Parotid Glands Tumours: Overview of A 10-Years Experience With 282 Patients, Focusing On 231 Benign Epithelial Neoplasms

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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2008; 12: 321-325

Parotid glands tumours: overview of a 10-years

experience with 282 patients, focusing on 231
benign epithelial neoplasms

Cattedra di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, “La Sapienza” University, Rome, (Italy)

Abstract. – Salivary gland tumours are of 1/100,000 per year in males and 0.8/100,000
uncommon, representing less than 6% of head per year in females. About 70% of all salivary
and neck neoplasm. Pleomorphic adenoma is
the most common benign epithelial salivary
gland tumours arise in the parotid gland and the
gland neoplasm, comprising 50%-74% of all great number of this are benign tumours, with an
parotid tumours. It is followed by Warthin’s tu- average prevalence of 75%-85% of all parotid le-
mour (4-14%). sions2,3. Parotid glands can give rise to a wide va-
The authors retrospectively reviewed 282 eli- riety of benign and malignant neoplasm because
gible patients surgically treated for parotid of their mixed array of cells and tissues.
gland tumours in the last 10 years, focusing on
The current largest and most detailed classifi-
231 benign epithelial neoplasms.
Clinical and diagnostic findings, surgical cations of salivary gland tumours are the WHO
treatment and surgical outcome were discussed. Seifert and Sobin classification and the Ellis and
The diagnosis of a parotid gland neoplasm Auclair Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
must be considered in any patient presenting (AFIP) classification4,5.
with a lump near the mandible. Smoking habit is Pleomorphic adenoma is considered as the
important in Warthin’s tumour pathogenesis. most common benign salivary gland neoplasm,
Fine needle aspiration citology (FNAC) can’t
lead alone to histological diagnosis. Only
comprising about 50%-74% of all parotid tu-
surgery can give histological certainty of benig- mours 6,7. It is followed by Warthin’s tumour,
nity, thus preventing malignant degeneration, which accounts for about 4-14% of all parotid tu-
lump infection or risk of size-dependent surgical mours. Approximately 90% of parotid tumours
complications. Conservative formal parotidecto- occur in the superficial lobe while the remaining
my appears to be the treatment of choice. Tu- 10% occur in the deep lobe, lying under to the
mour pseudopodia and capsule ruptures are
facial nerve. If there is clinical evidence of bilat-
recognised factors involved in pleomorphic ade-
noma recurrences but also tumour multicentrici- eral parotid swelling, Warthin’s tumour should be
ty might play an important role. suspected, being the most frequent synchronous
or metachronous bilateral histological type8,9.
Key Words: Clinical history and physical exam is reported
Parotid gland tumours, Smoking habit, Multicen- as giving adequate information to focus on a fea-
tricity, FNAC, Surgical treatment. sible diagnosis10. If patient history and clinical
exam only are inadequate, further investigation
by Ultrasound (US), US-guided Fine-Needle As-
piration Cytology (FNAC), Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) or by Computed Tomography
(CT) might be required11-13.
Introduction Anyway, in our experience, only surgery can
give histological certainty of tumour nature and
Salivary gland tumours are uncommon, ac- prevents long term malignant degeneration or
counting for between 2 to 6.5 percent of all neo- lump infection or size-dependent facial nerve
plasms of the head and neck1. The age-standard- damage risk. Conservative parotidectomy is the
ized incidence rate of salivary gland malignant most widely accepted surgical treatment for
tumours in the Italian 1981 census population is parotid tumours removal.

Corresponding Author: Francesco Paparo, MD; e-mail: 321

C. Ungari, F. Paparo, W. Colangeli, G. Iannetti

We have retrospectively reviewed 282 eligi- Table I. 282 benign and malignant parotid glands neofor-
ble patients surgically treated for parotid tu- mations: our surgical series histological classification
mours in the last 10 years. Epidemiology, clinic (1996-2006).
pathological findings and surgical outcome are 231 benign epithelial neoplasms
hereby discussed in the lights of literature find-
172 Mixed tumours (pleomorphic adenoma)
ings, focusing on 231 benign epithelial neo- 56 Warthin’s tumours
plasms. 3 Oncocytomas

