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SporttM«12010;40(3) 189-206

© 2010 A * Dota tnlormottan BV. Al ngnii tMervM.

New Horizons for the Methodology and

Physiology of Training Periodization
Vladimir B. Issurin
Elite Sport Department, Wingate Institute, Netanya, Israel

Abstract 189
1. Traditional Modei of Periodization 190
1.1 History of Training Periodization as o Scientific Probiem and Coaching Concept 191
1.1.1 Precursors of Periodization Training in Ancient Rome and Greece 191
1.1.2 Contemporary Stage of Developing Training Periodization 191
1.2 Basic Positions of the Troditionoi Model 191
1.2.1 Genefolized Concept of 'Load-Recovery' Interaction 191
1.2.2 Principies of Periodlzed Training 192
1.2.3 iHierarchy of Perlodized Troining Cycles 193
1.2.4 Variations of the Traditionai Annual Cycie Mode! 193
1.3 Mojor Limitations of Traditionai Periodization 193
2. Aiternative Modeis of Periodization 194
2.1 Factors Affecting the Revision of Traditionai Periodization 195
2.2 Periodizotlon Charts in Team Sports 195
2.3 Linear and Non-Linear Periodization 196
2.4 Non-Troditionai Models of Training Design 197
2.4.1 Annual Performance Trends of Great Athietes 197
2.4.2 Concentrated Unidirectionoi Training Pians 197
3. Block Periodization as an Alternative Approach to iHigh-Performance Training 198
3.1 Earliest Efforts to implement Biock Periodization 198
3.2 Scientific Concepts Affecting fhe Biock-Periodized Model 199
3.2.1 Cumulative Training Effect 199
3.2.2 Residual Training Effect 200
3.3 Basic Positions of Biock-Periodized Training 201
3.3.1 Basic Principles 201
3.3.2 Taxonomy of Mesocycle Biocks 201
3.3.3 Compiling an Annual Cycie 202
4. Conclusions 203

Abstract The theory of training was established about five decades ago when
knowledge of athletes" preparation was far from complete and the biological
background was based on a relatively small amount of objective research
findings. At that time, traditional 'training periodization'. a division of
the entire seasonal programme into smaller periods and training units,
was proposed and elucidated. Since then, internationa! sport and sport
science have experienced tremendous changes, while the traditional training
190 Issuriii

periodization has remained at more or less the same level as the published
studies of the initial publications. As one of the most practically oriented
components of theory, training periodization is intended to offer coaches
basic guidelines for structuring and planning training. However, during
recent decades contradictions between the traditional model of periodization
and the demands of high-performance sport practice have inevitably deve-
loped. The main limitations of traditional periodization stemmed from:
(i) conliicting physiological responses produced by "mixed" training directed
at many athletic abilities: (H) excessive fatigue elicited by prolonged periods of
multi-targeted training: (iii) insufficient training stimulation induced by
workloads of medium and low concentration typical of'mixed" training; and
(iv) the inability to provide multi-peak performances over the season. The
attempts to overcome these limitations led to development of alternative
periodization concepts. The recently developed block periodization model
offers an alternative revamped approach for planning the training of
high-performance athletes. Its general idea proposes the sequencing of
specialized training cycles, i.e. blocks, which contain highly concentrated
workloads directed to a minimal number of targeted abilities. Unlike the
traditional model, in which the simultaneous development of many athletic
abilities predominates, block-periodized training presupposes the consecutive
development of reasonably selected target abilities. The content of
biock-periodized training is set down in its general principles, a taxonomy of
mesocycle blocks, and guidelines for compiling an annual plan.

Sport science is widely held to be the major During this time, and especially in recent years.
contributor to progress in sport, and in particular alternative approaches to training design have
to the enhancement of athletic training. Its gen- appeared, mostly in professional reports and
eral theory sets out and summarizes the most coaches* magazines, and have been subjected to
meaningful basic assumptions regarding the es- little, if any, serious scientific consideration. The
sence, terminology, major effects and scientific purpose of this paper is to review training peri-
background for training athletes. odization in the light of the outcomes of previous
Training periodization is definitely one of the and recent studies of the traditional model and
most practically oriented branches of training up-to-date versions of training design.
theory. It was established in general in the 1960s
and was initially based on the experience of high- 1. Traditional Modei of Periodization
performance sport in the former USSR and
physiological surveys published by prominent As athletic training becomes more strenuous
Soviet scientists at that time.''"'*' A little later, and professional, the need for a scientific back-
training periodization was conceptualized,'^^ re- ground for conscious planning becomes more
published in many countries'^'^^ and took on the desirable. Thus, "training periodization" met the
status of a universal and monopolistic back- expectations of practice: it was described as the
ground for training planning and analysis. purposeful sequencing of different training units
Certainly, the continued evolution of sport (long duration, medium duration and short-term
and sport science has contributed to an enormous training cycles and sessions) so that athletes could
accumulation of knowledge, evidence and train- attain the desired state and planned results. This
ing technologies. Nonetheless, the traditional section introduces a brief history of training
model of periodization as established about five periodization and its basic tenets, which underlie
decades ago has not changed much since then. the popular traditional model used worldwide.

