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Kawai K800 - Kawai - Pianist Magazine

K-800 AS

The K-800 AS is Kawai’s

imposing upright piano
flagship, developed and built

in Japan to give the best
possible playing and listening (
experience in an upright /PIA/jpg/Kawai-
cabinet. 800_EP_styling-min-97078
This is a piano that can /500/500/)
comfortably satisfy and
challenge the most demanding pianists, but also inspire less
experienced players to explore a vast range of expressive
colour in their playing, and to develop into more searching,
communicative musicians. The clarity of sound and tonal
flexibility, enhanced by the Royal George hammer felts, work
in synergy with the precision of the Millennium III action to
expose the finer nuances of your playing, encouraging a
constant cycle of listening and response. Behind the grand
piano-style music desk (with the same hard finish as the GX-
Series grands) there are sound holes in the front panel to
provide more of the direct involvement of a grand piano.

The inclusion of a sostenuto pedal is invaluable for those

works in which you would make use of it on a grand piano
(some Ravel and Liszt works spring to mind), and Kawai have
incorporated a celeste rail for quieter practice, operated by a
discreet lever underneath the bass end of the keyboard.

K-800 AS is used in the most demanding situations. Four were

recently delivered to the Yehudi Menuhin School. As with all
Kawai acoustic upright and grand pianos, the K-800 AS comes
with a 10 year warranty (five years parts and labour, and a
further five years parts).


Dimensions: 134cm (h), 153cm (w), 65cm (d)

Finishes: EP (ebony polished)
Pedals: 3: middle pedal is sostenuto as on a grand;
celeste/practice rail is operated by a lever under the
bass end of the keyboard
Made in: Japan
PRICE: £11,555

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2 of 5 25/06/2018, 22:39

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