Headway Elementary Workbook

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TEADWAl A. So / Cite) CONTENTS UNIT1 anlislare 1 Whai’s your name? 5 2 I'm from France. 5 3 I'ma doctor. 6 4 He's from Awsralia. 6 5 Shor: and long forms 6 Possessive adjectives: 6 myand your 7 T his and her 7 Vocabulary and pronunciation 8 Countries and nationalities 7 9 Whorwisthe stress? 7 10 What's this in English? 8 11 Am American car 8 Numbers 121-100 9 13. Matching figures and words 9 14 Telephone numbers 9 UNIT2 Verb 1a be 1 Questions with question words 10 2 Questions about you 10 3 Making questions /0 4 Making negatives 11 5 Short answers 11 6 Shor forms 1 7 Long forms 1 Possessive’s 8 Afamily wee I 9 Possessive sors? 12 ‘The alphabet, 10 Matching sounds 12 Vocabulary UL What's the matter? 12 Plural nouns 12 Spelling of plural nouns 13 Prices 13 Saying prices 13 1 How much ist? 13 UNIT3 Present Simple positive 1 What do they do? 14 2 Spelling ofthe third peson singular 15 3 Vocabulary: daily routines 15 4 Pamela's day 15 Present Simple questions and negatives 5 Questions with question words 16 6 Questions aboat Pamcla 16 7 does, is.orhas? 16 8 Aquestionnire 16 9 Making negatives 17 Vocabulary 10 Verbs and nouns that go together 17 M1 Word groups 17 Writing 12 Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives. 18 13 Rewriting atext 18 Time 14 What time is it? 19 15 How long does ittake? 19 UNIT Present Simple 1 Mike .. 20 2 Reading: Jack and Isabel Tippit 20 3 Jack and Isabel's day 27 4 Questions about Jack 27 5 Atthe travel agen’s 27 6 Short answers 27 7 amiislareldaldoes 22 8 Making negatives 22 Adverbs of frequency 9 Position of adverbs 22 10 How do you usually come 10 school? 22 11 How often do you go swimming? 23 Articles 12 Noantcle 23 13 athe, or nothing? 23 Prepositions 14 inconat.. 28 ‘Vocabulary 15 Opposites: verbs 24 Writing 16 Aletter toa penfriend 24 UNITS ‘There islare - any ~ Prepositions 1 Describing a room 25, 2 YesNo questions and short answers 25 3 Saying where things are 26 4 Reading: A cotage near the sea 26 some and any 5 some, any,a,oran? 27 6 Shor answers 27 Vocabulary J Rooms and objects 27 8 Everyday activities 28 thistthattheselthose 9 his or tar? 28 10 these or those? 28 1 thisitheseitthey 28 12 shatthoselithey 29 Writing 13 Linking words: and, so, but, because 29 14 Describing ahouse 29 ‘The alphabet 15 Matching sounds 30 Numbers 16 100-1,000 30 17 Matching figures and words 30 18 Weiting figures in words 30 UNIT6 ‘cantean't | Positive and negative sentences 37 2 Agquestionnaire 37 3 YesINo questions and answers. 32 wasiwere +4 Present tense or pastiease? 32 5 How much was it before? 32 {6 Questions and short answers 33 A Where you ’ B At the Regent Hotel in London ‘Complete the interview with Jack, and Spanish. How many languages B Four. English, German, Frenc! you Japanese? B No, Tdon’t. But I want to learn it your wife English’ B Yes, she does. She speaks it fluently. A What time you ? B Atsix o'clock in the moming A Why you working in the hotel? B Because we meet people of all nationalities. At the travel agent’s [725 | Mrand Mrs Adams want a holiday. They are with a travel agent, Read the conversation and number the lines in the correct order. Travel agent 6 Short answers 1 Write short answers to the questions about the Adams. family. Use do, does, don't, and doesn’. Example Do they want a summer holiday? No. they _ don't Do they want a winter holiday? Yes, they b Do Mr Adams and his daughter like skiing? No, they _ € Do Mrs Adams and her son like skiing? Yes, they 4 Does their daughter Tike sports? No, she___ Does their daughter speak French? Yes, she Now answer the questions about you, Use do, don't, ‘am, and am not a Do you speak French? Are you French? € Do you work in an office? 4. Are you teacher? € Do you lke learning English? Yes, of course. Where do you wentto go? Childron? How many children ddoyou have? 1 Good morning. Cant help you? French! Ah yes! That gives me a good idea! | think Ihave the perfect winter holiday for the ‘Adams fami! , ‘And how old are they? What do thoy like doing? — Two Yes, please. My husband and | want to have a winter holiday. Woll. The boy is wove. He loves all sports ~ skiing, swimming football... The gil is siteen ‘She doesr'tlike sports. She likes sting in the sun, reading, drinking coffee... And she wants to practise her French, two children,ason and a daughter. Well. Tiss the problem. Ilike sing and winter sports, butmy husband doesn't. He wants to relax and sitin the sun, andthe cnldren a 7 amiistare/doldoes Puta is, are, do, or does int the gaps. a 1___abank manager. b ___he like his job? © Where they live? a she very rich? © Why you want to leatn English? £ We American, What ___he do at weekends? 8 Making negatives ‘Complete the sentences with « negative. Example Tike swimming, but I don't lie tennis a [ike coffee, but I bb We like playing tennis, bat we © Sue Tikes cats, but she 4. I speak French, but | © Tom speaks Spanish, but he f Mrand Mrs Green have a son, but they Adverbs of requenoy 9 Position of adverbs always. often usually never sometimes 263 | Notice the position of adverbs of requency | 1 These adverts usvaly core before the main verb, {usually goto teat about 17.00, Icon’ oftem go swimming She ever eats meat ‘We always have wine in the evenings. | sometimes pay tenn on Seturdays, 2 Sometimes ard usvalycan also come atthe beginning or the end. Sometimes ve pay cars. Weplay cards sometimes. Usually {wae to school. | walko schoo! usualy 3 Neverand alvays can't come atthe begining or the end NOT NeverlLgeseshetate | Seek ee 2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, a always France to go we spring in b stay hotel a usually. we in © plane sometimes by go we sometimes ferry go we by € children with never our us come f we restaurant go a often evenings Friday to on 10 How do you usually come to school? T21_| Answer the questions about you. Use an adverb in your answer. Example How do you usually come to school? Fusualty walk. 4 Whats the first thing you do in the morning’? b Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? ‘© What do you do in the evenings? d- What do you do on Sundays? © Where do you go on holiday? £ Do you sometimes have a winter holiday? What does your family usually do at Christmas? 11. How often do you go swimming? T2H | Answer the questions about you. Use the phrases in the box to help you. every moming/evening every day every (Friday) (once) a week (twice) a month (three or four) timesa year never Example How often do you go swimming? About once a week. a How often do you go to the cinema? b How often do you have a bath or a shower? ¢ How often do you go shopping? d_ How often do you read a newspaper? € How often do you eat meat? Anicies a oo oe 12 Noarticle AT ‘We do not use the definite article the when we talk about tings in general Things in general Definite things Cats are iy favourite pets. The cats are in the garéen| ‘Ann loves _ music The music is very lous. Match a line in A with a line in B and a tine in C. A B c Cats live uniforms. Policemen look after | cars Mechanies write | teeth, Children wear for newspapers. Word processors NL eat in Africa Dentists 20 fish Journalists mend expensive, Flephants are to school 13 4, the, or nothing? 1. Bach sentence has a mistake. Find it and corect it Examples John i onthe holiday. Tam teacher 4 Her name’s Anna. She's doctor. 'b She has the flat in London. © 1 goto the work by car We have the dinner at eight o’clock in the evening. John always stays in the bed late on Sunday ‘mornings 2. Puta, the, or nothing into the gaps. Example 7 English is easy. a students in this class aren't lazy: they ‘work hard. b Please, have Junch with us. © What time do you go to school? Can Thave cheese sandwich, please? © What do you do in evenings? 14 jin, on, at... Puta preposition from the box into each gap. Remember, we ay: arrive ata place, for example, a hotel, a cinema, a station arrive in atown or a country on at to by wear with | a summer I play tenis___ Sundays. b Wealways go" London train ¢ Thetrsinarives Rome ___ dpm, 4 Mr.Buttarives___school_8.15am. ¢ Twantto stay home this evening. What's 1? f He likes playing fottall___hissons_ weekends. g Theylive___avillage the sea. Writing fers | Match a verb in A with its opposite in B. A B | love lose start sell come borrow remember | | pull open play push hate buy go leave forget getup finish Tend break work take | be late arrive mend be carly bring goto bed 16 A letter toa penfriend m4 1 [729 | Read John’s letter to his penfiend and study the organization of the letter. Weta fo ean Hans, Tim a student at, a, schowt idge and, im sb in don't. Lite in CynSKteen years old. I Weend ets toa trond with Best wishes We use owt we know the person very wl 2. Fill in the gaps with the opposite verb in the correct form. Example Sally hates George, but she _loves_ Thomas. 1 The bank opens at 9.30 in the morning and at 4.00 in the aftemoon bb The film starsat 7.15 and_at 10.00. © Iget up at 6.30 and at 10,30 on weekdays. She to work at 8.30 in the moming and comes home 31 6.00. © John is often late for school, but I £ Don't pull that door. it John and Mary always, my birthday. They never forget it h The train leaves Paris at 00pm and in Lyons at 3.08pm, Wepstthenunterotthe —Youradeass, bt street fist ot Saint your rae Dosa, / " i The pst coe \ / atte end The date \ | | \ | | 10 Station Road, | ye CE4 Sth Apel 1993, & town Look at the picture ofan office. Are the sentences true (V) or False ()? a There's a chair in front ofthe desk b There a c There are some magazines £ There's a word processor. The keys are near the telephone. hh The photo is on the desk i The bag is onthe char. j, The photo is onthe wall behind the telephone The man ison the sofa next to two women. 2 Yes/No questions and short answers [730] Look atthe picture of the office again ‘Complete the questions and answers. Example A Is thereadesk? B Yes, ther a A ___ there any cups? bats - 2 umbrella? ‘magazines? letters? 3 Saying where things are La i] Look a the picture on page 25. Complete the conversations, Example Ak s there a chair? Yes, there is. A B A B 4 Reading: A cottage near the sea T32_} Paul, Jenny, and 5 their: rent a cottage for their summer holiday. Read the advertiseme the conversation between Paul and Jenny, Jenny Paul Jenny Paul Jenny Paul Jenny 6 B A. Whereis it? B Sin front of the desk. Is there a word processor? Yes, Where __ ’ ‘two children want to then complete Paul, look at this cottage! That's nice. (a) Where is it? W’sin Devon. Isn't it beautiful? Yes, itis. Buti it big enough? (b) are there? ) ‘oo. That's just right for the four of us. “The living room is nice, with antique furniture init But where do we eat? (d)____ dining room? , I don’t know. But (e) aTV. and a cooker in the kitchen, And 0 where the children can play ‘This lovely cottage fs $00 years old. Wis in the county, one male ffom the vilage of Perkham Cross, where ‘there Is Post Offce and « stall shop. There are some very good pubs sand restaurans in the ara, ‘The cottage has a big garden with flowers and trees, where children can play safely. There aze two double bedrooms, a bathroom, and a tole. ‘he living room has traditional and antique furniture, and an open fe. Phone 0984 6552, ‘+ colour TV + garage + electric cooker + sea three miles away + Paul Jenny Paul Jenny Paul Jenny Paul Jenny Paul bA Arethere keys? B Yes, A Where i? B They're telephone. ¢ A Are there any people? B Yes, A Where ? Bothy dA photo? B a A Where ’ B word processor. April Cottage, Devon Mm. (g) ___reara village? Yes, The village of Parkham Cross is one mile away. ‘What about shops? (h) in the village? Yes, there ae, It looks lovely OK. Why don’t we book it? Good idea! “0 » 0984 6552. Right! 