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New Horizons for Training PeritKÜzation 191

1,1 History of Training Periodization as a coordination and basic athletic abilities, and
Scientific Probiem and Coaching Concept specialized preparation with a focus on sport-
1.1. Ï Precursors of Periodization Training in Ancient specific traits, remains till now. This general ap-
Rome and Greece proach was adopted in most sports, and earlier
The history of ancient medicine and philoso- textbooks on skiing.''"*' swimming''"^' and track
phy provides us with memorable milestones of and field'"'' were written based on these commonly
training theory. These pieces oí" human creation accepted approaches. In the 1950s, a number of
include the names of great ancient thinkers such physiological surveys were published,''"*' At the
as Galen and Philostratus. The famous Roman same time, studies provided serious biological
physician and philosopher Galen (Claudius Ae- background support and a scientific basis for the
lius Galcnus. second century AD) in his treatise guidelines. However, the first serious summary of
Preservation of Health proposed the original ca- up-to-date scientific and empiric concepts was
tegorization of exercises, which can be qualified compiled by Lev P. MatveyevJ^' making him the
as the precursor of contemporary periodization recognized founder of the traditional theory of
for strength training.''"' His exercises with se- training periodization. Actually, training period-
quences from '"exercises with strength but without ization - meaning "the subdivision of the seasonal
speed" to developing "speed apart from strength programme into smaller periods and training
and force" and, finally, to "intense exercises cycles' - appears to be an iinportant and indis-
combining strength and speed,"'"'astonish us by pensable part of training theory.
their logic and creativity, although they can be
questioned in the light of contemporary knowl- 1.2 Basic Positions of the Traditional Mode!
edge. Another example of annual periodization
can be found in the essay Gynmasticus of the The basic positions of the traditional theory of
prominent ancient Greek scientist Philostratus, training periodization include: (i) a general elu-
"the Athenian", who also lived in the second cen- cidation of load and recovery in view of the super-
tury AD.''-' His description of pre-Olympic pre- compensation concept; (ii) general principles of
paration contains a compulsory lO-month period periodized training; (iii) the hierarchy of pcriod-
ized training cycles; and (iv) proposed variations
of purposeful training followed by I month of
of the annual cycle. Let us consider each of these
centralized preparation in the city Elis prior to
the Olympic Games. This final part of the annual
cycle resembles pre-Olympic training camps prac-
ticed by any national squads today. The guide- 1.2.1 Generalized Concept of load-Recovery'
lines set down by Philostratus, which sequence Interaction
small, medium and large workloads within a Perhaps the first scientifically based explana-
4-day training cycle, can serve as a brilliant illus- tion of fitness enhancement was offered in the
tration of the ancient approach to short-term mid-1950s by Soviet biochemist Yakovlev,'--'''
planning. who reported on the supercompensation cycle
after a single workout. The phenomenon of super-
Ï. }.2 Contemporary Stage of Developing Training compensation is based on the interaction between
Periodization load and recovery (figure I).
The foundations of the contemporary theory The supercompensation cycle is induced by the
of periodization were first proposed in the former physical load, which serves as the stimulus for fur-
USSR, where textbooks for coaches and physical ther reaction. The single load, which is considered
education students called for the division of the the first phase of the cycle, causes fatigue and
entire preparation process into separate periods acute reduction in the athlete's work capability.
of general and more specialized training.''-^' This The second phase is characterized by marked
separation into general preparation, encompass- fatigue and a pronounced process of recovery;
ing training for cardiorespiratory fitness, general consequently, towards the end of this phase the

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192 ¡ssurin

Work and return periodically. The rationales for this

approach pertain to: an habitual rhythm of work-
ing days and vacation; the cyclical character of
adaptation that presupposes periodical regenera-
7 tion of adaptability; the sharing of main tasks that

allows the development of general and sport-
specific motor abilities, technical and tactical
skills; and the competition schedule, which strongly
Phases determines the apexes of athletes" preparation
and periodic changes in the training programme.
Fatigue and Super- Return to pre-load The principle of 'unity of general and specia-
recovery compensation level
lized preparation' emphasized the importance of
specific workloads during a long period of early
Fig. 1. The supercompensation cycle, showing the trend of work
capability following a single load.^^'
season training, and the necessity of general
conditioning workouts within the period of fre-
quent competitions. It is worthy of note that this
athlete's work capability increases and reaches principle was claimed at a time when 'seasonal"
pre-load levels. During the third phase, work impacts were much stronger than they are today.
capability continues to increase, surpassing the Such sports as skiing, skating, rowing, ice hockey
previous level and achieving the climax, which and soccer were strictly determined by seasonal
corresponds to the supercompensation phase. In conditions. Correspondingly, stressing the link-
the fourth phase, work capability returns to the age between general and specialized preparation
pre-load level. was necessary for both methodical and organi-
This load-recovery pattern has been proven zational reasons.
using the depletion and restoration of biochemical
Another meaningful principle called 'wave-
substances such as creatine phosphate'"*-'^! or
shape design of training workloads" was postu-
glycogen.f'^"'"' A similar trend was noticed using
lated during the 1950s for short-term (weekly
various physiological estimates'--! and. sport-
programme) and for long-term (annual cycle)
specific tests.f^-^-'*' Based on the supercompen-
planning design. This principle proclaimed the
sation theory, Matveyev'-''' proposed a general
need to alternate days of high load and lower
scheme of several-load summation. According to
load, sequencing large, medium and small work-
this scheme a number of workouts can be per-
loads. The physiological sense of this principle
formed while the athlete is still fatigued, and the
was supported by the outcomes of biochemical
supercompensation effect can be induced fol-
and physiological studies conducted at that
lowing a specific training cycle but not a single
time.t'"*' The findings of post-exercise recupera-
workout. This position formed the foundation
tion showed that such sequencing oï work-
for compiling small training cycles (microcycles)
loads facilitates the probability of favourable
and designing pre-competition training.
training responses and the prevention of exces-
sive fatigue accumulation. Similarly, the medium-
J.2.2 Principles of Periodized Trair^ing size waves in monthly training and large waves in
A number of specialized principles were pro- the annual training plan were intended to refresh
posed by Matveyevf-^1 and popularized in further athletes' adaptability and avoid the monotony of
publications on training theory. One of the basic repetitive training routines.
tenets determining the general concept of peri- The 'principle of continuity' was postulated
odized training is the 'principle of cyclical train- at a time when interruptions in training were
ing design'. This principle applies to periodic relatively frequent and excusable. The principle
cycles in athletic training. Over a long period, the claimed that such interruptions are very harmful
many components of long-term training repeat biologically, pedagogically and organizationally.

