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Morrison Center Executive Director and Board of Directors,

We demand an independent investigation and audit of the ethical, mental health, and systemic
programming at all of Morrison Center’s Programs involving youth detained based on
immigration status.

This audit must be completed by social service, mental health, and education professionals. The
service audit must be completed by a team of equity-focused and culturally relevant
professionals, including a majority of native Spanish speakers. Community Leaders and
Legislators who wish to enter the facility must be granted immediate access and be privy to the
details of the investigation. ACLU Legal Observers and staff must be granted the opportunity to
participate as witnesses to the investigation.

We demand that Morrison Center create and present realistic re-unification plans for all children
and pays for and provides transportation to complete the re-unification process immediately.


Pedro Anglada Cordero, MSW

Gregory Robert McKelvey, Portland Resistance
Jacob Bureros, Direct Action Alliance
Hyung Kyu Nam
Iris Torres Garcia, MSW
María Delgado, Parent Leader and Family Advocate
Emma Sohriakoff, Former Morrison Employee and Conscientious Objector
Susan Anglada Bartley, M. Ed
Rabbi Ariel Stone
Jennifer Martínez Carvajal, Former Morrison Employee and Conscientious Objector

Copies to Senator Jeff Merkley, and ACLU of Oregon

Allegations of Unethical Practices at Morrison Detention Center:

The signed parties seek the opportunity to bring into question the following allegations from
former Morrison employees, who wish at present to remain unnamed.

A. Morrison Center violates Human Rights and Federal Law by detaining and imprisoning
children based on their immigration status.

B. Juvenile immigration detainees have their HIPAA rights violated. Their medical
information, including medical and mental health assessments are shared through
unsecured channels with multiple parties. The medical and mental health assessments of
detainees are used for the criminal investigation and prosecution purposes, and not to
ameliorate medical and mental health conditions.

C. Juvenile detainees are denied their rights of consent for treatment.

D. Mental health providers are instructed to avoid assessing the trauma of the juvenile
detainees and to focus on obtaining information about potential criminal activity
detainees participated in or witnessed during their journey to enter the United States of

E. Juvenile detainees are subject of torture through sleep deprivation. Juvenile detainees are
made to sleep with nearby lights on during the night time. Morrison Detention Center
staff maintain a disruptive environment while juvenile detainees are attempting to sleep
by flashing lights to their faces on a regular basis and speaking out loud during the entire
night shift.

F. Juvenile detainees are made to wear a prison uniform despite the fact that they have their
own clothing. Juvenile detainees are made to wear prison sandals when they are taken
outside the facility.

G. Morrison Detention Center maintained an environment of psychological control and

intimidation by regularly threatening juvenile detainees of expulsion from the PASOS
facility to another institution of higher security. Institutions of higher security included
the Morrison Center Senderos program, which is now closed, and other correctional
facilities outside the state of Oregon.

H. Whenever a juvenile detainee is transferred to a different facility outside of the Morrison

Detention Center PASOS, their legal case is reset becoming a lower priority in the
system, losing their ability to gain Juvenile Immigration Status.

I. Morrison Detention Center obstructs a just and timely process of reunification of juvenile

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