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To simplify and condense the reference list, the following abbreviations are used:

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation

Officials, 444 N. Capitol St., N.W., Washington, DC 20001.
ACI American Concrete Institute, PO Box 19150, Detroit, MI
JACI Journal of American Concrete Institute (monthly) [now ACI
Structural Journal (ca. vol. 80)]
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
JGED Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division (1974-)
JSMFD Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE
(1955-1973, inclusive)
SMFE Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
PSC Proceedings of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division,
ASCE, specialty conferences as follows:
1st PSC: Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils (1960)
2nd PSC: Design of Foundations for Control of Settlement
3rd PSC: Placement and Improvement of Soil to Support
Structures (1968)
4th PSC: Lateral Stresses in the Ground and Design of Earth
Retaining Structures (1970)
5th PSC: Performance of Earth and Earth Supported Struc-
tures (1972)
6th PSC: Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering
7th PSC: In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties (1975)
8th PSC: Rock Engineering for Foundations and Slopes
9th PSC: Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of Solid Waste
Materials (1977)
10th PSC: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
11th PSC: Grouting in Geotechnical Engineering (1982)
12th PSC: Engineering and Construction in Tropical and
Residual Soils (1982)
13th PSC: Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering
14th PSC: Use of In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering

After 1986 ASCE produces Geotechnical Special Publications (Geotech. SP).

JSD Journal of Structural Division, ASCE

ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race
Street, Philadelphia, PA
STP ASTM Special Technical Publication (with appropriate number)
GTJ Geotechnical Testing Journal
AWPI American Wood Preservers Institute, 2600 Virginia Avenue,
Washington, DC
CGJ Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Ottawa, Canada
ENR Engineering News-Record, New York (weekly)
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers, London
PICE Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers
ESOPT European Symposium on Penetration Testing
1st: Stockholm, Swedish Geotechnical Society (1974)
2nd: Amsterdam, Balkema Publishers (1982)
ISOPT International Symposium on Penetration Testing
1st: Orlando, FL, Balkema Publishers (1988)
ICSMFE Proceedings of International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Foundation Engineering
1st: Harvard University, USA (1936)
2nd: Rotterdam, Holland (1948)
3rd: Zurich, Switzerland (1953)
4th: London, England (1957)
5th: Paris, France (1961)
6th: Montreal, Canada (1965)
7th: Mexico City, Mexico (1969)
8th: Moscow, USSR (1973)
9th: Tokyo, Japan (1977)
10th: Stockholm, Sweden (1981)—US$995
1 lth: San Francisco, USA (1985)—US$995
12th: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1989)—US$995
13th: New Delhi, India (1994)—US$750

The proceedings of ICSMFE are not much cited, because they are extremely expensive (if
available—usually by A. A. Balkema, P.O. Box 1675, Rotterdam, Netherlands) and are avail-
able only at a few university libraries, if they are not out of print. Most material of much im-
portance usually gets published in less expensive ASCE conference publications or in ASCE
JGED or the CGJ.
Geotechnique, published quarterly by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
Highway Research Board (HRB), Highway Research Record (HRR), etc., published by
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
In the following references, et al. is used with the senior author when there are more than
two co-authors.

AASHTO (1990), Standard Specifications for Highway ASCE (1987), Soil Improvement—A Ten Year Update,
Bridges, 14th ed., 420 pp. Geotech. SP No. 12,331pp.
ACI (1991), "Standard Practice for Design and Construc- ASCE (1974), "Design of Steel Transmission Pole Struc-
tion of Concrete Silos and Stacking Tubes for Stor- tures," JSD, ASCE, vol. 100, ST 12, Dec, pp.
ing Granular Materials and Commentary," ACI 2449-2518 (Committee Report).