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New Horizons for Training Periodization 193

II also proposed that breaks in training for re- (small-size training cycles); the bottom part be-
cuperation and social needs should be thoroughly longs to workouts and exercises, which are the
planned, whereas sporadic breaks should be to- building blocks of the entire training system.
tally e.xcluded. Nowadays, wilh the majority of Because the periods are the most meaningful
high-performance alhletes training at profes- components in the traditional theory, iheir par-
sional and semiprofessional levels, the impor- ticularities and content are clearly prescribed.
tance of this principle is still relevant although The preparatory period programme should con-
now it seems quite trivial. tain extensive, high volume, diversified exercises
to develop mostly general physical and technical
1.2.3 Hierarchy ofPeriodized Training Cycles abilities, whereas the competitive period should
As stated in the introduction, the general be focused on more intensified, specialized ex-
ercises of reduced volume, including participa-
concept of periodized training was proposed in
tion in competitions. The biological background
the 1960s and has been adopted by many gen-
of such a design presupposes a gradual enhance-
erations of analysts and coaches {table I). ment of athletes* adaptability induced by increas-
The upper level of the hierarchical periodized ing training stimulation.
system belongs to multi-year preparation, where
the Olympic quadrennial cycle is of particular J.2.4 Variations of the Traditional Annual
importance. The next level of the hierarchy is re- Cycle Model
presented by the macrocycles, which usually last The earlier versions of periodized plans were
I year but can be shortened to half a year and oriented to macrocycles lasting an entire season.
even less. The macrocycles are divided into Such a planning approach can be defined as a
training periods, which fulfil a key function in "one-peak annual plan". In the early 1960s,
traditional theory: they divide the macrocycle such a design corresponded to many seasonal
into two major parts, the first for more general- sports such as rowing, cycling, skating and skiing.
ized and preliminary work (preparatory period). The appearance of various sport facilities and the
and the second for more event-specific work and general progress of sporl made it necessary to
competitions (competition period). In addition, a expand competitive practice. Thus, the one-peak
third and the shortest period is set aside for active annual design became insufficient and 'two-peak
recovery and rehabilitation. The next two levels annual plans' were introduced. However, further
of the Iiierarchy are reserved for the mesocycles progress in sport facilities, diversification of
(medium-size training cycles) and microcycles competitions and increased professionalism of
training led to the elaboration of 'three-peak
preparation models".'-''•-'^' which became the last
Table I. The blerarchical structure and content o( periodized train-
commonly recognized modification of traditional
periodization (figure 2).
Preparation component Content
and Ils duralion
1.3 Major Limitations of Traditional
Multi-year preparation Long-lasting systematic athlete training
(years) composed of 2-year or 4-year
(quadrennial) cycles
Although the traditional model proposes a
Macrocycle {months) Large size training cycle (trequenlly
annual cycte) that includes preparatory,
sequencing of different targets (from general to
competition and transition periods specific; from extensive to more intensive work,
Mesocycle (weeks) Medium size trair)ing cycle consisting of a etc.), the predominant methodical approach is
number ot microcycles predicated on the simultaneous development of
Microcycle (days) Small size training cycle consisting of a many targeted abilities. For instance, preparatory
number of days; frequently 1 week
A single training session that is
period training for high-performance athleles in
Workout (h/mIn)
performed individually or within a gfojp endurance, combat sports, ball games and aes-
thetic sports usually contains a programme for

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194 Issurin

Transition period
Competition period
Preparatory period

Fig. 2. One-peak, two-peak and three-peak annual cycles, displaying the annual trend of athletic results related to the seasonal best

the development of general aerobic ability, mus- cipate successfully in many competitions. The
cle strength and strength endurance, improve- traditional periodization proposes one-, two- and
ment of general coordination, general explosive three-peak designs, where the annual cycle con-
ability and general speed, basic mental and tech- sists of one, two or three macrocycles.'-**"-*'' How-
nical preparation, mastery of the tactical repertory, ever, even the three-peak design does not satisfy
treatment of previous injuries, etc. Each of these the international sport trend towards competi-
targets requires specific pbysioIogicaK morpho- tions throughout the year. The multi-peak ten-
logical and psychological adaptation, and many dency of modern top-level sport is in obvious
of these workloads are not compatible, causing contradiction to traditional periodizationJ^**! All
conflicting responses. These disadvantages of the of these circumstances and factors contributed to
traditional model may be negligible for low-level the search for alternative training approaches,
athletes, where a complex mixed programme which were offered by creative coaches and sci-
makes training more attractive and entertaining. entists and are considered below.
However, for high-performance athletes the limit-
ations of traditional periodization raise serious 2. Alternative Models of Periodization
obstacles to further progress {table II).
Obviously, these limitations substantially de- The initial impetus to reform traditional peri-
crease the quality of training. Unlike novices and odization first began among prominent coaches
medium-level athletes, who require relatively low in different sports when they saw that the instruc-
training stitnulation to progress, high-performance tions for training management restricted their
athletes enhance their preparedness and perfor- creativity and didn't allow their athletes lo attain
mance through large amounts of training stimuli their highest achievements. Attempts to improve
that can hardly be obtained using traditional the traditional model were cosmetic in character
multi-targeted mixed training. at first; however, in tbe early 1980s, reformation
One additional drawback of the traditional tendencies became stronger. The most influential
model is its inability to enable athletes to parti- factors evincing this revision were the substantial

