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Colloid Polym Sci


Steady/unsteady electroosmotic flow through nanochannel

filled with electrolyte solution surrounded by an immiscible
Santanu Saha1 · Partha P. Gopmandal1 · H. Ohshima2

Received: 24 June 2017 / Revised: 16 September 2017 / Accepted: 26 September 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract This article deals with the electroosmotic flow Introduction

through nanochannel filled with electrolyte solution sur-
rounded by an immiscible oil layer where the fluid is Electroosmotic flow (EOF) is one of the fundamental elec-
driven by either DC or AC electric field. The walls of the trokinetic phenomena which refers the motion of ionized
nanochannel are considered to bear a constant negative sur- liquid relative to the stationary charged surface under the
face charge. Additional mobile ions with positive polarity influence of an external electric field (Hunter [1], White-
are present in the surface oil layer. The electrostatic poten- sides and Stroock [2]). The EOF offers much smaller
tial can be obtained from the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann resistance in comparison with the pressure-driven flow and
equation. With the known electric potential, we calculate resembles a plug-like velocity profile (Masliyah and Bhat-
the axial velocity distribution from the unsteady Stokes tacharjee [3]). It has wide variety of applications ranging
equation. The effects of intrinsic parameters on the overall from chemical, pharmaceutical, and life sciences industries,
electrostatic behavior as well as velocity distribution are dis- to name a few. So far, therefore, a huge body of literature
cussed in a great detail. We identify several interesting key is available on the EOF through micro/nano-fluidic devices
features of the flow distributions under externally applied (Patankar and Hu [4], Ghosal [5], Bhattacharyya et al. [6],
DC or AC electric field. For lower range of Debye-Huckel Park et al. [7], Talapatra and Chakraborty [8]).
parameter, the overlap of adjacent electric double layers sig- In addition, many investigations on the two-phase EOF
nificantly affects the flow profile. In addition for externally involving two immiscible liquids through micro/nano-
applied sinusoidal AC electric field, a finite settling time is fluidic devices have been made (Yang and Ooi [9], Gao et al.
required to diffuse the momentum of the fluid from the adja- [10], Wang et al. [11]). One interesting key feature of two-
cent region of the channel wall to the bulk fluid. As a result, phase EOF is the formation of electric double layer (EDL)
a phase shift between the applied electric field and veloc- along the liquid-liquid interface. With the applications rang-
ity field may occur. Under AC electric field, the oscillatory ing from industries for pharmaceutical and biomedicine,
behavior of the axial velocity is further investigated. chemical engineering (Salim et al. [12]), now the two-
phase EOF through nanochannel are at the focus of growing
Keywords Electroosmotic flow · Oil layer · DC or AC scientific interest (Movahed et al. [13]). The concept of two-
electric field · Phase shift phase EOF can also be used to drag a low EO-mobility
liquid (e.g., oil, ethanol, etc.) by a high EO-mobility liquid
(e.g., water) (Brask et al. [14], Watanabe et al. [15]).
 Partha P. Gopmandal In the recent years, the transient EOF under AC elec- tric field have drawn a great interest to the worldwide
researchers due to its versatile application, for example,
1 Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology mixing of ionized solutions (Oddy et al. [16]), DNA
Patna, Patna 800005, India
hybridization (Wong et al. [17]), dielectrophoretic particle
2 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University separation on Lab-on-Chip devices (Hughes [18]), enhance-
of Science, Noda, Chiba, Japan ment of flow through ion exchange membranes (Barragan
Colloid Polym Sci

