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Xtreme Circuit Season 2

1. All matches played are a series of 4 maps in competitive format. All maps in a series
will be played with a tiebreaker map only occurring in playoffs.
2. All maps played each week are predetermined by a random map selector. server
owner and administrators. The first match played will be an assault map. The
second map will be a control map. The third map will be an escort map. The fourth
and final map will be a hybrid map. If a tiebreaker is required, a control map will be
3. There are two (2) divisions within the League. Division 1 or the “Lower Division”
consists of [TBD] teams, with each player’s individual SR not exceeding 2499.
Division 2 or the “Higher Division” consists of [TBD] teams with each player’s
individual SR not exceeding 2999. In both Divisions, players with a career high
exceeding 3000 are ineligible, regardless of their current rank.
4. Eight (8) series will be held each week at six (6) PM, seven (7) PM, and eight (8) PM
Eastern Standard Time on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday every week, for fifteen
(11) weeks to complete each season. Friday’s and Saturday’s games will be held at
each time: six (6), seven (7), and eight (8) PM EST. Sunday’s will be held at six (6)
and eight (8) PM EST. Teams play each other once in a round robin fashion.
5. Each season of the Xtreme Circuit will begin on a date determined by the owner and
administrators. Season 2 will begin on [TBD].

1. Each division is required to have [TBD] teams in order to begin the season. The
season will only begin when both divisions have the required number of teams.
2. In order to start a team, a captain must contact the server manager (Xingdom) with a
roster of 6 players and be approved to begin recruiting further. The captain, once
approved, will submit a roster to #rosters-requests.
3. Before the season begins, any players not currently on a team will be entered into a
voluntary draft to become part of a team. The seeds for the draft will be randomized.

1. After the end of a season, all teams participate in a playoff championship. Series in
the playoffs are played in a single elimination, best of five (5) setting, where the first
team to reach three (3) maps wins the series. For the purposes of playoffs, a tied
map counts as a map win for both teams. Teams are entered into the playoffs by
seeds based on the current season. The seeding will be placed as follows: [1 v 8] [2
v 7] [3 v 6] [4 v 5]. If there are an uneven number of teams entered, the first seeded
team will be granted a bye for their first game.
2. After the completion of both divisions’ Championship Matches, the winning team
from each will play each other in a Best of 5 (Five) game for bragging rights.
3. All other format rules are identical to the In-Game Ruleset followed in the season.

All-Star Game:
1. After the playoffs conclude, community members will vote on the top four (4) tank
players, Damage-Per-Second (DPS) players, and support players from each
division. The first and fourth place player from each category will be assigned to one
of two teams, and the other two (2) players from each category will be assigned to
the other. To be eligible for the All-Star game voting, a player must have
participated in at least 1 (one) series during the regular season or the playoffs. In
the case that a player changed divisions during the season, the division he/she is in
at the conclusion of the playoffs is the division he/she will be voted for the All-Star
Game in.
2. The two teams composed of the aforementioned players will compete in a single
best of five (5) map series with the same format as playoffs.
3. All other format rules are the same as the season.

1. Before each series, a representative from both teams playing must give the lobby
host a list of players that may be seen in that series. The list may not exceed twelve
(12) players and must contain at least six (6) players. If a player is not listed on the
submitted roster, that player may not participate in that series, with the exception of
emergency substitutions. The roster must be submitted at least ten (10) minutes
prior to a series.
2. Team representatives may not include players not listed on their own team’s general
roster shown in the #roster-requests channel. The submitted roster may also not
contain any player who has been signed to another team but may include players
who have not been signed to any team (Free Agents).

In-Game Ruleset:
 Ruleset: Competitive
 Hero Selection Limit: 1 per team
 Killcam: Off
 Hero Roster: All heroes included in the current competitive roster.
 Show Skins: On
 All other settings default.

SR Limit:
1. Players who have a career high of 3000+ SR may not participate in any official
Xtreme Circuit (XC) event.
2. Players of and between 2501 and 3000 SR are considered to be a Platinum Player
(PP). The tag of PP must also be included beside the SR of such players on the
submitted roster.

No Shows:
 If a team does not have a group of 6 eligible players by at least 15 minutes after the
predetermined time, the match is a forfeit.
1. If any team cannot provide at least six (6) players on their submitted roster the match
is considered forfeit. If neither team can provide the required amount of players, the
match is considered a draw and neither team will gain a victory or loss.

1. If both teams agree to reschedule a game, they can do so, on the notion that the game
may not be able to be streamed.
2. If both parties can’t agree on a date, then the team who couldn’t make the original date
forfeits the game.
3. If neither team can field enough players to make the game, then the league will
reschedule the game.

1. The lobby must be hosted by either an XC RefereeTM, Owner, or Admin. The lobby
host is responsible for setting up the correct rules and maps, starting maps and
ensuring both teams are ready and abiding by the rules, monitoring the map,
pausing the map, and finally, setting the team names.
2. Only lobby hosts, team coaches, and one dedicated VOD Recorder for each team
may spectate the map directly. Anyone else wishing to watch must watch the XC
Twitch stream.

1. All series will be streamed on Twitch on the Xtreme Circuit channel by the lobby host
or another spectator.
2. XC Gamecasters will keep their use of profanity to a minimum.