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Now Horizons for Training Periodization 195

changes occurring at that lime in world sport and heart rate, blood lactate, movement rate.
athletic training. ç(j, .[35.46] improvement of medical follow-up
methods;'''^'***! and elaboration of advanced
2,1 Factors Affecting the Revision of training equipment atid new materials.I"*" •''!
Traditional Periodizotion These advances, combined with increased
A number of factors effected a reformation of sharing of successful planning approaches among
Ihe traditional training system and encouraged a coaches, have spurred tremendous progress in
search for alternative approaches. These factors training methodology.
included limitations of traditional periodization
2.2 Periodization Charts in Team Sports
in terms of the concurrent development of several
motor and technical abilities (table II), and dra- It has been widely acknowledged for some
matic changes in world sport in recent decades. time that preparation planning in team sports
F.vidently, the tremendous changes in world differs drastically from planning routines in in-
sport over recent decades had a strong influence dividual athletic disciplines. Several surveys of
on the evolution of the training process. Despite team sports report the adoption of periodized
ihe uniqueness of each sport, these changes ap- models of the traditional concept.''^-•^^1 However,
peared to have an overall tendeney worldwide, many recent publications declare that basing
with a number of main characteristics. training programmes on the "classic model' of
• An increase in the total number of competi- periodization is counterproduetive for most team
tions:^-'^-^\ correspondingly, their contribution sports.t'^'*''^^] The playing season for team sports
to training stimuli has increased dramatically. like football, rugby, basketball, ice hockey, etc. lasts
• Financial motivation of top athletes, which 20-35 weeks in Europe and North America.''''^•^'^l
became much stronger than previously. It has been shown that a training design following
• Clo.ser coopera I ion and sharing among world traditional planning precepts leads to dramatic
coaches, which led to enhancement of training reductions in lean body massj**^' maximal strength
quality and level of athletic performances. of relevant muscle groupsp"-^*^' maximal anaerobic
• The struggle against illegal pharmacologieal power'*""! and even maximal speed.'*'''
intervcntion.s. which affected and which led to Application of the traditional model is still
the prevention of such harmful technologies in realistic for junior and low-level athletes, whose
high-performance sport.'''^l competition phases are relatively short and can
• ¡mplcmentation ofadvamcil .sport technologies be considered similar to tbose of individual
and training methods such as monitoring of sports. However, to consider the playing season

Table II. Major limitations of traditional periodization tor training high-performance athletes
Factor Limitations
Energy suppiy Lack of sufficient energy suppiy for concurrent performance of diversified workloads'^^'^'
Ceiiuiar adaptation Training consequences such as mitochondrial biogenesis, synthesis of myofibril proteins and synthesis of
anaerobic enzymes presuppose separate pathways of bioiogical adaptation'^'"^^
Post-exercise recovery Because different physiological systems require different periods of recuperation, athletes do not get
' l
Compatibiiity of various Exercises combining various modalities often interact negatively due to energy deficit, technical complexity
workloads and/or neuromuscular fatigue'""^^'
Mental concentration Perfonnance of stressed workloads demands high levels of mental concentration that cannot be directed at
many targets simultaneously!""'"!
Sufficiency of training stimuli for Sport-specific progress of high-level athletes demands large amounts of training stimuli that cannot be
progress obtained by concurrent training for many targets'^'*''^'
Competitive activity Inability to provide multi-peak preparation and successful performances during the entire annual cycle'^''*^'

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196 Issurin

a limited number of days, whereas rational pre-

Post- paration planning in team sports presupposes the
Pre-season In-season season
maintenance of sport-specific preparedness over
4- to 8-month periods.
f \ From a physiological viewpoint, the im-
AR Í ^P 1 MC
AR portance of rationally periodized training in team
GS SSE sports cannot be underestimated. The long play-
l SSE J^ ) ing season with its large number of stressful
games frequently leads to hamiful consequences
such as pronounced catabolic responses,'*''-^*!
musculoskeletal disorders and a high incidence of
3-4 6-20
15-35 weeks
1-4 injuries.'^*"' Reasonably structured training thai
weeks weeks weeks
avoids conflicting physiological responses facil-
itates the beneficial maintenance of sport-specific
Fig. 3. Schemalic presenlatbn of an annual preparation chart in preparedness and prevents a decline in relevant
leam sportsJ'"''"'''' AR = active recovery; GS = general strength; physiological capabilities and traits.'''^•^-''^^
MC = metabolic conditioning; MS = maximal speed; PR ^ psychological
recovery; SSE = sport-speciftc endurance; SSSP = sport-speciftc
strength ar>d power; TP=technigue perfection; TTS = lectino-taottcal
skills. 2.3 Linear and Non-Linear Periodization
Attempts to reform and rationalize traditional
of qualified athletes from the viewpoint of tradi- periodization were undertaken by several re-
tional periodization leads to an absurd situation searchers and training analysts. Their intention
in which the climax phase of annual preparation was to update the traditional model and to dis-
consists of 20-30 competitive microcycles. In this tinguish between so-called 'linear' and 'non-linear'
situation the generalized concepts of peaking and periodization.''^''-''''' Proponents of the revised
tapei ing make no sense. Perhaps this is one of the version proceeded from the assumption that tra-
reasons that many experts in team sports avoid ditional periodization postulates a gradual pro-
utilizing traditional terms such as preparatory gressive increase in intensity and can therefore be
and competition periods and use team sport- termed a linear model. In contrast, the non-linear
specific terms like 'off-season', 'pre-season' and model offers drastic variations of intensity within
'in-season' training.'''*'*'"' the weekly and daily programme. This 'variation
A general presentation of the annual cycle for factor" was especially emphasized in the term
qualified players specifies the relevant phases of "undulating periodization''*'''' that was attached
their preparation in terms of duration, dominant to the non-linear model. In reality, traditional
training targets and load level (figure 3). Of periodization does not ignore - and even requires
course, because of the variation among team - wave-shaped fluctuations of workloads within
sports, national competition calendars and the the single-day, micro- and mesocycles; it also
particularities of training for different age does not restrict the amplitude of these varia-
groups, it is impossible to compile a universal tions. Moreover, the principle of wave-shape
chart model. It can be suggested that training in training design emphasizes the importance of this
off-season and pre-season phases can resemble variation factor (see section 1.2.2). This incon-
training in the traditional periodization ap- sistency oí the proposed concept was noted by
proach.f""*' A careful inspection of the prepara- Stone and co-authors.''''*'''*' Apparently the tra-
tion programmes proposed for high-performance ditional model is both 'non-linear' and 'undulat-
players reveals that even this is highly restricted. ing', whereas the 'linear model' looks extrcmeh
Indeed, the traditional model facilitates the ac- artificial and contradicts general physiological
quisition of an optimal combination of all sport- and methodic demands. The opponents of this con-
specific abilities to ensure peak performances for cept correctly declared that the use of terminolog\

