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SN: _______

Republic of the Philippines

Region VI- Western Visayas
District of Malinao
Malinao, Aklan

First Quarter Examination

Surname:______________ Given Name: ___________________________ M.I. _____
Subject Teacher: Mr. Edsel R. Alapag Date: August 10-11, 2017
Part I: Read carefully the following statements/questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
ERASURE is not allowed.
1. Which of the following best describes non-verbal communication?
a. Communication for disabled people
b. Communication when in a noisy environment
c. Communication between different cultures
d. Communication not using verbal or written modes
2. Which of these is a communication skill?
a. talking clearly c. looking bored
b. talking at the same time as someone else d. putting your fingers in your ears
3. What body language shows you are listening?
a. turning away from the speaker
b. nodding and making eye contact
c. looking out of the window
d. asking questions
4. Someone is telling you about an accident they've had. How would you react?
a. look pleased c. look behind you
b. look concerned d. look seriously
5. If you want to complain, what's the best way to behave?
a. stay calm but stick to your point c. get very angry
b. get ready to cry d. scandalize in the area
6. If you need to make a phone call for information, what could you do before you call?
a. keep a note with you c. brush your teeth
b. make a coffee d. prepare your question
7. You have a discussion with a friend about politics. You don't agree with them. What should you do?
a. change the subject c. respect his/her opinions
b. get angry with your friend d. insist what you believe
8. All of the following are natures of communication, EXCEPT?
a. It is a systematic process.
b. It occurs between two or more people.
c. It can be expressed through written or oral form or both.
d. It happens only through facial expressions, or body language.
9. Which of the following communication models gives emphasis on feedback to ensure understanding of the
message/information conveyed?
a. Shannon and Weaver Communication Model c. Osgood-Schramm Communication Model
b. Wood Communication Model d. Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication
10. All of the following are non-verbal behaviours, EXCEPT?
a. What a person wears c. A person’s mannerisms
b. Where a person sits d. All of the above
11. Communication is BEST described as __________.
a. the verbal and nonverbal process by which individuals forge themselves into a group, maintain the group, and
coordinate their efforts.
b. the process by which people create and send messages that are received interpreted, and responded to by
other people
c. the lifeblood that flows through the veins of groups
d. all of the above
12. Which is not a principle of communication?
a. Communication is symbolic. c. Communication is personal.
b. Communication is transactional process. d. Communication is always intentional.
13. Human communication is symbolic, which involves the use of __________.
a. Arbitrary created symbols c. Verbal and nonverbal communications
b. Personal and impersonal communications d. Transactional or intentional communications
14. Communication is a transactional process. What does that mean?
a. Transactional implies that participants in a communication must cooperate and work together to achieve
mutual meaning and understanding.
b. Transactional implies that participants in a communication may misunderstand symbols used in the process.
c. Transactional implies that the sender-receiver roles occur alternately.
d. All of the above.