13 Non-neoplastic tumour-like conditions

6 Benign lymphoepithelial lesions
Materials and Methods 4 Salivary cysts
2 Adenomatoid hyperplasia of mucous salivary glands
1 Inflammatory pseudotumour
During the 10-years period between January
1996 and January 2006, 282 consecutive pa- 4 benign mesenchymal neoplasms
tients with parotid tumours were surgically 4 Lipomas
treated at the University of Rome “La Sapien-
za”, Department of Maxillo-Facial surgery. We 28 malignant epithelial neoplasms
collected 135 males and 147 females and pa- 7 Mucoepidermoid carcinomas
tients ages ranged from 10 years to 85 years 7 Adenocarcinomas
(median age: 49 years). 4 Adenoid cystic carcinomas
Definitive tumour presence and histotype was 2 Malignant mixed tumours (carcinoma ex mixed
stated by histology in all cases. Histological find- 2 Squamous cell carcinomas
ings (see Table I) were classified according to El- 2 Undifferentiated carcinomas
lis and Auclair AFIP tumours classification5. 2 Myoepithelial carcinomas
Data from medical records and archive materi- 1 Clear cell adenocarcinoma
als were retrospectively reviewed focusing on pa- 1 Acinic cell adenocarcinoma
tient’s age, sex, smoking habit, clinical features, 6 malignant lymphomas
FNAC findings, type of surgical procedure, de-
3 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
finitive histology, surgical complications and re- 3 Hodgkin’s diseases
currence rate.
Patients smoking more than 5 cigarettes per
day for more than five years were considered as
smokers and smoking history was compared with
histological findings.
Data from FNAC results were collected and For each patient affected by a benign epithe-
cytological results were compared with those of lial parotid gland neoplasm, we considered
definitive histology to calculate the accuracy of complications as listed in Table II. Our follow-
this diagnostic procedure. up range was between 120 months and 24
Data on tumour localization (superficial or months (median follow-up 60 months). Short-
deep parotid gland lobe) were obtained from CT term follow-up and long-term outcome data
and MRI results, when possible, otherwise from were acquired either from comprehensive De-
US results. partment database or by patient consultation.
Data collected from CT, MRI and data from Recurrence rate for benign epithelial parotid tu-
histological examination were used to evaluate mours was then calculated on the basis of this
the median parotid neoplasm diameter and the follow-up period.
presence of macro and/or microscopic tumour
We also evaluate surgical approach per-
formed for each patient, on the basis of tumour Results
histology and tumour localization (conservative
superficial parotidectomy, conservative total Over 282 eligible patients with a parotid neo-
parotidectomy, radical superficial parotidecto- plasm, as showed in Table I, definitive histology
my, radical total parotidectomy with or without of 248 patients (88%) resulted as benign parotid
neck dissection). tumours (231 patients resulted affected by benign

Parotid glands tumours

epithelial parotid neoplasms, 13 patients by non- modal aspect: median age for pleomorphic ade-
neoplastic parotid tumour-like conditions, 4 pa- noma was 42 years, while for Warthin’s patients
tients resulted as having mesenchimal benign the median age of onset was 58 years.
parotid neoplasms) whereas only 34 patients Concerning smoking habits, 44.5% of patients
(12%) were affected by malignant tumours (28 affected by pleomorphic adenoma were non-
patients were affected by malignant epithelial smokers, whereas 95% of patients affected by
neoplasms and 6 patients by malignant lym- Warthin’s tumours were smokers (with a median
phomas). of 26.4 cigarettes/day).
The more frequent benign histological type re- Retrospective review concerning our usage
sulted pleomorphic adenoma (172 cases – percentage of specific diagnostic instruments for
74.5%) followed by Warthin’s tumour (56 cases parotid swelling assessment, showed a great
– 24.2%). prevalence of US (78.2%), followed by US-guid-
A multicentric tumour was diagnosed in 16 ed FNAC (54.4%); MRI and CT rate accounted
(7%) benign epithelial neoplasms whose 14 cases respectively for 35.7% and for 30.6%.
resulted as pleomorphic adenoma and only 2 cas- We also compared US-guided FNAC results
es resulted respectively as Warthin’s tumour and with those of definitive histology and we ob-
an oncocytoma. served an high sensitivity in diagnosis of malig-
The median benign parotid neoformations di- nancy (94.6%) but a lower sensitivity (66.7%) in
ameter was 26 mm, whereas the median diameter histotype diagnosis.
for malignant neoplasms was 32 mm. The more frequent benign epithelial neo-
Looking at the sex prevalence, we observed no plasms localization resulted in the superficial
significant differences (1:1) between parotid parotid lobe (90.5%) whereas a primary deep
glands tumours as a whole (135 males and 147 lobe parotid localization was more frequent for
females), otherwise there was a significant fe- pleomorphic adenoma (11.7%) than for
males prevalence (61.6%) in pleomorphic adeno- Warthin’s tumour (4.6%). We found a bilateral
mas and a straight males prevalence (76.8%) in parotid swelling in 4 cases whose respectively 2
Warthin’s tumours. resulted as pleomorphic adenoma, one resulted
The middle age of onset for patients affected as a Warthin’s tumour and the last one resulted a
by parotid neoplasms was 49 years as a whole. benign lymphoepithelial lesion.
The middle age of onset for patients affected by We considered the average time interval be-
benign parotid tumours was 47 years, while for tween diagnosis and surgery for all parotid neo-
patients affected by malignant parotid tumours plasms, which resulted in 36 and 24 months re-
was 60 years. Focusing on benign epithelial neo- spectively for benign and malignant tumours.
plasms, the age distribution curve showed a bi- Concerning surgical treatment procedures for
benign epithelial neoplasms: 81.5% of our pa-
tients underwent a conservative superficial
parotidectomy whereas in 12.5% of cases a total
Table II. 231 benign epithelial neoplasms: our surgical se- conservative parotidectomy was carried out. In
ries complications. 6% of cases, surgical excision was considered as
the treatment of choice. During a median follow-
Facial nerve: up period of 60 months, we observed complica-
Permanent facial palsy 0 tions in 11% of patients primarily treated for be-
Temporary facial palsy 2
Facial nerve weakness 4
nign epithelial neoplasms (Table II) and a benign
Frey’s syndrome 6 epithelial tumour recurrence rate of 1.9%. Defin-
Haematoma 3 itive histology of such recurrences showed a
Keloid scar 2 pleomorphic adenoma in all cases.
Temporary sialocele 3
Auricular anesthesia 2
Infection 2
Cosmetic deformities 1
Hemorrage 1 Discussion
Skin necrosis 0
Greater auricular neuroma 0 Some authors14 stated that the only clinical ev-
Total 26 (11%)
idence of a superficial lobe benign parotid neo-
plasm should lead to immediate surgical treat-

