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A New Approach to Prophecy and Premonition

Two hundred years ago if any of us had suggested that one day we would travel to the moon, explore the far
corners of space, transplant body organs, fly in airplanes, build skyscrapers, transmit live images across the globe
and possess computers capable of performing complex calculations in the blink of an eye, we would have been
treated as though we were insane.

Such ideas were inconceivable, but despite the seeming impossibility of the ideas, over time they became reality.

Prophecy and the power of premonition have long been derided as little more than coincidence and superstition,
but that scepticism may be flawed. Society is divided between those who believe in the powers of premonition,
and those that reject it outright as simply impossible; the ramblings of the deluded or worse, a con.

The possibility exists of course that those ‘ramblings’ may one day be demonstrated to be fact. Prophecy and
premonition has been part of mankind’s belief system since time began. However, exploring the subject of
premonition has always been a highly subjective endeavour. The first half of the twentieth century heralded the
birth of perhaps one of our most gifted researchers into the subject of premonition, Mrod A. Farry, a man whose
work is known to only a select few despite his research spanning over twenty years.

Looking for Answers

Mrod Farry was born on 12th March 1922 in Dunedin, New Zealand. Not only was Farry a successful
businessman, known for following his instincts, he was very much a forward thinking man. In many respects, he
was a gifted philosopher and a great observer of the human condition, but more than that, Farry was a visionary.
Those who met him acknowledged that he was a man ahead of his time, a man who was continually driven by his
inner voice. Discovering what makes us tick was Farry’s passion and he would often stay up into the small hours
discussing the ways of the world, searching for new insights. It soon became obvious to him that while science
had advanced greatly, mankind had done little to tap into the potential of the human mind itself and the secrets it
might hold. By understanding the mechanism that makes us who we are, Mrod Farry hoped to find an answer to
perhaps humanity’s deepest question: what is Destiny and how does it affect our lives? Farry realised that the key
to that question lay within the power of the human mind.

As a species, humans are undoubtedly intelligent; however we have yet to truly understand how far our mind can
take us. There seems a very real possibility that we stifle our true potential by being ignorant of how to use the
mind’s power. This power enables each of us to succeed in anything we desire if as the saying goes, ‘we put our
mind to it’.

The power of the mind varies from person to person; some people are born as naturally gifted psychics while
others struggle to comprehend anything beyond their own physical reality; most people though fall somewhere
between these two extremes. The mind and the brain are inextricably linked, but whether they are one in the same
is something that still engenders debate, as does the abilities each may hold. Much of our mind’s potential
remains untapped and what we need to understand is how we can access this knowledge.

The quest to find answers to life’s enigmas took Farry twice around the world. He spent his travels immersed in
his research, talking to people of all walks of life from the rich to the poor, the educated, the unskilled,
professionals, astute business men and women, leaders and followers. No matter who they were or what position
they held in life he soon realised that they all sought answers to similar questions, such as what is the purpose of
our existence, why we are really here and where are we going? The ultimate question seemed to be: What does
the future hold for me?

Subtle Energies

Throughout our lives there are occasions when we get those gut feelings or hunches relating to impending
happiness or doom. Many of us have experienced déjà vu, occasions where we are able to recall an event that we
believe we have already experienced in our minds, yet we witness the event being played out before us in such a
way that it’s as though we have almost stepped outside ourselves to observe it.

Everyday, people across the world attempt to contact and connect with deceased loved ones, guides, angels,
ascended masters or simply a higher power, all in order to understand our ultimate destiny. Likewise,
premonitions that just seemed to appear out of the blue but had life changing implications have been recorded
time and time again. Fate and destiny seem to play a huge part in our existence. Abraham Lincoln for example is
known to have had a premonition of his own death – but not the mode of death, which meant that he could do
nothing to avoid his assassination; his fate was sealed. Likewise, fate can change a person’s destiny forever.
Queen Elizabeth II for example was not born to assume the role of Queen of England; it was only because her
uncle, King Edward VIII fell in love with an unknown American divorcee named Wallace-Simpson, that a
constitutional crisis ensued that saw Elizabeth’s eventual accession to the British throne. Fate, destiny and
premonition seem to be inextricably linked by a complex web of unseen factors.