et al. [19]), to name a few. EOF under AC electric field contact with electrolyte solution, it can acquires a nonzero
has major advantage over DC EOF. For example, the EOF surface charge (Stein et al. [26], Prakash et al. [27]). The
under DC electric field may produce gas bubbles and they wall charge plays an important role to tune the transport
may block the flow passage, while bubble formation is sup- selectivity of ionic species through narrow confinements
pressed under AC electric field. A combined theoretical and (Yang et al. [28]).
experimental study on EOF through narrow confinement In this study, we have considered a realistic model for
under an axially applied AC electric field has been made by EOF through nanochannel driven by either DC or AC elec-
Oddy et al. [16]. Based on nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann- tric field. The nanochannel is filled with high EO-mobility
Stokes model, Dutta and Beskok [20] studied analytically electrolyte solution and is surrounded by a low EO-mobility
the EOF induced by an applied sinusoidal AC electric field. oil layer. The channel wall is considered to bear a negative
The study on EOF through curved microtube driven by an surface charge density and an additional mobile ion with
external DC or AC electric field has been made by Luo [21]. positive polarity is present in the surface oil layer. Due to
Transient behavior of two-phase EOF through narrow con- difference in permittivity of the low EO-mobility oil layer
finements has been reported by Su et al. [22], Gao et al. [23]. and high EO-mobility electrolyte solution, the penetration
It may be noted that the oil layer surrounding an aqueous of electrolyte ions across the oil layer-electrolyte inter-
stream is related to the limiting situation of an aqueous flow face occurs through a discontinuous manner with non-unit
around a very large oil emulsion or the static or dynamic ion partition coefficient. The mathematical model adopted
electrophoretic mobility of a very large oil particle in an here is based on nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for
aqueous solution. potential distribution and unsteady Stokes equation for fluid
All the existing studies on the two-phase EOF under DC flow. The present study applies a numerical approach to
or AC electric field, the surface layer of low EO-mobility solve the coupled system of governing equations and are
liquid is considered to be electrically neutral. While in sev- validated with the analytical solution of the corresponding
eral biological system, the low EO-mobility liquid (e.g., linearised model. We analyze the most important depen-
lipid monolayer) may bear additional free mobile ions, dencies of the flow distributions on the key parameters
which may affects the overall electrostatic properties across governing the problem.
the interface between the low and high EO-mobility liquids
(Ohshima et al. [24]). Recently, Gopmandal and Ohshima
[25] studied extensively the EOF through electrolyte col- Problem formulation
umn surrounded by an oil layer which carries additional
mobile ions. They have shown that the presence of addi- In this article, we have considered the EOF through
tional mobile ions within the surface oil layer may affect nanochannel of height 2h under an externally applied DC
the overall flow modulation through a narrow confinement or AC electric field (Fig. 1). The nanochannel is filled
with uncharged wall. On the other hand to provide a more with electrolyte solution surrounded by an immiscible liquid
practical physical model for EOF through nanochannel, one layer of thickness δ(< h). The channel walls are considered
need to consider the effect of wall charge density on the to bear a constant negative surface charge density σ . The
overall flow distribution. It may be noted that most of the permittivity, viscosity, and density of the electrolyte media
surfaces made-up with dielectric material and when it is in and the immiscible liquid layer are considered to be f ,

Fig. 1 Schematic of the present

Colloid Polym Sci

μf , ρf and d , μd , ρd , respectively. The immiscible liquid angular frequency with ω = 2πf , where f is the applied
is considered to be dielectric oil and may bear additional frequency of the AC electric field. The governing equation
mobile ions (with valence z), for example, ions adsorbed for the axial velocity component (u(y, t)) can be determined
with surfactant molecules such as anionic AOT or cationic from the following unsteady Stokes equation as
peptides. In addition, the oil layer as well as the electrolyte

medium contains binary symmetric electrolyte ions. ⎨ μd ∂ 2 u + ρ c Eext = ρd ∂u 0 < x ≤ δ
We assume both the electrolyte ions and additional ∂y 2 d ∂t
charges present in the oil phase follows the Boltzmann ⎩ μf ∂ 2 u2 + ρ c Eext = ρf ∂u δ < x ≤ h
∂y f ∂t
distribution and are given by
⎧   The appropriate boundary conditions for the axial velocity

⎪ n (y) = b n exp ∓ F φ(y)

⎪ ± ± 0
u are given by

⎨ Nδ exp −zF φ(y)
nd (y) =  δ  −zF φ(y)  :0<y≤δ ⎧


(1) ⎪
⎪ u|0 = 0,

0 RT

⎨ μ du | − = μ du | + ,

⎪ n± (y) = n0 exp ∓ FRT φ(y)

d dy y=δ f dy y=δ

⎩ n (y) = 0 ⎪ u| = u|
:δ<y≤h ⎪ y=δ − y=δ ,
d ⎪
⎩ du | = 0
dy h
Here, b± are the ion partition coefficients of the electrolyte
ions with n± (δ−) = b± n± (δ+), where n± and nd are the Introducing the scales h, φ0 (= RT /F ), n0 , UH S (=
concentration of the electrolyte ions and additional mobile εf E0 φ0 /μf ) and τ (=h/UH S ) for the y-coordinate, poten-
ion present within the oil layer with bulk molar concentra- tial, concentration of ionic species, velocity, and time,
tions n0 and N, respectively. Here, F , R, and T are the respectively. With these the scaled potential and velocity
Faraday constant, gas constat, and absolute temperature, equations are given as
respectively. A detailed derivation of concentration distri-
bution of additional mobile ions within the oil layer can be 2
d 2 φ̄ − (κh)
2εr ρ̄d , 0 < ȳ ≤ δ̄
found elsewhere (Gopmandal and Ohshima [25]). = 2 (6)
d ȳ 2 − (κh)
2 ρ̄f , δ̄ < ȳ ≤ 1
The equilibrium electric potential relative to the bulk
electrolyte can be determined through the Poisson equation
as follows and
⎧ c
d 2φ ⎨ ρd (y) : 0 < x ≤ δ
(κh)2 ρr ∂ ū
− 2 = ρfcεd(y) (2) ∂ 2 ū − μ1r 2 Ēext ρ̄d + Re μr ∂ t¯ ,
c 0 < ȳ ≤ δ̄
dy ⎩ :δ<x≤h = 2 (7)
∂ ȳ 2 − (κh)
2 Ēext ρ̄f + Re ∂ t¯ δ̄ < ȳ ≤ 1
εf c ∂ ū

