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HINTS 5 Cycle 1 Public Codebook

November 8, 2017

Table of Contents
HHID: Household ID ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
PersonID: PersonID = Household ID + Person Number...................................................................................................................................... 20
Stratum: Sampling Stratum ................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
APP_REGION: Appalachian Subregion .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
HIGHSPANLI: High linguistically isolated strata .................................................................................................................................................. 23
HISPSURNAME: Hispanic surname match ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
HISP_HH: High linguistically isolated strata/Hispanic surname match/Both. ...................................................................................................... 25
RUC2003: USDA Rural/Urban Designation (2003) ............................................................................................................................................. 26
RUC2013: USDA Rural/Urban Designation (2013) ............................................................................................................................................. 27
PR_RUCA_2010: USDA 2010 Primary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes ................................................................................................... 28
SEC_RUCA_2010: USDA 2010 Secondary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes ............................................................................................ 29
SEC_RUCA_2010_DESCRIPT: USDA 2010 Secondary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes Description (variable found in Stata
dataset, only) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
NCHSURCODE2013: NCHS 2013 Rural-Urban Classification Scheme ............................................................................................................. 33
CENSDIV: Census division ................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
CENSREG: Census region ................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
FormType: Flag for Form Version ....................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Language_Flag: Language Flag.......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
QDisp: Questionnaire disposition code ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
UpdateDate: Update Date ................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
AdultsInHH: 1. More than one person age 18 or older living in this household? ................................................................................................. 40
MailHHAdults: 2. How many people age 18 or older live in this household? ....................................................................................................... 41

SECTION A: Looking For Health Information

SeekHealthInfo: A1. Ever looked for information about health/medical topics? .................................................................................................. 42
WhereSeekHealthInfo: A2. Where did you go first? ............................................................................................................................................ 43
WhoLookingFor: A3.Most recent time you looked for health/medical info, who was it for? ................................................................................. 44
LotOfEffort: A4a. It took a lot of effort to get the information you needed: ........................................................................................................... 45
Frustrated: A4b. You felt frustrated during your search for the information: ........................................................................................................ 46
ConcernedQuality: A4c. You were concerned about the quality of the information: ............................................................................................ 47
TooHardUnderstand: A4d. The information you found was hard to understand: ................................................................................................. 48
ConfidentGetHealthInf: A5. How confident are you that you could get advice/info about health/medical topics? ............................................... 49
TrustDoctor: A6a. Trust health/medical info - a doctor? ...................................................................................................................................... 50
TrustFamily: A6b. Trust health/medical info - family/friends? .............................................................................................................................. 51
TrustNewsMag: A6c. Trust health/medical info - newspapers/magazines? ........................................................................................................ 52
TrustRadio: A6d. Trust health/medical info - radio? ............................................................................................................................................ 53
TrustInternet: A6e. Trust health/medical info - internet?...................................................................................................................................... 54
TrustTelevision: A6f. Trust health/medical info - television? ................................................................................................................................ 55
TrustGov: A6g. Trust health/medical info - govt health agencies? ...................................................................................................................... 56
TrustCharities: A6h. Trust health/medical info - charitable orgs? ........................................................................................................................ 57
TrustReligiousOrgs: A6i. Trust health/medical info - religious orgs/leaders? ...................................................................................................... 58
StrongNeedHealthInfo: A7. Strong need to get info about health/medical topics. Where would you go first? ..................................................... 59
StrongNeedHealthInfo_OS: A7. Strong need to get info about health/medical topics. Where...first? Other - SPECIFY: .................................... 60
SeekCancerInfo: A8. Have you ever looked for information about cancer from any source?.............................................................................. 62
InternetCancerInfoSelf: A9. Past 12 months...used internet to look for info about cancer for yourself? .............................................................. 63

SECTION B: Using the Internet to Find Information

UseInternet: B1. Do you ever go on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail? ........................................ 64
Internet_DialUp: B2a. Internet, access through a regular dial-up telephone line? ............................................................................................... 65
Internet_BroadBnd: B2b. Internet, access through broadband such as DSL, cable or FiOS? ............................................................................ 66
Internet_Cell: B2c. Internet, access through a cellular network (i.e., telephone, 3G/4G)? .................................................................................. 67
Internet_WiFi: B2d. Internet, access through a wireless network (Wi-Fi)? ........................................................................................................ 68
WhereUseInternet_Home: B3a. How often do you access the internet - at home?............................................................................................. 69
WhereUseInternet_Work: B3b. How often do you access the internet - at work? ............................................................................................... 70
WhereUseInternet_School: B3c. How often do you access the internet - at school? .......................................................................................... 71
WhereUseInternet_PublicPlace: B3d. How often do you access the internet - in a public place? ....................................................................... 72
WhereUseInternet_MobileDevice: B3e. How often do you access the internet - a mobile device? ..................................................................... 73
WhereUseInternet_GamingDevice: B3f. How often do you access the internet - a gaming device/Smart TV? .................................................. 74
Electronic_SelfHealthInfo: B4a. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for health/medical info for yourself? ...................................... 75
Electronic_HealthInfoSE: B4b. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for health/medical info for someone else? .............................. 76
Electronic_BuyMedicine: B4c. Past 12 months...used electronic means to buy medicine or vitamins online?.................................................... 77
Electronic_HCPSearch: B4d. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for a health care provider?........................................................ 78
Electronic_TalkDoctor: B4e. Past 12 months...used electronic means to communicate with doctor using e-mail/internet? ................................ 79
Electronic_MadeAppts: B4f. Past 12 months...used electronic means to make appts with a health care provider? ........................................... 80
Electronic_TrackedHealthCosts: B4g. Past 12 months...used electronic means to track health care charges and costs? ................................. 81
Electronic_CompletedForms: B4h. Past 12 months...used electronic means to fill out health care forms/paperwork? ....................................... 82
Electronic_TestResults: B4i. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look up test results? .......................................................................... 83
HaveDevice_Tablet: B5a. Please indicate if you have a - Tablet computer ........................................................................................................ 84
HaveDevice_SmartPh: B5b. Please indicate if you have a - Smartphone........................................................................................................... 85
HaveDevice_CellPh: B5c. Please indicate if you have a - Basic cell phone........................................................................................................ 86
TabletHealthWellnessApps: B6. On your tablet or smartphone, do you have any apps related to health and wellness? ................................... 87
Tablet_AchieveGoal: B7a. Has your tablet helped you track progress on a health-related goal? ....................................................................... 88
Tablet_MakeDecision: B7b. Has your tablet helped you make a decision about how to treat an illness or condition? ....................................... 89
Tablet_DiscussionsHCP: B7c. Has your tablet helped you in discussions with your health care provider? ........................................................ 90
OtherDevTrackHealth: B8. Other than a tablet/smartphone, used device to monitor/track your health in last 12 months?................................. 91
SharedHealthDeviceInfo: B9. Shared health info from an electronic monitoring device/smartphone with a health pro? ..................................... 92
IntRsn_VisitedSocNet: B10a. Last 12 months...used internet to visit a social networking site? .......................................................................... 93
IntRsn_SharedSocNet: B10b. Last 12 months...used internet to share health information on social networking site? ....................................... 94
IntRsn_WroteBlog: B10c. Last 12 months...used internet to write in an online diary or blog? ............................................................................. 95
IntRsn_SupportGroup: B10d. Last 12 months...used internet to participate in a forum/support group for medical issue? .................................. 96
IntRsn_YouTube: B10e. Last 12 months...used internet to watch a health-related video on YouTube? ............................................................. 97
TextFromDoctor: B11. Have you sent/received a text message from a doctor/health care pro in last 12 months? ............................................. 98

SECTION C: Your Health Care

RegularProvider: C1. Is there a doctor/nurse/health pro that you see most often? ............................................................................................. 99
MostRecentCheckup2: C2. About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup? ............................................... 100
FreqGoProvider: C3. Past 12 months, how many times did you go to a doctor/nurse/health pro to get care...?............................................... 101
ChanceAskQuestions: C4a. How often...give you the chance to ask all the health-related questions you had?............................................... 102
FeelingsAddressed: C4b. How often...give the attention you needed to your feelings and emotions? ............................................................. 103
InvolvedDecisions: C4c. How often...involve you in decisions about your health care as much as you wanted? ............................................. 104
UnderstoodNextSteps: C4d. How often...make sure you understood what you needed to do to take care of your health? .............................. 105
ExplainedClearly: C4e. How often...explain things in a way you could understand? ......................................................................................... 106
SpentEnoughTime: C4f. How often...spend enough time with you?.................................................................................................................. 107
HelpUncertainty: C4g. How you deal with feelings of uncertainty about your health or health care? ............................................. 108
QualityCare: C5. Overall, how would you rate the quality of health care you received in the past 12 months? ................................................ 109
ProbCare_BringTest: C6a. Had to bring an x-ray, MRI, or other type of test with you to the appointment? ...................................................... 110
ProbCare_WaitLong: C6b. Had to wait for test results longer than you thought was reasonable? ................................................................... 111
ProbCare_RedoTest: C6c. Had to redo a test or procedure because the earlier test results were not available? ............................................ 112
ProbCare_ProvideHist: C6d. Had to provide your medical history again because your chart could not be found? ........................................... 113
HealthIns_InsuranceEmp: C7a. Insurance through a current or former employer or union?............................................................................. 114
HealthIns_InsurancePriv: C7b. Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company? ............................................................................ 115
HealthIns_Medicare: C7c. Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilities? ................................................................... 116
HealthIns_Medicaid: C7d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan? .......................................................... 117
HealthIns_Tricare: C7e. TRICARE or other military health care?...................................................................................................................... 118
HealthIns_VA: C7f. VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care)? ........................................................................ 119
HealthIns_IHS: C7g. Indian Health Service? ..................................................................................................................................................... 120
HealthIns_Other: C7h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan (Specify)? ........................................................................ 121
HealthIns_Other_OS: C7h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan - SPECIFY: ............................................................ 122
HealthInsurance: Derived var to categorize the health care coverage variables (C7a-h) .................................................................................. 127

SECTION D: Medical Records

ProviderMaintainEMR2: D1. Do any of your doctors/HCP maintain your medical records in a computerized system? .................................... 128
OfferedAccessHCP2: D2a. Have you ever been offered online access to your medical records by your health care provider?....................... 129
OfferedAccessInsurer2: D2b. Have you ever been offered online access to your medical records by your health insurer? ............................. 130
HCPEncourageOnlineRec: D3. Have your HCP/doctors/nurses/office staff ever encouraged you to use an online medical record? .............. 131
AccessOnlineRecord: D4. How many times did you access your online medical record in the last 12 months? .............................................. 132
NotAccessed_SpeakDirectly: D5a. Because you prefer to speak to your health care provider directly? .......................................................... 133
NotAccessed_NoInternet: D5b. Because you do not have a way to access the website? ................................................................................ 134
NotAccessed_NoNeed: D5c. Because you did not have a need to use your online medical record? ............................................................... 135
NotAccessed_ConcernedPrivacy: D5d. Because you were concerned about the privacy/security of the website for your medical records?... 136
NotAccessed_NoRecord: D5e. Because you dont have an online medical record? ......................................................................................... 137
NotAccessed_Other: D5f. Because of some other reason (Specify)? ............................................................................................................... 138
NotAccessed_Other_OS: D5f. Because of some other reason - SPECIFY: ..................................................................................................... 139
RecordsOnline_Labs: D6a. Do any of your online medical records include laboratory test results? ................................................................. 141
RecordsOnline_Meds: D6b. Do any of your online medical records include a current list of medications?....................................................... 142
RecordsOnline_HealthProbs: D6c. Do any of your online medical records include a list of health/medical problems? .................................... 143
RecordsOnline_Allergies: D6d. Do any of your online medical records include an allergy list? ........................................................................ 144
RecordsOnline_VisitSummary: D6e. Do any of your online medical records include summaries of your office visits? ..................................... 145
RecordsOnline_ClinNotes: D6f. Do any of your online medical records include clinical notes? ........................................................................ 146
RecordsOnline_Immunizations: D6g. Do any of your online medical records include an immunization or vaccination history? ....................... 147
RecordsOnline_MakeAppt: D7a. Past 12 months...used online med rec to make appointments with an HCP? ............................................... 148
RecordsOnline_RefillMeds: D7b. Past 12 months...used online med rec to request a refill of medications? .................................................... 149
RecordsOnline_Paperwork: D7c. Past 12 months...used online med rec to fill out health care forms/paperwork? ........................................... 150
RecordsOnline_RequestCorrection: D7d. Past 12 months...used online med rec to request correction of inaccurate info?............................. 151
RecordsOnline_MessageHCP: D8a. Past 12 months...used online med rec to securely message health care provider/staff? ........................ 152
RecordsOnline_ViewResults: D8b. Past 12 months...used online med rec to look up test results? .................................................................. 153
RecordsOnline_MonitorHealth: D8c. Past 12 months...used online med rec to monitor your health?............................................................... 154
RecordsOnline_DownloadHealth: D8d. Past 12 months...used online med rec to download health info to computer/mobile device? ............. 155
RecordsOnline_AddHealthInfo: D8e. Past 12 months...used online med rec to add health information to share with your HCP? ................... 156
RecordsOnline_MakeDecision: D8f. Past 12 months...used online med rec to help make decision on how to treat illness/condition? ............ 157
ESent_AnotherHCP: D9a. Have you electronically sent your med info to another health care provider? ......................................................... 158
ESent_Family: D9b. Have you electronically sent your med info to family member/another person? ............................................................... 159
ESent_HealthApp: D9c. Have you electronically sent your med info to a service or app? ................................................................................ 160
UnderstandOnlineMedRec: D10. How easy or difficult was it to understand the health info in your online med rec? ....................................... 161
UsefulOnlineMedRec: D11. In general, how useful is your online medical record for monitoring your health? ................................................. 162
ConfidentInfoSafe: D12 . How confident are you that safeguards are in place to protect your medical records? ............................................. 163
WithheldInfoPrivacy: D13. Ever kept info from your HCP...concerned about the privacy/security of your medical record? .............................. 164
ElectInfoSafe: D14. If medical info sent concerned that an unauthorized person would see? ........................................... 165
AccessFamilyMedRec: D15. How many times access a family members online medical record through a secure website/app? .................... 166
AccessedFamRec_TheirPwd: D16a. Used family members login and password. ............................................................................................ 167
AccessedFamRec_MyPwd: D16a. Used a login and password assigned to me to access their record............................................................ 168

SECTION E: Caregiving
Caregiving_Child: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a child/children .................................................................................................................................. 169
Caregiving_Spouse: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a spouse/partner ........................................................................................................................... 170
Caregiving_Parent: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a parent/parents .............................................................................................................................. 171
Caregiving_Family: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a close family member .................................................................................................................... 172
Caregiving_Friend: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a friend or other non-relative ........................................................................................................... 173
Caregiving_No: E1. Caregiving - No ................................................................................................................................................................. 174
CaregivingWho_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in E1 (Caregiving Relationships) .......................................................... 175
Caregiving_Cancer: E2. Caregiving condition - Cancer .................................................................................................................................... 176
Caregiving_Alzheimers: E2. Caregiving condition - Alzheimers, confusion, dementia, forgetfulness................................................................ 177
Caregiving_OrthoMusc: E2. Caregiving condition - Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Issues................................................................................... 178
Caregiving_MentalHealth: E2. Caregiving condition - Mental health/Behavioral/Substance Abuse Issues....................................................... 179
Caregiving_ChronicCond: E2. Caregiving condition - Chronic Conditions ........................................................................................................ 180
Caregiving_NeuroDev: E2. Caregiving condition - Neurological/Developmental Issues ................................................................................... 181
Caregiving_AcuteCond: E2. Caregiving condition - Acute Conditions............................................................................................................... 182
Caregiving_Aging: E2. Caregiving condition - Aging/Aging related health issues ............................................................................................. 183
Caregiving_NotSure: E2. Caregiving condition - Not sure/Dont know ............................................................................................................... 184
Caregiving_Other: E2. Caregiving condition - Other (Specify) .......................................................................................................................... 185
Caregiving_Other_OS: E2. Caregiving condition - Other - SPECIFY: ............................................................................................................... 186
CaregivingCond_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in E2 (Caregiving Relationships) ......................................................... 189
Caregiving_HoursPerWeek: E3. About how many hours do you spend in an average week providing care? .................................................. 190

SECTION F: Medical Research

HeardDNATest: F1. Doctors use DNA tests... Have you heard or read about this type of genetic test? ........................................................... 191
GeneticTestUse_DetermineRisk: F2. Heard of: Determining risk or likelihood of getting a particular disease .................................................. 192
GeneticTestUse_DetermineTx: F2. Heard of: Determining how a disease should be treated after diagnosis .................................................. 193
GeneticTestUse_DetermineMed: F2. Heard of: Determining which drug(s) may or may not work for an individual ......................................... 194
GeneticTestUse_DeterminePass: F2. Heard of: Determining the likelihood of passing an inherited disease to your children.......................... 195
GeneticTestUse_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in F2 (Genetic test use)....................................................................... 196
HadTest_Paternity: F3. Ever Had: Paternity testing .......................................................................................................................................... 197
HadTest_Ancestry: F3. Ever Had: Ancestry testing .......................................................................................................................................... 198
HadTest_DNAFing: F3. Ever Had: DNA fingerprinting ...................................................................................................................................... 199
HadTest_CFCarrier: F3. Ever Had: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) carrier testing ............................................................................................................ 200
HadTest_BRCA: F3. Ever Had: BRCA 1/2 testing ............................................................................................................................................ 201
HadTest_Lynch: F3. Ever Had: Lynch syndrome testing .................................................................................................................................. 202
HadTest_None: F3. Ever Had: None of the above ............................................................................................................................................ 203
HadTest_NotSure: F3. Ever Had: Not sure ....................................................................................................................................................... 204
HadTest_Other: F3. Ever Had: Other (Specify) ................................................................................................................................................. 205
HadTest_Other_OS: F3. Ever Had: Other - SPECIFY: ..................................................................................................................................... 206
HadTest_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in F3 (Genetic test use) ................................................................................... 208

SECTION G: Your Overall Health

GeneralHealth: G1. In general, would you say your health is... ......................................................................................................................... 209
OwnAbilityTakeCareHealth: G2. Overall, how confident are you about your ability to take good care of your health? ..................................... 210
MedConditions_Diabetes: G3a. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had diabetes/high blood sugar? ................................... 211
MedConditions_HighBP: G3b. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had high blood pressure/hypertension? ......................... 212
MedConditions_HeartCondition: G3c. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had a heart condition? ........................................ 213
MedConditions_LungDisease: G3d. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had chronic lung disease? ..................................... 214
MedConditions_Arthritis: G3e. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had arthritis or rheumatism?........................................... 215
MedConditions_Depression: G3f. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had depression/anxiety disorder?.............................. 216
Height_Feet: G4. About how tall are you without shoes? Feet: ......................................................................................................................... 217
Height_Inches: G4. About how tall are you without shoes? Inches: .................................................................................................................. 218
Weight: G5. About how much do you weigh, in pounds, without shoes? .......................................................................................................... 219
LittleInterest: G6a. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Little interest or pleasure in doing things? .............................................................. 228
Hopeless: G6b. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?....................................................................... 229
Nervous: G6c. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge? .......................................................................... 230
Worrying: G6d. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Not being able to stop or control worrying?.................................................................. 231
EmotionalSupport: G7. Is there anyone you can count on to provide you with emotional support when you need it? ...................................... 232
TalkHealthFriends: G8. Do you have friends or family members that you talk to about your health?................................................................ 233
HelpDailyChores: G9. If you needed help with your daily chores, is there someone who can help you? .......................................................... 234
Deaf: G10. Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing? .................................................................................................................. 235
SECTION H: Health and Nutrition
UseMenuCalorieInfo: H1. When available, how often do you use menu information on calories in deciding what to order? ............................ 236
Fruit: H2. About how many cups of fruit do you eat or drink each day? ............................................................................................................ 237
Vegetables: H3. About how many cups of vegetables do you eat or drink each day? ...................................................................................... 238
AlcoholConditions_Cancer: H4a. Drinking too much alcohol - Cancer .............................................................................................................. 239
AlcoholConditions_HeartDisease: H4b. Drinking too much alcohol - Heart Disease......................................................................................... 240
AlcoholConditions_Diabetes: H4c. Drinking too much alcohol - Diabetes ......................................................................................................... 241
AlcoholConditions_Cholesterol: H4d. Drinking too much alcohol - High cholesterol ......................................................................................... 242
AlcoholConditions_LiverDisease: H4e. Drinking too much alcohol - Liver disease ........................................................................................... 243
AlcoholConditions_Overweight: H4f. Drinking too much alcohol - Being overweight or obese ......................................................................... 244
AlcoholIncreaseCancer: H5a. Alcohol increases your risk of cancer................................................................................................................. 245
AlcoholReduceHeart: H5b. Drinking alcohol in moderation reduces your risk of heart disease ........................................................................ 246

SECTION I: Physical Activity, Exercise, and UV Exposure

TimesModerateExercise: I1. How many days do you do any physical activity or exercise of at least moderate intensity? ............................... 247
HowLongModerateExerciseMn: I2. How long are you typically doing these activities? Minutes: ...................................................................... 248
HowLongModerateExerciseHr: I2. How long are you typically doing these activities? Hours: .......................................................................... 250
TimesStrengthTraining: I3. How many days do you do leisure-time physical activities to strengthen your muscles? ....................................... 251
TanningBed: I4. How many times in the past 12 months have you used a tanning bed or booth? ................................................................... 252
SkinCancerHPExam: I5. Do you ever have your skin examined by a health professional for signs of skin cancer? ......................................... 253
SkinCancerSelfCheck: I6. Do you ever check your skin for signs of skin cancer? ............................................................................................ 254

SECTION J: Tobacco Products

Smoke100: J1. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life? .................................................................................................... 255
SmokeNow: J2. How often do you now smoke cigarettes? ............................................................................................................................... 256
TriedQuit: J3. At any time in the past year, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer? ........................................................................ 257
ConsiderQuit: J4. Are you seriously considering quitting smoking in the next six months?............................................................................... 258
ElectCigLessHarm: J5. Compared to smoking cigarettes, would you say that electronic cigarettes are... ........................................................ 259
UsedECigEver: J6. Have you ever used an e-cigarette, even one or two times?.............................................................................................. 260
UseECigNow: J7. Do you now use an e-cigarette every day, some days, or not at all? ................................................................................... 261
DrTalkLungTest: J8. Past year, have you talked with your doctor about having a test to check for lung cancer?............................................. 262
SmokelessLessHarm: J9. Do you think that some smokeless tobacco products are less harmful than cigarettes? ......................................... 263
HookahLessHarm: J10. Compared to smoking cigarettes, would you say that smoking tobacco using a hookah is... ..................................... 264

SECTION K: Screening For Cancer

GenderC: K1. Are you male or female? ............................................................................................................................................................ 265
WhenPapTest: K2. How long ago did you have your most recent Pap test to check for cervical cancer? ........................................................ 266
WhenMammogram: K3. When did you have your most recent mammogram to check for breast cancer, if ever? ........................................... 267
EverHadPSATest: K4. A PSA test is used to check for prostate cancer. Have you ever had a PSA test? ....................................................... 268

SECTION L: HPV Awareness

HeardHPV: L1. Have you ever heard of HPV? .................................................................................................................................................. 269
HPVCauseCancer_Cervical: L2a. Do you think HPV can cause cervical cancer? ............................................................................................ 270
HPVCauseCancer_Penile: L2b. Do you think HPV can cause penile cancer? ................................................................................................. 271
HPVCauseCancer_Anal: L2c. Do you think HPV can cause anal cancer? ....................................................................................................... 272
HPVCauseCancer_Oral: L2d. Do you think HPV can cause oral cancer? ........................................................................................................ 273
HPVSTD: L3. Do you think that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? ................................................................................................ 274
HPVMedicalTreatment: L4. Do you think HPV requires medical treatment or will usually go away on its own without treatment? ................... 275
HeardHPVVaccine2: L5. Before today, have you ever heard of the cervical cancer vaccine or HPV shot?...................................................... 276
HPVShotPrevent: L6. In your opinion, how successful is the HPV vaccine at preventing cervical cancer? ...................................................... 277
FamBetween9and27: L7. Is anyone in your immediate family between the ages of 9 and 27 years old? ......................................................... 278
DiscussHPVVaccination12m: L8. Has a doctor ever talked with you about the HPV shot? .............................................................................. 279
RecommendHPVShot: L9. Has a doctor recommended that you or someone in your immediate family get an HPV shot? ............................. 280
SECTION M: Your Cancer History
EverHadCancer: M1. Have you ever been diagnosed as having cancer? ........................................................................................................ 281
CaBladder: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Bladder cancer ................................................................................................................ 282
CaBone: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Bone cancer ........................................................................................................................ 283
CaBreast: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Breast cancer .................................................................................................................... 284
CaCervical: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix) ............................................................................. 285
CaColon: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Colon cancer ...................................................................................................................... 286
CaEndometrial: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterus) ................................................................ 287
CaHeadNeck: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Head and neck cancer ................................................................................................ 288
CaHodgkins: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Hodgkins lymphoma ..................................................................................................... 289
CaLeukemia: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Leukemia/Blood cancer ................................................................................................ 290
CaLiver: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Liver cancer ......................................................................................................................... 291
CaLung: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Lung cancer ......................................................................................................................... 292
CaMelanoma: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Melanoma ................................................................................................................... 293
CaNonHodgkin: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Non-Hodgkin lymphoma ........................................................................................... 294
CaOral: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Oral cancer ........................................................................................................................... 295
CaOvarian: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Ovarian cancer ................................................................................................................ 296
CaPancreatic: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Pancreatic cancer ....................................................................................................... 297
CaPharyngeal: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Pharyngeal (throat) cancer ........................................................................................ 298
CaProstate: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Prostate cancer .............................................................................................................. 299
CaRectal: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Rectal cancer ..................................................................................................................... 300
CaRenal: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Renal (kidney) cancer......................................................................................................... 301
CaSkin: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Skin cancer, non-melanoma ................................................................................................. 302
CaStomach: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Stomach cancer ............................................................................................................. 303
CaOther: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Other ................................................................................................................................... 304
CaOther_OS: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Other, SPECIFY: ......................................................................................................... 305
Cancer_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given to question M2 .................................................................................................. 307
WhenDiagnosedCancer: M3. At what age were you first told that you had cancer? ......................................................................................... 309
UndergoCancerTreatment: M4. Did you ever receive any treatment for your cancer?...................................................................................... 313
CancerTx_Chemo: M5a. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Chemotherapy (IV or pills)................................ 314
CancerTx_Radiation: M5b. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Radiation ...................................................... 315
CancerTx_Surgery: M5c. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Surgery ............................................................ 316
CancerTx_Other: M5d. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Other ................................................................... 317
HowLongFinishTreatment_Cat: M6. About how long ago did you receive your last cancer treatment? ............................................................ 318
CancerTxSummary: M7. Did you ever receive a summary document that listed all of the cancer treatments you received? ........................... 319
CancerDeniedCoverage: M8. Were you ever denied health insurance coverage because of your cancer? ..................................................... 320
CancerHurtFinances: M9. How much, if at all, has your cancer and its treatment hurt your financial situation? ............................................... 321
CancerAbilityToWork: M10. Did any HCP ever discuss the impact of cancer/cancer treatment on your ability to work? .................................. 322
ClinicalTrialCancerTx: M11. Have you ever participated in a clinical trial for treatment of your cancer? ........................................................... 323
DiscussedClinicalTrial: M12. Has any HCP discussed clinical trials as a treatment option for your cancer? .................................................... 324

SECTION N: Beliefs About Cancer

ChanceGetCancer: N1. How likely are you to get cancer in your lifetime? ....................................................................................................... 325
EverythingCauseCancer: N2a. Agree/disagree: It seems like everything causes cancer ................................................................................. 326
PreventNotPossible: N2b. Agree/disagree: There’s not much you can do to lower your chances of getting cancer ......................................... 327
TooManyRecommendations: N2c. Agree/disagree: So many recommendations about preventing cancer-hard to know which to follow. ....... 328
CancerMoreCommon: N2d. Agree/disagree: In adults, cancer is more common than heart disease ............................................................... 329
CancerFatal: N2e. Agree/disagree: When I think about cancer, I automatically think about death ................................................................... 330
RatherNotKnowChance: N3. Agree/disagree: Id rather not know my chance of getting cancer. ....................................................................... 331
FreqWorryCancer: N4. How worried are you about getting cancer? ................................................................................................................. 332
FamilyEverHadCancer: N5. Have any of your family members ever had cancer? ............................................................................................ 333

SECTION O: You and Your Household

Age: O1. What is your age? .............................................................................................................................................................................. 334
OccupationStatus: O2. What is your current occupational status? .................................................................................................................... 338
OccupationStatus_OS: O2. What is your current occupational status? SPECIFY: ........................................................................................... 339
Employed: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses ............................................................................................................ 340
Unemployed: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses ........................................................................................................ 341
Homemaker: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses ......................................................................................................... 342
Student: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses ................................................................................................................ 343
Retired: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses ................................................................................................................. 344
Disabled: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses .............................................................................................................. 345
OtherOcc: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses ............................................................................................................. 346
MultiOcc: Derived variable: Total number of responses to question O2, OccupationStatus.............................................................................. 347
ActiveDutyArmedForces: O3. Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces/Military Reserves/National Guard? ................. 348
ReceivedCareVA: O4. Past 12 months, have you received some or all of your health care from a VA hospital/clinic? .................................... 349
MaritalStatus: O5. What is your marital status?................................................................................................................................................. 350
Education: O6. What is the highest grade or level of schooling you completed? .............................................................................................. 351
BornInUSA: O7. Were you born in the United States? ...................................................................................................................................... 352
YearCameToUSA: O8. In what year did you come to live in the United States? ............................................................................................... 353
SpeakEnglish: O9. How well do you speak English? ........................................................................................................................................ 357
NotHisp: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin. ................................................................ 358
Mexican: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Mexican/Mexican American/Chicano/a. .................................................................... 359
PuertoRican: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Puerto Rican. ...................................................................................................... 360
Cuban: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Cuban .......................................................................................................................... 361
OthHisp: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, another Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin. ................................................................. 362
Hisp_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in O10 (Hispanic ethnicity)..................................................................................... 363
White: O11. What is your race? - White? ........................................................................................................................................................ 364
Black: O11. What is your race? - Black or African American? ........................................................................................................................... 365
AmerInd: O11. What is your race? - American Indian or Alaska Native? .......................................................................................................... 366
AsInd: O11. What is your race? - Asian Indian? ................................................................................................................................................ 367
Chinese: O11. What is your race? - Chinese? .................................................................................................................................................. 368
Filipino: O11. What is your race? - Filipino? ...................................................................................................................................................... 369
Japanese: O11. What is your race? - Japanese?.............................................................................................................................................. 370
Korean: O11. What is your race? - Korean? ..................................................................................................................................................... 371
Vietnamese: O11. What is your race? - Vietnamese? ....................................................................................................................................... 372
OthAsian: O11. What is your race? - Other Asian? ........................................................................................................................................... 373
Hawaiian: O11. What is your race? - Native Hawaiian? .................................................................................................................................... 374
Guamanian: O11. What is your race? - Guamanian or Chamorro?................................................................................................................... 375
Samoan: O11. What is your race? - Samoan? .................................................................................................................................................. 376
OthPacIsl: O11. What is your race? - Other Pacific Islander? ........................................................................................................................... 377
Race_Cat2: Derived variable to categorize responses given in O11 (Race) ..................................................................................................... 378
SexualOrientation: O12. Do you think of yourself as... ...................................................................................................................................... 379
SexualOrientation_OS: O12. Do you think of yourself as...Something else - Specify: ...................................................................................... 380
TotalHousehold: O13. Including yourself, how many people live in your household? ....................................................................................... 382
R_HHAdults: Reconciled number of adults in household .................................................................................................................................. 383
HHAdults_Num: Number of adults in a household (final) .................................................................................................................................. 384
SelfGender: O14. Self: Gender. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 385
SelfAge: O14. Self: Age. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 386
SelfMOB: O14. Self: Month Born....................................................................................................................................................................... 390
HHAdultGender2: O14. Adult 2: Gender ........................................................................................................................................................... 391
HHAdultAge2: O14. Adult 2: Age ...................................................................................................................................................................... 392
HHAdultMOB2: O14. Adult 2: Month Born ........................................................................................................................................................ 396
HHAdultGender3: O14. Adult 3: Gender ........................................................................................................................................................... 397
HHAdultAge3: O14. Adult 3: Age ...................................................................................................................................................................... 398
HHAdultMOB3: O14. Adult 3: Month Born ........................................................................................................................................................ 402
HHAdultGender4: O14. Adult 4: Gender ........................................................................................................................................................... 403
HHAdultAge4: O14. Adult 4: Age ...................................................................................................................................................................... 404
HHAdultMOB4: O14. Adult 4: Month Born ........................................................................................................................................................ 407
HHAdultGender5: O14. Adult 5: Gender ........................................................................................................................................................... 408
HHAdultAge5: O14. Adult 5: Age ...................................................................................................................................................................... 409
HHAdultMOB5: O14. Adult 5: Month Born ........................................................................................................................................................ 411
ChildrenInHH: O15. How many children under the age of 18 live in your household? ...................................................................................... 412
RentOrOwn: O16. Do you currently rent or own your home? ............................................................................................................................ 413
CellPhone: O17. Does anyone in your family have a working cell phone?........................................................................................................ 414
PhoneInHome: O18. Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is working and is not a cell phone? .............................................. 415
IncomeRanges: O19. What is your total combined household annual income? ................................................................................................ 416
MailSurveyTime_Min: O20. About how long did it take you to complete the survey: Minutes ........................................................................... 417
MailSurveyTime_Hrs: O20. About how long did it take you to complete the survey: Hours .............................................................................. 420
TypeOfAddressA: O21. Which address type of address: A street address with a house or building number?.................................................. 421
TypeOfAddressB: O21. Which address type of address: An address with a rural route number? .................................................................... 422
TypeOfAddressC: O21. Which address type of address: A U.S. P.O. Box? ..................................................................................................... 423
TypeOfAddressD: O21. Which address type of address: A commercial mail box establishment? .................................................................... 424

Survey Weights
PERSON_FINWT0: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL FULL SAMPLE WEIGHT ........................................................................................................... 425
PERSON_FINWT1: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 1 ............................................................................................................ 426
PERSON_FINWT2: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 2 ............................................................................................................ 427
PERSON_FINWT3: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 3 ............................................................................................................ 428
PERSON_FINWT4: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 4 ............................................................................................................ 429
PERSON_FINWT5: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 5 ............................................................................................................ 430
PERSON_FINWT6: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 6 ............................................................................................................ 431
PERSON_FINWT7: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 7 ............................................................................................................ 432
PERSON_FINWT8: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 8 ............................................................................................................ 433
PERSON_FINWT9: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 9 ............................................................................................................ 434
PERSON_FINWT10: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 10 ........................................................................................................ 435
PERSON_FINWT11: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 11 ........................................................................................................ 436
PERSON_FINWT12: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 12 ........................................................................................................ 437
PERSON_FINWT13: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 13 ........................................................................................................ 438
PERSON_FINWT14: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 14 ........................................................................................................ 439
PERSON_FINWT15: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 15 ........................................................................................................ 440
PERSON_FINWT16: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 16 ........................................................................................................ 441
PERSON_FINWT17: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 17 ........................................................................................................ 442
PERSON_FINWT18: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 18 ........................................................................................................ 443
PERSON_FINWT19: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 19 ........................................................................................................ 444
PERSON_FINWT20: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 20 ........................................................................................................ 445
PERSON_FINWT21: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 21 ........................................................................................................ 446
PERSON_FINWT22: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 22 ........................................................................................................ 447
PERSON_FINWT23: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 23 ........................................................................................................ 448
PERSON_FINWT24: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 24 ........................................................................................................ 449
PERSON_FINWT25: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 25 ........................................................................................................ 450
PERSON_FINWT26: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 26 ........................................................................................................ 451
PERSON_FINWT27: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 27 ........................................................................................................ 452
PERSON_FINWT28: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 28 ........................................................................................................ 453
PERSON_FINWT29: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 29 ........................................................................................................ 454
PERSON_FINWT30: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 30 ........................................................................................................ 455
PERSON_FINWT31: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 31 ........................................................................................................ 456
PERSON_FINWT32: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 32 ........................................................................................................ 457
PERSON_FINWT33: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 33 ........................................................................................................ 458
PERSON_FINWT34: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 34 ........................................................................................................ 459
PERSON_FINWT35: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 35 ........................................................................................................ 460
PERSON_FINWT36: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 36 ........................................................................................................ 461
PERSON_FINWT37: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 37 ........................................................................................................ 462
PERSON_FINWT38: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 38 ........................................................................................................ 463
PERSON_FINWT39: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 39 ........................................................................................................ 464
PERSON_FINWT40: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 40 ........................................................................................................ 465
PERSON_FINWT41: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 41 ........................................................................................................ 466
PERSON_FINWT42: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 42 ........................................................................................................ 467
PERSON_FINWT43: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 43 ........................................................................................................ 468
PERSON_FINWT44: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 44 ........................................................................................................ 469
PERSON_FINWT45: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 45 ........................................................................................................ 470
PERSON_FINWT46: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 46 ........................................................................................................ 471
PERSON_FINWT47: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 47 ........................................................................................................ 472
PERSON_FINWT48: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 48 ........................................................................................................ 473
PERSON_FINWT49: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 49 ........................................................................................................ 474
PERSON_FINWT50: FINAL PERSON-LEVEL REPLICATE WEIGHT 50 ........................................................................................................ 475

Derived/Recoded Variables
AgeGrpA: AgeGrpA. 4 Level Age Categories Version B (Derived from Age; see History Document for more information) .............................. 476
AgeGrpB: AgeGrpB. 5 Level Age Categories Version C (Derived from Age; see History Document for more information) .............................. 477
EducA: EducA. What is the highest level of school you completed? 4 Levels (Derived from Education; see History Document for more
information) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 478
EducB: EducB. What is the highest level of school you completed? 5 Levels (Derived from Education; see History Document for more
information) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 479
RaceEthn: Race/Ethnicity. 7 Levels (Derived from Hisp_Cat and Race_Cat2; see History Document for more information) ........................... 480
RaceEthn5: Race/Ethnicity. 5 Levels (Derived from Hisp_Cat and Race_Cat2; see History Document for more information) ......................... 481
HHInc: HHInc. What is your {combined} annual household income? 5 Levels (Derived from IncomeRanges; see History Document for
more information) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 482
BMI: BMI. Body Mass Index (Weight*703)/(Height in inches**2) (See History Document for more information) ............................................ 483
AgeDX: AgeDX. At what age were you diagnosed with cancer? (Derived from WhenDiagnosedCancer; see History Document for more
information) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 496
TimeSinceDX: TimeSinceDX. How long ago were you diagnosed with cancer? (Derived from WhenDiagnosedCancer and Age; see
History Document for more information)............................................................................................................................................................ 500
smokeStat: SmokeStat. Smoking Status (Derived from Smoke100 and SmokeNow; see History Document for more information)............... 501
PHQ4: PHQ4. PHQ-4 total score (Derived composite from LittleInterest, Hopeless, Nervous, and Worrying; see History Document for
more information) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 502
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise: WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise. Minutes per week of at least moderate intensity exercise (Derived
from TimesModerateExercise, HowLongModerateExerciseHr, and HowLongModerateExerciseMn; see History Document for more information)
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 503
eCigUse: eCigUse. Electronic Cigarette Use (Derived from ElectCigLessHarm, UsedECigEver, and UseECigNow; see History
Document for more information) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 508
IncomeRanges_IMP: -->IncomeRanges_IMP. Imputed IncomeRanges variable via PROC HOTDECK in SUDAAN (see History
Document for more information) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 509
HHID: Household ID
Variable Name: HHID
Variable Label: Household ID
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHID Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
PersonID: PersonID = Household ID + Person Number
Variable Name: PersonID
Variable Label: PersonID = Household ID + Person Number
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PersonID Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Test String Test String 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Stratum: Sampling Stratum
Variable Name: Stratum
Variable Label: Sampling Stratum
Variable Format: $STRATUM
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Stratum Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
HM High Minority Areas 1,769 53.9 1,769 84,511,766 34.1
LM Low Minority Areas 1,516 46.1 3,285 163,277,345 65.9
APP_REGION: Appalachian Subregion
Variable Name: APP_REGION
Variable Label: Appalachian Subregion
Variable Format: $APP_REG
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
APP_REGION Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
3,070 93.5 3,070 227,651,520 91.9
C Central Appalachia 15 0.5 3,085 2,413,463 1
N Northern Appalachia 84 2.6 3,169 7,795,269 3.1
S Southern Appalachia 116 3.5 3,285 9,928,858 4
HIGHSPANLI: High linguistically isolated strata
Variable Name: HIGHSPANLI
Variable Label: High linguistically isolated strata
Variable Format: HIGHSPAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HIGHSPANLI Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Yes 264 8 264 18,467,272 7.5
2 No 3,021 92 3,285 229,321,839 92.5
HISPSURNAME: Hispanic surname match
Variable Name: HISPSURNAME
Variable Label: Hispanic surname match
Variable Format: HIGHSPAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HISPSURNAME Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Yes 334 10.2 334 26,752,168 10.8
2 No 2,951 89.8 3,285 221,036,943 89.2
HISP_HH: High linguistically isolated strata/Hispanic surname match/Both.
Variable Name: HISP_HH
Variable Label: High linguistically isolated strata/Hispanic surname match/Both.
Variable Format: HIGHSPAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HISP_HH Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Yes 493 15 493 36,534,720 14.7
2 No 2,792 85 3,285 211,254,391 85.3
RUC2003: USDA Rural/Urban Designation (2003)
Variable Name: RUC2003
Variable Label: USDA Rural/Urban Designation (2003)
Variable Format: RUC2003F
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RUC2003 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 County in metro area with 1 million population or more 1,839 56 1,839 135,371,347 54.6
2 County in metro area of 250,000 to 1 million population 694 21.1 2,533 52,304,960 21.1
3 County in metro area of fewer than 250,000 population 279 8.5 2,812 21,395,155 8.6
4 Nonmetro county with urban population of 20,000 or more, adjacent to a metro area 122 3.7 2,934 10,193,735 4.1
5 Nonmetro county with urban population of 20,000 or more, not adjacent to a metro area 55 1.7 2,989 5,606,470 2.3
6 Nonmetro county with urban population of 2,500-19,999, adjacent to a metro area 164 5 3,153 11,923,942 4.8
7 Nonmetro county with urban population of 2,500-19,999, not adjacent to a metro area 76 2.3 3,229 6,140,206 2.5
8 Nonmetro county completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, adjacent to 23 0.7 3,252 1,726,675 0.7
9 Nonmetro county completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, not adjacent to 33 1 3,285 3,126,620 1.3
RUC2013: USDA Rural/Urban Designation (2013)
Variable Name: RUC2013
Variable Label: USDA Rural/Urban Designation (2013)
Variable Format: RUC2013F
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RUC2013 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Metro - Counties in metro areas of 1 million population or more 1,880 57.2 1,880 138,637,026 55.9
2 Metro - Counties in metro areas of 250,000 to 1 million population 717 21.8 2,597 54,488,500 22
3 Metro - Counties in metro areas of fewer than 250,000 population 251 7.6 2,848 19,544,566 7.9
4 Nonmetro - Urban population of 20,000 or more, adjacent to a metro area 118 3.6 2,966 9,350,576 3.8
5 Nonmetro - Urban population of 20,000 or more, not adjacent to a metro area 43 1.3 3,009 4,299,532 1.7
6 Nonmetro - Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, adjacent to a metro area 145 4.4 3,154 10,614,192 4.3
7 Nonmetro - Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, not adjacent to a metro area 81 2.5 3,235 6,084,734 2.5
8 Nonmetro - Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, adjacent to a metro area 16 0.5 3,251 1,885,500 0.8
9 Nonmetro - Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, not adjacent to a metro area 34 1 3,285 2,884,486 1.2
PR_RUCA_2010: USDA 2010 Primary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes
Variable Name: PR_RUCA_2010
Variable Label: USDA 2010 Primary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes
Variable Format: PR_RUCAF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PR_RUCA_2010 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA) 2,553 77.7 2,553 188,543,533 76.1
2 Metropolitan area high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a UA 216 6.6 2,769 16,785,667 6.8
3 Metropolitan area low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a UA 19 0.6 2,788 1,423,374 0.6
4 Micropolitan area core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 10,000 to 49,999 188 5.7 2,976 17,198,792 6.9
(large UC)
5 Micropolitan high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a large UC 67 2 3,043 5,369,644 2.2
6 Micropolitan low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a large UC 10 0.3 3,053 899,032 0.4
7 Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC) 99 3 3,152 7,044,616 2.8
8 Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC 21 0.6 3,173 1,113,837 0.4
9 Small town low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a small UC 4 0.1 3,177 373,587 0.2
10 Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC 108 3.3 3,285 9,037,031 3.6
SEC_RUCA_2010: USDA 2010 Secondary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes
Variable Name: SEC_RUCA_2010
Variable Label: USDA 2010 Secondary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes
Variable Format: SEC_RUC
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SEC_RUCA_2010 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA), No additional 2,213 67.4 2,213 163,957,230 66.2
1.1 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA), Secondary flow 340 10.4 2,553 24,586,302 9.9
30% to 50% to a larger UA
2 Metropolitan area high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a UA, No 202 6.1 2,755 15,418,084 6.2
additional code
2.1 Metropolitan area high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a UA, Secondary 14 0.4 2,769 1,367,583 0.6
flow 30% to 50% to a larger UA
3 Metropolitan area low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a UA, No additional 19 0.6 2,788 1,423,374 0.6
4 Micropolitan area core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 10,000 to 49,999 116 3.5 2,904 10,168,819 4.1
(large UC), No additional code
4.1 Micropolitan area core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 10,000 to 49,999 72 2.2 2,976 7,029,972 2.8
(large UC), Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a UA
5 Micropolitan high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a large UC, No 50 1.5 3,026 4,238,624 1.7
additional code
5.1 Micropolitan high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a large UC, Secondary 17 0.5 3,043 1,131,021 0.5
flow 30% to 50% to a UA
6 Micropolitan low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a large UC, No additional 10 0.3 3,053 899,032 0.4
7 Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC), 42 1.3 3,095 2,869,280 1.2
No additional code
7.1 Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC), 41 1.2 3,136 2,752,365 1.1
Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a UA
7.2 Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC), 16 0.5 3,152 1,422,970 0.6
Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a large UC