15. Where in the communication process can noise occur?

a. At the listening stage c. At the interpretation stage
b. When differences in culture interfere with understanding d. All of the above
16. The final step in the communication process is:
a. Encoding c. Decoding
b. Feedback d. Receiver
17. How can you improve your listening skills?
a. Pay attention to the context of what is said. c. Pay attention to the feelings of the speaker.
b. Interpret silence carefully. d. All of the above
18. Which among the following words refers to the intonation, projection, resonance of the voice through which the
message is conveyed.
a. Visual b. Vocal c. Verbal d. Voice
19. It is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.
a. Speech style b. Speech context c. Speech act d. Speech
20. These are statements which enable the speaker to perform something just by stating it.
a. Informative b. Consultative c. Permissive d. Performative
21. Mass communication traditionally tends to be _________.
a. one way c. anonymous
b. communication from one (or a few) to many d. no opportunity for immediate feedback
22. Which of the following is NOT part of the Shannon and Weaver Communication Model?
a. Source b. Transmitter c. Channel d. Computation
23. Good communication occurs when a(n) ________________ meaning is reached.
a. unresolved b. shared c. prejudice d. nonverbal
24. In order for effective verbal communication to occur, the message must be clear and ______________.
a. Present b. interpreted c. concise d. withheld
25. Written communication should have all EXCEPT the following:
a. Moderate speed of speech b. Correct grammar c. Correct punctuation d. Correct
26. The individual who analyzes and interprets the message is the:
a. Speaker b. Message c. Receiver d. Feedback
27. Which of the following can be a distraction which can interfere with communication?
a. Impaired vision b. Facing the receiver c. Inclement weather d. Good lighting
28. How is eye contact viewed in certain cultures of the Middle East and Asia?
a. Honest and attentive b. Scary and confrontational c. Inappropriate and rude d. Fun and
29. Slang and jargon are elements that _________.
a. may reduce the clarity of the message c. may increase the power of the message
b. may enhance the vividness of the message d. are more appropriate in public setting
30. Which comparison of verbal and nonverbal communication is accurate?
a. Both verbal and nonverbal communications are formally taught.
b. The sender has more control over verbal communication.
c. More channels are used for verbal communication.
d. The setting is more restricted in nonverbal communications.
31. The process of detecting lies has become increasingly sophisticated; the ability to analyze speech in this way is
possible because nonverbal communication ___________.
a. is largely unconscious.
b. has the potential to conflict with verbal communication.
c. shows the sender's feelings and attitudes.
d. has all of the above characteristics which can help determine the truthfulness of the speaker.
32. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of paralanguage?
a. Facial expression b. rate of speech c. pitch of voice d. volume of
33. The term kinesics refers to _________.
a. paralinguistic cues that are used to persuade.
b. vocal fillers that regulate the flow of speaking.
c. body movements that directly translate into words.
d. all forms of body movement other than physical contact with another person.
34. Which statement concerning chronemics, or the use of time, is incorrect?
a. Across cultures, the attitude towards time is more universal than the attitude towards touch.
b. The degree of control a person has over time changes with age and status.
c. A person can communicate nonverbally by being on time or late
d. The way time is divided is an indication of the value placed on it.
35. Newspapers and magazines are examples of _____________.
a. channels in face-to-face communication.
b. channels in mass communication.
c. feedback in face-to-face communication.
d. feedback in mass communication.
Part II: Read carefully the following statements. Identify the type of illocutionary in each situation.
ERASURE is not allowed.
_________________1. “As expected, I topped the exam in Math,” Cherel said.
_________________2. A parent says to her child, “I forbid you to leave your room.”
_________________3. “I will study my lessons before bedtime,” Lovely promised to herself.
_________________4. An umpire says, “Strike Three!”
_________________5. Angeline says to Mia, “Why don’t you spend less time watching TV?”
_________________6. BJ says to his playmates, “Yippee–cookies!”
_________________7. Coach Ivan says to his basketball team, “Keep up the good work men!”
_________________8. Dechxon says to Mcleen, “Why don’t you like to play Dota?”
_________________9. Dr. Inobe says to a patient, “I advise you to stop smoking.”
_________________10. Fr. Mark John pronounces over an infant, “I baptize you in the name of . . .”
_________________11. Lovely says to Psyche, “I’m sorry to hear about your loss.”
_________________12. Mayor Maravilla says to a happy couple, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
_________________13. Roden says to Charen, “I swear I won’t see her again.”
_________________14. SPO3 Inaudito says to a young man who was speeding, “You’re under arrest”
_________________15. “The sky is dark. I think it will rain.” Kate concluded.

Part III. Read carefully the following statements. Identify the type of illocutionary in each situation.
ERASURE is not allowed.