5 some, any, a, or an? ‘Complete the sentences about April Cottage with some, any, a, or an. Example Isthere a _ garden? a There are ‘good restaurants in the area. b The village of Parkham Cross has _Post Office and __ shop. ¢ Arethere ___good beaches near the cottage? Does the cottage have __dining room? © Thereare ___ trees in the garden. There's ‘open fire in the living room. g Upstairs there's _ bathroom. h Are there __books in the living room? i Isthere ____ffidge in the kitchen? j There's electric cooker: oa SEL) 6 Short answers ‘Answer the questions about your school and your town, Example Is there a teachers’ room in your school? Yes, there is a Ts there a language laboratory? b Is there a library? © Are there any computers? 4. Isthere @ cinema near your house? © Are there any parks in your town? £ Isthere a museum? 7 ee foe . 7 Rooms and objects {733 ] Look at the words in the box. Which room does each item go in? Use your dictionary and write the words in the correct places inthe diagram, plate sheet video recorder soap armchair sugar alarm clock shampoo knife towel sofa pyjamas ( \ 8 Everyday activities 1 Match a line in A with a line in B. In English there is ro preposition after to phon. He phones me every day. NOT He phones #8 me | ___| listen aytomework | i my hai wie) | andes pore | | tomy timty | [ash]! trend ora eat wae | talk “to music Lak Nremse 2. Where do you do some of these things” Write sentences Example A wash my hair in the bathroom. | this/that/these/those | 9 this or that? [T34_) Match each conversation with a picture. Write the number of the picture on the lin. Do you like this photograph? Yes, Ido. I's nce Do you like that picture? No. [don't I's horrible How much is this camera? Ws £100. How much is that radio? Ws £150 8 10 these or those? [135] Match ech conversation wit a picture 4 ___ A How much are these gloves? They're £15, b How much are those cups? Look at those boys! ‘They're Anna’s children, A B A B They're not expensive, A B ‘A These are my children, B They're lovely. 11 this/theselit/they Pat this, these it, oF they into the gaps Example ‘A Bob, _this_ is my mother B Hello, Mrs Smith, a Take ___ pags into the kitchen, b Idon’tlike music, © A Is____book John’s? B Yes,___is. dA Ate__ books Mary's? B Yes are, © A How much are __ glasses? B __‘re very cheap. £ A ____ exercise is very easy B No, isn’t 's difficult! 12 that/thosefitithey Put shat, those, it, or they into the gaps. a Is___ your brother over there? bb Look at _beautiful flowers! © What’ your bag? dA Is house Ann's? B Yes,__is. © A Are____ boys your brothers? B Yes,___are. £ A How much is___hisi? B ___'s £350. g A Dayou like ___ shoes? B_ No, don’, ___ ‘re horrible 13 Linking words: and, so, but, because Notice how and s, but and because join sentences, Inthe living room there's @ TV and a video record. We both ike sailing, sa we live near the sea The fats small, buts comfortable | like ving here because it's n22 the shops Put and, so, but, oF because into the gaps 4 Inmy bedroom there's a bed _a chest of. drawers We live in a flat on the top floor, have a garden, © Mike Chinese food, __ _we don’t wwe have a terrace, ‘my husband doesn’t ike itatall d Wehave acat a bird. © [don't go out on Friday evenings __ like to stay at home and relax. The kitchen is very big, _we eat there. New York is expensive, _ like it. h Tike New York _it's very exciting. 14 Describing a house 1 [T36 | Read the text and check the meaning of new words in your dictionary. My house I Vive in a house near the Sea. It's an cfd house, about 100 yeart otd, and itt very Snalk. There are tun bedranus upstairs bute ho bathrovm. The bathrowm i5 downstairs next tr the kitchen and theret living room. where there’ a, lovely old fireplace. There’ a. garden in front of the hanse. The 92% deen to the beach and sa spring ‘and, Summer there are flv I live shone with my dag, Boxer, but we have a lt of visitors. My city friends offen stay with me. T Love my house for many reasons: ‘the garden, the flowers ia summer, the fite in winter, bude the best Haig isthe view from my bedvorm. wind, 2. Write a similar description of your house or flat in about 100 words. Paragraph 1 ‘Whereis it? Is itold or new? How many rooms are there? Is there a garden? Paragraph 2 ‘Who do you live with? Paragraph 3 Do you like it? Why’ What isthe best thing? ao {The alphabet, 15. Matching sounds (C137_| Which words rhyme with the letters? : [ew E ) wet ba you Lt | cw | | 2 L see Y say | U my | Q Hit (es 16 100-1,000 [738] Study the numbers, ] We say andafter hundred. | We say two hundred’, NOT wo handed 130 one hundred and thicty 285 two hundred and eighty-five 300 three hundred 415 four hundred and fifteen 508 five hundred and eight (678 six hundred and seventy-cight 1,000 one thousand 17 Matching figures and words Match the figures and the words. three hundred and ten five h 999 1S, ‘six hundred and three ight hundred and sixty-two 38 six hundred and sixteen 590 nine hundred and vinety-nine eight hundred 5 two hundred and thirty-eight 30 oe hundred and forty-four seven hundeed and thirty-four 18 Writing figures in words 1 Writ the figures in words. Example 411 four hundred and eleven a 145 » 610 © 890 387 e 150 f 532 2 Answer the questions. Write the numbers in full, a How many days are there ina year? 'b- How many minutes are there in wo hours? How many pages are there in this book? d_ How many students are there in your school? ce How many weeks are there in four years? £ How many pence are there in £4. and winety 800 four hundred and soventy-one four hundred ard twenty-five = 144508 Ba hundred and fifteen 616 603 310 five hundred and eight 862 an 1 Positive and negative sentences Are the sentences true (W) or false (X)? Correct the false sentences. Example ‘Cats can’t see in the dark. ¥ Cats can see in the dark. a Catsean't swim, 'b Dogs can climb trees. © Kangaroos can’t jump, 4 Parrots can speak Penguins can fly f Camels can walk for three months with no water. .g. Tortoises can run fast. hh Elephants can lve uni they're seventy 2 A questionnaire 138_| What can the people do? What can’t they do? Complete the sentences with can or can't + verb. Example Peter can’ play the guitar and he can play the piano. a Peter ‘a motorbike and he b Peter word processor, but © Flora car, but she Only Paul © Only Flora f Paul and Flora ccan't either, but Marianne and Peter can, 8 Everybody h Nobody 31 3 Yes/No questions and answers T40_| Compete the questions with can anda suitable verb fom the bor. Then match each question with an [ nie usemake speak see play (x 2) a Can you play the piano? b ____ you _ any foreign languages? © you _ the guitar? 4 you __amotorbike? e you acake? f ____you__a word processor? fou_ mountains from your room? 1 Yes, Tan, French and Spanish, No, I can't but I ean type No, I can't. think they're dangerous. Yes, we ean. The view is wonderful. No, I can’t, bt I can play the piano. Yes, I can. 1 like playing Chopin. No, Iean't,Ldon’t like c00ki 4 Present tense or past tense? Put am, is, are, was, or were into the gaps. Example ‘The homework _was very difficult yesterday. a Hello, everybody! I sony late! b ‘Where you born?" I___ bor in India” © ‘Where our sister born?” “She born in India, to0." The weather beautiful today. It terrible yesterday. The children very tired today. They at party yesterday evening ¥ Teould play chess when 1 five 2 We married when | eighteen and Roger twenty 2 5 How much was it before? 1 Label the pictures using the words in the box. bag camera wine glasses towels suitcase | ens coat | 2 [TA] Look atthe prices. Write « conversation foreach picture. Example A How much is the bag? B I’sonly £20 A. How much was it before? B twas £39.99 A. Well... what a bargain! ewer ee eee ee epee per ee David and Rosa's day David is a bank manager and Rosa is a doctor in a large hospital. David gets up at 730am and has a shower, He leaves home at 830 and goes to work by train, He arrives at the bank at 9.00, Rosa gets up at 9.30 because she doesn’t start work until 1.00 in the afternoon. She catches the bus to the hospital at 12.15. David finishes work at 5.30pm and goes shopping in a supermarket near the bank. Then he goes home and cooks the dinner. He eats alone in the kitchen at 7.00 and then he usually watches TV in the living room until Rosa arrives home at 10.00. She often has her dinner in front of the TV. David goes to bed at 11.00, but Rosa usually goes to bed a bit later. [ Tab |_ Write shor answers othe questions Some of the questions are about ye a TsDavid a doctor? b_ Does Rosa work in a hospital? Where were David and Rosa at seven o'clock yesterday morning? d_ Was David in the bathroom at twenty-five to eight? ‘© Was David at work yesterday? £ Was Rosa at work yesterday morning? 'g Where was Rosa at twenty past wwelve? h_ Can David cook’? i. Where was Rosa at seven o'clock yesterday evening? Where were they at half past ten last night? 7 When I was three 1 Write three things you could do when you were three. Example Toul run 2. Write three things you can do now that you could’ ddo when you were three Example * Teouldn' swim when Iwas thee, but Fcan swim now 3° Write wo things you couldn't do when you were three and you still can’t do! Example Tcouldn't ski when Twas three and I still can’ ski b 33 8 Saying years Notice how we say years. 1915 nineteen fifteen 1864 eighteen sinty-four 1930 nineteen tity 17189. seventeen eighty-ine 1957 nineteen fifty-seven 1492 fourteen rinety-two 199G nineteen niney-tree 1889 eighteen ninety nine but 900 nineteen hundred —_‘1807_ eighteen oh seven 1905 nineteen oh five 2001 two thousand and one Answer the questions about you. Example When were you born? I was horn in nineteen sixty-nine. a When were you born’? 'b When were your mother and father born? © When were your grandparents born’? 2. Fillim the gaps with a word or words from the boxes. in the correct form, A Isthis your bike? B No, it isn’t. Lean't : b A Maria! Do you the answer? B I'm sorry. can’t remember the question! The plane lands in ten minutes. Can you please 2 4A Can you play tenis at ine o'clock on Sunday? B I never on ‘Sundays. Istay in bed until eleven. © A What time do you 2 B I’malways inthe office and at my desk at 9.00. f A Is your friend English? B No, she isn't, but she g A Some children are so good with computers B Yes, Iknow. My daughter could. when she was only seven See PO d_ What are two important years in your country's history? 9 Words that go together 1) Match a line in A with a line in B. A B ask: cards | | teow a word processor ride a question fasten the answer start carly limb fluently | 20 toapany spell your seatbelt get up work speak English aword play abike | use ‘a mountain coy 10 by, with, of Put a preposition from the box into each gap. by with of in on at 1 4 Please come my panty Saturday. b He studies home his father. © Tom isthe garden his fiond Sam. werk ___bus and I'm _ work Opin every day. © She was the disco _her boyfriend ___ Friday evening. F Queen Elizabeth 1 was born __ London 1926. ‘Can you help me __my homework?" *____ course I can, Give it__ me. hh Look this photo _my girlfriend. Isnt she beautiful? Sh a eee 2 [-T44_] Carol is interested in the job. Read the a information about her and complete her leter ‘of application for the job 11 Alletter of application for a job peat a | Read the advertisement for a job. ‘Name Carol Barnes Age 28 Address 4 Hope Road, Oxford 0X6 5eP Present job "Tourist guide Ponca Lee ied ticlecenene wae Languages French, Spanish a receptionist - Do you like working with people? Cas you speak evo foreign languages? Gan You we sword procesor Dayo know Oxford ele eae rite to Anne Wation recor ‘he Oxford teraton! Schoo! _ Te cotege street Oxford 8x2 767 The ram ard adess of the son you ae wt to go here The date goes hee 4 Hope (a), ——— oxford 0x6 SP dane Watson Director ‘the oxford Internat ional School 16 college (6) ———— ee 10th August 1992 ~ oxtord 0%2 7 ‘We begin al ets, bt formal and infra, with Ber Wear use Msfora woman it | pear ma watson wed nt nou he ile rs We se Mora man -——— in your schoo! sm interested in the Job of (2) ————— 39 rte in Oxford. graph: nsoductin __yeare ol6 ané Z (@) — 1 guide, but last year \We do nat use shor fos, | ac the moment T (£) ———— he's it's thre in foal | working ‘a hotel receptionist. 