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SEC_RUCA_2010 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
8 Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC, No additional 16 0.5 3,168 1,008,615 0.4
8.1 Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC, Secondary 3 0.1 3,171 87,374 0
flow 30% to 50% to a UA
8.2 Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC, Secondary 2 0.1 3,173 17,847 0
flow 30% to 50% to a large UC
9 Small town low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a small UC, No additional 4 0.1 3,177 373,587 0.2
10 Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, No additional code 27 0.8 3,204 2,209,387 0.9
10.1 Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% 24 0.7 3,228 2,256,093 0.9
to a UA
10.2 Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% 29 0.9 3,257 1,942,433 0.8
to a large UC
10.3 Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% 28 0.9 3,285 2,629,118 1.1
to a small UC
SEC_RUCA_2010_DESCRIPT: USDA 2010 Secondary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes Description (variable found in Stata dataset, only)
Variable Name: SEC_RUCA_2010_DESCRIPT
Variable Label: USDA 2010 Secondary Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes Description (variable found in Stata dataset, only)
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SEC_RUCA_2010_DESCRIPT Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA), No additional code 2,213 67.4 2,213 163,957,230 66.2
Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA), Secondary flow 30% to 50% to 340 10.4 2,553 24,586,302 9.9
a larger UA
Metropolitan area high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a UA, No additional code 202 6.1 2,755 15,418,084 6.2
Metropolitan area high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a UA, Secondary flow 30% to 14 0.4 2,769 1,367,583 0.6
50% to a larger UA
Metropolitan area low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a UA, No additional code 19 0.6 2,788 1,423,374 0.6
Micropolitan area core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 10,000 to 49,999 (large UC), No 116 3.5 2,904 10,168,819 4.1
additional code
Micropolitan area core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 10,000 to 49,999 (large UC), 72 2.2 2,976 7,029,972 2.8
Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a UA
Micropolitan high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a large UC, No additional code 50 1.5 3,026 4,238,624 1.7
Micropolitan high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a large UC, Secondary flow 30% to 17 0.5 3,043 1,131,021 0.5
50% to a UA
Micropolitan low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a large UC, No additional code 10 0.3 3,053 899,032 0.4
Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, No additional code 27 0.8 3,080 2,209,387 0.9
Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a UA 24 0.7 3,104 2,256,093 0.9
Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a large UC 29 0.9 3,133 1,942,433 0.8
Rural areas: primary flow to a tract outside a UA or UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a small UC 28 0.9 3,161 2,629,118 1.1
Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC), No additional 42 1.3 3,203 2,869,280 1.2
Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC), Secondary 41 1.2 3,244 2,752,365 1.1
flow 30% to 50% to a UA

