Semantic Differential Only

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Semantic differential
scale is a type of a
rating scale designed to
measure the connotative
meaning of objects,
events, and concepts.
(Osgood, 1957)
Uses of Semantic Differential
O used in the measurement of
O measure opinions,
attitudes, and values on a
psychometrically controlled
O measure the semantics or
meaning of words, particularly
adjectives and their referent
O used to ask respondents to
rate products, organization, or
services with polar adjectives
at the extremes of this scale
Semantic Differential
Scale aims to:
Oassess an individual’s
reaction to specific
words, ideas or concepts
Oassess attitude
Three Types of Semantic
Differential Scale (Ron
O Scales points are unlabelled.
O Scale points are labelled.
O Scale points are numbered
(i.e. from 1 to 5).
Example of Labelled Semantic
Differential Scale
Example of Unlabelled Semantic
Differential Scale
Example of Numerical Semantic
Differential Scale
Steps in creating the Semantic
Differential Scale
O Use polar adjectives at each end.
O Charles Osgood identified three
major dimensions of meaning:
Strength, Value, and Activity.
O Put 5 or 7 spaces along each
O It is not necessary to use all the
three themes. It depends on the
O Avoid using more than 20 lines,
10-12 lines is better.
O Location of the positive attributes
should be varied from left to right.
O Provide clear instruction for the
Instructions: Make your ratings by
checking the appropriate space.

For example,
Knowledgeable __:√ :__:__:__ Ignorant
1. Find yourselves a pair and
prepare a 1/2 crosswise sheet of
ipad (intermediate pad).
2. Each pair will make a 7-point
semantic differential scale
describing your professor in
ASL 2.
3. You will rate him using the ff:
*Lesson Delivery
*Teaching Strategy
*Personal Qualities
4. Make your ratings by checking
the appropriate space in your
5. You will be given 5 minutes to
do the activity

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