1. Players may not communicate with members of the other team, spectators, or
players watching the Twitch Stream in any way during and between maps. This
includes the game chat channel or XC discord server channels.
2. During a series, players may use the chat channels provided by the XC discord
server, Game 1 and Game 2, or alternatively, they can use in game voice.
3. Coaches cannot communicate with their players during a map. However, they may
speak to their players between maps.
4. Coaches may listen to their players during and between maps. Coaches may enter a
chat channel with their players but will be server muted for the duration of the map.

1. Harassment and toxicity are not tolerated within XC or any XC-related servers or
content. Contact an XC Administrator if you feel you are being harassed, and an
appropriate consequence will be delivered based on the severity of the situation.
2. Depending on where the Toxicity is performed, an appropriate punishment for that
platform will be dealt out to the player in question. Said punishment will be decided
on by an impartial panel of server managers.
3. Bad manners (BM) is not necessarily a form of harassment.

 According to the #rules channel on the Xtreme Circuit discord, there are two (2)
sections of punishment. MPS (Match Punishment System) and SPS (Server
Punishment System). The punishments and acts deemed punishable are as follows.
 The Match Punishment System (MPS) will be used for game violations. The Server
Punishment System (SPS) will be used for server violations. Punishments will be
discussed and voted on by a panel of impartial Admins to determine the correct level
of punishment for a specific act.

1- Player is suspended for the rest of the current match and the next match.
2- Player is suspended for the rest of the current match and the next two matches.
3- Player is suspended for the rest of the current match and the next four matches.
4- Player is suspended for the rest of the current match and the rest of the season.
5. Player is suspended for the rest of the current match and is no longer eligible to
play in the Xtreme Circuit.

1- Player is muted for 24 hours.
2- Player is muted for 3 days.
3- Player is muted for a week.
4- Player is muted for two weeks.
5- Player is muted permanently.

Unique cases will be discussed by the staff.

1. Teams are given one (1) pause per series for emergencies. These pauses are to be
used in the event of an emergency only, and not for strategic discussion or breaks.
Pauses will occur before or after team fights, but not during. After a pause is called
for, the pause may begin at the discretion of the Lobby Host, as deemed
appropriate by him/her.
2. Teams may use a single pause of five (5) minutes between each map which does
not count toward their pause total. This pause may be used for strategic discussion
or breaks.

1. If a player disconnects due to a game crash or a related reason, the game will be
immediately paused for ten (10) minutes, or until the player reconnects. If a player
fails to reconnect the team representative may authorize a substitution from their
submitted roster. If a player cannot be substituted from the submitted roster,
another player on the team or an Official Substitute (OS) may be substituted. The
substitute cannot exceed 150 SR above the player he/she is replacing, but may be
any amount below their SR. A player not present on the submitted roster may not
replace the disconnected player if there are players on the submitted roster who are
able to connect.
2. If no players are able to replace a disconnected player, the current map is forfeit and
the team is given another fifteen (15) minutes to find a replacement player before
the series is forfeit.

1. Any team may substitute any number of players between maps, provided all players
involved are on the submitted roster. Teams are given five (5) minutes to swap
2. Substitutions will not be permitted during the course of a map.

 Alternate Accounts are not the same thing as Smurf Accounts.
1. Any player using an alternate account in XC games with a primary account above
the SR limit (a smurf), or any un-reported knowledge of a smurf in an XC game will
result in immediate removal from XC servers. Everyone is responsible for reporting
suspicion of a smurf to an administrator for investigation. Blatantly false accusations
will result in a server mute. Therefore, keep in mind that not all alternate accounts
are considered smurf accounts.
2. If a smurf is discovered to have taken part in one or more series, the affected series
will be replayed at a later date to be determined. The team which the smurf played
for is responsible for finding a replacement player.
3. Any player wishing to participate in XC events must have completed the placement
matches of the current season within two (2) weeks, except for in special
circumstances, which will be handled by admins on a case-by-case manner.

1. Any instance of hacking will result in an immediate end of the series, as well as the
hacking player being banned from all XC servers and all future XC events. The
affected series will also be replayed at a date to be determined.
2. Abuse of game-breaking bugs is considered hacking for all intents and purposes.
3. If a game-breaking bug is accidentally discovered, XC Administrators will pause the
game while a solution is discussed.

1. Player trades are permitted at any time with the exception of during a series.
2. To complete a trade, both team leaders and all players involved in the trade must
agree to the trade. A trade may not push a team’s general roster over the maximum
of 12 or under the minimum of 6.
3. A player can demand to be released, removing him from the roster for that team.
However, said player is ineligible to play in Official XC Matches for 2 (two) weeks.
After the 2 weeks is over, the player can join the Official Substitutes list, or join
another team. Official Substitutes are the only players who are allowed to sub for
teams in official matches. A player cannot be on a team and on the OS List
 After each game, a poll is put up for player MVP.
 End of season awards includes best DPS, best tank, best support, best overall, best
memer, saltiest player, team MVP’s, and biggest upset.
1. After every series, a poll will be posted on the XC server channel #announcements
where all XC server members may vote on the MVP of the series, between the 2
(two) candidates chosen by their respective teams. The poll will close after
approximately 72 hours.
2. At the end of each season, poll-based awards will be given out to players. The list of
awards and their qualifications will be posted and pinned to the XC server channel
#announcements near the middle of the first season.

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