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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®

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Volume 19 Number 2 June 2008


Ending Dissociation Through a Gentle Smile

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Introduction: Dissociation as a Defense that can only result in our own defeat. This threat of annihilation
is so extreme that we believe we can survive only by denying its
The ego is nothing more than a part of your belief about
presence and magically hoping to be free of it by projecting it
yourself. Your other life has continued without interrup-
tion, and has been and always will be totally unaffected outside us, thereby perceiving external conflict and believing it
by your attempts to dissociate it.1 to be real. This passage from the workbook amplifies the insan-
ity of this dynamic, emphasizing the attack that is the ego’s true
The most threatening thought to the ego—the part of us that nature and therefore becomes the nature of the external world
likes being us—is not God, Jesus, or his course, as one might we think we inhabit:
expect, but the power of our minds to choose God, Jesus, or his
course: the light of Atonement over the darkness of separation. The world you see is a vengeful world, and everything in
it is a symbol of vengeance. Each of your perceptions of
Since the ego cannot destroy the light, it does the next best
“external reality” is a pictorial representation of your own
thing—it dissociates it. By so doing, it removes the light’s pres-
attack thoughts. One can well ask if this can be called seeing.
ence from our awareness, ensuring that we will never choose it. Is not fantasy a better word for such a process, and hallucina-
After all, how can we choose what we do not know is there? tion a more appropriate term for the result? (W-pI.23.3)
Moreover, the ego continues its defense by dissociating the
What then has occurred that we became psychotic-like hal-
mind from the projected body. After all, how can we choose
lucinators, thinking delusional thoughts of separation and per-
when the mechanism of choice—the decision-making mind—is
ceiving what is not there? Simply stated, we took the ego’s
no longer accessible to us? However, we shall not address this
thought system of darkness seriously, cavalierly dismissing the
aspect of the ego thought system in the current article. Our focus
Holy Spirit’s light of Atonement as fantasy. By so doing, we
instead is on how we maintain this strange split in our minds
committed the “sin” of making the error of separation real. Inev-
(light vs. darkness), which is reflected in the split in our every-
itably, then, this seriousness permeates our world, where matters
day lives (good vs. evil), especially as we, students of A Course
of life and death, pleasure and pain, good and evil, become para-
in Miracles, seek to practice its principles. Thus we read the fol-
mount in our experience. The body has replaced the mind as the
lowing cogent description of this process of dissociation and
seat of destiny, and our only focus becomes its preservation,
always at the expense of others on both physical and psycholog-
If only the loving thoughts of God’s Son are the world’s ical levels. The special relationship between our bodily selves
reality, the real world must be in his mind. His insane
reflects the original special relationship between the decision-
thoughts, too, must be in his mind, but an internal conflict of
making mind and the ego, which substitutes for the mind’s holy
this magnitude he cannot tolerate. A split mind is endan-
gered, and the recognition that it encompasses completely relationship between the same decision-making mind and the
opposed thoughts within itself is intolerable. Therefore the Holy Spirit.
mind projects the split, not the reality. Everything you per- There is no seeming hope at this point, for the world is too
ceive as the outside world is merely your attempt to maintain much with us, to quote Wordsworth’s famous verse, yet there
your ego identification…(T-12.III.7:1-5). remains an answer nonetheless. Despite the seeming power of
The internal split we dissociate consists of the thoughts of this global and universal insanity, it can all be undone by the
separation and Atonement, sin and its correction. The ego tells gentle smile that looks on both dissociated thought systems.
us these mutually exclusive thoughts constitute a conflict, a war Thus they are brought together in the healing brightness that
undoes illusion, permitting us to know again the truth of the
Atonement that is the way out of the dream, and which heralds
1. T-4.VI.1:6-7 the return to our true Self as God’s one whole and innocent Son.
Bringing the Darkness of Illusions to the Light of Truth (continued)

Looking without Judgment: The Gentle Smile of Love fragments of God’s one Son are perceived at war with each
other, is but a projection of the mind’s split wherein God’s Son
The belief in sin has been uprooted in [the] smile of
is perceived to be at war with his Creator:
love.…the gentle smile and tender blessing [love] offers to
its own.2 Dissociation is a distorted process of thinking whereby two
systems of belief which cannot coexist are both maintained. If
The problem, therefore, is that we failed to look with the
they are brought together, their joint acceptance becomes
Holy Spirit at the fundamental ego thought of separation, having impossible.… You cannot have them both, for each denies the
chosen instead to identify with the ego’s quick look that estab- other.… Bring them together, and the fact of their complete
lished itself as real and serious, buttressed by its unholy trinity incompatibility is instantly apparent. One will go, because the
of sin, guilt, and fear. Once identified with this thought system other is seen in the same place (T-14.VII.4:3-4,7,9-10).
of separation and attack, we also identified with the ego’s plan
The ego’s world of bodies, however, presents us with count-
for self-preservation: never looking at the ego’s thought system
less challenges to Jesus’ vision, for the goings-on here seem
in the mind that is its source. What is not looked upon, once
serious indeed. We are all more than aware of the untold suffer-
again, can never be undone. Thus we continually experience the
ings that are rampant in the world—past and present, whether on
need to project the inner dissociation between the ego’s thought
the individual level of personal or familial illness, or the cata-
of separation and the Holy Spirit’s Thought of Atonement. By
strophic deaths inflicted by nation states, religious fanatics, or
seeing them outside and conveniently forgetting that we pro-
what are usually and naively known as natural disasters. Who
jected the inner conflict, we ensure that the mind’s dissociated
but the totally insensitive could ever conceive of smiling, let
state will never be healed by our choosing to undo projection
alone laughing at such misery? Yet who but the insane could
through forgiveness. This is the meaning of the line from the
think that God’s perfect Son could suffer, or that he whom God
created eternal could ever die? Such, then is the paradox of our
The [unforgiving] thought protects projection, tightening its human experience. On the one hand, we exist as bodies, prey to
chains, so that distortions are more veiled and more obscure; “natural” forces beyond our control, vulnerable to attacks on all
less easily accessible to doubt, and further kept from reason levels, from the macroscopic ravages of war to the daily micro-
[i.e, right-minded forgiveness] (W-pII.1.2:3).
scopic assaults of viruses, bacteria, and the like. On the other
If the problem is therefore defined as taking the ego’s hand, we are not bodies but minds, and thus are vulnerable only
thoughts of separation and attack seriously by virtue of not look- to our wrong-minded decisions to remain asleep, dreaming of
ing at them, the answer is obvious. We look at the ego, but with a separation, guilt, and attack. Helping us make that shift in iden-
gentle smile that knows that what is seen is but an insane tification from body to mind is Jesus’ purpose for his course,
thought that has no effect. As this lovely line from the text says: and it is the gentle smile of the miracle that brings this shift
“not one note in Heaven’s song was missed” (T-26.V.5:4). In about.
other words, what appeared to be the truth had no effect upon Thus Jesus asks us to look with him at our world, recogniz-
the truth. The Oneness of God’s Son remains safe within the ing, as did Plato over 2500 years ago, that there is a distinct dif-
Unity of its Creator. ference between appearance and reality. In other words, things
And so we end the ego’s dissociation by bringing together are not what they seem. The external world of pain, suffering,
the ego’s perceptions of external splits of victim and victimizer, and death is merely the effect of a decision the mind has made to
and Jesus’ vision that sees that our perceptions—born of the believe in the reality of pain, suffering, and death. Similarly, an
mind’s decision for the ego—are merely defenses against his object falls to the ground when we drop it not because of the law
vision of the inherent sameness of the Sonship. Through his of gravity, but because our minds believe in a world governed
eyes, distinctions among its seemingly fragmented members are by laws such as gravity. There can be no compromise here, and
seen as spurious. Jesus teaches us that what we perceive outside Jesus is unequivocal about his teaching that the world does not
is only a projection of what we first made real in our minds: exist outside the mind that thought it, as this important passage
Projection makes perception. The world you see is what from the workbook explains:
you gave it, nothing more than that.… It is the witness to The world is nothing in itself. Your mind must give it
your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition meaning. And what you behold upon it are your wishes, acted
(,5). out so you can look on them and think them real.… There is
By returning the projection to the wrong-minded decision for no world apart from what you wish, and herein lies your ulti-
the ego that was projected, we are able to look at the ego’s mate release.… Ideas leave not their source. This central
theme is often stated in the text, and must be borne in mind if
thought system of separation anew. Such looking—the miracle
you would understand the lesson for today [“I loose the world
—undoes the dissociation of our split mind, returning us to the
from all I thought it was.”].… There is no world! This is the
sanity of right-minded thinking. The following passage provides central thought the course attempts to teach (W-132.4:1-3;
the rationale for the healing property of the miracle, which 5:1,3-4; 6:2-3).
teaches us that the separation we perceive in the world wherein
The implications of this, needless to say, are enormous. It
means that nothing in the physical world should be taken seri-
2. T-19.III.8:5; T-20.VI.10:3 ously, in the sense of having power to affect our state of mind,

