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Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5

Paper 1 Task 4

 typical layout of a website home page with the text in the middle, text
boxes with links to other pages of the site (Sign up) and the administrative
links at the bottom of the page; and advertising (Limited Edition


 information is laid out in short paragraphs with the first paragraph as a

welcome (Welcome to BookCrossing) an introduction ( 791,837 people in
130 countries ... share their passion for books... ) and the following
paragraphs adding the details and further explanation of how the
organisation works ( earth-friendly, leave it on the bench...).
 invitations to join are inserted into the text (Simply click on the links and
sign up for free) and is a part of the closing (Join BookCrossing)


 neutral written style: contraction is used once (...that’s it), exclamation

marks used throughout the text (...might find a new reader! ... and more!).
and phrasal verbs ( is up to fate, right up through...).

Grammatical features

 use of imperatives to persuade the reader to join (simply click on the link
and sign up; Join hundreds of ... ; Join BookCrossing)
 use of Present Simple to give information about the how the organisation
works (gives you a way to share your books; BooksCrossers give life to

Lexical features
Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5

 lexis related to internet (click on the link, bookmark us at StumbleUpon...)

1) our unique method of recycling reads


 countable noun
 plural
 converted into a noun from the verb ‘to read’.


 in this context means “books”

 used as an object in a dependent clause in a compound sentence
 separated from the main clause by a comma

2) a new reader


 countable noun
 singular
 formed by affixation (suffix -er) from verb ‘to read’


 an object in a finite clause in a multiple compound sentence

 in this context means the next person who picks up the book

3) reading becomes an adventure


 gerund

Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5

 used in a statement of fact.

 acts as a subject of a sentence in a main clause

4) to be picked up and read by others


 present passive with infinitive

 formed with auxiliary verb to be
 has a specified agent (others)


 used to give a definition (formal written style)

1) BookCrossing, where 791,837 people in over 130 countries come to share
their passion for books

 non-defining relative clause that provides additional information and as

such is separated by a comma
 question word ‘where’ acts as a relative pronoun

2) A book registered on BookCrossing is ready for adventure

 a defining relative clause that doesn’t require a comma

 ‘reduced’ relative clause (pronoun that and verb to be (singular, present
form, 3rd person) are left out)

3) others, who then do likewise.

 relative clause that qualifies the main clause and therefore follows it.
 question word ‘who’ acts as a relative pronoun
Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5

1) Used Books (title bar)


 a single adjective
 past participle form


 used before the noun it describes

 means ‘owned by someone else before you’

Pronunciation problems:

 elision of /d/ between two consonants /z/ and /b/ in connected speech. If
it is not elided the speaker may sound over-meticulous and sharp

2) Found a BookCrossing book?


 a verb in past simple tense

 placed at the beginning of the sentence as a result of inversion to form a


 situational elision (auxiliary verb ‘have’ and pronoun ‘you’ are left out)

3) with like-minded people


 multiword adjective made up of adjective like and a past participle minded

 placed in front of the noun it describes
Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5


 means having a similar or identical opinion, in this particular context people

who enjoy reading books on a particular topic

4) as it is passed on


 present passive without an agent

 transitive phrasal verb


 to give someone something that someone else has given you

Pronunciation problems:

 -ed in passed is pronounced as /t/

 liason of as it is (intrusive /j/)

Paper 1 Task 5
Task Achievement


 the purpose of the letter is clearly stated (I’m writing about my problem.
I’ve lost my suitcase) and the points are in logical order (purpose first, then
the description of the suitcase and what was in it followed by a request to
find it or compensate for it). This would make it easier for the reader to
understand the writer’s message.
Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5

 the writer has generally fulfilled the task regarding lengths (156 words) and
has included all required information (what happened, description of the
suitcase and a request to find it).


 the writer ‘s description of what was inside the suitcase is insufficient (only
mentions paper) and might cause confusion for the reader.
 the writer includes a lot of irrelevant information about the paper in the
suitcase and where he’s staying at the moment. This might cause confusion
for the reader and cause difficulties extracting relevant information from
the letter

Organisation and cohesion


 the writer uses pronouns as cohesive devices (it – suitcase, them – staff,
etc) and basic linking devices (and, because, but, etc.) to connect the
sentences and clauses.


 The paragraphs are not clearly defined which might cause difficulties for
the reader. It is important for a pre-intermediate student to know that the
use of paragraphs is important in writing.
 most of the conventions of the email writing are not followed. The writer
didn’t use appropriate salutation (Dear sir, instead of Dear Sir/Madam,)
didn’t include a closing statement or a sign off.

Range and complexity of grammar

Kateryna Kirichenko Exam Practice 5

 the writer attempts to use a variety of tenses (Past Simple, Present Simple,
Past Continuous) which is appropriate to the level (even though often they
are used inaccurately).

I would choose the organisation of a formal letter for the following reasons:

 for this kind of writing the organisation is very important as it helps the
reader to understand the writer better.
 it is easy to rectify and therefore motivating for the learner. It is easy to see
the improvement (paragraphs, appropriate salutation and sign off,etc).
 writing letters is a real life skill and it can also be transferred to other types
of letters and other written communications such as emails.

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