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SEC_RUCA_2010_DESCRIPT Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Small town core: primary flow within an Urban Cluster of 2,500 to 9,999 (small UC), Secondary 16 0.5 3,260 1,422,970 0.6
flow 30% to 50% to a large UC
Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC, No additional code 16 0.5 3,276 1,008,615 0.4
Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% 3 0.1 3,279 87,374 0
to a UA
Small town high commuting: primary flow 30% or more to a small UC, Secondary flow 30% to 50% 2 0.1 3,281 17,847 0
to a large UC
Small town low commuting: primary flow 10% to 30% to a small UC, No additional code 4 0.1 3,285 373,587 0.2
NCHSURCODE2013: NCHS 2013 Rural-Urban Classification Scheme
Variable Name: NCHSURCODE2013
Variable Label: NCHS 2013 Rural-Urban Classification Scheme
Variable Format: NCHSURCO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NCHSURCODE2013 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Metropolitan: large metro 1,100 33.5 1,100 76,156,958 30.7
2 Metropolitan: large fringe metro 788 24 1,888 63,208,348 25.5
3 Metropolitan: medium metro 705 21.5 2,593 53,324,465 21.5
4 Metropolitan: small metro 255 7.8 2,848 19,980,322 8.1
5 Non-metropolitan: micropolitan 255 7.8 3,103 21,196,608 8.6
6 Non-metropolitan: noncore 182 5.5 3,285 13,922,411 5.6
CENSDIV: Census division
Variable Name: CENSDIV
Variable Label: Census division
Variable Format: CENSDIV
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CENSDIV Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 New England 135 4.1 135 10,749,861 4.3
2 Middle Atlantic 404 12.3 539 33,628,234 13.6
3 East North Central 439 13.4 978 36,714,641 14.8
4 West North Central 172 5.2 1,150 15,547,098 6.3
5 South Atlantic 754 23 1,904 49,984,282 20.2
6 East South Central 199 6.1 2,103 15,221,232 6.1
7 West South Central 420 12.8 2,523 27,742,734 11.2
8 Mountain 225 6.8 2,748 13,790,777 5.6
9 Pacific 537 16.3 3,285 44,410,252 17.9
CENSREG: Census region
Variable Name: CENSREG
Variable Label: Census region
Variable Format: CENSREG
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CENSREG Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Northeast 539 16.4 539 44,378,095 17.9
2 Midwest 611 18.6 1,150 52,261,739 21.1
3 South 1,373 41.8 2,523 92,948,247 37.5
4 West 762 23.2 3,285 58,201,029 23.5
FormType: Flag for Form Version
Variable Name: FormType
Variable Label: Flag for Form Version
Variable Format: FORMTYPE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
FormType Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
2 Long Form, NB 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Language_Flag: Language Flag
Variable Name: Language_Flag
Variable Label: Language Flag
Variable Format: LANGUAGE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Language_Flag Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 English 3,272 99.6 3,272 246,233,294 99.4
2 Spanish 13 0.4 3,285 1,555,817 0.6
QDisp: Questionnaire disposition code
Variable Name: QDisp
Variable Label: Questionnaire disposition code
Variable Format: QDISP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
QDisp Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Complete 3,191 97.1 3,191 241,155,562 97.3
2 Partial complete 94 2.9 3,285 6,633,549 2.7
UpdateDate: Update Date
Variable Name: UpdateDate
Variable Label: Update Date
Variable Format: DATE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UpdateDate Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
AdultsInHH: 1. More than one person age 18 or older living in this household?
Variable Name: AdultsInHH
Variable Label: 1. More than one person age 18 or older living in this household?
Variable Format: ADULTSI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AdultsInHH Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Yes 2,099 63.9 2,099 189,201,220 76.4
2 No 1,186 36.1 3,285 58,587,891 23.6
MailHHAdults: 2. How many people age 18 or older live in this household?
Variable Name: MailHHAdults
Variable Label: 2. How many people age 18 or older live in this household?
Variable Format: MAILHHA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MailHHAdults Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 4,429,499 1.8
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 1 0 45 36,884 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 177 5.4 222 7,730,261 3.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in AdultsInHH 1,010 30.7 1,232 50,867,116 20.5
1 Number of adults living in the household 160 4.9 1,392 11,101,428 4.5
2 Number of adults living in the household 1,396 42.5 2,788 102,098,074 41.2
3 Number of adults living in the household 335 10.2 3,123 41,745,551 16.8
4 Number of adults living in the household 117 3.6 3,240 20,454,357 8.3
5 Number of adults living in the household 28 0.9 3,268 7,302,866 2.9
6 Number of adults living in the household 6 0.2 3,274 1,071,957 0.4
7 Number of adults living in the household 5 0.2 3,279 244,143 0.1
8 Number of adults living in the household 2 0.1 3,281 382,673 0.2
11 Number of adults living in the household 2 0.1 3,283 48,837 0
12 Number of adults living in the household 2 0.1 3,285 275,467 0.1
SeekHealthInfo: A1. Ever looked for information about health/medical topics?
Variable Name: SeekHealthInfo
Variable Label: A1. Ever looked for information about health/medical topics?
Variable Format: SEEKHEA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SeekHealthInfo Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data 65 2 65 5,022,302 2
1 Yes 2,593 78.9 2,658 194,316,561 78.4
2 No 627 19.1 3,285 48,450,248 19.6
WhereSeekHealthInfo: A2. Where did you go first?
Variable Name: WhereSeekHealthInfo
Variable Label: A2. Where did you go first?
Variable Format: WHERESE
Criteria to receive Question: SeekHealthInfo=1
Criteria description: Participants who ever looked for information about health or medical topics from any source
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereSeekHealthInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 17 0.5 17 558,515 0.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 65 2 82 5,022,302 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 307 9.3 389 23,088,723 9.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 56 1.7 445 4,188,704 1.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in SeekHealthInfo 571 17.4 1,016 44,261,544 17.9
1 Books 72 2.2 1,088 4,359,826 1.8
2 Brochures, pamphlets, etc. 68 2.1 1,156 6,326,275 2.6
3 Cancer organization 3 0.1 1,159 86,429 0
4 Family 53 1.6 1,212 3,528,322 1.4
5 Friend/Co-worker 34 1 1,246 2,198,416 0.9
6 Doctor or health care provider 382 11.6 1,628 22,797,674 9.2
7 Internet 1,602 48.8 3,230 127,841,773 51.6
8 Library 4 0.1 3,234 382,406 0.2
9 Magazines 22 0.7 3,256 1,428,327 0.6
10 Newspapers 5 0.2 3,261 306,679 0.1
11 Telephone information number 16 0.5 3,277 750,201 0.3
12 Complementary, alternative, or unconventional practitioner 8 0.2 3,285 662,994 0.3
WhoLookingFor: A3.Most recent time you looked for health/medical info, who was it for?
Variable Name: WhoLookingFor
Variable Label: A3.Most recent time you looked for health/medical info, who was it for?
Variable Format: WHOLOOK
Criteria to receive Question: SeekHealthInfo=1
Criteria description: Participants who ever looked for information about health or medical topics from any source
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhoLookingFor Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 13 0.4 13 429,988 0.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 65 2 78 5,022,302 2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 67 2 145 5,515,886 2.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in SeekHealthInfo 560 17 705 42,934,362 17.3
1 Myself 1,479 45 2,184 107,900,992 43.5
2 Someone else 480 14.6 2,664 39,563,472 16
3 Both myself and someone else 621 18.9 3,285 46,422,110 18.7
LotOfEffort: A4a. It took a lot of effort to get the information you needed:
Variable Name: LotOfEffort
Variable Label: A4a. It took a lot of effort to get the information you needed:
Variable Format: LOTOFEF
Criteria to receive Question: SeekHealthInfo=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever looked for information about health or medical topics from any source.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
LotOfEffort Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 2,509,839 1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 65 2 109 5,022,302 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 112 222,222 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 69 2.1 181 6,031,591 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in SeekHealthInfo 558 17 739 42,418,657 17.1
1 Strongly agree 211 6.4 950 14,070,245 5.7
2 Somewhat agree 696 21.2 1,646 51,659,504 20.8
3 Somewhat disagree 829 25.2 2,475 66,464,551 26.8
4 Strongly disagree 810 24.7 3,285 59,390,201 24
Frustrated: A4b. You felt frustrated during your search for the information:
Variable Name: Frustrated
Variable Label: A4b. You felt frustrated during your search for the information:
Variable Format: LOTOFEF
Criteria to receive Question: SeekHealthInfo=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever looked for information about health or medical topics from any source.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Frustrated Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 73 2.2 73 3,842,317 1.6
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 65 2 138 5,022,302 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 141 234,071 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 67 2 208 5,989,298 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in SeekHealthInfo 560 17 768 42,460,950 17.1
1 Strongly agree 221 6.7 989 15,969,129 6.4
2 Somewhat agree 597 18.2 1,586 44,640,357 18
3 Somewhat disagree 725 22.1 2,311 56,479,445 22.8
4 Strongly disagree 974 29.6 3,285 73,151,243 29.5
ConcernedQuality: A4c. You were concerned about the quality of the information:
Variable Name: ConcernedQuality
Variable Label: A4c. You were concerned about the quality of the information:
Variable Format: LOTOFEF
Criteria to receive Question: SeekHealthInfo=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever looked for information about health or medical topics from any source.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ConcernedQuality Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 68 2.1 68 3,923,121 1.6
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 65 2 133 5,022,302 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 134 89,656 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 66 2 200 5,942,895 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in SeekHealthInfo 561 17.1 761 42,507,353 17.2
1 Strongly agree 371 11.3 1,132 30,797,350 12.4
2 Somewhat agree 892 27.2 2,024 69,109,723 27.9
3 Somewhat disagree 648 19.7 2,672 46,903,691 18.9
4 Strongly disagree 613 18.7 3,285 43,493,021 17.6
TooHardUnderstand: A4d. The information you found was hard to understand:
Variable Name: TooHardUnderstand
Variable Label: A4d. The information you found was hard to understand:
Variable Format: LOTOFEF
Criteria to receive Question: SeekHealthInfo=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever looked for information about health or medical topics from any source.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TooHardUnderstand Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 64 1.9 64 4,020,334 1.6
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 65 2 129 5,022,302 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 131 114,430 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 68 2.1 199 6,031,648 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in SeekHealthInfo 559 17 758 42,418,600 17.1
1 Strongly agree 141 4.3 899 9,854,871 4
2 Somewhat agree 487 14.8 1,386 35,168,055 14.2
3 Somewhat disagree 932 28.4 2,318 72,629,706 29.3
4 Strongly disagree 967 29.4 3,285 72,529,166 29.3
ConfidentGetHealthInf: A5. How confident are you that you could get advice/info about health/medical topics?
Variable Name: ConfidentGetHealthInf
Variable Label: A5. How confident are you that you could get advice/info about health/medical topics?
Variable Format: CONFIDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ConfidentGetHealthInf Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 95 2.9 95 6,642,168 2.7
1 Completely confident 751 22.9 846 57,513,495 23.2
2 Very confident 1,202 36.6 2,048 89,163,637 36
3 Somewhat confident 997 30.4 3,045 75,565,495 30.5
4 A little confident 168 5.1 3,213 12,356,874 5
5 Not confident at all 72 2.2 3,285 6,547,443 2.6
TrustDoctor: A6a. Trust health/medical info - a doctor?
Variable Name: TrustDoctor
Variable Label: A6a. Trust health/medical info - a doctor?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustDoctor Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 95 2.9 95 7,122,589 2.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 8 0.2 103 587,876 0.2
1 A lot 2,240 68.2 2,343 171,832,883 69.3
2 Some 770 23.4 3,113 56,410,997 22.8
3 A little 136 4.1 3,249 8,417,711 3.4
4 Not At All 36 1.1 3,285 3,417,055 1.4
TrustFamily: A6b. Trust health/medical info - family/friends?
Variable Name: TrustFamily
Variable Label: A6b. Trust health/medical info - family/friends?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustFamily Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 184 5.6 184 12,388,816 5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 187 133,788 0.1
1 A lot 232 7.1 419 17,919,107 7.2
2 Some 1,513 46.1 1,932 111,403,741 45
3 A little 1,183 36 3,115 92,461,518 37.3
4 Not At All 170 5.2 3,285 13,482,142 5.4
TrustNewsMag: A6c. Trust health/medical info - newspapers/magazines?
Variable Name: TrustNewsMag
Variable Label: A6c. Trust health/medical info - newspapers/magazines?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustNewsMag Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 188 5.7 188 13,068,978 5.3
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 191 252,714 0.1
1 A lot 81 2.5 272 5,092,369 2.1
2 Some 1,265 38.5 1,537 93,355,987 37.7
3 A little 1,250 38.1 2,787 95,983,982 38.7
4 Not At All 498 15.2 3,285 40,035,080 16.2
TrustRadio: A6d. Trust health/medical info - radio?
Variable Name: TrustRadio
Variable Label: A6d. Trust health/medical info - radio?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustRadio Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 207 6.3 207 13,808,312 5.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 12 0.4 219 674,986 0.3
1 A lot 50 1.5 269 3,021,277 1.2
2 Some 747 22.7 1,016 52,610,553 21.2
3 A little 1,323 40.3 2,339 104,577,567 42.2
4 Not At All 946 28.8 3,285 73,096,417 29.5
TrustInternet: A6e. Trust health/medical info - internet?
Variable Name: TrustInternet
Variable Label: A6e. Trust health/medical info - internet?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustInternet Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 215 6.5 215 13,705,321 5.5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 219 261,737 0.1
1 A lot 439 13.4 658 33,916,365 13.7
2 Some 1,679 51.1 2,337 127,825,935 51.6
3 A little 657 20 2,994 50,421,708 20.3
4 Not At All 291 8.9 3,285 21,658,045 8.7
TrustTelevision: A6f. Trust health/medical info - television?
Variable Name: TrustTelevision
Variable Label: A6f. Trust health/medical info - television?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustTelevision Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 184 5.6 184 13,251,588 5.3
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 13 0.4 197 953,942 0.4
1 A lot 92 2.8 289 6,985,074 2.8
2 Some 978 29.8 1,267 72,790,890 29.4
3 A little 1,309 39.8 2,576 99,033,954 40
4 Not At All 709 21.6 3,285 54,773,663 22.1
TrustGov: A6g. Trust health/medical info - govt health agencies?
Variable Name: TrustGov
Variable Label: A6g. Trust health/medical info - govt health agencies?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustGov Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 174 5.3 174 12,181,262 4.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 178 530,374 0.2
1 A lot 840 25.6 1,018 69,980,663 28.2
2 Some 1,416 43.1 2,434 104,767,825 42.3
3 A little 623 19 3,057 43,402,631 17.5
4 Not At All 228 6.9 3,285 16,926,357 6.8
TrustCharities: A6h. Trust health/medical info - charitable orgs?
Variable Name: TrustCharities
Variable Label: A6h. Trust health/medical info - charitable orgs?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustCharities Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 215 6.5 215 15,338,788 6.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 219 168,699 0.1
1 A lot 191 5.8 410 17,681,844 7.1
2 Some 1,204 36.7 1,614 92,655,274 37.4
3 A little 1,120 34.1 2,734 83,016,705 33.5
4 Not At All 551 16.8 3,285 38,927,801 15.7
TrustReligiousOrgs: A6i. Trust health/medical info - religious orgs/leaders?
Variable Name: TrustReligiousOrgs
Variable Label: A6i. Trust health/medical info - religious orgs/leaders?
Variable Format: TRUSTDO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TrustReligiousOrgs Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 193 5.9 193 13,652,626 5.5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 194 5,819 0
1 A lot 154 4.7 348 11,363,907 4.6
2 Some 793 24.1 1,141 56,835,840 22.9
3 A little 1,059 32.2 2,200 76,617,985 30.9
4 Not At All 1,085 33 3,285 89,312,933 36
StrongNeedHealthInfo: A7. Strong need to get info about health/medical topics. Where would you go first?
Variable Name: StrongNeedHealthInfo
Variable Label: A7. Strong need to get info about health/medical topics. Where would you go first?
Variable Format: STRONGG
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
StrongNeedHealthInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 21 0.6 21 1,105,660 0.4
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 123 3.7 144 10,256,342 4.1
1 Books 51 1.6 195 2,958,530 1.2
2 Brochures, pamphlets, etc. 20 0.6 215 1,350,213 0.5
3 Cancer organization 9 0.3 224 365,237 0.1
4 Family 87 2.6 311 5,447,220 2.2
5 Friend/Co-worker 28 0.9 339 1,932,045 0.8
6 Doctor or health care provider 1,622 49.4 1,961 115,381,214 46.6
7 Internet 1,231 37.5 3,192 100,347,942 40.5
8 Library 21 0.6 3,213 1,596,409 0.6
9 Magazines 1 0 3,214 119,377 0
10 Newspapers 3 0.1 3,217 233,562 0.1
11 Telephone information number 17 0.5 3,234 1,533,572 0.6
12 Complementary, alternative, or unconventional practitioner 17 0.5 3,251 1,312,629 0.5
91 Other - Specify: 34 1 3,285 3,849,160 1.6
StrongNeedHealthInfo_OS: A7. Strong need to get info about health/medical topics. Where...first? Other - SPECIFY:
Variable Name: StrongNeedHealthInfo_OS
Variable Label: A7. Strong need to get info about health/medical topics. Where...first? Other - SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $STRONGN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
StrongNeedHealthInfo_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded -5 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 3,221 98.1 3,221 242,551,231 97.9
or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 in
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 4 0.1 3,225 95,385 0
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 21 0.6 3,246 1,105,660 0.4
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 2 0.1 3,248 829,588 0.3
ANYONE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH BIG PHARMA Verbatim response 1 0 3,250 161,408 0.1
ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Verbatim response 1 0 3,251 16,706 0
CALL-911 Verbatim response 1 0 3,252 2,119 0
CDC.GOV Verbatim response 1 0 3,253 32,390 0
FAMILY SERVICES Verbatim response 1 0 3,254 12,516 0
GOVERNMENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,255 5,755 0
HEALTH CARE AGENCY Verbatim response 1 0 3,256 361,016 0.1
HEALTH INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE Verbatim response 1 0 3,257 453,337 0.2
HEALTHCARE PROVIDER WEBSITE Verbatim response 1 0 3,258 50,338 0
HOMEOPATHIC-NATURAL PHARMACY Verbatim response 1 0 3,259 331,276 0.1
HOSPITAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,260 6,224 0
I AM A HEALTH PROVIDER Verbatim response 1 0 3,261 23,825 0
I DO NOT KNOW Verbatim response 1 0 3,262 152,406 0.1
INSURANCE COMPANY Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,264 50,937 0
INTUITION Verbatim response 1 0 3,265 21,516 0
JAIL Verbatim response 1 0 3,266 231,532 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
StrongNeedHealthInfo_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
MEDICAL RECORDS Verbatim response 1 0 3,267 35,633 0
MYSELF Verbatim response 1 0 3,268 86,437 0
NATUROPATH Verbatim response 1 0 3,269 72,733 0
NOT INTERESTED Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,271 48,085 0
ONLINE LIBRARY/PUB-MED/PEER-REVIEWED Verbatim response 6 0.2 3,277 293,039 0.1
PEOPLE WITH ILLNESS Verbatim response 1 0 3,278 82,572 0
PRAYER Verbatim response 1 0 3,279 11,382 0
TELEVISION Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,281 344,724 0.1
UNABLE TO READ AND WRITE Verbatim response 1 0 3,282 16,043 0
UNION Verbatim response 1 0 3,283 202,025 0.1
USE STANDARD THREE-SOURCE APPROACH TO Verbatim response 1 0 3,284 20,534 0
VA Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 13,843 0
SeekCancerInfo: A8. Have you ever looked for information about cancer from any source?
Variable Name: SeekCancerInfo
Variable Label: A8. Have you ever looked for information about cancer from any source?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SeekCancerInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 16 0.5 16 762,645 0.3
1 Yes 1,873 57 1,889 137,287,349 55.4
2 No 1,396 42.5 3,285 109,739,117 44.3
InternetCancerInfoSelf: A9. Past 12 months...used internet to look for info about cancer for yourself?
Variable Name: InternetCancerInfoSelf
Variable Label: A9. Past 12 months...used internet to look for info about cancer for yourself?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
InternetCancerInfoSelf Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 12 0.4 12 557,859 0.2
1 Yes 564 17.2 576 41,722,678 16.8
2 No 2,709 82.5 3,285 205,508,574 82.9
UseInternet: B1. Do you ever go on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail?
Variable Name: UseInternet
Variable Label: B1. Do you ever go on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail?
Variable Format: USEINTE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UseInternet Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 2 0.1 2 236,058 0.1
1 Yes 2,533 77.1 2,535 200,896,630 81.1
2 No 750 22.8 3,285 46,656,422 18.8
Internet_DialUp: B2a. Internet, access through a regular dial-up telephone line?
Variable Name: Internet_DialUp
Variable Label: B2a. Internet, access through a regular dial-up telephone line?
Variable Format: INTERNE
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Participants who ever go online to access the internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive email
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Internet_DialUp Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 45 1.4 45 2,408,972 1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 47 236,058 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 79 2.4 126 4,333,929 1.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 671 20.4 797 42,322,493 17.1
1 Yes 67 2 864 5,297,251 2.1
2 No 2,421 73.7 3,285 193,190,408 78
Internet_BroadBnd: B2b. Internet, access through broadband such as DSL, cable or FiOS?
Variable Name: Internet_BroadBnd
Variable Label: B2b. Internet, access through broadband such as DSL, cable or FiOS?
Variable Format: INTERNE
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Participants who ever go online to access the internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive email
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Internet_BroadBnd Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 46 1.4 46 2,736,803 1.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 48 236,058 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 70 2.1 118 4,073,002 1.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 680 20.7 798 42,583,420 17.2
1 Yes 1,364 41.5 2,162 110,827,835 44.7
2 No 1,123 34.2 3,285 87,331,993 35.2
Internet_Cell: B2c. Internet, access through a cellular network (i.e., telephone, 3G/4G)?
Variable Name: Internet_Cell
Variable Label: B2c. Internet, access through a cellular network (i.e., telephone, 3G/4G)?
Variable Format: INTERNE
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Participants who ever go online to access the internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive email
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Internet_Cell Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 2,314,840 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 46 236,058 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 77 2.3 123 4,372,729 1.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 673 20.5 796 42,283,693 17.1
1 Yes 1,436 43.7 2,232 129,925,239 52.4
2 No 1,053 32.1 3,285 68,656,551 27.7
Internet_WiFi: B2d. Internet, access through a wireless network (Wi-Fi)?
Variable Name: Internet_WiFi
Variable Label: B2d. Internet, access through a wireless network (Wi-Fi)?
Variable Format: INTERNE
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Participants who ever go online to access the internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive email
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Internet_WiFi Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 41 1.2 41 2,294,960 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 43 236,058 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 75 2.3 118 5,223,467 2.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 675 20.5 793 41,432,955 16.7
1 Yes 1,983 60.4 2,776 162,815,024 65.7
2 No 509 15.5 3,285 35,786,646 14.4
WhereUseInternet_Home: B3a. How often do you access the internet - at home?
Variable Name: WhereUseInternet_Home
Variable Label: B3a. How often do you access the internet - at home?
Variable Format: WHEREUS
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Particpants who have ever gone on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereUseInternet_Home Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 65 2 65 3,722,487 1.5
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 67 236,058 0.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 70 301,289 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 149 4.5 219 9,257,068 3.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 601 18.3 820 37,399,355 15.1
1 Daily 1,502 45.7 2,322 118,005,812 47.6
2 Sometimes 749 22.8 3,071 60,423,324 24.4
3 Never 89 2.7 3,160 7,331,225 3
4 Not applicable 125 3.8 3,285 11,112,494 4.5
WhereUseInternet_Work: B3b. How often do you access the internet - at work?
Variable Name: WhereUseInternet_Work
Variable Label: B3b. How often do you access the internet - at work?
Variable Format: WHEREUS
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Particpants who have ever gone on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereUseInternet_Work Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 193 5.9 193 10,477,594 4.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 195 236,058 0.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 198 255,949 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 123 3.7 321 7,706,040 3.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 627 19.1 948 38,950,383 15.7
1 Daily 974 29.6 1,922 81,433,851 32.9
2 Sometimes 282 8.6 2,204 25,876,269 10.4
3 Never 284 8.6 2,488 28,422,647 11.5
4 Not applicable 797 24.3 3,285 54,430,321 22
WhereUseInternet_School: B3c. How often do you access the internet - at school?
Variable Name: WhereUseInternet_School
Variable Label: B3c. How often do you access the internet - at school?
Variable Format: WHEREUS
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Particpants who have ever gone on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereUseInternet_School Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 275 8.4 275 15,724,187 6.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 277 236,058 0.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 281 409,251 0.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 114 3.5 395 7,036,973 2.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 636 19.4 1,031 39,619,449 16
1 Daily 84 2.6 1,115 13,467,383 5.4
2 Sometimes 79 2.4 1,194 11,686,795 4.7
3 Never 339 10.3 1,533 31,339,803 12.6
4 Not applicable 1,752 53.3 3,285 128,269,213 51.8
WhereUseInternet_PublicPlace: B3d. How often do you access the internet - in a public place?
Variable Name: WhereUseInternet_PublicPlace
Variable Label: B3d. How often do you access the internet - in a public place?
Variable Format: WHEREUS
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Particpants who have ever gone on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereUseInternet_PublicPlace Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 236 7.2 236 13,942,769 5.6
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 238 236,058 0.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 9 0.3 247 504,987 0.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 128 3.9 375 7,919,118 3.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 622 18.9 997 38,737,305 15.6
1 Daily 24 0.7 1,021 2,891,894 1.2
2 Sometimes 414 12.6 1,435 38,477,667 15.5
3 Never 1,150 35 2,585 95,697,049 38.6
4 Not applicable 700 21.3 3,285 49,382,265 19.9
WhereUseInternet_MobileDevice: B3e. How often do you access the internet - a mobile device?
Variable Name: WhereUseInternet_MobileDevice
Variable Label: B3e. How often do you access the internet - a mobile device?
Variable Format: WHEREUS
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Particpants who have ever gone on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereUseInternet_MobileDevice Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 99 3 99 4,630,190 1.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 101 236,058 0.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 102 15,763 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 132 4 234 8,846,020 3.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 618 18.8 852 37,810,402 15.3
1 Daily 1,554 47.3 2,406 138,469,299 55.9
2 Sometimes 589 17.9 2,995 41,473,707 16.7
3 Never 141 4.3 3,136 7,269,493 2.9
4 Not applicable 149 4.5 3,285 9,038,179 3.6
WhereUseInternet_GamingDevice: B3f. How often do you access the internet - a gaming device/Smart TV?
Variable Name: WhereUseInternet_GamingDevice
Variable Label: B3f. How often do you access the internet - a gaming device/Smart TV?
Variable Format: WHEREUS
Criteria to receive Question: UseInternet=1
Criteria description: Particpants who have ever gone on-line to access the Internet or World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhereUseInternet_GamingDevice Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 226 6.9 226 12,652,237 5.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 2 0.1 228 236,058 0.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 5 0.2 233 477,989 0.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 128 3.9 361 7,970,827 3.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in UseInternet 622 18.9 983 38,685,595 15.6
1 Daily 139 4.2 1,122 16,174,007 6.5
2 Sometimes 326 9.9 1,448 33,855,631 13.7
3 Never 1,049 31.9 2,497 82,702,489 33.4
4 Not applicable 788 24 3,285 55,034,278 22.2
Electronic_SelfHealthInfo: B4a. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for health/medical info for yourself?
Variable Name: Electronic_SelfHealthInfo
Variable Label: B4a. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for health/medical info for yourself?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_SelfHealthInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 34 1 34 1,855,571 0.7
1 Yes 2,210 67.3 2,244 173,485,952 70
2 No 1,041 31.7 3,285 72,447,589 29.2
Electronic_HealthInfoSE: B4b. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for health/medical info for someone else?
Variable Name: Electronic_HealthInfoSE
Variable Label: B4b. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for health/medical info for someone else?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_HealthInfoSE Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 51 1.6 51 3,089,361 1.2
1 Yes 1,782 54.2 1,833 143,555,851 57.9
2 No 1,452 44.2 3,285 101,143,899 40.8
Electronic_BuyMedicine: B4c. Past 12 months...used electronic means to buy medicine or vitamins online?
Variable Name: Electronic_BuyMedicine
Variable Label: B4c. Past 12 months...used electronic means to buy medicine or vitamins online?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_BuyMedicine Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 85 2.6 85 4,724,419 1.9
1 Yes 702 21.4 787 50,318,762 20.3
2 No 2,498 76 3,285 192,745,929 77.8
Electronic_HCPSearch: B4d. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for a health care provider?
Variable Name: Electronic_HCPSearch
Variable Label: B4d. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look for a health care provider?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_HCPSearch Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 86 2.6 86 4,861,127 2
1 Yes 1,247 38 1,333 102,982,272 41.6
2 No 1,952 59.4 3,285 139,945,713 56.5
Electronic_TalkDoctor: B4e. Past 12 months...used electronic means to communicate with doctor using e-mail/internet?
Variable Name: Electronic_TalkDoctor
Variable Label: B4e. Past 12 months...used electronic means to communicate with doctor using e-mail/internet?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_TalkDoctor Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 52 1.6 52 3,245,583 1.3
1 Yes 1,149 35 1,201 85,072,286 34.3
2 No 2,084 63.4 3,285 159,471,242 64.4
Electronic_MadeAppts: B4f. Past 12 months...used electronic means to make appts with a health care provider?
Variable Name: Electronic_MadeAppts
Variable Label: B4f. Past 12 months...used electronic means to make appts with a health care provider?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_MadeAppts Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 53 1.6 53 2,899,264 1.2
1 Yes 1,281 39 1,334 96,749,439 39
2 No 1,951 59.4 3,285 148,140,408 59.8
Electronic_TrackedHealthCosts: B4g. Past 12 months...used electronic means to track health care charges and costs?
Variable Name: Electronic_TrackedHealthCosts
Variable Label: B4g. Past 12 months...used electronic means to track health care charges and costs?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_TrackedHealthCosts Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 82 2.5 82 5,260,703 2.1
1 Yes 1,003 30.5 1,085 81,981,413 33.1
2 No 2,200 67 3,285 160,546,995 64.8
Electronic_CompletedForms: B4h. Past 12 months...used electronic means to fill out health care forms/paperwork?
Variable Name: Electronic_CompletedForms
Variable Label: B4h. Past 12 months...used electronic means to fill out health care forms/paperwork?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_CompletedForms Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 50 1.5 50 2,665,187 1.1
1 Yes 1,249 38 1,299 100,124,254 40.4
2 No 1,986 60.5 3,285 144,999,670 58.5
Electronic_TestResults: B4i. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look up test results?
Variable Name: Electronic_TestResults
Variable Label: B4i. Past 12 months...used electronic means to look up test results?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Electronic_TestResults Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 51 1.6 51 3,498,536 1.4
1 Yes 1,114 33.9 1,165 80,267,283 32.4
2 No 2,120 64.5 3,285 164,023,292 66.2
HaveDevice_Tablet: B5a. Please indicate if you have a - Tablet computer
Variable Name: HaveDevice_Tablet
Variable Label: B5a. Please indicate if you have a - Tablet computer
Variable Format: HAVEDEV
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HaveDevice_Tablet Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 18 0.5 18 951,629 0.4
1 Yes 1,916 58.3 1,934 151,993,213 61.3
2 No 1,351 41.1 3,285 94,844,269 38.3
HaveDevice_SmartPh: B5b. Please indicate if you have a - Smartphone
Variable Name: HaveDevice_SmartPh
Variable Label: B5b. Please indicate if you have a - Smartphone
Variable Format: HAVEDEV
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HaveDevice_SmartPh Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 37 1.1 37 2,277,697 0.9
1 Yes 2,386 72.6 2,423 193,791,280 78.2
2 No 862 26.2 3,285 51,720,133 20.9
HaveDevice_CellPh: B5c. Please indicate if you have a - Basic cell phone
Variable Name: HaveDevice_CellPh
Variable Label: B5c. Please indicate if you have a - Basic cell phone
Variable Format: HAVEDEV
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HaveDevice_CellPh Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 96 2.9 96 4,867,589 2
1 Yes 849 25.8 945 52,352,528 21.1
2 No 2,340 71.2 3,285 190,568,994 76.9
TabletHealthWellnessApps: B6. On your tablet or smartphone, do you have any apps related to health and wellness?
Variable Name: TabletHealthWellnessApps
Variable Label: B6. On your tablet or smartphone, do you have any apps related to health and wellness?
Variable Format: TABLETH
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TabletHealthWellnessApps Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 3,017,159 1.2
1 Yes 1,173 35.7 1,217 94,674,125 38.2
2 No 1,424 43.3 2,641 109,253,988 44.1
3 Don't know 154 4.7 2,795 9,039,460 3.6
4 Do not have a tablet or smartphone 490 14.9 3,285 31,804,379 12.8
Tablet_AchieveGoal: B7a. Has your tablet helped you track progress on a health-related goal?
Variable Name: Tablet_AchieveGoal
Variable Label: B7a. Has your tablet helped you track progress on a health-related goal?
Variable Format: TABLET_
Criteria to receive Question: TabletHealthWellnessApps=1,2,3
Criteria description: Participants who have a tablet or smartphone
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Tablet_AchieveGoal Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 110 3.3 110 6,011,779 2.4
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 56 1.7 166 3,193,302 1.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 4 in TabletHealthWellnessApps 434 13.2 600 28,611,077 11.5
1 Yes 992 30.2 1,592 83,957,322 33.9
2 No 1,693 51.5 3,285 126,015,631 50.9
Tablet_MakeDecision: B7b. Has your tablet helped you make a decision about how to treat an illness or condition?
Variable Name: Tablet_MakeDecision
Variable Label: B7b. Has your tablet helped you make a decision about how to treat an illness or condition?
Variable Format: TABLET_
Criteria to receive Question: TabletHealthWellnessApps=1,2,3
Criteria description: Participants who have a tablet or smartphone
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Tablet_MakeDecision Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 123 3.7 123 6,236,370 2.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 55 1.7 178 3,184,768 1.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 4 in TabletHealthWellnessApps 435 13.2 613 28,619,611 11.5
1 Yes 909 27.7 1,522 74,921,367 30.2
2 No 1,763 53.7 3,285 134,826,995 54.4
Tablet_DiscussionsHCP: B7c. Has your tablet helped you in discussions with your health care provider?
Variable Name: Tablet_DiscussionsHCP
Variable Label: B7c. Has your tablet helped you in discussions with your health care provider?
Variable Format: TABLET_
Criteria to receive Question: TabletHealthWellnessApps=1,2,3
Criteria description: Participants who have a tablet or smartphone
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Tablet_DiscussionsHCP Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 125 3.8 125 6,820,511 2.8
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 57 1.7 182 3,206,438 1.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 4 in TabletHealthWellnessApps 433 13.2 615 28,597,941 11.5
1 Yes 844 25.7 1,459 66,241,860 26.7
2 No 1,826 55.6 3,285 142,922,361 57.7
OtherDevTrackHealth: B8. Other than a tablet/smartphone, used device to monitor/track your health in last 12 months?
Variable Name: OtherDevTrackHealth
Variable Label: B8. Other than a tablet/smartphone, used device to monitor/track your health in last 12 months?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OtherDevTrackHealth Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 36 1.1 36 1,992,065 0.8
1 Yes 1,178 35.9 1,214 83,459,576 33.7
2 No 2,071 63 3,285 162,337,470 65.5
SharedHealthDeviceInfo: B9. Shared health info from an electronic monitoring device/smartphone with a health pro?
Variable Name: SharedHealthDeviceInfo
Variable Label: B9. Shared health info from an electronic monitoring device/smartphone with a health pro?
Variable Format: SHAREDH
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SharedHealthDeviceInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 29 0.9 29 1,487,608 0.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 20 0.6 49 1,098,454 0.4
1 Yes 570 17.4 619 39,292,152 15.9
2 No 2,343 71.3 2,962 182,094,016 73.5
3 Not Applicable 323 9.8 3,285 23,816,881 9.6
IntRsn_VisitedSocNet: B10a. Last 12 months...used internet to visit a social networking site?
Variable Name: IntRsn_VisitedSocNet
Variable Label: B10a. Last 12 months...used internet to visit a social networking site?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IntRsn_VisitedSocNet Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 30 0.9 30 2,120,279 0.9
1 Yes 2,028 61.7 2,058 167,511,082 67.6
2 No 1,227 37.4 3,285 78,157,749 31.5
IntRsn_SharedSocNet: B10b. Last 12 months...used internet to share health information on social networking site?
Variable Name: IntRsn_SharedSocNet
Variable Label: B10b. Last 12 months...used internet to share health information on social networking site?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IntRsn_SharedSocNet Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 2,758,157 1.1
1 Yes 437 13.3 481 36,774,603 14.8
2 No 2,804 85.4 3,285 208,256,352 84
IntRsn_WroteBlog: B10c. Last 12 months...used internet to write in an online diary or blog?
Variable Name: IntRsn_WroteBlog
Variable Label: B10c. Last 12 months...used internet to write in an online diary or blog?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IntRsn_WroteBlog Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 63 1.9 63 3,985,579 1.6
1 Yes 123 3.7 186 12,359,134 5
2 No 3,099 94.3 3,285 231,444,398 93.4
IntRsn_SupportGroup: B10d. Last 12 months...used internet to participate in a forum/support group for medical issue?
Variable Name: IntRsn_SupportGroup
Variable Label: B10d. Last 12 months...used internet to participate in a forum/support group for medical issue?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IntRsn_SupportGroup Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 45 1.4 45 3,416,627 1.4
1 Yes 197 6 242 16,527,736 6.7
2 No 3,043 92.6 3,285 227,844,748 92
IntRsn_YouTube: B10e. Last 12 months...used internet to watch a health-related video on YouTube?
Variable Name: IntRsn_YouTube
Variable Label: B10e. Last 12 months...used internet to watch a health-related video on YouTube?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IntRsn_YouTube Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 42 1.3 42 2,890,532 1.2
1 Yes 871 26.5 913 73,794,357 29.8
2 No 2,372 72.2 3,285 171,104,222 69.1
TextFromDoctor: B11. Have you sent/received a text message from a doctor/health care pro in last 12 months?
Variable Name: TextFromDoctor
Variable Label: B11. Have you sent/received a text message from a doctor/health care pro in last 12 months?
Variable Format: TEXTFRO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TextFromDoctor Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 40 1.2 40 2,553,326 1
1 Yes 1,005 30.6 1,045 70,740,810 28.5
2 No 2,183 66.5 3,228 169,295,529 68.3
3 Don't know 57 1.7 3,285 5,199,446 2.1
RegularProvider: C1. Is there a doctor/nurse/health pro that you see most often?
Variable Name: RegularProvider
Variable Label: C1. Is there a doctor/nurse/health pro that you see most often?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RegularProvider Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,676,267 1.1
1 Yes 2,318 70.6 2,356 160,148,129 64.6
2 No 929 28.3 3,285 84,964,716 34.3
MostRecentCheckup2: C2. About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?
Variable Name: MostRecentCheckup2
Variable Label: C2. About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?
Variable Format: MOSTREC
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MostRecentCheckup2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 2,705,628 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 8 0.2 47 703,299 0.3
1 Within past year 2,420 73.7 2,467 166,246,997 67.1
2 1 - 2 years ago 430 13.1 2,897 37,249,232 15
3 3 - 5 years ago 178 5.4 3,075 20,509,148 8.3
4 More than 5 years ago 140 4.3 3,215 13,670,147 5.5
5 Never 26 0.8 3,241 2,753,290 1.1
6 Don't know 44 1.3 3,285 3,951,370 1.6
FreqGoProvider: C3. Past 12 months, how many times did you go to a doctor/nurse/health pro to get care...?
Variable Name: FreqGoProvider
Variable Label: C3. Past 12 months, how many times did you go to a doctor/nurse/health pro to get care...?
Variable Format: FREQGOP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
FreqGoProvider Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 46 1.4 46 3,199,747 1.3
0 None 462 14.1 508 42,083,768 17
1 1 time 526 16 1,034 46,059,625 18.6
2 2 times 633 19.3 1,667 50,787,641 20.5
3 3 times 484 14.7 2,151 31,406,742 12.7
4 4 times 424 12.9 2,575 26,137,285 10.5
5 5-9 times 442 13.5 3,017 31,087,398 12.5
6 10 or more times 268 8.2 3,285 17,026,904 6.9
ChanceAskQuestions: C4a. How often...give you the chance to ask all the health-related questions you had?
Variable Name: ChanceAskQuestions
Variable Label: C4a. How often...give you the chance to ask all the health-related questions you had?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ChanceAskQuestions Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 52 1.6 52 3,412,647 1.4
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 81 2.5 133 5,923,051 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 381 11.6 514 36,160,718 14.6
1 Always 1,765 53.7 2,279 124,243,742 50.1
2 Usually 725 22.1 3,004 55,309,509 22.3
3 Sometimes 245 7.5 3,249 20,703,240 8.4
4 Never 36 1.1 3,285 2,036,205 0.8
FeelingsAddressed: C4b. How often...give the attention you needed to your feelings and emotions?
Variable Name: FeelingsAddressed
Variable Label: C4b. How often...give the attention you needed to your feelings and emotions?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
FeelingsAddressed Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 72 2.2 72 4,804,382 1.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 75 114,543 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 79 2.4 154 5,813,657 2.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 383 11.7 537 36,270,112 14.6
1 Always 1,374 41.8 1,911 102,268,509 41.3
2 Usually 847 25.8 2,758 60,404,889 24.4
3 Sometimes 392 11.9 3,150 28,035,252 11.3
4 Never 135 4.1 3,285 10,077,767 4.1
InvolvedDecisions: C4c. How often...involve you in decisions about your health care as much as you wanted?
Variable Name: InvolvedDecisions
Variable Label: C4c. How often...involve you in decisions about your health care as much as you wanted?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
InvolvedDecisions Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 66 2 66 4,535,334 1.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 67 41,690 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 79 2.4 146 5,965,363 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 383 11.7 529 36,118,406 14.6
1 Always 1,507 45.9 2,036 106,341,375 42.9
2 Usually 848 25.8 2,884 65,075,811 26.3
3 Sometimes 338 10.3 3,222 25,580,067 10.3
4 Never 63 1.9 3,285 4,131,066 1.7
UnderstoodNextSteps: C4d. How often...make sure you understood what you needed to do to take care of your health?
Variable Name: UnderstoodNextSteps
Variable Label: C4d. How often...make sure you understood what you needed to do to take care of your health?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UnderstoodNextSteps Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 58 1.8 58 4,161,236 1.7
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 80 2.4 138 5,879,474 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 382 11.6 520 36,204,294 14.6
1 Always 1,731 52.7 2,251 126,615,271 51.1
2 Usually 783 23.8 3,034 54,844,601 22.1
3 Sometimes 226 6.9 3,260 17,833,367 7.2
4 Never 25 0.8 3,285 2,250,867 0.9
ExplainedClearly: C4e. How often...explain things in a way you could understand?
Variable Name: ExplainedClearly
Variable Label: C4e. How often...explain things in a way you could understand?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ExplainedClearly Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 65 2 65 4,431,245 1.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 66 37,429 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 78 2.4 144 5,826,343 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 384 11.7 528 36,257,425 14.6
1 Always 1,784 54.3 2,312 130,141,185 52.5
2 Usually 781 23.8 3,093 58,558,789 23.6
3 Sometimes 171 5.2 3,264 11,044,852 4.5
4 Never 21 0.6 3,285 1,491,842 0.6
SpentEnoughTime: C4f. How often...spend enough time with you?
Variable Name: SpentEnoughTime
Variable Label: C4f. How often...spend enough time with you?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SpentEnoughTime Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 69 2.1 69 4,871,751 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 70 8,226 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 78 2.4 148 5,798,652 2.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 384 11.7 532 36,285,117 14.6
1 Always 1,390 42.3 1,922 98,429,576 39.7
2 Usually 888 27 2,810 64,877,105 26.2
3 Sometimes 388 11.8 3,198 31,784,595 12.8
4 Never 87 2.6 3,285 5,734,091 2.3
HelpUncertainty: C4g. How you deal with feelings of uncertainty about your health or health care?
Variable Name: HelpUncertainty
Variable Label: C4g. How you deal with feelings of uncertainty about your health or health care?
Variable Format: CHANCEA
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HelpUncertainty Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 86 2.6 86 5,475,595 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 80 2.4 166 5,857,233 2.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 382 11.6 548 36,226,535 14.6
1 Always 1,256 38.2 1,804 91,348,240 36.9
2 Usually 889 27.1 2,693 65,691,715 26.5
3 Sometimes 406 12.4 3,099 29,761,244 12
4 Never 186 5.7 3,285 13,428,548 5.4
QualityCare: C5. Overall, how would you rate the quality of health care you received in the past 12 months?
Variable Name: QualityCare
Variable Label: C5. Overall, how would you rate the quality of health care you received in the past 12 months?
Variable Format: QUALITY
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
QualityCare Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 48 1.5 48 4,025,072 1.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 6 0.2 54 255,269 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 79 2.4 133 5,768,393 2.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 383 11.7 516 36,315,375 14.7
1 Excellent 1,028 31.3 1,544 70,522,216 28.5
2 Very good 1,080 32.9 2,624 81,158,800 32.8
3 Good 500 15.2 3,124 36,471,500 14.7
4 Fair 137 4.2 3,261 11,542,274 4.7
5 Poor 24 0.7 3,285 1,730,212 0.7
ProbCare_BringTest: C6a. Had to bring an x-ray, MRI, or other type of test with you to the appointment?
Variable Name: ProbCare_BringTest
Variable Label: C6a. Had to bring an x-ray, MRI, or other type of test with you to the appointment?
Variable Format: PROBCAR
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ProbCare_BringTest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 3,219,589 1.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 86 2.6 130 6,772,429 2.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 376 11.4 506 35,311,340 14.3
1 Yes 606 18.4 1,112 38,307,949 15.5
2 No 2,173 66.1 3,285 164,177,805 66.3
ProbCare_WaitLong: C6b. Had to wait for test results longer than you thought was reasonable?
Variable Name: ProbCare_WaitLong
Variable Label: C6b. Had to wait for test results longer than you thought was reasonable?
Variable Format: PROBCAR
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ProbCare_WaitLong Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 61 1.9 61 3,936,580 1.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 83 2.5 144 6,261,752 2.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 379 11.5 523 35,822,017 14.5
1 Yes 387 11.8 910 28,118,318 11.3
2 No 2,375 72.3 3,285 173,650,445 70.1
ProbCare_RedoTest: C6c. Had to redo a test or procedure because the earlier test results were not available?
Variable Name: ProbCare_RedoTest
Variable Label: C6c. Had to redo a test or procedure because the earlier test results were not available?
Variable Format: PROBCAR
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ProbCare_RedoTest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 59 1.8 59 3,694,044 1.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 84 2.6 143 6,704,239 2.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 378 11.5 521 35,379,529 14.3
1 Yes 161 4.9 682 13,848,561 5.6
2 No 2,603 79.2 3,285 188,162,738 75.9
ProbCare_ProvideHist: C6d. Had to provide your medical history again because your chart could not be found?
Variable Name: ProbCare_ProvideHist
Variable Label: C6d. Had to provide your medical history again because your chart could not be found?
Variable Format: PROBCAR
Criteria to receive Question: FreqGoProvider=1,2,3,4,5,6
Criteria description: Participants who went to a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, not counting times they went to the emergency room, in the last 12 months, at least once
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ProbCare_ProvideHist Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 54 1.6 54 3,531,199 1.4
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 84 2.6 138 6,438,051 2.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in FreqGoProvider 378 11.5 516 35,645,717 14.4
1 Yes 169 5.1 685 14,639,308 5.9
2 No 2,600 79.1 3,285 187,534,836 75.7
HealthIns_InsuranceEmp: C7a. Insurance through a current or former employer or union?
Variable Name: HealthIns_InsuranceEmp
Variable Label: C7a. Insurance through a current or former employer or union?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_InsuranceEmp Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 76 2.3 76 4,922,558 2
1 Yes 1,735 52.8 1,811 132,922,480 53.6
2 No 1,474 44.9 3,285 109,944,073 44.4
HealthIns_InsurancePriv: C7b. Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company?
Variable Name: HealthIns_InsurancePriv
Variable Label: C7b. Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_InsurancePriv Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 117 3.6 117 7,931,925 3.2
1 Yes 518 15.8 635 35,249,626 14.2
2 No 2,650 80.7 3,285 204,607,560 82.6
HealthIns_Medicare: C7c. Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilities?
Variable Name: HealthIns_Medicare
Variable Label: C7c. Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilities?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Medicare Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 77 2.3 77 6,657,503 2.7
1 Yes 1,147 34.9 1,224 55,341,792 22.3
2 No 2,061 62.7 3,285 185,789,816 75
HealthIns_Medicaid: C7d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan?
Variable Name: HealthIns_Medicaid
Variable Label: C7d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Medicaid Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 115 3.5 115 8,098,977 3.3
1 Yes 499 15.2 614 43,663,716 17.6
2 No 2,671 81.3 3,285 196,026,418 79.1
HealthIns_Tricare: C7e. TRICARE or other military health care?
Variable Name: HealthIns_Tricare
Variable Label: C7e. TRICARE or other military health care?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Tricare Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 207 6.3 207 12,881,311 5.2
1 Yes 150 4.6 357 8,356,430 3.4
2 No 2,928 89.1 3,285 226,551,371 91.4
HealthIns_VA: C7f. VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care)?
Variable Name: HealthIns_VA
Variable Label: C7f. VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care)?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_VA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 107 3.3 107 7,611,190 3.1
1 Yes 200 6.1 307 10,191,739 4.1
2 No 2,978 90.7 3,285 229,986,182 92.8
HealthIns_IHS: C7g. Indian Health Service?
Variable Name: HealthIns_IHS
Variable Label: C7g. Indian Health Service?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_IHS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 182 5.5 182 13,040,471 5.3
1 Yes 12 0.4 194 792,061 0.3
2 No 3,091 94.1 3,285 233,956,579 94.4
HealthIns_Other: C7h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan (Specify)?
Variable Name: HealthIns_Other
Variable Label: C7h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan (Specify)?
Variable Format: HEALTHF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Other Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 378 11.5 378 29,923,456 12.1
1 Yes 266 8.1 644 16,994,631 6.9
2 No 2,641 80.4 3,285 200,871,024 81.1
HealthIns_Other_OS: C7h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan - SPECIFY:
Variable Name: HealthIns_Other_OS
Variable Label: C7h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan - SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $HEALTHI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in 2,624 79.9 2,624 200,031,417 80.7
-2 Question answered in error 17 0.5 2,641 839,607 0.3
(Commission Error)
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 378 11.5 3,019 29,923,456 12.1
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 12 0.4 3,031 821,481 0.3
AARP/UNITED HEALTHCARE Verbatim response 11 0.3 3,042 664,302 0.3
ACCIDENT POLICY Verbatim response 1 0 3,043 55,780 0
AETNA Verbatim response 3 0.1 3,046 80,525 0
AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Verbatim response 12 0.4 3,058 1,207,858 0.5
AFLAC Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,062 262,198 0.1
AIRMED Verbatim response 1 0 3,063 176,365 0.1
AMERICAN CONTINENTAL/AETNA Verbatim response 1 0 3,064 85,821 0
ARTHUR BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Verbatim response 1 0 3,065 15,643 0
AUTO ACCIDENT INSURANCE WITH MEDICAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,066 41,116 0
AVMED Verbatim response 1 0 3,067 22,131 0
BLUE CHIP Verbatim response 1 0 3,068 39,655 0
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Verbatim response 24 0.7 3,092 1,787,529 0.7
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD FED Verbatim response 1 0 3,093 8,272 0
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD PPO Verbatim response 1 0 3,094 17,503 0
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD/UNITED HEALTHCARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,095 38,764 0
C PLUS Verbatim response 1 0 3,096 44,696 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
CAMPUS CARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,097 46,020 0
CANCER POLICY Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,099 102,322 0
CAPITAL HEALTH PLAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,100 27,828 0
CARE 1ST Verbatim response 1 0 3,101 13,282 0
CARE MORE Verbatim response 1 0 3,102 22,299 0
CARE SOURCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,103 55,734 0
CATASTROPHIC HEALTH EVENT COVERAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,104 5,986 0
CHAMP VA Verbatim response 1 0 3,105 6,756 0
CHRISTIAN HEALTHCARE MINISTRIES Verbatim response 1 0 3,106 43,407 0
CIGNA HEALTH SPRING Verbatim response 1 0 3,107 83,873 0
CISNA Verbatim response 1 0 3,108 30,564 0
COBRA Verbatim response 1 0 3,109 21,325 0
COMMUNITY HEALTH PLAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,110 52,296 0
CONTRACT HEALTH Verbatim response 1 0 3,111 76,721 0
COST SHARING Verbatim response 1 0 3,112 40,485 0
COVENTRY Verbatim response 1 0 3,113 39,210 0
COVERED CA Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,117 221,484 0.1
CRIME VICTIM COMPENSATION PROGRAM Verbatim response 1 0 3,118 21,706 0
DEAN CARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,119 111,560 0
FEP BLUE VISION AETNA DENTAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,120 30,725 0
FLORIDA BLUE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,122 128,980 0.1
FSA Verbatim response 1 0 3,123 32,888 0
GATEWAY HEALTH PLAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,124 114,732 0
GEISINGER Verbatim response 1 0 3,125 86,437 0
GOLD CARD Verbatim response 1 0 3,126 87,867 0
HAP Verbatim response 1 0 3,127 105,739 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
HEALTH CARE SHARING SAMARITAN MINISTRIES Verbatim response 1 0 3,128 23,285 0
HEALTH CHOICE Verbatim response 1 0 3,129 82,394 0
HEALTH COVERAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,130 32,751 0
HEALTH INSURANCE IAC Verbatim response 1 0 3,131 21,922 0
HEALTH INSURANCE THROUGH PARENT Verbatim response 3 0.1 3,134 514,279 0.2
HEALTH NET OF AZ Verbatim response 1 0 3,135 42,296 0
HEALTHCARE.GOV Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,137 36,478 0
HORIZON Verbatim response 1 0 3,138 19,097 0
HSA Verbatim response 1 0 3,139 37,565 0
HUMANA Verbatim response 11 0.3 3,150 651,526 0.3
I CARE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE BOTH MEDICARE AND Verbatim response 1 0 3,151 20,534 0
I.E.W.H. HEALTHCARE COVERAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,152 28,495 0
INSURANCE THROUGH MY UNIVERSITY Verbatim response 1 0 3,153 29,044 0
IRISH-AMERICAN MEDICAL OF THE OZARKS Verbatim response 1 0 3,154 81,329 0
KAISER PERMANENTE Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,158 247,137 0.1
KAISER SENIOR ADVANTAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,159 11,725 0
LIABILITY INSURANCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,160 27,036 0
LIFE INSURANCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,161 61,109 0
LONG TERM INSURANCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,162 10,314 0
MAGNOLIA Verbatim response 1 0 3,163 43,871 0
MAINE CARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,164 63,901 0
MARKETPLACE INSURANCE Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,168 583,398 0.2
MASS HEALTH Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,170 383,947 0.2
MASS HEALTH/NAP Verbatim response 1 0 3,171 59,790 0
MCR ADVANTAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,172 66,896 0
MEDI-CAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,173 106,541 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
MEDICAID & MEDICARE WELL CARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,174 45,307 0
MEDICAL Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,176 101,251 0
MEDICAL CA Verbatim response 1 0 3,177 5,096 0
MEDICAL HMO Verbatim response 1 0 3,178 18,357 0
MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,180 145,934 0.1
MEDICARE B&D Verbatim response 1 0 3,181 34,044 0
MEDICARE PART A ONLY! Verbatim response 1 0 3,182 160,489 0.1
MEDICARE PART D Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,184 167,341 0.1
MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTAL POLICY Verbatim response 18 0.5 3,202 835,701 0.3
MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTAL POLICY/ANTHEM Verbatim response 1 0 3,203 22,318 0
MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTAL POLICY/C7-B Verbatim response 1 0 3,204 17,000 0
MEDICINE SUPPLEMENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,205 44,696 0
MEDIGAP Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,207 77,690 0
MHC Verbatim response 1 0 3,208 14,565 0
MN SURE Verbatim response 1 0 3,209 63,959 0
MOLINA Verbatim response 1 0 3,210 26,073 0
MUTUAL OF OMAHA Verbatim response 1 0 3,211 66,678 0
MVP Verbatim response 1 0 3,212 15,354 0
NC STATE HEALTH PLAN FOR RETIREES Verbatim response 1 0 3,213 38,751 0
NO INSURANCE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,215 88,451 0
OBAMACARE Verbatim response 16 0.5 3,231 945,305 0.4
PARENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,232 77,050 0
PAY CASH TO SEE DOCTOR AND TEST Verbatim response 1 0 3,233 49,068 0
PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,235 282,538 0.1
PROVIDENCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,236 34,200 0
RI HEALTH Verbatim response 1 0 3,237 132,042 0.1
RX PART MEDICAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,238 128,841 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthIns_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
SCAN Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,240 77,844 0
SCHOOL RELATED INSURANCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,241 45,148 0
SECONDARY INSURANCE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,243 421,363 0.2
SENIOR ADVANTAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,244 29,710 0
SHARED HEALTHCARE COMPANY "MEDI-SHARE" Verbatim response 1 0 3,245 44,911 0
STATE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,247 32,337 0
STAY WELL Verbatim response 1 0 3,248 19,134 0
SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE POLICY Verbatim response 7 0.2 3,255 364,340 0.1
SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE POLICY/20% Verbatim response 1 0 3,256 61,593 0
TEN CARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,257 589,823 0.2
TEXAS PLUS Verbatim response 1 0 3,258 5,429 0
TRANS-AMERICA Verbatim response 1 0 3,259 43,638 0
TRICARE SUPPLEMENTAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,260 208,795 0.1
TRYING TO GET INSURANCE FROM THE GOVERNMENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,261 106,145 0
TUFTS TOGETHER Verbatim response 1 0 3,262 20,766 0
UMR Verbatim response 1 0 3,263 269,367 0.1
UNICARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,264 70,350 0
UNITED HEALTHCARE Verbatim response 5 0.2 3,269 119,184 0
UNITED NATIONS Verbatim response 1 0 3,270 38,085 0
VCC Verbatim response 1 0 3,271 7,392 0
VISION/DENTAL INSURANCE/DISCOUNT PLANS Verbatim response 8 0.2 3,279 257,521 0.1
VOLUNTARY INDIVIDUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,280 77,910 0
WA HEALTH PLAN FINDER Verbatim response 1 0 3,281 12,596 0
WELL CARE INSURANCE Verbatim response 3 0.1 3,284 51,941 0
WORKMANS COMP COVERAGE Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 114,689 0
HealthInsurance: Derived var to categorize the health care coverage variables (C7a-h)
Variable Name: HealthInsurance
Variable Label: Derived var to categorize the health care coverage variables (C7a-h)
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HealthInsurance Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,101,242 1.3
1 Yes 3,089 94 3,128 224,469,274 90.6
2 No 157 4.8 3,285 20,218,595 8.2
ProviderMaintainEMR2: D1. Do any of your doctors/HCP maintain your medical records in a computerized system?
Variable Name: ProviderMaintainEMR2
Variable Label: D1. Do any of your doctors/HCP maintain your medical records in a computerized system?
Variable Format: TEXTFRO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ProviderMaintainEMR2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 36 1.1 36 2,714,447 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 37 328,900 0.1
1 Yes 2,606 79.3 2,643 187,090,156 75.5
2 No 89 2.7 2,732 10,222,349 4.1
3 Don't know 553 16.8 3,285 47,433,260 19.1
OfferedAccessHCP2: D2a. Have you ever been offered online access to your medical records by your health care provider?
Variable Name: OfferedAccessHCP2
Variable Label: D2a. Have you ever been offered online access to your medical records by your health care provider?
Variable Format: TEXTFRO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OfferedAccessHCP2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 50 1.5 50 3,375,724 1.4
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 54 267,975 0.1
1 Yes 1,654 50.4 1,708 114,791,976 46.3
2 No 1,186 36.1 2,894 97,640,951 39.4
3 Don't know 391 11.9 3,285 31,712,484 12.8
OfferedAccessInsurer2: D2b. Have you ever been offered online access to your medical records by your health insurer?
Variable Name: OfferedAccessInsurer2
Variable Label: D2b. Have you ever been offered online access to your medical records by your health insurer?
Variable Format: TEXTFRO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OfferedAccessInsurer2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 303 9.2 303 18,744,460 7.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 305 52,722 0
1 Yes 785 23.9 1,090 57,560,990 23.2
2 No 1,491 45.4 2,581 118,259,326 47.7
3 Don't know 704 21.4 3,285 53,171,613 21.5
HCPEncourageOnlineRec: D3. Have your HCP/doctors/nurses/office staff ever encouraged you to use an online medical record?
Variable Name: HCPEncourageOnlineRec
Variable Label: D3. Have your HCP/doctors/nurses/office staff ever encouraged you to use an online medical record?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HCPEncourageOnlineRec Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 52 1.6 52 3,822,327 1.5
1 Yes 1,388 42.3 1,440 95,603,340 38.6
2 No 1,845 56.2 3,285 148,363,444 59.9
AccessOnlineRecord: D4. How many times did you access your online medical record in the last 12 months?
Variable Name: AccessOnlineRecord
Variable Label: D4. How many times did you access your online medical record in the last 12 months?
Variable Format: ACCESSO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AccessOnlineRecord Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 87 2.6 87 7,026,886 2.8
0 None 2,195 66.8 2,282 170,967,896 69
1 1 to 2 times 496 15.1 2,778 36,613,014 14.8
2 3 to 5 times 313 9.5 3,091 20,897,853 8.4
3 6 to 9 times 104 3.2 3,195 6,599,525 2.7
4 10 or more times 90 2.7 3,285 5,683,936 2.3
NotAccessed_SpeakDirectly: D5a. Because you prefer to speak to your health care provider directly?
Variable Name: NotAccessed_SpeakDirectly
Variable Label: D5a. Because you prefer to speak to your health care provider directly?
Variable Format: NOTACCE
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_SpeakDirectly Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 210 6.4 210 14,466,181 5.8
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 209 6.4 419 16,792,679 6.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in AccessOnlineRecord 881 26.8 1,300 60,028,535 24.2
1 Yes 1,393 42.4 2,693 104,943,084 42.4
2 No 592 18 3,285 51,558,631 20.8
NotAccessed_NoInternet: D5b. Because you do not have a way to access the website?
Variable Name: NotAccessed_NoInternet
Variable Label: D5b. Because you do not have a way to access the website?
Variable Format: NOTACCE
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_NoInternet Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 222 6.8 222 15,341,165 6.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 192 5.8 414 15,599,164 6.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in AccessOnlineRecord 898 27.3 1,312 61,222,050 24.7
1 Yes 501 15.3 1,813 37,445,634 15.1
2 No 1,472 44.8 3,285 118,181,097 47.7
NotAccessed_NoNeed: D5c. Because you did not have a need to use your online medical record?
Variable Name: NotAccessed_NoNeed
Variable Label: D5c. Because you did not have a need to use your online medical record?
Variable Format: NOTACCE
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_NoNeed Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 237 7.2 237 16,996,451 6.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 191 5.8 428 15,550,135 6.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in AccessOnlineRecord 899 27.4 1,327 61,271,080 24.7
1 Yes 936 28.5 2,263 83,628,351 33.7
2 No 1,022 31.1 3,285 70,343,094 28.4
NotAccessed_ConcernedPrivacy: D5d. Because you were concerned about the privacy/security of the website for your medical records?
Variable Name: NotAccessed_ConcernedPrivacy
Variable Label: D5d. Because you were concerned about the privacy/security of the website for your medical records?
Variable Format: NOTACCE
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_ConcernedPrivacy Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 243 7.4 243 16,985,047 6.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 192 5.8 435 15,497,411 6.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in AccessOnlineRecord 898 27.3 1,333 61,323,804 24.7
1 Yes 536 16.3 1,869 37,346,366 15.1
2 No 1,416 43.1 3,285 116,636,483 47.1
NotAccessed_NoRecord: D5e. Because you dont have an online medical record?
Variable Name: NotAccessed_NoRecord
Variable Label: D5e. Because you dont have an online medical record?
Variable Format: NOTACCE
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_NoRecord Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 270 8.2 270 19,617,945 7.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 186 5.7 456 15,385,412 6.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in AccessOnlineRecord 904 27.5 1,360 61,435,803 24.8
1 Yes 626 19.1 1,986 52,753,904 21.3
2 No 1,299 39.5 3,285 98,596,047 39.8
NotAccessed_Other: D5f. Because of some other reason (Specify)?
Variable Name: NotAccessed_Other
Variable Label: D5f. Because of some other reason (Specify)?
Variable Format: NOTACCF
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_Other Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 319 9.7 319 23,487,710 9.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 60 1.8 379 4,709,316 1.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,030 31.4 1,409 72,111,898 29.1
1 Yes 143 4.4 1,552 10,885,382 4.4
2 No 1,733 52.8 3,285 136,594,805 55.1
NotAccessed_Other_OS: D5f. Because of some other reason - SPECIFY:
Variable Name: NotAccessed_Other_OS
Variable Label: D5f. Because of some other reason - SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $NOTACCG
Criteria to receive Question: AcccessOnlineRecord=0
Criteria description: Participants who did not access their online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in 2,798 85.2 2,798 212,291,947 85.7
-2 Question answered in error 25 0.8 2,823 1,124,072 0.5
(Commission Error)
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 319 9.7 3,142 23,487,710 9.5
-9 Missing data (Not 9 0.3 3,151 2,102,979 0.8
A LOT OF WORK INVOLVED Verbatim response 1 0 3,152 18,666 0
ANOTHER LOG-IN/PASSWORD TO REMEMBER & RESET Verbatim response 1 0 3,153 31,944 0
DOES NOT HAVE COMPUTER/SMARTPHONE Verbatim response 24 0.7 3,177 1,234,771 0.5
DOES NOT HAVE INSURANCE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,179 481,360 0.2
DOES NOT KNOW Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,183 101,244 0
DOES NOT UNDERSTAND Verbatim response 1 0 3,184 42,015 0
DOES NOT USE COMPUTERS/INTERNET Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,188 167,441 0.1
HAVE NOT SEEN A DOCTOR RECENTLY Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,192 220,100 0.1
HOW TO USE Verbatim response 1 0 3,193 42,589 0
I AM HEALTHY Verbatim response 1 0 3,194 37,565 0
I DO NOT TRUST ANYONE BUT MY PA Verbatim response 1 0 3,195 9,735 0
I HAVE NEVER ACCESSED MY RECORDS ONLINE Verbatim response 1 0 3,196 89,286 0
I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT MY RECORD IS INACCURATE. Verbatim response 1 0 3,197 166,811 0.1
I KEEP PRINT OUTS OF EACH VISIT. COMMUNICATION GOOD Verbatim response 1 0 3,198 25,697 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotAccessed_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
I LOOKED AT IT OVER A YEAR AGO & IT HAD VERY LITTLE INFO Verbatim response 1 0 3,199 15,300 0
I PREFER EASTERN MEDICINE - TAI CHI/YOGA/MEDITATION Verbatim response 1 0 3,200 72,733 0
IF IT WAS EASY TO DO I WOULD DO IT Verbatim response 1 0 3,201 306,710 0.1
INEXPERIENCED USER OF COMPUTERS Verbatim response 12 0.4 3,213 742,209 0.3
INFREQUENCY MAKES IT A PAIN TO REMEMBER PASSWORDS Verbatim response 1 0 3,214 139,230 0.1
INTERNET IS USELESS Verbatim response 1 0 3,215 17,591 0
JUST GETTING TO BE AVAILABLE Verbatim response 1 0 3,216 7,680 0
MOVED HERE FROM U.K. DID NOT TRANSFER RECORDS Verbatim response 1 0 3,218 85,487 0
MY DAUGHTER CHECKS IT FOR ME. Verbatim response 1 0 3,219 41,559 0
NEED HELP - FEEL INSECURE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,221 120,409 0
NEVER MADE AWARE OF POSSIBILITY Verbatim response 30 0.9 3,251 2,083,278 0.8
NEVER RECEIVED LOGIN CREDENTIALS Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,253 34,624 0
NO PARTICULAR REASON Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,257 148,435 0.1
NO SPECIAL MEDICAL CONCERNS Verbatim response 1 0 3,258 28,794 0
NOT SURE Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,260 343,654 0.1
ONLY ONLINE INFO FOR ME IS EOB FROM INSURANCE CO. Verbatim response 1 0 3,261 38,435 0
PREFER PAPER COPIES OF RECORDS Verbatim response 3 0.1 3,264 200,195 0.1
PROBLEMS ACCESSING WEBSITE Verbatim response 14 0.4 3,278 1,023,320 0.4
QUESTION E-MEDICAL RECORD IS NOT DEFINED Verbatim response 1 0 3,279 43,123 0
SECURITY 4-1 Verbatim response 1 0 3,280 20,534 0
SYSTEM NOT USER FRIENDLY Verbatim response 1 0 3,281 57,566 0
T-MOBILE Verbatim response 1 0 3,282 11,053 0
THIS IS A LOT OF NOSY QUESTIONS & WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY Verbatim response 1 0 3,283 106,388 0
TOO HARD TO FIND Verbatim response 1 0 3,284 30,947 0
WITH MY PRIMARY HOSPITAL YES Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 352,730 0.1
RecordsOnline_Labs: D6a. Do any of your online medical records include laboratory test results?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_Labs
Variable Label: D6a. Do any of your online medical records include laboratory test results?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_Labs Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 105 3.2 105 8,596,688 3.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 537 16.3 642 36,783,148 14.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,658 50.5 2,300 134,184,748 54.2
1 Yes 902 27.5 3,202 61,931,065 25
2 No 40 1.2 3,242 3,692,897 1.5
3 Don't know 43 1.3 3,285 2,600,565 1
RecordsOnline_Meds: D6b. Do any of your online medical records include a current list of medications?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_Meds
Variable Label: D6b. Do any of your online medical records include a current list of medications?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_Meds Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 119 3.6 119 9,054,640 3.7
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 120 63,735 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 523 15.9 643 36,448,313 14.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,672 50.9 2,315 134,519,583 54.3
1 Yes 769 23.4 3,084 52,320,258 21.1
2 No 102 3.1 3,186 8,073,823 3.3
3 Don't know 99 3 3,285 7,308,759 2.9
RecordsOnline_HealthProbs: D6c. Do any of your online medical records include a list of health/medical problems?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_HealthProbs
Variable Label: D6c. Do any of your online medical records include a list of health/medical problems?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_HealthProbs Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 119 3.6 119 8,942,231 3.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 521 15.9 640 36,132,569 14.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,674 51 2,314 134,835,328 54.4
1 Yes 665 20.2 2,979 46,555,744 18.8
2 No 145 4.4 3,124 10,553,978 4.3
3 Don't know 161 4.9 3,285 10,769,261 4.3
RecordsOnline_Allergies: D6d. Do any of your online medical records include an allergy list?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_Allergies
Variable Label: D6d. Do any of your online medical records include an allergy list?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_Allergies Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 119 3.6 119 9,063,760 3.7
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 120 253,556 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 514 15.6 634 35,518,332 14.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,681 51.2 2,315 135,449,564 54.7
1 Yes 565 17.2 2,880 40,233,991 16.2
2 No 199 6.1 3,079 13,636,320 5.5
3 Don't know 206 6.3 3,285 13,633,587 5.5
RecordsOnline_VisitSummary: D6e. Do any of your online medical records include summaries of your office visits?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_VisitSummary
Variable Label: D6e. Do any of your online medical records include summaries of your office visits?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_VisitSummary Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 113 3.4 113 8,894,588 3.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 115 46,701 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 525 16 640 36,255,160 14.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,670 50.8 2,310 134,712,737 54.4
1 Yes 721 21.9 3,031 50,942,474 20.6
2 No 128 3.9 3,159 8,509,292 3.4
3 Don't know 126 3.8 3,285 8,428,160 3.4
RecordsOnline_ClinNotes: D6f. Do any of your online medical records include clinical notes?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_ClinNotes
Variable Label: D6f. Do any of your online medical records include clinical notes?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_ClinNotes Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 125 3.8 125 9,208,995 3.7
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 514 15.6 639 35,523,275 14.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,681 51.2 2,320 135,444,621 54.7
1 Yes 461 14 2,781 33,560,805 13.5
2 No 243 7.4 3,024 17,244,349 7
3 Don't know 261 7.9 3,285 16,807,065 6.8
RecordsOnline_Immunizations: D6g. Do any of your online medical records include an immunization or vaccination history?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_Immunizations
Variable Label: D6g. Do any of your online medical records include an immunization or vaccination history?
Variable Format: RECORDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_Immunizations Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 115 3.5 115 9,083,518 3.7
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 116 125,969 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 518 15.8 634 35,860,107 14.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,677 51.1 2,311 135,107,790 54.5
1 Yes 527 16 2,838 36,557,248 14.8
2 No 196 6 3,034 13,818,068 5.6
3 Don't know 251 7.6 3,285 17,236,412 7
RecordsOnline_MakeAppt: D7a. Past 12 months...used online med rec to make appointments with an HCP?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_MakeAppt
Variable Label: D7a. Past 12 months...used online med rec to make appointments with an HCP?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_MakeAppt Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 7,936,260 3.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 511 15.6 608 34,713,635 14
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,684 51.3 2,292 136,254,261 55
1 Yes 370 11.3 2,662 26,563,644 10.7
2 No 623 19 3,285 42,321,311 17.1
RecordsOnline_RefillMeds: D7b. Past 12 months...used online med rec to request a refill of medications?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_RefillMeds
Variable Label: D7b. Past 12 months...used online med rec to request a refill of medications?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_RefillMeds Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 99 3 99 8,017,083 3.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 501 15.3 600 33,793,903 13.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,694 51.6 2,294 137,173,993 55.4
1 Yes 409 12.5 2,703 25,550,039 10.3
2 No 582 17.7 3,285 43,254,092 17.5
RecordsOnline_Paperwork: D7c. Past 12 months...used online med rec to fill out health care forms/paperwork?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_Paperwork
Variable Label: D7c. Past 12 months...used online med rec to fill out health care forms/paperwork?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_Paperwork Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 99 3 99 8,059,182 3.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 498 15.2 597 33,760,288 13.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,697 51.7 2,294 137,207,608 55.4
1 Yes 362 11 2,656 24,803,364 10
2 No 629 19.1 3,285 43,958,668 17.7
RecordsOnline_RequestCorrection: D7d. Past 12 months...used online med rec to request correction of inaccurate info?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_RequestCorrection
Variable Label: D7d. Past 12 months...used online med rec to request correction of inaccurate info?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_RequestCorrection Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 8,358,648 3.4
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 492 15 596 33,365,312 13.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,703 51.8 2,299 137,602,585 55.5
1 Yes 78 2.4 2,377 5,091,066 2.1
2 No 908 27.6 3,285 63,371,501 25.6
RecordsOnline_MessageHCP: D8a. Past 12 months...used online med rec to securely message health care provider/staff?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_MessageHCP
Variable Label: D8a. Past 12 months...used online med rec to securely message health care provider/staff?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_MessageHCP Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 112 3.4 112 8,971,949 3.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 486 14.8 598 32,856,923 13.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,709 52 2,307 138,110,974 55.7
1 Yes 469 14.3 2,776 32,062,804 12.9
2 No 509 15.5 3,285 35,786,461 14.4
RecordsOnline_ViewResults: D8b. Past 12 months...used online med rec to look up test results?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_ViewResults
Variable Label: D8b. Past 12 months...used online med rec to look up test results?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_ViewResults Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 106 3.2 106 8,674,481 3.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 480 14.6 586 32,260,395 13
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,715 52.2 2,301 138,707,501 56
1 Yes 815 24.8 3,116 57,172,980 23.1
2 No 169 5.1 3,285 10,973,754 4.4
RecordsOnline_MonitorHealth: D8c. Past 12 months...used online med rec to monitor your health?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_MonitorHealth
Variable Label: D8c. Past 12 months...used online med rec to monitor your health?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_MonitorHealth Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 112 3.4 112 9,200,385 3.7
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 478 14.6 590 32,301,410 13
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,717 52.3 2,307 138,666,487 56
1 Yes 325 9.9 2,632 22,181,286 9
2 No 653 19.9 3,285 45,439,544 18.3
RecordsOnline_DownloadHealth: D8d. Past 12 months...used online med rec to download health info to computer/mobile device?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_DownloadHealth
Variable Label: D8d. Past 12 months...used online med rec to download health info to computer/mobile device?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_DownloadHealth Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 105 3.2 105 8,675,228 3.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 477 14.5 582 32,063,159 12.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,718 52.3 2,300 138,904,738 56.1
1 Yes 144 4.4 2,444 11,199,035 4.5
2 No 841 25.6 3,285 56,946,952 23
RecordsOnline_AddHealthInfo: D8e. Past 12 months...used online med rec to add health information to share with your HCP?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_AddHealthInfo
Variable Label: D8e. Past 12 months...used online med rec to add health information to share with your HCP?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_AddHealthInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 107 3.3 107 8,829,207 3.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 476 14.5 583 31,781,915 12.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,719 52.3 2,302 139,185,982 56.2
1 Yes 176 5.4 2,478 13,072,098 5.3
2 No 807 24.6 3,285 54,919,909 22.2
RecordsOnline_MakeDecision: D8f. Past 12 months...used online med rec to help make decision on how to treat illness/condition?
Variable Name: RecordsOnline_MakeDecision
Variable Label: D8f. Past 12 months...used online med rec to help make decision on how to treat illness/condition?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecordsOnline_MakeDecision Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 107 3.3 107 8,734,942 3.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 476 14.5 583 31,832,856 12.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,719 52.3 2,302 139,135,040 56.2
1 Yes 181 5.5 2,483 13,455,043 5.4
2 No 802 24.4 3,285 54,631,230 22
ESent_AnotherHCP: D9a. Have you electronically sent your med info to another health care provider?
Variable Name: ESent_AnotherHCP
Variable Label: D9a. Have you electronically sent your med info to another health care provider?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ESent_AnotherHCP Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 99 3 99 7,952,395 3.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 511 15.6 610 36,145,230 14.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,684 51.3 2,294 134,822,666 54.4
1 Yes 113 3.4 2,407 7,107,444 2.9
2 No 878 26.7 3,285 61,761,375 24.9
ESent_Family: D9b. Have you electronically sent your med info to family member/another person?
Variable Name: ESent_Family
Variable Label: D9b. Have you electronically sent your med info to family member/another person?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ESent_Family Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 8,467,897 3.4
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 499 15.2 603 35,898,022 14.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,696 51.6 2,299 135,069,875 54.5
1 Yes 35 1.1 2,334 2,860,280 1.2
2 No 951 28.9 3,285 65,493,038 26.4
ESent_HealthApp: D9c. Have you electronically sent your med info to a service or app?
Variable Name: ESent_HealthApp
Variable Label: D9c. Have you electronically sent your med info to a service or app?
Variable Format: RECORDS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ESent_HealthApp Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 103 3.1 103 9,076,098 3.7
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 495 15.1 598 35,015,800 14.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,700 51.8 2,298 135,952,097 54.9
1 Yes 42 1.3 2,340 2,394,231 1
2 No 945 28.8 3,285 65,350,886 26.4
UnderstandOnlineMedRec: D10. How easy or difficult was it to understand the health info in your online med rec?
Variable Name: UnderstandOnlineMedRec
Variable Label: D10. How easy or difficult was it to understand the health info in your online med rec?
Variable Format: UNDERST
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UnderstandOnlineMedRec Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 116 3.5 116 8,908,396 3.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 117 20,080 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 281 8.6 398 20,667,747 8.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,914 58.3 2,312 150,300,150 60.7
1 Very easy 468 14.2 2,780 33,144,741 13.4
2 Somewhat easy 426 13 3,206 28,933,742 11.7
3 Somewhat difficult 67 2 3,273 4,562,429 1.8
4 Very difficult 12 0.4 3,285 1,251,827 0.5
UsefulOnlineMedRec: D11. In general, how useful is your online medical record for monitoring your health?
Variable Name: UsefulOnlineMedRec
Variable Label: D11. In general, how useful is your online medical record for monitoring your health?
Variable Format: USEFULO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: Participants who have accessed any medical records in the past 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UsefulOnlineMedRec Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 110 3.3 110 8,823,764 3.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 112 170,278 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 407 12.4 519 29,533,864 11.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in AccessOnlineRecord 1,788 54.4 2,307 141,434,033 57.1
1 Very useful 431 13.1 2,738 30,154,461 12.2
2 Somewhat useful 393 12 3,131 27,051,100 10.9
3 Not very useful 73 2.2 3,204 5,497,164 2.2
4 Not at all useful 15 0.5 3,219 1,097,685 0.4
5 I do not use my online medical record to monitor my health 66 2 3,285 4,026,763 1.6
ConfidentInfoSafe: D12 . How confident are you that safeguards are in place to protect your medical records?
Variable Name: ConfidentInfoSafe
Variable Label: D12 . How confident are you that safeguards are in place to protect your medical records?
Variable Format: CONFIDE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ConfidentInfoSafe Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 137 4.2 137 7,757,882 3.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 139 42,844 0
1 Very confident 700 21.3 839 52,076,605 21
2 Somewhat confident 1,581 48.1 2,420 126,649,702 51.1
3 Not confident 865 26.3 3,285 61,262,077 24.7
WithheldInfoPrivacy: D13. Ever kept info from your HCP...concerned about the privacy/security of your medical record?
Variable Name: WithheldInfoPrivacy
Variable Label: D13. Ever kept info from your HCP...concerned about the privacy/security of your medical record?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WithheldInfoPrivacy Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 102 3.1 102 6,427,974 2.6
1 Yes 290 8.8 392 24,441,866 9.9
2 No 2,893 88.1 3,285 216,919,271 87.5
ElectInfoSafe: D14. If medical info sent concerned that an unauthorized person would see?
Variable Name: ElectInfoSafe
Variable Label: D14. If medical info sent concerned that an unauthorized person would see?
Variable Format: ELECTIN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ElectInfoSafe Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 117 3.6 117 7,298,067 2.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 118 19,612 0
1 Very concerned 586 17.8 704 41,637,195 16.8
2 Somewhat concerned 1,478 45 2,182 116,606,196 47.1
3 Not concerned 1,103 33.6 3,285 82,228,041 33.2
AccessFamilyMedRec: D15. How many times access a family members online medical record through a secure website/app?
Variable Name: AccessFamilyMedRec
Variable Label: D15. How many times access a family members online medical record through a secure website/app?
Variable Format: ACCESSF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AccessFamilyMedRec Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 70 2.1 70 3,810,735 1.5
0 None 2,915 88.7 2,985 221,379,321 89.3
1 1 to 2 times 172 5.2 3,157 14,514,326 5.9
2 3 to 5 times 79 2.4 3,236 4,579,250 1.8
3 6 to 9 times 24 0.7 3,260 1,404,534 0.6
4 10 or more times 25 0.8 3,285 2,100,945 0.8
AccessedFamRec_TheirPwd: D16a. Used family members login and password.
Variable Name: AccessedFamRec_TheirPwd
Variable Label: D16a. Used family members login and password.
Variable Format: ACCESSE
Criteria to receive Question: AccessFamilyMedRec=1,2,3,4
Criteria description: Participants who accessed a family member or close friend's online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AccessedFamRec_TheirPwd Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 67 2 67 3,857,638 1.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 236 7.2 303 18,250,264 7.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 AccessFamilyMedRec 2,679 81.6 2,982 203,129,057 82
1 Yes 169 5.1 3,151 11,515,946 4.6
2 No 134 4.1 3,285 11,036,205 4.5
AccessedFamRec_MyPwd: D16a. Used a login and password assigned to me to access their record.
Variable Name: AccessedFamRec_MyPwd
Variable Label: D16a. Used a login and password assigned to me to access their record.
Variable Format: ACCESSE
Criteria to receive Question: AccessFamilyMedRec=1,2,3,4
Criteria description: Participants who accessed a family member or close friend's online medical record in the last 12 months.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AccessedFamRec_MyPwd Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 69 2.1 69 4,015,501 1.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 234 7.1 303 17,973,999 7.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 AccessFamilyMedRec 2,681 81.6 2,984 203,405,323 82.1
1 Yes 163 5 3,147 13,112,741 5.3
2 No 138 4.2 3,285 9,281,547 3.7
Caregiving_Child: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a child/children
Variable Name: Caregiving_Child
Variable Label: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a child/children
Variable Format: CAREGIJ
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Child Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Selected 253 7.7 357 21,588,912 8.7
2 Not selected 2,928 89.1 3,285 219,282,808 88.5
Caregiving_Spouse: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a spouse/partner
Variable Name: Caregiving_Spouse
Variable Label: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a spouse/partner
Variable Format: CAREGIJ
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Spouse Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Selected 147 4.5 251 10,271,686 4.1
2 Not selected 3,034 92.4 3,285 230,600,033 93.1
Caregiving_Parent: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a parent/parents
Variable Name: Caregiving_Parent
Variable Label: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a parent/parents
Variable Format: CAREGIJ
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Parent Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Selected 181 5.5 285 14,347,299 5.8
2 Not selected 3,000 91.3 3,285 226,524,421 91.4
Caregiving_Family: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a close family member
Variable Name: Caregiving_Family
Variable Label: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a close family member
Variable Format: CAREGIJ
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Family Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Selected 77 2.3 181 4,732,875 1.9
2 Not selected 3,104 94.5 3,285 236,138,845 95.3
Caregiving_Friend: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a friend or other non-relative
Variable Name: Caregiving_Friend
Variable Label: E1. Caregiving - Yes, a friend or other non-relative
Variable Format: CAREGIJ
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Friend Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Selected 38 1.2 142 1,868,119 0.8
2 Not selected 3,143 95.7 3,285 239,003,601 96.5
Caregiving_No: E1. Caregiving - No
Variable Name: Caregiving_No
Variable Label: E1. Caregiving - No
Variable Format: CAREGIK
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_No Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Selected 2,601 79.2 2,705 197,334,313 79.6
2 Not selected 580 17.7 3,285 43,537,407 17.6
CaregivingWho_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in E1 (Caregiving Relationships)
Variable Name: CaregivingWho_Cat
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given in E1 (Caregiving Relationships)
Variable Format: CAREGIL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaregivingWho_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 6,917,391 2.8
1 Yes, a child/children 189 5.8 293 16,244,971 6.6
2 Yes, a spouse/partner 92 2.8 385 5,593,516 2.3
3 Yes, a parent/parents 148 4.5 533 11,293,965 4.6
4 Yes, a close family member 50 1.5 583 2,829,716 1.1
5 Yes, a friend or other non-relative 24 0.7 607 1,125,241 0.5
6 No 2,601 79.2 3,208 197,334,313 79.6
7 Multiple caregiving relationships selected 77 2.3 3,285 6,449,998 2.6
Caregiving_Cancer: E2. Caregiving condition - Cancer
Variable Name: Caregiving_Cancer
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Cancer
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Cancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 14 0.4 132 549,929 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,587 78.8 2,719 196,784,383 79.4
1 Selected 78 2.4 2,797 6,117,172 2.5
2 Not selected 488 14.9 3,285 35,714,444 14.4
Caregiving_Alzheimers: E2. Caregiving condition - Alzheimers, confusion, dementia, forgetfulness
Variable Name: Caregiving_Alzheimers
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Alzheimers, confusion, dementia, forgetfulness
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Alzheimers Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 8 0.2 126 517,929 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,593 78.9 2,719 196,816,384 79.4
1 Selected 137 4.2 2,856 9,111,612 3.7
2 Not selected 429 13.1 3,285 32,720,004 13.2
Caregiving_OrthoMusc: E2. Caregiving condition - Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Issues
Variable Name: Caregiving_OrthoMusc
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Issues
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_OrthoMusc Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 16 0.5 134 990,442 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,585 78.7 2,719 196,343,871 79.2
1 Selected 164 5 2,883 12,743,648 5.1
2 Not selected 402 12.2 3,285 29,087,968 11.7
Caregiving_MentalHealth: E2. Caregiving condition - Mental health/Behavioral/Substance Abuse Issues
Variable Name: Caregiving_MentalHealth
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Mental health/Behavioral/Substance Abuse Issues
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_MentalHealth Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 7 0.2 125 630,833 0.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,594 79 2,719 196,703,479 79.4
1 Selected 129 3.9 2,848 10,182,594 4.1
2 Not selected 437 13.3 3,285 31,649,022 12.8
Caregiving_ChronicCond: E2. Caregiving condition - Chronic Conditions
Variable Name: Caregiving_ChronicCond
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Chronic Conditions
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_ChronicCond Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 18 0.5 136 990,659 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,583 78.6 2,719 196,343,654 79.2
1 Selected 212 6.5 2,931 15,878,257 6.4
2 Not selected 354 10.8 3,285 25,953,359 10.5
Caregiving_NeuroDev: E2. Caregiving condition - Neurological/Developmental Issues
Variable Name: Caregiving_NeuroDev
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Neurological/Developmental Issues
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_NeuroDev Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,601 79.2 2,719 197,334,313 79.6
1 Selected 89 2.7 2,808 6,526,380 2.6
2 Not selected 477 14.5 3,285 35,305,236 14.2
Caregiving_AcuteCond: E2. Caregiving condition - Acute Conditions
Variable Name: Caregiving_AcuteCond
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Acute Conditions
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_AcuteCond Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 3 0.1 121 114,931 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,598 79.1 2,719 197,219,381 79.6
1 Selected 82 2.5 2,801 6,521,434 2.6
2 Not selected 484 14.7 3,285 35,310,181 14.3
Caregiving_Aging: E2. Caregiving condition - Aging/Aging related health issues
Variable Name: Caregiving_Aging
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Aging/Aging related health issues
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Aging Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 7 0.2 125 438,483 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,594 79 2,719 196,895,829 79.5
1 Selected 171 5.2 2,890 10,557,665 4.3
2 Not selected 395 12 3,285 31,273,951 12.6
Caregiving_NotSure: E2. Caregiving condition - Not sure/Dont know
Variable Name: Caregiving_NotSure
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Not sure/Dont know
Variable Format: CAREGIV
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_NotSure Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 97 3 136 6,128,454 2.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 45 1.4 181 3,461,321 1.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,556 77.8 2,737 193,872,992 78.2
1 Selected 37 1.1 2,774 2,941,738 1.2
2 Not selected 511 15.6 3,285 38,183,234 15.4
Caregiving_Other: E2. Caregiving condition - Other (Specify)
Variable Name: Caregiving_Other
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Other (Specify)
Variable Format: CAREGIF
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Other Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 79 2.4 118 5,421,809 2.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 4 0.1 122 384,898 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,597 79.1 2,719 196,949,415 79.5
1 Selected 81 2.5 2,800 7,386,467 3
2 Not selected 485 14.8 3,285 34,445,149 13.9
Caregiving_Other_OS: E2. Caregiving condition - Other - SPECIFY:
Variable Name: Caregiving_Other_OS
Variable Label: E2. Caregiving condition - Other - SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $CAREGII
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No or coded 2 in 3,078 93.7 3,078 231,247,072 93.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 8 0.2 3,086 532,390 0.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 118 3.6 3,204 8,623,182 3.5
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 2 0.1 3,206 80,312 0
ADHD Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,210 302,402 0.1
ADHD/LD Verbatim response 1 0 3,211 23,397 0
ADHD/ODD Verbatim response 1 0 3,212 301,203 0.1
ALLERGY Verbatim response 1 0 3,213 65,167 0
ANGER MANAGEMENT GRIEF COUNSELING Verbatim response 1 0 3,214 72,733 0
ASTHMA Verbatim response 5 0.2 3,219 267,784 0.1
ASTHMA/ALLERGIES Verbatim response 1 0 3,220 14,565 0
ASTHMA/ECZEMA Verbatim response 1 0 3,221 352,730 0.1
ASTHMA/FOOD ALLERGIES Verbatim response 1 0 3,222 27,209 0
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION WITH 6 DAY Verbatim response 1 0 3,223 33,803 0
AUTISM Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,227 234,802 0.1
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Verbatim response 1 0 3,228 87,759 0
BIRTH Verbatim response 1 0 3,229 20,301 0
BIRTH DEFECT Verbatim response 1 0 3,230 36,423 0
BLIND PARENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,231 24,093 0
C.P. QUADRIPLEGIC Verbatim response 1 0 3,232 85,292 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
CARBON MONOXIDE DAMAGES Verbatim response 1 0 3,233 329,906 0.1
CELIAC DISEASE Verbatim response 1 0 3,234 13,150 0
CHILDCARE CHECK UPS & VACCINES Verbatim response 1 0 3,235 77,910 0
CHILDREN GENERAL HEALTH Verbatim response 1 0 3,236 65,978 0
COMMON DISEASES Verbatim response 1 0 3,237 152,812 0.1
CYSTIC FIBROSIS Verbatim response 1 0 3,238 70,350 0
DENTAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,239 97,460 0
DENTAL CHECKUPS Verbatim response 1 0 3,240 50,413 0
DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENINGS Verbatim response 1 0 3,241 61,640 0
DIALYSIS Verbatim response 1 0 3,242 29,682 0
DIGESTIVE/LIVER Verbatim response 1 0 3,243 65,167 0
DISTICHIAS Verbatim response 1 0 3,244 208,204 0.1
EAR & THROAT PROBLEMS Verbatim response 1 0 3,245 7,773 0
END STAGE RENAL DISEASE Verbatim response 1 0 3,246 120,787 0
ENDOCRINE Verbatim response 1 0 3,247 166,811 0.1
ENT SPECIALIST (CHILD PARTIALLY DEAF) Verbatim response 1 0 3,248 19,050 0
EPILEPSY Verbatim response 1 0 3,249 74,809 0
EVERY DAY KID ILLNESS Verbatim response 1 0 3,250 20,301 0
GENERAL HEALTH CHECK Verbatim response 1 0 3,251 174,333 0.1
GENETIC DISORDER/THYROID Verbatim response 1 0 3,252 88,582 0
HEARING LOSS Verbatim response 1 0 3,253 22,032 0
HEMOPHILIA A Verbatim response 1 0 3,254 299,153 0.1
HYPOTHYROIDISM Verbatim response 1 0 3,255 20,301 0
LOOKING FOR A NEW RESIDENCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,256 27,828 0
LUPUS Verbatim response 1 0 3,257 361,942 0.1
MEAL PREPARATION Verbatim response 1 0 3,258 189,153 0.1
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,262 529,214 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
N.M.O AUTOIMMUNE Verbatim response 1 0 3,263 58,800 0
NEW BABY Verbatim response 1 0 3,264 61,640 0
NEWBORN CHILD Verbatim response 1 0 3,265 578,828 0.2
NON ALCOHOLIC CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER Verbatim response 1 0 3,266 34,044 0
NURSING HOME Verbatim response 1 0 3,267 55,125 0
OVERWEIGHT Verbatim response 1 0 3,268 11,945 0
PEDIATRIC WELLNESS Verbatim response 1 0 3,269 164,160 0.1
PREMATURE BIRTH Verbatim response 1 0 3,270 83,810 0
REFLUX Verbatim response 1 0 3,271 146,428 0.1
RESPIRATORY ISSUES Verbatim response 1 0 3,272 65,252 0
SEIZURES Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,274 67,508 0
SELF Verbatim response 1 0 3,275 16,002 0
SICKLE CELL Verbatim response 1 0 3,276 55,057 0
SICKNESS Verbatim response 1 0 3,277 2,688 0
SICKNESS/MONO Verbatim response 1 0 3,278 21,858 0
SKIN PROBLEMS Verbatim response 1 0 3,279 25,149 0
SPEECH DELAY Verbatim response 1 0 3,280 196,005 0.1
SPINA BIFIDA Verbatim response 1 0 3,281 7,987 0
TURNER SYNDROME Verbatim response 1 0 3,282 108,827 0
UNREADABLE Verbatim response 1 0 3,283 8,279 0
WEIGHT LOSS DIET/EXERCISE Verbatim response 1 0 3,284 76,721 0
WELL VISITS Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 165,638 0.1
CaregivingCond_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in E2 (Caregiving Relationships)
Variable Name: CaregivingCond_Cat
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given in E2 (Caregiving Relationships)
Variable Format: CAREGIH
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaregivingCond_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 39 1.2 39 3,201,373 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 74 2.3 113 4,792,026 1.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 93 2.8 206 6,503,132 2.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 Caregiving_No 2,508 76.3 2,714 190,831,181 77
1 Cancer 21 0.6 2,735 1,826,653 0.7
2 Alzheimer's, confusion, dementia, forgetfulness 24 0.7 2,759 1,311,073 0.5
3 Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Issues 18 0.5 2,777 1,142,498 0.5
4 Mental health/Behavioral/Substance Abuse Issues 39 1.2 2,816 2,925,667 1.2
5 Chronic Conditions 36 1.1 2,852 2,244,256 0.9
6 Neurological/Developmental Issues 32 1 2,884 2,589,133 1
7 Acute Conditions 6 0.2 2,890 313,577 0.1
8 Aging/Aging related health issues 18 0.5 2,908 1,458,202 0.6
9 Not sure/Don't know 30 0.9 2,938 2,380,528 1
10 Multiple caregiving conditions selected 295 9 3,233 22,083,786 8.9
91 Other (Specify) 52 1.6 3,285 4,186,026 1.7
Caregiving_HoursPerWeek: E3. About how many hours do you spend in an average week providing care?
Variable Name: Caregiving_HoursPerWeek
Variable Label: E3. About how many hours do you spend in an average week providing care?
Variable Format: CAREGIG
Criteria to receive Question: Caregiving_Child=1Caregiving_Spouse=1Caregiving_Parent=1Caregiving_Family=1Caregiving_Friend=1
Criteria description: Participants who are currently caring for or making health care decisions for someone with a medical, behavioral, disability, or other condition.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Caregiving_HoursPerWeek Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 37 1.1 37 2,887,691 1.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 87 2.6 124 5,778,143 2.3
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 125 170,273 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 61 1.9 186 4,535,817 1.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 in Caregiving_No 2,540 77.3 2,726 192,798,496 77.8
1 Less than 5 hours per week 229 7 2,955 16,056,451 6.5
2 5-14 hours per week 107 3.3 3,062 6,680,032 2.7
3 15-20 hours per week 48 1.5 3,110 4,555,670 1.8
4 21-34 hours per week 34 1 3,144 2,486,905 1
5 35 or more hours per week 141 4.3 3,285 11,839,634 4.8
HeardDNATest: F1. Doctors use DNA tests... Have you heard or read about this type of genetic test?
Variable Name: HeardDNATest
Variable Label: F1. Doctors use DNA tests... Have you heard or read about this type of genetic test?
Variable Format: HEARDDN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HeardDNATest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 25 0.8 25 1,312,574 0.5
1 Yes 1,878 57.2 1,903 140,700,305 56.8
2 No 1,382 42.1 3,285 105,776,232 42.7
GeneticTestUse_DetermineRisk: F2. Heard of: Determining risk or likelihood of getting a particular disease
Variable Name: GeneticTestUse_DetermineRisk
Variable Label: F2. Heard of: Determining risk or likelihood of getting a particular disease
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GeneticTestUse_DetermineRisk Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 106 3.2 106 8,278,315 3.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 131 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 31 0.9 162 1,945,519 0.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,351 41.1 1,513 103,830,713 41.9
1 Selected 1,533 46.7 3,046 116,192,250 46.9
2 Not selected 239 7.3 3,285 16,229,740 6.5
GeneticTestUse_DetermineTx: F2. Heard of: Determining how a disease should be treated after diagnosis
Variable Name: GeneticTestUse_DetermineTx
Variable Label: F2. Heard of: Determining how a disease should be treated after diagnosis
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GeneticTestUse_DetermineTx Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 106 3.2 106 8,278,315 3.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 131 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 20 0.6 151 1,787,313 0.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,362 41.5 1,513 103,988,918 42
1 Selected 726 22.1 2,239 53,876,235 21.7
2 Not selected 1,046 31.8 3,285 78,545,755 31.7
GeneticTestUse_DetermineMed: F2. Heard of: Determining which drug(s) may or may not work for an individual
Variable Name: GeneticTestUse_DetermineMed
Variable Label: F2. Heard of: Determining which drug(s) may or may not work for an individual
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GeneticTestUse_DetermineMed Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 106 3.2 106 8,278,315 3.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 131 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 24 0.7 155 1,862,988 0.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,358 41.3 1,513 103,913,244 41.9
1 Selected 745 22.7 2,258 57,350,315 23.1
2 Not selected 1,027 31.3 3,285 75,071,675 30.3
GeneticTestUse_DeterminePass: F2. Heard of: Determining the likelihood of passing an inherited disease to your children
Variable Name: GeneticTestUse_DeterminePass
Variable Label: F2. Heard of: Determining the likelihood of passing an inherited disease to your children
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GeneticTestUse_DeterminePass Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 106 3.2 106 8,278,315 3.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 131 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 23 0.7 154 2,356,904 1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,359 41.4 1,513 103,419,328 41.7
1 Selected 1,503 45.8 3,016 114,541,690 46.2
2 Not selected 269 8.2 3,285 17,880,300 7.2
GeneticTestUse_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in F2 (Genetic test use)
Variable Name: GeneticTestUse_Cat
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given in F2 (Genetic test use)
Variable Format: GENETIF
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GeneticTestUse_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 106 3.2 106 8,278,315 3.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 131 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 56 1.7 187 4,780,455 1.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,326 40.4 1,513 100,995,777 40.8
1 Determining risk or likelihood of getting a particular disease 162 4.9 1,675 11,280,655 4.6
2 Determining how a disease should be treated after diagnosis 21 0.6 1,696 1,147,618 0.5
3 Determining which drug(s) may or may not work for an individual 28 0.9 1,724 2,221,636 0.9
4 Determining the likelihood of passing an inherited disease to your children 155 4.7 1,879 11,237,703 4.5
5 Multiple genetic test uses selected 1,406 42.8 3,285 106,534,379 43
HadTest_Paternity: F3. Ever Had: Paternity testing
Variable Name: HadTest_Paternity
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Paternity testing
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Paternity Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 10 0.3 73 1,591,501 0.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,372 41.8 1,445 104,184,731 42
1 Selected 146 4.4 1,591 12,623,958 5.1
2 Not selected 1,694 51.6 3,285 125,927,201 50.8
HadTest_Ancestry: F3. Ever Had: Ancestry testing
Variable Name: HadTest_Ancestry
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Ancestry testing
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Ancestry Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 10 0.3 73 870,888 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,372 41.8 1,445 104,905,344 42.3
1 Selected 199 6.1 1,644 15,632,276 6.3
2 Not selected 1,641 50 3,285 122,918,882 49.6
HadTest_DNAFing: F3. Ever Had: DNA fingerprinting
Variable Name: HadTest_DNAFing
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: DNA fingerprinting
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_DNAFing Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 12 0.4 75 909,962 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,370 41.7 1,445 104,866,270 42.3
1 Selected 133 4 1,578 11,971,491 4.8
2 Not selected 1,707 52 3,285 126,579,667 51.1
HadTest_CFCarrier: F3. Ever Had: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) carrier testing
Variable Name: HadTest_CFCarrier
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) carrier testing
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_CFCarrier Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 5 0.2 68 201,200 0.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,377 41.9 1,445 105,575,032 42.6
1 Selected 94 2.9 1,539 9,664,929 3.9
2 Not selected 1,746 53.2 3,285 128,886,229 52
HadTest_BRCA: F3. Ever Had: BRCA 1/2 testing
Variable Name: HadTest_BRCA
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: BRCA 1/2 testing
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_BRCA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 3 0.1 66 166,017 0.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,379 42 1,445 105,610,215 42.6
1 Selected 102 3.1 1,547 6,872,730 2.8
2 Not selected 1,738 52.9 3,285 131,678,428 53.1
HadTest_Lynch: F3. Ever Had: Lynch syndrome testing
Variable Name: HadTest_Lynch
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Lynch syndrome testing
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Lynch Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 5 0.2 68 191,977 0.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,377 41.9 1,445 105,584,255 42.6
1 Selected 32 1 1,477 3,541,213 1.4
2 Not selected 1,808 55 3,285 135,009,946 54.5
HadTest_None: F3. Ever Had: None of the above
Variable Name: HadTest_None
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: None of the above
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_None Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 101 3.1 164 6,412,734 2.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,281 39 1,445 99,363,498 40.1
1 Selected 1,387 42.2 2,832 104,227,828 42.1
2 Not selected 453 13.8 3,285 34,323,330 13.9
HadTest_NotSure: F3. Ever Had: Not sure
Variable Name: HadTest_NotSure
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Not sure
Variable Format: GENETIC
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_NotSure Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 14 0.4 77 596,532 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,368 41.6 1,445 105,179,700 42.4
1 Selected 68 2.1 1,513 5,269,340 2.1
2 Not selected 1,772 53.9 3,285 133,281,818 53.8
HadTest_Other: F3. Ever Had: Other (Specify)
Variable Name: HadTest_Other
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Other (Specify)
Variable Format: HADTEST
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Other Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 3 0.1 66 117,989 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,379 42 1,445 105,658,242 42.6
1 Selected 40 1.2 1,485 2,537,637 1
2 Not selected 1,800 54.8 3,285 136,013,521 54.9
HadTest_Other_OS: F3. Ever Had: Other - SPECIFY:
Variable Name: HadTest_Other_OS
Variable Label: F3. Ever Had: Other - SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $HADTESG
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest or coded 3,180 96.8 3,180 241,748,865 97.6
2 in HadTest_Other
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 2 0.1 3,182 40,888 0
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 63 1.9 3,245 3,461,721 1.4
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 3 0.1 3,248 168,109 0.1
ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS Verbatim response 1 0 3,249 55,401 0
BLOOD CLOTTING Verbatim response 1 0 3,250 14,091 0
BLOOD DISORDER Verbatim response 1 0 3,251 77,778 0
CANCER SCREENING Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,253 77,518 0
CELIAC Verbatim response 1 0 3,254 98,268 0
CHROMOSOME/GENETIC TESTING AFTER Verbatim response 1 0 3,255 15,516 0
DNA RESEARCH BANK Verbatim response 1 0 3,256 57,366 0
DOWNS SYNDROME TESTING Verbatim response 1 0 3,257 6,856 0
FACTOR V LIEDEN Verbatim response 1 0 3,258 12,701 0
FOR CANCER TREATMENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,259 25,805 0
GENETIC Verbatim response 1 0 3,260 100,564 0
GENETICS OF ALZHEIMERS Verbatim response 1 0 3,261 49,068 0
GRANDPARENTS TEST Verbatim response 1 0 3,262 9,396 0
HEARING LOSS Verbatim response 1 0 3,263 63,735 0
HEMOCHROMATOSIS & PRENATAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,264 68,309 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Other_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
HIGH BLOOD AS IT RELATES TO KIDNEY Verbatim response 1 0 3,265 24,137 0
HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE PROJECT Verbatim response 1 0 3,266 129,925 0.1
HLB27 POSITIVE Verbatim response 1 0 3,267 19,343 0
INHERITED DISEASE Verbatim response 1 0 3,268 46,359 0
KLINEFELTER SYNDROME Verbatim response 1 0 3,269 135,756 0.1
LONG QT RELATED GENE Verbatim response 1 0 3,270 87,322 0
MYRIAD/HEREDITARY RISKS Verbatim response 1 0 3,271 33,803 0
OTHER TESTS FOR GENETIC DISEASES Verbatim response 1 0 3,272 146,428 0.1
PRENATAL GENETIC TESTING Verbatim response 8 0.2 3,280 808,933 0.3
SICKLE CELL Verbatim response 1 0 3,281 48,910 0
SPINA BIFIDA Verbatim response 1 0 3,282 38,686 0
SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY Verbatim response 1 0 3,283 65,167 0
TEST FOR ALZHEIMERS GENE Verbatim response 1 0 3,284 17,503 0
TWIN Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 34,881 0
HadTest_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in F3 (Genetic test use)
Variable Name: HadTest_Cat
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given in F3 (Genetic test use)
Variable Format: HADTESF
Criteria to receive Question: HeardDNATest=1
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of DNA tests.
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HadTest_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 2,149,147 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 63 1,312,574 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 134 4.1 197 9,467,492 3.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardDNATest 1,248 38 1,445 96,308,740 38.9
1 Paternity testing 36 1.1 1,481 2,409,195 1
2 Ancestry testing 88 2.7 1,569 6,174,484 2.5
3 DNA Fingerprinting 25 0.8 1,594 1,950,370 0.8
4 Cystic Fibrosis (CF) carrier testing 28 0.9 1,622 2,670,853 1.1
5 BRCA 1/2 testing 33 1 1,655 1,627,981 0.7
6 Lynch syndrome testing 9 0.3 1,664 669,945 0.3
7 None of the above 1,387 42.2 3,051 104,227,828 42.1
8 Not sure 61 1.9 3,112 4,844,711 2
10 Multiple types of genetic tests selected 148 4.5 3,260 12,323,905 5
91 Other (Specify) 25 0.8 3,285 1,651,887 0.7
GeneralHealth: G1. In general, would you say your health is...
Variable Name: GeneralHealth
Variable Label: G1. In general, would you say your health is...
Variable Format: GENERAL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GeneralHealth Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 33 1 33 2,092,158 0.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 5 0.2 38 253,109 0.1
1 Excellent, 360 11 398 28,836,253 11.6
2 Very good, 1,171 35.6 1,569 90,129,904 36.4
3 Good, 1,131 34.4 2,700 84,713,909 34.2
4 Fair, or 503 15.3 3,203 35,696,612 14.4
5 Poor? 82 2.5 3,285 6,067,166 2.4
OwnAbilityTakeCareHealth: G2. Overall, how confident are you about your ability to take good care of your health?
Variable Name: OwnAbilityTakeCareHealth
Variable Label: G2. Overall, how confident are you about your ability to take good care of your health?
Variable Format: CONFIDF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OwnAbilityTakeCareHealth Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 43 1.3 43 2,361,642 1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 46 86,735 0
1 Completely confident 767 23.3 813 56,542,811 22.8
2 Very confident 1,502 45.7 2,315 113,483,993 45.8
3 Somewhat confident 810 24.7 3,125 63,372,004 25.6
4 A little confident 113 3.4 3,238 8,726,985 3.5
5 Not confident at all 47 1.4 3,285 3,214,940 1.3
MedConditions_Diabetes: G3a. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had diabetes/high blood sugar?
Variable Name: MedConditions_Diabetes
Variable Label: G3a. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had diabetes/high blood sugar?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MedConditions_Diabetes Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 78 2.4 78 4,831,648 1.9
1 Yes 661 20.1 739 42,556,527 17.2
2 No 2,546 77.5 3,285 200,400,936 80.9
MedConditions_HighBP: G3b. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had high blood pressure/hypertension?
Variable Name: MedConditions_HighBP
Variable Label: G3b. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had high blood pressure/hypertension?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MedConditions_HighBP Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 76 2.3 76 4,684,896 1.9
1 Yes 1,460 44.4 1,536 91,473,027 36.9
2 No 1,749 53.2 3,285 151,631,189 61.2
MedConditions_HeartCondition: G3c. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had a heart condition?
Variable Name: MedConditions_HeartCondition
Variable Label: G3c. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had a heart condition?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MedConditions_HeartCondition Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 62 1.9 62 3,889,985 1.6
1 Yes 325 9.9 387 19,178,338 7.7
2 No 2,898 88.2 3,285 224,720,788 90.7
MedConditions_LungDisease: G3d. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had chronic lung disease?
Variable Name: MedConditions_LungDisease
Variable Label: G3d. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had chronic lung disease?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MedConditions_LungDisease Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 68 2.1 68 4,626,310 1.9
1 Yes 428 13 496 27,804,453 11.2
2 No 2,789 84.9 3,285 215,358,349 86.9
MedConditions_Arthritis: G3e. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had arthritis or rheumatism?
Variable Name: MedConditions_Arthritis
Variable Label: G3e. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had arthritis or rheumatism?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MedConditions_Arthritis Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 64 1.9 64 4,183,451 1.7
1 Yes 1,008 30.7 1,072 56,265,888 22.7
2 No 2,213 67.4 3,285 187,339,772 75.6
MedConditions_Depression: G3f. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had depression/anxiety disorder?
Variable Name: MedConditions_Depression
Variable Label: G3f. Has a doctor/other health pro ever told you that you had depression/anxiety disorder?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MedConditions_Depression Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 71 2.2 71 4,440,761 1.8
1 Yes 730 22.2 801 56,331,204 22.7
2 No 2,484 75.6 3,285 187,017,146 75.5
Height_Feet: G4. About how tall are you without shoes? Feet:
Variable Name: Height_Feet
Variable Label: G4. About how tall are you without shoes? Feet:
Variable Format: HEIGHTF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Height_Feet Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 73 2.2 73 4,786,449 1.9
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 9 0.3 82 327,172 0.1
4 Height, in feet 78 2.4 160 4,203,149 1.7
5 Height, in feet 2,732 83.2 2,892 203,527,104 82.1
6 Height, in feet 393 12 3,285 34,945,237 14.1
Height_Inches: G4. About how tall are you without shoes? Inches:
Variable Name: Height_Inches
Variable Label: G4. About how tall are you without shoes? Inches:
Variable Format: HEIGHT_
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Height_Inches Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
0 Height, in inches 338 10.3 338 24,617,741 9.9
1 Height, in inches 255 7.8 593 17,786,619 7.2
2 Height, in inches 338 10.3 931 25,348,849 10.2
3 Height, in inches 269 8.2 1,200 15,927,187 6.4
4 Height, in inches 342 10.4 1,542 24,996,390 10.1
5 Height, in inches 257 7.8 1,799 19,639,951 7.9
6 Height, in inches 319 9.7 2,118 20,850,188 8.4
7 Height, in inches 249 7.6 2,367 20,530,425 8.3
8 Height, in inches 237 7.2 2,604 24,030,962 9.7
9 Height, in inches 222 6.8 2,826 19,542,794 7.9
10 Height, in inches 239 7.3 3,065 17,508,626 7.1
11 Height, in inches 220 6.7 3,285 17,009,378 6.9
Weight: G5. About how much do you weigh, in pounds, without shoes?
Variable Name: Weight
Variable Label: G5. About how much do you weigh, in pounds, without shoes?
Variable Format: WEIGHT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 94 2.9 94 6,174,994 2.5
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 1 0 95 10,896 0
85 Weight, in pounds 1 0 96 175,899 0.1
90 Weight, in pounds 1 0 97 10,345 0
94 Weight, in pounds 1 0 98 108,163 0
95 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 100 125,185 0.1
96 Weight, in pounds 1 0 101 87,167 0
99 Weight, in pounds 1 0 102 64,537 0
100 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 110 321,291 0.1
101 Weight, in pounds 1 0 111 18,031 0
102 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 114 211,045 0.1
103 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 119 271,030 0.1
104 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 122 26,672 0
105 Weight, in pounds 13 0.4 135 800,410 0.3
106 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 141 366,996 0.1
108 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 149 498,373 0.2
109 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 152 40,540 0
110 Weight, in pounds 30 0.9 182 1,601,958 0.6
111 Weight, in pounds 1 0 183 95,129 0
112 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 197 518,249 0.2
113 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 199 106,533 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
114 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 206 495,215 0.2
115 Weight, in pounds 28 0.9 234 2,560,505 1
116 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 244 1,141,449 0.5
117 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 249 1,012,046 0.4
118 Weight, in pounds 18 0.5 267 982,485 0.4
119 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 276 562,621 0.2
120 Weight, in pounds 62 1.9 338 4,751,923 1.9
121 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 345 634,802 0.3
122 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 351 730,600 0.3
123 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 357 462,867 0.2
124 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 363 175,497 0.1
125 Weight, in pounds 45 1.4 408 3,172,929 1.3
126 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 415 504,683 0.2
127 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 423 930,723 0.4
128 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 437 820,621 0.3
129 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 447 582,703 0.2
130 Weight, in pounds 74 2.3 521 7,285,534 2.9
131 Weight, in pounds 4 0.1 525 317,184 0.1
132 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 531 340,601 0.1
133 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 538 426,526 0.2
134 Weight, in pounds 11 0.3 549 611,596 0.2
135 Weight, in pounds 81 2.5 630 6,033,656 2.4
136 Weight, in pounds 12 0.4 642 360,216 0.1
137 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 656 1,025,761 0.4
138 Weight, in pounds 22 0.7 678 1,198,810 0.5
139 Weight, in pounds 12 0.4 690 862,200 0.3
140 Weight, in pounds 100 3 790 7,199,527 2.9