Bringing the Darkness of Illusions to the Light of Truth (continued)

either as the cause of our happiness or misery, our feelings of we are no longer taken in by the ego’s deceptive distortions of
well-being or pain and suffering: the principle of cause and effect. Seen now in its proper perspec-
…nothing outside yourself can save you; nothing outside tive, this principle becomes the means by which we look kindly
yourself can give you peace.…nothing outside yourself can on the projected world of loss and death, and join in Jesus’
hurt you, or disturb your peace or upset you in any way.… happy laughter as effect (body) has been brought to cause
[This] places you in charge of the universe, where you belong (mind), and softly let go:
because of what you are (W-pI.70.2:1-3). In gentle laughter does the Holy Spirit perceive the cause,
The universe we are in charge of is the mind, which must also and looks not to effects. How else could He correct your
mean the universe we perceive to be outside ourselves, for if error, who have overlooked the cause entirely? He bids you
ideas leave not their source, as we just read, then the outer bring each terrible effect to Him that you may look together
world has never left the inner world of our thoughts. And since on its foolish cause and laugh with Him a while. You judge
effects, but He has judged their cause (T-27.VIII.9:1-4).
these are our thoughts, we are the ones in control of them. In
this happy idea is found our salvation from the prison of the ego Blessed with Christ’s vision, we behold the world as He
thought system. Thus we can read this line and joyously know does and are healed, along with all the Sonship:
that Jesus is speaking of us: And yet you look with Heaven’s smile upon your lips,
He laughs as well at pain and loss, at sickness and at grief, at and Heaven’s blessing on your sight. You will not see sin
poverty, starvation and at death (W-pI.187.6:4). long. For in the new perception the mind corrects it when it
seems to be seen, and it becomes invisible. Errors are quickly
This laugh is not derisive or insensitive (can one imagine Jesus recognized and quickly given to correction, to be healed, not
in this negative light?), but is born of the gentle awareness that hidden. You will be healed of sin and all its ravages the
bodies have no effect on the mind, illusions can never alter truth. instant that you give it no power over your brother. And you
Now we recognize the difference between cause and effect, will help him overcome mistakes by joyously releasing him
and have come to understand why Jesus called his book from the belief in sin (T-19.III.9).
A Course in Miracles. It is the miracle’s function to give “back Yet must this healing be applied directly to a world of spe-
to cause the function of causation, not effect” (T-28.II.9:3). By cifics, and our newly-attained vision be extended to embrace a
returning our awareness to the mind, which is the cause of the world that still believes in the cruel ravages that fate bestows
world and all the suffering it contains, we remember that we as upon our bodies. A specific example, therefore, can be instruc-
decision-making minds are the cause of our experiences, and tive in terms of applying the Course’s abstract principles to our
not the helpless effects of a world beyond our control. This is everyday lives. Indeed, the workbook for students, the second
reflected in these lines that are often misunderstood by students: part of A Course in Miracles’ three-part curriculum, is geared
I am responsible for what I see. precisely toward that application. Our next section provides
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the such an example.
goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and An Example: “Nothing so blinding as perception of form.”3
receive as I have asked.
It is not easy to perceive the jest when all around you do
Deceive yourself no longer that you are helpless in the face of your eyes behold its heavy consequences, but without
what is done to you. Acknowledge but that you have been their trifling cause.4
mistaken, and all effects of your mistakes will disappear.…
His power of decision is the determiner of every situation in We have already commented on the ego’s persuasive nature
which he seems to find himself by chance or accident.… and its making the world to be a compelling witness to the
Suffer, and you decided sin was your goal. Be happy, and you dream’s reality, “proving” that the separation is in fact the truth,
gave the power of decision to Him Who must decide for God while the Holy Spirit’s correction of Atonement is a lie. Only by
for you (T-21.II.2:3-7; 3:3,5-6). rising above the battleground, the meaning of being in one’s
Jesus is not referring to external events, which are only right mind with Jesus, can one see through the lie to the truth.
epiphenomena of the mind’s decision, but our perceptions of Thus Jesus encourages us:
these events. Since projection makes perception and ideas leave We are ready to look more closely at the ego’s thought
not their source, our perceptions of external events are but system because together we have the lamp that will dispel
effects of the mind’s decision either for the ego or the Holy it.…we must look first at this to see beyond it.…to truth
Spirit, and do not exist outside the mind that conceived them. (T-11.V.1:3,5-6).
And thus we are responsible for how we see the world, and During a recent class at the Foundation, a Norwegian man
therefore are never the helpless and innocent victims of what we living in Sweden told a horrifying story that was still unfolding
misperceive—what does not exist can have no effect on us. in the course of his visit. He was living in a small village, where
Once again, it is only our power of decision that causes happi-
ness or suffering.
Having risen above the battleground with Jesus (T-23.IV), 3. T-22.III.6:7
we now look back on the world and join in his gentle smile, for 4. T-27.VIII.8:4

