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A system of thought is something we live in, just as much as a house, and if our intellectual

house is cramped and confined, we need to know what better structures are possible.

In the end, it is ideas for which people kill each other. It is because of ideas about what others
are likem or who we are, or what our interests or rights require, that we go to war, or oppress
others with a good conscience, or even sometimes acquiesce in our own oppression by others.
“Sleep of reason”

Reflection opens the avenue to criticism

In this way, ideologies become closed circles, primed to feel outraged by the questioning mind

To winnow out

Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters: united with her, she is the
mother of the arts and the source of her wonders.

How can we know that the world as we take it to be, is he world as it is?

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