where ρdc (y) = F [n+ (y) − n− (y) + znd (y)] and ρfc (y) =
where variables with ‘bar’ represents the corre-
F [n+ (y) − n− (y)] are the space charge density of the oil

non-dimensional values. Here,
ρ̄dc =
layer and electrolyte medium, respectively. For the sake of
simplicity, we consider the half depth of the channel as com- b+ exp(−φ̄) − b− exp(φ̄) + zβN
n0 exp(−zφ̄) and

putational domain. The boundary conditions for φ(y) are ρ̄f = exp(−φ̄) − exp(φ̄) are scaled charge densities with

⎧ dφ

⎪ εd dy |0 = −σ, δ̄

⎨ dφ − β=
εd dy |δ = εf dφ dy |δ + ,
exp(−zφ̄)d ȳ
(3) 0

⎪ φ| − = φ| + ,

⎩ dφ
δ δ
dy | h = 0 The permittivity, density, and viscosity ratio are given by
εr = εd /εf , ρr = ρd /ρf , and μr = μd /μf , respec-
For a pure EOF, we ignore the pressure gradient along tively. The Debye layer thickness κ −1 is defined as κ −1 =

the axial direction. The fluid inside the nanochannel flows εf φ0 /2F n0 . The scaled electric field, scaled by E0 , is
under the application of either DC and AC electric field. given by Ēext = 1 (for DC electric field) or Ēext = sin(ω̄t¯
Hence the axial electric field is given by Eext = E0 (for DC (for AC electric field), where ω̄ represent the scaled angu-
electric field) or Eext = E0 sin (ωt) (for AC electric field). lar frequency with ω̄ = 2πf h/UH S . The nondimensional
Here, E0 is the applied electric field strength and ω is the parameter Re = ρf UH S h/μf is the Reynolds Number.
Colloid Polym Sci

The Eqs. 6 and 7 are solved subject to the scaled bound- [30], Hsu et al. [31]). Since oil layer is of low dielectric con-
ary conditions given by stant and it corresponds the value of ion partition coefficient
⎧ to be less than unity (Ohshima et al. [24]). The free addi-
⎪ d φ̄
d ȳ |0 = −σ̄ ,
⎪ tional ions present in the surface oil layer are considered to

⎨ be cationic in nature with z = 1. The viscosities and den-
εr dd φ̄ȳ |δ̄ − = dd φ̄ȳ |δ̄ + ,
(8) sities of the CHB solvent and the electrolyte media are set

⎪ φ̄|δ̄ − = φ̄|δ̄ + ,

⎪ to 2.269 and 1 mPa s, and 1.33 and 1 g/cm3 , respectively
⎩ d φ̄ | = 0
d ȳ 1 (Leunissen [29]). The height of the channel (2h) is taken
to be 20 nm with oil layer thickness δ = 0.25h. The con-
and centration of bulk electrolyte is varied from low to high so
⎧ that the Debye-Huckel parameter κh ranges from 1 to 100.

⎪ ū|0 = 0,

⎨ μ d ū | − = d ū | + ,
In the subsequent sections, we present some representative
r d ȳ δ̄ d ȳ δ̄
(9) results of this rigorous study with the above set of physical

