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Design of Lift Footing MKD. F8.

Load Calculations:

Dead Live Load Dead

Live Load Mx due to
Load From Load Dead Seismic
From Self Wight UnSymm Mx due to My due to
Level in m Height From Front From Load Total Load P*h2 Shear at Total Mx
Rear Side of Wall etric Seismic Seismic
Front side Side Rear side From Fill each level
SlabSlab Loading
Slab SlabSlab Slab
19.20 23.70 36 95 0 0 0 31.95 162.95 94.975 91527.39 14.31 0 0 94.975
18.00 22.50 34 36 0 0 0 127.8 197.8 50.75 100136.3 15.66 37.927 37.927 88.677
14.40 18.90 34 36 0 0 0 191.7 261.7 50.75 93481.86 14.62 95.33 95.33 146.08
10.80 15.30 34 36 0 0 0 191.7 261.7 50.75 61261.35 9.58 100.102 100.102 150.852
7.20 11.70 34 36 0 0 0 191.7 261.7 50.75 35824.11 5.6 70.386 70.386 121.136
3.60 8.10 34 36 0 0 0 191.7 261.7 50.75 17170.14 2.68 20.51 20.51 71.26
(-) 0.15 4.35 34 36 92 0 97 211.67 470.67 86.275 8906.253 1.39 41.495 41.495 127.77
(-) 4.5 0 0 0 0 133.9 0 115.82 249.72 0 0 119.466 119.466 119.466

240 311 92 133.9 97 Total P = 2127.94 262.45 408307.3 63.84 119.466 119.466 381.916

Base Shear due to Seismic = 0.03*P = 63.8382

At Support
P 2127.94 Footing Length = 6.15
Mx 119.466 Footing Width = 2.6
My 381.916 Zxx = 6.929
Zyy = 16.38975

Pmax = 195.487 KN/sqm

Pmin = 70.67187 KN/sqm

Design Pressure = 293.23 KN/sqm

Maximum Moment = 293.23*2.5^2/8 = 229.09 KNM

Depth of footing = 800 mm
d= 737.5 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.421194
Pt = 0.140398
Ast required = 1035 mm2
Provide Y16 at 175 C/c
Ast Provided = 1143 mm2

Design Shear Force = 147 KN

Nominal Shear Stress = 0.1988 N/mm2
Permissible Shear Stress = 0.29 N/mm2
Check For Stresses:

Front Thickness 0.15 0.825 1.5 0.825

Y 1.3 1.3

Rear 5.15 0.575 1 0.575

Area = 2.13 M 2
Area = 1.38 M2

Ixx = 0.897375 M4 Ixx = 0.346725 M4

Iyy = 3.430415 M4 Iyy = 3.353369 M4

Zxx = 1.121719 M3 Zxx = 0.433406 M3

Zyy = 1.3322 M3 Zyy = 1.302279 M3

Stress = 313.4178 KN/m2 0.313418 N/mm2 534.9194 KN/m2 0.534919 N/mm2

Total P Mx My A Zx Zy Stress Stress in^2
162.95 94.975 0 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 337.2159 0.337216
197.8 88.677 37.927 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 377.0617 0.377062
261.7 146.08 95.33 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 599.8911 0.599891
261.7 150.852 100.102 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 614.5659 0.614566
261.7 121.136 70.386 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 523.1836 0.523184
261.7 71.26 20.51 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 369.8055 0.369805
470.67 127.77 41.495 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 667.7328 0.667733
249.72 119.466 119.466 1.38 0.433406 1.302279 548.337 0.548337

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