Committee 313, 22 pp. ASCE (1966), "Revised Bibliography on Chemical
ACI (1989), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Grouting," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 92, SM 6, Nov,
Concrete (ACI 318-89), American Concrete Insti- pp. 39-66.
tute, Detroit, MI, 353 pp. (with commentary). ASCE (1962), Symposium on Grouting, a series of papers
ACI (1977), "Recommended Practice for Design and published in JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 87, SM 2, April,
Construction of Concrete Bins, Silos and Bunkers pp. 1-145.
for Storing Granular Materials," ACI Committee ASCE (1959), Timber Piles and Construction Timbers,
313 Report (revised 1983, 1991 now MCP 4\ 39 ASCE Manual of Practice No. 17, 48 pp.
pp. ASCE (1957), Chemical Grouting, Progress Report on
ACI Committee 336 (1988), "Suggested Analysis and Chemical Grouting..., JSMFD, vol. 83, SM4,
Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Nov, pp. 1426-1 to 1426-106.
Mats," ACI Committee 336Report, 21 pp. See also ASCE (1946), Pile Foundations and Pile Structures,
the "discussion" and "closure" in the ACI Struc- ASCE Manual of Practice No. 27, 72 pp. (re-
tural Journal, vol. 86, no. 1, Jan-Feb, 1989, pp. printed in 1959).
111-16. ASCE (1941), "Pile-Driving Formulas," Proceedings
ACI Committee 351 (1992), "Grouting for the Support of ASCE, vol. 67, no. 5, May, pp. 853-866.
Equipment and Machinery," ACI Committee 351 ASTM (1988), "Vane Shear Strength Testing in Soils,"
Report, in the ACI Structural Journal, vol. 89, no. ASTM STP No. 1014, 378 pp.
6, Nov-Dec, pp. 721-737. ASTM (1971), "Underwater Soil Sampling, Testing and
AISC (1992), Metric Properties of Structural Shapes, Construction Control," ASTM STP No. 501, 241
American Institute of Steel Construction, 400 N. pp.
Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, Publication AWPI (1981), AE Concepts in Wood Design (Piling Is-
No. S340, 97 pp. sue), vol. 1, no. 4, Jan-Feb, 33 pp.
(1989), Steel Construction Manual (ASD), 9th ed., AWPI (1969), Pile Foundations Know-How, 66 pp.
American Institute of Steel Construction, 400 N. AWPI (1967), Pressure Treated Timber Foundation Piles
Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. for Permanent Structures, 98 pp.
AISI (1975), Steel Pile Load Test Data, American Iron AWPI (1966), Timber Pile Foundation Pile Study, 46 pp.
and Steel Institute, Washington, DC, 84 pp. Aas, G., et al. (1986), "Use of In Situ Tests for Foundation
API (1984), API Recommended Practice for Planning, Design on Clay," 14th PSC, ASCE, pp. 1-30.
Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Plat- Abdelhamid, M. S., and R. J. Krizek (1976), "At-Rest
forms, 15th ed., API RP2A, American Petroleum Lateral Earth Pressure of a Consolidating Clay,"
Institute, 115 pp. JGED, ASCE, vol. 102, GT 7, July, pp. 721-738.
Acar, Y. B., et al. (1982), "Interface Properties of Sand," Baldi, G., et al. (1986), "Flat Dilatometer Tests in Calibra-
JGED, ASCE, vol. 108, no. 4, April, pp. 648-654. tion Chambers," 14th PSC, ASCE, pp. 431-446.
Aldrich, H. P. (1965), "Precompression for Support of , et al. (1981), "Cone Resistance in Dry NC and
Shallow Foundations," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 91, OC Sands," Proceedings Session: Cone Penetra-
SM 2, March, pp. 5-20. tion Testing and Experience, ASCE, pp. 145-177.
Al-Khafaji, A. W., and O. B. Andersland (1992), "Equa- Baligh, M. M., et al. (1978), "Downdrag on Bitumen-
tions for Compression Index Approximation," Coated Piles," JGED, ASCE, vol. 104, GT 11,
JGED, ASCE, vol. 118, no. 1, Jan, pp. 148-153. Nov,pp. 1355-1369.