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Horizons for Training Periodization 197

such as 'linear* and 'non-linear' is mislead- The graph indicates six peaks where the athlete
ing.'^"' The author completely supports this obtained 12 results higher than 590 cm that cor-
position and assumes that such is the case when responds to the result of the winner at the 2009
an attempt is made to attach non-traditional World Championship. A brief analysis of this
terms to well known traditional training athlete's annual performance trend reveals the
approaches. following characteristics about his personal
model of periodized training.
During a period of about 250 days, Sergei
2.4 Non-Traditional Models of Training Design
Bubka took part in a long series of competitions;
.\s noted in sections 2.1. 2.2 and 2.3. the al- this period was preceded by pre-season prepara-
ternatives to traditional periodization models tion that lasted about 3 months, during which
were created both by practitioners (prominent time he did not take part in official tournaments.
coaches and athletes) and scientists. This section During a period of 9 months the athlete took part
presents examples of such alternatives. in a number of competitions and his results
ranged from 92% to 100% of personal best; this ex-
tensive competitive practice provided the athlete
2.4.1 Anr^ual Performance Trends of Great Athletes
with very strong training stimuli. The intervals
One of the typical characteristics of con-
between peak performances varied from 12 to 43
temporary high-performance sport is multi-peak
days (usually 22-27); this time span was sufficient
preparation for attaining excellent results
for active recovery but absolutely unrealistic in
throughout a season, and not two to three times
order to fulfil any periods of the generalized
as in traditional periodization. The examples of
preparation as proposed in traditional period-
world-leading athletes from individual sports
ization.'-''-^^' It is obvious that this long time
demonstrate incredible stability in peak perfor-
span (9 months) during which the athlete suc-
mances at relatively short intervals {14-43 days)
cessfully competed at the world-class level cannot
between peaksj'*^-'"' The diagram in figure 4 dis-
be subdivided into traditional preparatory and
plays the annual performance trend of one of the
competition periods. On the other hand, the
greatest track and field athletes. Sergei Bubka
athlete's basic abilities (maximal strength,
(USSR Isince 1991 Ukraine]), who earned an
aerobic regeneration capacity) needed to be
Olympic gold medal in 1988 and five World
maintained at a sufficient level. Therefore, the
Championship gold medals in pole vault. His
appropriate short-term training cycles for basic
world record (614 cm) stands to this day.
abilities and recovery were incorporated into his
620-1 Of course. Sergei Bubka is a unique athlete,
but the example of his preparation is typical for
610 • contemporary high-performance sport, as can be
seen by similar examples for other great ath-
„ 600- letes.'**^'^'' Obviously, the traditional scheme does
not provide such a multi-peak preparation de-
= 590-
sign, and great athletes and their coaches had to
find their own periodization models as alter-
natives to the traditional approach.
2.4.2 Concentrated Unidlrectlonaf Trainir}g Ptans
560 The concept oï concentrated unidircctit)nal
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep training was proposed by Verchoshansky''-^'
Fig. 4. The annual pole vault performance trend o( Sergei Bubka in for preparation in the power disciplines. This
the 1991 season.12«! training design was tested during preparation of

