Somewhere Behind Black Eyes - Part 10

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Somewhere behind the deep

voids of where his eyes should
have been, inquisitive thoughts
were brewing like the masses of
a big black hole. Tyler, a
transformed Kiily Tokurt, watched
one of his kind, climb the stairs
onto a porch. Looking innocent in
her black strapped shoes and
socks all the way up to her

This one was younger then him
in appearance, but not in
frequency. Her energy patterns
were quite a bit lower. He could
tell she was a natural. In other
words, she was not transformed,
as he had been from a human
into a Kiily Tokurt. She really was
from the constellation of Vela. A
native of the planet their kind
came from, Mulif al Suhail, was
the closest star. He'd heard of it,
but thought he may one day visit
there, but only if his jumping skills

got better. For now, his 'pop' was
restricted to this Earth planet
He had made one like him, but
outside of this, he knew of no
others. The most curious thing
about him accidentally coming
upon her, was she was not alone.

No. Not accompanied by one of

their own kind, but lead by and
seemly, coached by one of theirs!
A human was present on the side
of the house, hidden in the

bushes chiding the child, Kiily
Tokurt, as if she was training her!

His curiosity at it's finest peak got

the better of him and he drew
closer to the scene. He wanted to
see more, to hear more and
know more of what this was

The person in the bushes was a

brunette, she stood about five
foot five and had a medium build.
Although, there seemed to be
something special about her, she
did not seem to be of one of the
humans who had tried to capture

They did enslave the one He

made. This human did not wear
the same clothing. She did not
have a weapon. There were no
others around her who were
human, just her and the tiny girl
who had been knocking on the
door of this house and now was
being invited in by a man.

At one time in his human life he

may have been able to identify
the people in the suits who took
Claire away. It was as though the
name of their kind was hanging,
by a couple of fingers, like a hand
slipping from a tree branch, as he
was dangling from a cliff. His
mind was doing those sort of
things ever since the change.

Still, his attention snapped back

to the present scene playing out
before him. Tyler could not see
from where He was standing
what was happening inside the
house, but He heard a loud
crash, then a thud.
Minutes later, she stepped out
the door and quietly, seemly float
down the porch stairs. He had
never seen anything like it.

Months ago he had escaped the

clutches of the humans. The one
he had made hadn't been so
lucky. They had closed in on her.
They'd trapped her. He turned
and ran. His fight or flight, forcing
him his actions. He had jumped a
fence and halfway over he had
found himself somewhere else.
He could see the humans but
they couldn't see him!

The odd thing about it was

everything was foggy and the
humans appeared to be ghost-
like. Tyler felt like he was in a
dream world. The humans looked
all about them, wondering where
Tyler had disappeared to so
quickly. One of them let out a low
whistle and made a comment
about how he was "a fast mother
fucker!" The other guy looked up
into the trees, searching along
the branches from where he
stood, then continued walking
until he was walked right past

Still, the whole scene felt

dreamlike. Perhaps he was in a
side by side dimension? Those
existed, right? Maybe the films
and movies he watched as a
human were on to something?

Then he helplessly watched

as they took Claire away. "Screw
that!", He exclaimed.

There were three vehicles, he
bounded on top of one of the
vans after jumping back to this
previous dimension and gripped
onto the bars on the upper roof of

After he landed where he

wanted, he tried to get access
the inside of the van, so he could
try to rescue her from within it.

Then his memory stopped as if it

were paused, like in a stream
played on an internet movie site.
The little girl was coming out of
the house, He could see her
through the porch door, it
creaked open, his attention
snapped completely back into
present time. She came out,
taking her place next to the
human who had come out of the
bushes. Oddly, the human had a
pleased expression on her face
as she praised the black eyed
kid. The BEK said something to
the human in a low, monotone
voice. Something Tyler should

have heard, but He was still
stunned by the human's reaction
to what the BEK had done!

They continued to walk and he

proceeded to follow through the
streets and the darkness behind
them. Tyler dipped behind
bushes and tree trunks, staying
in close proximity to them for
three blocks. The Kiily stopped at
one point before they rounded a
corner to the right. It appeared
she was listening. The human
was trying to get her to keep
walking, she dropped the bag
she was carrying and the
contents of it spilled out onto the
pavement. The house on the
corner had a white picket fence,
where some of her things had
skidded underneath on the other
side. She was scrambling to pick
everything up, popping it all back
into her bag, She didn't notice the
things under the fence, but being
ever vigilant of the houses
around her.

Tyler's first thought was to come
out of hiding and help her by
showing her the things hidden in
the grass, but he stopped
himself. If he did, how would he
explain how he knew they were
there? He was positive it would
not be a good time to introduce
himself. Especially, after what
they just did, which he wasn't
quite sure if they would
appreciate his presence, nor his
knowledge of their actions. So,
He hung back.

The human got all her bag
hoisted onto her shoulder and
grabbed the girl's hand, walking
quickly two more blocks, turning
to the left and pulling out her
keys to open the door.

Now that he knew where they

lived and he was sure he'd be
able to find them again, He
decided to double back and
retrieve the things she lost in the
grass two or three blocks ago.
Maybe he could find out who she
Tyler would have to hurry though,
daylight was approaching soon.
He reached the fence and with
fluidity, jumped it with no effort at
all! He crunched down and
picked up a white plastic card. It
was her drivers license! What a
lucky break! His eyes didn't need
adjusting to the darkness for him
to read her name, Star Terra

He still wondered why she had a

Kiily Tokurt with her and why she

was walking it right up the door of
other humans?

Did she have enemies she was

using the BEK to get revenge?

Or was it bigger than that?

Was Star Terra Semilla a


He didn't know enough about her

to surmise. Tyler would have to
investigate further. He pocketed
the card and started back to his
hideout, which he had to switch
because the humans had found
the one He and Claire were at.
Tyler pulled his hoodie tightly
over his head to cloak his black
eyes and walked down the street.
The humans who were the early
birds, ignored him, scurrying to
their cars, backing out of their
driveways, then rolling away into
the quickly approaching daylight.


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