Alizadeh, M., and M. T. Davisson (1970), "Lateral Load Balla, A. (1961), "The Resistance to Breaking Out of
Tests on Piles—Arkansas River Project," JSMFD, Mushroom Foundations for Pylons," 5th ICSMFE,
ASCE, vol. 96, SM 5, Sept, pp. 1583-1604. vol. 1, pp. 569-576.
Alpan, I. (1967), "The Empirical Evaluation of the Co- Barden, L. (1962), "Distribution of Contact Pressure un-
efficient K0 and KOIQCR" Soils and Foundations, der Foundations," Geotechnique, vol. 18, no. 1,
Tokyo, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan, pp. 31-40. March, pp. 1-24.
Andersland, O. B., and D. M. Anderson (1978), Geotech- , and M. F. Monckton (1970), "Tests on Model Pile
nical Engineering for Cold Regions, McGraw- Groups in Soft and Stiff Clay," Geotechnique, vol.
Hill, New York, 576 pp. 20, no. 1, March, pp. 94-96.
Anderson, D. G., et al. (1978), "Estimating In Situ Shear Barkan, D. D. (1962), Dynamics of Bases and Founda-
Moduli at Competent Sites," 10th PSC, ASCE, tions, McGraw-Hill, New York, 434 pp.
vol. 1, pp. 181-187. Barksdale, R. D., and T. Takefumi (1991), "Design, Con-
Anderson, J. N., and P. V. Lade (1981), "The Expansion struction and Testing of Sand Compaction Piles,"
Index Test," ASTM, GTJ, vol. 4, no. 2, June, pp. ASTMSTP No. 1089, pp. 4-18.
58-67. Beatty, C. I. (1970), "Lateral Tests on Pile Groups,"
Anderson, K. H, et al. (1994), "Estimation of Hydraulic Foundation Facts, published by Raymond Con-
Fracture Pressure in Clay," CGJ, Vol. 31, No. 6, crete Pile Division of Raymond International, Inc.,
Dec, pp. 817-828. Houston, TX, pp. 18-21.
Anderson, T. C. (1982), "Discussion: Cam-Clay Predic- Becker, D. E., et al. (1987), "Work as a Criterion for De-
tions of Undrained Strength," JGED, ASCE, vol. termining in Situ and Yield Stresses in Clays,"
108, GTl, Jan, pp. 176-178. CGJ, vol. 24, no. 4, Nov, pp. 549-564.
Annan, A., et al. (1975), "Study of the Vane Shear," 7th Begemann, H. (1974), "General Report: Central and
PSC, ASCE, vol. 1, pp. 93-120. Western Europe," ESOPT, Stockholm, vol. 2.1, pp.
Arthur, J. R., and B. K. Menzies (1972), "Inherent 29-39.
Anisotropy in Sand," Geotechnique, vol. 22, no. Bell, A. L. (1915), "The Lateral Pressure and Resistance
1, March, pp. 115-128. of Clay, and the Supporting Power of Clay Foun-
Arya, S., et al. (1979), Design of Structures and Foun- dations," in A Century of Soil Mechanics, ICE,
dations for Vibrating Machines, Gulf Publishing London, pp. 93-134.
Co., Houston, TX, 191 pp. Benmokrane, B., et al. (1994), "Laboratory Investigation
Aschenbrenner, R. (1967), "Three Dimensional Analysis of Shaft Resistance of Rock-Socketed Piers Using
of Pile Foundations," JSD, ASCE, vol. 93, ST 1, the Constant Normal Stiffness Direct Shear Test,"
Feb, pp. 201-219. CGJ, vol. 31, no. 3, June, pp. 407^19.
