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Anna's Story Name:_______

housework - helps - by - movies - studies - goes - lives

Anna ____________ (1) with her parents in Marrickville. Every morning she _______
(2) English at the TAFE college in Petersham. In the evening she usually

____________ (3) her mother with the cooking and the ________, (4) but on
Wednesday evening she __________(5) to an Italian cooking class.

On Saturday night she goes to the _______ (6) with her boyfriend. On Sunday she
goes _________ (7) train to Parramatta to see her aunt and uncle.

A Terrible Day

Arrived hungry went was got started late had took was

Yesterday _______________(1) a terrible day. I _________ (2) to a barbeque at a

friend's place. I __________(3) the bus to Fairfield but the bus was an hour
______________(4). Because I _______(5) late, everyone had already started eating.
So, there ____________(6) no food left. I was very _______________ (7).

On the way home, the bus ___________(8) a flat tyre. Then I had to walk home but it

______________(9) to rain. I _________ (10) very wet. I had a terrible day


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