⎪ ū| − = ū| δ̄ ,
+ parameters.
⎪ δ̄
⎩ d ū | = 0
d ȳ 1

Here, σ̄ denotes the scaled surface charge density with σ̄ = Results and discussions
σ h/εd φ0 .
The governing equation for induced potential (6) is a non- Before presenting the results, we first validate our computed
linear equation. We solve the Eq. 6 subject to the boundary solution for the potential and velocity field with the cor-
condition (8) iteratively through a second-order central dif- responding analytical solution based on low potential limit
ference scheme. The iterations are continued until the abso- and under a DC electric field. If the thickness of the sur-
lute difference between two successive iterates becomes face oil layer δ is much greater than the Debye length (κ −1
smaller than the tolerance limit 10−6 . With the known ), i.e., κδ >> 1, then the potential deep inside the surface
potential, we have solved iteratively the unsteady Stokes layer approaches to the Donnan potential φDON (Ohshima
equation (7) with the specified boundary conditions (9). An [32]). Under this assumption, the concentration distribution
implicit first-order scheme is used to discretize the time of the additional mobile ion present in the surface oil layer
derivative and a second-order central difference scheme is is given by (Gopmandal and Ohshima [25])
used for the spatial derivative. The discretized equation is
solved by a line-by-line iterative method along with the −zF [φ(y) − φDON ]
successive-over-relaxation (SOR) technique. Initially, iter- nd (y) = N exp (10)
ation procedure starts with a guess value of the velocity
and the iterations are continued until the absolute difference
where the Donnan potential is given by (Ohshima [32])
between two successive iterations becomes smaller than the
tolerance limit 10−6 . ⎡  ⎤
It may be noted that under Debye-Huckel limit, one can  2
RT ⎣ zN zN b− ⎦
obtain the closed form solution of the electric potential. φDON =− ln − + +
F 2b+ n0 2b+ n0 b+
In addition under DC electric field, a closed form solu-
tion of the axial velocity can also be derived. The detailed (11)
derivation of analytical solution for EDL-induced electric
potential and axial velocity are shown later to this article. Under a small potential limit (i.e., |φ̄| << 1), the
We validate our numerical solution with the corresponding non-dimensional linearised Poisson-Boltzmann and Stokes
Debye-Huckel solution under DC electric field. Of course equations under a DC electric field can be written as
here, we present the numerical results by considering much
larger ranges of the parameter space. 
d 2 φ̄ P 2 φ̄ − Q : 0 ≤ ȳ ≤ δ̄
The wall charge density (σ ) is considered to be nega- = (12)
tive and its value can ranges up to −50 mC/m2 (Stein et al. d ȳ 2 R 2 φ̄ : δ̄ ≤ ȳ ≤ 1
[26], Prakash et al. [27]). The electrolyte media is consid-
ered to be high dielectric constant liquid, such as water and
(f /0 = 80), where 0 is the permittivity of free space. In ⎧
d 2 ū ⎨
the current study, we consider the oil present in the surface εr d 2 φ̄
μr d ȳ 2 : 0 < ȳ ≤ δ̄
layer as oily organic solvent cyclohexyl bromide (CHB) = (13)
d ȳ 2 ⎩ d 2 φ̄
: δ̄ < ȳ ≤ 1
with d /0 = 7.9 (Leunissen [29], Yethiraj and Blaaderen d ȳ 2
Colloid Polym Sci

where P = (κh)2
b+ + b− + z2 βN
, Q = where A = B − Pσ̄ , B = aa22 aa64 −a 3 a5
−a1 a5 , C = D exp (−2R)
2εr n0  

a1 a6 −a3 a4
(κh) 2 zβN and D = a2 a4 −a1 a5 . Here
b + − b− + , R = κh. Here, the value of β
2εr n0 ⎧
can be approximated by exp (zφ̄DON ), where φ̄DON is the ⎪
⎪ a1 = εrRP exp (P δ̄) − exp (−P δ̄)

scaled Donnan potential, scaled by φ0 . The closed form ⎪
⎪ a2 = exp {R(δ̄ − 2)} − exp (−R δ̄)

⎨ a = εr σ̄ exp (P δ̄)
solution of Eq. 12 subject to the boundary conditions (8) 3 R (15)
can be obtained as ⎪
⎪ a4 = exp (P δ̄) + exp (−P δ̄)

⎪ a5 = exp
⎪ {R(δ̄ − 2)} + exp (−R δ̄)
 Q ⎩ a = σ̄ exp (P δ̄) − Q

A exp (P ȳ) + B exp (−P ȳ) + : 0 < ȳ ≤ δ̄ 6 P P2
φ̄ = P2
C exp (R ȳ) + D exp (−R ȳ) : δ̄ < ȳ ≤ 1 With known potential given in Eq. 14, the axial velocity
(14) can be obtained as

⎧ εr

⎪ A{exp (P ȳ) − 1} + B{exp (−P ȳ) − 1} : 0 < ȳ ≤ δ̄
εr Q εr
ū = − μ
r A + B + P2 + C exp (R ȳ) + μr − 1 exp (R δ̄) + (16)