Azzouz, A. S., et al. (1976), "Regression Analysis of Soil Benoit, J., and G. W. Clough (1986), "Self-Boring Pres-
Compressibility," Soils and Foundations, Tokyo, suremeter Tests in Soft Clay," JGED, ASCE, vol.
vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 19-29. 112, no. 1, Jan, pp. 60-78.
Berry, P. L., and B. Vickers (1975), "Consolidation of Fi-
BOCA (1993), The BOCA Basic National Building Code, brous Peat," JGED, ASCE, vol. 101, GT 8, Aug,
Building Officials and Code Administrators Inter- pp. 741-753.
national, Inc., Country Club Hills, IL, 60477, two Bhatacharya, R. K. (1968), "Stresses and Displacements
volumes. in Cross-Anisotropic Layered, Elastic Half-Space
BRAB (1968), "Criteria for Selection and Design of Resi- Due to Axi-Symmetric Loadings on the Top Sur-
dential Slabs-on-Ground," Building Research Ad- face," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wiscon-
visory Board, FHA Report 33, Washington, DC, sin, Madison, 162 pp.
289 pp. Bhushan, K. (1982), "Discussion: New Design Correla-
Baguelin, F, et al. (1974), "Self-Boring Placement tions for Piles in Sands," JGED, ASCE, GT 11,
Method of Soil Characteristics Measurement," Nov, pp. 1508-1510.
Proceedings, Conference on Subsurface Explo- , and F. Boniadi (1988), "Settlement of a Ring
ration for Underground Excavation and Heavy Foundation Using Cone Data," Proc. 1st ISOPT,
Construction, ASCE, pp. 312-322. vol. 2, pp. 681-685.
, and S. Askari (1984), "Lateral-Load Tests on Bozozuk, M. (1974), "Minor Principal Stress Measure-
Drilled Pier Foundations for Solar Plant He- ments in Marine Clay with Hydraulic Fracture
liostats," ASTM STP No. 835, pp. 140-156. Tests," Proc, Conf on Subsurface Exploration for
, et al. (1978), "Lateral Load Tests on Drilled Piers Underground Excavation and Heavy Construc-
in Stiff Clays," ASCE Spring Convention, Pitts- tion, ASCE, pp. 333-349.
burgh, PA, Preprint No. 3248, 28 pp. (1972), "Downdrag Measurements on a 160-ft
Biggar, K. W., and D. C. Sego (1994), "Time-Dependent Floating Pipe Test Pile in Marine Clay," CGJ, vol.
Displacement Behaviour of Model Adfreeze and 9, no. 2, May, pp. 127-136.
Grouted Piles in Saline Frozen Soils," CGJ, vol. et al. (1979), "Analysis of Load Tests on Instru-
31, no. 3, June, pp. 395-406. mented Steel Test Piles in Compressible Silty
Bjerrum, L. (1972), "Embankments on Soft Ground," 5th Soil" ASTMSTPNo. 670, pp. 153-180.
PSC, ASCE, vol. 2, pp. 1-54. Brand, E. W., et al. (1972), "Load Tests on Small Foun-
, and O. Eide (1956), "Stability of Strutted Excava- dations in Soft Clay," 5th PSC, ASCE, vol. 1, part
tions in Clay," Geotechnique, vol. 6, no. 1, March, 2, pp. 903-928.
pp. 32-47. Brandon, T. L., et al. (1990), "Hydrocompression Settle-
, and R. Kirkedam (1958), "Some Notes on Earth ment of Deep Fills," JGED, ASCE, vol. 116, GT
Pressures in Stiff Fissured Clay," Proc, Brussels 10, Oct, pp. 1536-1548.
Conference on Earth Pressure Problems (2nd Eu- Briassoulis, D. (1991), "Limitations in the Range of
ropean Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foun- Applicability of the Classic Silo Theories," ACI
dation Engineering, Brussels), pp. 15-27. Structural Journal, vol. 88, no. 4, July-Aug, pp.
