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Section Properties Calculator - Index

Index of defined shapes

No. Shape
1 Circle
2 Semicircle
3 Circular Sector
4 Circular Segment
5 Annulus
6 Semi Annulus
7 Annulus Sector
8 Ellipse
9 Semi-Ellipse
10 Quarter-Ellipse
11 Hollow-ellipse
12 Parabola
13 Semi-parabola
14 nth degree parabola-1
15 nth degree parabola-2
16 Regular N sided polygon
17 Hollow regular n sided polygon
18 Rectangle
19 Parallelogram
20 Inclined rectangle
21 Diamond
22 Hollow rectangle
23 Channel
24 Tapered channel
25 I section-1
26 I section-2
27 Tapered I section
28 T section
29 L section
30 Z section
31 Trapezoid
32 Right Triangle
33 Equilateral Triangle
34 Isosceles Triangle
35 Triangle
36 Rotated section
37 Translated section
Section Properties Calculator - Defined Shapes
This sheet provides formulas and calculated values for the shapes listed on the Index sheet and shown in the drop do
Select a shape from the drop down box, or enter an Index number.
Enter the values of the required dimensions, angles are in degrees.
Calculated values and the diagram are updated whenever any data on this sheet are changed.
Properties: A Area
Xc, Yc Centroid coordinates
Ix, Iy Second Moment of Area about the X and Y axes
Ixc, Iyc Second Moment of Area about axes through the section centroid
J Torsional stiffness constant


Dimensions Property
120 #REF!
120 #REF!

12 #REF!

12 #REF!




ties Calculator - Defined Shapes
mulas and calculated values for the shapes listed on the Index sheet and shown in the drop down box below.
e drop down box, or enter an Index number.
required dimensions, angles are in degrees.
the diagram are updated whenever any data on this sheet are changed.

Centroid coordinates
Second Moment of Area about the X and Y axes
Second Moment of Area about axes through the section centroid
Torsional stiffness constant

Section Type
L section
Formula Value







down box below.


B Tf X
Section Properties Calculator - Coordinates
This sheet calculates section properties of polygonal shapes based on vertex coordinates.
Copy the coordinates of the shape defined on the previous sheet, using the button below, or enter XY coordinates for any
If the number of coordinates changes, click the "Recalc Section Properties" button.
Click the Plot Coordinates button to update the diagram.
Properties: As for the previous sheet plus:
Ax, Ay First moment of area about the X and Y axes
Ixy, Ixyc Product of Inertia about origin and centroid
Iu, Iv Second moment of area about principal axes through centroid
Theta Angle of principal axes to X,Y axes (degrees)

Copy Shape Coordinates Recalc Section Properties

-5 18.660254 Area #VALUE!
5 18.660254 Ax #VALUE!
13.660254 13.660254 Ay #VALUE!
18.660254 5 Ix #VALUE!
18.660254 -5 Iy #VALUE!
13.660254 -13.660254 Ixy #VALUE!
5 -18.660254 Xc #VALUE!
-5 -18.660254 Yc #VALUE!
-13.660254 -13.660254 Ixc #VALUE!
-18.660254 -5 Iyc #VALUE!
-18.660254 5 Ixyc #VALUE!
-13.660254 13.660254 Iu #VALUE!
-5 18.660254 Iv #VALUE!
-4.4641016 16.660254 theta #VALUE!
-12.196152 12.1961524
-16.660254 4.46410162
-16.660254 -4.4641016
-12.196152 -12.196152
-4.4641016 -16.660254
4.4641016 -16.660254
12.196152 -12.196152
16.660254 -4.4641016
16.660254 4.46410162
12.196152 12.1961524
4.4641016 16.660254
-4.4641016 16.660254
-5 18.660254
vertex coordinates.
ng the button below, or enter XY coordinates for any other shape
rties" button.

s through centroid

Plot Coordinates


User Defined Functions used in this spreadsheet

=SecProp(XYRange, Optional Out)
XYRange A 2 column or 2 row range with x,y coordinates of a closed polygon
Out Optional output index number

A 14x1 array with section properties of the polygon, or a single value defined by the Out index
Enter as an array function (press ctrl-shift-enter)
Area Cross sectional area
Ax First moment of area about X axis
Ay First moment of area about Y axis
Ix Second moment of area about X axis
Iy Second moment of area about Y axis
Ixy Product of area about origin
Xc Centroid X coordinate
Yc Centroid Y coordinate
Ixc Second moment of area about centroidal axis parallel to X axis
Iyc Second moment of area about centroidal axis parallel to Y axis
Ixyc Product of area about centroid
Iu Second moment of area about principal axis U
Iv Second moment of area about principal axis V
theta Angle of principal axes to XY axes (degrees)

=SecProp(XYRange, 4) #VALUE!

=eval(Function, Parameters1, Values1, Optional Parameters2, Optional Values2))
Function Text of function to be evaluated, starting with =
Parameters1 Single column or row range with parameters used in the function
Values1 Single column or row range with values associated with the parameters in Parameters1
Parameters2 Additional parameter range, if required
Values2 Additional value range, if required
The evaluated value of the function
Notes: Parameters are case sensitive
If the text of any parameter is included within any other parameter then the function will fail or evaluate incorrectly
It is recommended that parameters start with a single upper case letter, and in the event of possible ambiguity,
terminate with a _.
Operators should be all lower case.
The function recognises pi. All other constants should be specified as a parameter.
A -1 =(-B+(B^2-4*A*C)^.5)/(2*A)
B -3
C 3

=eval(D46,A46:A48,B46:B48) #VALUE!
eters in Parameters1

tion will fail or evaluate incorrectly.

event of possible ambiguity,
About Section Properties Home


This program is free software provided for demonstration purposes only; you can copy and
redistribute it provided that it is not changed in any way, other than the entry of data in unprotected
data input cells.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

ã Copyright 2008 Interactive Design Services Pty Ltd. all rights reserved

Revision History

Current Version 1.01 6-Mar-08

Rev Date By Description

1.00 1/30/2008 DAJ First release

1.01 06-Mar-08 DAJ Formula for first and second moment of area revised, no change to results
can copy and
of data in unprotected

o change to results

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