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Thermodynamics definition 

Thermodynamics was firstly defined as the study of conversion of heat to motion, in the 19th century. Back
then the aim was to increase engine efficiency, which transformed heat due to the combustion of coal to useful
Due to logic and maths the aim had changes over the last two centuries and the aim today is: to model the real
world phenomena.
Modelling-> it is useful and fundamental to this evolved aim, as it allows us to determine useful properties from
measuring other properties and the ​PREDICT ​physical and chemical changes.

In Nasa’s words:

Steady State 

A steady state occurs when all the variables of a process​ DO NOT CHANGE​ with time. This means that the
rate of change in relation to time will always be 0. When we say variables, we mean factors like: temperature,
pressure, chemical potential, volume, enthalpy, density etc.


Equilibrium means there is a ​LACK OF CHANGE. ​Refers to a state condition and it is not only the lack of
change, but the tendency to change in a microscopic scale.

Change is caused by a​ DRIVING FORCE ​this being a change in the variables: ΔT , ΔP , ΔH, Δρ, Δμ, ΔV
1 Law and 2 Law 

The first law of thermodynamics applies the conservation of energy principle to systems where heat transfer
and doing work are the methods of transferring energy into and out of the system.
ΔU = Q + W
As explained by Nasa:

The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy in the universe as an isolated system will always
increase over time.
Work and heat 

Work is energy transfer making use of organized atoms.

Heat is energy transfer making use of disorganized atoms, friction is an example of heat.
When a ball bounces, it releases heat in the form of energy, for there to be work, the floor molecules would
have to release energy in an orderly manner to make the ball bounce back and this is very hard and most
certainly would no happen.

Spontaneous change and reversible process 

A spontaneous change occurs when there is a driving force. A great example of a spontaneous change is a
lightning bolt and when it hits a tree the molecules of the tree’s bark get burnt and disorganized modifying their
structure thus the tree’s texture changes. Here the entropy is increased and the system becomes less stable.
The driving force is the impact and the speed and energy the lightning bolt has, the effect is the disorder
caused to the tree bark molecules.

A reversible process means that the system can be returned to its original state, without any effects on the
surroundings. This means dq − T ds = 0 .

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