, and N. E. Simons (1960), "Comparison of Shear 437-444.
Strength Characteristics of Normally Consoli- Briaud, J. L., and R. M. Gibbens (1994), Predicted and
dated Clays," 1st PSC, ASCE, pp. 711-726. Measured Behavior of Five Spread Footings on
, et al. (1969), "Reduction of Negative Skin Friction Sand, ASCE, Geotech. SP No. 41, 255 pp.
on Steel Piles to Rock," 7th ICSMFE, vol. 2, pp. , and M. Gambin (1984), "Suggested Practice
27-34. for Drilling Boreholes for Pressuremeter Test-
Blanchet, R., et al. (1980), "Behavior of Friction Piles in ing," GTJ, ASTM, vol. 7, no. 1, March, pp.
Soft Sensitive Clays," CGJ, vol. 17, no. 2, May, 36-40.
pp. 203-224. Brierley, G. S., et al. (1979), "Interpreting End-Bearing
Bolton, M. D., and C. K. Lau (1993), "Vertical Bearing Pile Load Test Results," ASTM STP No. 670, pp.
Capacity Factors for Circular and Strip Footings 181-198.
on Mohr-Coulomb Soil," CGJ, vol. 30, no. 6, Dec, Broms, B. (1972), "Settlements of Pile Groups," 5th PSC,
pp. 1024-1033. ASCE, vol. 3, pp. 181-199 (with extensive refer-
Borowicka, H. (1936), "Influence of Rigidity of a Circular ence list).
Foundation Slab on the Distribution of Pressures Brooker, E. W., and H. O. Ireland (1965), "Earth Pres-
over a Contact Surface," 1st ICSMFE, vol. 2, pp. sures at Rest Related to Stress History," CGJ, vol.
144-149. 2, no. l,Feb, pp. 1-15.
Bowles, J. E. (1992), Engineering Properties of Soils and Brown, A. (1968), "A New Look at Tower Foundation
Their Measurement, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New Design," Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum
York, 241 pp. Refiner, vol. 47, no. 4, April, pp. 174-180.
(1987), "Elastic Foundation Settlements on Sand Brown, J. D., and G. G. Meyerhof (1969), "Experimental
Deposits," JGED, ASCE, vol. 113, no. 8, Aug, pp. Study of Bearing Capacity in Layered Clays," 7th
846-860. ICSMFE, vol. 2, pp. 45-51.
(1986), "Mat Design," JACI, vol. 83, no. 6, Nov- Burland, J. B. (1973), "Shaft Friction Piles in Clay—
Dec,pp. 1010-1017. A Simple Fundamental Approach," Ground Engi-
(1984), Physical and Geotechnical Properties of neering, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 30^2.
Soils, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 578 pp. Butterfield, R., and P. K. Banerjee (1971), "The Prob-
(1983), "Pile Cap Analysis," Proc. 8th Conf on lem of Pile Group-Pile Cap Interaction," Geotech-
Electronic Computation, ASCE, pp. 102-113. nique, vol. 21, no. 2, June, pp. 135-142.
(1974«), Analytical and Computer Methods in Button, S. J. (1953), "The Bearing Capacity of Footings
Foundation Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New on a Two-Layer Cohesive Subsoil," 3rd ICSMFE,
York, 519 pp. vol. 1, pp. 332-335.
-(1974&), "Foundations for Family Housing," Tech-
nical Report D-20: Systems Approach to Site CDF (1984), "Practical Guidelines for the Selection, De-
Development, Construction Engineering Research sign, and Installation of Piles," Report of ASCE
Laboratory, Champaign, IL, 107 pp. Committee on Deep Foundations, 105 pp.
Campanella, R. G., and R K. Robertson (1988), "Current Chu, K. H., and O. F. Afandi (1966), "Analysis of Circu-
Status of the Piezocone Test," 1st ISOPT, vol. 1, lar and Annular Slabs for Chimney Foundations,"
pp. 93-116. JACI, vol. 63, no. 12, Dec, pp. 1425-1446.
