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Running head: PORTFOLIO ARTIFACT #1 1

Portfolio Artifact #1 EDU 210

Adrian P. Braybrooke

College of Southern Nevada



“…Understand and identify the current state and local governance framework and the role

and responsibilities.”

Portfolio Artifact #1 EDU 210

It is important to understand the framework of the state government when pursuing a

career in education. The circuit court of appeals Nevada is in will be identified, and the details of

Education in the Nevada State Constitution will be identified.

Circuit Court of Appeals

Nevada is in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Nevada State Constitution

Article 11 in the Nevada State Constitution covers the topic Education. This article has 10

sections, which are as follows:

1. Legislature to encourage education; appointment, term and duties of

superintendent of public instruction.

2. Uniform system of common schools.

3. Pledge of certain property and money, escheated estates and fines

collected under penal laws for educational purposes; apportionment and use of interest.

4. Establishment of state university; control by board of regents.

5. Establishment of normal schools and grades of schools; oath of teachers

and professors.

6. Support of university and common schools by direct legislative

appropriation; priority of appropriations.

7. Board of Regents: Election and duties.

8. Immediate organization and maintenance of state university.

9. Sectarian instruction prohibited in common schools and university.

10. No public money to be used for sectarian purposes.



Underwood, J., & Webb, L. D. (2006). School law for teachers: concepts and applications. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.. (Year). Book Title. City Name:

Publisher Name.

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Table 1

[Table Title]

Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head
Row Head 123 123 123 123
Row Head 456 456 456 456
Row Head 789 789 789 789
Row Head 123 123 123 123
Row Head 456 456 456 456
Row Head 789 789 789 789

Note: [Place all tables for your paper in a tables section, following references (and, if applicable,

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Include a heading for every row and column, even if the content seems obvious. A default table

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Figures title:

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Figure 1. [Include all figures in their own section, following references (and footnotes and tables,

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Manual, 6th Edition.

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