Leixoes Cruise Terminal

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Leixoes Cruise Terminal


LOCATION: Matosinhos, Portugal
ARCHITECT: Luis Pedro Silva
CLIENT: Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo
COST: 50 Million Euros

The strategic definition of a new cruise terminal had a double objective: improvement of the commercial
efficiency and a better urban integration. In this photoset, Fernando Guerra captures the many sides of the Leixões
Cruise Terminal, a project that won the 2017 Building of the Year Awards in the "Public Architecture" category.

Luĩs Pedro Silva's Porto Cruise Terminal is a small port complex, an initiative of the Administração
dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, located at the South Jetty in Matosinhos, Portugal. The project integrates new
buildings, berthing work and exterior spaces of public vocation. The main building shelters several programmatic
components: cruise ship terminal, marina facilities, the Science and Technology Park of the Sea of the University
of Porto, event rooms, and a restaurant. Integrating all proposed uses directly with the city.

The terminal is located in the Matosinhos municipality close to

the city of Porto in the northern region of Portugal. The total
cost of the project is expected to be in the region of 50 million
euros. The project is expected to expand and to stimulate the
local tourist economy of the area. The new terminal building
sits upon a 340 meter long quay and includes a pedestrian access
path for use of passengers and the general public. The architect
for the project was Luís Pedro Silva with the Structural design
for the project being carried out by Newton Engineering
Consultants.The main contractor was Ferreira Build Power of
Hubba-to Supermachine Studio
CATEGORY: Interior Architecture
LOCATION: Thailand

Hubba-to – a co-working space brought to a new level of creative design and innovative spirit. The
designers from Supermachine Studio had develop the second hub and co-working space of Hubba-to in a new mall
location in Thailand to be funny, dynamic and artistic so that the people that join the location can feel the dynamic
spirit of modern days working experience. The space consist of several different areas including handmade
facilities such as pottery and wood studio, open kitchen and photography dark room, screening room for different
lectures, workshops and seminars as well.
Undoubtedly the most intruding and eye-catching feature of the space are the artistic light installations
created by the designers that took the idea of extending networking lines of Hubba-to’s original logo and multiply
them to ideologically unify the space on ground and second floor. Turquoise electric M&E lines go throughout the
premises bringing light, unique character and something very “technical“ and “jazzy” to the design composition.
The new trend of working cooperatives, open offices and co-working spaces puts new challenges in front
of designers and providers. This space offers not only the flexibility and free modern spirit of design and
arrangement but also ingenuity (regarding not only all the light and lamps installations but also the charm of
custom-made furniture and fittings in intriguing shapes). The row industrial atmosphere of the premises coming
from the high ceilings, the exposed concrete structures and the abundance of metal constructs and frames adds to
the modernistic implication of the design arrangement. As people say; there is a plays for everyone to enjoy work –
you just have to find it.
CATEGORY: Educational Architecture
LOCATION: Dongnai, Vietnam
ARCHITECTS: Tran Thi Hang and Kuniko Onish

The Kindergarten for 500 preschool children, situated next to a big shoe-factory, is a prototype
of the sustainable education space in tropical climate. The building is designed for the children of factory
workers within low-budget.
The concept of building is “Farming Kindergarten” with continuous green roof, providing food
and agriculture experience to Vietnamese children, as well as safe outdoor playground.
Carozzi Production and Research Food Center
CATEGORY: Industrial Architecture
LOCATION: San Bernardo, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
ARCHITECTS: GH+A | Guillermo Hevia
ARCHITECTS IN CHARGE: Tomás Villalón A., Francisco Carrión G., Javier González E.

The Project is born out of the need to rebuild the Carozzi factory, burnt in 2010.
It meant a challenge and an opportunity; new social and industrial concepts, innovation, new technologies and
company sustainability are expressed in the buildings architecture.
The complex formed by the pasta and cereals factories contains between them the “civic center” and the
open square in which the staff meets. This public space is surrounded by the waving forms of the factory roofs, and
at the south by the office building, and horizontal red volume, simple and clear, seems to float over water.
The shape of the factory roofs recreate the mountains of the Andes on the surrounding geography, the dialog
harmoniously with the previously existing building, the flour mill of 1964, an icon in chilean modern architecture.
A big wreck converted in a great opportunity, the challenge of the reconstruction with new concepts of
productivity, technology, energy and social. The architecture is the tool for achieving those goals. A group of
buildings give new materials and shapes of the modern industrial architecture, which is Carozzi Molino.
Simples undulating shapes in metal and glass, take with kindness, the
diagonals of the Project of Emilio Duhart,
Luis Mitrovic y Christian de Groote. (1965) The architecture with the
simple and radical gesture contents at the deckhouse, the building
interprets the geographic environment and the program that it takes.
The design incorporates sustainable and last generation strategies; passive
ventilation, water recovery, natural illumination, rational use of the hydric
resources, among other, will transform this Project in the first national
industry, with Leed certification.
CATEGORY: Cultural Architecture
LOCATION: Fogo, Cape Verde
PROJECT TEAM: André Castro Santos, Miguel Ribeiro de Carvalho, Nuno Teixeira Martins

On Fogo Island at an altitude of 1800 meters, amidst the crater of the volcano, lies a village of about 1200
inhabitants which live on the fringes of legality, occupying State owned land where agricultural activities are
organized and carried out, as a means of subsistence, in one of Cape Verde’s poorest regions. The status of
protected area of national interest, forced the zoning of farming, with obvious limitations to construction, and
introduced rules against the free occupation of the town, generating collisions of interests with frequent
clashes. The outlines for the project therefore rise from the need to consolidate the identity of this protected
region, providing a basis for the conciliation of the population with the new park management. Spaces for cultural
and recreational interplay were thought of a feasible solution, both for the people of Chã das Caldeiras, as well as
for visitors. The natural landscape, strikingly marked by the volcano and its crater, possesses a unique and rare
beauty, aspiring to become a world heritage site. The idea was therefore to achieve a balanced solution, where
architecture and landscape become accomplices, complementary to each other. The mass of the building is
constituted of a continuous skin, composed of local black masonry block - a mixture of cement and ashes from the
volcano. Ashes are also used to cover the Roof and exterior areas, blending nature and construction in a natural
symbiosis. During daytime, the long walls outline the building and blend with the road, suggesting the existence
of spaces through an interplay of shadows. At night, bright light is avoided as a means to protect native birds.

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