⎩ D exp (−R ȳ) + εr − 1 exp (−R δ̄) : δ̄ < ȳ ≤ 1

In Fig. 2, we present the induced potential and axial dis- a small discrepancy is found for lower range of b as the
tribution for different values of partition coefficient of the charge neutralization due to ion penetration inside the oil
electrolyte ions (b = b± = 10−4 , 10−3 , 10−2 , 10−1 ). The layer is less significant at lower values of b. In addition, we
corresponding analytical solutions are also shown. The con- have also shown the induced potential and the axial distri-
centration of bulk electrolyte solution is considered to be bution (Fig. 3) for different values of concentration of bulk
high (n0 = 104 mM) so that κδ(= 25.66) becomes much electrolyte (n0 ). The results in Fig. 3 are shown for higher
greater than 1. It is clear from Fig. 2 that our numerical value of b(= 10−1 ) where the charge neutralization is sig-
results based on nonlinear model agree well with the corre- nificant. We found comparable results for strong electrolyte,
sponding analytical solution at higher values of ion partition while a large discrepancy occurs for low electrolyte con-
coefficient. It may be noted that the neutralization of the centration where the oil layer engulfed by thick EDL (i.e.,
charge enclosed in the surface oil layer increases with the κ −1 ∼ O(δ)). Thus the analytical solution based on low
increase in ion partition coefficient and it leads to a rela- potential limit for the induced potential and hence the axial
tively low effective charge enclosed in the oil layer. As a velocity under DC electric field are valid for higher values
result, the magnitude of the induced potential as well as the of ion partition coefficient and strong electrolyte solution
axial velocity decreases with the increase in b and hence the for which κ −1 << δ. Below, we present the numerical
computed solution matches well with corresponding ana- results without imposing any restriction on the parameters
lytical solution at higher values of b. On the other hand, governing the flow physics.

Fig. 2 a Induced potential and 1.2 0.01

b axial velocity are shown for
fixed value of concentration of 1 0
bulk electrolyte (n0 =104 mM)
Analytical Model -0.01
and mobile ion present in the oil 0.8 Numerical Model
layer (N = 10 mM). The -0.02
channel walls are considered to 0.6
be uncharged. The results are

| | -0.03
presented for four different 0.4
values of partition coefficients -0.04
Analytical Model
of electrolyte ions (b+ = b− = 0.2 b
Numerical Model
10−1 , 10−2 , 10−3 , 10−4 ). The
corresponding analytical 0 -0.06
solutions obtained from
linearised model are also -0.2 -0.07
0 0.25 0.5
__ 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
indicated __
y y
(a) (b)
Colloid Polym Sci

Fig. 3 a Induced potential and 1.2 0.1

b axial velocity are shown for
fixed value of ion partition 1
coefficient (b+ = b− = 10−1 ) 0
Analytical Model
and concentration of mobile ion 0.8 Numerical Model
present in the oil layer
(N = 10 mM). The channel walls 0.6

are considered to be uncharged. | |
The results are presented for 0.4
four different values of bulk
electrolyte concentration. The 0.2
corresponding analytical -0.3
solutions obtained from 0 Analytical Model
Numerical Model
linearised model are also
indicated -0.2 -0.4
0 0.25 _
0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 _
0.5 0.75 1
y y
(a) (b)

Electric potential distribution σ = −10 mC/m2 , N = 10 mM, and b = b± = 10−1 . The

results are presented for low to strong electrolyte concen-
In Fig. 4a–d, we present the dependence of EDL induced tration (n0 ) so that the Debye-Huckel parameter κh ranges
electric potential on the key parameters governing the from 1.02 to 102. For increasing values of bulk electrolyte
problem. The results are shown in Fig. 4a for different concentration, we found a decrease in magnitude of the
values of bulk electrolyte concentration (n0 ) with fixed induced electric potential. For large value of κh (i.e., for

Fig. 4 The dependence of 2 2

induced potential on all the key
parameters is shown. The results
are shown in a for different 0 0
values of bulk electrolyte
concentration (n0 ) with fixed |σ|
σ = −10 mC/m2 , N = 10 mM -2
σ = 0 C/m2
and b = b± = 10−1 ; b for

| |
σ = - 1 mC/m

σ = - 10 mC/m 2
different values of wall charge n0 = 10 mM -4 σ = - 50 mC/m

density (σ ) with fixed N =

-4 n0 = 10 mM
n0 = 10 mM
10 mM, n0 = 102 mM and 4
n0 = 10 mM

b = b± = 10−1 ; c for different -6

values of concentration of -6
mobile ion within oil layer (N)
with fixed σ = −10 mC/m2 , 0 0.25 _
0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5
_ 0.75 1
n0 = 102 mM and y y
b = b± = 10−1 ; d for different
values of ion partition
(a) (b)
coefficient (b = b± ) with fixed
σ = −10 mC/m2 , n0 = 102 mM 2
and N = 10 mM 0 b