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
141 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 798 765,257 0.3
142 Weight, in pounds 15 0.5 813 1,066,595 0.4
143 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 823 649,955 0.3
144 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 828 520,015 0.2
145 Weight, in pounds 64 1.9 892 5,741,976 2.3
146 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 906 1,299,824 0.5
147 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 920 531,213 0.2
148 Weight, in pounds 30 0.9 950 1,978,570 0.8
149 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 957 181,763 0.1
150 Weight, in pounds 130 4 1,087 9,359,990 3.8
151 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 1,095 371,455 0.1
152 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 1,109 1,288,429 0.5
153 Weight, in pounds 15 0.5 1,124 807,641 0.3
154 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 1,133 518,601 0.2
155 Weight, in pounds 65 2 1,198 3,832,172 1.5
156 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 1,208 737,680 0.3
157 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 1,218 411,989 0.2
158 Weight, in pounds 17 0.5 1,235 1,014,220 0.4
159 Weight, in pounds 11 0.3 1,246 624,830 0.3
160 Weight, in pounds 100 3 1,346 8,564,111 3.5
161 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 1,351 214,182 0.1
162 Weight, in pounds 15 0.5 1,366 1,429,625 0.6
163 Weight, in pounds 13 0.4 1,379 548,283 0.2
164 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 1,388 742,861 0.3
165 Weight, in pounds 87 2.6 1,475 8,262,804 3.3
166 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 1,482 356,199 0.1
167 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 1,491 604,490 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
168 Weight, in pounds 25 0.8 1,516 1,563,730 0.6
169 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 1,522 197,557 0.1
170 Weight, in pounds 125 3.8 1,647 9,696,091 3.9
171 Weight, in pounds 1 0 1,648 44,124 0
172 Weight, in pounds 21 0.6 1,669 1,146,089 0.5
173 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 1,677 810,549 0.3
174 Weight, in pounds 13 0.4 1,690 857,366 0.3
175 Weight, in pounds 96 2.9 1,786 7,371,482 3
176 Weight, in pounds 13 0.4 1,799 654,825 0.3
177 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 1,807 395,578 0.2
178 Weight, in pounds 24 0.7 1,831 1,009,634 0.4
179 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 1,841 503,972 0.2
180 Weight, in pounds 131 4 1,972 8,931,798 3.6
181 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 1,975 213,309 0.1
182 Weight, in pounds 14 0.4 1,989 489,518 0.2
183 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 1,996 354,370 0.1
184 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 2,001 228,352 0.1
185 Weight, in pounds 89 2.7 2,090 6,704,443 2.7
186 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 2,100 649,258 0.3
187 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 2,109 628,425 0.3
188 Weight, in pounds 12 0.4 2,121 737,675 0.3
189 Weight, in pounds 16 0.5 2,137 937,432 0.4
190 Weight, in pounds 108 3.3 2,245 11,092,925 4.5
191 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 2,250 341,671 0.1
192 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 2,260 1,009,784 0.4
193 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 2,269 314,136 0.1
194 Weight, in pounds 4 0.1 2,273 365,226 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
195 Weight, in pounds 45 1.4 2,318 3,814,202 1.5
196 Weight, in pounds 13 0.4 2,331 1,241,347 0.5
197 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 2,338 230,334 0.1
198 Weight, in pounds 21 0.6 2,359 1,738,980 0.7
199 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,362 62,851 0
200 Weight, in pounds 113 3.4 2,475 9,913,644 4
201 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 2,481 217,756 0.1
202 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 2,486 124,886 0.1
203 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 2,491 296,410 0.1
204 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,493 226,483 0.1
205 Weight, in pounds 38 1.2 2,531 2,697,377 1.1
206 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 2,538 1,054,271 0.4
207 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 2,545 171,597 0.1
208 Weight, in pounds 7 0.2 2,552 415,786 0.2
209 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,554 50,214 0
210 Weight, in pounds 68 2.1 2,622 4,250,717 1.7
211 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,625 125,094 0.1
212 Weight, in pounds 12 0.4 2,637 878,745 0.4
213 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,639 14,187 0
214 Weight, in pounds 12 0.4 2,651 1,026,588 0.4
215 Weight, in pounds 50 1.5 2,701 3,275,426 1.3
216 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 2,707 346,447 0.1
217 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 2,713 632,426 0.3
218 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,715 143,405 0.1
219 Weight, in pounds 4 0.1 2,719 227,492 0.1
220 Weight, in pounds 66 2 2,785 6,722,154 2.7
222 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,788 350,215 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
223 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 2,794 183,650 0.1
224 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 2,800 358,202 0.1
225 Weight, in pounds 35 1.1 2,835 2,468,864 1
226 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,837 84,401 0
227 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,839 32,242 0
228 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,841 57,157 0
229 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,843 61,147 0
230 Weight, in pounds 59 1.8 2,902 4,015,055 1.6
231 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,905 275,731 0.1
232 Weight, in pounds 4 0.1 2,909 213,118 0.1
233 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,912 194,096 0.1
234 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,915 54,419 0
235 Weight, in pounds 21 0.6 2,936 1,403,897 0.6
236 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,939 742,848 0.3
237 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 2,944 196,977 0.1
238 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,946 118,556 0
239 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 2,949 255,367 0.1
240 Weight, in pounds 46 1.4 2,995 4,707,007 1.9
243 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 2,997 29,969 0
244 Weight, in pounds 1 0 2,998 19,003 0
245 Weight, in pounds 15 0.5 3,013 1,661,934 0.7
246 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 3,016 361,239 0.1
247 Weight, in pounds 4 0.1 3,020 1,100,194 0.4
248 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 3,025 440,734 0.2
249 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 3,028 169,027 0.1
250 Weight, in pounds 41 1.2 3,069 3,995,263 1.6
251 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,070 21,644 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
252 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,072 54,460 0
253 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,074 25,442 0
254 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,076 48,585 0
255 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 3,086 419,092 0.2
256 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,087 9,941 0
257 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,088 116,534 0
259 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,089 278,719 0.1
260 Weight, in pounds 26 0.8 3,115 2,353,926 0.9
262 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,117 67,378 0
263 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,119 144,505 0.1
264 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,120 10,725 0
265 Weight, in pounds 18 0.5 3,138 1,552,259 0.6
266 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,139 40,188 0
267 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 3,142 85,494 0
269 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,144 108,881 0
270 Weight, in pounds 24 0.7 3,168 2,064,122 0.8
272 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,170 128,903 0.1
275 Weight, in pounds 11 0.3 3,181 808,663 0.3
278 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,183 140,742 0.1
280 Weight, in pounds 9 0.3 3,192 998,936 0.4
281 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,193 20,702 0
283 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,194 46,024 0
285 Weight, in pounds 10 0.3 3,204 836,053 0.3
287 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,205 91,944 0
289 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,206 57,566 0
290 Weight, in pounds 5 0.2 3,211 172,044 0.1
291 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,212 80,995 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
292 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,213 206,269 0.1
294 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,215 96,735 0
295 Weight, in pounds 4 0.1 3,219 141,284 0.1
297 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,221 451,259 0.2
298 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,222 43,871 0
299 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,223 60,222 0
300 Weight, in pounds 19 0.6 3,242 2,702,042 1.1
304 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,244 154,279 0.1
310 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 3,247 105,415 0
311 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,248 114,689 0
312 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,249 15,627 0
315 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 3,252 140,314 0.1
320 Weight, in pounds 6 0.2 3,258 448,118 0.2
325 Weight, in pounds 3 0.1 3,261 100,253 0
330 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,263 168,508 0.1
331 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,264 12,701 0
335 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,265 43,417 0
336 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,266 114,732 0
347 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,267 189,730 0.1
350 Weight, in pounds 8 0.2 3,275 1,005,660 0.4
351 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,276 124,739 0.1
355 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,277 55,545 0
375 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,278 118,977 0
376 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,279 38,469 0
380 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,280 11,945 0
382 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,281 17,939 0
385 Weight, in pounds 2 0.1 3,283 224,573 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Weight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
398 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,284 83,349 0
455 Weight, in pounds 1 0 3,285 74,083 0
LittleInterest: G6a. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Variable Name: LittleInterest
Variable Label: G6a. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Variable Format: LITTLEI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
LittleInterest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 81 2.5 81 5,346,140 2.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 82 26,917 0
1 Nearly every day 198 6 280 15,388,284 6.2
2 More than half the days 230 7 510 20,175,890 8.1
3 Several days 639 19.5 1,149 46,910,813 18.9
4 Not at all 2,136 65 3,285 159,941,068 64.5
Hopeless: G6b. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
Variable Name: Hopeless
Variable Label: G6b. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
Variable Format: LITTLEI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Hopeless Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 103 3.1 103 6,417,148 2.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 107 1,289,081 0.5
1 Nearly every day 130 4 237 12,680,778 5.1
2 More than half the days 158 4.8 395 11,297,221 4.6
3 Several days 600 18.3 995 45,170,678 18.2
4 Not at all 2,290 69.7 3,285 170,934,205 69
Nervous: G6c. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge?
Variable Name: Nervous
Variable Label: G6c. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge?
Variable Format: LITTLEI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Nervous Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 83 2.5 83 5,006,482 2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 84 68,309 0
1 Nearly every day 167 5.1 251 14,692,832 5.9
2 More than half the days 167 5.1 418 16,077,525 6.5
3 Several days 815 24.8 1,233 65,587,963 26.5
4 Not at all 2,052 62.5 3,285 146,356,001 59.1
Worrying: G6d. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Not being able to stop or control worrying?
Variable Name: Worrying
Variable Label: G6d. Past 2 weeks, how often bothered by: Not being able to stop or control worrying?
Variable Format: LITTLEI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Worrying Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 82 2.5 82 5,013,950 2
1 Nearly every day 173 5.3 255 16,090,850 6.5
2 More than half the days 174 5.3 429 16,208,087 6.5
3 Several days 618 18.8 1,047 46,216,009 18.7
4 Not at all 2,238 68.1 3,285 164,260,215 66.3
EmotionalSupport: G7. Is there anyone you can count on to provide you with emotional support when you need it?
Variable Name: EmotionalSupport
Variable Label: G7. Is there anyone you can count on to provide you with emotional support when you need it?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
EmotionalSupport Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 48 1.5 48 3,236,229 1.3
1 Yes 2,825 86 2,873 213,296,900 86.1
2 No 412 12.5 3,285 31,255,982 12.6
TalkHealthFriends: G8. Do you have friends or family members that you talk to about your health?
Variable Name: TalkHealthFriends
Variable Label: G8. Do you have friends or family members that you talk to about your health?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TalkHealthFriends Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 41 1.2 41 2,857,112 1.2
1 Yes 2,881 87.7 2,922 212,964,480 85.9
2 No 363 11.1 3,285 31,967,518 12.9
HelpDailyChores: G9. If you needed help with your daily chores, is there someone who can help you?
Variable Name: HelpDailyChores
Variable Label: G9. If you needed help with your daily chores, is there someone who can help you?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HelpDailyChores Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 52 1.6 52 3,515,799 1.4
1 Yes 2,559 77.9 2,611 200,708,404 81
2 No 674 20.5 3,285 43,564,908 17.6
Deaf: G10. Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?
Variable Name: Deaf
Variable Label: G10. Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Deaf Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 34 1 34 2,071,053 0.8
1 Yes 235 7.2 269 13,512,215 5.5
2 No 3,016 91.8 3,285 232,205,843 93.7
UseMenuCalorieInfo: H1. When available, how often do you use menu information on calories in deciding what to order?
Variable Name: UseMenuCalorieInfo
Variable Label: H1. When available, how often do you use menu information on calories in deciding what to order?
Variable Format: USEMENU
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UseMenuCalorieInfo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 2,609,505 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 45 46,020 0
1 Always 212 6.5 257 15,840,377 6.4
2 Often 577 17.6 834 42,003,111 17
3 Sometimes 887 27 1,721 66,728,857 26.9
4 Rarely 660 20.1 2,381 49,400,821 19.9
5 Never 904 27.5 3,285 71,160,420 28.7
Fruit: H2. About how many cups of fruit do you eat or drink each day?
Variable Name: Fruit
Variable Label: H2. About how many cups of fruit do you eat or drink each day?
Variable Format: FRUIT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Fruit Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 53 1.6 53 2,362,308 1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 18 0.5 71 1,125,077 0.5
0 None 280 8.5 351 23,240,749 9.4
1 ½ cup or less 592 18 943 45,040,853 18.2
2 ½ cup to 1 cup 817 24.9 1,760 60,165,916 24.3
3 1 to 2 cups 991 30.2 2,751 76,638,187 30.9
4 2 to 3 cups 360 11 3,111 26,445,288 10.7
5 3 to 4 cups 117 3.6 3,228 9,078,433 3.7
6 4 or more cups 57 1.7 3,285 3,692,301 1.5
Vegetables: H3. About how many cups of vegetables do you eat or drink each day?
Variable Name: Vegetables
Variable Label: H3. About how many cups of vegetables do you eat or drink each day?
Variable Format: FRUIT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Vegetables Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 51 1.6 51 2,353,810 0.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 10 0.3 61 292,302 0.1
0 None 160 4.9 221 12,080,962 4.9
1 ½ cup or less 460 14 681 38,748,264 15.6
2 ½ cup to 1 cup 771 23.5 1,452 57,539,415 23.2
3 1 to 2 cups 1,039 31.6 2,491 75,406,891 30.4
4 2 to 3 cups 509 15.5 3,000 39,839,250 16.1
5 3 to 4 cups 198 6 3,198 14,983,401 6
6 4 or more cups 87 2.6 3,285 6,544,817 2.6
AlcoholConditions_Cancer: H4a. Drinking too much alcohol - Cancer
Variable Name: AlcoholConditions_Cancer
Variable Label: H4a. Drinking too much alcohol - Cancer
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholConditions_Cancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 272 8.3 272 16,956,510 6.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 276 1,143,445 0.5
1 Yes 1,120 34.1 1,396 88,120,856 35.6
2 No 687 20.9 2,083 58,495,310 23.6
3 Don't know 1,202 36.6 3,285 83,072,990 33.5
AlcoholConditions_HeartDisease: H4b. Drinking too much alcohol - Heart Disease
Variable Name: AlcoholConditions_HeartDisease
Variable Label: H4b. Drinking too much alcohol - Heart Disease
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholConditions_HeartDisease Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 257 7.8 257 17,247,585 7
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 261 96,838 0
1 Yes 1,688 51.4 1,949 127,781,902 51.6
2 No 423 12.9 2,372 35,034,174 14.1
3 Don't know 913 27.8 3,285 67,628,613 27.3
AlcoholConditions_Diabetes: H4c. Drinking too much alcohol - Diabetes
Variable Name: AlcoholConditions_Diabetes
Variable Label: H4c. Drinking too much alcohol - Diabetes
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholConditions_Diabetes Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 278 8.5 278 20,042,583 8.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 5 0.2 283 416,739 0.2
1 Yes 1,556 47.4 1,839 110,894,844 44.8
2 No 463 14.1 2,302 43,972,687 17.7
3 Don't know 983 29.9 3,285 72,462,258 29.2
AlcoholConditions_Cholesterol: H4d. Drinking too much alcohol - High cholesterol
Variable Name: AlcoholConditions_Cholesterol
Variable Label: H4d. Drinking too much alcohol - High cholesterol
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholConditions_Cholesterol Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 339 10.3 339 24,250,148 9.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 341 44,204 0
1 Yes 1,054 32.1 1,395 80,345,503 32.4
2 No 663 20.2 2,058 53,468,398 21.6
3 Don't know 1,227 37.4 3,285 89,680,858 36.2
AlcoholConditions_LiverDisease: H4e. Drinking too much alcohol - Liver disease
Variable Name: AlcoholConditions_LiverDisease
Variable Label: H4e. Drinking too much alcohol - Liver disease
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholConditions_LiverDisease Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 101 3.1 101 5,463,511 2.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 8 0.2 109 587,098 0.2
1 Yes 2,867 87.3 2,976 221,253,933 89.3
2 No 79 2.4 3,055 6,426,575 2.6
3 Don't know 230 7 3,285 14,057,995 5.7
AlcoholConditions_Overweight: H4f. Drinking too much alcohol - Being overweight or obese
Variable Name: AlcoholConditions_Overweight
Variable Label: H4f. Drinking too much alcohol - Being overweight or obese
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholConditions_Overweight Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 240 7.3 240 16,725,441 6.7
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 244 292,223 0.1
1 Yes 2,219 67.5 2,463 175,289,288 70.7
2 No 266 8.1 2,729 19,580,565 7.9
3 Don't know 556 16.9 3,285 35,901,594 14.5
AlcoholIncreaseCancer: H5a. Alcohol increases your risk of cancer
Variable Name: AlcoholIncreaseCancer
Variable Label: H5a. Alcohol increases your risk of cancer
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholIncreaseCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 186 5.7 186 10,000,741 4
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 188 162,614 0.1
1 Strongly agree 622 18.9 810 49,938,569 20.2
2 Somewhat agree 1,113 33.9 1,923 85,053,949 34.3
3 Somewhat disagree 918 27.9 2,841 68,153,818 27.5
4 Strongly disagree 444 13.5 3,285 34,479,419 13.9
AlcoholReduceHeart: H5b. Drinking alcohol in moderation reduces your risk of heart disease
Variable Name: AlcoholReduceHeart
Variable Label: H5b. Drinking alcohol in moderation reduces your risk of heart disease
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AlcoholReduceHeart Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 159 4.8 159 8,577,656 3.5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 160 204,473 0.1
1 Strongly agree 361 11 521 27,354,864 11
2 Somewhat agree 1,491 45.4 2,012 110,647,785 44.7
3 Somewhat disagree 794 24.2 2,806 60,421,311 24.4
4 Strongly disagree 479 14.6 3,285 40,583,022 16.4
TimesModerateExercise: I1. How many days do you do any physical activity or exercise of at least moderate intensity?
Variable Name: TimesModerateExercise
Variable Label: I1. How many days do you do any physical activity or exercise of at least moderate intensity?
Variable Format: TIMESMO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TimesModerateExercise Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 62 1.9 62 3,431,629 1.4
0 None 905 27.5 967 62,731,355 25.3
1 1 day per week 250 7.6 1,217 21,410,341 8.6
2 2 days per week 361 11 1,578 27,458,484 11.1
3 3 days per week 580 17.7 2,158 42,126,016 17
4 4 days per week 356 10.8 2,514 30,185,556 12.2
5 5 days per week 392 11.9 2,906 30,355,420 12.3
6 6 days per week 149 4.5 3,055 12,634,849 5.1
7 7 days per week 230 7 3,285 17,455,462 7
HowLongModerateExerciseMn: I2. How long are you typically doing these activities? Minutes:
Variable Name: HowLongModerateExerciseMn
Variable Label: I2. How long are you typically doing these activities? Minutes:
Variable Format: HOWLONF
Criteria to receive Question: TimesModerateExercise=1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Criteria description: Participants who, in a typical week, do any physical activity or exercise of at least moderate intensity, at least one day
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HowLongModerateExerciseMn Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 40 1.2 40 2,135,440 0.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 38 1.2 78 4,060,356 1.6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in TimesModerateExercise 876 26.7 954 59,232,808 23.9
0 Length of exercise time, in minutes 900 27.4 1,854 71,451,682 28.8
1 Length of exercise time, in minutes 4 0.1 1,858 151,031 0.1
2 Length of exercise time, in minutes 3 0.1 1,861 793,911 0.3
5 Length of exercise time, in minutes 7 0.2 1,868 349,227 0.1
6 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 1,869 28,495 0
7 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 1,870 55,182 0
10 Length of exercise time, in minutes 30 0.9 1,900 2,645,725 1.1
13 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 1,901 571,548 0.2
15 Length of exercise time, in minutes 95 2.9 1,996 6,397,031 2.6
19 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 1,997 44,759 0
20 Length of exercise time, in minutes 130 4 2,127 8,837,840 3.6
25 Length of exercise time, in minutes 27 0.8 2,154 1,680,022 0.7
30 Length of exercise time, in minutes 629 19.1 2,783 53,326,748 21.5
35 Length of exercise time, in minutes 36 1.1 2,819 1,991,387 0.8
38 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 2,820 47,649 0
40 Length of exercise time, in minutes 57 1.7 2,877 3,429,848 1.4
43 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 2,878 88,002 0
45 Length of exercise time, in minutes 224 6.8 3,102 17,186,677 6.9

