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BY RALPH SEVUSH, depictions, or insinuations of,

Executive Director, DLDF “inappropriate” sexual activity
(e.g., between different races, the
same gender, young and old, family

members, etc.) or any language of
verybody has their reasons. a sexual, scatological, or otherwise
Whether it’s a school princi- vulgar nature;
pal in suburban Connecticut 2. Politics: Expressing views that
who thought the school edi- are either too radical, politically
tion of the hit 1996 musical, Rent, was incorrect, or that depict extreme Students in Wilton Connecticut are
too ahead of its time for his students violence; prevented from presenting their own
in 2014; a mayor in Georgia who tried 3. Race: Either showing inappropri- original play about the soldiers who
to stop a production of Rocky Horror, ate “race mixing,” employing were wounded and killed during the
even when the movie was playing at racial stereotypes, or using raciallyIraq War (it would be offensive to the
midnight not far away; or the school insensitive words; community). The town of Flagler, FL
board in Pennsylvania that cancelled 4. Religion: Depicting religion, re- shuts down To Kill a Mockingbird (be-
an upcoming production of Spamalot ligious practice, and/or religious cause of the “N” word). A New York
and fired the teacher who chose it... leaders in any way that may be nonprofit and a JCC in D.C. cancel
Yes, everybody has their reasons. deemed “blasphemous” or “dis- plays that each present what are de-
For thousands of years, politicians, criminatory”; and scribed as “anti-Israeli” views.
parents and school principals have 5. LGBTQ issues: This sub-section In fact, as this is being typed, the
been going after work like Oedipus of “sexual content” subject matter president of Cal State University
Rex, Lysistrata, Merchant Of Venice, Tar- gets its own category, because it has just cancelled an upcoming pro-
tuffe, Hamlet, The Importance Of Being is by far the most common reason duction of the play N*gger Wetb*ck
Earnest, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, The currently used by censors, when Ch*nk. As a result, the performing
Cradle Will Rock and The Mikado. We a work either depicts, or implies, arts center’s executive director has
can shake our heads in wonderment LGBT characters, or themes, or resigned in protest.
that such classics were ever contro- tolerance, and certainly any im- Our need to stop the communica-
versial, or even that they still are in plied sexual activity. tion of unpleasant ideas is not the
some quarters. exclusive provenance of any one era,
But censorship of theatrical work So, another excellent teacher religion, political doctrine, or cultur-
is not some medieval practice that resigns (or is fired) for choosing the al worldview. It is a compulsion that
we’ve left behind, some long-forgot- wrong school musical (because it por- cuts across time, space and thought.
ten notion unknown in these more trayed LGBT characters). A town tries But in a democratic, pluralistic soci-
civilized times. It’s a mindset we’ve to prevent a theater that is presenting ety (which we still are, at least of this
brought with us, and it continues to Vagina Monologues from putting the writing, prior to the 2016 presidential
this day. title on the theater’s marquee (it’s election), our citizenship demands
Why? Because everybody has their an offensive word!). Catholic groups that we answer “bad speech” with
reasons. picket and call in bomb threats to a “good speech,” that we challenge of-
The rationalizations offered by our nonprofit theater presenting Corpus fensive ideas with ideas of our own,
moral watchdogs generally fall within Christi (because of “gay Jesus”). When rather than stifle the conversation.
at least one of five types of subject a theater hosts an anti-censorship And if you disagree, let’s talk
matter which, they claim, make a event (not unlike Banned Together), about it. Because everybody has their
particular work inappropriate for a the producers are required to cut Mo- reasons.
particular audience: hammed Gets a Boner from the presen- RALPH
1. Sex and vulgarity: Including tation (for fear of violent reprisals).

76 | The Dramatist

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BANNED TOGETHER event in New York

The cast of the DLDF's Banned Together
event at Drama Book Shop in New York

BD Wong and
Patrick Page
a scene from
Angels in

DLDF’s Amy VonVett and TADA! Youth

Theater’s Producing Artistic Director,
TADA! Youth Theater’s Resident Youth Janine Nina Trevens
Ensemble performing “Totally Fucked” from
Spring Awakening

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