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Ganancial, Glen Joy M.

Subject: MAS3

Code: 1542 / 1:30-2:30

Consulting Challenge Quiz

(Reflection Paper)

I've never imagined myself as someone who gives advices to

someone that might make a significant change in their lives. I, myself, couldn't

even sometimes make rightful decisions in my life and can't solve my own

problems. And I don't want to engage myself on something I don't have an

expertise at.

What I realized though after taking the quiz and having the results

is that I may have some potential on thus field. I can hardly believe the result

that I am a born consultant, but it somehow gave me the idea that I just need

to equip myself with the right skills and expertise by experiencing this at the

right time, then maybe I can succeed I this field.

But we should be aware that this quiz is only a guide for us that we

can be a consultant but should not be discouraged if we weren't because it is

up to us on what we really want to be. Through perseverance, acquiring the

necessary knowledge and skills and continuous development of ourselves,

then maybe it is enough to become a consultant.

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