Premonition and Science

Premonitions are probably best described as early warnings about future events. Farry described them as being
akin to a living voice inside of us; something we cannot fail to hear. To Farry, premonition was our brain’s way of
making contact with us, and informing us of a future event before it takes place.

One of the things Farry noted was that premonition and scientific advancement often went hand in hand. The first
heart transplant for instance, was conducted by Christiaan Barnard in December 1967. This seemingly impossible
advancement heralded a revolution in medicine by achieving what many had thought could never be done. At
medical school, Barnard had never been considered an exceptional student and was not thought to hold an
enormous amount of potential as a surgeon, however somehow Barnard manage to eclipse everyone’s
expectations and in so doing make medical history. According to Farry, Barnard’s success was based on his
having a premonition about transplanting a human heart and rather than ignoring his dream, Barnard focused his
mind on realising the premonition. It was as if the premonition acted as a seed and the mind enabled that seed to

Barnard grew up in the small Karoo town of Beaufort West in South Africa, raised by his mother who passed on
to Barnard her absolute faith in premonitions and intuition. This gave Barnard an acceptance of the universe’s
unknown but guiding energies that many people would have rejected. In this case, Barnard’s premonition
changed not only his life, but also the lives of tens of thousands of transplant recipients. Barnard is not alone in
his transformation of precognition to reality, Albert Einstein is another subject who first dreamed the theory of
relativity and then conducted research in order to realise his premonition.

Perhaps another way to look at it is that there was a three stage process in play, first the subconscious had to
connect with the appropriate life force or energy, the mind would then receive the premonition and then finally
the brain would seek out the knowledge to realise it. Premonition it seemed was a trigger that the brain then had
to act upon. Farry likened it to a pocket radio, on its own the radio is little more than a circuit board and wires,
but by pushing one small button it changes from an anonymous looking object to something capable of receiving
a plethora of information.

Farry commented more than once, that the first heart transplant not only offers evidence of the power of
premonition, it also shattered the ages old fallacy that the heart was the seat of our emotional body. Love, joy,
happiness weren’t governed by the heart, but by the mind; the heart was simply a pump, the true human potential
resides in the mind.

Three: The Great Trinity

It was during a trip to the Holy Land that the importance of the cycle of three became apparent to Farry. The
bible offers us the Father, Son and Holy Ghost as the three aspects of God, three wise men paid homage to the
Christ child, the Holy family consisted of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus (in early Egyptian times this was
represented by Isis, Osiris and Horus). In modern day, there are three ways to travel; land, sea and air, and our
own cycle of existence dictates that we are born, we live and we die.

Farry’s observations coupled with his research led him to the conclusion that cycles of three existed throughout
history. He realised that these triple cycles are the key to tapping into the normally hidden realms that control
another trinity; our past, present and future.

The Birth of Aboukra

After twenty years of travel, trials and tribulations, Farry finally felt he had found a method by which everyone
could tap into this invisible universal mind force and ultimately realise their own destiny. After a quest for truth
that had spanned over two decades, he began the writing that would be known as the ‘Aboukra cards.’

Aboukra is an ancient word meaning tomorrow, a name which itself creates a powerful symbolic link between
mankind’s arcane knowledge and premonition - the potential of tomorrow.

When he created the Abourka cards, Farry moved away from the archetypal direction and complexity of Tarot
cards and instead devised a simple text and symbol based system that worked in a similar way to Tattwa cards, by
enhancing and training our latent psychic ability. In effect he created something that would tap into our own
unique gift of premonition; something that would enable the user to connect with their individual fate and
destiny. The triple cycles that Farry had observed is reflected in the 75 disclosure cards (each containing two
disclosures), three Key cards and three blank cards that form the Abourka deck. The three types of cards became
known as the ‘key cards’, the ‘symbols of premonition’ and the ‘mind’s eye cards’ together forming a powerful
trinity that would connect to our own subconscious.

The moment the user puts that first key card at random into the pack….it is instantly no longer random. The mind
has subconsciously chosen that exact place to insert that card and the following two cards, hence your path of
discovery is set and can be read. Together the cards enable our subconscious to tap into realms of premonition,
fate and destiny; subjects that were once thought to be the domain of only the most gifted clairvoyants.

Farry’s legacy, one that still lives on today, is his revolutionary approach to prophecy and premonition but thus
far his work remains one of parapsychology’s best kept secrets.

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