
independent of all the static core. building
other floors. Apartments The
sell for $400,000 each.

Heliotrope House,Germany Actual image

Designed by “solar architect” Rolf
Disch, it rotates very slowly, just
enough to track the sun and ensure the
sail-shaped solar energy collector on
the roof receives the optimum amount
of sunlight.

Background set-up


Economic Dynamic Social

reasons Impacts


Brief Introduction: Factual data

Rotation speed:0.667
Height:420 mts Why Dubai

Entire floor plan:

1-20 :retail space,
21-35:hotel, plans:1,200,000kw
35-70: residential apartments
Expected to be generated
70-80: luxury villa-style

Economic benefits :boost to

tourism , cost of construction
Time of construction:22
Prefabrication concept is lower than normal ,office
,hotel spaces will have high

Mechanism of Rotation
Available Information
The rotation was supposed to happen from the steel bearing rings. The
diameter of the core is around 22 mts approx. and the power of 4 kw
is required. Each floor will rotate a maximum of 6 metres per minute,
or one full rotation in 90 minutes.
Proposed mechanism
The mechanism of rotation is that there is a drive system located at the base of each floor .
The bearing ring and air cushion will help in rotating the tower smoothly .A few options
available to power the rings is to install a motor at every floor .There an be a main generator
installed at the base of the building .A shaft running to the entire lengtH of the building would
rotate continuously .whenever the user wants to rotate the floor he can simply connect his
floor level to the main shaft

The estimated power is estimated as 4 kw as recorded by the architect
as in .So going by this data , angular velocity:2/90
=6.28571/5400=0.001164 rad/sec power required per sec= 66.67 W
therefore torque required=66.67/0.001164=57273.76864 Nm.

Core and Floor patterns
Core :top view Floor with 4
Floor with 8 apartments


Problems of electrical and water connectivity

• It would be better if the water connection

requiring areas like washroom and kitchens are
adjacent to the core .slots can be made in the
core in alignment with the pipelines .Eg ,on the
floors with 8 flats , eight slots in the core can be
made at reasonable distances, which would be
connected to the main water supply .And inside
each apartment ,smaller water storage contains
having a volume sufficient ot support a family can
be installed .Whenever ,these subtanks are empty
,they can be refilled from one of those hoses in
the core .
Wind turbines and solar panels

• The concept of VAWTs in between the floors and

attaching solar cells on the floor tops will generate
enough power to not only satisfy the electricity needs
of itself but also other buildings as well.
• Each turbine can produce 0.3 megawatt of electricity,
compared to 1-1.5 megawatt generated by a normal
vertical turbine (windmill). Considering that Dubai gets
4,000 wind hours annually, the turbines incorporated
into the building can generate 1,200,000 kilowatt-hour
of energy.

Sustainable nature and contradiction

• Vertical axis wind turbines will be attached in between each of the floors and solar panels will be
attached to the floors. Now the idea of attaching the wind turbines in between the floors looks
very intuitive and vague. There are a lot of concerns regarding the amount of power generated
from the solar panels. Going by the concept of rotation, people will try to align their floor in the
best possible way and more or so ,their alignment will Co-inside . Like for example, in the morning,
most of them will be aligned in the direction facing the sun. So ,as the result ,the area of solar
panels which will be exposed for sufficient generation of solar energy is in deep question. Also, the
dust storms in Dubai will give it a high time for the maintainence of the panels .Then ,in the
generation of windmills, a sufficient amount of thickness ,length and exposure is required for the
generation of energy of a measureable amount.Being in between floors ,the wind velocity for the
turbine will be reduced and wind velocity is an important factor for generation of wind
energy.(energy generated from wind mill is proportional to cube of the velocity.).It will also depend
on the surrounding of the site where the tower will be constructed.If there are a number of
obstructions nearby then the energy generated will reduce drastically .The tower would have to be
constructed in a far area will lesser obstructions. As the wind and solar systems work continuously
,their costs can be eventually extracted In the long run. However ,their extra maintainence costs in
a place like Dubai can be a problem where due to dust storms ,the solar panels will be all covered
with dust reducing their efficiency .That would have to be taken care of.There are around 100
sandstorms per year ,some of them are quite severe.

Problems in India for accomplishment of these type of structures in India

Indian laws related

to taxes and

Economic Technological
weakness backwardness

Recent economic policy of Dubai

• One might have wondered Dubai has changed

a lot in the last 40 years .The transformation in
the skyline of this city is magnum .The
economic policy followed by the government
,the liberal nature ,acceptance to foreigners ,
political stability and huge incentives to the
locals have led to the transformation of Dubai
from a gold and fishing industry to a tourism
,mass-communication , shipping and finance
based economy.
Steps to be taken by the Indian Government for the accomplishment of such buildings

Law amendments

Economic freedom
Establishment of
to construction
technical resources

Favourable land
acquisition and
settlements laws


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