C. Ungari, F. Paparo, W. Colangeli, G. Iannetti

ment. Anamnesis and clinical examination result- lignant tumour; but its preoperative use is not
ed as helpful diagnostic tools. However, they did very usefull if we want only to know the specific
not give us critical informations. In fact, we histological type of a benign or a malignant tu-
found that in some cases tumour extended from mour.
the superficial to the deep parotid lobe, whereas In our case load we observed an average per-
in others, a clinically silent deep parotid lobe tu- centage of local recurrence rate of about 1.9% of
mour was also present. Thus, we believe that the total amount of patients surgically treated for
imaging, particularly MRI gives crucial informa- a primary benign epithelial parotid neoplasm. We
tion for surgical planning and prognosis and we observed recurrences only by pleomorphic ade-
hope its use to be increased by clinicians. nomas and an high percentage of these (8%)
In our series, pleomorphic adenoma was the were primary multicentric tumours, as showed by
most frequent histological type followed by definitive histological examination. Multicentric-
Warthin’s tumour. ity is still a factor to be considered (in addiction
The average age of benign parotid tumours on- to pseudopodia and capsule rupture) in the patho-
set showed an interesting bimodal peak of inci- genesis of pleomorphic adenomas recurrences.
dence. The first peak resulted between the third We recorded post-operative surgical complica-
and fourth decade of life, which is coincident tions (11% of surgically treated benign epithelial
with the median age of onset for pleomorphic neoplasms) but we noted a considerably higher
adenoma. The second peak, congruent with the rate (25%) of post-operative complications in pa-
median age of onset for Warthin’s tumour, stands tients secondary treated for local recurrences.
between the fifth and sixth decade of life. The Thus it is important to perform an adequate sur-
higer Warthin’s tumour sub-group median age gical procedure (like formal superficial or total
(58 years) may suggest that a chronic insult, such parotidectomy) not only to avoid recurrences but
as smoking habits, might play a role in the patho- also their surgical complications.
genesis of this histotype.
To the objective, in our case reports, the aver-
age percentage of Warthin’s heavy smokers pa-
tients (97% smoking more than 20 cigarettes per Conclusions
day) resulted considerably higher if compared
with pleomorphic adenoma smoker patients The diagnosis of parotid gland neoplasm must
(44%). This apparently would confirm interna- be considered in any patient presenting with a
tional findings15-19 on the role of smoking as an lump near the mandible. Pleomorphic adenoma
important risk factor in Warthin’s tumour patho- and Warthin’s tumour are the most frequent his-
genesis. Our series even showed that Warthin’s tological types. We can confirm the pathogeneti-
tumour is more prevalent in male patients cal role of cigarette smoking for Warthin’s tu-
(76.8%). On this basis, we might expect a pro- mour, as reported by many authors.
gressive raise in female sex prevalence as smok- Formal parotidectomy (conservative superfi-
ing habit is constantly increasing among female cial or deep lobe parotidectomy) appears to be
population. the treatment of choice, when feasible and even
The median interval observed between diagno- if performed by multioperators, leads to either a
sis and surgery for all benign epithelial parotid decreased risk of recurrences due to intra-opera-
neoplasm accounted for 36 months. This means tive neoplastic cells spreading, tumour pseudopo-
that more care should be given to immediate dia and multicentricity, or a lower rate in post-
surgery even for benign parotid masses by gener- operative permanent complications. The most
al practitioners. dreaded complications of surgical treatment, in-
The choice of the appropr. MRI is the best di- clude facial nerve dysfunctions, but also Frey’s
agnostic tool to determine exact parotid gland syndrome and local recurrences. Some authors20
toumor localization and the presence of macro- observed that almost all recurrences were multi-
scopic multicentricity. Pre-operative FNAC centric. Primary multicentricity might influence
showed an high sensitivity for diagnosis of ma- recurrence rate; so treatment and radical excision
lignancy but a low one for histotype diagnosis. often becomes challenging, probably not only for
FNAC thus, is to be used by clinicians to avoid intrasurgical ruptures or the presence of tumour
misdiagnosis in the presence of a parotid pseudopodia penetrating throughout adjacent
swelling, especially if it’s suspected to be a ma- normal glandular21.

Parotid glands tumours

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