Marketing in Travel and Tourism

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Table of Contents

TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 The concept of marketing for travel and tourism sector...................................................3
1.2 Impact of marketing environment on individual travel and tourism and on destination..4
1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand........................................................5
1.4 Principals of market segmentation and its usage..............................................................7
TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Importance of strategic marketing planning.....................................................................8
2.2 Relevance of marketing research and market information to the manager in Thomas Cook
2.3 Influence of marketing on society....................................................................................9
TASK 3 ........................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Issues in product, price and place elements ...................................................................10
3.2 Importance of service sector mix to the tour and travel sector.......................................11
3.3 Total tourism product to an individual tourism business................................................12
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Nature and role of promotional mix...............................................................................12
4.2 Integrated promotional campaign for Thomas Cook......................................................12
Books and Journals...............................................................................................................14
Travel and tourism sector play very important role in the nation. It is required to provide
better growth opportunities to this sector so that it can more improve. Travel and tourism sectors
help the government to generate more revenue. This is the one sector that help to generate more
revenue to the government. Management of travel and tourism sector is related to the planning
and organising. It is one of the fastest growing sector in the nation. This sector provides many
growth opportunities to the individual of the nation as generate employment. There are
opportunities to the individual to work as agent. It will help to improve the knowledge as well as
employment. Travel and tourism sector focuses to provide better services to tourist who are
coming to their nation for visiting different destination. The government of the country provides
many amenities and facility to the sector so that it can be developed and to provide better
services to the tourist who are coming from different places (Qu and Lee, 2011).
1.1 The concept of marketing for travel and tourism sector

Thomas cook is a organisation that is providing their services in tour and travel sector.
This organisation is providing better services in tour and travel sector to their tourist. It is
providing different packages to their tourist so that they can provide better satisfaction to the
tourist. The marketing of tour and travel sector is very important because it helps to enhance the
number of tourist in the nation. It helps to provide knowledge regarding the offers and different
packages so that number of tourist can be attracted.
For the marketing of new cultural package, it is required for Thomas cook to offer the
benefits with the package so that more and more tourist can be attracted toward it. The price of
the package must be lower as comparison to the competitor prices so that more people can attract
toward the organisation (Vanhove, 2011).
It is required for the Thomas cook to consider following components in marketing as:
1) Needs and wants-
It is required for the company to focus on the needs and wants of the tourist so that they can
provide better services to their customer. When an organisation focus on the needs and wants
then it helps the organisation to achieve the goal and objective of the organisation.
2) Satisfaction and quality-
It is required for the organisation to focus on the satisfaction level of the tourist. It is also very
important for the organisation to provide qualitative services to their customer because it helps to
provide better satisfaction to the customer. When an organisation is able to provide better
services to their customer then the customer linked with the organisation for the long run.
3) Product-
It is required for the organisation to provide product that can fulfil the needs of the customer. The
product must have the features that can support the demands of the customer. The product must
be qualitative that can satisfy the needs and wants of the tourist (Uriely, 2010).
4) Exchange, transaction, relationship-
The facility to the exchange must be provide at the destination so that if tourist need to exchange
the currency than they can do it in easy manner. The transaction that happened with the customer
must be secure and understandable. It is required to establish relationship with the customer so
that they can attract for long time.
5) Market-
It is required for the company to check the market conditions and trends so that according to the
present situation they can provide their services to the customer and achieve the satisfaction of
the customer toward the organisation (Peeters and Dubois, 2010).

1.2 Impact of marketing environment on individual travel and tourism and on destination
Date- 9th May 2017
Marketing environment is the platform where the different features of marketing interact
with each other. It not only covers the business elements but also covers the external elements.
Marketing environment considers the external elements that have impact over the business of
travel and tourism. Thomas cook has raised their services to the important destination where the
more tourist are attracted. It will help to the growth of the company. Presently, the company is
providing their services in Morocco and Egypt. It is required for the company to provide their
services in the cited destination and to consider the price factors that can help the company to
achieve their target. The price that is charged by the company for their services is very minimal
but still there are few external factors that affected the business of the company in cited
destination. External factors include political, legal, social, environmental, economical and
It is required for the company to segment the market so that they can better focus on the
demands and needs of the customer. Segmentation of the market can be done through
demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioural. In demographic the customers are
divided on the basis of age, gender and income, in geographic the customers are divided on the
area where they live, in psychographic according to their life style and personality traits, in
behavioural segmentation according to the behaviour and preference of the customer. There are
many issues that requires to consider as cultural activities of the nation and patter of travelling.
When an organisation provides their services in travel and tourism sector then it is required to
understand the culture and social standards of the nation so that they can better satisfaction to
the tourist. The demand of the product and services can be addressed by analysing the market
and culture. The product and services that the tourist want at destination if provided then tourist
are more attracted toward the destination (Sigala, 2011).
Marketing environment has large impact over the tourist destination and individual travel
and tourism. When the organisation considers the marketing environmental then it helps the
company to provide better services to the customer. It helps to address the issues that are faced
by the tourist at the destination. It helps to solve such issues that are faced by the tourist at the
destination. If the services at the destination are not according to the desire of the customer then
they do not move toward that destination. Marketing environment helps the company to provide
better services at the destination so that they can achieve their target.

