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Bosnian invents special energy field to help in healing

People have always believed that life on earth is intertwined with the universe,
and a 48-year-old Bosnian economist now claims he can use cosmic energy to
heal other people.

'I am like an electrical conductor. I am able to collect the energy from the
universe and channel it to the receiver - a person with a problem,' says Dzemal
Hasimovic, a certified bio-energy therapist, who lives in the village of Dzindici
in the mountains of central Bosnia, some 40 km northwest of Sarajevo.

Dzemal has invented a special energy field in which up to 30 people can receive
cosmic energy to heal ailments of both the soul and body. Dzemal has been
invited to open similar fields in the US and Norway, but preferred to make one
in his native village of Dzindici.

To this end, he has constructed a special cosmic energy field near his house,
where villagers used to thresh wheat.

A simple, grassy 30-square-metre field is marked with stones to prevent possible

energy leaks, he says.

'During the night, I energized every millimetre of the field, opening a channel
for cosmic energy, which now is active in this field,' Dzemal said.

The field is to be functional from 9 am to 6 pm daily from April 15 to Oct 15

this year.

'People having certain problems with their health or anything else or just need to
enter the field to stand or sit in it. They do not need to talk about their problems,
just to focus on their personal troubles with their face turned east and the palms
of their hands opened to the sky,' Dzemal explained.

The human body sucks up the cosmic energy like a vacuum cleaner, he says.

Ten minutes in the field was more than enough for the new positive energy to fill
the body and remove the negative energy, which exited the body through the feet
to the soil thus neutralizing it.

People make different experiences during cosmic energy radiation and most
people have a tingling sensation, says Dzemal.
'I felt something strange, like mild electricity was flowing through my palms,'
Djana from Sarajevo said after sitting in Dzemal's energetic field. The
accumulated positive energy is activated three days after the treatment,
according to Dzemal.

The therapist claims to have helped many famous people with his bio-energy
including Princess Caroline of Monaco and a Kuwaiti sheikh.

His biggest achievement, however, was helping his brother to survive a strong
heart attack two years ago.

'My brother was in a deep coma for three months, and no one believed he would
survive. I stood next to him those three months, and another three months and
two days. Today my brother is a strong and healthy man again,' said Dzemal.

He first discovered his abilities when he was a 10-year-old boy.

'There was no electricity one night, and it was dark in the house. I wanted to
move my schoolbook and I was surprised to see a strange light shining from my
hands. It was like my hands were soaked into some fluorescent fluid,' he said.

As a boy, he never thought too much about the energy he was given, but later
began reading literature about bio-energy and paranormal abilities especially by
the renowned Russian psychic Eugenia Davitashvili, who is known as Djuna.

As experts in the former Yugoslavia did not show any interest in his case,
Dzemal contacted the Italian Institute for Bio-Energy Research in Milan, where
he obtained a certificate confirming his 'extra super-normal level' of bio-energy

He also specialized in bio-energy healing at the institute.

Dzemal claims the treatment can help to heal headaches, rheumatism, sciatic
pains, psycho-depressive conditions and many other serious health problems.

The number of Bosnian people seeking his assistance has significantly increased
since the 1992-1995 civil war, which left many people with serious health or
mental problems caused by a severe lack of energy.

'Each body makes its own energy. Problems that we face every day cause energy
losses in our body and make us too weak to face life,' according to Dzemal.

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