_________________16. “Which reminds me of,”

_________________17. “Well, that’s it!”
_________________18. “We are talking about our latest project.”
_________________19. “This is the topic we will cover today.”
_________________20. “Thank you for listening.”
_________________21. “Point of order please?”
_________________22. “Please, repeat what you have said.”
_________________23. “Please just expound on the topic and nothing else.”
_________________24. “May we just talk about this for now and lay other matters on the table?”
_________________25. “May I remind you everyone that the topic is about the clean and green program.”
_________________26. “Let’s talk about what happened during summer vacation.”
_________________27. “Let’s call it a day!”
_________________28. “In addition to what you said,”
_________________29. “I am sorry.”
_________________30. “I am interested to know about your previous work experiences.”
_________________31. “How are you?”
_________________32. “Excuse me, what did you say again?”
_________________33. “Did I get you right?”
_________________34. “Can we also consider this?”
_________________35. “By the way,”

Part IV: Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_____1. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message that you
_____2. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
_____3. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
_____4. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
_____5. The use of too many types of filler can distract your listeners.
_____6. The DMIS by Bennett and Bennett (2004) can be used to understand those who do not recognize other
cultures and cannot communicate interculturally.
_____7. The denial stage could be interpreted as distrust towards other cultures.
_____8. The acceptance stage refers to recognition of cultural differences.
_____9. One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
_____10. One character trait of a competent communicator is sensitivity to nonverbal cues in other cultures.
_____11. Intercultural communication refers only to communication that happens between or among individuals from
different nations.
_____12. Intercultural communication occurs when there is interaction and negotiation between or among individuals
from different cultural backgrounds.
_____13. In the adaptation stage, individuals begin to integrate with other cultures.
_____14. How you communicate reflects who you are as a person.
_____15. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
_____16. Cultural sensitivity matters in intercultural communication.
_____17. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
_____18. Communication that exists between or among individuals from different ethnic, religious, and regional
backgrounds and sexual orientations is not considered as intercultural.
_____19. A competent communicator is a person who is effective in intercultural communication.
SN: _______
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
District of Malinao
Malinao, Aklan

First Quarter Examination in Understanding Culture, Society & Politics

Surname:______________ Given Name: ___________________________ M.I. _____
Subject Teacher: Mr. Edsel R. Alapag Date: August 10-11, 2017

Test I: Read carefully the following statements/questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
ERASURE is not allowed.