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HowLongModerateExerciseMn Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
47 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 3,103 19,374 0
50 Length of exercise time, in minutes 24 0.7 3,127 1,781,513 0.7
55 Length of exercise time, in minutes 3 0.1 3,130 128,389 0.1
59 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 3,131 238,161 0.1
60 Length of exercise time, in minutes 116 3.5 3,247 8,918,346 3.6
65 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 3,248 86,041 0
66 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 3,249 65,167 0
70 Length of exercise time, in minutes 1 0 3,250 11,742 0
75 Length of exercise time, in minutes 7 0.2 3,257 306,321 0.1
80 Length of exercise time, in minutes 3 0.1 3,260 121,354 0
90 Length of exercise time, in minutes 25 0.8 3,285 1,607,337 0.6
HowLongModerateExerciseHr: I2. How long are you typically doing these activities? Hours:
Variable Name: HowLongModerateExerciseHr
Variable Label: I2. How long are you typically doing these activities? Hours:
Variable Format: HOWLONG
Criteria to receive Question: TimesModerateExercise=1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Criteria description: Participants who, in a typical week, do any physical activity or exercise of at least moderate intensity, at least one day
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HowLongModerateExerciseHr Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 40 1.2 40 2,135,440 0.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 22 0.7 62 2,328,455 0.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in TimesModerateExercise 892 27.2 954 60,760,951 24.5
0 Length of exercise time, in hours 1,345 40.9 2,299 100,305,844 40.5
1 Length of exercise time, in hours 561 17.1 2,860 45,581,904 18.4
2 Length of exercise time, in hours 234 7.1 3,094 20,906,156 8.4
3 Length of exercise time, in hours 74 2.3 3,168 5,142,919 2.1
4 Length of exercise time, in hours 30 0.9 3,198 1,820,925 0.7
5 Length of exercise time, in hours 11 0.3 3,209 518,245 0.2
6 Length of exercise time, in hours 20 0.6 3,229 3,009,399 1.2
7 Length of exercise time, in hours 7 0.2 3,236 542,044 0.2
8 Length of exercise time, in hours 30 0.9 3,266 2,761,878 1.1
9 Length of exercise time, in hours 5 0.2 3,271 289,143 0.1
10 Length of exercise time, in hours 6 0.2 3,277 806,455 0.3
11 Length of exercise time, in hours 1 0 3,278 83,406 0
12 Length of exercise time, in hours 4 0.1 3,282 270,450 0.1
13 Length of exercise time, in hours 1 0 3,283 24,348 0
14 Length of exercise time, in hours 2 0.1 3,285 501,150 0.2
TimesStrengthTraining: I3. How many days do you do leisure-time physical activities to strengthen your muscles?
Variable Name: TimesStrengthTraining
Variable Label: I3. How many days do you do leisure-time physical activities to strengthen your muscles?
Variable Format: TIMESST
Criteria to receive Question: TimesModerateExercise=1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Criteria description: Participants who, in a typical week, do any physical activity or exercise of at least moderate intensity, at least one day
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TimesStrengthTraining Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 42 1.3 42 2,191,669 0.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 5 0.2 47 309,858 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 93 2.8 140 8,458,493 3.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 0 in TimesModerateExercise 812 24.7 952 54,272,862 21.9
0 None 985 30 1,937 77,508,022 31.3
1 1 day per week 297 9 2,234 23,787,081 9.6
2 2 days per week 318 9.7 2,552 24,034,554 9.7
3 3 days per week 382 11.6 2,934 28,502,892 11.5
4 4 days per week 129 3.9 3,063 10,364,142 4.2
5 5 days per week 131 4 3,194 9,998,547 4
6 6 days per week 37 1.1 3,231 3,690,624 1.5
7 7 days per week 54 1.6 3,285 4,670,366 1.9
TanningBed: I4. How many times in the past 12 months have you used a tanning bed or booth?
Variable Name: TanningBed
Variable Label: I4. How many times in the past 12 months have you used a tanning bed or booth?
Variable Format: TANNING
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TanningBed Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 52 1.6 52 2,808,586 1.1
0 0 times 3,149 95.9 3,201 236,366,260 95.4
1 1 to 2 times 22 0.7 3,223 1,431,146 0.6
2 3 to 10 times 37 1.1 3,260 4,543,616 1.8
3 11 to 24 times 15 0.5 3,275 1,104,261 0.4
4 25 or more times 10 0.3 3,285 1,535,242 0.6
SkinCancerHPExam: I5. Do you ever have your skin examined by a health professional for signs of skin cancer?
Variable Name: SkinCancerHPExam
Variable Label: I5. Do you ever have your skin examined by a health professional for signs of skin cancer?
Variable Format: SKINCAF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SkinCancerHPExam Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 44 1.3 44 2,544,780 1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 45 11,273 0
1 Yes, but not regularly 927 28.2 972 65,149,349 26.3
2 No 1,714 52.2 2,686 143,305,639 57.8
3 Yes, regularly 553 16.8 3,239 33,197,883 13.4
4 I don't know 46 1.4 3,285 3,580,186 1.4
SkinCancerSelfCheck: I6. Do you ever check your skin for signs of skin cancer?
Variable Name: SkinCancerSelfCheck
Variable Label: I6. Do you ever check your skin for signs of skin cancer?
Variable Format: SKINCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SkinCancerSelfCheck Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 52 1.6 52 2,952,898 1.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 53 26,779 0
1 Yes, but not regularly 1,311 39.9 1,364 94,153,584 38
2 No 1,271 38.7 2,635 107,523,875 43.4
3 Yes, regularly 650 19.8 3,285 43,131,975 17.4
Smoke100: J1. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?
Variable Name: Smoke100
Variable Label: J1. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?
Variable Format: SMOKE1F
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Smoke100 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 21 0.6 21 1,031,186 0.4
1 Yes 1,279 38.9 1,300 94,056,117 38
2 No 1,985 60.4 3,285 152,701,808 61.6
SmokeNow: J2. How often do you now smoke cigarettes?
Variable Name: SmokeNow
Variable Label: J2. How often do you now smoke cigarettes?
Variable Format: SMOKENO
Criteria to receive Question: Smoke100=1
Criteria description: Participants who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their entire life.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SmokeNow Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 9 0.3 9 491,275 0.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 21 0.6 30 1,031,186 0.4
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 207 6.3 237 18,626,124 7.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in Smoke100 1,778 54.1 2,015 134,075,685 54.1
1 Everyday 303 9.2 2,318 26,705,814 10.8
2 Some days 111 3.4 2,429 9,922,128 4
3 Not at all 856 26.1 3,285 56,936,899 23
TriedQuit: J3. At any time in the past year, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer?
Variable Name: TriedQuit
Variable Label: J3. At any time in the past year, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer?
Variable Format: TRIEDQU
Criteria to receive Question: SmokeNow=1,2
Criteria description: Participants who now smoke cigarettes everyday or somedays.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TriedQuit Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 3 0.1 3 122,344 0
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 27 0.8 30 1,224,967 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 190 5.8 220 14,868,100 6
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in Smoke100, or coded 3 in SmokeNow 2,651 80.7 2,871 194,770,608 78.6
1 Yes 258 7.9 3,129 23,307,686 9.4
2 No 156 4.7 3,285 13,495,406 5.4
ConsiderQuit: J4. Are you seriously considering quitting smoking in the next six months?
Variable Name: ConsiderQuit
Variable Label: J4. Are you seriously considering quitting smoking in the next six months?
Variable Format: TRIEDQU
Criteria to receive Question: SmokeNow=1,2
Criteria description: Participants who now smoke cigarettes everyday or somedays.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ConsiderQuit Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 13 0.4 13 1,014,508 0.4
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 22 0.7 35 1,259,159 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 120 3.7 155 9,730,169 3.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in Smoke100, or coded 3 in SmokeNow 2,721 82.8 2,876 199,908,539 80.7
1 Yes 256 7.8 3,132 21,691,152 8.8
2 No 153 4.7 3,285 14,185,584 5.7
ElectCigLessHarm: J5. Compared to smoking cigarettes, would you say that electronic cigarettes are...
Variable Name: ElectCigLessHarm
Variable Label: J5. Compared to smoking cigarettes, would you say that electronic cigarettes are...
Variable Format: ELECTCI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ElectCigLessHarm Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 197 6 197 10,049,102 4.1
1 Much less harmful 133 4 330 12,861,461 5.2
2 Less harmful 652 19.8 982 59,712,486 24.1
3 Just as harmful 1,615 49.2 2,597 116,953,012 47.2
4 More harmful 140 4.3 2,737 10,506,953 4.2
5 Much more harmful 143 4.4 2,880 10,388,762 4.2
6 I've never heard of electronic cigarettes 405 12.3 3,285 27,317,336 11
UsedECigEver: J6. Have you ever used an e-cigarette, even one or two times?
Variable Name: UsedECigEver
Variable Label: J6. Have you ever used an e-cigarette, even one or two times?
Variable Format: USEDECI
Criteria to receive Question: ElectCigLessHarm=1,2,3,4,5
Criteria description: Participants who have heard of electronic cigarettes.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UsedECigEver Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 87 2.6 87 4,665,274 1.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 105 3.2 192 7,070,088 2.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 6 in ElectCigLessHarm 300 9.1 492 20,247,248 8.2
1 Yes 367 11.2 859 41,099,432 16.6
2 No 2,426 73.9 3,285 174,707,069 70.5
UseECigNow: J7. Do you now use an e-cigarette every day, some days, or not at all?
Variable Name: UseECigNow
Variable Label: J7. Do you now use an e-cigarette every day, some days, or not at all?
Variable Format: USEECIG
Criteria to receive Question: UsedECigEver=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever used an e-cigarette, even one or two times.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UseECigNow Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 5 0.2 5 178,583 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 87 2.6 92 4,665,274 1.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 370 11.3 462 25,189,801 10.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 6 in ElectCigLessHarm or coded 2 in UsedEcCigEver 2,461 74.9 2,923 176,834,604 71.4
1 Everyday 23 0.7 2,946 2,489,946 1
2 Some days 57 1.7 3,003 9,648,755 3.9
3 Not at all 282 8.6 3,285 28,782,148 11.6
DrTalkLungTest: J8. Past year, have you talked with your doctor about having a test to check for lung cancer?
Variable Name: DrTalkLungTest
Variable Label: J8. Past year, have you talked with your doctor about having a test to check for lung cancer?
Variable Format: ALCOHOL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
DrTalkLungTest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 107 3.3 107 6,327,625 2.6
1 Yes 194 5.9 301 10,402,581 4.2
2 No 2,916 88.8 3,217 225,321,368 90.9
3 Don't know 68 2.1 3,285 5,737,536 2.3
SmokelessLessHarm: J9. Do you think that some smokeless tobacco products are less harmful than cigarettes?
Variable Name: SmokelessLessHarm
Variable Label: J9. Do you think that some smokeless tobacco products are less harmful than cigarettes?
Variable Format: SMOKELE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SmokelessLessHarm Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 111 3.4 111 5,835,008 2.4
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 112 4,116 0
1 Yes 419 12.8 531 33,285,351 13.4
2 No 2,253 68.6 2,784 175,841,774 71
3 Don't know 501 15.3 3,285 32,822,862 13.2
HookahLessHarm: J10. Compared to smoking cigarettes, would you say that smoking tobacco using a hookah is...
Variable Name: HookahLessHarm
Variable Label: J10. Compared to smoking cigarettes, would you say that smoking tobacco using a hookah is...
Variable Format: HOOKAHL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HookahLessHarm Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 140 4.3 140 6,919,197 2.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 144 277,534 0.1
1 Much less harmful 29 0.9 173 3,075,521 1.2
2 Less harmful 303 9.2 476 25,210,436 10.2
3 Just as harmful 1,776 54.1 2,252 139,692,624 56.4
4 More harmful 129 3.9 2,381 11,959,668 4.8
5 Much more harmful 93 2.8 2,474 8,258,255 3.3
6 I've never heard of a hookah 811 24.7 3,285 52,395,876 21.1
GenderC: K1. Are you male or female?
Variable Name: GenderC
Variable Label: K1. Are you male or female?
Variable Format: GENDERC
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
GenderC Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 68 2.1 68 4,087,511 1.6
1 Male 1,303 39.7 1,371 119,176,669 48.1
2 Female 1,914 58.3 3,285 124,524,932 50.3
WhenPapTest: K2. How long ago did you have your most recent Pap test to check for cervical cancer?
Variable Name: WhenPapTest
Variable Label: K2. How long ago did you have your most recent Pap test to check for cervical cancer?
Variable Format: WHENPAP
Criteria to receive Question: GenderC=2
Criteria description: Participants who are female
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhenPapTest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 27 0.8 27 1,536,191 0.6
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 53 1.6 80 3,020,489 1.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 83 325,343 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 41 1.2 124 5,195,467 2.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 in GenderC 1,262 38.4 1,386 113,981,201 46
1 A year ago or less 840 25.6 2,226 55,671,415 22.5
2 More than 1, up to 2 years ago 391 11.9 2,617 27,053,470 10.9
3 More than 2, up to 3 years ago 180 5.5 2,797 10,470,607 4.2
4 More than 3, up to 5 years ago 140 4.3 2,937 7,489,867 3
5 More than 5 years ago 300 9.1 3,237 15,224,000 6.1
6 I have never had a Pap test 48 1.5 3,285 7,821,061 3.2
WhenMammogram: K3. When did you have your most recent mammogram to check for breast cancer, if ever?
Variable Name: WhenMammogram
Variable Label: K3. When did you have your most recent mammogram to check for breast cancer, if ever?
Variable Format: WHENMAM
Criteria to receive Question: GenderC=2
Criteria description: Participants who are female
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhenMammogram Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 25 0.8 25 1,586,310 0.6
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 52 1.6 77 3,011,354 1.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 80 374,992 0.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 31 0.9 111 4,567,136 1.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 in GenderC 1,272 38.7 1,383 114,609,533 46.3
1 A year ago or less 997 30.4 2,380 54,991,983 22.2
2 More than 1, up to 2 years ago 306 9.3 2,686 18,976,069 7.7
3 More than 2, up to 3 years ago 106 3.2 2,792 7,576,566 3.1
4 More than 3, up to 5 years ago 61 1.9 2,853 3,369,720 1.4
5 More than 5 years ago 109 3.3 2,962 6,939,230 2.8
6 I have never had a mammogram 323 9.8 3,285 31,786,218 12.8
EverHadPSATest: K4. A PSA test is used to check for prostate cancer. Have you ever had a PSA test?
Variable Name: EverHadPSATest
Variable Label: K4. A PSA test is used to check for prostate cancer. Have you ever had a PSA test?
Variable Format: EVERHAD
Criteria to receive Question: GenderC=1
Criteria description: Participants who are male
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
EverHadPSATest Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 26 0.8 26 2,861,141 1.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 52 1.6 78 3,181,979 1.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 640 19.5 718 43,895,935 17.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in GenderC 1,274 38.8 1,992 80,628,997 32.5
1 Yes 740 22.5 2,732 47,472,157 19.2
2 No 553 16.8 3,285 69,748,902 28.1
HeardHPV: L1. Have you ever heard of HPV?
Variable Name: HeardHPV
Variable Label: L1. Have you ever heard of HPV?
Variable Format: HEARDHP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HeardHPV Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 43 1.3 43 2,679,170 1.1
1 Yes 2,034 61.9 2,077 156,795,674 63.3
2 No 1,208 36.8 3,285 88,314,267 35.6
HPVCauseCancer_Cervical: L2a. Do you think HPV can cause cervical cancer?
Variable Name: HPVCauseCancer_Cervical
Variable Label: L2a. Do you think HPV can cause cervical cancer?
Variable Format: HPVCAUS
Criteria to receive Question: HeardHPV=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever heard of HPV
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVCauseCancer_Cervical Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 32 1 32 3,662,057 1.5
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 43 1.3 75 2,679,170 1.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 132 4 207 11,996,159 4.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardHPV 1,076 32.8 1,283 76,318,108 30.8
1 Yes 1,606 48.9 2,889 124,846,124 50.4
2 No 30 0.9 2,919 2,980,492 1.2
3 Not sure 366 11.1 3,285 25,307,001 10.2
HPVCauseCancer_Penile: L2b. Do you think HPV can cause penile cancer?
Variable Name: HPVCauseCancer_Penile
Variable Label: L2b. Do you think HPV can cause penile cancer?
Variable Format: HPVCAUS
Criteria to receive Question: HeardHPV=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever heard of HPV
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVCauseCancer_Penile Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 111 3.4 111 9,694,657 3.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 43 1.3 154 2,679,170 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 157 86,060 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 125 3.8 282 11,712,852 4.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardHPV 1,083 33 1,365 76,601,415 30.9
1 Yes 642 19.5 2,007 45,803,063 18.5
2 No 270 8.2 2,277 23,157,652 9.3
3 Not sure 1,008 30.7 3,285 78,054,243 31.5
HPVCauseCancer_Anal: L2c. Do you think HPV can cause anal cancer?
Variable Name: HPVCauseCancer_Anal
Variable Label: L2c. Do you think HPV can cause anal cancer?
Variable Format: HPVCAUS
Criteria to receive Question: HeardHPV=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever heard of HPV
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVCauseCancer_Anal Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 107 3.3 107 9,597,429 3.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 43 1.3 150 2,679,170 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 153 271,409 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 128 3.9 281 11,763,518 4.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardHPV 1,080 32.9 1,361 76,550,749 30.9
1 Yes 575 17.5 1,936 42,748,546 17.3
2 No 285 8.7 2,221 23,173,025 9.4
3 Not sure 1,064 32.4 3,285 81,005,265 32.7
HPVCauseCancer_Oral: L2d. Do you think HPV can cause oral cancer?
Variable Name: HPVCauseCancer_Oral
Variable Label: L2d. Do you think HPV can cause oral cancer?
Variable Format: HPVCAUS
Criteria to receive Question: HeardHPV=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever heard of HPV
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVCauseCancer_Oral Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 102 3.1 102 8,696,887 3.5
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 43 1.3 145 2,679,170 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 148 81,586 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 126 3.8 274 11,776,758 4.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardHPV 1,082 32.9 1,356 76,537,509 30.9
1 Yes 643 19.6 1,999 45,503,952 18.4
2 No 286 8.7 2,285 24,549,015 9.9
3 Not sure 1,000 30.4 3,285 77,964,235 31.5
HPVSTD: L3. Do you think that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
Variable Name: HPVSTD
Variable Label: L3. Do you think that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
Variable Format: HPVSTD
Criteria to receive Question: HeardHPV=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever heard of HPV
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVSTD Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 21 0.6 21 1,783,537 0.7
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 43 1.3 64 2,679,170 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 67 197,845 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 168 5.1 235 14,399,686 5.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardHPV 1,040 31.7 1,275 73,914,581 29.8
1 Yes 1,333 40.6 2,608 105,011,530 42.4
2 No 258 7.9 2,866 20,677,762 8.3
3 Not sure 419 12.8 3,285 29,125,000 11.8
HPVMedicalTreatment: L4. Do you think HPV requires medical treatment or will usually go away on its own without treatment?
Variable Name: HPVMedicalTreatment
Variable Label: L4. Do you think HPV requires medical treatment or will usually go away on its own without treatment?
Variable Format: HPVMEDI
Criteria to receive Question: HeardHPV=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever heard of HPV
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVMedicalTreatment Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 56 1.7 56 3,747,546 1.5
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 43 1.3 99 2,679,170 1.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 9 0.3 108 428,555 0.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 140 4.3 248 11,544,685 4.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in HeardHPV 1,068 32.5 1,316 76,769,582 31
1 Requires medical treatment 1,810 55.1 3,126 141,351,242 57
2 Will usually go away on its own 159 4.8 3,285 11,268,331 4.5
HeardHPVVaccine2: L5. Before today, have you ever heard of the cervical cancer vaccine or HPV shot?
Variable Name: HeardHPVVaccine2
Variable Label: L5. Before today, have you ever heard of the cervical cancer vaccine or HPV shot?
Variable Format: SEEKCAN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HeardHPVVaccine2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 76 2.3 76 5,859,687 2.4
1 Yes 1,978 60.2 2,054 149,521,280 60.3
2 No 1,231 37.5 3,285 92,408,144 37.3
HPVShotPrevent: L6. In your opinion, how successful is the HPV vaccine at preventing cervical cancer?
Variable Name: HPVShotPrevent
Variable Label: L6. In your opinion, how successful is the HPV vaccine at preventing cervical cancer?
Variable Format: HPVSHOT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HPVShotPrevent Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 100 3 100 7,425,944 3
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 102 238,787 0.1
1 Not at all successful 38 1.2 140 2,588,615 1
2 A little successful 105 3.2 245 10,162,851 4.1
3 Pretty successful 359 10.9 604 27,600,929 11.1
4 Very successful 424 12.9 1,028 34,773,334 14
5 Don't know 2,257 68.7 3,285 164,998,650 66.6
FamBetween9and27: L7. Is anyone in your immediate family between the ages of 9 and 27 years old?
Variable Name: FamBetween9and27
Variable Label: L7. Is anyone in your immediate family between the ages of 9 and 27 years old?
Variable Format: FAMBETW
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
FamBetween9and27 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 22 0.7 22 1,087,376 0.4
1 Yes 1,210 36.8 1,232 119,815,893 48.4
2 No 2,053 62.5 3,285 126,885,842 51.2
DiscussHPVVaccination12m: L8. Has a doctor ever talked with you about the HPV shot?
Variable Name: DiscussHPVVaccination12m
Variable Label: L8. Has a doctor ever talked with you about the HPV shot?
Variable Format: DISCUSS
Criteria to receive Question: FamBetween9and27=1
Criteria description: Participants who have immediate family between the ages of 9 and 27 years old
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
DiscussHPVVaccination12m Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 14 0.4 14 842,654 0.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 22 0.7 36 1,087,376 0.4
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 5 0.2 41 676,024 0.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 291 8.9 332 16,012,036 6.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 in FamBetween9and27 1,762 53.6 2,094 110,873,806 44.7
1 Yes 351 10.7 2,445 32,787,469 13.2
2 No 625 19 3,070 65,815,593 26.6
3 Don't know 215 6.5 3,285 19,694,153 7.9
RecommendHPVShot: L9. Has a doctor recommended that you or someone in your immediate family get an HPV shot?
Variable Name: RecommendHPVShot
Variable Label: L9. Has a doctor recommended that you or someone in your immediate family get an HPV shot?
Variable Format: DISCUSS
Criteria to receive Question: FamBetween9and27=1
Criteria description: Participants who have immediate family between the ages of 9 and 27 years old
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RecommendHPVShot Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 17 0.5 17 922,292 0.4
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 22 0.7 39 1,087,376 0.4
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 41 545,015 0.2
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 309 9.4 350 17,015,708 6.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 in FamBetween9and27 1,744 53.1 2,094 109,870,134 44.3
1 Yes 283 8.6 2,377 27,017,866 10.9
2 No 662 20.2 3,039 69,576,340 28.1
3 Don't know 246 7.5 3,285 21,754,381 8.8
EverHadCancer: M1. Have you ever been diagnosed as having cancer?
Variable Name: EverHadCancer
Variable Label: M1. Have you ever been diagnosed as having cancer?
Variable Format: EVERHAF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
EverHadCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 25 0.8 25 1,235,376 0.5
1 Yes 504 15.3 529 21,307,455 8.6
2 No 2,756 83.9 3,285 225,246,279 90.9
CaBladder: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Bladder cancer
Variable Name: CaBladder
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Bladder cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaBladder Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 11 0.3 2,803 635,415 0.3
2 Not selected 482 14.7 3,285 20,455,187 8.3
CaBone: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Bone cancer
Variable Name: CaBone
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Bone cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaBone Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 2 0.1 2,794 37,777 0
2 Not selected 491 14.9 3,285 21,052,825 8.5
CaBreast: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Breast cancer
Variable Name: CaBreast
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Breast cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaBreast Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 1 0 37 29,980 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,755 83.9 2,792 225,216,299 90.9
1 Selected 106 3.2 2,898 4,139,594 1.7
2 Not selected 387 11.8 3,285 16,951,008 6.8
CaCervical: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix)
Variable Name: CaCervical
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix)
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaCervical Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 39 1.2 2,831 2,211,582 0.9
2 Not selected 454 13.8 3,285 18,879,020 7.6
CaColon: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Colon cancer
Variable Name: CaColon
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Colon cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaColon Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 1 0 37 5,429 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,755 83.9 2,792 225,240,851 90.9
1 Selected 29 0.9 2,821 1,587,092 0.6
2 Not selected 464 14.1 3,285 19,503,510 7.9
CaEndometrial: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterus)
Variable Name: CaEndometrial
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterus)
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaEndometrial Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 15 0.5 2,807 487,648 0.2
2 Not selected 478 14.6 3,285 20,602,955 8.3
CaHeadNeck: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Head and neck cancer
Variable Name: CaHeadNeck
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Head and neck cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaHeadNeck Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 1 0 37 50,262 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,755 83.9 2,792 225,196,017 90.9
1 Selected 11 0.3 2,803 422,808 0.2
2 Not selected 482 14.7 3,285 20,667,794 8.3
CaHodgkins: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Hodgkins lymphoma
Variable Name: CaHodgkins
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Hodgkins lymphoma
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaHodgkins Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 7 0.2 2,799 775,075 0.3
2 Not selected 486 14.8 3,285 20,315,527 8.2
CaLeukemia: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Leukemia/Blood cancer
Variable Name: CaLeukemia
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Leukemia/Blood cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaLeukemia Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 7 0.2 2,799 303,420 0.1
2 Not selected 486 14.8 3,285 20,787,182 8.4
CaLiver: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Liver cancer
Variable Name: CaLiver
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Liver cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaLiver Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 2 0.1 2,794 139,587 0.1
2 Not selected 491 14.9 3,285 20,951,015 8.5
CaLung: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Lung cancer
Variable Name: CaLung
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Lung cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaLung Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 1 0 37 145,229 0.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,755 83.9 2,792 225,101,051 90.8
1 Selected 11 0.3 2,803 529,322 0.2
2 Not selected 482 14.7 3,285 20,561,280 8.3
CaMelanoma: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Melanoma
Variable Name: CaMelanoma
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Melanoma
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaMelanoma Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 38 1.2 2,830 1,449,024 0.6
2 Not selected 455 13.9 3,285 19,641,578 7.9
CaNonHodgkin: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Variable Name: CaNonHodgkin
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaNonHodgkin Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 12 0.4 2,804 615,696 0.2
2 Not selected 481 14.6 3,285 20,474,906 8.3
CaOral: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Oral cancer
Variable Name: CaOral
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Oral cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaOral Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 2 0.1 2,794 78,435 0
2 Not selected 491 14.9 3,285 21,012,167 8.5
CaOvarian: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Ovarian cancer
Variable Name: CaOvarian
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Ovarian cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaOvarian Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 7 0.2 2,799 148,195 0.1
2 Not selected 486 14.8 3,285 20,942,407 8.5
CaPancreatic: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Pancreatic cancer
Variable Name: CaPancreatic
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Pancreatic cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaPancreatic Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 2 0.1 2,794 72,967 0
2 Not selected 491 14.9 3,285 21,017,635 8.5
CaPharyngeal: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Pharyngeal (throat) cancer
Variable Name: CaPharyngeal
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Pharyngeal (throat) cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaPharyngeal Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 1 0 2,793 61,798 0
2 Not selected 492 15 3,285 21,028,804 8.5
CaProstate: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Prostate cancer
Variable Name: CaProstate
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Prostate cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaProstate Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 1 0 37 5,429 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,755 83.9 2,792 225,240,851 90.9
1 Selected 56 1.7 2,848 1,848,729 0.7
2 Not selected 437 13.3 3,285 19,241,873 7.8
CaRectal: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Rectal cancer
Variable Name: CaRectal
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Rectal cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaRectal Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 7 0.2 2,799 280,131 0.1
2 Not selected 486 14.8 3,285 20,810,471 8.4
CaRenal: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Renal (kidney) cancer
Variable Name: CaRenal
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Renal (kidney) cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaRenal Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,756 83.9 2,792 225,246,279 90.9
1 Selected 6 0.2 2,798 159,595 0.1
2 Not selected 487 14.8 3,285 20,931,007 8.4
CaSkin: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Skin cancer, non-melanoma
Variable Name: CaSkin
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Skin cancer, non-melanoma
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaSkin Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 4 0.1 40 169,384 0.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,752 83.8 2,792 225,076,895 90.8
1 Selected 162 4.9 2,954 6,700,360 2.7
2 Not selected 331 10.1 3,285 14,390,242 5.8
CaStomach: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Stomach cancer
Variable Name: CaStomach
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Stomach cancer
Variable Format: CABLADD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaStomach Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 1 0 37 15,055 0
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,755 83.9 2,792 225,231,224 90.9
1 Selected 3 0.1 2,795 159,796 0.1
2 Not selected 490 14.9 3,285 20,930,806 8.4
CaOther: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Other
Variable Name: CaOther
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Other
Variable Format: CAOTHER
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaOther Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 5 0.2 41 570,640 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,751 83.7 2,792 224,675,640 90.7
1 Selected - Specify 44 1.3 2,836 1,679,545 0.7
2 Not selected 449 13.7 3,285 19,411,057 7.8
CaOther_OS: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Other, SPECIFY:
Variable Name: CaOther_OS
Variable Label: M2. What type of cancer did you have? Other, SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $CAOTHEF
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaOther_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in 3,192 97.2 3,192 243,936,525 98.4
EverHadCancer or coded 2 in
-2 Question answered in error 13 0.4 3,205 720,812 0.3
(Commission Error)
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 36 1.1 3,241 1,452,229 0.6
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 1 0 3,242 9,347 0
AN INSECT BITE TURNED INWARD AND BECAME CANCEROUS. Verbatim response 1 0 3,243 15,665 0
APPENDICEAL PSEUDOMYXOMA PERITONEI Verbatim response 1 0 3,244 15,627 0
BACK CANCER Verbatim response 1 0 3,245 82,394 0
BILE DUCT Verbatim response 1 0 3,246 51,399 0
BLOOD Verbatim response 1 0 3,247 27,236 0
BLOOD DISORDER Verbatim response 1 0 3,248 99,460 0
CARCINOID Verbatim response 1 0 3,249 70,178 0
CHORIOCARCINOMA Verbatim response 1 0 3,250 109,302 0
FROZEN CERVIX Verbatim response 1 0 3,251 29,818 0
HEP C Verbatim response 1 0 3,252 15,281 0
HUMAN SINGLE CELL IN MY NOSE Verbatim response 1 0 3,253 25,118 0
LEIOMYOMA SARCOMA Verbatim response 1 0 3,254 43,995 0
METAPLASIA Verbatim response 1 0 3,255 23,965 0
MULTIPLE MYELOMA Verbatim response 5 0.2 3,260 133,755 0.1
NOSE Verbatim response 1 0 3,261 29,890 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CaOther_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
PENILE Verbatim response 1 0 3,262 17,706 0
POLYCYTHEMIA/LOBULAR CARCINOMA IN SITU Verbatim response 1 0 3,263 64,188 0
SPOT ON NOSE Verbatim response 1 0 3,264 14,063 0
T-CELL LYMPHOMA Verbatim response 1 0 3,265 5,448 0
TESTICULAR Verbatim response 6 0.2 3,271 259,364 0.1
THYROID Verbatim response 12 0.4 3,283 462,389 0.2
THYROID AND LYMPHNODE Verbatim response 1 0 3,284 18,806 0
VOCAL CORDS Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 55,153 0
Cancer_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given to question M2
Variable Name: Cancer_Cat
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given to question M2
Variable Format: CANCER_
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Cancer_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 216,853 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 14 0.4 50 985,979 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,742 83.5 2,792 224,260,300 90.5
1 Bladder cancer only 5 0.2 2,797 159,350 0.1
2 Bone cancer only 1 0 2,798 2,144 0
3 Breast cancer only 83 2.5 2,881 3,103,884 1.3
4 Cervical cancer only 29 0.9 2,910 1,828,072 0.7
5 Colon cancer only 23 0.7 2,933 1,071,626 0.4
6 Endometrial cancer only 10 0.3 2,943 332,564 0.1
7 Head/Neck cancer only 6 0.2 2,949 310,790 0.1
8 Hodgkins only 4 0.1 2,953 667,095 0.3
9 Renal cancer only 4 0.1 2,957 107,869 0
10 Leukemia only 7 0.2 2,964 303,420 0.1
11 Liver cancer only 1 0 2,965 103,954 0
12 Lung cancer only 8 0.2 2,973 436,791 0.2
13 Melanoma only 23 0.7 2,996 965,954 0.4
14 Non-Hodgkin only 9 0.3 3,005 437,713 0.2
16 Ovarian cancer only 2 0.1 3,007 11,523 0
17 Pancreatic cancer only 2 0.1 3,009 72,967 0
19 Prostate cancer only 42 1.3 3,051 1,307,788 0.5