| |

-2 b= 10-1
-8 b= 5 x 10
N=0.5 mM
b= 10-2
N=1 mM b= 10

N=10 mM
N=50 mM -10
N=100 mM

-4 -12
0 0.25 0.5
_ 0.75 1 0 0.25 _
0.5 0.75 1
y y
(c) (d)
Colloid Polym Sci

strong electrolyte concentration), the Debye layer becomes Velocity distribution

thinner and it leads to a strong shielding effect. As a result,
more counterions are confined within the thin EDL and it In this section, we have presented the effect of the intrinsic
leads to decrease in net effective wall charge. As a result, parameters on the overall flow behavior. First, we present
the magnitude of the electric potential across the channel the results under DC electric field and subsequently the
decreases for increasing κh (i.e., increasing n0 ). results are shown under sinusoidal AC electric field.
In Fig. 4b, c, we have shown the effect of wall charge
density and additional charges present in the surface oil Under DC electric field
layer on the EDL induced electric potential with fixed n0 =
102 mM and b = b± = 10−1 . As expected, the surface Here, we present the transient behavior of the EOF induced
charge modifies the potential distribution across the chan- by applied DC electric field. The strength of the DC field
nel and its magnitude increases with the increase in the applied along the axial direction is considered to be E0 =
value of wall charge density. Since the charges within the 103 V/m. In Fig. 5a, we present the time evolution of the
oil layer and along the channel wall are opposite in nature, axial velocity along the central line of the channel (ūc ). In
a change in sign in the potential distribution may occur addition in Fig. 5b, we have presented the axial velocity
(Fig. 4b). It is also clear from Fig. 4c that the opposite component across the channel at different time. From the
charges within the oil layer tries to nullify the effect of wall results presented in Fig. 5, it is clear that the flow evolves
charge and decreases the magnitude of the wall potential through a transient response to reach a steady state situation.
with the increasing values of concentration of the addi- It may be noted that at the initial stage of the application of
tional mobile charges within the oil layer. In addition, a sign electric field, the fluid adjacent to the channel wall response
change in the potential distribution can also be achieved by immediately. As the time elapses, the momentum of the
changing the concentration of the additional mobile charges fluid gradually diffuses from the EDL to the bulk region
within the oil layer (Fig. 4c). On the other hand, the partition (Fig. 5) and after some transient time, the axial velocity
coefficient of the electrolyte ions has also a significant role reaches to a constant steady state value.
on the modification of the EDL-induced potential which we In Fig. 6, we present the results of the axial velocity com-
have shown extensively in Fig. 4d. The results are presented ponent at a steady state situation. The results are presented
here for four different values of b± with fixed σ , N and n0 . here for a similar set parameters chosen in Fig. 4. In Fig. 6a,
The penetration of the ions inside the oil layer increases with we have shown the effect of electrolyte concentration on the
the increasing values of ion partition coefficient. As a result, overall flow modulation. For increasing values of n0 , the
more counterion are confined near the charged wall and it magnitude of the EDL-induced potential decreases (Fig. 4a)
results a decrease in the effective wall charge. In addition for and it results a decrease in axial velocity component across
increasing values of in b± increases the counterion conden- the channel (Fig. 6a). A plug-like velocity profile can be
sation effect and it results a decrease in net effective charge achieved for strong electrolyte solution. In Fig. 6b, c, we
inside the oil layer. Due to combined effect of these two, the present the relative importance of the wall charge density
magnitude of the potential across the channel reduces with (σ ) and the concentration of additional mobile ions within
the increase in ion partition coefficient. the oil layer (N). Since the wall charge and the charges

Fig. 5 a Time evolution of axial 0.25

t_ =0.0005
velocity along the center of the t=
_ 0.006
0.2 t= 0.015
channel. b The axial velocity are _
t_ =0.04
shown at different values of t = 0.05

scaled time. The results are 0.15

presented here for fixed value of
n0 = 102 mM, σ = −10 mC/m2 ,

N = 10 mM and b = b± = 10−1 | 0.1 |



0 0.05 _ 0.1 0.15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
t y
(a) (b)
Colloid Polym Sci