1 (hb) ——— }| xt) a Bot with people very much and T (3) peak to _ peench and spanish. T ca Paragraph 2: The mor | par ottrelerer | || se 0) ——* word proce Oa ce or. 1 (1) born An ragraph 3: Ending oxtord, #0 Z know it very well | + sock forward to hearing from you. We ed formal ters vit Yous ence |. youre siecerely Signe eter and — - Conol Borneo Drint your name, _ ~[L caro Baza L Pe ay 3 Study the organization of Carols letter. Rericentie 4 Look at the advertisement for another job and write a similar leer of application. Are you over 18? Do you like talking to people? Do you know your town well? Can you speak English? Are you free from July to September? | iouoonwi sw Fut er Hp Hei, Catal fen, 9B Sue, 35 1 Regular verbs Match a line in A with a line in B. Put the verb in A into the Present Simple and the verb in B into the Past Simple. - a Tusually _work_ (work) eight hours a day, but b Ann usually (rive) to work, but © Max usually Ann and Max usually, (watch) TV in the evenings, but (g0) sling at weekends, but (rain) a loc in winter, but e Tusually £ Max and I usually (g0) camping in August, but BL last summer we __(stay) in a hotel, last weekend they ___ (play) tenis, yesterday I __(start at 9.00am andl _¢finish) at 9.00pm, last year it___(snow) for three months. yesterday she __(walk). yesterday evening he ___(listen) to music. 2 Yes/No questions and short answers [T45_] Write questions and answers about the people in Exoreise I. Answer the first question inthe Present ‘Simple. Then ask and answer another question in the Past Simple. Example A Do you usually work eight hours a day? B Yes, Ido ‘A Did you work eight hours yesterday’? B No, [didnt I worked twelve hours € A Do Ann and Max usually go sailing at weekends? B AL B & A Does itusually rain alot in winter? B . . A > aA Does Ann usually dive to work? B B Yes, eA Do youand Max usually go campi A Did she yesterday? B B No, A ’ b A Does Max usually watch TV in the evenings? B B Yes, A Did he yesterday evening? B No, 36 3 had/did/was/were 46 | Complete the conversation, Put had, did, was, ‘or were into the gaps. A It____ my birthday yesterday. I'm twenty-five! B Really? What. you do? A Well,T inner with friends in an Italian restaurant. B What you eat? ‘A Weall____ pizzas. They _very good. B _____youenjoy your birthday, then’? ‘A’ Mmm, t____ excellent. When’s your birthday’ B Today. A. Oh, no! Happy birthday! 4 Irregular verbs TAT | Look at the verbs in the box. Which are regular and which are imegular? Put them into the comrect colurmns, then write the Past Simple forms. Use your dictionary to help you. begin make start write leave lose buy do see visit go take enjoy have travel drive speak come siay paint meet Regular verbs. Irregular verbs Infinitive Past Simple Infinitive Past Simple start started. begin began 5 Negatives and positives ‘Complete the sentences with the postive form ofthe verb. Example 1 didn’t goto New York, 1_went to Chicago. a We dida’t meet Jim, we _ Ma. b_ He didn’t leave last Tuesday, he last Thursday. © We didn’t see Jim, we David. They didn’t buy a Volvo, they. a Saab. You didn’t know the answer, Tom _ the answer. £ didn’t lose my passport, 1__ my ticket. g_ Wedidn’thave white wine, we red wine ‘h He didn't write a letter, he 4 posteard, i. The film didn’t begin at 6.30pm, it at 7.30pm. 6 Making questions Té8_| Put the words in the corect onder to make questions. Then write true answers Example school did when start you When did you start school? When [ was si. /In 1978. a morning you time getup what this did bb dinner night have what you last for did © did train last you by when travel d do what Sunday you last did € holiday did summer on go where last you f visit you art gallery an last did when g travel today you how work did to 7 Present Simple and Past Simple [Lage | Complete the text sing the correct tense and form of the verbs on the right. ‘My Aunt Nancy ‘yy dunt Nancy was born in Sugland, but ‘now she Tp ae | (a) Lives in Perth, Mustratia. she tb) ment to | Australia in 1985 when her husband, my Uncle Jack, lve Cas love ‘dhe 18 00 years old nox, but she still @ - Bhe‘s an artist. she (e) ____ pictures of cats for Birthday card: she (e) __-eate - she (oh tanaty-five! | she (h) painting in 1986, at first she : int aw just for a hobby, but then in 1909 ane start ‘kegen making and selling Pirthday cards. lot of | ig buy ‘poopie (J) _____ them and) hen. ao) gue usually (1) ______work at 7.00 in she morning) | finish and (n) _____ at 5,00 in the evening. Then she | 90 start ) __ tomiog. I ast year T (0) _____ Australia and have C) with her for two weeks. 1 visit @ ‘s very good holiday. stay [_Ta9b_] Wiite shor answers tothe questions. 1 Does sh lly goshping afer we? Example Was Aunt Naney bom in Australia? No, she wasnt Did she go to Australia in 19857 Yes, she did 3 [Tage] Write questions for these answers. 4 Did Uncle Jack die in 1985? Example oe Where was Aunt Nancy bor? b Is Aum Nancy 9 years old? In England, ¢ Does she still work? In Perth, Australia. 5 : Does she have fifty cats? She went there in 1985. an artist. ¢ Did she start painting in 1986? a In 1986. Did she start selling birthday cards in 19872? e Because she loves them — she has twenty-five! Does she usually work ten hours a day? ‘About ten, usually 38 8 Describing a holiday eee ke 1 Read the Questions im Where/go? Kenya When/go? last June How longstay? three weeks Howrtravel? plane Where/stay? stent What/do? {00k photographs of wild animals Whatjsee? elephants, lions, giraffes mation about Jim and Alison. Make notes about your last holiday | not any crocodiles Enjoy the holiday? | Yes [150a_| Complete the questions about Jim's. holiday and write short answers Alison Me Scotland last October ‘one week train ahoiel ‘went walking inthe ‘mountains some beautiful lakes not the Loch Ness Monster! Yes 3. [1506 | Compete the paragraph about Jims holiday Last June Jim (a) __ to Kenya for three Example weeks, He (b) by plane and he ere did he go? © in atent. He () To Kenya. vetogaph of wanna ytographs of wild animals. He (e) some a When _ 2 Photograp! ( elephants, lions, and giraffes, but he (0 - 1. —_ ny crocodiles. the holiday ver How lng , any crocodiles. He (8) Vy much, © How ? 4 Write similar paragraph about Alison's holiday. Alison's last holiday @ Where 7 1 © What 2 - f What ? - —— 2 Did _ J Yes, he dd. 5) Write a paragraph about your last holiday in about fifty words, 39 9 Parts of speech |. Use your dictionary and waite the correct part of speech next to each word inthe box. n=noun v=verb adj=adjective prep = preposition nice adj = enjoy_ factory _ new party in see warm famous near eam win holiday on relax, Puta word from the box into each gap. Change the ‘verbs into the correct form if necessary. Example My aunt lives in a (adj) _nice__, old house (prep) near the sea. @ Did you(y) Frank's (adj) _car tis morning? It red I play tennis with her (prep) Sundays and she always (v)___ © 10) and watched television yesterday {in front of the fire, film star at the (n) evening. It was 50 (adj) d She saw a (adj) © He worked in a(n) ‘until he retired and he only (v) £3,000 a year. f They had a(n) (prep) __ Spain and they (») it very much, 10 about, after, for. Puta preposition from the box into cach gap, about after for in to over with between of Are a My family left London and moved asmall village. People all © Did you speak homework? ‘Charles Dickens often wrote oor people. He stayed his grandmother at Christmas. often think the day we met. New Year's Day is one week Christmas Day. New York the world speak English, the teacher the We arrived the airport 5.45am, 1 The room was full people. [couldn't move. J Can you buy a bottle wine? k Would you like to go out 1 ‘Toto bed at 10.30, usually.” “You're me. I goto bed early, t00. m I getup___ 7.00 and 7.30 ‘a meal tonight? 1 Regular and irregular verbs TS1_| ‘Braille’ isa system of reading and writing for blind people, Read the story of Louis Braille. Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. Louis Braille (1809-1852) Louis Braille (a) war tbe the son of a French leather worker Heb) (go) blind at the age of three when he (¢) (fall on a tool in his father’s workshop But Louis was a brave and talented boy. He (a) (want) to be a musician, so he (e) play the cello, and at the age of ten he (f) (win) @ scholarship to the National Institute for Blind Childten in Paris. He (g) (cen) play the ceo, but he (h)__(can not) read or write In 1819 a French soldier, Charles Barbier, (i) (use) patterns of (learn) t0 (invent) ‘night writing’. He () twelve raised dots on paper so that soles (k) (can) read in the dak Louis Braille @) (understand) the Imporiance of this invention for blind people and when he was fifteen, he (m) (begin) to develop it. He (a) Aonake) it simple. with six dos, not twelve. in 1829 he (o} (introduce) iat the Institute. By 1932 ‘Bille’ was in use all over the world in many Janguages, but unfortunately Louis (p) (die) of ‘tuberculosis in 1852 and never (q) (know) of she importance of his invention, 2 Making negatives [152] Correct the false sentences ebout Louis Braille. Examples Louis Braille was English, He wasn't English. He was French, He introduced Braille in 1839. He didnt introduce it in 1839. He introduced it in 1829, a His father was a teacher. b He went blind when he was six. © He wanted to be a soldier He learnt to play the piano. = fe won a scholarship to the Institute of Musi. £ Heinvented ‘night writing’ 1g He made ‘night writing’ more difficult hh He died when be was fifty-thre, 3 Short forms ‘Write the short forms of the negative verbs. Example She did not see me. She didn't see me. 4 Tid not go to schoo! on Monday. Our teacher did not come to school today. d_ They were not at home. Paul could not read until he was eight. 4 Positives and negatives Make the positive verbs negative. Make the negative vverbs positive, Examples She drove to work, She didnt drive to work. 1 didn't know the answer. Thnew the answer, a My aunt gave me a birthday present. b Ididn’t rain until five o'clock © I didn’t drink the coffee, but I ate the cake. 4. She didn’t bring a bottle of wine, ‘© She wasn't tited, so she didn't goto bed. £ He forgot his passport and he lost his ticket. g Itdidn’t costa lot of money. fh [didn’t have a lot of time, so I didn't do the shopping. oy 5 Past time expressions 1 Number the times in chronological order, 1-6, this morning 6 last winter — in 1982 — the day before yesterday _ yesterday evening — ten years ago _ 2. Write sentences about you. Use each expression once. Examples 1 got up at eight o'clock this morning. didn't have a shower yesterday evening. 6 ago Rewrite the sentences with ago, Example T saw him last June, I saw him three months ago. Thad breaktast a eight o’clock. b They got married in 1989. © We saw John the day before yesterday. d_ They met in 1976, © My daughter started schoo! last September. £ Queen Victoria died in 1901 +e came back from America last month, 1h Their son was bor at two o'clock this morning. 