Bringing the Darkness of Illusions to the Light of Truth (continued)

all the inhabitants knew each other. Just before he left for the how to respond to a person’s call for her specific help, advice we
States, a ten-year old girl was abducted and subsequently found can apply to this and every situation that confronts us:
killed; her killer, a recidivist offender having come forth to con- You cannot ask, “What shall I say to him?” and hear God’s
fess his crime. One can imagine the catastrophe this was for the answer. Rather ask instead, “Help me to see this brother
family and the community, and our Norwegian friend was strug- though the eyes of truth and not of judgment,” and the help of
gling to make sense of this from the Course’s perspective. The God and all His angels will respond (Absence from Felicity,
event, along with his response, provided an excellent vehicle for p. 381).
discussing how one can approach such horror and find peace, I have often cited Jesus’ message to Helen in these Light-
this being but a microcosm of the horrendous cruelties we hear house articles because it is so central to his message in A Course
about daily on both local and international news programs. in Miracles, yet one which can easily be overlooked. Before we
Succinctly stated, how can one live in a peaceful, loving state in respond to any situation, we need first go within and ask our
the face of obvious evil that occurs in the world; how can one inner teacher for help that we look at it through his eyes. His
respond with a gentle smile when there is such untold suffering vision makes no judgments of the separated fragments of the
all around us? Sonship, for his gentle perception sees the truth of the inherent
Jesus alerts us to this difficulty when he tells us: sameness in all of us: one split mind, consisting of the wrong-
It is not easy to perceive the jest when all around you do your minded ego, the right-minded Holy Spirit, and the decision
eyes behold its heavy consequences, but without their trifling maker that chooses between them. Likewise, he sees every situa-
cause. Without the cause do its effects seem serious and sad tion as the same: either a projection of the ego’s thought system
indeed. Yet they but follow. And it is their cause that follows of separation and attack, or an extension of the Holy Spirit’s
nothing and is but a jest (T-27.VIII.8:4-7). thought system of Atonement and forgiveness. If it is the former,
We are thus thrust back on the confusion of cause and then his response is kind and loving; if the latter, his response is
effect, mind and body; the confusion of levels that Jesus alludes kind and loving. This is why there is no order of difficulty in
to early on in the text in the context of physical symptoms, what miracles (T-1.I.1:1). Since every problem is the same, as are
the world terms sickness: every illness and conflict, Jesus teaches us to always focus on
Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true our need to judge and to see the same as different, choosing evil
perspective. This is healing because sickness comes from over good, the darkness of sin in place of the light of innocence.
confusing the levels (T-1.I.23). In other words, as we have seen earlier, we project our inner
Sickness or “not-right-mindedness” is the result of level con- split onto the world, and thus believe we see it there. We there-
fusion, because it always entails the belief that what is amiss fore respond to situations as if they were the way we perceive
on one level can adversely affect another. We have referred to them. Yet if projection makes perception, we are seeing nothing
miracles as the means of correcting level confusion, for all more than our own delusional system:
mistakes must be corrected at the level on which they occur. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive.… Perception is a
Only the mind is capable of error. The body can act wrongly result and not a cause. And that is why order of difficulty in
only when it is responding to misthought (T-2.IV.2:2-5; miracles is meaningless. Everything looked upon with vision
italics mine). is healed and holy. Nothing perceived without it means any-
Clearly, then, sickness is not what is wrong with our bodies, thing (,8-11).
any more than injustice can be blamed on one person or group. Therefore, Jesus’ vision is an all-inclusive one in which for-
Sickness and injustice can exist only in the mind, since there is giveness is for all or none of us; a vision in which no one loses
nothing else, and are nothing but the product of our mistaken and everyone wins. Coming to Jesus about the situation in Swe-
belief that there is a real world outside us, the projection of the den, we would hear that there is another perspective through
mind’s thought that the separation from God is real. To be sure, which we can view what happened: above the world’s battle-
injustice reigns supreme in the bodily world of one or the other: ground. Rather than see the events as separating—a victimizing
the more powerful individual or group wins and lives, the other man killing an innocent girl—we would see them as opportu-
loses and dies. Our Swedish story aptly falls into that category, nites to learn that appearances deceive: Nothing so blinding as
for the more powerful man did indeed triumph over the weak perception of form (T-22.III.6:7). Looked at from the perspec-
and helpless girl, who ended up losing her life. Sickness reigns tive of the world and body, something horrific did indeed hap-
supreme as well: the more powerful microbe wins and survives, pen; a perception from which there is no way out, for attack
a person loses, suffers, and eventually dies. Yet we are not our breeds defense, which breeds attack, as this graphic description
bodies or egos, which are but parodies and travesties of our real- from the workbook depicts:
ity as God’s Son (T-24.VII.1:11; 10:9).
It is as if a circle held it [the mind] fast, wherein another
And so, returning to our example, paradigmatic for all circle bound it and another one in that, until escape no longer
forms of injustice and evil, we can ask Jesus’ help to look at the can be hoped for nor obtained. Attack, defense; defense,
situation differently. As he urged Helen one day when she asked attack, become the circles of the hours and the days that bind
the mind in heavy bands of steel with iron overlaid, returning

Bringing the Darkness of Illusions to the Light of Truth (continued)
but to start again. There seems to be no break nor ending in …you would not react at all to figures in a dream you knew
the ever-tightening grip of the imprisonment upon the mind that you were dreaming. Let them be as hateful and as vicious
(W-pI.153.3). as they may, they could have no effect on you unless you
failed to recognize it is your dream (T-27.VIII.10:5-6).
Thus does the thought system of separation continually rein-
force itself, with no escape possible until another thought system And so we join in Jesus’ gentle smile as we interact with
is chosen. And so Jesus continually invites us to join him outside the dream figures of the world, without exception. All God’s
the world’s dream and return to the mind, where his sanity and apparently separated Sons are sinless, or all of us must become
love await us, thus ending the dissociation of truth and illusion. sinners. God’s Son is one, and therein lies his holiness. Our
Back in our minds, we remember that our purpose in being here elder brother teaches us to smile at all appearances of pain and
is to awaken from the dream, not to establish a happier one. We evil, seeing the single content behind the form:
recognize that all people involved in a situation—the little girl, Certain it is that all distress does not appear to be but
the abuser-murderer, the child’s family, the villagers, and we unforgiveness. Yet that is the content underneath the form. It
who are hearing about it—are part of the same insane thought is this sameness which makes learning sure, because the les-
system of separation, dreaming the single dream of sinless son is so simple that it cannot be rejected in the end (W-pI.
victims and sinful victimizers. And from this dream we all will 193.4:1-3).
awaken, for we are one. Together, or not at all (T-19.IV-D. 12:8) The unforgiveness born of our guilt is the source of our
is Jesus’ replacement for the ego’s one or the other. Thus we wrong-minded perceptions of separation and differences. Yet
return to the home we never truly left. how easily are these corrected when we shift the mind’s content
Conclusion: The Light of Sinlessness Restored to sameness and joining, recognizing that no perception that dif-
ferentiates among God’s Sons is ever justified. Jesus sees us all
Father, Your Son is holy. I am he on whom You smile in as one, and laughs gently at our silly illusions to the contrary.
love and tenderness.5 His smile calls us to join with him, as we join with all our broth-
To hasten our return, we need to practice daily, if not ers. And so, with his smile on our lips, we say to everyone we
minute by minute, looking at the world as Jesus does, learning meet, in words that come from the heart that knows its salvation
to laugh gently at the absurd thought that the world can take abides in God’s Son as He created him:
God’s peace from us, or give it to us. This gentle smile is the Father, Your Son is holy. I am he on whom You smile in
basis of forgiveness, defined in A Course in Miracles as forgiv- love and tenderness so dear and deep and still the universe
ing others for what they have not done to us (e.g., W-pII.1.1:1). smiles back on You, and shares Your Holiness. How pure,
Regardless of their actions, people have not affected our minds. how safe, how holy, then, are we, abiding in Your Smile, with
A dream after all, can have no effect on a dreamer, unless the all Your Love bestowed upon us, living one with You, in
decision is made to give it that power: brotherhood and Fatherhood complete; in sinlessness so
perfect that the Lord of Sinlessness conceives us as His Son,
a universe of Thought completing Him (W-pII.341.1; italics
omitted). Q
5. W-pII.341.1:1-2

* * * * * * *

We gratefully appreciate any donations, which are tax-deductible, to offset the costs of
printing and mailing this newsletter.

THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
founded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through workshops, courses, books, and audio and video tapes.
THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®,
41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Periodicals Postage Paid at Temecula, California and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LIGHTHOUSE, Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590.
Articles published in THE LIGHTHOUSE are copyrighted by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®.



Unity Village, MO: Unity Village • 901 NW Blue Parkway • Unity Village, MO 64065
Sponsored by: SpiritPath at Unity Village
Workshop: Saturday, October 18 • 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Topic: A Course in Miracles: The Journey Home
Fee: $65.00 early bird; $80.00 after 09/18/08
Information: Call 816.251.3540 or e-mail:
Reservations: Call 1.866.348.6489 or 1.816.251.3540
or email:

* * * * * * * * * * * *


The Greek mythic figure of Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to a life of pushing a rock up a moun-
tain, only to have it fall back down to the bottom, there to begin his labors again. His life of futility mirrors
our life in the body and the hopelessness inherent in pursuing any meaning in the world. The first part of
the book addresses this view as presented in A Course in Miracles, summarized in the idea that we can
never be truly happy in the world because it is not our home. The second part discusses the transition from
futility to happiness in the context of the Course’s offering of another way of looking at our seeming fate,
reflecting Camus’ important essay on Sisyphus, which he ended by stating, “We must imagine Sisyphus
happy.” Through a change of mind brought about by changing our inner teacher from the ego to Jesus,
our lives of futility are transformed into opportunities for unlearning the ego’s thought system. A purpose-
less life of inherent meaninglessness thus metamorphoses into a meaningful classroom that leads us to the
Heaven we never truly left.
As with the other books in this series, “The Practice of A Course in Miracles,” From Futility to Happi-
ness is presented as an aid in applying the Course’s principles of forgiveness more meaningfully to our
everyday lives, that they may become increasingly happy and less futile in our experience.

Introduction: The Myth of Sisyphus Part Two: A Right-Minded Sisyphus

1. Introduction: “One Must Imagine Sisyphus
Part One: The Futility of Life Happy”
1. The Hopelessness of the Body’s Life 2. “Choose Once Again”
2. Death 3. “The Real Alternative”
3. A Sorry Figure: “Outcast, Homeless, and Afraid”
4. Seeking and Finding Closing: “Transformation”
5. “Stabat Mater”
6. “There Must Be Another Way”

Available Fall 2008



Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
THE SELF-ACCUSED : FREEDOM FROM G UILT . This 2008 workshop is based on the two major themes in the
section “The Self-Accused” (T-31.III): 1) All attack is self-attack (only the self-accused condemn). 2) Because
ideas leave not their source, the idea of guilt can never truly leave its source in the mind through projection; this
means that it is never the body that attacks and forgives, but only the mind. Our focus, therefore, must always be on
the mind’s decision to be guilty (to self-accuse), for when that decision is kept unconscious, the guilt will inevitably
be projected (to accuse others), ensuring that it will never be undone. Yet when we join with Jesus, his eyes become
our own, and his vision of forgiveness releases the Sonship from its prison house of guilt, freeing us to remember
our one Identity as children of Love.
CD-150 • three CDs • $20.00 3m-150 • one CD (mp3) • $15.00

title of a section in the text (T-26.IX), unique in its invocation of the timeless state that reflects the ancient instant
when God’s Son chose hate instead of love, and then, in that same ontological moment, corrected it through for-
giveness. This section reflects the Course’s major theme of forgiveness and the holy relationship, but places them in
their proper setting in the timeless mind, though we experience their occurrence in our everyday lives. Thus we
seem to be choosing to forgive in the “earthly frame” (S-2.III.7:3) of the body, but in truth are but returning to the
mind we never left—“The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.”—
restoring God and Christ to Their rightful home in our holy minds.
CD-149 • three CDs • $20.00 3m-149 • one CD (mp3) • $15.00

THE EGO : A Q UAINT ABSURDITY. Sin, the bedrock of the ego’s thought system of separation, is treated as a
serious event, deserving God’s wrath and punishment. And within the world that sin has made it is serious indeed.
Yet in the mind, above the body’s battleground, Jesus helps us see the world of separation, differences, and attack
as but a “quaint absurdity,” its place taken by his vision of God’s one Son, separate but the same, the prerequisite
for awakening to God and the Oneness of Christ.
CD-148 • two CDs • $15.00 3m-148 • one CD (mp3) • $10.00

BEYOND T HEISM: THE G OD OF A COURSE IN M IRACLES . The focus of the workshop is God: the ego’s con-
cepts of a personal deity, found in most formal religions of the world, versus the Course’s understanding of a non-
personal, non-dualistic Presence Who is the Source of all being. Specific emphasis is placed on the projections of
the wrong mind’s thought system of guilt and punishment onto a god who merely reflects the ego’s calls for spe-
cialness. Jesus, therefore, teaches us forgiveness as the means for moving beyond our theistic beliefs to the love
that is the knowledge of Heaven.
CD-147 • two CDs • $15.00 3m-147 • one CD (mp3) • $10.00

Now also available on CD:

CD-33 “There Must Be Another Way” (2 CDs) $15.00; 3m-33 (mp3; 1 CD) $10.00
CD-38 The Web of Specialness 15 CDs) $80.00; 3m-38 (mp3; 1 CD) $75.00
CD-43 The Bible from the Perspective
of A Course in Miracles (7 CDs) $40.00

YouTube is a free video-sharing Web site where users can upload, view, and share video clips. The Foundation
now has its own channel at: You can view Foundation video clips of Kenneth
and Gloria presenting workshops and classes at the Foundation.

Exclusive distributor for our Spanish titles in Central and South America: Asclepius LLC, working as a partner
company for the main office based in Mexico as Tarots del Mundo, Av. Oaxaca 71, Col. Roma Norte, Mexico City
(06700). Contact Orlando Asman or Patricia Chagoyan • Phone (52-55) 1998-3301 • Cell 52-1-55 2273-1277.