1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand

It is required for the company to consider the factors that have great impact over the
motivation of the customer and demand of the customer so that they can provide better services
to the customer. It is required for the organisation that is providing their service in this sector to
consider such factors while making plan and policies (Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, 2014).
There are two factors that affect the demand and motivation of the customer in travel and tourism
sector as:
1) Personnel and family influence:
 Age: Age is the most important factor that affects the travel and tourism sector. Different
age person have different choice and preference. It is required for the company to provide
their services that ca fulfil the needs and demands of the different age person. Like adults
and children prefer to travel to the destination through the sources that are famous at the
destination. But the old age people [refer to go to the destination through the car and any
transportation service.
 Gender: It is required to consider because male and female have different preference.
Like men prefer to explore lone travel, adventures holiday, adventurous. But women
prefer brave lone travel and passive activities. The needs and demands of the both the
genders are different to each other (Murdy and Pike, 2012).
 Disability: The person who is disable have the different choice and preference as
comparison to the normal people. It is required for the company to provide service at the
destination that can satisfy the needs and wants of disabled person. When a organisation
provide service of travelling to the disabled person then it helps to achieve the large
number of customer.
 Family life cycle: It means that the family affects the holiday choice of the individual.
When a Individual go for the holiday then it is differ from the holiday plan that is planes
for the family.
2) Social and situational influence:
 Nationality: Nationality of the tourist affects the tour and travel sector. Most affected
factor is the visa. If the person is coming to the country then it requires to take visa to
enter into the other country. Another factor is language, when foreigner come to the city
then they face this issue.
 Tourism and work: It consider the time that is required to explore to the different cities
and states. Because tourist do not have much time to explore and if the travelling takes
more time then they do not want to come to the city. So it is required for this sector
industry to provide better services in this regard (Yoo and Gretzel, 2011).
 Social class and income: The living standard of the people affects this industry. The
income is the factor that is required to consider because if the services at the destination
are very costly then tourist do not want to take the services. So it is required to provide
services that can be affordable by the tourist.

1.4 Principals of market segmentation and its usage

Market segmentation is the process in which market is divided into different parts. It
helps the company to address the needs and preference of the customer. It is required for the
company to focus on the customer needs so that they can better provide their services to the
customer and achieve their target.
The main objective of market segmentation is to focus on the sector of the market that
has high yield which means to find out the most profitable and growth oriented sector.
Following are the principals of market segmentation as:
1) Demographic segmentation:
In this segment the customer are divided on the basis of age, gender, family cycle. It is the good
medium that provides information regarding the preference of the customer according to their
desire (Vanhove, 2011). In this, organisation focus on the product and services that can satisfy
the needs and wants of the customer.
2) Behavioural segmentation:
In this, the market is divided according to the behaviour of the customer. It provides the data to
the company to know the preference and the behaviour of the customer so that they can produce
their product accordingly. When a person comes from a area then its preference and taste would
be different as compare to the other individuals of the region.
3) Psychographic segmentation:
In this, the customers are divided according to their lifestyle and personality. It helps the
company to address the demand of such individuals. Personality characteristics are most
beneficial factors that can help to predict the needs of the individuals. Life style provides
information of the individuals that the product and services will be accepted by the individuals or
not (Murdy and Pike, 2012).
4) Geographic segmentation:
The needs and wants of the customer are divided according to the area where they live. Suppose,
if the customers are from village then most of them do not prefer to go out side the country but if
the customers are those who have social standard and able to afford the expenses then they
definitely prefer to go outside the country in vacation. So as per the geographical area their
needs and wants are described.
Following are the uses of market segmentation as:
 It helps the company to focus on the market segments.
 It increases the competitiveness in the market when the focus of the company increases.
 Geographic segmentation helps the company to increase the geographical area of the
company (Sigala, 2011).
 When organisation provides better services and address the needs and wants of the
customer then it increases the number of customers of the company and retain the
existing customer for long time.
 Segmentation helps to achieve more customer and they help to increase the profitability
of the company.
 Market segmentation provides better market definition to the business.
 It helps to make effective planing in the organization that can help to achieve its target.
 It helps to provide better satisfaction to the customer by providing them services as per
their needs.