1. A _____________ is a regional, social, or ethnic group that is distinguishable from other groups in a
society by the fact that its members share a common identity, food tradition, dialect or language, and
other cultural traits that come from their common ancestral background and experience.
a. Culture b. Subculture c. Ethnocentrism d. Egocentrism
2. The process whereby an individual or group incorporates one or more cultural traits of another group,
resulting in a blend of cultural patterns, is referred to as:
a. Acculturation b. Attitudinal bias c. Assimilation d. Ethnocentrism
3. Cultural variety, or different cultures represented in one location, is also called .
a. cultural change b. cultural traits c. diversity d. variation
4. All cultures undergo , where cultural traits do not remain exactly the same over periods of time.
a. ethics b. cultural change c. cultural traits d. religion
5. What is a means of communication between people?
a. Language b. Culture c. Citizenship d. Nation
6. It is a set of beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living that a group of people share.
a. Culture b. Society c. Religion d. Dominant Society
7. Why is language one of the most important aspects of culture?
a. Unlike other aspects of culture, language does not change.
b. When groups migrate, a shared language helps prevent conflict.
c. Language allows people to communicate and provides a sense of identity.
d. Languages can be classified into language families.
8. Which of the following best defines society?
a. a community of people who share a common culture
b. a community of people who share a language
c. a community of people who share a region
d. a community of people who share a religion
9. How does modern technology make studying other cultures important?
a. It enables people to store and analyse information quickly.
b. It brings people of different cultures in frequent contact.
c. It helps people know where to migrate.
d. It enables us to learn about different traditions.
10. Which of the following is a characteristic of a socially literate person?
a. They believe everything in the media.
b. They lack empathy for others.
c. They have concern for the rights of others.
d. They communicate ineffectively.
11. Which of the following is NOT an agent of socialisation?
a. the law b. the family c. the media d. the workplace
12. During the Spanish colonial period, this group of people was stripped of their rights and freedom and
was forced to bow down to the Spanish colonizers.
a. Mestizo b. Peninsulares c. Indio d. Insulares
13. It refers to social, cultural, and psychological characteristics related to males and females based on
certain social contexts.
a. Race b. Gender c. Nationality d. Citizenship
14. During the pre-colonial period, this group of people is called the maginoo, raha, or gat.
a. Maharlika b. Alipin c. Timawa d. Babaylan
15. Atty. Brylle’s rug to riches story has been viral when he tops the prestigious Forbes Magazine’s List of
Billionaires. The story of Atty. Brylle exemplifies movement which is also called as ______.
a. Social service b. Social security c. Social mobility d. Social climber
16. Mr. and Mrs. Igcas are both professionals who earn a monthly salary of P40, 000. 00. In what social
stratification does the family Igcas belong?
a. High Income b. Middle-Income c. Low-Income d. None
17. Jhonna has fair skin, straight hair and high nose bridge. Based on the description given, which race
does Jhonna belong?
a. Mongoloid b. Negroid c. Caucasiod d. Homo Sapien
18. When Nicholle, a Christian, applied for a job in a Muslim country was denied because of her religion.
Which type of discrimination against one’s ethnicity is exhibited?
a. Racism b. Stereotyping c. Genocide d. Ethnocentrism
19. Which among the following done by Adolf Hitler during World War II which killed millions of Jews all over
the Europe?
a. Genocide b. Ethnocentrism c. Racism d. Stereotyping
20. This is a set of practices and behaviors that relate to a group of people’s belief in a God or a group of
a. Cultural variation b. Ethnicity c. Culture d. Religion
21. These are people who differ from social and community standard of normalcy.
a. Exceptionality b. Exceptional people c. PWDs d. Giftedness
22. What is the process by which people who adopts the behaviour patterns of the culture in which he/she is
a. Socialization b. Enculturation c. Xenocenthricism d. Egotism
23. It refers to a group of individuals coming from the same place which shares the same culture.
a. Culture b. Community c. Society d. House
24. Which mechanism of change is characterized as the process by which cultural traits of one society are
borrowed, transmitted, and adopted by another and considered as its own?
a. Migration b. Globalization c. Discovery d. Diffusion
25. All of the following are political phenomena, EXCEPT?
a. Rally b. Election c. Political Dynasty d. Democrats

Test II: Identify the term being described in each number. Write your answer on the line.

Volunteerism Transnational family Socialization Social phenomena

Social change Social phenomena Religion Political phenomena
Political behavior Mass Media Local public services Invention
Family Enculturation Discovery Culture
Cultural phenomena Cultural change Cultural behavior Cooperation
Exchange Coercion

_________________1. This is the process whereby new cultural elements are created to solve social and
cultural problems.
_________________2. This is the process through which people learn to understand the societal norms
or expectations and societal values as a member of the society.
_________________3. These are the individual, external, and social constructions that influence a
person’s life and development.
_________________4. These are services provided by the government to the people living within its
_________________5. These are public offices, schools, churches, or companies ran and governed.
_________________6. These are broad and complicated sociological concepts that include all knowledge
and experiences a person acquires in the entirety of his lifetime.
_________________7. It is when people or groups of people work together to achieve a common goal.
_________________8. It is where one parent, or in some cases both parents, lives and works in another
country while the children remain in their country of origin.
_________________9. It is the use or involvement of a volunteer or free labor in community services.
_________________10. It is the transformation of social institutions over time.
_________________11. It is the process whereby we recognize or gain a better understanding of already
existing elements present in the environment.
_________________12. It is the process by which an individual adopts the behavior patterns of the culture
in which a person is immersed.
_________________13. It is the first and important social group that a person has as the principal agent of
_________________14. It is that event when certain individuals behave a certain way merely because
other persons do as well.
_________________15. It is our expectation that whenever we do something good, we will receive
something good in return.
_________________16. It is a set of behaviors that we have absorbed and a set of characteristics that
help us relate and bond with other people.
_________________17. It is a person or a group may be influenced by their political views, ideology, and
levels of political participation.
_________________18. It happens when something or someone gains widespread popularity or a process
of becoming famous.
_________________19. It happens when a person uses threats or force to persuade another.
_________________20. It comes in the form of television, movies, books, magazines, and now even social
networking sites which prove to play a major role in shaping the culture and
behavior of an individual.