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Cancer_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
20 Rectal cancer only 4 0.1 3,055 164,324 0.1
22 Skin cancer only 124 3.8 3,179 5,262,097 2.1
23 Stomach cancer only 2 0.1 3,181 150,450 0.1
25 More than one cancer checked 70 2.1 3,251 2,873,746 1.2
91 Other cancer only 34 1 3,285 1,416,479 0.6
WhenDiagnosedCancer: M3. At what age were you first told that you had cancer?
Variable Name: WhenDiagnosedCancer
Variable Label: M3. At what age were you first told that you had cancer?
Variable Format: WHENDIA
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhenDiagnosedCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 22 0.7 22 909,317 0.4
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 47 1,235,376 0.5
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 2 0.1 49 123,178 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 10 0.3 59 789,652 0.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,746 83.6 2,805 224,456,627 90.6
1 Age at diagnosis 1 0 2,806 49,290 0
13 Age at diagnosis 1 0 2,807 203,841 0.1
15 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 2,809 22,635 0
16 Age at diagnosis 1 0 2,810 12,470 0
17 Age at diagnosis 1 0 2,811 212,457 0.1
18 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 2,813 144,552 0.1
19 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 2,815 49,751 0
20 Age at diagnosis 1 0 2,816 58,362 0
21 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 2,818 87,050 0
22 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,821 75,807 0
23 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,824 296,502 0.1
24 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,827 65,594 0
25 Age at diagnosis 5 0.2 2,832 440,016 0.2
26 Age at diagnosis 5 0.2 2,837 245,931 0.1
27 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,840 124,887 0.1
28 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 2,850 628,889 0.3

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhenDiagnosedCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
29 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,853 137,470 0.1
30 Age at diagnosis 9 0.3 2,862 419,554 0.2
31 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,865 251,206 0.1
32 Age at diagnosis 4 0.1 2,869 106,674 0
33 Age at diagnosis 4 0.1 2,873 238,931 0.1
34 Age at diagnosis 4 0.1 2,877 139,181 0.1
35 Age at diagnosis 15 0.5 2,892 1,083,094 0.4
36 Age at diagnosis 4 0.1 2,896 194,037 0.1
37 Age at diagnosis 1 0 2,897 61,290 0
38 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 2,903 185,044 0.1
39 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,906 162,499 0.1
40 Age at diagnosis 15 0.5 2,921 562,435 0.2
41 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 2,923 95,086 0
42 Age at diagnosis 7 0.2 2,930 429,200 0.2
43 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 2,936 324,987 0.1
44 Age at diagnosis 8 0.2 2,944 424,376 0.2
45 Age at diagnosis 7 0.2 2,951 179,973 0.1
46 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 2,954 240,707 0.1
47 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 2,960 251,354 0.1
48 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 2,970 434,484 0.2
49 Age at diagnosis 8 0.2 2,978 384,059 0.2
50 Age at diagnosis 27 0.8 3,005 1,176,562 0.5
51 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 3,015 325,656 0.1
52 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 3,025 431,541 0.2
53 Age at diagnosis 8 0.2 3,033 275,016 0.1
54 Age at diagnosis 9 0.3 3,042 173,159 0.1
55 Age at diagnosis 20 0.6 3,062 618,534 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhenDiagnosedCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
56 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 3,072 313,655 0.1
57 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 3,078 234,265 0.1
58 Age at diagnosis 8 0.2 3,086 291,548 0.1
59 Age at diagnosis 16 0.5 3,102 499,766 0.2
60 Age at diagnosis 23 0.7 3,125 810,345 0.3
61 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 3,135 292,719 0.1
62 Age at diagnosis 13 0.4 3,148 401,029 0.2
63 Age at diagnosis 9 0.3 3,157 341,346 0.1
64 Age at diagnosis 9 0.3 3,166 293,038 0.1
65 Age at diagnosis 14 0.4 3,180 607,727 0.2
66 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 3,186 224,727 0.1
67 Age at diagnosis 9 0.3 3,195 379,706 0.2
68 Age at diagnosis 10 0.3 3,205 392,111 0.2
69 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 3,211 173,901 0.1
70 Age at diagnosis 11 0.3 3,222 439,306 0.2
71 Age at diagnosis 5 0.2 3,227 148,350 0.1
72 Age at diagnosis 5 0.2 3,232 181,364 0.1
73 Age at diagnosis 8 0.2 3,240 140,776 0.1
74 Age at diagnosis 4 0.1 3,244 121,527 0
75 Age at diagnosis 9 0.3 3,253 261,251 0.1
76 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 3,256 105,116 0
77 Age at diagnosis 6 0.2 3,262 201,477 0.1
78 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 3,264 117,372 0
79 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 3,266 127,111 0.1
80 Age at diagnosis 5 0.2 3,271 253,877 0.1
81 Age at diagnosis 1 0 3,272 17,235 0
82 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 3,275 122,106 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WhenDiagnosedCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
83 Age at diagnosis 1 0 3,276 64,744 0
84 Age at diagnosis 1 0 3,277 51,912 0
85 Age at diagnosis 2 0.1 3,279 123,225 0
86 Age at diagnosis 3 0.1 3,282 143,025 0.1
88 Age at diagnosis 1 0 3,283 121,688 0
91 Age at diagnosis 1 0 3,284 21,944 0
101 Age at diagnosis 1 0 3,285 231,532 0.1
UndergoCancerTreatment: M4. Did you ever receive any treatment for your cancer?
Variable Name: UndergoCancerTreatment
Variable Label: M4. Did you ever receive any treatment for your cancer?
Variable Format: UNDERGO
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
UndergoCancerTreatment Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 7 0.2 7 315,199 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 32 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 52 1.6 84 3,271,163 1.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,704 82.3 2,788 221,975,116 89.6
1 Yes 457 13.9 3,245 19,263,191 7.8
2 No 40 1.2 3,285 1,729,065 0.7
CancerTx_Chemo: M5a. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Chemotherapy (IV or pills)
Variable Name: CancerTx_Chemo
Variable Label: M5a. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Chemotherapy (IV or pills)
Variable Format: CANCERT
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1UndergoCancerTreatment=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer and received treatment
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerTx_Chemo Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 3 0.1 3 148,942 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 32 1 35 1,550,575 0.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 48 1.5 83 2,710,726 1.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer, or coded 2 in UndergoCancerTreatment 2,748 83.7 2,831 224,264,618 90.5
1 Yes 110 3.3 2,941 4,888,034 2
2 No 344 10.5 3,285 14,226,216 5.7
CancerTx_Radiation: M5b. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Radiation
Variable Name: CancerTx_Radiation
Variable Label: M5b. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Radiation
Variable Format: CANCERT
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1UndergoCancerTreatment=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer and received treatment
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerTx_Radiation Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 3 0.1 3 148,942 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 32 1 35 1,550,575 0.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 41 1.2 76 2,202,475 0.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer, or coded 2 in UndergoCancerTreatment 2,755 83.9 2,831 224,772,870 90.7
1 Yes 147 4.5 2,978 6,389,033 2.6
2 No 307 9.3 3,285 12,725,217 5.1
CancerTx_Surgery: M5c. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Surgery
Variable Name: CancerTx_Surgery
Variable Label: M5c. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Surgery
Variable Format: CANCERT
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1UndergoCancerTreatment=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer and received treatment
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerTx_Surgery Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 3 0.1 3 148,942 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 32 1 35 1,550,575 0.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 44 1.3 79 2,344,383 0.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer, or coded 2 in UndergoCancerTreatment 2,752 83.8 2,831 224,630,962 90.7
1 Yes 368 11.2 3,199 15,487,553 6.3
2 No 86 2.6 3,285 3,626,697 1.5
CancerTx_Other: M5d. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Other
Variable Name: CancerTx_Other
Variable Label: M5d. Which of the following cancer treatments have you ever received? Other
Variable Format: CANCERT
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1UndergoCancerTreatment=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer and received treatment
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerTx_Other Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 72 2.2 72 3,334,700 1.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 32 1 104 1,550,575 0.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 39 1.2 143 2,335,394 0.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer, or coded 2 in UndergoCancerTreatment 2,757 83.9 2,900 224,639,950 90.7
1 Yes 57 1.7 2,957 2,033,038 0.8
2 No 328 10 3,285 13,895,453 5.6
HowLongFinishTreatment_Cat: M6. About how long ago did you receive your last cancer treatment?
Variable Name: HowLongFinishTreatment_Cat
Variable Label: M6. About how long ago did you receive your last cancer treatment?
Variable Format: HOWLONH
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1UndergoCancerTreatment=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer and received treatment
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HowLongFinishTreatment_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 43 1.3 43 1,866,310 0.8
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 14 0.4 57 966,068 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer or coded 2 in 2,782 84.7 2,839 226,009,276 91.2
1 Less than 1 year ago 51 1.6 2,890 2,219,919 0.9
2 1 year ago to less than 5 years ago 111 3.4 3,001 3,961,207 1.6
3 5 years ago to less than 10 years ago 89 2.7 3,090 3,592,723 1.4
4 10 or more years ago 154 4.7 3,244 7,259,121 2.9
5 Still receiving treatment 41 1.2 3,285 1,914,487 0.8
CancerTxSummary: M7. Did you ever receive a summary document that listed all of the cancer treatments you received?
Variable Name: CancerTxSummary
Variable Label: M7. Did you ever receive a summary document that listed all of the cancer treatments you received?
Variable Format: CANCERF
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1UndergoCancerTreatment=1HowLongFinishTreatment_Cat=1,2,3,4
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer, received treatment, and finished treatment
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerTxSummary Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 4 0.1 4 125,077 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 33 1 37 1,555,194 0.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 61 1.9 98 3,113,333 1.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer, or coded 2 in UndergoCancerTreatment, 2,776 84.5 2,874 225,776,498 91.1
1 Yes 156 4.7 3,030 7,082,476 2.9
2 No 255 7.8 3,285 10,136,533 4.1
CancerDeniedCoverage: M8. Were you ever denied health insurance coverage because of your cancer?
Variable Name: CancerDeniedCoverage
Variable Label: M8. Were you ever denied health insurance coverage because of your cancer?
Variable Format: CANCERD
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerDeniedCoverage Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 6 0.2 6 143,556 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 32 1 38 1,533,290 0.6
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 60 1.8 98 3,605,862 1.5
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer,or coded 5 in 2,737 83.3 2,835 223,554,904 90.2
1 Yes 25 0.8 2,860 921,720 0.4
2 No 425 12.9 3,285 18,029,779 7.3
CancerHurtFinances: M9. How much, if at all, has your cancer and its treatment hurt your financial situation?
Variable Name: CancerHurtFinances
Variable Label: M9. How much, if at all, has your cancer and its treatment hurt your financial situation?
Variable Format: CANCERH
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerHurtFinances Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 9 0.3 9 312,668 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 32 1 41 1,533,290 0.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 42 85,262 0
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 44 1.3 86 2,303,032 0.9
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer, or coded 5 in 2,753 83.8 2,839 224,857,734 90.7
1 Not at all 278 8.5 3,117 11,854,339 4.8
2 A litle 67 2 3,184 3,100,569 1.3
3 Some 62 1.9 3,246 2,397,406 1
4 A lot 39 1.2 3,285 1,344,810 0.5
CancerAbilityToWork: M10. Did any HCP ever discuss the impact of cancer/cancer treatment on your ability to work?
Variable Name: CancerAbilityToWork
Variable Label: M10. Did any HCP ever discuss the impact of cancer/cancer treatment on your ability to work?
Variable Format: CANCERA
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerAbilityToWork Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 17 0.5 17 634,549 0.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 42 1,235,376 0.5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 9 0.3 51 242,448 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 24 0.7 75 1,611,470 0.7
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,732 83.2 2,807 223,634,809 90.3
1 Discussed it with me in detail 102 3.1 2,909 4,514,427 1.8
2 Briefly discussed it with me 72 2.2 2,981 2,663,519 1.1
3 Did not discuss it at all 104 3.2 3,085 4,341,743 1.8
4 I don't remember 75 2.3 3,160 4,218,687 1.7
5 I was not working at the time of my diagnosis 125 3.8 3,285 4,692,083 1.9
ClinicalTrialCancerTx: M11. Have you ever participated in a clinical trial for treatment of your cancer?
Variable Name: ClinicalTrialCancerTx
Variable Label: M11. Have you ever participated in a clinical trial for treatment of your cancer?
Variable Format: CLINICA
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ClinicalTrialCancerTx Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 11 0.3 11 377,851 0.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 36 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 55 1.7 91 2,964,730 1.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,701 82.2 2,792 222,281,549 89.7
1 Yes 21 0.6 2,813 843,600 0.3
2 No 447 13.6 3,260 18,598,824 7.5
3 Don't know 25 0.8 3,285 1,487,181 0.6
DiscussedClinicalTrial: M12. Has any HCP discussed clinical trials as a treatment option for your cancer?
Variable Name: DiscussedClinicalTrial
Variable Label: M12. Has any HCP discussed clinical trials as a treatment option for your cancer?
Variable Format: DISCUSF
Criteria to receive Question: EverHadCancer=1
Criteria description: Participants who have ever been diagnosed as having cancer
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
DiscussedClinicalTrial Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 14 0.4 14 508,926 0.2
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 39 1,235,376 0.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 52 1.6 91 2,844,763 1.1
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,704 82.3 2,795 222,401,516 89.8
1 Yes 45 1.4 2,840 1,601,398 0.6
2 No 445 13.5 3,285 19,197,131 7.7
ChanceGetCancer: N1. How likely are you to get cancer in your lifetime?
Variable Name: ChanceGetCancer
Variable Label: N1. How likely are you to get cancer in your lifetime?
Variable Format: CHANCEG
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ChanceGetCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 140 4.3 140 7,361,939 3
1 Very unlikely 261 7.9 401 20,045,733 8.1
2 Unlikely 392 11.9 793 28,636,628 11.6
3 Neither unlikely nor likely 1,368 41.6 2,161 103,745,631 41.9
4 Likely 916 27.9 3,077 73,080,343 29.5
5 Very likely 208 6.3 3,285 14,918,838 6
EverythingCauseCancer: N2a. Agree/disagree: It seems like everything causes cancer
Variable Name: EverythingCauseCancer
Variable Label: N2a. Agree/disagree: It seems like everything causes cancer
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
EverythingCauseCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 4,829,419 1.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 98 47,319 0
1 Strongly agree 605 18.4 703 50,504,195 20.4
2 Somewhat agree 1,501 45.7 2,204 117,909,181 47.6
3 Somewhat disagree 684 20.8 2,888 49,728,074 20.1
4 Strongly disagree 397 12.1 3,285 24,770,923 10
PreventNotPossible: N2b. Agree/disagree: There’s not much you can do to lower your chances of getting cancer
Variable Name: PreventNotPossible
Variable Label: N2b. Agree/disagree: There’s not much you can do to lower your chances of getting cancer
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PreventNotPossible Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 120 3.7 120 6,360,334 2.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 121 146,731 0.1
1 Strongly agree 224 6.8 345 15,415,170 6.2
2 Somewhat agree 641 19.5 986 47,898,555 19.3
3 Somewhat disagree 1,251 38.1 2,237 99,013,303 40
4 Strongly disagree 1,048 31.9 3,285 78,955,018 31.9
TooManyRecommendations: N2c. Agree/disagree: So many recommendations about preventing cancer-hard to know which to follow.
Variable Name: TooManyRecommendations
Variable Label: N2c. Agree/disagree: So many recommendations about preventing cancer-hard to know which to follow.
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TooManyRecommendations Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 114 3.5 114 6,419,867 2.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 118 184,314 0.1
1 Strongly agree 738 22.5 856 56,056,131 22.6
2 Somewhat agree 1,589 48.4 2,445 122,809,487 49.6
3 Somewhat disagree 584 17.8 3,029 43,596,620 17.6
4 Strongly disagree 256 7.8 3,285 18,722,691 7.6
CancerMoreCommon: N2d. Agree/disagree: In adults, cancer is more common than heart disease
Variable Name: CancerMoreCommon
Variable Label: N2d. Agree/disagree: In adults, cancer is more common than heart disease
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerMoreCommon Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 180 5.5 180 9,173,876 3.7
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 182 100,951 0
1 Strongly agree 314 9.6 496 21,923,302 8.8
2 Somewhat agree 1,140 34.7 1,636 88,380,257 35.7
3 Somewhat disagree 1,170 35.6 2,806 90,683,874 36.6
4 Strongly disagree 479 14.6 3,285 37,526,851 15.1
CancerFatal: N2e. Agree/disagree: When I think about cancer, I automatically think about death
Variable Name: CancerFatal
Variable Label: N2e. Agree/disagree: When I think about cancer, I automatically think about death
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CancerFatal Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 119 3.6 119 6,092,263 2.5
1 Strongly agree 703 21.4 822 57,814,204 23.3
2 Somewhat agree 1,147 34.9 1,969 94,122,645 38
3 Somewhat disagree 817 24.9 2,786 58,480,267 23.6
4 Strongly disagree 499 15.2 3,285 31,279,732 12.6
RatherNotKnowChance: N3. Agree/disagree: Id rather not know my chance of getting cancer.
Variable Name: RatherNotKnowChance
Variable Label: N3. Agree/disagree: Id rather not know my chance of getting cancer.
Variable Format: ALCOHOF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RatherNotKnowChance Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 93 2.8 93 4,709,025 1.9
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 95 440,984 0.2
1 Strongly agree 373 11.4 468 30,020,444 12.1
2 Somewhat agree 789 24 1,257 63,918,623 25.8
3 Somewhat disagree 886 27 2,143 68,192,869 27.5
4 Strongly disagree 1,142 34.8 3,285 80,507,166 32.5
FreqWorryCancer: N4. How worried are you about getting cancer?
Variable Name: FreqWorryCancer
Variable Label: N4. How worried are you about getting cancer?
Variable Format: FREQWOR
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
FreqWorryCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 81 2.5 81 3,775,825 1.5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 4 0.1 85 276,896 0.1
1 Not at all 621 18.9 706 43,092,121 17.4
2 Slightly 994 30.3 1,700 71,770,148 29
3 Somewhat 978 29.8 2,678 76,395,707 30.8
4 Moderately 411 12.5 3,089 37,753,964 15.2
5 Extremely 196 6 3,285 14,724,451 5.9
FamilyEverHadCancer: N5. Have any of your family members ever had cancer?
Variable Name: FamilyEverHadCancer
Variable Label: N5. Have any of your family members ever had cancer?
Variable Format: FAMILYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
FamilyEverHadCancer Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 109 3.3 109 5,477,616 2.2
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 110 77,922 0
1 Yes 2,252 68.6 2,362 165,461,268 66.8
2 No 754 23 3,116 61,866,350 25
4 Not sure 169 5.1 3,285 14,905,955 6
Age: O1. What is your age?
Variable Name: Age
Variable Label: O1. What is your age?
Variable Format: AGE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Age Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 138 4.2 138 8,796,344 3.5
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 1 0 139 34,732 0
18 Current age, in years 4 0.1 143 1,382,712 0.6
19 Current age, in years 6 0.2 149 1,440,229 0.6
20 Current age, in years 10 0.3 159 3,057,682 1.2
21 Current age, in years 9 0.3 168 2,640,347 1.1
22 Current age, in years 15 0.5 183 6,275,585 2.5
23 Current age, in years 13 0.4 196 2,229,554 0.9
24 Current age, in years 16 0.5 212 2,742,952 1.1
25 Current age, in years 24 0.7 236 4,283,582 1.7
26 Current age, in years 21 0.6 257 2,923,141 1.2
27 Current age, in years 25 0.8 282 2,786,821 1.1
28 Current age, in years 28 0.9 310 3,227,229 1.3
29 Current age, in years 24 0.7 334 2,693,787 1.1
30 Current age, in years 31 0.9 365 3,060,624 1.2
31 Current age, in years 36 1.1 401 3,019,033 1.2
32 Current age, in years 35 1.1 436 3,221,320 1.3
33 Current age, in years 39 1.2 475 3,494,517 1.4
34 Current age, in years 31 0.9 506 3,859,141 1.6
35 Current age, in years 44 1.3 550 4,070,228 1.6
36 Current age, in years 36 1.1 586 4,363,524 1.8

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Age Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
37 Current age, in years 36 1.1 622 5,157,061 2.1
38 Current age, in years 40 1.2 662 3,490,890 1.4
39 Current age, in years 43 1.3 705 4,378,538 1.8
40 Current age, in years 43 1.3 748 4,454,406 1.8
41 Current age, in years 30 0.9 778 2,766,906 1.1
42 Current age, in years 46 1.4 824 4,004,514 1.6
43 Current age, in years 56 1.7 880 6,453,105 2.6
44 Current age, in years 33 1 913 2,716,786 1.1
45 Current age, in years 49 1.5 962 4,885,521 2
46 Current age, in years 55 1.7 1,017 5,808,929 2.3
47 Current age, in years 41 1.2 1,058 5,540,811 2.2
48 Current age, in years 58 1.8 1,116 6,350,049 2.6
49 Current age, in years 45 1.4 1,161 4,067,587 1.6
50 Current age, in years 62 1.9 1,223 5,619,838 2.3
51 Current age, in years 52 1.6 1,275 8,388,443 3.4
52 Current age, in years 58 1.8 1,333 6,377,149 2.6
53 Current age, in years 66 2 1,399 6,095,368 2.5
54 Current age, in years 47 1.4 1,446 5,839,406 2.4
55 Current age, in years 72 2.2 1,518 4,005,060 1.6
56 Current age, in years 73 2.2 1,591 4,577,199 1.8
57 Current age, in years 71 2.2 1,662 4,117,589 1.7
58 Current age, in years 78 2.4 1,740 4,445,765 1.8
59 Current age, in years 80 2.4 1,820 3,778,363 1.5
60 Current age, in years 72 2.2 1,892 3,261,691 1.3
61 Current age, in years 70 2.1 1,962 3,516,729 1.4
62 Current age, in years 85 2.6 2,047 3,985,798 1.6
63 Current age, in years 88 2.7 2,135 3,811,740 1.5

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Age Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
64 Current age, in years 89 2.7 2,224 4,099,070 1.7
65 Current age, in years 96 2.9 2,320 3,531,395 1.4
66 Current age, in years 89 2.7 2,409 3,183,400 1.3
67 Current age, in years 76 2.3 2,485 3,098,131 1.3
68 Current age, in years 74 2.3 2,559 3,171,988 1.3
69 Current age, in years 77 2.3 2,636 2,610,122 1.1
70 Current age, in years 61 1.9 2,697 2,364,734 1
71 Current age, in years 48 1.5 2,745 2,184,508 0.9
72 Current age, in years 57 1.7 2,802 2,327,882 0.9
73 Current age, in years 47 1.4 2,849 2,073,745 0.8
74 Current age, in years 51 1.6 2,900 1,978,954 0.8
75 Current age, in years 49 1.5 2,949 2,336,347 0.9
76 Current age, in years 38 1.2 2,987 1,393,387 0.6
77 Current age, in years 38 1.2 3,025 1,699,703 0.7
78 Current age, in years 40 1.2 3,065 1,532,850 0.6
79 Current age, in years 19 0.6 3,084 957,705 0.4
80 Current age, in years 29 0.9 3,113 2,192,073 0.9
81 Current age, in years 14 0.4 3,127 658,964 0.3
82 Current age, in years 20 0.6 3,147 1,067,741 0.4
83 Current age, in years 17 0.5 3,164 1,363,260 0.6
84 Current age, in years 7 0.2 3,171 403,123 0.2
85 Current age, in years 17 0.5 3,188 776,161 0.3
86 Current age, in years 24 0.7 3,212 982,383 0.4
87 Current age, in years 18 0.5 3,230 971,644 0.4
88 Current age, in years 8 0.2 3,238 403,483 0.2
89 Current age, in years 9 0.3 3,247 646,437 0.3
90 Current age, in years 9 0.3 3,256 579,296 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Age Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
91 Current age, in years 7 0.2 3,263 269,312 0.1
92 Current age, in years 7 0.2 3,270 219,815 0.1
93 Current age, in years 4 0.1 3,274 459,852 0.2
94 Current age, in years 3 0.1 3,277 114,086 0
95 Current age, in years 1 0 3,278 60,884 0
96 Current age, in years 1 0 3,279 17,874 0
97 Current age, in years 1 0 3,280 111,560 0
98 Current age, in years 2 0.1 3,282 89,754 0
99 Current age, in years 1 0 3,283 65,818 0
101 Current age, in years 2 0.1 3,285 293,347 0.1
OccupationStatus: O2. What is your current occupational status?
Variable Name: OccupationStatus
Variable Label: O2. What is your current occupational status?
Variable Format: OCCUPAF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OccupationStatus Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 69 2.1 166 4,293,437 1.7
1 Employed 1,589 48.4 1,755 138,719,695 56
2 Unemployed 136 4.1 1,891 17,080,857 6.9
3 Homemaker 155 4.7 2,046 11,839,940 4.8
4 Student 47 1.4 2,093 11,777,208 4.8
5 Retired 969 29.5 3,062 43,247,181 17.5
6 Disabled 206 6.3 3,268 13,877,557 5.6
91 Other - Specify 17 0.5 3,285 1,241,743 0.5
OccupationStatus_OS: O2. What is your current occupational status? SPECIFY:
Variable Name: OccupationStatus_OS
Variable Label: O2. What is your current occupational status? SPECIFY:
Variable Format: $OCCUPAT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OccupationStatus_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 - 6 in OccupationStatus 3,156 96.1 3,156 240,208,300 96.9
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 13 0.4 3,169 696,372 0.3
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 97 3 3,266 5,711,492 2.3
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 2 0.1 3,268 200,413 0.1
APPLY FOR SSA Verbatim response 1 0 3,269 162,612 0.1
CAREGIVER Verbatim response 5 0.2 3,274 154,513 0.1
FAMILY Verbatim response 1 0 3,275 96,701 0
HOSPICE CARE Verbatim response 1 0 3,276 21,944 0
LOA Verbatim response 1 0 3,277 206,269 0.1
MEDICAL LEAVE Verbatim response 1 0 3,278 61,640 0
NONE Verbatim response 1 0 3,279 41,559 0
PERSONAL INFO. Verbatim response 1 0 3,280 65,252 0
S.S.I. Verbatim response 1 0 3,281 19,955 0
SEMI-RETIRED Verbatim response 4 0.1 3,285 142,088 0.1
Employed: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: Employed
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Employed Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 1,614 49.1 1,711 140,428,687 56.7
2 Response not checked on form 1,574 47.9 3,285 101,648,932 41
Unemployed: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: Unemployed
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Unemployed Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 151 4.6 248 18,543,435 7.5
2 Response not checked on form 3,037 92.5 3,285 223,534,184 90.2
Homemaker: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: Homemaker
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Homemaker Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 171 5.2 268 13,128,065 5.3
2 Response not checked on form 3,017 91.8 3,285 228,949,554 92.4
Student: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: Student
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Student Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 53 1.6 150 12,634,203 5.1
2 Response not checked on form 3,135 95.4 3,285 229,443,416 92.6
Retired: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: Retired
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Retired Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 1,011 30.8 1,108 45,119,863 18.2
2 Response not checked on form 2,177 66.3 3,285 196,957,755 79.5
Disabled: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: Disabled
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Disabled Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 239 7.3 336 15,325,225 6.2
2 Response not checked on form 2,949 89.8 3,285 226,752,393 91.5
OtherOcc: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Name: OtherOcc
Variable Label: Derived variable: Flag for question O2 checked responses
Variable Format: EMPLOYE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OtherOcc Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 Response checked on form 19 0.6 116 1,172,946 0.5
2 Response not checked on form 3,169 96.5 3,285 240,904,672 97.2
MultiOcc: Derived variable: Total number of responses to question O2, OccupationStatus
Variable Name: MultiOcc
Variable Label: Derived variable: Total number of responses to question O2, OccupationStatus
Variable Format: MULTIOC
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MultiOcc Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
0 total responses checked in question O2 97 3 97 5,711,492 2.3
1 total responses checked in question O2 3,119 94.9 3,216 237,784,181 96
2 total responses checked in question O2 66 2 3,282 4,093,755 1.7
3 total responses checked in question O2 3 0.1 3,285 199,682 0.1
ActiveDutyArmedForces: O3. Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces/Military Reserves/National Guard?
Variable Name: ActiveDutyArmedForces
Variable Label: O3. Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces/Military Reserves/National Guard?
Variable Format: ACTIVED
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ActiveDutyArmedForces Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 145 4.4 145 8,695,124 3.5
1 Yes, now on active duty 21 0.6 166 1,763,438 0.7
2 Yes, on active duty in the last 12 months but not now 8 0.2 174 887,909 0.4
3 Yes, on active duty in the past, but not in the last 12 months 319 9.7 493 20,008,620 8.1
4 No, training for Reserves or National Guard only 49 1.5 542 3,804,578 1.5
5 No, never served in the military 2,743 83.5 3,285 212,629,441 85.8
ReceivedCareVA: O4. Past 12 months, have you received some or all of your health care from a VA hospital/clinic?
Variable Name: ReceivedCareVA
Variable Label: O4. Past 12 months, have you received some or all of your health care from a VA hospital/clinic?
Variable Format: RECEIVE
Criteria to receive Question: ActiveDutyArmedForces=1,2,3
Criteria description: Participants who are currently on active duty or were on active duty in the past 12 months
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ReceivedCareVA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 6 0.2 6 317,333 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 127 3.9 133 7,774,111 3.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 135 271,742 0.1
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 486 14.8 621 39,054,931 15.8
-1 Inapplicable, coded 4 or 5 in ActiveDutyArmedForces 2,306 70.2 2,927 177,379,088 71.6
1 Yes, all my health care 71 2.2 2,998 4,220,791 1.7
2 Yes, some of my health care 74 2.3 3,072 3,802,058 1.5
3 No, no VA health care received 213 6.5 3,285 14,969,057 6
MaritalStatus: O5. What is your marital status?
Variable Name: MaritalStatus
Variable Label: O5. What is your marital status?
Variable Format: MARITAL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MaritalStatus Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 110 3.3 110 6,200,072 2.5
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 9 0.3 119 431,134 0.2
1 Married 1,653 50.3 1,772 125,948,284 50.8
2 Living as married 98 3 1,870 7,260,752 2.9
3 Divorced 488 14.9 2,358 19,828,815 8
4 Widowed 330 10 2,688 12,120,692 4.9
5 Separated 85 2.6 2,773 3,385,969 1.4
6 Single, never been married 512 15.6 3,285 72,613,392 29.3
Education: O6. What is the highest grade or level of schooling you completed?
Variable Name: Education
Variable Label: O6. What is the highest grade or level of schooling you completed?
Variable Format: EDUCATI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Education Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 5,120,559 2.1
1 Less than 8 years 56 1.7 160 4,271,627 1.7
2 8 through 11 years 161 4.9 321 16,763,741 6.8
3 12 years or completed high school 616 18.8 937 55,672,083 22.5
4 Post high school training other than college (vocational or technical) 228 6.9 1,165 22,954,956 9.3
5 Some college 714 21.7 1,879 56,698,944 22.9
6 College graduate 828 25.2 2,707 53,595,591 21.6
7 Postgraduate 578 17.6 3,285 32,711,610 13.2
BornInUSA: O7. Were you born in the United States?
Variable Name: BornInUSA
Variable Label: O7. Were you born in the United States?
Variable Format: BORNINU
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BornInUSA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 84 2.6 84 4,110,349 1.7
1 Yes 2,760 84 2,844 208,632,470 84.2
2 No 441 13.4 3,285 35,046,292 14.1
YearCameToUSA: O8. In what year did you come to live in the United States?
Variable Name: YearCameToUSA
Variable Label: O8. In what year did you come to live in the United States?
Variable Format: YEARCAM
Criteria to receive Question: BornInUSA=2
Criteria description: Participants who were not born in the United States.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
YearCameToUSA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 24 0.7 24 2,191,255 0.9
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 84 2.6 108 4,110,349 1.7
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 10 0.3 118 696,594 0.3
-2 Question answered in error (Commission Error) 74 2.3 192 5,371,280 2.2
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1 in BornInUSA 2,686 81.8 2,878 203,261,189 82
1932 Year 1 0 2,879 45,889 0
1937 Year 1 0 2,880 63,957 0
1940 Year 1 0 2,881 20,712 0
1946 Year 1 0 2,882 141,711 0.1
1947 Year 1 0 2,883 88,211 0
1950 Year 3 0.1 2,886 123,844 0
1952 Year 3 0.1 2,889 127,537 0.1
1953 Year 1 0 2,890 34,699 0
1954 Year 2 0.1 2,892 47,893 0
1955 Year 2 0.1 2,894 122,612 0
1956 Year 2 0.1 2,896 166,409 0.1
1957 Year 1 0 2,897 25,530 0
1958 Year 3 0.1 2,900 110,979 0
1959 Year 5 0.2 2,905 189,505 0.1
1960 Year 5 0.2 2,910 73,367 0
1961 Year 4 0.1 2,914 79,661 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
YearCameToUSA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1962 Year 5 0.2 2,919 286,333 0.1
1963 Year 1 0 2,920 34,790 0
1964 Year 5 0.2 2,925 145,049 0.1
1965 Year 8 0.2 2,933 325,466 0.1
1966 Year 3 0.1 2,936 151,226 0.1
1967 Year 6 0.2 2,942 291,869 0.1
1968 Year 4 0.1 2,946 107,219 0
1969 Year 6 0.2 2,952 208,277 0.1
1970 Year 9 0.3 2,961 243,025 0.1
1971 Year 5 0.2 2,966 208,378 0.1
1972 Year 5 0.2 2,971 663,022 0.3
1973 Year 3 0.1 2,974 225,516 0.1
1974 Year 4 0.1 2,978 241,593 0.1
1975 Year 3 0.1 2,981 162,270 0.1
1976 Year 5 0.2 2,986 220,099 0.1
1977 Year 10 0.3 2,996 413,573 0.2
1978 Year 5 0.2 3,001 192,222 0.1
1979 Year 8 0.2 3,009 353,809 0.1
1980 Year 12 0.4 3,021 1,323,397 0.5
1981 Year 15 0.5 3,036 1,417,418 0.6
1982 Year 11 0.3 3,047 537,737 0.2
1983 Year 3 0.1 3,050 175,323 0.1
1984 Year 6 0.2 3,056 465,755 0.2
1985 Year 10 0.3 3,066 525,544 0.2
1986 Year 9 0.3 3,075 802,675 0.3
1987 Year 7 0.2 3,082 205,560 0.1
1988 Year 8 0.2 3,090 548,645 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
YearCameToUSA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1989 Year 8 0.2 3,098 1,211,595 0.5
1990 Year 9 0.3 3,107 340,431 0.1
1991 Year 5 0.2 3,112 325,086 0.1
1992 Year 7 0.2 3,119 378,414 0.2
1993 Year 6 0.2 3,125 363,399 0.1
1994 Year 6 0.2 3,131 553,671 0.2
1995 Year 7 0.2 3,138 434,065 0.2
1996 Year 11 0.3 3,149 771,797 0.3
1997 Year 3 0.1 3,152 260,708 0.1
1998 Year 6 0.2 3,158 628,714 0.3
1999 Year 8 0.2 3,166 959,022 0.4
2000 Year 9 0.3 3,175 910,414 0.4
2001 Year 15 0.5 3,190 1,271,226 0.5
2002 Year 11 0.3 3,201 951,655 0.4
2003 Year 4 0.1 3,205 235,806 0.1
2004 Year 9 0.3 3,214 748,826 0.3
2005 Year 10 0.3 3,224 968,891 0.4
2006 Year 10 0.3 3,234 1,394,283 0.6
2007 Year 6 0.2 3,240 628,851 0.3
2008 Year 6 0.2 3,246 1,024,780 0.4
2009 Year 5 0.2 3,251 995,057 0.4
2010 Year 7 0.2 3,258 1,438,884 0.6
2011 Year 4 0.1 3,262 852,224 0.3
2012 Year 2 0.1 3,264 69,612 0
2013 Year 8 0.2 3,272 848,975 0.3
2014 Year 4 0.1 3,276 161,388 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
YearCameToUSA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
2015 Year 4 0.1 3,280 644,950 0.3
2016 Year 5 0.2 3,285 847,415 0.3
SpeakEnglish: O9. How well do you speak English?
Variable Name: SpeakEnglish
Variable Label: O9. How well do you speak English?
Variable Format: SPEAKEN
Criteria to receive Question: BornInUSA=1
Criteria description: Participants who were born in the United States.
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SpeakEnglish Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 167 5.1 167 8,880,529 3.6
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 2 0.1 169 360,492 0.1
1 Very well 2,762 84.1 2,931 208,735,656 84.2
2 Well 274 8.3 3,205 23,446,791 9.5
3 Not well 67 2 3,272 4,765,511 1.9
4 Not at all 13 0.4 3,285 1,600,132 0.6
NotHisp: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin.
Variable Name: NotHisp
Variable Label: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin.
Variable Format: NOTHISP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
NotHisp Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 304 9.3 304 18,979,449 7.7
1 Selected 2,563 78 2,867 193,506,656 78.1
2 Not selected 418 12.7 3,285 35,303,006 14.2
Mexican: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Mexican/Mexican American/Chicano/a.
Variable Name: Mexican
Variable Label: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Mexican/Mexican American/Chicano/a.
Variable Format: NOTHISP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Mexican Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 304 9.3 304 18,979,449 7.7
1 Selected 217 6.6 521 20,890,723 8.4
2 Not selected 2,764 84.1 3,285 207,918,940 83.9
PuertoRican: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Puerto Rican.
Variable Name: PuertoRican
Variable Label: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Puerto Rican.
Variable Format: NOTHISP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PuertoRican Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 304 9.3 304 18,979,449 7.7
1 Selected 53 1.6 357 3,321,217 1.3
2 Not selected 2,928 89.1 3,285 225,488,445 91
Cuban: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Cuban
Variable Name: Cuban
Variable Label: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, Cuban
Variable Format: NOTHISP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Cuban Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 304 9.3 304 18,979,449 7.7
1 Selected 33 1 337 2,563,396 1
2 Not selected 2,948 89.7 3,285 226,246,266 91.3
OthHisp: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, another Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin.
Variable Name: OthHisp
Variable Label: O10. Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin? - Yes, another Hispanic/Latino/a/Spanish origin.
Variable Format: NOTHISP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OthHisp Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 304 9.3 304 18,979,449 7.7
1 Selected 165 5 469 13,158,083 5.3
2 Not selected 2,816 85.7 3,285 215,651,580 87
Hisp_Cat: Derived variable to categorize responses given in O10 (Hispanic ethnicity)
Variable Name: Hisp_Cat
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given in O10 (Hispanic ethnicity)
Variable Format: HISP_CA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Hisp_Cat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 304 9.3 304 18,979,449 7.7
10 Not Hispanic 2,554 77.7 2,858 192,950,938 77.9
21 Mexican 187 5.7 3,045 17,740,262 7.2
22 Puerto Rican 45 1.4 3,090 2,634,715 1.1
23 Cuban 25 0.8 3,115 1,811,318 0.7
24 Other Hispanic 130 4 3,245 9,467,595 3.8
25 Multiple Hispanic ethnicities selected 40 1.2 3,285 4,204,834 1.7
White: O11. What is your race? - White?
Variable Name: White
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - White?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
White Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 2,331 71 2,561 182,869,650 73.8
2 Not Selected 724 22 3,285 48,263,865 19.5
Black: O11. What is your race? - Black or African American?
Variable Name: Black
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Black or African American?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Black Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 556 16.9 786 32,200,625 13
2 Not Selected 2,499 76.1 3,285 198,932,891 80.3
AmerInd: O11. What is your race? - American Indian or Alaska Native?
Variable Name: AmerInd
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - American Indian or Alaska Native?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AmerInd Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 118 3.6 348 6,452,768 2.6
2 Not Selected 2,937 89.4 3,285 224,680,748 90.7
AsInd: O11. What is your race? - Asian Indian?
Variable Name: AsInd
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Asian Indian?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AsInd Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 29 0.9 259 2,726,464 1.1
2 Not Selected 3,026 92.1 3,285 228,407,051 92.2
Chinese: O11. What is your race? - Chinese?
Variable Name: Chinese
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Chinese?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Chinese Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 45 1.4 275 4,484,939 1.8
2 Not Selected 3,010 91.6 3,285 226,648,576 91.5
Filipino: O11. What is your race? - Filipino?
Variable Name: Filipino
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Filipino?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Filipino Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 38 1.2 268 3,417,553 1.4
2 Not Selected 3,017 91.8 3,285 227,715,962 91.9
Japanese: O11. What is your race? - Japanese?
Variable Name: Japanese
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Japanese?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Japanese Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 16 0.5 246 1,196,412 0.5
2 Not Selected 3,039 92.5 3,285 229,937,104 92.8
Korean: O11. What is your race? - Korean?
Variable Name: Korean
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Korean?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Korean Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 12 0.4 242 738,523 0.3
2 Not Selected 3,043 92.6 3,285 230,394,993 93
Vietnamese: O11. What is your race? - Vietnamese?
Variable Name: Vietnamese
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Vietnamese?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Vietnamese Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 21 0.6 251 1,196,744 0.5
2 Not Selected 3,034 92.4 3,285 229,936,772 92.8
OthAsian: O11. What is your race? - Other Asian?
Variable Name: OthAsian
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Other Asian?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OthAsian Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 19 0.6 249 2,468,762 1
2 Not Selected 3,036 92.4 3,285 228,664,754 92.3
Hawaiian: O11. What is your race? - Native Hawaiian?
Variable Name: Hawaiian
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Native Hawaiian?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Hawaiian Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 3 0.1 233 452,810 0.2
2 Not Selected 3,052 92.9 3,285 230,680,705 93.1
Guamanian: O11. What is your race? - Guamanian or Chamorro?
Variable Name: Guamanian
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Guamanian or Chamorro?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Guamanian Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 4 0.1 234 198,980 0.1
2 Not Selected 3,051 92.9 3,285 230,934,536 93.2
Samoan: O11. What is your race? - Samoan?
Variable Name: Samoan
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Samoan?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Samoan Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 1 0 231 7,639 0
2 Not Selected 3,054 93 3,285 231,125,877 93.3
OthPacIsl: O11. What is your race? - Other Pacific Islander?
Variable Name: OthPacIsl
Variable Label: O11. What is your race? - Other Pacific Islander?
Variable Format: WHITE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
OthPacIsl Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
1 Selected 27 0.8 257 2,246,309 0.9
2 Not Selected 3,028 92.2 3,285 228,887,207 92.4
Race_Cat2: Derived variable to categorize responses given in O11 (Race)
Variable Name: Race_Cat2
Variable Label: Derived variable to categorize responses given in O11 (Race)
Variable Format: RACE_CA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
Race_Cat2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 230 7 230 16,655,595 6.7
11 White 2,222 67.6 2,452 176,752,609 71.3
12 Black 501 15.3 2,953 29,618,028 12
14 American Indian or Alaska Native 25 0.8 2,978 1,756,757 0.7
16 Multiple races selected 137 4.2 3,115 7,972,693 3.2
31 Asian Indian 26 0.8 3,141 2,485,782 1
32 Chinese 39 1.2 3,180 4,023,138 1.6
33 Filipino 30 0.9 3,210 2,897,041 1.2
34 Japanese 9 0.3 3,219 437,990 0.2
35 Korean 11 0.3 3,230 543,171 0.2
36 Vietnamese 21 0.6 3,251 1,196,744 0.5
37 Other Asian 15 0.5 3,266 1,865,155 0.8
52 Guamanian or Chamorro 1 0 3,267 22,933 0
54 Other Pacific Islander 18 0.5 3,285 1,561,476 0.6
SexualOrientation: O12. Do you think of yourself as...
Variable Name: SexualOrientation
Variable Label: O12. Do you think of yourself as...
Variable Format: SEXUALF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SexualOrientation Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 192 5.8 192 10,131,907 4.1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 3 0.1 195 541,126 0.2
1 Heterosexual, or straight 2,935 89.3 3,130 223,137,483 90.1
2 Homosexual, or gay or lesbian 73 2.2 3,203 7,692,548 3.1
3 Bisexual 48 1.5 3,251 3,634,820 1.5
91 Something else - Specify 34 1 3,285 2,651,227 1.1
SexualOrientation_OS: O12. Do you think of yourself as...Something else - Specify:
Variable Name: SexualOrientation_OS
Variable Label: O12. Do you think of yourself as...Something else - Specify:
Variable Format: $SEXUALO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SexualOrientation_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-1 Inapplicable, coded 1, 2, or 3 in 3,053 92.9 3,053 234,229,410 94.5
-2 Question answered in error (Commission 4 0.1 3,057 249,954 0.1
-6 Missing data (Filter Missing) 192 5.8 3,249 10,131,907 4.1
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 2 0.1 3,251 98,245 0
A CHRISTIAN - NONE OF THE ABOVE Verbatim response 1 0 3,252 15,055 0
ABSTINENT Verbatim response 1 0 3,253 329,906 0.1
ALL MAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,254 19,134 0
AMERICAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,255 12,730 0
ASEXUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,256 106,837 0
AUTOSEXUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,257 317,190 0.1
BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,258 16,831 0
CHRISTIAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,259 13,518 0
FURRY Verbatim response 1 0 3,260 165,441 0.1
HAPPY Verbatim response 1 0 3,261 231,532 0.1
HUMAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,262 13,382 0
HUMAN BEING Verbatim response 1 0 3,263 72,733 0
I AM NORMAL I AM HUMAN I AM CREATION OF GOD. I Verbatim response 1 0 3,264 44,759 0
I DO NOT THINK OF MYSELF AT ALL Verbatim response 1 0 3,265 81,329 0
I HAVE NO PREFERENCE Verbatim response 1 0 3,266 195,352 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SexualOrientation_OS Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
I LIKE WOMEN Verbatim response 1 0 3,267 166,596 0.1
MARRIED Verbatim response 1 0 3,268 28,528 0
METROSEXUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,269 196,707 0.1
MYSELF Verbatim response 1 0 3,270 4,116 0
NEITHER Verbatim response 2 0.1 3,272 225,434 0.1
NO Verbatim response 1 0 3,273 37,395 0
NONSEXUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,274 29,838 0
NORMAL Verbatim response 6 0.2 3,280 458,234 0.2
PAN-ROMANTIC POLYAMOROUS GREY ASEXUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,281 50,505 0
PANSEXUAL Verbatim response 1 0 3,282 82,357 0
REALLY Verbatim response 1 0 3,283 17,443 0
REGULAR Verbatim response 1 0 3,284 117,191 0
TRANSGENDER LESBIAN Verbatim response 1 0 3,285 29,522 0
TotalHousehold: O13. Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
Variable Name: TotalHousehold
Variable Label: O13. Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
Variable Format: TOTALHO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TotalHousehold Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing data (Not Ascertained) 122 3.7 122 7,039,296 2.8
1 Number of people 920 28 1,042 41,102,753 16.6
2 Number of people 1,182 36 2,224 76,425,303 30.8
3 Number of people 469 14.3 2,693 46,684,380 18.8
4 Number of people 343 10.4 3,036 40,164,586 16.2
5 Number of people 154 4.7 3,190 20,064,055 8.1
6 Number of people 60 1.8 3,250 9,899,851 4
7 Number of people 18 0.5 3,268 3,213,043 1.3
8 Number of people 9 0.3 3,277 1,322,509 0.5
9 Number of people 2 0.1 3,279 432,956 0.2
10 Number of people 1 0 3,280 448,385 0.2
11 Number of people 2 0.1 3,282 459,424 0.2
12 Number of people 1 0 3,283 231,532 0.1
15 Number of people 1 0 3,284 22,318 0
18 Number of people 1 0 3,285 278,719 0.1
R_HHAdults: Reconciled number of adults in household
Variable Name: R_HHAdults
Variable Label: Reconciled number of adults in household
Variable Format: R_HHADUL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
R_HHAdults Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 -9 1 0 1 819,121 0.3
1 Number of adults 1,045 31.8 1,046 45,247,482 18.3
2 Number of adults 1,665 50.7 2,711 117,401,802 47.4
3 Number of adults 392 11.9 3,103 48,001,101 19.4
4 Number of adults 133 4 3,236 24,518,345 9.9
5 Number of adults 36 1.1 3,272 9,464,497 3.8
6 Number of adults 5 0.2 3,277 563,867 0.2
7 Number of adults 7 0.2 3,284 1,395,166 0.6
8 Number of adults 1 0 3,285 377,729 0.2
HHAdults_Num: Number of adults in a household (final)
Variable Name: HHAdults_Num
Variable Label: Number of adults in a household (final)
Variable Format: HHADULTS
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdults_Num Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
1 Number of adults 1,045 31.8 1,045 45,247,482 18.3
2 Number of adults 1,666 50.7 2,711 118,220,923 47.7
3 Number of adults 392 11.9 3,103 48,001,101 19.4
4 Number of adults 133 4 3,236 24,518,345 9.9
5 Number of adults 36 1.1 3,272 9,464,497 3.8
6 Number of adults 5 0.2 3,277 563,867 0.2
7 Number of adults 7 0.2 3,284 1,395,166 0.6
8 Number of adults 1 0 3,285 377,729 0.2
SelfGender: O14. Self: Gender.
Variable Name: SelfGender
Variable Label: O14. Self: Gender.
Variable Format: SELFGEN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SelfGender Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 247 7.5 247 15,214,493 6.1
1 Male 1,254 38.2 1,501 113,891,523 46
2 Female 1,784 54.3 3,285 118,683,095 47.9
SelfAge: O14. Self: Age.
Variable Name: SelfAge
Variable Label: O14. Self: Age.
Variable Format: SELFAGE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SelfAge Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 239 7.3 239 14,874,492 6
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 1 0 240 53,877 0
18 Age, in years 5 0.2 245 1,399,304 0.6
19 Age, in years 6 0.2 251 1,440,229 0.6
20 Age, in years 9 0.3 260 2,894,140 1.2
21 Age, in years 7 0.2 267 2,312,232 0.9
22 Age, in years 14 0.4 281 6,021,634 2.4
23 Age, in years 15 0.5 296 2,204,849 0.9
24 Age, in years 19 0.6 315 3,445,900 1.4
25 Age, in years 23 0.7 338 4,048,665 1.6
26 Age, in years 19 0.6 357 2,687,794 1.1
27 Age, in years 25 0.8 382 2,699,377 1.1
28 Age, in years 28 0.9 410 3,227,229 1.3
29 Age, in years 26 0.8 436 2,829,392 1.1
30 Age, in years 31 0.9 467 3,092,121 1.2
31 Age, in years 34 1 501 2,562,510 1
32 Age, in years 36 1.1 537 3,527,391 1.4
33 Age, in years 41 1.2 578 3,570,123 1.4
34 Age, in years 29 0.9 607 3,834,900 1.5
35 Age, in years 44 1.3 651 4,036,681 1.6
36 Age, in years 37 1.1 688 4,464,045 1.8