2.1 Importance of strategic marketing planning
Strategies marketing planning is the important tool that helps the company to achieve its
target and goal. Every company requires to formulate effective planning so that they can better
implement their plans to achieve more profitability and productivity.
Following are the importance of strategies marketing planning for Thomas Cook as:
1) To find out the perfect customers:
Strategic marketing planning helps the company to provide better services to their customer. It
provides assistance to know the needs and wants of the customer. It helps the company to
identify the customer to whom the services can be provided.
2) To identify the objective:
Strategic planning helps the company to set the objective of the organisation. According to the
objective planning can be done so it provides data to identify the final objective and goal
(Moutinho, 2011).
3) To set the organisation apart from the competitor:
Strategic planning is important for the success of the organisation. When an organisation makes
effective planning then it can easily achieve its goals and beat the competitor.
4) To stay in the market:
Strategic marketing helps the organisation to take stand in the market. It is required for every
organisation to make plan so that according to that they can implement their strategy. It helps the
company to remain in the market for the long time.
5) Return on investment:
Strategic planning helps the company to achieve its objective. When company implements its
strategies according to the planning then it gives profit to the company. It also helps to measure
the return on investment of the company (Hanna, 2012).

2.2 Relevance of marketing research and market information to the manager in Thomas Cook
Marketing research is the important term that can be used by the company to gather the
information regarding the market. It helps to achieve the objective and goal of the organisation
and better implement the plan. When the market information is gathered and provided to the
manger of the company then it helps the manager to take the action according to the present
market situation.
The cited company has appointed market researcher. Market research provides
information regarding the market conditions to the manager. It is the great opportunity to the
manager to have the information regarding the competitor policy and services, pricing strategy,
customer needs and wants, recent trends. Through this information, manager can take the
decision that will be beneficial for the company (Sigala, 2011).
Research of market is the key part of every business that provides help to the business to
achieve its goal and objective. It provides the data where the business need to focus and required
to take decision. It helps the company to identify the area where the company need to focus.
When the above mentioned company make the marketing research then it helps to identify the
needs and wants of the customer from the company's operation and any issue that is faced by the
customer due to company's service that can be solved by the company in batter way.
2.3 Influence of marketing on society
Marketing has large impact over the business and society. Marketing helps the company
to achieve its target and goal. Following are the impact of marketing on society as:
1. Public awareness:
Marketing provides information to the public regarding the product and services of the company.
Marketing aware the customer at large. It helps the consumer to know the product and services of
the company. It also provides help to the customer to know about the product that are available in
the market. It helps to take decision to choose the best seller of the product.
2. Consumer protection:
Marketing helps the customer to get the protection. When the information is provided through
the online marketing and advertisement then it is clearly mention the protection measures on the
product. It helps the company to provide adequate safety to the consumer (Hall, Timothy and
Duval, 2012).
Societal marketing- Societal marketing is the term that is used by the company to gather the
information regarding the market of the company and the needs and wants of the customer. It
helps the company to provide better satisfaction to the customer.
 Corporate social responsibility-
Corporate social responsibility is the term that says that the company has responsibility toward
the society where it operates it business. It helps the company to enhance its goodwill and brand
image. It is CSR of the company to check that the operations of the company are hazardous to
the society and if yes then corrective actions.
 Consumerism- It considers the eduction to the customer so that they can use it in better
way, product boycotts etc.
 Action that is taken by the organisation for the protection of the society and consumer.
 It is required to follow the principals and ethics so that standard product can be provided
to the consumer.

3.1 Issues in product, price and place elements
Marketing in Travel and Tourism Sector
3.1 Issues in product, price and place elements

Marketing mix is the tool that is used by the company to make the promotion of their goods
and services. 4Ps of marketing mix helps the company to achieve its target. 4Ps are product,
price, place and promotion. But now the area of 4Ps enhanced and it also covers positioning,
packaging and people

Problems that Thomas cook faced as:

1) Product:
In this company faced the issue like what kind of product required to offer to the tourist at
Egypt and Morocco.
The product that is offered is able to fulfil the needs of the customer.
Issues regarding the design of the product.
Technology that is required for the development of the product.
Issues regarding the brand of the product.
Additional services with the product.
2) Place:
The place where the product is easily available to the consumer.
Place where the customer can buy the product.
Is the product and services of the company are available online and is the customer can make
complain through net.
Location and transportation related to the affairs.

3) Price
6) Issue related to the price of the product.
7) Is the process of the product and services are as per the income level of the customer.
8) Competitor pricing policy and is the price of the competitor's product is less then the price
of company's product.
9) List price discount and other allowances.
10) Issues related to credit term and payment method.

