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Rules of the game worksheet

• 1. YOUR NAME: Appel • Art 2 / Art 2 GT The Rules of the

GameWORKSHEET: “Barnga/Five Tricks” ReflectionDIRECTIONS: The
purpose of this worksheet is to help us reflect on the card game (“Barnga/Five
Tricks”) we played in class yesterday. Think about what the experience felt
like, and thediscussion we began having afterwards. When we are done writing
down our thoughts we willspend some time discussing as a class.1. What did it
feel like to play “Barnga/Five Tricks” (the card game)?2. During the game, did
you notice that something might be “wrong”? What did you notice that made
you think this?3. What did you think was the cause of this? (For example, you
may have thought others had not remembered the rules correctly, or that you
may not have remembered the rules correctly, or you may have thought that
different groups might have different rules.)4. Did you start to doubt your
understanding at any point?5. If a conflict in rules came up in a group where
you were playing, how was the conflict handled?
• 2. 6. Did you ever adapt to the rules other people seemed to be using? Did
others ever adapt to your rules?7. How did not being able to talk or write affect
the experience?8. What connections could this experience have to real life?9.
What are the unspoken rules that you encounter in your life? Do they change
depending on what situation you’re in, or who you’re around? WORKSHEET:

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