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SelfAge Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
37 Age, in years 34 1 722 5,131,109 2.1
38 Age, in years 34 1 756 2,972,656 1.2
39 Age, in years 43 1.3 799 4,221,250 1.7
40 Age, in years 44 1.3 843 4,530,078 1.8
41 Age, in years 30 0.9 873 2,729,801 1.1
42 Age, in years 44 1.3 917 3,754,318 1.5
43 Age, in years 54 1.6 971 6,393,378 2.6
44 Age, in years 32 1 1,003 2,429,405 1
45 Age, in years 51 1.6 1,054 5,139,436 2.1
46 Age, in years 53 1.6 1,107 5,666,038 2.3
47 Age, in years 41 1.2 1,148 4,890,303 2
48 Age, in years 54 1.6 1,202 6,316,372 2.5
49 Age, in years 46 1.4 1,248 4,317,898 1.7
50 Age, in years 59 1.8 1,307 5,203,195 2.1
51 Age, in years 48 1.5 1,355 7,442,450 3
52 Age, in years 58 1.8 1,413 6,193,152 2.5
53 Age, in years 60 1.8 1,473 5,748,799 2.3
54 Age, in years 47 1.4 1,520 5,839,891 2.4
55 Age, in years 64 1.9 1,584 3,185,729 1.3
56 Age, in years 72 2.2 1,656 4,721,160 1.9
57 Age, in years 69 2.1 1,725 4,000,262 1.6
58 Age, in years 81 2.5 1,806 4,792,419 1.9
59 Age, in years 78 2.4 1,884 3,724,901 1.5
60 Age, in years 72 2.2 1,956 3,200,797 1.3
61 Age, in years 61 1.9 2,017 3,064,360 1.2
62 Age, in years 82 2.5 2,099 4,040,237 1.6
63 Age, in years 87 2.6 2,186 3,858,305 1.6

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SelfAge Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
64 Age, in years 91 2.8 2,277 4,012,834 1.6
65 Age, in years 86 2.6 2,363 3,056,298 1.2
66 Age, in years 91 2.8 2,454 4,088,210 1.6
67 Age, in years 71 2.2 2,525 2,877,067 1.2
68 Age, in years 71 2.2 2,596 2,861,597 1.2
69 Age, in years 74 2.3 2,670 2,715,770 1.1
70 Age, in years 58 1.8 2,728 2,207,461 0.9
71 Age, in years 49 1.5 2,777 2,211,768 0.9
72 Age, in years 48 1.5 2,825 1,929,403 0.8
73 Age, in years 44 1.3 2,869 2,184,484 0.9
74 Age, in years 50 1.5 2,919 2,038,240 0.8
75 Age, in years 46 1.4 2,965 2,098,208 0.8
76 Age, in years 35 1.1 3,000 1,269,462 0.5
77 Age, in years 39 1.2 3,039 1,747,787 0.7
78 Age, in years 38 1.2 3,077 1,391,088 0.6
79 Age, in years 18 0.5 3,095 822,574 0.3
80 Age, in years 29 0.9 3,124 2,180,076 0.9
81 Age, in years 12 0.4 3,136 705,447 0.3
82 Age, in years 19 0.6 3,155 1,055,237 0.4
83 Age, in years 17 0.5 3,172 1,612,330 0.7
84 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,179 324,305 0.1
85 Age, in years 16 0.5 3,195 741,407 0.3
86 Age, in years 23 0.7 3,218 966,594 0.4
87 Age, in years 15 0.5 3,233 676,257 0.3
88 Age, in years 9 0.3 3,242 412,152 0.2
89 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,250 584,622 0.2
90 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,258 541,211 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SelfAge Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
91 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,263 163,275 0.1
92 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,270 366,186 0.1
93 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,274 459,852 0.2
94 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,277 114,086 0
95 Age, in years 1 0 3,278 60,884 0
96 Age, in years 1 0 3,279 17,874 0
97 Age, in years 1 0 3,280 111,560 0
98 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,282 89,754 0
99 Age, in years 1 0 3,283 65,818 0
101 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,285 293,347 0.1
SelfMOB: O14. Self: Month Born.
Variable Name: SelfMOB
Variable Label: O14. Self: Month Born.
Variable Format: SELFMOB
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
SelfMOB Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 337 10.3 337 21,604,413 8.7
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 9 0.3 346 959,095 0.4
1 January 191 5.8 537 14,813,213 6
2 February 265 8.1 802 24,504,493 9.9
3 March 306 9.3 1,108 24,292,979 9.8
4 April 285 8.7 1,393 24,039,660 9.7
5 May 298 9.1 1,691 23,168,934 9.4
6 June 276 8.4 1,967 21,531,178 8.7
7 July 252 7.7 2,219 19,554,124 7.9
8 August 242 7.4 2,461 17,303,040 7
9 September 248 7.5 2,709 18,164,665 7.3
10 October 221 6.7 2,930 14,816,467 6
11 November 174 5.3 3,104 11,781,021 4.8
12 December 181 5.5 3,285 11,255,828 4.5
HHAdultGender2: O14. Adult 2: Gender
Variable Name: HHAdultGender2
Variable Label: O14. Adult 2: Gender
Variable Format: HHADULM
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultGender2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 30 0.9 30 2,530,163 1
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 1 0 31 41,690 0
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 2 adults in HH 1,138 34.6 1,169 54,577,415 22
1 Male 1,108 33.7 2,277 98,417,645 39.7
2 Female 1,008 30.7 3,285 92,222,199 37.2
HHAdultAge2: O14. Adult 2: Age
Variable Name: HHAdultAge2
Variable Label: O14. Adult 2: Age
Variable Format: HHADULT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 30 0.9 30 2,904,779 1.2
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 25 0.8 55 1,574,630 0.6
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 2 adults in HH 1,138 34.6 1,193 54,577,415 22
18 Age, in years 23 0.7 1,216 2,460,236 1
19 Age, in years 10 0.3 1,226 1,661,765 0.7
20 Age, in years 18 0.5 1,244 2,568,269 1
21 Age, in years 19 0.6 1,263 3,208,367 1.3
22 Age, in years 14 0.4 1,277 3,577,995 1.4
23 Age, in years 19 0.6 1,296 2,037,880 0.8
24 Age, in years 11 0.3 1,307 2,088,046 0.8
25 Age, in years 19 0.6 1,326 4,858,965 2
26 Age, in years 20 0.6 1,346 2,405,230 1
27 Age, in years 19 0.6 1,365 2,071,964 0.8
28 Age, in years 22 0.7 1,387 3,024,515 1.2
29 Age, in years 25 0.8 1,412 2,054,759 0.8
30 Age, in years 31 0.9 1,443 3,342,150 1.3
31 Age, in years 32 1 1,475 3,018,394 1.2
32 Age, in years 31 0.9 1,506 5,392,374 2.2
33 Age, in years 27 0.8 1,533 2,502,870 1
34 Age, in years 35 1.1 1,568 2,760,672 1.1
35 Age, in years 31 0.9 1,599 3,204,527 1.3

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
36 Age, in years 24 0.7 1,623 2,415,531 1
37 Age, in years 33 1 1,656 3,136,095 1.3
38 Age, in years 27 0.8 1,683 2,233,659 0.9
39 Age, in years 28 0.9 1,711 2,906,049 1.2
40 Age, in years 35 1.1 1,746 3,381,199 1.4
41 Age, in years 31 0.9 1,777 3,012,746 1.2
42 Age, in years 33 1 1,810 5,160,758 2.1
43 Age, in years 26 0.8 1,836 3,089,706 1.2
44 Age, in years 31 0.9 1,867 3,905,923 1.6
45 Age, in years 32 1 1,899 2,799,713 1.1
46 Age, in years 43 1.3 1,942 4,208,927 1.7
47 Age, in years 34 1 1,976 3,068,539 1.2
48 Age, in years 37 1.1 2,013 4,683,831 1.9
49 Age, in years 32 1 2,045 4,026,430 1.6
50 Age, in years 46 1.4 2,091 4,185,805 1.7
51 Age, in years 31 0.9 2,122 3,664,188 1.5
52 Age, in years 44 1.3 2,166 6,388,359 2.6
53 Age, in years 37 1.1 2,203 3,293,162 1.3
54 Age, in years 39 1.2 2,242 2,904,375 1.2
55 Age, in years 46 1.4 2,288 4,522,241 1.8
56 Age, in years 51 1.6 2,339 3,916,918 1.6
57 Age, in years 43 1.3 2,382 3,187,775 1.3
58 Age, in years 51 1.6 2,433 4,845,718 2
59 Age, in years 41 1.2 2,474 2,850,908 1.2
60 Age, in years 51 1.6 2,525 3,968,540 1.6
61 Age, in years 50 1.5 2,575 3,094,565 1.2
62 Age, in years 66 2 2,641 4,633,951 1.9

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
63 Age, in years 36 1.1 2,677 2,625,302 1.1
64 Age, in years 44 1.3 2,721 2,303,053 0.9
65 Age, in years 61 1.9 2,782 3,127,628 1.3
66 Age, in years 41 1.2 2,823 1,848,153 0.7
67 Age, in years 43 1.3 2,866 2,107,590 0.9
68 Age, in years 33 1 2,899 1,685,185 0.7
69 Age, in years 51 1.6 2,950 3,360,551 1.4
70 Age, in years 40 1.2 2,990 2,383,537 1
71 Age, in years 25 0.8 3,015 1,030,028 0.4
72 Age, in years 34 1 3,049 2,009,943 0.8
73 Age, in years 25 0.8 3,074 1,151,058 0.5
74 Age, in years 37 1.1 3,111 1,952,698 0.8
75 Age, in years 21 0.6 3,132 1,346,413 0.5
76 Age, in years 15 0.5 3,147 745,105 0.3
77 Age, in years 15 0.5 3,162 796,342 0.3
78 Age, in years 21 0.6 3,183 1,572,704 0.6
79 Age, in years 14 0.4 3,197 748,738 0.3
80 Age, in years 14 0.4 3,211 930,704 0.4
81 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,218 372,276 0.2
82 Age, in years 11 0.3 3,229 548,998 0.2
83 Age, in years 12 0.4 3,241 644,944 0.3
84 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,247 389,935 0.2
85 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,251 389,502 0.2
86 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,256 161,625 0.1
87 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,260 321,768 0.1
88 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,265 355,620 0.1
89 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,271 715,069 0.3

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
90 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,277 682,057 0.3
91 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,280 155,380 0.1
92 Age, in years 1 0 3,281 21,609 0
94 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,283 250,272 0.1
96 Age, in years 1 0 3,284 42,379 0
99 Age, in years 1 0 3,285 231,532 0.1
HHAdultMOB2: O14. Adult 2: Month Born
Variable Name: HHAdultMOB2
Variable Label: O14. Adult 2: Month Born
Variable Format: HHADULI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultMOB2 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 102 3.1 102 10,976,437 4.4
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 11 0.3 113 1,598,090 0.6
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 2 adults in HH 1,138 34.6 1,251 54,577,415 22
1 January 240 7.3 1,491 21,345,806 8.6
2 February 123 3.7 1,614 11,454,404 4.6
3 March 119 3.6 1,733 10,370,642 4.2
4 April 101 3.1 1,834 9,026,148 3.6
5 May 128 3.9 1,962 12,189,245 4.9
6 June 154 4.7 2,116 12,358,346 5
7 July 157 4.8 2,273 15,571,373 6.3
8 August 178 5.4 2,451 14,126,006 5.7
9 September 208 6.3 2,659 19,272,482 7.8
10 October 237 7.2 2,896 18,327,462 7.4
11 November 180 5.5 3,076 17,741,644 7.2
12 December 209 6.4 3,285 18,853,612 7.6
HHAdultGender3: O14. Adult 3: Gender
Variable Name: HHAdultGender3
Variable Label: O14. Adult 3: Gender
Variable Format: HHADULN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultGender3 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 13 0.4 13 1,738,780 0.7
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 3 adults in HH 2,632 80.1 2,645 159,261,168 64.3
1 Male 304 9.3 2,949 41,761,878 16.9
2 Female 336 10.2 3,285 45,027,285 18.2
HHAdultAge3: O14. Adult 3: Age
Variable Name: HHAdultAge3
Variable Label: O14. Adult 3: Age
Variable Format: HHADULF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge3 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 22 0.7 22 3,209,345 1.3
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 116 3.5 138 9,092,157 3.7
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 3 adults in HH 2,632 80.1 2,770 159,261,168 64.3
18 Age, in years 41 1.2 2,811 4,175,650 1.7
19 Age, in years 26 0.8 2,837 4,183,222 1.7
20 Age, in years 28 0.9 2,865 5,462,941 2.2
21 Age, in years 38 1.2 2,903 5,338,672 2.2
22 Age, in years 33 1 2,936 5,959,414 2.4
23 Age, in years 21 0.6 2,957 4,277,489 1.7
24 Age, in years 18 0.5 2,975 3,826,425 1.5
25 Age, in years 21 0.6 2,996 3,016,608 1.2
26 Age, in years 19 0.6 3,015 2,816,805 1.1
27 Age, in years 11 0.3 3,026 1,360,128 0.5
28 Age, in years 14 0.4 3,040 1,998,510 0.8
29 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,047 847,096 0.3
30 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,055 629,434 0.3
31 Age, in years 11 0.3 3,066 784,643 0.3
32 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,073 605,944 0.2
33 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,079 645,682 0.3
34 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,087 517,850 0.2
35 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,095 541,522 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge3 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
36 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,103 651,008 0.3
37 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,106 219,521 0.1
38 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,111 1,079,420 0.4
39 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,118 1,737,145 0.7
40 Age, in years 8 0.2 3,126 806,122 0.3
41 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,128 110,504 0
42 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,132 596,118 0.2
43 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,137 588,842 0.2
44 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,139 223,153 0.1
45 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,143 542,089 0.2
46 Age, in years 9 0.3 3,152 1,743,316 0.7
47 Age, in years 9 0.3 3,161 1,536,212 0.6
48 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,166 1,837,256 0.7
49 Age, in years 1 0 3,167 6,356 0
50 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,172 774,633 0.3
51 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,177 466,900 0.2
52 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,179 387,941 0.2
53 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,186 1,646,883 0.7
54 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,190 778,965 0.3
55 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,192 146,656 0.1
56 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,195 420,257 0.2
57 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,198 374,461 0.2
58 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,205 1,119,346 0.5
59 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,212 883,079 0.4
60 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,218 800,208 0.3
61 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,221 198,554 0.1
62 Age, in years 5 0.2 3,226 1,905,078 0.8

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge3 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
63 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,229 316,876 0.1
64 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,232 1,006,125 0.4
65 Age, in years 1 0 3,233 98,254 0
66 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,236 908,340 0.4
67 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,239 426,155 0.2
68 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,241 225,740 0.1
69 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,243 123,620 0
70 Age, in years 1 0 3,244 81,339 0
71 Age, in years 1 0 3,245 46,664 0
72 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,247 253,971 0.1
74 Age, in years 1 0 3,248 220,259 0.1
75 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,250 315,183 0.1
76 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,254 289,250 0.1
78 Age, in years 1 0 3,255 26,514 0
80 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,257 221,540 0.1
81 Age, in years 1 0 3,258 64,340 0
83 Age, in years 1 0 3,259 31,759 0
84 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,265 431,601 0.2
85 Age, in years 1 0 3,266 64,765 0
86 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,269 739,165 0.3
87 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,271 332,528 0.1
88 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,274 128,225 0.1
89 Age, in years 1 0 3,275 181,442 0.1
90 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,277 135,707 0.1
91 Age, in years 1 0 3,278 123,823 0
92 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,280 270,356 0.1
94 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,282 274,380 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge3 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
97 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,284 222,604 0.1
98 Age, in years 1 0 3,285 97,861 0
HHAdultMOB3: O14. Adult 3: Month Born
Variable Name: HHAdultMOB3
Variable Label: O14. Adult 3: Month Born
Variable Format: HHADULJ
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultMOB3 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 55 1.7 55 8,589,049 3.5
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 4 0.1 59 1,141,366 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 3 adults in HH 2,632 80.1 2,691 159,261,168 64.3
1 January 52 1.6 2,743 7,370,614 3
2 February 52 1.6 2,795 8,995,395 3.6
3 March 48 1.5 2,843 5,410,930 2.2
4 April 44 1.3 2,887 7,122,126 2.9
5 May 51 1.6 2,938 7,404,377 3
6 June 34 1 2,972 5,870,726 2.4
7 July 54 1.6 3,026 5,810,370 2.3
8 August 51 1.6 3,077 6,386,968 2.6
9 September 49 1.5 3,126 6,866,695 2.8
10 October 62 1.9 3,188 5,970,236 2.4
11 November 50 1.5 3,238 5,229,522 2.1
12 December 47 1.4 3,285 6,359,570 2.6
HHAdultGender4: O14. Adult 4: Gender
Variable Name: HHAdultGender4
Variable Label: O14. Adult 4: Gender
Variable Format: HHADULO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultGender4 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 10 0.3 10 1,409,806 0.6
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 4 adults in HH 3,042 92.6 3,052 207,073,690 83.6
1 Male 111 3.4 3,163 18,912,906 7.6
2 Female 122 3.7 3,285 20,392,708 8.2
HHAdultAge4: O14. Adult 4: Age
Variable Name: HHAdultAge4
Variable Label: O14. Adult 4: Age
Variable Format: HHADULG
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge4 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 3 0.1 3 233,480 0.1
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 82 2.5 85 8,792,907 3.5
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 4 adults in HH 3,042 92.6 3,127 207,073,690 83.6
18 Age, in years 19 0.6 3,146 4,421,538 1.8
19 Age, in years 19 0.6 3,165 3,393,720 1.4
20 Age, in years 11 0.3 3,176 1,976,932 0.8
21 Age, in years 11 0.3 3,187 2,916,930 1.2
22 Age, in years 9 0.3 3,196 1,867,996 0.8
23 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,202 495,858 0.2
24 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,205 150,275 0.1
25 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,212 1,522,842 0.6
26 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,218 1,030,268 0.4
27 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,222 983,937 0.4
28 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,225 544,120 0.2
29 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,227 380,692 0.2
30 Age, in years 6 0.2 3,233 434,134 0.2
33 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,235 766,663 0.3
34 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,237 159,136 0.1
35 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,239 419,243 0.2
36 Age, in years 1 0 3,240 22,945 0
37 Age, in years 1 0 3,241 89,146 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge4 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
38 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,244 710,747 0.3
39 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,248 518,222 0.2
40 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,250 825,549 0.3
41 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,252 158,670 0.1
42 Age, in years 1 0 3,253 131,245 0.1
44 Age, in years 1 0 3,254 197,145 0.1
46 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,256 245,631 0.1
48 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,258 238,610 0.1
49 Age, in years 1 0 3,259 40,553 0
50 Age, in years 1 0 3,260 111,621 0
52 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,262 767,911 0.3
54 Age, in years 1 0 3,263 189,730 0.1
55 Age, in years 1 0 3,264 72,405 0
56 Age, in years 1 0 3,265 72,356 0
58 Age, in years 1 0 3,266 50,788 0
59 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,268 1,170,699 0.5
60 Age, in years 4 0.1 3,272 2,266,045 0.9
63 Age, in years 1 0 3,273 195,341 0.1
64 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,275 303,452 0.1
69 Age, in years 1 0 3,276 296,333 0.1
71 Age, in years 1 0 3,277 89,656 0
75 Age, in years 1 0 3,278 138,754 0.1
76 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,280 877,734 0.4
78 Age, in years 1 0 3,281 150,601 0.1
82 Age, in years 1 0 3,282 10,004 0
89 Age, in years 1 0 3,283 104,092 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge4 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
90 Age, in years 1 0 3,284 22,367 0
95 Age, in years 1 0 3,285 156,397 0.1
HHAdultMOB4: O14. Adult 4: Month Born
Variable Name: HHAdultMOB4
Variable Label: O14. Adult 4: Month Born
Variable Format: HHADULK
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultMOB4 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 24 0.7 24 4,836,260 2
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 2 0.1 26 430,281 0.2
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 4 adults in HH 3,042 92.6 3,068 207,073,690 83.6
1 January 17 0.5 3,085 2,630,440 1.1
2 February 17 0.5 3,102 2,708,057 1.1
3 March 17 0.5 3,119 1,691,486 0.7
4 April 13 0.4 3,132 2,626,353 1.1
5 May 14 0.4 3,146 2,046,229 0.8
6 June 18 0.5 3,164 3,830,909 1.5
7 July 24 0.7 3,188 3,548,470 1.4
8 August 20 0.6 3,208 3,369,881 1.4
9 September 16 0.5 3,224 1,993,742 0.8
10 October 23 0.7 3,247 3,704,484 1.5
11 November 13 0.4 3,260 3,868,536 1.6
12 December 25 0.8 3,285 3,430,292 1.4
HHAdultGender5: O14. Adult 5: Gender
Variable Name: HHAdultGender5
Variable Label: O14. Adult 5: Gender
Variable Format: HHADULP
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultGender5 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 6 0.2 6 1,263,453 0.5
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 5 adults in HH 3,212 97.8 3,218 233,057,880 94.1
1 Male 38 1.2 3,256 8,080,132 3.3
2 Female 29 0.9 3,285 5,387,646 2.2
HHAdultAge5: O14. Adult 5: Age
Variable Name: HHAdultAge5
Variable Label: O14. Adult 5: Age
Variable Format: HHADULH
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge5 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 3 0.1 3 638,687 0.3
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 32 1 35 4,953,087 2
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 5 adults in HH 3,212 97.8 3,247 233,057,880 94.1
18 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,250 812,377 0.3
19 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,252 145,453 0.1
20 Age, in years 7 0.2 3,259 2,854,752 1.2
22 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,262 399,010 0.2
23 Age, in years 3 0.1 3,265 945,443 0.4
25 Age, in years 1 0 3,266 248,718 0.1
32 Age, in years 2 0.1 3,268 552,477 0.2
35 Age, in years 1 0 3,269 41,514 0
37 Age, in years 1 0 3,270 320,521 0.1
41 Age, in years 1 0 3,271 49,783 0
42 Age, in years 1 0 3,272 69,266 0
47 Age, in years 1 0 3,273 197,145 0.1
48 Age, in years 1 0 3,274 131,245 0.1
50 Age, in years 1 0 3,275 377,729 0.2
52 Age, in years 1 0 3,276 177,361 0.1
55 Age, in years 1 0 3,277 226,534 0.1
57 Age, in years 1 0 3,278 258,375 0.1
60 Age, in years 1 0 3,279 50,788 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultAge5 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
65 Age, in years 1 0 3,280 635,819 0.3
66 Age, in years 1 0 3,281 231,532 0.1
67 Age, in years 1 0 3,282 83,193 0
68 Age, in years 1 0 3,283 36,880 0
84 Age, in years 1 0 3,284 208,673 0.1
90 Age, in years 1 0 3,285 84,867 0
HHAdultMOB5: O14. Adult 5: Month Born
Variable Name: HHAdultMOB5
Variable Label: O14. Adult 5: Month Born
Variable Format: HHADULL
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHAdultMOB5 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 8 0.2 8 2,910,196 1.2
-1 Inapplicable, Fewer than 5 adults in HH 3,212 97.8 3,220 233,057,880 94.1
1 January 8 0.2 3,228 1,837,716 0.7
2 February 3 0.1 3,231 488,260 0.2
3 March 4 0.1 3,235 723,470 0.3
4 April 7 0.2 3,242 982,405 0.4
5 May 4 0.1 3,246 1,047,371 0.4
6 June 2 0.1 3,248 174,519 0.1
7 July 7 0.2 3,255 1,372,258 0.6
8 August 7 0.2 3,262 1,219,180 0.5
9 September 6 0.2 3,268 922,313 0.4
10 October 4 0.1 3,272 534,932 0.2
11 November 3 0.1 3,275 966,242 0.4
12 December 10 0.3 3,285 1,552,368 0.6
ChildrenInHH: O15. How many children under the age of 18 live in your household?
Variable Name: ChildrenInHH
Variable Label: O15. How many children under the age of 18 live in your household?
Variable Format: CHILDRE
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
ChildrenInHH Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 297 9 297 16,047,042 6.5
0 Number of children under 18 2,211 67.3 2,508 155,616,680 62.8
1 Number of children under 18 354 10.8 2,862 32,713,416 13.2
2 Number of children under 18 271 8.2 3,133 27,328,157 11
3 Number of children under 18 106 3.2 3,239 11,095,335 4.5
4 Number of children under 18 31 0.9 3,270 3,131,604 1.3
5 Number of children under 18 5 0.2 3,275 604,864 0.2
6 Number of children under 18 4 0.1 3,279 163,688 0.1
8 Number of children under 18 3 0.1 3,282 549,391 0.2
10 Number of children under 18 1 0 3,283 28,682 0
11 Number of children under 18 1 0 3,284 278,719 0.1
12 Number of children under 18 1 0 3,285 231,532 0.1
RentOrOwn: O16. Do you currently rent or own your home?
Variable Name: RentOrOwn
Variable Label: O16. Do you currently rent or own your home?
Variable Format: RENTORO
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RentOrOwn Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 119 3.6 119 6,900,592 2.8
-5 Multiple responses selected in error 5 0.2 124 548,523 0.2
1 Own 2,245 68.3 2,369 152,568,445 61.6
2 Rent 852 25.9 3,221 78,377,029 31.6
3 Occupied without paying monetary rent 64 1.9 3,285 9,394,521 3.8
CellPhone: O17. Does anyone in your family have a working cell phone?
Variable Name: CellPhone
Variable Label: O17. Does anyone in your family have a working cell phone?
Variable Format: HAVEDEV
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
CellPhone Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 120 3.7 120 5,912,459 2.4
1 Yes 3,008 91.6 3,128 230,411,512 93
2 No 157 4.8 3,285 11,465,140 4.6
PhoneInHome: O18. Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is working and is not a cell phone?
Variable Name: PhoneInHome
Variable Label: O18. Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is working and is not a cell phone?
Variable Format: HAVEDEV
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PhoneInHome Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 104 3.2 104 5,214,089 2.1
1 Yes 1,761 53.6 1,865 119,755,911 48.3
2 No 1,420 43.2 3,285 122,819,111 49.6
IncomeRanges: O19. What is your total combined household annual income?
Variable Name: IncomeRanges
Variable Label: O19. What is your total combined household annual income?
Variable Format: INCOMER
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IncomeRanges Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 323 9.8 323 22,979,160 9.3
1 $0 to $9,999 214 6.5 537 15,496,066 6.3
2 $10,000 to $14,999 180 5.5 717 10,400,771 4.2
3 $15,000 to $19,999 165 5 882 13,299,807 5.4
4 $20,000 to $34,999 423 12.9 1,305 27,484,487 11.1
5 $35,000 to $49,999 386 11.8 1,691 33,447,999 13.5
6 $50,000 to $74,999 530 16.1 2,221 42,985,874 17.3
7 $75,000 to $99,999 369 11.2 2,590 27,495,564 11.1
8 $100,000 to $199,999 521 15.9 3,111 39,963,711 16.1
9 $200,000 or more 174 5.3 3,285 14,235,673 5.7
MailSurveyTime_Min: O20. About how long did it take you to complete the survey: Minutes
Variable Name: MailSurveyTime_Min
Variable Label: O20. About how long did it take you to complete the survey: Minutes
Variable Format: MAILSUF
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MailSurveyTime_Min Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 109 3.3 109 6,669,254 2.7
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 4 0.1 113 67,327 0
-1 Inapplicable, time recorded in "Hours" only 345 10.5 458 22,470,028 9.1
0 Minutes 10 0.3 468 921,174 0.4
1 Minutes 2 0.1 470 354,699 0.1
2 Minutes 5 0.2 475 67,336 0
3 Minutes 3 0.1 478 152,725 0.1
5 Minutes 32 1 510 2,714,279 1.1
6 Minutes 3 0.1 513 214,226 0.1
7 Minutes 5 0.2 518 410,586 0.2
8 Minutes 5 0.2 523 382,016 0.2
9 Minutes 1 0 524 97,460 0
10 Minutes 191 5.8 715 15,829,175 6.4
12 Minutes 19 0.6 734 2,051,340 0.8
13 Minutes 3 0.1 737 471,416 0.2
14 Minutes 3 0.1 740 66,867 0
15 Minutes 446 13.6 1,186 37,018,601 14.9
16 Minutes 4 0.1 1,190 236,954 0.1
17 Minutes 1 0 1,191 38,541 0
18 Minutes 10 0.3 1,201 541,623 0.2
19 Minutes 1 0 1,202 65,470 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MailSurveyTime_Min Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
20 Minutes 616 18.8 1,818 45,482,785 18.4
21 Minutes 2 0.1 1,820 141,657 0.1
22 Minutes 10 0.3 1,830 687,538 0.3
23 Minutes 5 0.2 1,835 470,326 0.2
24 Minutes 1 0 1,836 11,023 0
25 Minutes 173 5.3 2,009 14,630,674 5.9
26 Minutes 4 0.1 2,013 222,486 0.1
27 Minutes 1 0 2,014 86,041 0
28 Minutes 4 0.1 2,018 194,293 0.1
30 Minutes 729 22.2 2,747 57,277,234 23.1
31 Minutes 1 0 2,748 411,054 0.2
32 Minutes 1 0 2,749 53,802 0
33 Minutes 1 0 2,750 14,565 0
35 Minutes 105 3.2 2,855 7,277,762 2.9
36 Minutes 2 0.1 2,857 261,072 0.1
37 Minutes 3 0.1 2,860 381,097 0.2
38 Minutes 4 0.1 2,864 129,792 0.1
39 Minutes 2 0.1 2,866 33,675 0
40 Minutes 104 3.2 2,970 8,348,188 3.4
42 Minutes 1 0 2,971 53,991 0
43 Minutes 1 0 2,972 213,138 0.1
44 Minutes 1 0 2,973 8,167 0
45 Minutes 217 6.6 3,190 14,495,428 5.8
46 Minutes 2 0.1 3,192 129,329 0.1
48 Minutes 1 0 3,193 49,907 0
50 Minutes 31 0.9 3,224 2,296,293 0.9
55 Minutes 11 0.3 3,235 652,426 0.3