, et al. (1986), "Seismic Cone Penetration Test," Clayton, C. R. L, et al. (1991), "The Pressure of Clay
14th PSC, ASCE, pp 116-130. Backfill against Retaining Structures," CGJ, vol.
Caquot, A., and J. Kerisel (1948), Tables for the Calcu- 28, no. 2, April, pp. 282-297.
lation of Passive Pressure, Active Pressure and Clemence, S. P., and A. O. Finbarr (1981), "Design Con-
Bearing Capacity of Foundations (trans, by M. A. siderations for Collapsible Soils," JGED, ASCE,
Bee, London), Gauthier-Villars, Paris. vol. 107, GT 3, March, pp. 305-317.
Carrier, W. D. (1993), "Discussion: Hyperbolic Method Clough, G. W., and T D. O'Rourke (1990), "Construction
for Consolidation Analysis," JGED, ASCE, vol. Induced Movements in Insitu Walls," Geotech. SP
119, no. 1, Jan, pp. 186-190. No. 25, ASCE, pp. 439-470.
(1985), "Consolidation Parameters Derived from , and Y Tsui (1974), "Performance of Tied-Back
Index Tests," Geotechnique, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. Walls in Clay," JGED, ASCE, GT 12, Dec, pp.
211-213. 1259-1273.
Casagrande, A. (1936), "The Determination of the Pre- , et al. (1972), "Design and Observation of a Tied-
consolidation Load and Its Practical Significance," Back Wall," 5th PSC, ASCE, vol. 1, part 2, pp.
1st ICSMFE, vol. 3, pp. 60-64. 1367-1389.
(1948), "Classification and Identification of Soils," Coyle, H. M., and R. Ungaro (1991), "Improved De-
Trans. ASCE, vol. 113, pp. 901-991. sign Procedures for Vertically Loaded //-Piles in
, and N. Carrillo (1944), "Shear Failure of Sand," JGED, ASCE, vol. 117, GT 3, March, pp.
Anisotropic Materials," Boston Society of Civil 507-528.
Engineers: Contributions to Soil Mechanics , and R. R. Castello (1981), "New Design Correla-
1941-53, pp. 122-135. tions for Piles in Sand," JGED, ASCE, vol. 107,
Caspe, M. S. (1966), "Surface Settlement Adjacent to GT 7, July, pp. 965-986.
Braced Open Cuts," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 92, SM , et al. (1972), "Field Measurements of Lateral
4, July, pp. 51-59. Earth Pressures on a Cantilever Retaining Wall,"
Chandler, R. J. (1988), "The In-Situ Measurement of TTI Research Report 169-2, College Station, TX,
the Undrained Shear Strength of Clays Using the 58 pp.
Field Vane," ASTM STP No. 1014, pp. 13-44. , and L. C. Reese (1966), "Load Transfer of Axi-
Chang, C. Y, and J. M. Duncan (1970), "Analysis of Soil ally Loaded Piles in Clay," JSMFD, ASCE, vol.
Movement around a Deep Excavation," JSMFD, 92, SM 2, March, pp. 1-26.
ASCE, vol. 96, SM 5, Sept, pp. 1655-1681. Crawford, C. B., and K. N. Burn (1962), "Settle-
Chang, M. F. (1991), "Interpretation of Overconsolidation ment Studies on the Mt. Sinai Hospital," Engi-
Ratio from In Situ Tests in Recent Clay Deposits neering Journal of Canada, Ottawa, vol. 45, no.
in Singapore and Malaysia," CGJ, vol. 28, no. 2, 12, Dec.
April, pp. 210-225. , and R. G. Campanella (1991), "Comparison of
Chellis, R. D. (1961), Pile Foundations, 2nd ed., Field Consolidation with Laboratory and In Situ
McGraw-Hill, New York, 704 pp. Tests," CGJ, vol. 28, no. 1, Feb, pp. 103-112.