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198 Issítriii

high jumpers, who executed a 4-vi'eek mesocycle ground during prolonged loading phases can
of highly concentrated strength training followed have a deleterious effect on sport-specific pre-
by a restitution mesocycle lasting 2 weeks during paredness and reduce the effectiveness of team
which the athletes focused on perfecting technical practice.
skills, speed exercises and general fitness training. In conclusion, it is worth noting that perfor-
During the first loading mesocycle the relevant mances in most sports require manifestations ot
strength indicators decreased gradually; how- multiple physical and technical abilities. This
ever, during the subsequent restitution mesocycle definitely restricts application of the unidirec-
these indices increased to a higher level than had tional training concept lo the actual design of
been recorded prior to the training programme. preparation programmes.
The author recommends repeating this combi-
nation of loading and restitution mesocycles
during the annual cycle. The gains obtained in 3. Block Periodization as an Alternative
strength and power can be explained as part of Approach to High-Performance Training
the long-lasting delayed effect (LLDE), which is a
In the early 1980s., the term "training blocks"
subject deserving special consideration. The au-
became popular and widely used among high-
thor claims that LLDE is conditioned by highly
performance coaches. Of course, it was not con
concentrated, large-volume workloads during the
ceptualized initially and was found mostly in
first phase, and reduced workloads in the second
coaches* jargon. Nevertheless, in its most com
phase.''-^1 The concept presupposes that the lower
prehensive connotation it referred to "a training
the decrease the functional indices move in the
cycle of highly concentrated specialized work-
first phase, the higher they will increase in the
loads."'•'^1 Such cycles contain a large volume
second phase; the duration of the first phase
of exercises directed at a minimal number of
varies in duration from 4 to 12 weeks. Corre-
targeted abilities. As a planning approach, train-
spondingly, a similar time span is expected for
ing blocks seemed an alternative to traditional
positive after-effects following this concentrated
multi-targeted mixed training, which was under
extensive criticism by creative coaches and re-
The idea of concentrated unidirectional train- searchers. Gradually, successful attempts to im-
ing has been discussed extensively in the litera- plement training blocks led to the appearance of a
turej^'*"^^' and was transferred from the power preparation system called 'block periodization".
disciplines to other sports, specifically in a long- As a new methodological approach, block peri-
term study of qualified adult basketball play- odization has been dealt with in several publica-
ers.f^*"' The annual cycle was subdivided into two tions, which are considered below.
macrocycles lasting 23 and 19 weeks. Each mac-
rocycle consisted of three stages: (i) a loading 3.1 Earliest Efforts to Implement Block
phase of strength and power workloads (8 and 3 Periodization
weeks, respectively); (ii) a restitution phase (2 and
3 weeks, respectively); and (iii) a competition It can be suggested that the first attempts to
stage, where the players took part in regional implement training blocks in practice were not
championship (13 weeks in both cases). The ex- documented and survive mostly from anecdotal
perimental group, which had no control coun- reports. However, at least three successful ex-
terpart, significanlly enhanced results in power periences in block-periodized training were sys-
tests, and their dynamics corresponded to the tematized and published.
trend proposed by the LLDE concept. Unfortu- One of the pioneers in reforming traditionai
nately, the authors did not report the results of periodization was Dr Anatoly Bondarchuk,
the athletes in the basketball tournament, which who coached the gold, silver and bronze medal
was definitely the team's first priority. It can be winners in the hammer throw at the 1988 and
suggested that a reduction of functional back- 1992 Olympic Games and many other top-level

© 2010 AdIs Dala Intofmatiofi BV. All rights resefved, Sports M e d 2010; 40 (3->
New Horizons for Training Periixiization 199

aliiletes. The system be created comprised three ing sequence: preparation, general, specific and
types of properly specialized mesocycle blocks: competitive.^'^^^ Later, the author modified this
developmental blocks, in which workload levels taxonomy and called them tbe general block,
gradually increase to maximum: competitive wbicb focused on aerobic and varied co-
blocks, in which the load level is stabilized and ordinative workloads, the specific block, which
athletes focus on competitive performance; and was devoted to developing event-specific en-
restoration blocks, in which athletes utilize active ergetic mechanisms and competitive speed, and
recovery and prepare for the next developmental the competitive Nock, which corresponds to what
programme. The sequencing and timing of these today is commonly called 'tapering', and culmi-
blocks depends on the competition schedule and nates with competition.'**-' This stage is usually
on individual athlete's responses.'"-^^f followed by a short recovery cycle.
A similar block-periodized model was pro- Despite the obvious uniqueness of each sport
posed and implemented in the preparation of top- in which tbese experiments were undertaken, the
level canoe-kayak paddlersJ^**' Three types of principai methodological demands of training
mesocycle biocks were elucidated: accumulation., were almost identical:
which was devoted to developing basic abilities • The authors created training blocks in wbich
such as general aerobic endurance, muscle strength, workloads focus on a minimal number of
and general movement techniques; transforma- targets.
tion, which focused on deveioping more speci- • The total number of proposed blocks is
fic abilities like combined aerobic-anaerobic or relatively small (three to four). This is in con-
anaerobic endurance, specialized muscle endurance, trast to tbe traditional theory, in wbich the
and proper event-specific technique; and realiza- mesocycle taxonomy includes 9-11 types.l**"*'-^
tion, which was designed as a pre-competitive • The duration of a single mesocycle block
training phase and focused mainly on race mod- ranges from 2 to 4 weeks, wbicb allows the
elling, obtaining maximal speed and recovery desired biochemical, morphological and co-
prior to the forthcoming competition. These ordinative changes to occur without excessive
three mesocycles were combined into a separate fatigue accumulation.
training stage, lasting 6-10 weeks, which ended • The joining of single mesocycles forms a
with competition; a number of training stages training stage: their correct sequencing is
formed the annual macrocycle. The radically re- beneficial to competitive performance, i.e.
formed preparation programmes resulted in out- peaking.
standing performances of the USSR national
canoe-kayak team, who earned three gold and 3.2 Scientific Concepts Affecting the
three silver medals in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Biock-Periodized Modei
Games and eight and nine gold medals in tbe
At least two contemporary scientific concepts
World Championships of 1989 and 1990,
bad a distinct impact on the establishment of the
block periodization preparation system: the cu-
One more successful experiment with tbis mulative training effect and the residual training
approach was conducted by world-renowned
swimming expert Gennadi Touretski. who coa-
ched Alexander Popov (Russia) - five-time 3.2. / Cumulative Training Effect
Olympic Champion and multiple World and In terms of competitive sport, the cumulative
Huropean champion - and Michael Klim effect of long-term training is the primary factor
(Australia) - two-time Olympic champion, multiple that, to a great extent, determines an athlete's
World champion and medal winner. Touretski success. The cumulative training effect can be ex-
subdivided the annual cycle into a number of pressed as "changes in physiological capabilities
stages lasting 6-12 weeks, where each one and level of physical/technical abilities resulting
comprised four training blocks in the follow- from a long-lasting athletic preparation."'^"^'