Fig. 6 The dependence of axial 0.6 0.6

σ = 0 mC/m
n0 = 10 mM
velocity on all the key n0 = 102 mM σ = - 1 mC/m 2
parameters are shown. The 0.5
n0 = 10 mM 0.5 σ = - 10 mC/m

n0 = 104 mM σ = - 50 mC/m 2
results are presented here for a 0.4
similar set of parameters as 0.4
shown in Fig. 4a–d 0.3
0.3 |σ|

| | 0.2

0 -0.1
-0.1 -0.2
0 0.25 0.5
__ 0.75 1 0 0.25 _
0.5 0.75 1
y y
(a) (b)
0.2 0.7

N 0.5

0 0.4


| |
N=0.5 mM
N=1 mM 0.3
N=10 mM
-0.1 N=50 mM 0.2
N=100 mM
0.1 -1
-0.2 b = 10
b = 5 x10-2
0 b = 10

b = 10-3
-0.3 -0.1
0.5 _
0 0.25 _ 0.75 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
y y
(c) (d)

enclosed within the oil layer are opposite in nature and concentration for a fixed channel height) for different val-
hence a change in sign of the axial velocity component ues of (i) σ (Fig. 7a), (ii) concentration of additional mobile
may occur (Fig. 6b). On the other hand, the distribution of ion within oil layer (Fig. 7b), and (iii) ion partition coeffi-
axial velocity components across the channel becomes more cient (Fig. 7c). In each case, we found that the average flow
interesting for increasing values of concentration of addi- rate (ūavg ) attains a local maxima depending on the choice
tional mobile ions (N ) within the oil layer (Fig. 6c). For of κh. A similar observation has been reported by Haywood
lower values of N, the value of the axial velocity component et al. [33] for EOF through parallel plate nanochannel. For
is positive throughout the channel. With the increase in the lower range of κh (i.e., thick EDL), the adjacent EDLs may
value of N, the axial velocity component remains positive overlap and it results a nonzero value of net mobile charge
within the surface oil layer, while its value becomes nega- along the center of the channel and it results a nonzero
tive at the bulk electrolyte. In Fig. 6d, we have shown the induced potential thereat (see inset figures). If we decrease
effect of ion partition coefficient on the axial velocity for the the value of κh from its critical value where the average flow
fixed value of the other parameters. With the increase in the rate attains its maximum value, the EDL-induced potential
value of ion partition coefficient decreases the magnitude of along the channel center becomes nonzero and it results
the EDL-induced potential and it leads to a decrease in the the occurrence of such a local maxima. The existence of
value of axial velocity across the channel. such a maximum value of the average flow rate is impor-
In Fig. 7, we have shown extensively the dependence of tant in micro/nano-fluidic applications [34]. On the other
overall flow rate on the pertinent parameters. To provide hand for higher values of κh, the effect of σ and N signifi-
a quantitative measurement, we present the average axial cantly diminishes and results a decrease in surface potential
velocity, defined as ūavg = 0 ū(ȳ)d ȳ. In Fig. 7a–c, we that leads to a decrease in magnitude of the average flow
present the variation of ūavg with κh (by varying electrolyte rate (Fig. 7a,b). On the other hand for increasing values of
Colloid Polym Sci

σ = 0 mC/m
0.8 N = 1 mM b = 10-1
σ = -1 mC/m 2 0.4 N = 10 mM 0.8 b = 10

σ = -10 mC/m
N = 20 mM b = 10
0.6 σ = -50 mC/m 2 N = 50 mM b = 10

σ = -100 mC/m
N = 100 mM
0.2 0.6
0.2 0 0.4



0 | 0.2
| | -0.2
-0.6 -0.6
0 1 2 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10
κh κh κh
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 7 Variation of average axial velocity with κh for different val- coefficient with fixed σ = −10 mC/m2 , and N = 10 mM. The inset
ues of a surface charge density (σ ) with fixed N = 10 mM, and figures corresponds the variation of EDL-induced potential along the
b = b± = 10−1 . b Concentration of mobile ion within oil layer (N) central line of the channel (φ̄c )
with fixed σ = −10 mC/m2 , and b = b± = 10−1 . c Ion partition

ion partition coefficient increases charge neutralization and low to high frequency of the applied AC electric field. When
it leads to a reduction in magnitude of average flow rate a periodic sinusoidal AC electric field applied, the flow
(Fig. 7c). behavior goes through a transient phase and finally reaches
at a stable periodic oscillations. A finite time is required for
Under AC electric field diffusion of momentum from the regions close to the chan-
nel wall (i.e., EDL) to the bulk fluid. In addition, when the
Keeping the flow distribution under applied DC field in AC electric field reverses its direction, the bulk fluid along
mind, here we present some representative results of the the center of the channel oscillates during a period of tran-
velocity distribution under an applied AC electric field. The sient response and finally the bulk fluid reverse its direction.
applied electric field along the axis of the channel is con- From the results presented in Fig. 8, it is clear that the tran-
sidered to be Eext = E0 sin(ωt) with the angular frequency sient behavior of the velocity profile strongly depends on the
given by ω = 2πf , where the amplitude and the cycle frequency of the applied AC electric field. For low applied
period of the applied AC electric field are E0 and 1/f , frequency (Fig. 8a), the time required to reach a steady
respectively. In order to present the results, we consider the periodic oscillation is almost zero and the flow profile oscil-
value of E0 as 103 V/m and frequency of the AC electric lates in a similar manner as that of the applied electric field
field (f ) is varied from 10 to 4000 Hz. without having any phase shift. On the other hand for high
In Fig. 8, we present the time evolution of the axial veloc- frequency, the time required for the momentum diffusion
ity at the bulk liquid (along the center of the channel) for is much greater than oscillation time period. At the initial
Maximum Overshoot