(1941), "Discussion: Pile Driving Formulas," Proc. Cummings, A. E. (1940), "Dynamic Pile Driving Form
ASCE, vol. 67, no. 8, Oct, pp. 1517-1537. ulas," The Boston Society of Civil Engineers:
Chen, W. W. (1978), "Discussion: Laterally Loaded Piles: Contributions to Soil Mechanics 1925-40, pp.
Program Documentation," JGED, GT 1, Jan, pp. 392-413.
161-162. Cummings, E. M. (1960), "Cellular Cofferdams and
Chicago, City of, Building Code (1995), Index Publish- Docks," Trans. ASCE, vol. 125, pp. 13-45.
ing Corp., 415 N. State St., Chicago, IL 60610. Cunny, R. W, and Z. B. Fry (1973), "Vibratory In Situ
Published annually. and Laboratory Soil Moduli Compared," JSMFD,
Chiwanga, M., and A. J. Valsangkar (1988), "Generalized ASCE, vol. 99, SM 12, Dec, pp. 1055-1076.
Beam Element on Two-Parameter Elastic Foun- Cushing, J. J., and R. M. Moline (1975), "Curved Di-
dation," JSD, ASCE, vol. 114, no. 6, June, pp. aphragm Cellular Cofferdams," JGED, ASCE,
1414-1427. vol. 101, GT 10, Oct, pp. 1055-1059.
Chowdhury, R. N. (1972), "Deformation Problems in
Anisotropic Soil—Application of the Finite El- DCDMA (1991), Technical Manual, Diamond Core Drill
ement Method," Conference on Finite Element Manufacturers' Association, 3008 Millwod Av-
Method in Civil Engineering, Montreal, pp. 653— enue, Columbia, SC. 29205, Tel. 1-803-252-5646,
675. Fax. 1-803-765-0860. 100 pp.
Dahlberg, R. (1974), "Penetration Testing in Sweden," De Beer, E. E. (1970), "Experimental Determination of
Proc. 1 st ESOPT Stockholm, Sweden, vol. 1, pp. the Shape Factors and the Bearing Capacity Fac-
115-131. tors of Sand," Geotechnique, vol. 20, no. 4, Dec,
(1974a), "Penetration, Pressuremeter, and Screw- pp. 387^11.
Plate Tests in a Preloaded Natural Sand Deposit," (1965), "The Scale Effect on the Phenomenon of
Proc. 1st ESOPT, Stockholm, Sweden, vol. 2.2, Progressive Rupture in Cohesionless Soils," 6th
pp. 71-87. ICSMFE, vol. 2, pp. 13-17.
Dakshanamurthy, V., and V. Raman (1973), "A Simple Demartinecourt, J. P., and G. E. Bauer (1983), "The Mod-
Method of Identifying an Expansive Soil," Soils ified Borehole Shear Device," Geotech. Test. J.y
and Foundations, Tokyo, vol. 13, no. 1, March, pp. ASTM, vol. 6, no. 1, March, pp. 24-29.
97-104. De Mello, V. F. (1971), "The Standard Penetration Test,"
Daniel, D. E., and R. E. Olson (1982), "Failure of an An- 4th Pan-American Conf on SMFE, San Juan,
chored Bulkhead," JGED, ASCE, GT 10, Oct, pp. Puerto Rico (published by ASCE), vol. 1, pp. 1-86
1318-1327. (with 353 references).
D'Appolonia, D. J., et al. (1970), "Closure: Settlement of Den Hartog, J. P. (1952), Mechanical Vibrations, 4th ed.,
Spread Footings on Sand," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. McGraw-Hill, New York, 436 pp.