7 How we met 1 [ 753] Gloria Spitz, who is English, describes how she met her American husband, Hank, in the 1940s Complete the text using the words in the box. like in the films so different from time we danced our lives changed didn’t talk couldn't look at hime was very worried away in the war gave us chocolates, ceame back for me | nan ‘Well, | was sixteen. It was 1942 and my mother and | lived in a small village in the country. My father wasn't there. He was (a) ‘Suddenly, on 26th January, (b) Hundreds of American soldiers, Gis, came to the village. Ooh! We girs inthe village toved them They were (¢) English boys. They talked tous. They (d) about cars and football. They (e) and nyton stockings. Every day was like Christmas Day! “And the way they danced! Oh, they danced (f)___ - Lmet Hank at the Saturday dance. { ‘think I fell love th first (g) ! Iwas so shy that (h) _ but he took me to the dance every Saturday after that He told ime he loved shy English girls. My mother () ‘We didnt know American people then “In 1943 Hank went to France, but we wrote to each other. We wrote for two years and at the end of the war he «He took me to the States, to his home in Arizona, Well, now we have four children and twelve grandchildren! 2. [1536 | Answer the questions. a Where did Gloria live when she was a giel? 'b Why did village life change in January, 1942? ‘¢ How were the Gls and the English boys different? dd Where did Gloria meet Hank? ¢€ Did she fallin love with him immediately? £ Do you think Gloria’s mother liked the Gls? What happened to Gloria atthe end of the war? je | (somebody anybody... 8 What is it? ‘Try the puzzle! Write in the answers tothe clues and find the vertical word. Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary. All these items are + 9 somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere, something, anything ‘T5ta_| The rules for these words ae the same as for ‘someand any. Positive Somebody ohoned you ist night {ke Something o eat. They have a house somewhere inte south of Fence Negative | cia’ go anywhere las night. | did't have anything for lunch, He doesnt know anybody in London Question Did you go anywhere over the weekend? Did you mest anybody atthe paty? Is there anything o eat inthe house? [7540 | Putone of the words into each gap. a Isthere on TV tonight? b-I'mbored.I want to go nice tonight. © Does hhave change for a pound? I want 10 1 When I was a child, I always rode to school on ths, 2 Idon’t like reading when I travel by car, but | always read when I travel by 3 Did you watch that interesting programme on .. last night? 4 Horgot my ..., 5A pilot fies this 6 Most offices, banks, hotels, and schools have them now, but they didn't twenty-five years ago, 7. 100 years ago people didn't have one of these in their kitchen for milk and butte, so things were difficul in summer, 8 Alexander Graham Bell invented this, so Tcouldn’t take any photographs. 9 Most people now have automatic ... machines for their clothes. 10 Charles Dickens didn’t use this, but most writers now use a word make a phone call, Close your eyes! Ihave. for you e took my newspaper this morning. Who wasit? £ [looked for my newspaper, but I couldn’t find it g Jane works. {nthe centre of town, h A. Tom's on the phone for you. B I don't know called Tom. i [don't understand. about computers, J. A Where did you put my coat? B in the kitchen, k There's please? at the door. Can you open it, 10 Linking words: because, when, until Make sentences using a line in A, a line in B, and a line in C. A Peter couldn't speak Tim didn’t see the Colosseum Eva didn't start learning English 1 didn’t enjoy Maths lessons Sally dida’t buy the red shoes ‘They didn’t go to bed ‘We met Ken's wife last Saturday [efi the party early because I didn’ fee! well because when | left the party early | until 11 My bestfriend 1 [TEE] Complete he text using the words in the box. ‘and but so because when until 2 Write about 100 words about your bestfriend. What is her/his name? ‘When did you meet? Where did you meet? What did you do together? How often do you meet now? What do you do? c she was thirty. they came for dinner. Twas at school she didn’t like them. after midnight he was nearly four I didn’t feel well he was in Rome. meet erery wesk. She 4 bag, (n) 45 _UNITS ie oe 1 He likes skiing. Answer the questions with alin from A. alin from B, anda line from. A BO _ | skiing crosswords looking at | old black-and-white films | taking music | | sunbathing computer games } listening to photographs nie ee “ Example 4 Why does Sylvia have two cameras? Why does Peter go to Switzerland every winter? Because he likes skiing in the mountains. Because she a Why is there a stereo in your living toom, your dining — : room, and your bedroom? € Why do you visit so many art galleries? Because I Because I bb Why does your father buy three newspapers every day? Why do Sally and James goto the beach at weekends? Because he _ Because they © Why do you want « video? Why do you want a Nintendo? Because T Because | 7 2 Martha’s likes and dis TH] Look atthe \nfomation about Marta, then compete the questions answers below kes kes kes Sports tennis athlet volleyball football Food Taian | Chinese Indian At weekends) going to parties | shopping for food sectng fiends | doing the housework comedies Westerns science fiction Example What sports does she like? Tennis and volleyball. 4 What sort of food does she like? Going to parties and meeting her friends © What sort of. 2 Comedies and science fiction. d_ Does she like Chinese food? : athletics? t going to parties? shopping for food? 3 Your likes and dislikes [TET] Answer the questions about you. Example Do you like looking at pictures? No, I don't Do you like swimming? b Do you like shopping? © Do you like fish? _ Do you like cooking? € Do you like learning English? Countable and uncountable nouns — 4 Countable or uncountable? [ T58 | Are the nouns usually countable or uncountable? Pat Cor U, arice =U ho gmpe | __ b money i biscuit © bread jit stamp sandwich © wine 1 cheese f apple = __ m cup cigarette __ neg 5 a,an, or some? Put, an, or some into the gaps. Example Would you like _some rice? a Would you tke wine? b Can Thave stamps, please? © dike chicken sandwich and _cheese for lunch, 4 Do you want _* cigarette? Would you like apple or __ grapes? f Can Thave bread? g Can you give me money? hy Tusually have biscuit and cup of coffee at Ham, i Could you buy __ fruit when you goto the shops? | Healwayshas____ egg for breakfast. 4a Se aE wouldlike 6 Wd like a drink. Match a line in A with a ine in B. A B Tmhot like to go wo bed. Tmthisty, Sed tke to have a swim, Tm hungry. Td like to be on a beach Pmtired, in Florida, I's Sunday and Pm 1d like to go out with my bored, friends, | don't have any money. | T'd Tike tobe a It’s winter and Pm cold. | millionaire. 1d like a cold beer. Vd likea sandwich, 7 like or would like? Make sentences with like or would like. Examples Jane has all the Rolling Stones’ records. ‘She tikes the Rolling Stones. 1's Ann’s birthday next week. ‘She'd like some new clothes for her birthday. a Peter has more than twenty cookbooks, cooking. My caris twenty years old! Cathy thinks her house very small My children have four cats, three dogs, and a bird, animals. ‘There's good film on TV tonight. Peter buys a lot of CDs. 1 don’t want to go out tonight, ‘Tom and Mary always have a winter holiday. 8 some or any? 1. Put some or any into the gaps. a Tdon'thave ‘money in my pocket, but have ‘money in the bank, b Are there letters for me this morning? © Tnever have breakfast I'm not hungry in the morning. 4d. You have lovely pictures in your house, Are you Canadian’ I have good friends in Canada. £ Don’t buy bread at the shops. There's a lot inthe kitchen. g Doyouhave brothers or sisters? bh There aren't shops in my village, just @ Post Office and a pub. i want cheese. Is there inthe fridge? i people like flying, but other people don't k There was rain during the night. ‘Complete the sentences with some or any and a word. from the box. petrol food music shampoo stamps boots | people chairs photos Example Would you like to listen to some music? have a new CD, 4 People couldn't sit down at the party because there weren't b Tcouldn’t take weather was sosbad, ‘on holiday because the © Wecouldn’t buy in the supermarket because our money was in the car Pd like to wash my hair, so want € Ineed to put in the car. I's nearly empty. f Doyouhave "7 Lwant to post these leters. g There were very interesting atthe party lastnight. bh Twant from the library. How much/How many 9 How much or How many? TE] Complete the question with How much. or How many .?thea wie answers which ae te fr you on How much homework do you get? b English books do you have? does a cup of coffee cost? 4d langage 6 ou speak? ¢ ____ ropleare tein yours? {wees hality do you Bae in omner? § —__enfee do you dinkaday? LANGAN’S Hors p’orvvres Soup ofthe day ‘Smoked salmon on brown bread Prawn cocktail Paté with toast Scampi ‘Main courses Grill lamb chops Steak Fried chicken Plaice in white wine sauce Various omeletes [Weeabilaty 10 Adjectives that describe food and drink [Te] Use your dictionary, Put the correct group of adjectives from the box next to each noun, hot/mild white/brown fresh/ frozen | dry/sweet —_rare/medium/wellione | | whiterblack — fizey/stll | a a wine bo reat c _____ coffee mineral water © curry f peas go steak 11 Ordering a meal in a restaurant I Look at the menu, Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary RESTAURANT VEGETABLES All our segetabls ate fresh! Potatoes a Carrots q Peas \. Cauliflower ) Green saad y Desserts, Frosh fruit salad Apple pie Cheesecake 49 Walter Are you ready to order? T61_] Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. Then use them to complete the George Yes. (c) conversation between the waiter and two customers, i Tinds and George. Linda And for me the prawn cocktail Waiter Yes, madam. George And then (i) coffee you like some Would order 10 wine Linda And I'd like a steak ] Tike some Would | water Fiazy sll_mineral_or | to tke | "table two @ er) vil hae “ean the we | Linda Netum, pease | Waiter That's fine. () uded service the Is ? First Linda Potatoes and cauliflower, please, like How you steak would the Waiter (g) lamb course the [ men have we the | | | Td chops for main like | Linda Yes. Can I sce the wine lst? bottle of French red would like George And some mineral water, please. Waiter (h) vegetables you Wi George Still, please George That was delicious! Waiter ‘Thank you very much, (i) Waiter Good evening, sit. Good evening, madam, Linda Yes. Black, please. George Good evening, (a) _ George And) _? . please. Waiter Of course Waiter Certainly Is this table all right? George (hk) ? George That’ fine. (6) Waiter No, it isn’, sir. George Can | pay by credit card? Waiter Certainly. The soup of the day is French onion soup. Walter Yes, that’s fine. o 6 6 « 6 50 2. Write a ler to the Alexandra Hotel. Book a single room for four nights next month. Ask for a room with a view of the sea, and ask fora brochure of the 12 Formal and informal letters hotel. The address is: Cliff Road Lyme Regis Dorset RG6 8TY 1 [ 62 ] Compare the organization of a formal and an informal ete. A formal letter 17 Blundell Road Cromer gon Worfolk MPs eet ae ‘Always wite the cme Receptionist post code at the clifton Hotel endo th ata. toughborough Road 1993 Wte Dea Siror Madam Leicester LB7 9P0 37 March ifyudo rot now the vame ofthe person yu aeentg pear Six/or wide hotel Couid you... ar ee ere venineem_—— E-Pad wE M aehTeme te toonrtsin Lor ee tate a quiet room with 2 bath? oe eee ond yeu have a zoteaurant, ou14 708 Zgtean TIES fete eeter rte eles = cai Tiahewaledt sage let me now Af you need credit card number. hank you very much. youd ot