Our latest series of excerpts is from the tape album “Our Gratitude to God,” a workshop presented by Kenneth in
1989 at our former location in Roscoe, New York. The theme is discussed in the context of our gratitude to God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and to each other. The many forms of our resistance to being grateful are considered,
including our ego’s resentment that God is the Creator, not itself. Our expressions of gratitude, therefore, help us
undo this original error. These excerpts can be found at the Foundation’s Web site at

Browse our Web site, where you can purchase Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® publications at a 10% dis-
count; register for the Temecula Center programs; add your name to our mailing list or change your mailing list
address; read past articles from The Lighthouse, as well as the most recent newsletters in their entirety; find pro-
gram schedules for both the Temecula Center and the La Jolla branch; and consult our teaching aids, including our
online excerpts series. Our Question & Answer service can be found at:

Most of the Foundation books and several tapes have been translated into German. For information, please con-
tact: Greuthof Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH • Herrenweg 2 • D79261 Gutach i. Br. • Germany • Tel. 7681-6025 • FAX
7681-6027. Many of the Foundation books have also been translated into Spanish including Absence from Felicity,
Awaken from the Dream, and Ending Our Resistance to Love. Spanish translations can be ordered from our publica-
tions list on page 16.
Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv • Postbus 125 • 7400
AC Deventer • The Netherlands; Ending Our Resistance to Love. Order from Miracles in Contact • Pieter
de Hooghlaan 3 • NL-3761 AR Soest • The Netherlands.
Italian: The Talk. Order from
Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX
Publishers • Løvstræde 8 • 1152 København K • Denmark.
Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro • Zabnica 31 • 1357 Notranje Gorice.
French: The Talk. Order from our publications list on page 16.
Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron • 302 Monterey Bay Road • Mouille Point, Cape Town • 8005
South Africa.
Finnish: The Talk. Order from Pelquin Kustannus • Merivirta 19 E 35 • 02320 Espoo • Finland

• Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, • Confirmation information will be given over the
and REQUIRED for the week-long Academy phone if your registration form does not reach us
classes taught by Kenneth Wapnick. in time for a letter to be sent to you. In this
• We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone, instance, you may call the office Monday–Friday,
and on our Web site at If you reg- 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time to verify your
ister online, please submit your registration at acceptance into a program.
least 3 days prior to the event you plan to attend. • It is important that you double-check the regis-
• If you register by mail or FAX, please allow enough tration information sent with your confirma-
time for your registration form to reach us and the tion letter to ensure the accuracy of the
confirmation form to reach you in return. information. In the event the program you register
for is filled, your registration form and fee will be
• If you register by phone, please have your credit returned to you, unless you have requested that
card ready when you call. your name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, you
• All program fees must be paid in full—by check, may be confirmed either as a participant or as
money order, or credit card. International students being on the waiting list.
may also use wire transfer (call our office for
information). Your check or money order should WALK-INS
be made payable to ITIP-ACIM (in US funds only, • While walk-in registrations are accepted, pre-regis-
drawn on a US bank). There will be a $20 fee for tration is encouraged, as auditorium seating cannot
any check returned to us for insufficient funds. be guaranteed.
• Payment by cash or check only at the door.


Best Western Country Inn (1mile / 951.676.7378) offers students attending classes at the
Foundation discounted rates: Sun-Thurs $69.00, Friday $99.00, and Saturday $109.00.

Motel 6 Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites Rancho California Inn

951.676.7199 (2.6 miles) 951.587.9800 (.6 mile) 951.676.5700 (2.5 miles)
Hampton Inn Extended Stay Doubletree Suites Hotel
951.506.2331 (2.4 miles) Kitchenettes Embassy Suites Hotel
951.587.8881 (.9 miles) 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles)

Holiday Inn Express Quality Inn Receive a 10% discount when you
951.699.2444 (1 mile) (formerly Comfort Inn) identify yourself as a student attend-
951.296.3788 (.5 mile) ing class at the Foundation.

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area

Many food establishments
are nearby in Temecula.
(10-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. daily. Please note that weekend hours may be
adjusted when classes are being held at the Foundation.

Temecula Center • Faculty: Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and REQUIRED for

the week-long Academy classes taught by Kenneth.

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. • Fee: $30.00


Saturday, July 26 Saturday, October 4
Saturday, August 9 Sunday, November 9
Saturday, August 10 STRANGER HERE.”

S-11 “WHEN IN ROME...”: BEING FAITHFUL Saturday, December 6

Saturday, August 23


Time: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. • Fee: $50.00 Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. • Free

An introductory lecture for those interested in

W-3 “TRUTH DOES NOT RESPOND ” learning more about A Course in Miracles and what
Sunday, July 13 it says. The program format will include a question-
and-answer period.
DATE: Saturday, November 1
No Registration Required


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on days when
an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.) are
facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.

Faculty: Drs. Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Dates: July 27 – 29 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-7D1 July 27 Fee: $40.00 A-7D2 July 28 Fee: $40.00 A-7D3 July 29 Fee: $40.00
The ego tells us that if we follow the Holy Spirit and His teachings of forgiveness we would disappear, not into the Heart of God,
but into the nothingness of oblivion. Yet Jesus teaches that the process of awakening is gradual and kind, filled with happy dreams,
for “God willed [we] waken gently and with joy, and gave [us] means to waken without fear” (T-27.VII.13:5). The class will explore
this central theme of A Course in Miracles through lecture, discussion, and readings.


Dates: August 24 – 26 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-8D1 August 24 Fee: $40.00 A-8D2 August 25 Fee: $40.00 A-8D3 August 26 Fee: $40.00
This statement from a personal message to Helen Schucman in 1975 underscores the non-dualistic foundation of A Course in
Miracles. It reflects the first principle of miracles (there is no order of difficulty among them), which undoes the ego’s first law of
chaos (there is a hierarchy of illusions). Translated into our everyday experience, this means that forgiveness makes no exceptions.
This major theme of the class will be presented through lecture, discussion, and readings.


Dates: October 5 – 7 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-9D1 October 5 Fee: $40.00 A-9D2 October 6 Fee: $40.00 A-9D3 October 7 Fee: $40.00
Jesus teaches in the text: “Trust not your good intentions. They are not enough. But trust implicitly your willingness…” (T-18.
IV.2:1-3). Thus we rely on our little willingness to look at the world through Jesus’ vision, and not on what our eyes and brains tell
us is true. Without recognizing our mind’s need for correction, there would remain only the ego’s arrogance in maintaining that we
know the problem and its solution, thereby making the error of separation real. Asking Jesus for help, however, returns us to the
mind’s misguided decision for the ego (the problem) and its correction of Atonement (the answer). This important theme will be
explored through lecture, discussion, and readings.

ALL Academy 10 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick



Dates: Nov. 10 – 14 Fee: $175.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-10D1 Nov. 10 Fee: $40.00 A-10D2 Nov. 11 Fee: $40.00 A-10D3 Nov. 12 Fee: $40.00
A-10D4 Nov. 13 Fee: $40.00 A-10D5 Nov. 14 Fee: $40.00
The title of Shakespeare’s comedy provides a succinct summary of the Holy Spirit’s response to the ego’s thought system of sepa-
ration: much ado about nothing. By identifying with this response, we remember to laugh at the “tiny, mad idea” instead of taking it
seriously as a sin (T-27.VIII.6:2-3), demanding the ego’s hierarchy of defenses. Thus do we remember that the ego’s something is
truly nothing, allowing the return to awareness of the Everything that created us and of Who we are. Lecture, discussion, and read-
ings will amplify this process of forgiveness and healing.