Test III. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
_____1. Aliping sagiguilid cannot be sold or exchanged for goods for other alipin.
_____2. Beliefs are firmly held opinions or conviction.
_____3. Culture is composed of both material and nonmaterial components.
_____4. Culture is sometimes shared.
_____5. Culture of peoples around the world is vastly different from each other. Some are inferior and
some are superior cultures.
_____6. Cultures around the world are different but equal.
_____7. During the pre-colonial period, males and females enjoy the same right and privileges.
_____8. During the Spanish colonial, women were more reserved and relegated to do household chores.
_____9. Every person has a right to a nationality.
_____10. Exceptional people are only disabled and mentally challenged individuals.
_____11. Gender roles during the colonial period had changed drastically.
_____12. It is possible that a family which belongs to high-income class moves downward.
_____13. Modern socioeconomic classes are determined by occupation and income.
_____14. Our social categories such as being male or female, single or married, or rich or poor shape the
way we see and interpret the social world.
_____15. Recognizing cultural variation and showing respect to different religion can avoid conflict.
_____16. Religion always affects a person’s belief and one’s way of life.
_____17. Social change may be a product of technological change.
_____18. Society is made possible by social interaction.
_____19. Spaniards who were born in Spain are called Insulares.
_____20. Symbols are something that represents something else.
_____21. There are only a few Filipinos who have the same set of rights.
_____22. To vanish an ethnic group to a certain area, they are given social housing and sent to exclusive schools.
_____23. Transmission of culture is still possible without language.

SN: _______
Republic of the Philippines
Region VI- Western Visayas
District of Malinao
Malinao, Aklan

First Quarter Examination in English 7

Surname:______________ Given Name: ___________________________ M.I. _____
Subject Teacher: Mr. Edsel R. Alapag Date: August 10-11, 2017

I. Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the line.

A. Simile B. Personification C. Metaphor

______1. Your smile is sunshine to me.

______2. These walls have ears.
______3. The leaves danced in the wind.
______4. The dry leaves gathered in groups, chattering happily.
______5. The daffodils nodded their yellow heads at the walkers.
______6. The blank page stared up at me.
______7. The baby's skin was like a rose petal.
______8. The angry storm pounded the tin shelter.
______9. Mom! The T.V. begged me to watch it!
______10. His life was an open book.
II. Encircle the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2. George and Tamara (want, wants) to see that movie.
3. Benito (does, do) know the answer.
4. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
5. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
6. Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.
7. The dogs (bark, barks,) at strangers.
8. Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies.
9. They (worry, worries) too much.
10. She (study, studies) every night.
11. We (clean, cleans) our classroom.
12.The children (erase, erases) the blackboard.
13. Jingle (sweeps, sweep) the floor.
14. Marie and Christian (help, helps) each other.
15. Alvin and Earl (arrange, arranges) the chairs.

III. Put a C if the sentence is correct, an X if it is not correct.

______1. They are waiting at the canteen.
______2. The pen or the pencil are lost.
______3. She don’t understand.
______4. Those are cheaper in than these.
______5. Randy and Juan like sports.
______6. You ask too many questions.
______7. We cleans our the clasroom often.
______8. My grandmother always reads a story to me.
______9. Regnalyn and Vanessa collects fairytale books.
______10. I always do my assignments before bedtime.


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