ino the 1 lock forward to hearing from you: sare o the person you Youre faithfully arewitingt,wite Yours fatal. Geir ar Yours see cor West I 4 arm Chae An informal letter seceile ae g ls] Avil esas er Fin and Py oo ‘more like spoken English ———— Hava Rolin _—— There are shor ane tes inna 5 wand PPR EF hp Ohare a lets Can. Pad Canju..? Mag fark, aap ntastamal as au. There are sof exartes of informa English 5 UNIT 10 1 Comparative adjectives T63_| Write the adjectives Adjective | Comparative cheap cheaper dirty dirtier faster safer friendlier bigger better |e healthier noisier hotter 2 Opposites T64_| Write the opposites ofthe comparative adjectives. Examples faster slower safer more dangerous bigger —— cheaper cleaner more boring more difficult colder further better 82 3 Making comparisons ‘Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective Example ‘The town isn’t very clean. The country is cleaner than the town a Mycarisn’t very new. Your ear ‘b Ann’s house isn’t very modem, Your house my car. A's Bob's garden isn't very big, Your garden much Bob's Yesterday wasn't very hot. Today _ much _. yesterday. Sue's homework wasn't very good. Your homework Sue's. Your car isn’t very dirty. My car ‘yours This exercise isn't very dificult, The next exercise _—— much have got 4 have and have got Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of have got. Examples She has a dog. She doesn’t have a cat, She's gota dog. She hasn't got a cat. 1 don’t have a car Ihave a bike. Thaven't got a car I've got a bike. Do you have a dog? Yes, Ido, Have you gota dog? Yes, | have, Does he have a computer? No, he doesn't. Has he gota computer? No, he hasn'. a He has a motorbike. He doesn’t have a car. b- They have a flat. They don't have a house. © ‘Do you have any brothers?” “Yes, Ido. ‘Does she have a new job? “Yes, she does.” ‘Does he have a new camera” ‘No, he doesn’t f We don't have much money. They have a lt. do/does/have/has [165] Put dosdoes or havethas imo the gaps. aa ‘you got the time, please? B Yes, it's nearly four o'clock. ba he have any children? B_ Yes, one daughter. © A How many brothers and sisters__you got? B Two brothers aa they have an old house? B_ Yes, much older than mine © A _____she got abig flat? B_ Yes, much bigger than ours. f A ____youlive near here? B ga your mother work in the bank? B Yes, she Short forms Rewrite the sentences using short forms. Example 1 am happy. Ihave got a new car 1m happy. I've gota new car: 4 They have got a big classroom. He has got a bike, but he has not got a car. = We do not have much money. We are poor. She has got a big house. She is rich He does not have an English dictionary. 7 Comparing Paul and Mary 1 Look at the information about Paul and Mary and complete the sentences below. Paul | Mary | Me | ‘Age 2» | a Height 180 | Les brothers and sisters? | 2 brothers | x house la? aflat | a flat aca? Dok oly | camera? v v word processor? | x a younger b taller © ‘How brothers Paul gor?” ee 4 Paul got__ sisters © Mary got brothers or sisters f Mary and Paul both ala, g Mary____got car, but Paul h They both i word processor?” ‘No, she hasn't 2. Complete the chart and write sentences about yourself. Examples Tm older than Paul but younger than Mary. Pve got one sister 8 Com 8 Comparative and superlative adjectives Write the comparative and superlative forms of difficult German English than more much is ‘A weather better today than much yesterday is the the adjectives. Adjective com | Superatve 10 Questions and answers cheap Tine cheapest [767] Complete the questions with the superlative. expensive sive en | the most expensive form of the adjective, then try to answer them, | young Example What is the highest (high) mountain in the world? happy Everest. beautiful “ a Whois (rich) person in Britain? big ‘busy b Whatis____ (long) river in the world? intelligent bad Whatis (popular) spor. far in your country? new | dangerous d Where (old) university in Europe? 9 Word order e Whois (young) person in your Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or family? questions Example Whois family the am the in I oldest f hour cas? Cnellgent) student 1am the oldest in the family. a. sister me my than younger is = bb class who oldest the the in is © passenger plane is Concorde world fastest the in the @ book interesting than my your more is book: © bought expensive shop the in watch most Peter the f cheapest buy John shop in the the did watch 11 Compound nouns ( T68a] In English two words can often go together to make ‘anew noun. Sometimes wa write them as one word, sometimes as two words, and sometimes with a hyphen. post + office = post office hair + cresser ice + cream [Tab] Match a word in A with a word in B to make 4 new noun, Check the spelling in your dictionary A B town park nilway | way trafic agent's book centre bus office motor station department | port cat stop travel store ticket shop rush lights aie hour 2 Fillin the gaps with the correct compound noun, Stop the car! The are red b Heathrow is one of the biggest world, Harrods is the best in London, but it’s very expensive to go shopping there d- We waited in the rain atthe __ hour before the bus came, inthe __ for one © Allbig towns have a ery ‘moming when people go to work, and again in the evening when they go home. 1 Sun and Seas the best inthe town. They have good, cheap holidays. ¢g, Thate driving on the M25. It goes around London and it’s one of the busiest in the country. h The was very big and I couldn't find the ‘Aman told ‘me that it was near Platform 1 i No, 1 didn’t borrow this book from the library. 1 bought it at a 12 everybody, nobody, everywhere, nowhere, everything, nothing These words are followed by a verb inthe singular. Everybody lites Kate. Nobody wants more homework Everything is ready TE9b | Put on ofthe words into each gap. Who's in the bathroom? ___. Irs empty. ‘Who'd like an ice-cream? We all want one, Did you find your keys? No. I looked them. 4 A. What did you buy at the shops? were ewe but I couldn't find B 1 didn’t have any money, © Things in London aye very expensive is cheaper in my country. £ T'msorry. told me it was your birthday today. Happy birthday! g A. Where did you go last night? B I stayed at home and watched TV. h A- How much is itt get into the museum? B Is fre. i The fridge is empty. Justin ate Two and two is four. knows that 55 13. Relative pronouns We use who/that, which/tht, and where jin sentences, | saw the gi. She works in the travel agent’. | saw the girl who/that works in the vavel agent's. \who/that = person people Ths is the book. thas the information, Thisis the book which/that has the information \which/that = thing/things There's the house. John and Mary lve init Theres the house where John and Mary lve where = place/places Join the sentences with who, which, shat, or where. a Jack wrote the letter. It arrived this moming. b There's the park. We play football in it. © Tom's the boy. He loves Anna. This is the hotel always stay here. Barbara's gota car I's faster than yours ve gota niece. She lives in America. Look at the pictures. They're on page 6. 14 My capital city 1 [T70_} Read about London and underline the relative pronouns. Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary. Write four paragrapis about your capital city. Begin each paragraph with the same words asin the text about London, Write 100~150 words. Paragraph 1 How big is it? Whereis it? Paragraph 2 What iit famous for? Paragraph 3 Does it have any problems? Paragraph 4 What do you like best about it? London has a population of about 6,770,000. It lies on the River Thames, where the Romans landed nearly 2,000 years ago, From about 1800 until World War ‘Two, London was the biggest city in the world, but now there are ‘many cities which are much bigger. London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visi its buildings, such as St Paul's LONDON Cathedral, which hasa huge dome, and the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. They also come tov theatres, its museums, and its rmany shops, such as Karrods, where you can buy anything Like many big cities, London has problems with tralficand pollution. Over 1,000,000 people a storie day use the London Underground, bout there are still too many cars ‘on the streets. The air isn’t clean but itis cleaner than it was 100 years ago. Until the Clean Air Act in 1956, London was famous for its fog or ‘smog, which is a mixture of smoke and fog. ‘The best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city centre, But my children’s favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world, tis 200 years ld. 56 1 I'm working hard, ~ Match a tine in A witha line in B. A te I'm working hard because nobody fed them this morning Len’s buying his wife a present ‘because he doesn’t earn much at the moment. Jaane’s washing her hair because they're dry and the weather's hot. Peter’s looking for a better job because it’s her birthday soon, ! ‘We're buying some new clothes because I've got exams next week, | ‘The cats are starving because he’s hungry. ‘She's watering the flowers because she’s going to a party tonight. The baby’s erying because we're going to.a wedding soon, 2 Spelling of verb + -ing Aa —T 1 Most verbs just ad ing | wear wearing go going 00k cooking hold holding 2 the infinitive ends in -e, cop the -e vwrite writing smile smiling takeing 3. When a one-syllable verb has one vowel and ends in @ consonant, double the consonant. sit siting get getting run running ‘ Write the -ing form of the verbs. . walk walkin © se i swim m drink b sing f listen J come n drive © read g mun k do © think 4 stop h_ buy | smoke 57 3 Describing people [-T71_] Look at the people in the pictures. What are they wearing? What are they doing? Write some sentences describing them. 4 Making questions 5 I'm not wearing a suit Put the words in the correct order to make questions in the ‘Write sentences that are true for you now! Present Continuous. Example wearing a suit Example , F'm not wearing a suit. or F'm wearing a suit you what are doing What are you doing? a wearing jeans @ cooking are you what — _ _ - — _ _ ? standing up b tonight out you ing are — © siting in my bedoom € playing we time tennis what are —__ 4 working with a friend 4 exying daughter why is your dinner are Ken and Ellen for coming when f sun shining 8 my parents working 58 Present Simple and Present Continuous | > What do they do? What are they doing? T72_] Look at the pictures and answer the questions slow a What does Tom do? He's a painter, _ b- Ishe painting now? © What's he doing? J What does Alice do? Is she writing now? What's she doing? What does Brian do’ h Ishe delivering tet i What does Nina do? J Isshe working in a shop now? Kk. What's she doing? 7 Choosing the correct tense One sentence is wrong. Choose the correct sentence, Put W and x Example Thave a shower every morning. 7 Pm having a shower every morning. X a Itsalovely day. The sun shines, It's a lovely day. The sun's shining, 'b_ What are you doing tonight? Are you going out? What do you do tonight? Do you go out? © What are we having for supper tonight? ‘What do we have for supper tonight? Where are you usually going on holiday? Where do you usually go on holiday? © What are you doing on the floor? What do you do on the floor? £ I'm looking for something ook for something. Which auxiliary verb? [173] Put amiistare or doldoestdon tidoesn't into the gaps. a T'ma vegetarian. 