Dates: December 7 – 9 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-11D1 Dec. 7 Fee: $40.00 A-11D2 Dec. 8 Fee: $40.00 A-11D3 Dec. 9 Fee: $40.00
Attempts to master fear through confrontation, opposition, or compromise will fail because they commit the fundamental mistake
inherent in following the ego: making the error real. Fear can be overcome only by recognizing its illusory nature. Such recognition
comes when we seek the Holy Spirit’s help to return to the source of our fear: the mind’s wrong-minded decision to believe in the
ego’s lies of separation. By so doing, we return to the source of the love that is the only answer: the mind’s right-minded decision to
identify with Jesus’ message of forgiveness. Through lecture, discussion, and readings we examine these two mutually exclusive
ways of responding to fear.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 1 2
Disc. Group

Study Group

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group S-9

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Disc. Group Disc. Group

W-3 Study Group S-10 Study Group

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-8 Study Group S-11

27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Disc. Group A-8 Disc. Group

A-7 A-7 A-7 Study Group 31 A-8 A-8 Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group S-12

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group A-9 A-9 A-9 Study Group

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group UNITY

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

28 29 30 21 26 27 28 29 30 31
Disc. Group

W-1W-1 Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Disc. Group

Intro 3 Study Group S-14

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group A-11 A-11 A-11 Study Group

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Disc. Group

S-13 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-10 Study Group

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Disc. Group

Study Group Christmas

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 JAN 1 21
30 New Year! W-1W-1

• You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.
• Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print) PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________
Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________ Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________
E-mail (optional): _______________________________ E-mail (optional): ______________________________

Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped. Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped.
Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want
to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium. to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.
* * * * RELEASE FORM * * * * * * * * RELEASE FORM * * * *
I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per- I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per-
mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video
may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and
that I will receive no compensation for said videotape. that I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Signature Signature

__________________________ __________________________
Date Date


• Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,
drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.
Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.
U Check or money order enclosed for $
U Credit card information: U American Express U Discover U MasterCard U VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute

Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®
41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
FAX: 951.296.9117



Pre-registration is encouraged for all pro- AMOUNT HERE:
grams, and REQUIRED for the week-long
Academy classes taught by Kenneth Wapnick. Program
Program Program
Fee Person 1 $
Number Date


Please use program numbers listed on page Person 1 $

11 when registering for portions of, rather
Person 2 $
than a complete, Academy class.
Person 1 $
A-7 July 27 – 29 $100.00
Person 2 $
A-8 August 24 – 26 $100.00
Person 1 $
A-9 October 5 – 7 $100.00
Person 2 $
A-10 $175.00
November 10 – 14
Person 2 $
A-11 December 7 – 9 $100.00
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
(10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.) • Fee $50.00 Person 1 $
Person 2 $
W-3 July 13
Person 1 $

SEMINARS Person 2 $
(1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.) • Fee $30.00 Person 1 $
S-8 July 26 S-9 August 9 Person 2 $
S-10 August 10 S-11 August 23 Person 1 $
S-12 October 4 S-13 November 9 Person 2 $
S-14 December 6 Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $


La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E ) La Jolla, CA 92037 ) 858.551.1227

Classes are held each Thursday (except Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year’s Day) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Monday: 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. • $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch. Call: 858.551.1227. No registration required.

Dates: July 7 — July 28 (Mon.) Dates: Oct. 20 — Nov. 10 (Mon.) OF S ACRIFICE ”
July 8 — July 29 (Tue.) Oct. 21 — Nov. 11 (Tue.) Date: July 20
Fee: $20 plus CD set Fee: $20 plus CD set
Registration ends: June 26 Registration ends: October 9 FW-6 “THE SIMPLICITY OF SALVATION”
Date: September 21
Dates: Sept. 8 — Sept. 29 (Mon.)
Sept. 9 — Sept. 30 (Tue.) Date: October 12
Fee: $20 plus CD set
Registration ends: August 28
Date: November 16

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat AUGUST
1 2 3 4 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SEPTEMBER
Tape 1 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6 7 CD 8 CD 9 10 11 12
Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
13 14 CD 15 CD 16 17 18 19 Lecture
Study Study Lecture 7 8 CD 9 CD 10 11 12 13
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
20 21 CD 22 CD 23 24 25 26 Study Study Lecture
FW-5 Study Study Lecture 14 15 CD 16 CD 17 18 19 20
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
27 28 CD 29 CD 30 31 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 21 22 CD 23 CD 24 25 26 27
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
FW-6 Study Study Lecture
31 Lecture
28 29 CD 30 CD
OCTOBER Study Study

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat NOVEMBER

1 2 3 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat DECEMBER
Tape 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 CD 4 CD 5 6 7 8
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
FW-7 Lecture 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9 10 CD 11 CD 12 13 14 15
19 20 CD 21 CD 22 23 24 25 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
26 27 CD 28 CD 29 30 31 Lecture
FW-8 Lecture
Study Study Lecture 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Christ-
Thanks- mas
28 29 30 31 JAN 1
New Year!
Item Title Price Item Title Price Item Title Price

Books B-14s ...preguntas más communes... (G&KW) 8.00 CD-44 The Theology of ACIM (G&KW) 15.00

B-1 Christian Psych. in ACIM $5.00 B-15s El mensaje de UCEM 22.00 3m-44 The Theology of ACIM (mp3) 10.00

B-3 A Talk Given on ACIM 6.00 B-17s El final de resistencia al amor 7.00 CD-45 The Inheritance of God’s Son 15.00

B-4 Glossary-Index for ACIM 8.00 Audio Tapes 3m-45 Inheritance of God’s Son (mp3) 10.00

B-4SI Scriptural Index for ACIM 5.00 Audio tape production has ceased. Please contact CD-46 Sign of Christmas Is a Star (G&KW) 15.00
our office for availability of remaining albums. 3m-46 Sign of Christmas Is a Star (mp3) 10.00
B-5 Forgiveness and Jesus 16.00

B-6 50 Miracle Principles of ACIM 8.00 Compact Discs CD-47 Holy Christ...Born in Me...(G&KW) 20.00

B-7 Awaken from Dream (G&KW) 10.00 CD-1 The Simplicity of Salvation $60.00 3m-47 Holy Christ...(G&KW) (mp3) 15.00

B-9 Love Does Not Condemn-sale 20.00 3m-1 Simplicity of Salvation (mp3) 55.00 CD-48 From Time to Timelessness 15.00

B-10 A Vast Illusion 14.00 CD-5 The Ego and Forgiveness 20.00 3m-48 From Time to Timelessness (mp3) 10.00

B-11 Absence from Felicity 17.00 CD-9 Special Relationships—Part 1 55.00 CD-49 Climbing the Ladder Home 40.00

B-12 Overeating 5.00 CD-10 Special Relationships—Part 2 40.00 3m-49 Climbing/Ladder Home (mp3) 35.00

B-13 ACIM & Christianity (KW/Clarke) 7.00 3m-9&10 Spec. Rel.—Parts 1 & 2 (mp3) 75.00 CD-50 How Will the World End? 15.00

B-14 Most...Asked Questions...(G&KW) 8.00 CD-17 Love Does Not Oppose (G&KW) 55.00 3m-50 How Will the World End? (mp3) 10.00

B-15 The Message of ACIM–2 vol. 22.00 3m-17 Love/Not Oppose (G&KW) (mp3) 50.00 CD-51 The Importance of Jesus 15.00

B-16 The Journey Home 16.95 CD-18 The Song of Prayer 70. 00 CD-52 Learning from the Holy Spirit 15.00