96, SM 2, pp. 754-762. Denver, H. (1982), "Modulus of Elasticity for Sand De-
, et al. (1968), "Settlement of Spread Footings on termined by SPT and CPT," 2nd ESOPT, Amster-
Sand," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 94, SM 3, May, pp. dam, vol. 1, pp. 35^4-0.
735-760. Desai, C. S. (1979), Elementary Finite Element Method,
D'Appolonia, E. (1968), "Load Transfer-Pile Clusters," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 434 pp.
Proc. Lecture Series on Foundation Engineering, Dewey, F. B., and L. Kempner, Jr. (1975), "Discussion:
Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, pp. 93-152. Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures,"
, and J. A. Hribar (1963), "Load Transfer in a Step- JSD, ASCE, vol. 101, ST 41, Nov, pp. 2439-2441.
Taper Pile," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 89, SM 6, Nov, Dismuke, T. D. (1975), "Cellular Structures and Braced
pp. 57-77 (also Discussion July 1964). Excavations," Chap. 14, Foundation Engineering
, and J. P. Romualdi (1963), "Load Transfer in End Handbook, 1st ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
Bearing Steel H-Piles," JSMFD, ASCE, vol. 89, York, 751pp.
SM 2, March, pp. 1-26. (1970), "Stress Analysis of Sheet Piling in Cellu-
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April, pp. 479^83. tures, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, pp. 339-
Davis, E. H., and J. T. Christian (1971), "Bearing Capac- 365.
ity of Anisotropic Cohesive Soil," JSMFD, ASCE, Dobry, R., and G. Gazetas (1986), "Dynamic Response
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mula," Foundation Facts, published periodically p. 747).
by Raymond Concrete Pile Division of Raymond , and G. Gazetas (1985), "Dynamic Stiffness and
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9-11. ods," Proc. Symposium: Vibration Problems in
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, and J. R. Salley (1972), "Settlement Histories of on SMFE, Haifa, Israel, vol. 1, pp. 3^k
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sign of Foundations for Structures on Expansive ASCE, vol. 119, no. 9, Sept., pp. 1331-1359. See
Soils," Quarterly of the Colorado School ofMines: also "Discussion," JGED, vol. 121, no. 6, June
Theoretical and Practical Treatment of Expansive 1995, pp. 513-518. This paper was based on the
Soils, Golden, CO, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 66-87. 1993 annual Terzaghi Lecture.
Dayal, V., and J. H. Allen (1973), "Instrumented Impact , and C. Y. Chang (1970), "Nonlinear Analysis of
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397-409. 96, SM 5, pp. 1629-1653.
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Endley, S. N., et al. (1979), "A Study of Axial Pile Load 25-50.
Tests," Symposium on Deep Foundations, ASCE, Fredlund, D. G., and H. Rahardjo (1993), "An Over
pp. 101-121. view of Unsaturated Soil Behaviour," Geotech.
Esrig, M. L, and R. C. Kirby (1979), "Soil Capacity for SP No. 39, ASCE, pp. 1-31. (See also CGJ, vol. 1,
Supporting Deep Foundation Members in Clay," 1979.)
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4, Nov, pp. 323-337. Gaylord, E. H., and C. N. Gaylord (1972), Design of Steel
Finno, R. J. (1989), ed. Predicted and Observed Axial Be- Structures, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, pp.
havior of Piles, Geotech. SP No. 23, ASCE, 385 480-482 (may be out of print).
pp. Gazetas, G., et al. (1985), "Elastic Settlement of Arbi-
Fischer, J. A., et al. (1972), "Settlement of a Large Mat trarily Shaped Foundations Embedded in Half-
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, and M. W. O'Neill (1985), "Piles and Other Deep cal Subsurface Loading," Geotechnique, vol. 16,
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1, pp. 41^2. Denver, CO, 37 pp.
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to BuI. No. 11). ing the Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piling," Ex-
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be available from Engineering Foundation, NY), Johnson, S. D. (1975), "Analysis and Design Relating to
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