1 eat meat, b A What_____you want to do tonight? B Why ____we go and sce James? A We can’t becayse be __ working late tonight cA Where you going? B 1____ going to the bank. How many children your sister have? € A T_____tooking fora pair of black shoes. B Certainly. What size___ you take? fA Why Hans studying Chinese? B Because he _going to China on holiday g A Bonjour! Ca va? B Sorry. understand, I speak French, 59 9 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, Present Simple or Present Continuous. Example A. Where's Cindy? B Shes having (have) a bath. a Weusually (go) to Spain on holiday, but this year we__(go) to Florida b OA Why you (buy) so much, food? B Because we (have) a party tonight. My father (live) in a house near the sea because he ike) ssting. d yo (watch) the television? Can Turn it off? A How often (0) swimming? B About once a week. fA What newspaper you usually (read)? B The Times. g A The telephone (cing! B OK. ['ll answerit, Hello? No, Sally isn’t here at the moment. She take a message? OK. By (play) tennis. Can 1 10 Correcting the mistakes Each sentence has a mistake, Find it and correct it. Example doe: Where your sister work? & I'm go tothe cinema tonight. bb How much you ear in your job? ¢ We no wear a uniform at my school. That's my husband over there. He stands near the window. © What you doing afterschool today? £ Somy. You can’t speak to Jenny. She's have a beth, 8 We no going to school today because it's a holiday. hy Peter's a businessman, He’s work all over the world, i Atthe moment Peter's work in Russia, u 2 Whose is the Walkman? TI] Look at the pictures in Exercise 6. Write ‘questions and answers about the objects Example ‘Walkman? Whose is the Walkman? It's Tom's book? b gloves? running shoes? sunglasses? e hat? f suncream? bike? It’s ours. Rewrite the sentences with the possessive pronoun. Example It’s our school, Its ours. a I's my book. be youre. € They're their toys. They're her jeans. € This is my wallet. f These are your cigarettes. Where are my cigarettes? s your present. Vocabulary 13 Parts of the body [THE] Use your dictionary Lael the picture using the words in the box. 14 Linking words: although, because of .. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box. Check the ‘meaning of new words in your dictionary. leg arm head nose foot ear back hand mouth knee finger face hair neck (@) head. although because because of 100 both | for example | a [like coffee, and 1 like tea, b Kate and Meg ae very sini. They like dancing and they love eas. «© We stopped playing tems _ 4 We stopped playing tennis_the rin it started to rain, e it was cold, we went swimming, f There's so much to do at the weekend. ‘you can go skiing or skating 15 Describing people 1 [176] Complete the text using the word in the box in Exercise I MY BROTHERS [have twin brothers, ‘rim and Tom. they are very siailer and e lot ‘Of people don’t know which is which, they «@) have blond hair and bine ‘eyes, and they alvaye wear jeans and t-shirts, | They 1ike doing the same things, ) +(e) + they both Like jazz and they're crazy about football. ‘They go to a football match once a week. ‘Tim doesn’t Like dancing or discos and Ton doen't 1ike then, either. (@) ____they‘re twins, they're not ‘exactly the sane at everything. Tim works hnard at school (e) 90 to university, but Tom is a bir lazy. Our mother is often avay from hone (t her job, 80 we all ork together in the house. Most of the tine it's Cine, but sometimes we fight a bit! he wants to 2. Write about 100 words about two people in your family 61 IT 12 What are these people going to be? Write sentences using. the words in the box. vet actress pilot interpreter chef teacher lawyer athlete Example Frank and I are learning to fly. We're going to be pilots. a Bob loves children, b_ Maria's good at languages © Mary's at drama school Sue and Peter are studying law. © Anna loves animals Bill cooks very well. g Lisa can run very fast. 2 Making questions T77_| Respond to each statement with a question. ‘Use the words in brackets Example Pm very hungry. (What/-you/eat?) What are you going to eat? a We're going to the cineme. (What/you/see?) b_Len’s coming for dinner tonight. (What/ you/cook?) © Cathy's going to university in September. (What/she/study?) 4. Jack and Jill got engaged last week. (When/they/get married”) © Sue's not going by train, (she/fly?) f It's my birthday next week. (you/have a party?) g Is very cloudy, (it/rain?) 3 Making negatives [178 | Read the sentences about the past. Make negative sentences about the future. Example Sue and Bill gota new car last year They're not going 10 get one this year. a Jane had a birthday party last year. 62 ‘We went to Spain last year, wore my blue coat yesterday. Pete and Rob did the washing-up yesterday. My aunt gave me socks for Christmas last year Paul didn’t pass the exam last year. + Summer holidays - Read the information about these people’s holidays, Make notes about your next holida the Hotel Gellert 10 days, 6 days Visit Disney World |. 20 to Cape Canaveral ‘swim in the spa water sightseeing i Write five sentences about Mark and Lucy's 5 Cr) Complete te conversation between Lucy 18 Mark and Lucy are going to Florida in the USA Lucy oon holiday next next summer. _ _ summer? b They - _ John To Budapest. Lucy fy there? John No, I'm nbt. I'm going by boat and train. . Bucy —? John In a hotel, The Hotel Geller. d Lucy - ? _ John For six days, from Friday to Wednesday. : Lucy And _! — John Well, the hotel has wonderful baths, so in the mornings and in the aftemoons 4 Write five sentences about your next holiday. 5 What is going to happen? Complete the sentences with going fo and a verb or expression from the box. 7 Reading: Jane’s busy day [Tata | Rea aout Janes busy day. [crash snow besick jump belate move | have a job interview Example Look at that man on the bridge! I think he’s going to jump. a Tdon't feel well, think 1____ __. b_ It’s so cold and look at those clouds! I think it That man’s driving too fast. He 4. Sally’s wearing her best clothes. She © Hurry up! I's nearly ten o'clock! You f Sarah and Pete's flat is too small. They [infinitive of purpose z 6 Why are you going to the baker's? Answer the questions with an infinitive of purpose. Use the words in the box. dictionary shampoo holiday brochure wine paper magazine bread Example Why are you going to the baker's? To buy/get some bread. a Why are you going to the chemist’s? 'b Why is she going to the bookshop? © Why is he going to the travel agent's? 4d Why are you going to the stationer’s? Why ate they going to the off-licence’? £ Why is John going to the newsagent’s? 64 Auxili 8 amlis/are/do/does/did Yesterday Jane had a very busy day. First she went to the dry cleaner’s and collected her dress and jacket. Then she went to the chemist’s and bought some suncream and a new pair of sunglasses. After that she went to the bank and got Spanish pesetas, and to the travel agent's, where she collected some tickets. ‘Then she went home and packed her suitcase. ‘An hour later a taxi arrived and took her to the airport, where she caught a plane to Majorca, [Tab | Write sentences about Jane's day using the infinitive of purpose Example She went tothe dry cleaner’s ro collect her dress. aries Put am/istare or do/does!did into the gaps. a ___ he play tgnnis last Sunday’? b he playing tennis now? © How often_____you wash your hair? d you wash it yesterday? © T_____going to wash it tonight. £ We having dinner at the moment. £ _____you have dinner at this time every evening? 1h What ___ your parents going to do when they retire? i Where ___ your parents meet? j What time Maria usually arive at school? + short answers T81_ | Write true answers. = sample se you a student? 5 Tam. = Ate you going to England next year? ~ Have you got asister? Did you wateh TV last night? 2 Do you live ina city Does your teacher talk lot? Is your teacher talking at the moment? Did your teacher give you some homework last lesson? + Isyour teacher going to give you some homework tomorrow? Has your teacher got long hair? Can you speak French? Vocabulary and pronunciation — 1) Word stress | T82 | Look at the words in the box. They ate from Units 1-12. How many syllables do they have? Whereis the stress? Put them into the correct columns. airport guitar tomorrow yesterday important suitcase police burglar interesting hotel trousers piano mountain hospital dangerous delicious chocolate video enough computer shampoo popular successful beautiful homework delayed umbrella without, ; ° suitor - | | eee tomorrow veuenday Phonetic spelling [TEE] ‘The word in phonetic spelling are vers with to syllables. Write the words and mark the crtet sts. Example iret) vet a /nlaks/ b /foget! Hays, 4 Iwnalet ¢ ora! f /hapon! gs ndsai/ 65 12 Writing a posteard 1 [Ta | This | Eri, postcard describes a | DearNomsn ad holiday with good | were hain | St ea weatherorbad | weather. Read it and | yaweatar | elt ‘underline the words | jentver i, | \ he “se \ | hotandsunny | and i on ont en, Tron me 8 \ getverrd, . \ ovina we gg somes 1 Stinthe sat | | cunyou oth oor. | Le ater _ 2 Write a posteardtoan English friend. \ Write about: « where you are on holiday «the weather | « something you do often | « something you did \ yesterday «Something you are going to do tomorow [Prepositions 13 from, like, than ... e France is much bigger England. Put a preposition from the box into each gap. f Imlooking Jane. Do you know where she is? {from like than in at for of on | g Look that picture! Isn't it beautiful? OO h Marmalade is ____ jam, but it’s made from oranges. a Can you buy a bottle ____ lemonade at the shops? i Come and see me. seven o'clock, b What have we got___ dinner? I'm really hungry. |) What did you do the weekend? What is the longest river. the world? 1 We went shopping the moming. 66 UNIT 13 ee Questionforms 4 general knowledge quiz T85_| Match a question in A with an answer in B. A |B 4. When was the First World War? | 1 Nippon. ‘b What's the capital of Morocco? 2 Four. ¢ How many players are there in a polo team? | 3. Strawberries and cream. d Who did Stan Laurel make films with? 4 Germany, e What do the Japanese call Japan? | 5 Nepal and Tiber. £ What food do people traditionally eat at Wimbledon? 6 Because he died. Where was the tennis player John McEnroe born? | 7 From 1914 « 1918, hh Mount Everest is on the borders of two countries. Which ones? 8 Rabat i Why did James Dean stop making films? | 9 Oliver Hardy. 2 Question words: T86 | Complete the conversation between Ann and Bill Put a question word from the box into each gap. oo Where what when why how which who Amn (a) What do you want to do tonight? Bill Well, there’s a good film that I want to see. ‘Ann (b) “sitecalled? Bill ‘Les Enfants Teribles. ‘Amn A French film? (c) French film? do you want to sea Bill Because people say it's very good. ‘Ann (d) ‘much French do you understand? Bill Quite aot, actually. What about you? (e) ‘many years did you study French at school? Ann | did it for four years, so I understand quite a bit. Bill Ann Bill Ann Bill Ann Bil Bill Ann Do you want to come? OK.(f) cinema is it on at? ‘The Odeon, ‘The Odeon? (e) "s that? I's near the swimming baths in Stonor, Ah! (h) _¢ you want to get there? By car or bus? ‘There's a bus that goes direct. Fine. ())__does it start? A730. @ 'sin it? Do you know? Catherine Deneuve. She's great! [can't wait! 67 3 What (time)? ‘Complete the questions with What and a word from the box. day sports colour size sort time Example A What time does the football match start? BAt3.00, aA of car do you have? A Ford Escon. b is your car? Black © ___is ittoday? do you like best? B A B A B Wednesday. A B Tennis and football. A shoes do you take? B Forty-four, 4 How (old)? ‘Complete the questions with How and a word from the box, fast_much many old fen wll big Example ‘A _How old_ is your sister? B Sixteen, It was her birthday yesterday. a A ___ English lessons do you have a week? B_ Two. One on Mondays and one on Thursday bA do you watch TV? B Every aight. cA can your car go? B_ 150 kilometres an hour. aa does an elephant weigh? B About seven tonnes. eA are you? B About one metre seventy. fA is Peter and Jane's house? B_ Wel. there are four bedrooms, a living room, and a dining room, 3 Which? Write questions with Which. Example A We went to a restaurant lastnight. B_ Which restaurant did you go to? A. Guiido’s in Amersham, a A. My daughter goes to a very nice school A Bo A. Clement Danes School A favourite season? B [like summer the best because it’s hot and the days are long. ¢ A. Inthe shop I saw a lovely black pullover and a beautiful blue one. Bo A. T bought the blue one. dA. There are three films on atthe cinema. B The horror film, please. I love horror films! 