B-17 Ending Our Resistance to Love 7.00 CD-21 Jesus: Teacher • Model 55.00 3m-52 Learning fromHoly Spirit (mp3) 10.00

B-18 Life, Death and Love 25.00 CD-26 Overeating: A Dialogue 15.00 CD-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness 15.00

B-19 Healing Power of Kindness: Vol. 1 7.00 3m-26 Overeating: A Dialogue (mp3) 10.00 CD-54 The Kindness of Healing 15.00

B-20 Healing Power of Kindness: Vol. 2 6.00 CD-29 Real Wrld: Home Away frm Hme 55.00 CD-55 Gifts of the Ego and God 55.00

B-21 Form vs. Content: Sex & Money 7.00 CD-31 Jesus: Manifestation of Holy Spirit 35.00 CD-56 The Experience of ACIM 55.00

B-22 Parents & Children (2 book set) 14.00 CD-33 “There Must Be Another Way” 15.00 3m-56 The Experience of ACIM (mp3) 50.00

B-23 Journey through Wkbk of ACIM 60.00 3m-33 “...Must Be Another Way” (mp3) 10.00 CD-57 Sep & Forgiveness—4 Splits 50.00

B-24 Journey through Man. of ACIM 22.00 CD-34 Metaphy of Sep & Forgiveness 15.00 3m-57 Sep & Forgiveness/4 Splits (mp3) 45.00

B-25 “What It Says”: Preface of ACIM 8.00 3m-34 Metaphy of Sep & For (mp3) 10.00 The Workbook Lessons of ACIM
CD-58-1 $40.00 CD-58-5 $45.00
B-27 The Arch of Forgiveness 7.00 CD-36 Making Holy Spirit Special 50.00 CD-58-2 $30.00 CD-58-6 $50.00
CD-58-3 $30.00 CD-58-7 $55.00
CD-37 The Meaning of Judgment 15.00 CD-58-4 $65.00
French Translations of Books
3m-37 Meaning of Judgment (mp3) 10.00 CD-59 The Quiet Answer 25.00
B-3f Introduction Générale à UCEM $6.00
CD-38 The Web of Specialness 80.00 3m-59 The Quiet Answer (mp3) 20.00
Spanish Translations of Books
3m-38 The Web of Specialness (mp3) 75.00 CD-60 The Lifting of the Veil 55.00
B-1s Psicologia cristiana en UCEM $5.00
CD-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM 55.00 3m-60 The Lifting of the Veil (mp3) 50.00
B-3s Una introducción básica a UCEM 6.00
CD-40 Rules for Decision 55.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM 40.00
B-4s Glosario-Indice para UCDM 10.00 CD-61-1 (Vol. 1)—CD-61-8 (Vol. 8) per item
3m-40 Rules for Decision (mp3) 50.00 number
B-5s El perdón y Jesús 16.00 CD-62 Meaning of the Holy Instant 15.00
CD-41 I Want the Peace of God 15.00
B-6s Los 50 UCEM 8.00 3m-62 Meaning of Holy Instant (mp3) 10.00
3m-41 I Want the Peace of God (mp3) 10.00
B-7s Despierta del sueño (G&KW) 10.00 CD-63 From Darkness to Light 25.00
CD-42 Forgiving Jesus 15.00
B-11s Ausencia de la felicidad 22.00 3m-63 From Darkness to Light (mp3) 20.00
CD-43 Bible frm Perspective. of ACIM 40.00
B-13s UCDM y el cristianismo: (KW/Clarke) 7.00 CD-64 The Pathway of Forgiveness 25.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price Item Title Price
3m-64 Pathway of Forgiveness (mp3) 20.00 CD-98 Who Is Jesus? 20.00 CD-128 Miracles versus Magic 20.00

CD-65 Love and Be Silent 25.00 CD-99 Jesus: Companion on Journey 25.00 3m-128 Miracles versus Magic (mp3) 15.00

CD-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality 25.00 CD-100 Jesus: Songs of Gratitude/Love 100.00 CD-129 The Ark of Peace 20.00

CD-67 Living A Course in Miracles 25.00 CD-101 “What It Says”: From the Preface 25.00 3m-129 The Ark of Peace (mp3) 15.00

3m-67 Living ACIM (mp3) 20.00 CD-102 Ghost of Caesar: Guilt’s Shadow 25.00 CD-130 Asking the Holy Spirit 20.00

CD-68 Special Rel.: Home of Guilt 20.00 CD-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? 15.00 3m-130 Asking the Holy Spirit (mp3) 15.00

CD-69 Dreaming the Dream 25.00 CD-104 The Arch of Forgiveness 20.00 CD-131 “Nothing So Blinding...” 25.00

3m-69 Dreaming the Dream (mp3) 20.00 CD-105 “On Three Metamorphoses” 25.00 3m-131 “Nothing So Blinding...” (mp3) 20.00

CD-70 The Compassion of the Miracle 25.00 CD-106 The Inner Voice 20.00 CD-132 Bringing Darkness to Light 25.00

CD-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles 10.00 CD-107 Shadows of Limitation 25.00 3m-132 Bringing Drkness to Lght (mp3) 20.00

CD-72 An Overview of ACIM 10.00 CD-108 H. Schucman: A Gift of God 15.00 CD-133 Jesus’ Promise 25.00

CD-73 The Time Machine 25.00 CD-109 “Sweet Are Uses of Adversity” 25.00 3m-133 Jesus’ Promise (mp3) 20.00

CD-74 Forgiveness & the End of Time 25.00 CD-110 Art and A Course in Miracles 25.00 CD-134 “Be Kind...” 30.00

CD-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness 25.00 CD-111 Transformation 20.00 3m-134 “Be Kind...” (mp3) 25.00

CD-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place 25.00 CD-112 Lessons of the Holy Spirit 25.00 CD-135 Magic Flute of Forgiveness 25.00

CD-77 To Be or Not to Be 25.00 CD-113 Parents and Children 30.00 3m-135 Magic Flute of Forg. (mp3) 20.00

CD-78 Form vs. Content: Sex & Money 25.00 3m-113 Parents and Children (mp3) 25.00 CD-136 “To Believe a Lie” 20.00

CD-79 The Prodigal Son 25.00 CD-114 From Futility to Happiness 25.00 3m-136 “To Believe a Lie” (mp3) 15.00

CD-80 Returning Home 25.00 CD-115 The Real Alternative 25.00 CD-137 The Happy Dream 15.00

CD-81 Justice Returned to Love 25.00 CD-116 Looking w/Jesus: Forgiveness 20.00 3m-137 The Happy Dream (mp3) 10.00

CD-82 The Problem of Evil 25.00 CD-117 When 2 + 2 = 5 25.00 CD-138 “A Light of Laughing Flowers” 15.00