« 2010 Adls Dato Intormatlon BV. All rights resewed, Sports Med 2010; 40 (3)
200 Issurui

Correspondingly it can be reflected by two system with its multi-peak preparation allows
groups of indicators: (i) physiological and bio- athletes to maintain both basic and sport-speciilc
chemical variables, which characterize changes in abilities in a relatively narrow range during the
the athlete's biological status; and (ii) variables of entire season,[^'-"1
sport-specific abilities and athletic performance.
which characterize changes in the athlete's 3.2.2 Residual Training Effect
preparedness. The residual training effect concept ¡s rela-
The functional limits of the various physio- tively new and is less known than other types of
logical systems cannot be increased to the same training outcomes. Long-lasting training is in-
extent, and different physiological indicators of tended to develop many motor abilities, which
cumulative training effects vary within their ap- remain at a heightened level for a given perioil
propriate range. The most pronounced changes after training cessation. This retention belongs to
can be obtained in aerobic abilities. More speci- another special type of training effect called the
fically, purposeful endurance training can dra- "residual training effect', which can be char-
matically increase aerobic enzymes, the number acterized as "the retention of changes induced by
of mitochondria, myoglobin content and muscle systematic workloads beyond a certain time pe-
capillarization.l'^-'*^''' Unlike aerobic ability de- riod after the cessation of training."'-*^'
terminants, the characteristics of anaerobic me- The general approach to 'training residuals'
tabolism can be improved to a lesser extent. This induced by 'residual effects of training" was
applies to anaerobic enzymes and particularly to conceptualized initially by Brian and James
peak blood lactate and creatine phosphate sto- Counsilman.l*^**^ and focused mainly on the long-
rage, with increases that are relatively small even term aspects of biological adaptation. They logically
when training is highly intensive.t^^-^^^ proposed the existence of long-lasting training
Cumulative training effects attained in various residuals as an important background element of
sport-specific abilities strongly depend on changes training theory. From the viewpoint of general
in the physiological variables mentioned above. adaptation and long-lasting sport preparation,
Thus, the improvement rate in aerobic endurance long-term training residuals are very important.
disciplines is much higher than in events de- However, for designing training programmes,
manding maximal anaerobic power and capacity. short-term training residuals are of primary
Gains in maximal strength are determined by importance.
changes in the musculoskeletal system and the The phenomenology of the residual training
neural contraction mechanism.t'^''' effect is closely connected with the process ol'de-
Managing the cumulative training effect pre- training, which may occur selectively according
supposes the planning and regulation of work- to specific abilities when they are not stimulated
loads over relatively long periods, which involves by sufficient training.'^'*''"' When training is designed
competence in training periodization. The con- in the traditional manner and many abilities are
cept of cumulative training effect is extremely developed simultaneously, the risk of de-training
important for both traditional and block peri- is negligible because each target (given physical
odization models, although the usual trend of or technical abilities) receives some portion of Ihe
physiological and sport-specific variables differs stimuli. However, if these abilities are developed
in each alternative system. Multi-targeted mixed consecutively, as proposed by the block period-
training, typical of the traditional model, causes ization system, the problem of de-training be-
an increase in basic athletic abilities in the pre- comes important. Indeed, if an athlete develops
paratory period followed by their decline in the one ability and loses another one at the same
subsequent competition period, whereas the time, the coach should take into account the
sport-specific abilities are suppressed in the pro- duration of the positive eflect of a given type of
longed preparatory period and increase during training after its cessation and how fast the ath-
the competition period. The block periodization lete will lose the attained ability ievel when he/she

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New Horizons for Training Periodization 201

Table III. Factors affecting the duration of short-term training residuals'^'

Factor Influence
1. Duration o( training before cessation Longer training causes longer residuals
2 Load concentration iBvel of training before Highly concentrated training compared with complex multi-component training causes
cessation shorter residuals
3. Age and duration ot sport career of athletes Older and more experienced athletes have longer residuals
4. Character of preparation after cessation of Use of appropriate stimulatory loads allows prolonged residuals and prevents fast de-training
concentrated training
5. Biological nature of developing abilities Abilities associated with pronounced morphological and biochemical changes like muscle
strength and aerobic endurance have longer residuals; anaerobic alactic and glycolitic
abilities have shorter residuals