Marketing mix is the tool that is used by the company to make the promotion of their
goods and services. 4Ps of marketing mix helps the company to achieve its target. 4Ps are
product, price, place and promotion. But now the area of 4Ps enhanced and it also covers
positioning, packaging and people (Hall, 2014).
Following are the problems that Thomas cook faced as:
1) Product
 In this company faced the issue like what kind of product required to offer to the tourist at
Egypt and Morocco.
 The product that is offered is able to fulfil the needs of the customer.
 Issues regarding the design of the product.
 Technology that is required for the development of the product.
 Issues regarding the brand of the product.
 Additional services with the product.
2) Place
 The place where the product is easily available to the consumer.
 Place where the customer can buy the product (Chon, 2013).
 Is the product and services of the company are available online and is the customer can
make complain through net.
 Location and transportation related to the affairs.
3) Price
 Issue related to the price of the product.
 Is the process of the product and services are as per the income level of the customer.
 Competitor pricing policy and is the price of the competitor's product is less then the
price of company's product.
 List price discount and other allowances.
 Issues related to credit term and payment method.

3.2 Importance of service sector mix to the tour and travel sector
Service sector mix is the element that is used by the company to communicate the brand
message to their customer. Service sector mix consist of 7Ps as product, price, place, promotion,
people, process and physical evidence (Vanhove, 2011).
Services have different characteristics, it may be of character of heterogeneous, perishable in
nature, intangible, consumable at the time of production. Services in travel and tour sector are
unique, it can be used as principal product are used to the tour and travel sector. Secondly, tourist
like to travel to the place where there is facilities available. It is required to have the basic
services at the place where tourist are travelling. At last, it is required to devote the time and
money to take the services of the company and to achieve its objective. And marketing in tourist
sector covers the factors that whether to travel at a destination or not.
The location is the key part that the company must consider before providing their services. It
helps the company to achieve their target and to provide better satisfaction to the consumer.
Services are required to provide so that more and more customers get attracted toward the
organisation (Uriely, 2010).

3.3 Total tourism product to an individual tourism business.

Covered in Presentation
4.1 Nature and role of promotional mix
Promotional mix is the combination of different methods of promotion that are used by
the company to present the company, its product and services (Peeters and Dubois, 2010). It is
required for the company to have effective promotion so that their product and services can be
accepted by the customer in large. Promotional mix covers advertising, personal selling,
publicity, corporate image sponsorship etc. it is the important tool that can be used by the
company to make the recognition of their product in the market.
Role of promotional mix in the organisation:
1) Increase brand image- Promotional mix is used by the company to promote its product
and services so that people get to know about this. It helps to enhance the goodwill and
brand image of the company in market.
2) Increase customer traffic
When information is provided to the customer then it increases the number of customer of the
company (Sigala, 2011). It provides better market place to the company.
3) Increase profitability
When information regarding the product and services is provided by the company then people
get attracted toward the company and it increases the profitability of the company.
4) To provide information
Promotional mix is used by the company to communicate information to the customer so that
customers get attracted toward the services of the company.
4.2 Integrated promotional campaign for Thomas Cook

Thomas cook is planning to provide their services at Morocco and Egypt. It is required
for the company to better services at the destination so that more people can attract toward the
destination. The company has adopted social media for the campaign of their services at the
Social media is the key source that can be used by the company to provide information
about their services at the cited designation. This plan will help the company to achieve and
target more customers in the market. Social media is most effective source that can be used by
the company and it helps the company to attract more customer because the medium that is used
for the promotion is very attractive (Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, 2014).
Promotion through the social media channel makes large impact over the customer. It
attracts the large number of customer toward the organisation. In this audio and video medium
are used for the promotion of the services and product. In this, the promotion through internet,
TV and any other medium that is available on internet are used. These are the most attractive
method that have large impact over the mind of the customer. It also includes the advertisement
of the product and services of the company through the social media channel as email, you tube
and other social media platform.
Now a day, people are more influenced through the internet and they use internet. Internet
is the essential part of the life of the user. When an advertisement is done through internet then it
does not cause expense burden on the company as the company need not to hire the employees
for the physical marketing of the company. It is required for the company to adopt the channels
that can affect the customers more (Murdy and Pike, 2012).

As per the above conclusion, it can be concluded that Thomas cook must provides better
services at the destination so that more people attract toward it. It provides help to the company
to enhance its profitability, brand image, attract more customer. The company have effective
marketing research that help the company to get to know about the trends in the market. There
are many things that can be adopted by the company to promote their product and services in the
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Marketing In Travel And Tourism Industry. 2017. [Online]. Available through:
[Accessed on 9th May 2017]

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