6 Which one do you want? [TR] Write conversation fr each picture Examples A’ Which one do you want, the big one or the little one? B The big one, please. a 1 Wie one ou wa wpe bec? Mme noe 7 Questions and short answers [8 | Read PT thetextabour | Sit Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur creator of the great detective Conan Doyle. | sir arthur Conan Doyle is famous as Complete the | ¢he writer ofthe Sherlock Holmes questions and |” stories, He was born in (a)... lo 1859. choose an He went to (b) .. University and answer from | studied (2)... He worked as a doctor aa the box below. | for several years, but when he was (2)... he became 3 full-time writer. ‘He wrote (e)..., but it was the ‘detective stories which made him famous. He wrote the first story in {while he was still a doctor, ‘and in the next twenty years he ‘wrote (g) .. more. ] Sherlock Holmes lived in (h).. with | his friend and assistant, ().. Their {enemy in many stories isa man called Moriarty. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in)... aged seventy-one, bA — J 1930 / Baker Street, London / 1887 / Edinburgh / | —_— —_ — Doctor Watson / Scotland / thirtywo f medicine / B | romances, adventure stores, and historical novels / fifty | a Where was he born’? Jn Scotland. b Which © What _— __ ? @ How old ls e What sort of ? f When : _ 8 How many __ __? hh Where __ __ Z ? 8 Noun and adjective suffixes A ‘We use suffixes to form different parts of speech. Noun suffixes: -ness, ence Acjective suffixes: ul, +, usaf. yf, ent [_789_| Complete the table. All the words are in Headway Elementary. Noun Adjective colour colourful beauty happy sun peace culture dangerous healthy independence imelligent friend romance different 9 Adjectives that end in -ed and -ing ‘Some adjectives can end in either -edor-ing. The book was interesting. | was interested in the book The film was boring Sho was bored by tefl T90b | Put an adjective from the box into each gap. worried interesting boring interested bored exciting Example What programme are you watching? Is it interesting ? a I don't want t0 go to the match. I'm not in football. 70 b The children are. what to do. and they don't know © ‘Ifyou're bored, read a book!” “Idon’t want to read a book. Books are : d- What time did you get home lastnight? I didn’t know ‘where you were. I was very. about you, ‘I'm going on a safari in Africa.’ ‘Really? How 10 Adverb or adjective? ‘Underline the correct word in each pit Example ‘The children played happy/happity in the garden, Your children are always very happy/happily: b She sings very good/well © Yes, she's avery good well singer. 4 ‘How are you’ ‘Very good/well, thank you. And you?” just want a quick quickly snack. Jus a sandwich, please £ Lhhad breakfast quick/quickly because Iwas late for work 2 You're speaking very quiet/quiel. can’t hear you. bh He's a very slow/ slowly reader. 11 Position of adverbs Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct place in each sentence, Sometimes more than one place is possible. Example T went tothe beach. Itraned all the time. (jesterday/ unfortunately) Yesterday I went tothe beach. Unfortunately, it rained all the time. or ‘ Twent to the beach yesterday. .. a Listen, I want you to come home, (carefully immediately) 'b I work and at night I sleep. (hard/well) i i it (b) dark pond. When the al € Tknow Peter because we play tennis (well/together) d “Tove you. ‘Tove you.’ (very much/too) Please speak and explain, (slowly/clearly) £ A man with a gun ran into the bank. (suddenly quickly) Wiig (5 12 Once upon a time: a fairy story 1 [791 | Read the story and put an adverb or an jective from the box into each gap. Use each word ‘nce only. Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary Adjecti | Adverbs | green carefully hot | happily angry quickly deep suddenly beautiful immediately handsome unfortunately unhappy { gue 2. Many English faity stories begin Once upon a time and end and they lived happily ever after. Write ‘another story that you know and like. Begin and end inthe same way. Write about 200 words. ng, and her seven sisters. Every day she played with hor ball in the garden of the palace. ‘At the end of the garden there was a weather was (c)____ th Be princess liked playing near the pond. “%) and sho sat on tho grass and started to cry. 9 __ she heard a voice: ‘Don’ , princess.” She opened her eyes and nw a Large, () (A frog. ‘Oh, please help me!’ she said, 'T can't get my ball ‘YiLhelp you,' said the frog, “if can come and live with you in the palace!” So the frog jumped into the water and came back with the ball. The princess laughed and took the ball She ran (h)___ back to the palace and forgot all about the frog. Rag ff The frog was very ()__.. He followed the princess into the palace and told his story to the King, "A promise is a promise,’ said the frog. "Yos,’ said the King and called his daughter. ‘A promise is a promise, my daughter. Take this frog to your room and look after him (j) The princess cried again, but she took the frog and put him on her bed. Tho frog looked at her and said we her eyes and kissed him. (I) .- into a(m) . "Please kiss me, princess.” She closed + the frog tuned prince, Of course, he and the pri love. One week later they married and they lived (2) ess foll in ever after. 1 Present Perfect or Past Simple? T82_| Read about Monica Cox and underline the comect verb forms. Monica Cox ‘Tennis player ‘MONICA Cox is tennis player. Sho (a} wordhas won ‘many tournaments in hor life, She (b) started has started playing tennis with hor fathor whon she was three years old. Two years ago she (c) wend/has ‘gone to Ammevica to a famous tonnis schoo! in California. Monica and her father (@) traveltedihave travelled to many countries. Last month they (e) wontihave gone to tournament in Aust ais, Monica (9 playedhas played well, but she (g) dit twinthasn't on. She (h didn’t playihasn’t ployed at Wimbledon yet, but she hopes todo so next your 2 Short answers T83_|_ Write short answers to the questions about Monica Cox. Examples Has Monica won many competitions? Yes, she has. Did she go to America two Years ago? Yes, she did Did she start playing tennis when she was three? b_ Did she go to America when she was three? 2 ¢ Have Monica and ber father travelled alot? _ Have they ever been to Australi € Did they go to Australia last month? £ Did she win the competition? Has she won Wimbledon yer? 3 Verb forms: Past Simple and Past participle TH] Write the Past Simple and the Past participle forms ofthe verbs. Three verbs are regular. Infinitive | Past Simple Past participle come came come arrive rive arrived leave write start give | finish uw + ever and never T95_] Use the words to ‘ite questions with ever, and rea the answers about Paul Examples Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Yes, Thave, three times travel through the Euro Tunnel? Have you ever travelled through the Euro Tunnel? No, never. London’ Yes, Thave, twice. b try Indonesian food? No, never. © America? Yes, Thave, once, d ride a camel? No, [haven't e fly in Concorde? No, never. Use the information to write sente Examples Paul's been to Paris three times. He's never travelled through the Euro Tunnel. 5 Past time expressions Write sentences in the Past Simple using the time expressions in brackets, Example I've seen the latest Batman film. (last week) I saw it last week a The taxi has arrived. (five minutes ago) a b_ We've seen the Taj Mahal. (in 1987) 4. Te done my homework. (after supper) € They've had lunch, (at twelve o'clock) Choosing the correct adverb Choose one of the adverbs in brackets and put it in the correct place in the sentence. Only one of the adverbs in each pair is correct. Example We went out toa restaurant. (ever/yesterday) We went out o a restaurant yesterday: a 1 saw Jim ten days. (ago/ever) b ‘Have you tried Japanese food? (last year/ever) © Have you finished writing your book? (yevever) d_ Thave seen anyone who eats more than you. (ever/never) Are there any letters? I've seen the postman. (agofjust) 7 yet Rewrite the sentences with yer. Example Sarah and Tom are going to have lunch, They haven't had it yet. a Mary's going to wash her hair. b Mrand Mrs Gibbs are going to see Buckingham. Palace. © John’s going to have a shower. 4. Bill and Tare going to move house next week © She's written the letter. (yesterday) € My aunt is going to give me a birthday present. B 8 yet and just Put been or gone into the gaps. [196_| Use the words to write questions with yer, then ‘a Bob's not here. He’s___ to work. write answers with jus. 'b The office is empty. Everybody has _homne. Example , Is good to see you again. Where have you __ Bae tuted you wom et 4 My bther’s__ to America fur ines B Yes I've just tidied it © Sorry, you can’t speak to Anna, She's __ tow 4 Ann/speak to the bank manager? patty 3 f£ Mary's hair looks nice. She's just__to the 4 —__________? hairdressers B Yes, him g Peter’s__to Canada and he's staying the b Mark/make a cup of tea? A B Yes, one, | Vocabulary: © do/your homework? 10. What is it? A [CTS] What does i refer to in the following B Yes, _it sentences? Check the meaning of new words in your d_ Mr Jones/read the report? dictionary, A _ ? Example IV's very interesting. I've just read Chapter 10. B Yes, ____it @ book/a novel e you/call a taxi? a a We stood on and looked down atthe river B Yes, one b landed ten minutes ago, 9 been or gone? 1 Look at the pictures and read what the people are ¢ I's next Saturday in St Mary's Church, Then the saying. What isthe difference between been and gone? reception’s in the Bedford Hotel 4 Irisn’t very sharp. I can’t cut the meat. ¢ ean see my fae ini Ws cracked ft barked and rgn after us 'g Can have it well done, please, with chips? h Tike it dry and white — —_—__—— i Ineed a new bul for it She's gone to Portugal = She's in Portugal now. | She's been to Portugal = She went to Portugal and 4 Iddon’t take iin tea, but take one spoonful in coffee row she has etumed. 4 11 Filling in a form 1 John Hall wants to find out more about the Linguaworld Method of learning languages because he wants to leam Italian. He has filled inthe form, ‘but he has not done it very well. There are a lot of mistakes. How many can you find?” 2. Now decide which language you want to speak and fill in the form correctly, @LINGUAWORLD&® @LINGUAWORLD @ Which of these languages would you like to speak? AMERICAN ENGLISH C1 ARABIC (MODERN) PORTUGUESE GGREEK (MODERN) CCHINESE (MANDARIN) 5 INDONESIAN, 0 purcn fet FRENCH JAPANESE GERMAN RUSSIAN. 