0.01 Peak 0.002





Settling Time

0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015

t (sec) t (sec)
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 8 Time evolution of the axial velocity along the central line are N = 10 mM, and b = b± = 10−1 . In Fig. a, the green dotted lines
shown for different values of frequency a f = 10 Hz, b f = 1000 Hz, represents the corresponding scaled electric field
and c f = 4000 Hz with fixed n0 = 102 mM, σ = −10 mC/m2 ,
Colloid Polym Sci

Fig. 9 Dependence of a phase 360 0.6

shift of transient velocity b = 10

response relative to the applied 300

b = 10-2
b = 10
electric field and b maximum
magnitude of axial velocity on 0.4

max( |uavg|)
the frequency of applied electric
field. Results are presented here |

for fixed n0 = 102 mM, 180

σ = −10 mC/m2 , N =10 mM 0.2

and b = b± = 10−1 120
b = 10
b = 10
60 b = 10

1 2 3 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
f (Hz) f (Hz)
(a) (b)

stage of the application of sinusoidal AC electric field, the field. In addition we found that the ion partition coefficient
fluid starts to move along the positive axial direction. As the increases the phase lag and decreases the maximum peak
time elapse, the electric field changes its direction immedi- value of the average flow rate.
ately due to small oscillation time period for high frequency.
However, due to finite settling time required for momen-
tum diffusion, the fluid at the center of the channel does not Conclusion
respond immediately to the electric field imposed on it. As
a result the fluid along the center of the channel initially In the present article, we have studied extensively the
continues to accelerate along the positive axial direction steady/unsteady EOF through nanochannel filled with elec-
until the momentum diffusion along the negative direction trolyte solution surrounded by an oil layer. Here, we have
reaches (Fig. 8b-c) and then settle down to its oscillatory considered the EOF induced either by an external DC or
behavior after a period of transient response. AC electric field. The surface charge distributed along the
In general, it can be seen from the results presented channel wall and the net charge entrapped within the dielec-
in Fig. 8 that the flow velocity lags behind the electric tric oil layer due to presence of additional mobile ions are
field with a nonzero phase shift. In addition, the magni- considered to be opposite in nature. A simplified mathemat-
tude of the peak of periodic oscillations of the flow velocity ical model based on Poisson-Boltzmann-Stokes equations is
(i.e., max(|ūavg |)) also depends strongly on the applied used to analyze the potential distribution and hence the flow
frequency. In Fig. 9a, b, we have shown extensively the behavior by considering non-unit partition coefficient of the
dependence of the phage shift () between the applied elec- electrolyte ions. For DC electric field, we have shown that
tric field and velocity distribution as well as the maximum a steady-state velocity profile can be achieved after some
peak value of the average axial velocity on the applied fre- transient time. At steady state, the average axial velocity
quency (f ). The results are presented here for three different may attain a local maxima for a critical value of the Debye-
values of ion partition coefficient with fixed values of σ , Huckel parameter. On the other hand, for AC electric field,
N and n0 . Since a finite settling time is required to reach the magnitude of the axial velocity as well as the phase
and settled at a stable periodic situations, the flow veloc- shift between the electric field and the flow profile, are both
ity lags behind that of the applied electric field and the frequency-dependent. Higher values of applied frequency
phase lag increases with the increasing values of applied increases the phase shift and decreases the average veloc-
frequency (Fig. 9a). On the other hand, it is clear from ity across the channel. These results, therefore, provides a
Fig. 9b that the maximum peak value of the average flow broader physical insight associated with the EOF through
rate decreases with the increasing values of applied fre- nanochannel filled with electrolyte solution surrounded by
quency. At a higher values of frequency, due to finite fluid an oil layer.
inertia effect, the flow velocity cannot respond fast enough
in developing an equivalent amount of flow across the chan-
Funding The authors (PPG & SS) acknowledges the financial sup-
nel and results a decrease in overall flow rate. A similar port received from the Science and Engineering Research Board
finding has been observed by Chakraborty and Ray [35] for (SERB), Department of Science & Technology, Government of India,
circular microchannel under applied sinusoidal AC electric through the project grant (File no. YSS/2015/000468).
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