stops training for it. In other words, the coach has abilities within a single block (the alternative is
to know the residual effect of each type of train- complex mixed training in which many abilities
ing. The duration of training residuals varies are developed simultaneously). Furthermore, in a
depending on several methodological and phy- majority of sports, the number of decisive sport-
siological factors (table HI). specific abilities exceeds the number of abilities
It can be concluded that the prediction, eva- that can be trained simultaneously in a block with
luation and programming of cumulative and re- highly concentrated workloads. Thus, the third
sidual training effects appear to be meaningful principle proposes that consecutive development
and even indispensable components of block- is the only possible approach for training design
periodized preparation. in a block periodization system. Finally, the
fourth principle demands implementation of an
3.3 Basic Positions of Block-Periodized Training
appropriate taxonomy of mesocycle blocks,
which allows for structuring the preparation and
The basic positions of block-periodized train- compiling block-periodized programmes (see
ing contain: (i) general principles; (ii) a taxonomy section 3.3.2). Therefore, medium-sized training
of mesocycle blocks; and (iii) guidelines for cycles, called mesocycle blocks, are the most
compiling an annual plan. prominent embodiment of the block period-
ization concept in general.
3.3.} Basic Principles
The principles articulate the general idea of 3.3.2 Taxonomy of Mesocycie Blocks
block periodization and summarize the outcomes It is easy to see that the proposed general
of previous studies (table IV).!^'-^'"''^' principles lead ultimately to a taxonomy of meso-
The first and most crucial basic principle calls cycle blocks, which serves the practical needs of
for a high concentration of training workloads compiling training programmes.
within a given block. This means directing a large The "taxonomy of mesocycie blocks', as al-
number of exercises and tasks to selected target ready mentioned, is formed from three specia-
abilities while others are not subjected to train- lized types: (i) accumulation, (ü) transmutation,
ing stimulation. Of course, such a highly con- and (iii) realization. The first type is devoted to
centrated training programme is possible only for developing basic abilities such as general aerobic
a minimal number of athletic abilities. In reality endurance and cardiorespiratory fitness, mus-
this leads to theallocationof 60-70% of the entire cular strength and basic coordination. This meso-
time budget to developing two to three targets, cycle is characterized by relatively high volume
with the remaining time spent on restoration, and reduced intensity of workloads. Its dura-
warming up and cooling down. This important tion varies from 2 to 6 weeks. The second type
feature is declared in the second principle, which focuses on sport-specific abilities like special
postulates a minimization of the number of target (aerobic-anaerobic or glycoiitic) endurance, strength

1® 2010 Adls Data Intormotlon BV. All ngnta res©A/ed. Sports Med 2010; 40(3)
202 Issurin

Table IV. Basic principles ot block periodization

Basic principles Comments
High concentration ot training workloads Provides sufficient training stimulation for high-pertormance athletes
Minimal number of target abilities within a Necessafy to provide highly concentrated training stimulation
single block
Consecutive development ot many Usually the number of decisive abilities exceeds the number of abilities developed within a single
abilities block
Compilation and use of specialized Specialized mesocycie bbcks - i.e. accumulation, transmutation and realiiation - form Ihe content
mesocycie blocks of block periodization training

endurance, proper technique and tactics; this is repeated at each stage together with competitive
the most exhausting training cycle and usually performance results will help to monitor the
lasts about 2-4 weeks. The third type is intended training process and provide feedback that can
to restore the athletes and prepare them for the be used for ongoing evaluation and programme
forthcoming competition. It contains drills for rectification. Finally, the number of training stages
modelling competitive performance and a sport- in an annual cycle depends on the particularities
specific programme for quick active recovery. of a given sport, its calendar of important com-
This ranges from 8 to 15 days.f^''^ petitions, etc.. and usually varies from four to
Joining three mesocycie blocks forms a single seven stages. The typical annual cycle of block-
training stage that concludes with a specific periodized training is shown in figure 5.
competition. Unlike traditional periodization, in The temporal structure of the annual plan is
which the mixed training programme is intended formed first of all by the chronology of the
to develop many abilities, the consecutive devel- training stages. These stages arc determined by
opment of targeted abilities typical of block per- the schedule of mandatory and targeted compe-
iodization produces training stimuli for several titions and by the possible duration of several
functions, while the other abilities decrease. In mesocycie blocks. Thus, training stage duration
this view, the duration of residual training effects varies from 3 months (usually in early season) to
becomes of primary importance. The correct se- 25 days (usually late in the season, depending on
quencing of the mesocycles within the training the frequency of mandatory competitions). Based
stage makes it possible to obtain "optimal super- on the general demands of the training stage
position of residual training effects",'^ •'' so as to chronology, additional competitions, training
allow competitive performance at a high level for camps and medical examinations can be initiated.
all motor and technical abilities. This possibility Generally speaking, when coaches compile
arises because the training residuals of basic annual plans they face a dilemma; the liberal
abilities last much longer than the residuals of "easy' plan will not lead to success, but the
more specific abilities, while the residuals of strenuous ambitious programme can engender
maximal speed and event-specific readiness are excessive fatigue and be followed by failure.
the shortest.i^^'^"*' Thus., the total length of a sin- Viewed in this way, the block-periodized design
gle training stage ranges from 5 to 10 weeks, has obvious benefits. Because of the similarity of
depending on competition frequency and sport- sequential stages, coaches can formulate the plan
specific factors. of subsequent blocks based on feedback from the
previous stage of training. The most stressful
3.3.3 Compiiing an Annual Cycte phases of work - i.e. the transmutation meso-
Based on the above, designing an annual cycle cycles - can be shortened, lengthened or modified
can be viewed as a sequence of more or less au- after changes in the athletes' responses. In the
tonomous stages, where similar aims are attained lead-up to a targeted competition, coaches can
by means of partially renewed and qualitatively review the tapering programme two to three-
improved training programmes. A test battery times and approve the most favourable version.

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New Horizons for Training Peritxiization 203


Competition period
Preparation period

Fig. 5. Schematic chart of a block-periodized annual cycle. The importance of competitiohs is depicted in reference points ranging from 1 (the
lowest level) to 5 (targeted competition).i**''^l

4. Conclusions training (table II). The non-traditional model,

called 'block periodization'. proposes a re-
The challenge oí this paper was to introduce vamped training .system, where the sequencing of
[raining periodization by citing the early efforts mesocycle blocks exploits the favourable inter-
of the pioneers and trying to present its most action of cumulative and residual training effects.
up-to-date versions by summarizing recently in-
troduced concepts and evidence. An indispens-
able part of the theory of athletes' preparation, Acknowledgements
training periodization encompasses both aca-
demic elements {generalized biological concepts, No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepara-
tion of this review. The author has no conflicls of interest Ihat
physiological background, theory of training) are directlv relevant lo the conlent of Ihis review.
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