1 NORWECIAN SPANISH © SWEDISH Tick (¢) the language or languages you would like to speak. The Linguaworld Method teaches you to speak correctly and naturally in just six weeks. For more information and a free cassette fill in the form and post to: The Linguaworld Method, FREEPOST, London Wis 6} (Write in BLOCK CAPITALS please) Which of these languages would you like to speak? AMERICAN ENGLISH PORTUGUESE ARABIC MODERN) GREEK (ODERN) 5 GHINESE (UARDARIN)——DINDONESIAN I putea 1 TTALIAN 1 RENCE JAPANESE | 5 cerwan 1 RUSSIAN NoRWEGuAN © spans | cr swepisi | |_ mick othe language or languages you would ike to speak ‘The Linguaworld Method teaches you to speak | correctly and naturally in just six weeks. For more information and a free cassette fil inthe | foom and post to: ‘The Linguaworld Method, FRé£POsT, London Wis 6?) (Writ in BLOCK CAPITALS please) surname __ Tol Surname ‘ First name(s) Hal Firstmame(s) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms MS Nationality England Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms___—- Nationality Address 16 Greystoke Roo Address Uebwidge UB2 NP | _ Post code TelNo Uxbvidge _ Post code TelNo Ageifunder 18 41 36F6E ‘Age ifunder 18 Reasons for learning: Reasons for learning Holidays BusinessW~” Education | Holidays Business fucation (Please undeline ) (Pease undedline ) | cere 5 1 would like (10 do) or like (doing)? Match a question in A with an answer in B. : a es iA B Do you like sunbathing? No, I don't. I think they're boring. Would you like to go fora walk? 1 don’t like business trips but I love holidays Do you like visiting museums? No, because I always go red, not brown. Would you like to go out to cat this evening? | No, I wouldn't. I's too busy and noisy. Do you lke travelling? Yes, that's a good idea. I don’t want t0 cook. ‘Would you like to work in London? Yes, I'd love to. Ineed some fresh air. 2 Infinitive with to or -ing form? 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, the infinitive with to or -ing. Sometimes either is possible, Examples Td like _10 have _(have) x cup of tea. We enjoyed _meeting _ (meet) your mother. a Don't forget __ (send) your sister a birthday card Do you want__(come) with us to the cinema? © Have you finished. (read) the newspaper? 1 They've decided __ (leave) the city @ Welove______(go ) to the theatre. f We'd love (see) Shakespeare's Hamlet next week. g She's tried (stop) smoking, but she can’t h He promised ____(love) her forever. i Ws stopped (ain) Let’ go for a walk, ji Tstarted (learn) English nine months ago 16 2 [ T98_] Complete the text using the infinitive or-ing form of the verbs in the box. Use each verb once ony read drink relax lie have visit sunbathe help sail stay decide My husband and | hed & problem about our holiday lust yea. U wanted (3) lary seaside holiday because | was tired and needed o «Hove (e) in the sun, [d) __ iced beer and 0) 4 geod book. But Robert likes | busy, cuaral holiday, He likes (f) museums and art galleries. He hates () because he always goes red, nt | brown, The travel agent tried (h) ut and suggested Greece. [ssid Id love (i) toa quiet ja ike () in Athans. [twas nny | land, but of course Roberts | (k)___what to do — we flew to Athens together, Robert stayed there and I travelled to the is of Kos! 3 Infinitive with fo after adjectives Use the words to make sentences or questions Example ccurry/difficult/ make? Is curry difficult to make? a I/pleased/meet you. b it possible/leave early? © [t/impossible/leam all the words. dd English/easy/understand? © Japanese /hard/ write f It/lovely/see Anna lastnight. & This exercise/notdifficult/do. fh L/surprised/hear your news. 4 Infinitive with or without 60? Putthe verbs in brackets into the correct form, the infinitive with or without 10, Example Pd like 10 come _ (come) to the swimming pool, but] can’t swim (swim) a Tean't (ee) anything. I's so dark Jane's decided __ for Christmas. (ive) her husband a ring © Let’s (g0) to Rome for our holiday. Shall (ing) the travel agent? © We'd love (meet) your wife. £ Could you (tell) me the time, please? Veronica couldn't (come) tothe party because she promised _(visit) her aunt fh John forgot_"_ (ur) ofthe hts when he went to bed, i eouldn’t (ride) a bike until I was eight, bat I learnt (swim) when I was three J Can you (help) me? T'd like (buy) a new stereo, ke Tdon't want (stay) at home tonight. Let's - (go) to the pub. in (see) you tomorrow! 1 5 have tothas to ‘Make ten true sentences using a line in A, a line in B, and a line in C. ca [ete | Policemen Nurses ‘The US President Soldiers serve food, Postmen ‘wear a uniform, |. Air hostesses work at night. |The Queen 20 10 War. 6 say/said or tellitold Put say/said or rel/told imo the gaps. Examples Hee _said (that) he was at school yesterday. He fold the teacher (that) he was at school yesterday. 8 Sandra ___ that she went to Tndia for a holiday b Sandra__ Bob that she didn’t see the Taj Mahal ¢ What did Anna___? 4 What did Anna__Peter? € She ___ it was cold in the park f Hehasn’t us his address. g Didhe____ you his telephone number? h They ___that Alice left last week. i What did Barbara about the dinner party? j She ____Alice that it was an afl party k Have you __ Jack about the film? 1 Why did you that? 8 | wear erown sometimes. ‘meet leaders from many counties. Shave tox. | start work very eal in the momning. | English schoolchildren | has to \ wt foreign language very wel [Vocabulary and pronunciation 7 Noun suffix -ion {_199_] Many nouns end in ion. Complete the table and mark the stress Noun Verb e ee description deseribe decide —— | st invitation | _ | prepare inform | celebration __ xt invent competition 8 Words that are nouns and verbs 100 | Many words in English can be both nouns and verbs, Fill in the gaps using the correct forms of the words {nthe box. One noun isin the plural, cook fove walk rink rain lay watch plan paint-—_post | Ret visit Le Examples We couldn't play tennis because of the rain. The weather is horible Its raining again, 1a Edon’t want tonight. Let’s eat out b “What's your job? ‘ma 2 a Ian see the postman. Is there any for me?” b Don’t forget _-my letter for me! 3a Pmdying fora. Is there any water in the fridge? b_ What would you like "7 Wine? Beer? Tea? 44 What are your forthe future? b ‘Why have you gotall those brochures?” “Because I ‘our next holiday.” 5 a T'mgoing the walls white b- Whats that in your hair? It ocks lke 6 a We're going the Cup Final on television b ‘What's the time?" ‘Sorry. }don't have & I'm bored. Do you want cards? 7a b Have you ever seen a. by Shakespeare? 8 8 “How do you get to work?” ‘I : It’s a lovely day. Let’ go fora to the children I don't like going to the swimming baths, 9 a Please give my but !___ swimming inthe sea, 10 @ Wereally enjoyed our to Oxford last weekend, When I was in Britain last year, 1____lots of intersting places 9 Multi-word verbs Fill in the gaps with the correct multi-word verb, Use a verb from Box A and a preposition or adverb from Box B. Put the verbs into the correct form. i A put give Took | tum get 0 | take grow ty | fil break a Whent 1'm going to be a TY star. b es very hot in here.” your jumper, then” Helen starts work at 8.00am, so she has to at 6,00am. 4 T'mafraid I can't goto the party on Saturday. Thave to my little brother. Could you the light __ please? t's getting dark Did you know that Jobn’s just started with Susan’ Iwas late for work this morning because my car (om the motorway. hh Can you help me to this application form for a job? i I's teribly difficult to smoking. 've tried many times! J Pdliketo this dress, please.’ ‘Of ‘course. The changing rooms are over there. k Let's the television to watch the news. | “Tm going fora walk. I need some fresh air.” your coat then. It's cold o 19 80 3 Look at the way we write envelopes in English Isit the same in your country? 10 A thank-you letter 1 [ T101_] Do you remember Paola in Unit 2 of your Student’s Book? She came to London to study English, but now she has retumed home to Italy. Read the letter that she has written to the Brown family to thank them for looking after her. Has her English improved? Then so has yours! Ie ard thea T Brown, and family ee 72 Newton Dave i ee aden Si. 39 olo2 Belogea INGHILTERRA | 19h Decimber 4 Write a similar thank-you letter to someone who os and your Yay in donde: T enjeged mgt weey uch. | has looked after you, Think of an English address Y Woke Hat my Englih has inptoved pate tt. At fat and write the envelope. J oer wasted minute 4 cnn? udecard a wee cor | akin you spoke cxally oly. Thank fo bay pet with rd lig me wf ne wed The ite te eo, Al i ab rey i of gr fo Ai mo ch er ae ee F vaaly eee seg fo the eatee and seeing ‘Me and My Geek, i+ wer 20 forgave ving One and Path HE wat ect He ampate English av Hain trans Give my Core to He. chitdean. 1 cally miss ther. I even miss Aateen’s feaihle jokes ob hs diner table! Tee Cathene: Hal my Gt ace, Tigiana, would lave to be. ha prnyfciend. Ke has promised Yo we, sa aad in dng! TU, wale ger atin. J ape that yeu can wiak me one day in ry Yorn. J wo love $0 show it to you. ieee 2 Divide Paola’s letter into five paragraphs. Where do you think the paragraphs begin and end? (Much love 10 you all is not one ofthe five paragraphs.) Paragraph 1 begins ‘I want to thank * and ends enjoyed myself very much’. Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph $. begins and ends‘. show it to you" (Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP ‘Oxford New York Adhens Auckland Bangkok Bogoti Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dares Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur ‘Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris ‘Sio Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipel Tokyo Toronto Warsaw and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan ‘Oxford and Oxford English are trade marks of ‘Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 433993 9 ISBN 0 19 433999 8 (without Key Edition) © Oxford University Press 1993 Furst published 1993 “Twenty-sixth impression Printing ref (last digit)=6 ‘No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any ‘means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, ‘without the prior written permission of Oxford Univesity Press. “This book is sold subject tothe condition chat it shall not, by trade oF ‘therwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which its published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Designed by Holdsworth Associates, Reading Printed in China Acknowledgements For permission to reproduce photographs Barmaby's Picture Library Bubbles Phorolbrary 4. 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Headway Elementary is first-year coursebook which, along with Headway Pre-Inermedite, Headway Intermediate, Headway Upper-Intermediate, and Headway Advanced, provides a comprehensive language teaching "series for the 199s. Liz and John Soars have many years of experience as teachers ind teacher trainers. Both have worked at Intemational House, London, and Liz was one ofthe chief examiners ofthe Cambridge/RSA Dip ‘TEFL, Each level of Headway provides approximately 120 hours of teaching. Key features of Headway Elementary include: © Detailed treatment of grammar in two stages: atthe beginning of ‘ach uni, where its introduced and practised in a variety of activities, and then inthe Grammar Summary atthe end of each nit, which i suitable for self-study and revision, a © Systematic vocabulary work with dictionary taining. © Skills work section for further extension and fluency work. © Integrated pronunciation work, 7 @ An Everyday English seetion which practises common ‘expressions in everyday situations. © A self-check revision section. ‘This Workbook contains further consolidation exercises, extra input sections, anda writing syllabus. An optional Student's Cassette is available for use with the Workbook. In addition tothe Student's Book, there i also a Teacher’s Book ‘with photocopiable activities, and two Class Cassettes, Headway Elementary is accompanied by Heady Elementary Pronunciation ‘and Headway Elementary Video.

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