CD-83-1 Classes on Manual of ACIM 55.00 CD-118 ACIM: “A Book for All & None” 20.00 3m-138 “Light of …Flowers” (mp3) 10.00
CD-83-2 Volume 1 and Volume 2 each
CD-119 The Conductor and the Orchestra 25.00 CD-139 The Metaphysics of Time 25.00
CD-84 The Quality of Mercy 25.00
CD-120 Psychotherapy and Healing 35.00 3m-139 The Metaphysics of Time (mp3) 20.00
CD-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot 20.00
CD-121 What Is ACIM?: Theory & Practice 15.00 CD-140 “No Man Is An Island” 55.00
CD-86 Jrney From Ego Self to True Self 85.00
CD-122 The Four Splits...Revisited 25.00 3m-140 “No Man Is An Island (mp3) 50.00
CD-87 Living in the World 45.00
3m-122 Four Splits...Revisited (mp3) 20.00 CD-141 “The Gifts of God” 30.00
CD-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody 25.00
CD-123 Cause and Effect 45.00 3m-141 “The Gifts of God” (mp3) 25.00
3m-88 Healing: Hearing/Melody (mp3) 20.00
3m-123 Cause and Effect (mp3) 40.00 CD-142 Innocence Lost/Innoc.Regained 25.00
CD-89 Deciding for God 15.00
CD-124 The Temple of the Holy Spirit 25.00 3m-142 InnocenceLost/Innoc.Regained (mp3) 20.00
CD-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well 25.00
3m-124 Temple of Holy Spirit (mp3) 20.00 CD-143 The Pathway of ACIM (Atlanta) 90.00
CD-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream 15.00
CD-125 The Quiet Center 60.00 3m-143 Pathway of ACIM (Atlanta) (mp3) 85.00
CD-92 Letting Go of Judgment 20.00
3m-125 The Quiet Center (mp3) 55.00 CD-144 Decision Maker/Throned Above Fate 15.00
CD-93 Psychotherapy 45.00
CD-126 Jesus: Wakening to Resurrection 20.00 3m-144 Decision Maker: TAF (mp3) 10.00
CD-94 Jesus: “The Ancient Love” 25.00
3m-126 Jesus: Waken/Resurrection (mp3) 15.00 CD-145 The Ego Strikes Back 25.00
CD-95 Escape from Love 15.00
CD-127 Love: Dark Night/Living Flame 20.00 3m-145 The Ego Strikes Back (mp3) 20.00
CD-96 Walking with Jesus 20.00
3m-127 Love: Dk Nht/Lvng Flm (mp3) 15.00 CD-146 Body: "Engine of Destruction" 20.00
CD-97 Jesus: “Bright Stranger” 25.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price Item Title Price
3m-146 Body: “Engine of Destruction" (mp3) 15.00 V-5p Interview with G & KW (non-US) 20.00 V-17 Jesus: Symbol and Reality 30.00

CD-147 Beyond Theism: The God of ACIM 15.00 V-6 Visionaries (US) 10.00 V-18 Dreaming the Dream 30.00

3m-147 Beyond Theism: God of ACIM (mp3) 10.00 VHS (US) & VHS PAL (non-US) V-19 Compassion of the Miracle 30.00

CD-148 The Ego: A Quant Absurdity 15.00 V-7 Pathway of Forgiveness (US) $30.00 V-20 Healing the Dream of Sickness 30.00

3m-148 The Ego: A Quant Absurdity (mp3) 10.00 V-21 The Changeless Dwelling Place 30.00
V-7p Pathway of Forgiveness (non-US) 40.00
CD-149 For They Have Come 20.00 V-22 To Be or Not to Be 30.00
V-8 Living A Course in Miracles (US) 30.00
3m-149 For They Have Come (mp3) 15.00 V-8p Living A Course in Miracles (non-US) 40.00 V-23 Form vs. Content: Sex & Money 30.00

cd-150 The Self-Accused 20.00 V-24 The Prodigal Son 30.00

V-9 Meaning of Holy Instant (US) 20.00
3m-150 The Self-Accused (mp3) 15.00 V-25 The Problem of Evil 30.00
V-9p Meaning of Holy Instant (non-US) 30.00

DVD (Region 1) V-10 Special Rel.: Home of Guilt (US) 30.00 Classes on the Manual of ACIM 15.00
One 2-hour tape per item number per item
DV-03 The Real World (G & KW) $30.00 V-10p Special Rel.: Home of Guilt (non-US) 40.00 V-26-1 through V-26-10 number

DV-05 Interview with G & KW 15.00 V-11 Love and Be Silent (US) 30.00 V-27 The Quality of Mercy 30.00

DV-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift V-11p Love and Be Silent (non-US) 40.00 V-28 A Tale Told by an Idiot 30.00
of God (1 DVD) 15.00
V-29 Healing: Hearing the Melody 30.00
VHS (US only)
DV-142 Innocence Lost–Innocence
Regained (2 DVDs) 30.00 V-30 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well 30.00
Classes on the Text of ACIM $15.00
One 2-hr. tape per item number per item V-31 Intro. to A Course in Miracles 10.00
VHS (US) & VHS PAL (non-US) V-12-in through V-12-31 number
(Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick) V-32 “Psychotherapy” 60.00
V-13 Justice Returned to Love 30.00
V-1 Seek Not to Change ACIM (US) $20.00 V-33 “What It Says”: From the Preface 30.00
V-14 The Time Machine 30.00
V-1p Seek Not to Change ACIM (non-US) 30.00 Nightingale-Conant
V-15 Forgiveness and End of Time 30.00
(Gloria & Kenneth Wapnick)
V-5 Interview with G & KW (US) 15.00
V-16 From Darkness to Light 30.00
NC-1 Living A Course in Miracles (CDs) $79.95

A Course in Miracles and Related Material (retail only)

Item Title Price Item Title Price
F-2 A Course in Miracles (3rd Ed., includes pamphlets) $30.00 F-9 Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 audio tape) 10.00
F-11 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed., Combined Hardcover) 35.00 F9-cd Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 CD) 15.00
F-15 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed., Combined Paperback) 20.00 F-10 The Story of A Course in Miracles (1 video tape) 45.00
F-1s Un curso de milagros (Spanish) 35.00 F-10p The Story of ACIM (1 video tp) VHS (PAL non-US) 60.00
F-3 The Song of Prayer 6.00 F-12 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (42 audio tapes) 150.00
F-4 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice 6.00 F-12cd A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (59 CDs) 170.00
F-34s Anexo a Un curso en milagros (Spanish Supplements) 10.00 F-14 The Forgotten Song (1 video tp/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-5sc The Gifts of God (Paperback) 15.95 F-14dvd The Forgotten Song (DVD/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-6 Workbook Lesson Cards 23.00 F-16 Recollections about Dr. Helen Schucman (DVD) 15.00
F-7 What It Says (1 audio tape) 10.00 F-17 A Rare Inverview with Dr. Helen Schucman (DVD) 15.00
F-7cd What It Says (1 CD) 15.00 C-3 Electronic version of ACIM—Win (VISTA incompatible) 40.00
F-8 What It Says (1 video tape) 30.00 C-4 Electronic version of ACIM—MAC (OSX incompatible) 40.00
F-8dvd What It Says (DVD) 30.00 C-5 Electronic version of ACIM—VISTA (Win XP & VISTA only) 40.00


Item Quantity Title Price Total


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41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590-5668

The Foundation is located just off I-15.
• From the north: Take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road
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ter Road/CA-79, again staying in the far right-hand lane.
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• From the south: Take the CA-79N/Winchester Road
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the second stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (head-
ing north) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking
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