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MailSurveyTime_Min Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
56 Minutes 1 0 3,236 13,701 0
57 Minutes 1 0 3,237 13,462 0
59 Minutes 1 0 3,238 238,161 0.1
60 Minutes 34 1 3,272 1,833,617 0.7
65 Minutes 1 0 3,273 57,202 0
70 Minutes 2 0.1 3,275 59,436 0
72 Minutes 1 0 3,276 30,647 0
75 Minutes 1 0 3,277 59,955 0
90 Minutes 8 0.2 3,285 628,089 0.3
MailSurveyTime_Hrs: O20. About how long did it take you to complete the survey: Hours
Variable Name: MailSurveyTime_Hrs
Variable Label: O20. About how long did it take you to complete the survey: Hours
Variable Format: MAILSUR
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
MailSurveyTime_Hrs Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 109 3.3 109 6,669,254 2.7
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 4 0.1 113 67,327 0
-1 Inapplicable, time recorded in "Minutes" only 2,508 76.3 2,621 192,456,461 77.7
0 Hours 211 6.4 2,832 18,220,017 7.4
1 Hours 357 10.9 3,189 24,779,833 10
2 Hours 76 2.3 3,265 4,636,416 1.9
3 Hours 7 0.2 3,272 300,341 0.1
4 Hours 7 0.2 3,279 310,677 0.1
5 Hours 1 0 3,280 14,890 0
6 Hours 3 0.1 3,283 245,769 0.1
7 Hours 1 0 3,284 10,105 0
8 Hours 1 0 3,285 78,021 0
TypeOfAddressA: O21. Which address type of address: A street address with a house or building number?
Variable Name: TypeOfAddressA
Variable Label: O21. Which address type of address: A street address with a house or building number?
Variable Format: TYPEOFA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TypeOfAddressA Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 108 3.3 108 6,524,952 2.6
1 Selected 2,907 88.5 3,015 219,477,247 88.6
2 Not Selected 270 8.2 3,285 21,786,912 8.8
TypeOfAddressB: O21. Which address type of address: An address with a rural route number?
Variable Name: TypeOfAddressB
Variable Label: O21. Which address type of address: An address with a rural route number?
Variable Format: TYPEOFA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TypeOfAddressB Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 108 3.3 108 6,524,952 2.6
1 Selected 85 2.6 193 6,595,548 2.7
2 Not Selected 3,092 94.1 3,285 234,668,610 94.7
TypeOfAddressC: O21. Which address type of address: A U.S. P.O. Box?
Variable Name: TypeOfAddressC
Variable Label: O21. Which address type of address: A U.S. P.O. Box?
Variable Format: TYPEOFA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TypeOfAddressC Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 108 3.3 108 6,524,952 2.6
1 Selected 286 8.7 394 18,308,450 7.4
2 Not Selected 2,891 88 3,285 222,955,708 90
TypeOfAddressD: O21. Which address type of address: A commercial mail box establishment?
Variable Name: TypeOfAddressD
Variable Label: O21. Which address type of address: A commercial mail box establishment?
Variable Format: TYPEOFA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: All Survey Participants
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TypeOfAddressD Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 108 3.3 108 6,524,952 2.6
1 Selected 25 0.8 133 1,819,046 0.7
2 Not Selected 3,152 96 3,285 239,445,113 96.6
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT0
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT0 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT1
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT1 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT2
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT2 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT3
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT3 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT4
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT4 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT5
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT5 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT6
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT6 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT7
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT7 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT8
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT8 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT9
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT9 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT10
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT10 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT11
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT11 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT12
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT12 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT13
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT13 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT14
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT14 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT15
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT15 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT16
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT16 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT17
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT17 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT18
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT18 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT19
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT19 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT20
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT20 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT21
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT21 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT22
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT22 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT23
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT23 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT24
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT24 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT25
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT25 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT26
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT26 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT27
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT27 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT28
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT28 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT29
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT29 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT30
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT30 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT31
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT31 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT32
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT32 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT33
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT33 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT34
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT34 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT35
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT35 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT36
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT36 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT37
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT37 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT38
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT38 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT39
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT39 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT40
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT40 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT41
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT41 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT42
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT42 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT43
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT43 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT44
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT44 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT45
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT45 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT46
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT46 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT47
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT47 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT48
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT48 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT49
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT49 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
Variable Name: PERSON_FINWT50
Variable Format:
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Value Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PERSON_FINWT50 Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
Number Number 3,285 100 3,285 247,789,111 100
AgeGrpA: AgeGrpA. 4 Level Age Categories Version A (Derived from Age; see History Document for more
information) Variable Name: AgeGrpA
Variable Label: AgeGrpA. 4 Level Age Categories Version A (Derived from Age; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: AGEGRPA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AgeGrpA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 138 4.2 138 8,796,344 3.5
-4 Unreadable or Nonconforming Numeric Response 1 0 139 34,732 0
1 18-34 367 11.2 506 52,338,255 21.1
2 35-39 199 6.1 705 21,460,241 8.7
3 40-44 208 6.3 913 20,395,716 8.2
4 45+ 2,372 72.2 3,285 144,763,823 58.4
AgeGrpB: AgeGrpB. 5 Level Age Categories Version B (Derived from Age; see History Document for more
information) Variable Name: AgeGrpB
Variable Label: AgeGrpB. 5 Level Age Categories Version B (Derived from Age; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: AGEGRPB
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AgeGrpB Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 138 4.2 138 8,796,344 3.5
-4 Unreadable or Nonconforming Numeric Response 1 0 139 34,732 0
1 18-34 367 11.2 506 52,338,255 21.1
2 35-49 655 19.9 1,161 68,508,854 27.6
3 50-64 1,063 32.4 2,224 71,919,210 29
4 65-74 676 20.6 2,900 26,524,858 10.7
5 75+ 385 11.7 3,285 19,666,858 7.9
EducA: EducA. What is the highest level of school you completed? 4 Levels (Derived from Education; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: EducA
Variable Label: EducA. What is the highest level of school you completed? 4 Levels (Derived from Education; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: EDUCA
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
EducA Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 5,120,559 2.1
1 Less than High School 217 6.6 321 21,035,368 8.5
2 High School Graduate 616 18.8 937 55,672,083 22.5
3 Some College 942 28.7 1,879 79,653,900 32.1
4 College Graduate or More 1,406 42.8 3,285 86,307,201 34.8
EducB: EducB. What is the highest level of school you completed? 5 Levels (Derived from Education; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: EducB
Variable Label: EducB. What is the highest level of school you completed? 5 Levels (Derived from Education; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: EDUCB
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
EducB Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 104 3.2 104 5,120,559 2.1
1 Less than High School 217 6.6 321 21,035,368 8.5
2 High School Graduate 616 18.8 937 55,672,083 22.5
3 Some College 942 28.7 1,879 79,653,900 32.1
4 Bachelor's Degree 828 25.2 2,707 53,595,591 21.6
5 Post-Baccalaureate Degree 578 17.6 3,285 32,711,610 13.2
RaceEthn: Race/Ethnicity. 7 Levels (Derived from Hisp_Cat and Race_Cat2; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: RaceEthn
Variable Label: Race/Ethnicity. 7 Levels (Derived from Hisp_Cat and Race_Cat2; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: RACEETHN
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RaceEthn Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 332 10.1 332 20,113,237 8.1
1 Hispanic 427 13 759 35,858,725 14.5
2 Non-Hispanic White 1,868 56.9 2,627 149,554,884 60.4
3 Non-Hispanic Black or African American 409 12.5 3,036 23,395,382 9.4
4 Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 8 0.2 3,044 422,977 0.2
5 Non-Hispanic Asian 138 4.2 3,182 12,623,485 5.1
6 Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 3 0.1 3,185 218,602 0.1
7 Non-Hispanic Multiple Races Mentioned 100 3 3,285 5,601,820 2.3
RaceEthn5: Race/Ethnicity. 5 Levels (Derived from Hisp_Cat and Race_Cat2; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: RaceEthn5
Variable Label: Race/Ethnicity. 5 Levels (Derived from Hisp_Cat and Race_Cat2; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: RACEETHN5F
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
RaceEthn5 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data--Not Ascertained 332 10.1 332 20,113,237 8.1
1 Non-Hispanic White 1,868 56.9 2,200 149,554,884 60.4
2 Non-Hispanic Black or African American 409 12.5 2,609 23,395,382 9.4
3 Hispanic 427 13 3,036 35,858,725 14.5
4 Non-Hispanic Asian 138 4.2 3,174 12,623,485 5.1
5 Non-Hispanic Other 111 3.4 3,285 6,243,398 2.5
HHInc: HHInc. What is your {combined} annual household income? 5 Levels (Derived from IncomeRanges; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: HHInc
Variable Label: HHInc. What is your {combined} annual household income? 5 Levels (Derived from IncomeRanges; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: HHINC
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
HHInc Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 323 9.8 323 22,979,160 9.3
1 Less than $20,000 559 17 882 39,196,643 15.8
2 $20,000 to < $35,000 423 12.9 1,305 27,484,487 11.1
3 $35,000 to < $50,000 386 11.8 1,691 33,447,999 13.5
4 $50,000 to < $75,000 530 16.1 2,221 42,985,874 17.3
5 $75,000 or More 1,064 32.4 3,285 81,694,948 33
BMI: BMI. Body Mass Index (Weight*703)/(Height in inches**2) (See History Document for more information)
Variable Name: BMI
Variable Label: BMI. Body Mass Index (Weight*703)/(Height in inches**2) (See History Document for more information)
Variable Format: BMI
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 103 3.1 103 6,701,849 2.7
-4 Unreadable or Nonconforming Numeric Response 10 0.3 113 338,068 0.1
16.1 16.1 1 0 114 175,899 0.1
16.8 16.8 1 0 115 3,780 0
16.9 16.9 2 0.1 117 175,462 0.1
17.2 17.2 2 0.1 119 149,637 0.1
17.3 17.3 1 0 120 11,395 0
17.4 17.4 1 0 121 26,917 0
17.5 17.5 3 0.1 124 107,192 0
17.6 17.6 1 0 125 87,167 0
17.7 17.7 2 0.1 127 45,163 0
17.8 17.8 1 0 128 41,191 0
17.9 17.9 1 0 129 18,031 0
18 18 1 0 130 95,129 0
18.2 18.2 10 0.3 140 1,109,158 0.4
18.3 18.3 5 0.2 145 276,263 0.1
18.4 18.4 2 0.1 147 122,449 0
18.6 18.6 6 0.2 153 295,189 0.1
18.7 18.7 4 0.1 157 671,707 0.3
18.8 18.8 8 0.2 165 1,447,759 0.6
18.9 18.9 5 0.2 170 296,824 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
19 19 4 0.1 174 354,554 0.1
19.1 19.1 9 0.3 183 675,785 0.3
19.2 19.2 14 0.4 197 1,009,823 0.4
19.3 19.3 1 0 198 43,213 0
19.4 19.4 6 0.2 204 368,400 0.1
19.5 19.5 11 0.3 215 423,629 0.2
19.6 19.6 10 0.3 225 395,435 0.2
19.7 19.7 3 0.1 228 328,317 0.1
19.8 19.8 13 0.4 241 1,543,212 0.6
19.9 19.9 4 0.1 245 410,095 0.2
20 20 8 0.2 253 369,181 0.1
20.1 20.1 10 0.3 263 541,173 0.2
20.2 20.2 5 0.2 268 903,621 0.4
20.3 20.3 4 0.1 272 698,192 0.3
20.4 20.4 12 0.4 284 664,185 0.3
20.5 20.5 19 0.6 303 1,695,037 0.7
20.6 20.6 14 0.4 317 1,096,401 0.4
20.7 20.7 12 0.4 329 690,631 0.3
20.8 20.8 19 0.6 348 1,458,940 0.6
20.9 20.9 7 0.2 355 432,703 0.2
21 21 13 0.4 368 1,736,576 0.7
21.1 21.1 15 0.5 383 670,827 0.3
21.2 21.2 9 0.3 392 451,686 0.2
21.3 21.3 23 0.7 415 1,620,545 0.7
21.4 21.4 6 0.2 421 258,328 0.1
21.5 21.5 25 0.8 446 1,417,869 0.6
21.6 21.6 19 0.6 465 2,152,780 0.9

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
21.7 21.7 8 0.2 473 668,294 0.3
21.8 21.8 18 0.5 491 1,346,980 0.5
21.9 21.9 33 1 524 2,351,898 0.9
22 22 14 0.4 538 1,285,342 0.5
22.1 22.1 18 0.5 556 2,263,824 0.9
22.2 22.2 15 0.5 571 1,499,407 0.6
22.3 22.3 27 0.8 598 2,006,559 0.8
22.4 22.4 11 0.3 609 1,037,026 0.4
22.5 22.5 23 0.7 632 1,282,636 0.5
22.6 22.6 15 0.5 647 1,154,665 0.5
22.7 22.7 23 0.7 670 1,511,126 0.6
22.8 22.8 16 0.5 686 1,136,662 0.5
22.9 22.9 25 0.8 711 2,084,111 0.8
23 23 27 0.8 738 2,640,688 1.1
23.1 23.1 26 0.8 764 1,811,878 0.7
23.2 23.2 27 0.8 791 2,087,515 0.8
23.3 23.3 16 0.5 807 891,712 0.4
23.4 23.4 12 0.4 819 1,010,795 0.4
23.5 23.5 22 0.7 841 1,368,908 0.6
23.6 23.6 20 0.6 861 3,094,331 1.2
23.7 23.7 33 1 894 2,281,615 0.9
23.8 23.8 23 0.7 917 1,706,853 0.7
23.9 23.9 14 0.4 931 927,305 0.4
24 24 17 0.5 948 1,585,668 0.6
24.1 24.1 12 0.4 960 1,030,410 0.4
24.2 24.2 25 0.8 985 1,697,325 0.7
24.3 24.3 31 0.9 1,016 2,225,189 0.9

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
24.4 24.4 49 1.5 1,065 3,444,652 1.4
24.5 24.5 12 0.4 1,077 842,096 0.3
24.6 24.6 13 0.4 1,090 1,328,186 0.5
24.7 24.7 22 0.7 1,112 1,660,947 0.7
24.8 24.8 12 0.4 1,124 731,061 0.3
24.9 24.9 14 0.4 1,138 966,286 0.4
25 25 25 0.8 1,163 2,233,637 0.9
25.1 25.1 47 1.4 1,210 4,182,582 1.7
25.2 25.2 10 0.3 1,220 381,572 0.2
25.3 25.3 6 0.2 1,226 210,987 0.1
25.4 25.4 17 0.5 1,243 1,594,684 0.6
25.5 25.5 13 0.4 1,256 631,113 0.3
25.6 25.6 13 0.4 1,269 809,166 0.3
25.7 25.7 38 1.2 1,307 2,269,834 0.9
25.8 25.8 76 2.3 1,383 6,186,841 2.5
25.9 25.9 5 0.2 1,388 267,316 0.1
26 26 6 0.2 1,394 239,522 0.1
26.1 26.1 9 0.3 1,403 391,622 0.2
26.2 26.2 7 0.2 1,410 385,765 0.2
26.3 26.3 19 0.6 1,429 1,624,630 0.7
26.4 26.4 29 0.9 1,458 2,625,169 1.1
26.5 26.5 29 0.9 1,487 2,709,386 1.1
26.6 26.6 77 2.3 1,564 5,505,984 2.2
26.7 26.7 6 0.2 1,570 328,838 0.1
26.8 26.8 7 0.2 1,577 572,600 0.2
26.9 26.9 11 0.3 1,588 509,192 0.2
27 27 7 0.2 1,595 257,677 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
27.1 27.1 30 0.9 1,625 2,240,645 0.9
27.2 27.2 10 0.3 1,635 825,406 0.3
27.3 27.3 35 1.1 1,670 2,601,582 1
27.4 27.4 52 1.6 1,722 3,970,822 1.6
27.5 27.5 34 1 1,756 1,708,024 0.7
27.6 27.6 13 0.4 1,769 784,663 0.3
27.7 27.7 9 0.3 1,778 376,945 0.2
27.8 27.8 13 0.4 1,791 695,020 0.3
27.9 27.9 13 0.4 1,804 613,395 0.2
28 28 19 0.6 1,823 1,175,666 0.5
28.1 28.1 28 0.9 1,851 2,367,920 1
28.2 28.2 33 1 1,884 2,840,481 1.1
28.3 28.3 57 1.7 1,941 4,144,902 1.7
28.4 28.4 6 0.2 1,947 532,679 0.2
28.5 28.5 11 0.3 1,958 570,155 0.2
28.6 28.6 10 0.3 1,968 436,258 0.2
28.7 28.7 20 0.6 1,988 1,523,870 0.6
28.8 28.8 16 0.5 2,004 839,025 0.3
28.9 28.9 15 0.5 2,019 2,710,017 1.1
29 29 32 1 2,051 2,092,110 0.8
29.1 29.1 13 0.4 2,064 585,999 0.2
29.2 29.2 27 0.8 2,091 2,422,955 1
29.3 29.3 28 0.9 2,119 1,067,198 0.4
29.4 29.4 8 0.2 2,127 170,536 0.1
29.5 29.5 29 0.9 2,156 2,992,366 1.2
29.6 29.6 12 0.4 2,168 1,341,387 0.5
29.7 29.7 9 0.3 2,177 574,499 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
29.8 29.8 29 0.9 2,206 2,495,436 1
29.9 29.9 10 0.3 2,216 1,150,424 0.5
30 30 31 0.9 2,247 1,825,233 0.7
30.1 30.1 23 0.7 2,270 2,281,695 0.9
30.2 30.2 15 0.5 2,285 851,179 0.3
30.3 30.3 15 0.5 2,300 1,368,118 0.6
30.4 30.4 15 0.5 2,315 1,361,200 0.5
30.5 30.5 15 0.5 2,330 1,192,611 0.5
30.6 30.6 6 0.2 2,336 219,221 0.1
30.7 30.7 15 0.5 2,351 1,426,493 0.6
30.8 30.8 21 0.6 2,372 1,291,265 0.5
30.9 30.9 10 0.3 2,382 545,191 0.2
31 31 20 0.6 2,402 1,463,124 0.6
31.1 31.1 15 0.5 2,417 759,044 0.3
31.2 31.2 19 0.6 2,436 1,531,509 0.6
31.3 31.3 13 0.4 2,449 1,386,317 0.6
31.4 31.4 5 0.2 2,454 452,307 0.2
31.5 31.5 7 0.2 2,461 497,190 0.2
31.6 31.6 18 0.5 2,479 1,779,155 0.7
31.7 31.7 9 0.3 2,488 533,632 0.2
31.8 31.8 7 0.2 2,495 720,875 0.3
31.9 31.9 25 0.8 2,520 1,778,564 0.7
32 32 7 0.2 2,527 423,762 0.2
32.1 32.1 22 0.7 2,549 1,425,163 0.6
32.2 32.2 7 0.2 2,556 577,647 0.2
32.3 32.3 21 0.6 2,577 1,925,720 0.8
32.4 32.4 12 0.4 2,589 571,204 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
32.5 32.5 12 0.4 2,601 1,028,295 0.4
32.6 32.6 14 0.4 2,615 1,015,326 0.4
32.7 32.7 8 0.2 2,623 403,488 0.2
32.8 32.8 2 0.1 2,625 140,913 0.1
32.9 32.9 20 0.6 2,645 1,304,185 0.5
33 33 15 0.5 2,660 1,294,914 0.5
33.1 33.1 10 0.3 2,670 370,154 0.1
33.2 33.2 15 0.5 2,685 1,110,514 0.4
33.3 33.3 12 0.4 2,697 916,449 0.4
33.4 33.4 9 0.3 2,706 1,397,902 0.6
33.5 33.5 21 0.6 2,727 2,223,227 0.9
33.6 33.6 3 0.1 2,730 154,686 0.1
33.7 33.7 10 0.3 2,740 316,222 0.1
33.8 33.8 9 0.3 2,749 309,230 0.1
33.9 33.9 8 0.2 2,757 738,932 0.3
34 34 18 0.5 2,775 1,297,170 0.5
34.1 34.1 5 0.2 2,780 161,399 0.1
34.2 34.2 8 0.2 2,788 366,360 0.1
34.3 34.3 12 0.4 2,800 840,483 0.3
34.4 34.4 5 0.2 2,805 246,014 0.1
34.5 34.5 7 0.2 2,812 600,692 0.2
34.6 34.6 2 0.1 2,814 76,402 0
34.7 34.7 13 0.4 2,827 1,295,809 0.5
34.8 34.8 4 0.1 2,831 785,977 0.3
34.9 34.9 12 0.4 2,843 1,567,640 0.6
35 35 10 0.3 2,853 675,286 0.3
35.1 35.1 3 0.1 2,856 76,656 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
35.2 35.2 12 0.4 2,868 1,212,229 0.5
35.3 35.3 12 0.4 2,880 892,365 0.4
35.4 35.4 8 0.2 2,888 651,860 0.3
35.5 35.5 9 0.3 2,897 442,215 0.2
35.6 35.6 7 0.2 2,904 358,831 0.1
35.7 35.7 5 0.2 2,909 307,405 0.1
35.8 35.8 3 0.1 2,912 227,700 0.1
35.9 35.9 13 0.4 2,925 825,943 0.3
36 36 12 0.4 2,937 678,239 0.3
36.2 36.2 2 0.1 2,939 112,753 0
36.3 36.3 11 0.3 2,950 1,018,600 0.4
36.4 36.4 1 0 2,951 15,300 0
36.5 36.5 3 0.1 2,954 1,426,876 0.6
36.6 36.6 17 0.5 2,971 1,149,726 0.5
36.7 36.7 4 0.1 2,975 685,206 0.3
36.8 36.8 7 0.2 2,982 440,978 0.2
36.9 36.9 7 0.2 2,989 840,124 0.3
37 37 1 0 2,990 30,136 0
37.1 37.1 6 0.2 2,996 573,983 0.2
37.2 37.2 6 0.2 3,002 461,054 0.2
37.3 37.3 4 0.1 3,006 239,079 0.1
37.4 37.4 2 0.1 3,008 130,742 0.1
37.5 37.5 2 0.1 3,010 67,202 0
37.6 37.6 6 0.2 3,016 389,960 0.2
37.8 37.8 7 0.2 3,023 452,358 0.2
37.9 37.9 4 0.1 3,027 299,468 0.1
38 38 2 0.1 3,029 127,719 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
38.1 38.1 4 0.1 3,033 141,769 0.1
38.2 38.2 1 0 3,034 278,719 0.1
38.3 38.3 3 0.1 3,037 135,427 0.1
38.4 38.4 14 0.4 3,051 1,055,427 0.4
38.5 38.5 1 0 3,052 403,204 0.2
38.7 38.7 6 0.2 3,058 376,577 0.2
38.8 38.8 3 0.1 3,061 98,669 0
38.9 38.9 3 0.1 3,064 159,319 0.1
39 39 1 0 3,065 50,928 0
39.1 39.1 9 0.3 3,074 491,519 0.2
39.2 39.2 1 0 3,075 19,946 0
39.3 39.3 2 0.1 3,077 50,789 0
39.5 39.5 9 0.3 3,086 729,472 0.3
39.6 39.6 1 0 3,087 47,649 0
39.7 39.7 1 0 3,088 71,304 0
39.9 39.9 7 0.2 3,095 456,507 0.2
40 40 2 0.1 3,097 201,900 0.1
40.2 40.2 3 0.1 3,100 121,612 0
40.3 40.3 7 0.2 3,107 248,174 0.1
40.4 40.4 5 0.2 3,112 267,415 0.1
40.5 40.5 1 0 3,113 69,266 0
40.6 40.6 2 0.1 3,115 65,819 0
40.7 40.7 7 0.2 3,122 424,894 0.2
40.8 40.8 3 0.1 3,125 209,142 0.1
40.9 40.9 4 0.1 3,129 225,379 0.1
41 41 7 0.2 3,136 620,242 0.3
41.1 41.1 3 0.1 3,139 86,008 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
41.2 41.2 5 0.2 3,144 212,846 0.1
41.3 41.3 3 0.1 3,147 101,622 0
41.4 41.4 1 0 3,148 446,640 0.2
41.5 41.5 1 0 3,149 40,582 0
41.6 41.6 5 0.2 3,154 196,519 0.1
41.7 41.7 1 0 3,155 10,324 0
41.8 41.8 4 0.1 3,159 24,163 0
41.9 41.9 2 0.1 3,161 59,945 0
42 42 4 0.1 3,165 271,545 0.1
42.1 42.1 4 0.1 3,169 149,879 0.1
42.3 42.3 3 0.1 3,172 96,135 0
42.4 42.4 1 0 3,173 14,293 0
42.5 42.5 2 0.1 3,175 37,034 0
42.6 42.6 4 0.1 3,179 453,492 0.2
42.7 42.7 1 0 3,180 36,434 0
42.8 42.8 2 0.1 3,182 107,811 0
42.9 42.9 3 0.1 3,185 459,791 0.2
43 43 2 0.1 3,187 364,939 0.1
43.1 43.1 1 0 3,188 11,268 0
43.3 43.3 4 0.1 3,192 147,270 0.1
43.4 43.4 1 0 3,193 84,277 0
43.6 43.6 3 0.1 3,196 142,293 0.1
43.7 43.7 1 0 3,197 15,433 0
43.8 43.8 2 0.1 3,199 252,438 0.1
43.9 43.9 4 0.1 3,203 183,177 0.1
44.1 44.1 2 0.1 3,205 127,680 0.1
44.3 44.3 4 0.1 3,209 439,147 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
44.4 44.4 1 0 3,210 10,107 0
44.5 44.5 1 0 3,211 21,644 0
44.6 44.6 1 0 3,212 77,910 0
44.8 44.8 3 0.1 3,215 217,362 0.1
44.9 44.9 5 0.2 3,220 187,095 0.1
45 45 2 0.1 3,222 386,385 0.2
45.3 45.3 1 0 3,223 41,626 0
45.4 45.4 1 0 3,224 69,196 0
45.6 45.6 5 0.2 3,229 682,972 0.3
45.8 45.8 1 0 3,230 52,734 0
45.9 45.9 1 0 3,231 8,564 0
46 46 2 0.1 3,233 120,034 0
46.1 46.1 2 0.1 3,235 281,331 0.1
46.6 46.6 1 0 3,236 50,544 0
46.9 46.9 1 0 3,237 21,155 0
47 47 1 0 3,238 589,823 0.2
47.4 47.4 1 0 3,239 87,047 0
47.5 47.5 2 0.1 3,241 288,062 0.1
47.9 47.9 1 0 3,242 4,619 0
48.1 48.1 1 0 3,243 31,707 0
48.3 48.3 1 0 3,244 60,222 0
48.4 48.4 2 0.1 3,246 30,863 0
48.6 48.6 1 0 3,247 206,269 0.1
48.9 48.9 1 0 3,248 46,904 0
49.1 49.1 1 0 3,249 72,499 0
49.2 49.2 1 0 3,250 96,795 0
49.4 49.4 1 0 3,251 12,490 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
49.5 49.5 1 0 3,252 118,977 0
49.8 49.8 2 0.1 3,254 217,497 0.1
50.1 50.1 1 0 3,255 34,272 0
50.2 50.2 1 0 3,256 9,688 0
50.3 50.3 1 0 3,257 20,301 0
50.6 50.6 1 0 3,258 58,800 0
51.1 51.1 1 0 3,259 43,871 0
51.5 51.5 1 0 3,260 49,215 0
51.6 51.6 1 0 3,261 10,725 0
51.7 51.7 2 0.1 3,263 300,156 0.1
51.8 51.8 1 0 3,264 12,701 0
51.9 51.9 1 0 3,265 15,627 0
52.1 52.1 1 0 3,266 9,687 0
52.4 52.4 3 0.1 3,269 100,068 0
53.1 53.1 1 0 3,270 20,702 0
53.8 53.8 1 0 3,271 34,060 0
54.1 54.1 1 0 3,272 43,417 0
54.2 54.2 1 0 3,273 114,732 0
54.8 54.8 1 0 3,274 17,939 0
54.9 54.9 1 0 3,275 125,969 0.1
56.9 56.9 1 0 3,276 74,083 0
58.5 58.5 1 0 3,277 28,568 0
60.1 60.1 1 0 3,278 150,601 0.1
61.3 61.3 1 0 3,279 11,945 0
61.4 61.4 1 0 3,280 13,902 0
62 62 1 0 3,281 61,418 0
62.2 62.2 1 0 3,282 124,739 0.1

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
BMI Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
62.6 62.6 1 0 3,283 38,469 0
66.2 66.2 1 0 3,284 83,349 0
75.2 75.2 1 0 3,285 196,005 0.1
AgeDX: AgeDX. At what age were you diagnosed with cancer? (Derived from WhenDiagnosedCancer; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: AgeDX
Variable Label: AgeDX. At what age were you diagnosed with cancer? (Derived from WhenDiagnosedCancer; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: AGEDX
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AgeDX Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 22 0.7 22 909,317 0.4
-6 Missing Data (Filter Missing) 25 0.8 47 1,235,376 0.5
-4 Unreadable or Non-conforming numeric response 2 0.1 49 123,178 0
-2 Question Answered in Error (Commission Error) 10 0.3 59 789,652 0.3
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,746 83.6 2,805 224,456,627 90.6
1 1 1 0 2,806 49,290 0
13 13 1 0 2,807 203,841 0.1
15 15 2 0.1 2,809 22,635 0
16 16 1 0 2,810 12,470 0
17 17 1 0 2,811 212,457 0.1
18 18 2 0.1 2,813 144,552 0.1
19 19 2 0.1 2,815 49,751 0
20 20 1 0 2,816 58,362 0
21 21 2 0.1 2,818 87,050 0
22 22 3 0.1 2,821 75,807 0
23 23 3 0.1 2,824 296,502 0.1
24 24 3 0.1 2,827 65,594 0
25 25 5 0.2 2,832 440,016 0.2
26 26 5 0.2 2,837 245,931 0.1
27 27 3 0.1 2,840 124,887 0.1
28 28 10 0.3 2,850 628,889 0.3

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AgeDX Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
29 29 3 0.1 2,853 137,470 0.1
30 30 9 0.3 2,862 419,554 0.2
31 31 3 0.1 2,865 251,206 0.1
32 32 4 0.1 2,869 106,674 0
33 33 4 0.1 2,873 238,931 0.1
34 34 4 0.1 2,877 139,181 0.1
35 35 15 0.5 2,892 1,083,094 0.4
36 36 4 0.1 2,896 194,037 0.1
37 37 1 0 2,897 61,290 0
38 38 6 0.2 2,903 185,044 0.1
39 39 3 0.1 2,906 162,499 0.1
40 40 15 0.5 2,921 562,435 0.2
41 41 2 0.1 2,923 95,086 0
42 42 7 0.2 2,930 429,200 0.2
43 43 6 0.2 2,936 324,987 0.1
44 44 8 0.2 2,944 424,376 0.2
45 45 7 0.2 2,951 179,973 0.1
46 46 3 0.1 2,954 240,707 0.1
47 47 6 0.2 2,960 251,354 0.1
48 48 10 0.3 2,970 434,484 0.2
49 49 8 0.2 2,978 384,059 0.2
50 50 27 0.8 3,005 1,176,562 0.5
51 51 10 0.3 3,015 325,656 0.1
52 52 10 0.3 3,025 431,541 0.2
53 53 8 0.2 3,033 275,016 0.1
54 54 9 0.3 3,042 173,159 0.1
55 55 20 0.6 3,062 618,534 0.2

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AgeDX Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
56 56 10 0.3 3,072 313,655 0.1
57 57 6 0.2 3,078 234,265 0.1
58 58 8 0.2 3,086 291,548 0.1
59 59 16 0.5 3,102 499,766 0.2
60 60 23 0.7 3,125 810,345 0.3
61 61 10 0.3 3,135 292,719 0.1
62 62 13 0.4 3,148 401,029 0.2
63 63 9 0.3 3,157 341,346 0.1
64 64 9 0.3 3,166 293,038 0.1
65 65 14 0.4 3,180 607,727 0.2
66 66 6 0.2 3,186 224,727 0.1
67 67 9 0.3 3,195 379,706 0.2
68 68 10 0.3 3,205 392,111 0.2
69 69 6 0.2 3,211 173,901 0.1
70 70 11 0.3 3,222 439,306 0.2
71 71 5 0.2 3,227 148,350 0.1
72 72 5 0.2 3,232 181,364 0.1
73 73 8 0.2 3,240 140,776 0.1
74 74 4 0.1 3,244 121,527 0
75 75 9 0.3 3,253 261,251 0.1
76 76 3 0.1 3,256 105,116 0
77 77 6 0.2 3,262 201,477 0.1
78 78 2 0.1 3,264 117,372 0
79 79 2 0.1 3,266 127,111 0.1
80 80 5 0.2 3,271 253,877 0.1
81 81 1 0 3,272 17,235 0
82 82 3 0.1 3,275 122,106 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
AgeDX Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
83 83 1 0 3,276 64,744 0
84 84 1 0 3,277 51,912 0
85 85 2 0.1 3,279 123,225 0
86 86 3 0.1 3,282 143,025 0.1
88 88 1 0 3,283 121,688 0
91 91 1 0 3,284 21,944 0
101 101 1 0 3,285 231,532 0.1
TimeSinceDX: TimeSinceDX. How long ago were you diagnosed with cancer? (Derived from WhenDiagnosedCancer and Age; see History Document for more
Variable Name: TimeSinceDX
Variable Label: TimeSinceDX. How long ago were you diagnosed with cancer? (Derived from WhenDiagnosedCancer and Age; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: TIMESINCEDX
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
TimeSinceDX Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 38 1.2 38 1,714,787 0.7
-6 Missing Data (Filter Missing), coded -9 in EverHadCancer 25 0.8 63 1,235,376 0.5
-4 Unreadable or Nonconforming Numeric Response 12 0.4 75 912,830 0.4
-1 Inapplicable, coded 2 in EverHadCancer 2,746 83.6 2,821 224,456,627 90.6
1 Less than 1 Yr Since DX 61 1.9 2,882 2,964,048 1.2
2 2-5 Yrs Since DX 96 2.9 2,978 3,437,581 1.4
3 6-10 Yrs Since DX 95 2.9 3,073 4,035,486 1.6
4 11+ Yrs Since DX 212 6.5 3,285 9,032,374 3.6
smokeStat: SmokeStat. Smoking Status (Derived from Smoke100 and SmokeNow; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: smokeStat
Variable Label: SmokeStat. Smoking Status (Derived from Smoke100 and SmokeNow; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: SMOKESTAT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
smokeStat Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 9 0.3 9 491,275 0.2
-6 Missing Data (Filter Missing), coded -9 in Smoke100 21 0.6 30 1,031,186 0.4
1 Current 414 12.6 444 36,627,942 14.8
2 Former 856 26.1 1,300 56,936,899 23
3 Never 1,985 60.4 3,285 152,701,808 61.6
PHQ4: PHQ4. PHQ-4 total score (Derived composite from LittleInterest, Hopeless, Nervous, and Worrying; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: PHQ4
Variable Label: PHQ4. PHQ-4 total score (Derived composite from LittleInterest, Hopeless, Nervous, and Worrying; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: PHQ4F
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
PHQ4 Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 122 3.7 122 7,060,146 2.8
-5 Multiple Responses Selected in Error 6 0.2 128 1,384,307 0.6
0 0 1,566 47.7 1,694 113,592,046 45.8
1 1 385 11.7 2,079 30,201,899 12.2
2 2 333 10.1 2,412 24,580,342 9.9
3 3 205 6.2 2,617 16,558,123 6.7
4 4 234 7.1 2,851 18,030,487 7.3
5 5 90 2.7 2,941 5,588,850 2.3
6 6 86 2.6 3,027 7,119,217 2.9
7 7 43 1.3 3,070 4,903,131 2
8 8 63 1.9 3,133 5,270,969 2.1
9 9 42 1.3 3,175 3,717,307 1.5
10 10 20 0.6 3,195 1,739,161 0.7
11 11 22 0.7 3,217 1,077,714 0.4
12 12 68 2.1 3,285 6,965,412 2.8
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise: WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise. Minutes per week of at least moderate intensity exercise (Derived from
TimesModerateExercise, HowLongModerateExerciseHr, and HowLongModerateExerciseMn; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise
Variable Label: WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise. Minutes per week of at least moderate intensity exercise (Derived from TimesModerateExercise, HowLongModerateExerciseHr, and
HowLongModerateExerciseMn; see History Document for more information)
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
Back to Table of Contents

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 62 1.9 62 3,431,629 1.4
0 0 936 28.5 998 64,513,526 26
5 5 2 0.1 1,000 125,313 0.1
6 6 2 0.1 1,002 107,446 0
10 10 8 0.2 1,010 1,248,587 0.5
15 15 24 0.7 1,034 1,143,531 0.5
20 20 38 1.2 1,072 2,265,647 0.9
24 24 1 0 1,073 28,495 0
25 25 5 0.2 1,078 436,215 0.2
26 26 1 0 1,079 571,548 0.2
28 28 1 0 1,080 55,182 0
30 30 104 3.2 1,184 9,707,341 3.9
35 35 5 0.2 1,189 196,443 0.1
40 40 32 1 1,221 2,227,078 0.9
45 45 33 1 1,254 2,640,538 1.1
50 50 5 0.2 1,259 439,418 0.2
60 60 203 6.2 1,462 15,736,880 6.4
70 70 4 0.1 1,466 396,938 0.2
75 75 17 0.5 1,483 1,157,560 0.5
76 76 1 0 1,484 44,759 0

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
80 80 21 0.6 1,505 1,018,545 0.4
90 90 191 5.8 1,696 13,701,060 5.5
94 94 1 0 1,697 19,374 0
100 100 13 0.4 1,710 1,108,046 0.4
105 105 15 0.5 1,725 924,923 0.4
114 114 1 0 1,726 47,649 0
120 120 180 5.5 1,906 15,752,607 6.4
125 125 8 0.2 1,914 318,426 0.1
135 135 63 1.9 1,977 5,433,073 2.2
140 140 18 0.5 1,995 1,205,007 0.5
150 150 80 2.4 2,075 5,009,132 2
160 160 20 0.6 2,095 839,037 0.3
165 165 3 0.1 2,098 128,389 0.1
175 175 7 0.2 2,105 360,187 0.1
180 180 230 7 2,335 17,679,800 7.1
195 195 1 0 2,336 86,041 0
200 200 16 0.5 2,352 1,535,597 0.6
210 210 47 1.4 2,399 3,110,634 1.3
225 225 40 1.2 2,439 2,472,148 1
240 240 130 4 2,569 10,776,747 4.3
244 244 1 0 2,570 58,100 0
245 245 3 0.1 2,573 142,748 0.1
250 250 7 0.2 2,580 262,672 0.1
270 270 48 1.5 2,628 4,544,357 1.8
280 280 5 0.2 2,633 372,946 0.2
290 290 1 0 2,634 2,271 0
300 300 118 3.6 2,752 9,337,858 3.8

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
305 305 1 0 2,753 4,832 0
315 315 12 0.4 2,765 519,430 0.2
320 320 2 0.1 2,767 415,888 0.2
350 350 3 0.1 2,770 121,412 0
360 360 116 3.5 2,886 8,998,218 3.6
364 364 1 0 2,887 8,176 0
375 375 4 0.1 2,891 307,027 0.1
400 400 1 0 2,892 20,749 0
420 420 55 1.7 2,947 4,478,581 1.8
427 427 1 0 2,948 8,765 0
450 450 16 0.5 2,964 1,702,772 0.7
455 455 1 0 2,965 117,191 0
460 460 1 0 2,966 207,448 0.1
462 462 1 0 2,967 65,167 0
480 480 35 1.1 3,002 2,698,757 1.1
490 490 1 0 3,003 11,742 0
525 525 3 0.1 3,006 152,977 0.1
540 540 17 0.5 3,023 973,168 0.4
550 550 1 0 3,024 59,235 0
560 560 1 0 3,025 15,836 0
570 570 1 0 3,026 50,262 0
600 600 43 1.3 3,069 3,046,640 1.2
610 610 1 0 3,070 757,623 0.3
630 630 5 0.2 3,075 703,423 0.3
652 652 1 0 3,076 88,002 0
660 660 1 0 3,077 80,832 0
720 720 37 1.1 3,114 4,072,137 1.6

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
750 750 1 0 3,115 102,421 0
780 780 1 0 3,116 24,348 0
840 840 27 0.8 3,143 2,616,734 1.1
900 900 19 0.6 3,162 1,322,001 0.5
956 956 1 0 3,163 238,161 0.1
960 960 2 0.1 3,165 55,677 0
980 980 1 0 3,166 254,987 0.1
1050 1050 4 0.1 3,170 294,575 0.1
1080 1080 10 0.3 3,180 885,561 0.4
1200 1200 11 0.3 3,191 512,478 0.2
1260 1260 12 0.4 3,203 540,297 0.2
1440 1440 5 0.2 3,208 200,614 0.1
1470 1470 1 0 3,209 20,564 0
1500 1500 4 0.1 3,213 227,185 0.1
1620 1620 1 0 3,214 20,681 0
1680 1680 7 0.2 3,221 719,086 0.3
1800 1800 5 0.2 3,226 1,834,829 0.7
2100 2100 7 0.2 3,233 405,367 0.2
2160 2160 5 0.2 3,238 428,724 0.2
2400 2400 12 0.4 3,250 1,164,310 0.5
2520 2520 4 0.1 3,254 134,910 0.1
2700 2700 1 0 3,255 149,462 0.1
2880 2880 5 0.2 3,260 726,106 0.3
2940 2940 2 0.1 3,262 160,075 0.1
3000 3000 1 0 3,263 106,569 0
3240 3240 3 0.1 3,266 119,000 0
3360 3360 12 0.4 3,278 887,638 0.4

Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
WeeklyMinutesModerateExercise Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
4200 4200 3 0.1 3,281 607,720 0.2
5040 5040 3 0.1 3,284 573,332 0.2
5880 5880 1 0 3,285 47,963 0
eCigUse: eCigUse. Electronic Cigarette Use (Derived from ElectCigLessHarm, UsedECigEver, and UseECigNow; see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: eCigUse
Variable Label: eCigUse. Electronic Cigarette Use (Derived from ElectCigLessHarm, UsedECigEver, and UseECigNow; see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: ECIGSTAT
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
eCigUse Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data (Not Ascertained) 5 0.2 5 178,583 0.1
-6 Missing Data (Filter Missing), coded -9 in UsedECigEver 87 2.6 92 4,665,274 1.9
1 Current 80 2.4 172 12,138,701 4.9
2 Former 282 8.6 454 28,782,148 11.6
3 Never 2,831 86.2 3,285 202,024,405 81.5
IncomeRanges_IMP: -->IncomeRanges_IMP. Imputed IncomeRanges variable via PROC HOTDECK in SUDAAN (see History Document for more information)
Variable Name: IncomeRanges_IMP
Variable Label: -->IncomeRanges_IMP. Imputed IncomeRanges variable via PROC HOTDECK in SUDAAN (see History Document for more information)
Variable Format: INCOMER
Criteria to receive Question: N/A
Criteria description: N/A
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Cumulative Weighted
Unweighted Unweighted Sample Weighted
Sample Unweighted Sample Size Percent
IncomeRanges_IMP Value Label Size Percent Size (Estimated) (Estimated)
-9 Missing Data 37 1.1 37 2,780,637 1.1
1 $0 to $9,999 238 7.2 275 17,135,573 6.9
2 $10,000 to $14,999 197 6 472 11,306,111 4.6
3 $15,000 to $19,999 176 5.4 648 14,885,000 6
4 $20,000 to $34,999 461 14 1,109 30,184,148 12.2
5 $35,000 to $49,999 426 13 1,535 35,907,317 14.5
6 $50,000 to $74,999 583 17.7 2,118 48,159,764 19.4
7 $75,000 to $99,999 410 12.5 2,528 30,041,207 12.1
8 $100,000 to $199,999 562 17.1 3,090 41,901,651 16.9
9 $200,000 or more 195 5.9 3,285 15,487,702 6.3

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