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Veridium’s biometric solution, 4 Fingers globally available platform remains the driving
TouchlessID captures four fingerprints at
once, contactlessly, using a phone’s rear cam-
force behind worldwide biometric adoption,”
says Maxine Most, Acuity principal and lead EVENTS
era and flash. Capturing four fingers instead
of a single fingerprint makes it harder to
Meanwhile, Goode Intelligence fore- CALENDAR
spoof due to the complexity of the data col- casts that revenues for mobile and wearable
1–2 November 2017
lected. 4 Fingers TouchlessID doesn’t require biometric authentication will exceed $14.75bn Australia House, London
any additional hardware or sensors and is by 2022. In its latest edition of its ‘Mobile & Biometrics Institute Congress 2017
ready to deploy within any custom app using Wearable Biometric Authentication Market This event is part of Biometrics Week 2017. This
year, the Biometrics Institute offers a two-day
Veridium’s SDK, which removes the need Analysis and Forecasts 2017–2022’, Goode congress on 1-2 November 2017, accompanied by
to deploy hardware peripherals or for new Intelligence also predicts that by 2022 over satellite events on either side (31 October and 3
biometrically-enabled phones. 1.7bn devices will have integrated biometric November). The week also includes the Biometrics
Institute Annual Evening Reception to be held on
As part of the grant, Veridium is developing hardware and over 2.1bn biometric software Wednesday, 1 November 2017.
liveness detection to detect if fingerprints are licences will be sold. More information:
real and not a photograph. The user will cap- Alan Goode, author of the report and
ture two pictures of their fingers, moving them founder of Goode Intelligence, says, “The mar- 7–8 November 2017
slightly, and then a 3D model is created. The ket continues to evolve and the announcement Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
system will then reject 2D photographs. that Apple is replacing Touch ID fingerprint Future Travel Experience Asia
EXPO 2017
authentication with 3D facial recognition FTE Asia EXPO 2017, delivered with the support of
mobile biometrics technology for its new flagship model, the headline partners Changi Airport Group (CAG) and
the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX),
iPhone X, is significant. 3D facial recognition
is a free to attend passenger experience and business
Mobile biometrics technology uses infrared (IR), neural networks performance expo, with an expected attendance of
more than 2,500. The event will provide a platform
and machine learning to support biometric
revenues predicted authentication on a bezel-less OLED display
for solution and service providers from across Asia-
Pacific and beyond to showcase their latest products
to boom – which so far has proved problematic using a
fingerprint sensor.
and concepts designed to help airlines and airports
improve customer experiences, reduce costs, increase
revenues and enhance operational efficiency.

H ot on the heels of Apple’s launch “When Apple announced Touch ID in More information:
of the iPhone X featuring Face ID 2013 it revolutionised consumer biometric
facial recognition, biometrics market authentication and led to an explosion of fin-
28–30 November 2017
analysts are predicting significant gerprint sensors being integrated in almost all Palais des Festivals, Cannes
growth in the mobile biometric sec- new smartphones. Trustech 2017
“We expect that Face ID is likely to Smart cards-focused Cartes Secure Connexions con-
tor. However, some observers are ference rebranded last year as Trustech to reflect
sounding a note of caution. Almost be disruptive and to impact the market the converging areas of payments and secure
half of iOS users in the US (over 40%) – we’ll see Android Original Equipment identification within the concept of trust-based
Manufacturers’ (OEMs) replicate Apple’s technologies. This year’s event has the theme ‘Pay,
consider themselves unlikely to use Identify, Connect & Secure’. There will be more than
facial recognition as a payment secu- move by integrating 3D facial recognition 250 speakers and more than 350 exhibitors, includ-
rity technology, according to Juniper technology into their flagship models – ing big names from the biometrics sector including
however fingerprint will continue to play an Dermalog and NEXT Biometrics.
Research. More information:
Annual revenue from biometrics embedded important role for OEMs both in single and
in mobile devices, biometric app downloads, multi-modal strategies.” 6–7 March 2018
This comes as Juniper Research has found Olympia, London
and biometric transactions authentication is pre- Counter Terror Expo
dicted to grow from $6.5bn in 2016 to $50.6bn that almost half of iOS users in the US (over Security & Counter Terror Expo is the UK’s national
in 2022 a CAGR of nearly 41% with revenues 40%) say they are unlikely to use facial rec- security event. It is a showcase of capabilities, strate-
ognition as a payment security technology. gies and intelligence used to keep nations, infrastruc-
exceeding $193bn in the forecast period, accord- ture, business and people safe. It brings together more
ing to Acuity Market Intelligence updated fore- Juniper Research analysts believe this finding than 10,000 senior professionals from government,
casts for the mobile biometrics market. suggests that a core use case for the iPhone private sector, critical national infrastructure, military,
law enforcement, transport security, border security,
Acuity projects that by 2020 biometrics X’s main security feature may struggle to gain
security services, major events and emergency servic-
will be standard on 100% of the nearly 2.4bn traction. Contactless payment users preferred es. Security & Counter Terror Expo is co-located with
mobile devices sold each year. By 2022, 98% of fingerprint sensors and voice recognition Forensics Europe Expo and Ambition - The EPRR Expo.
More information:
all mobile devices will be biometrically enabled, authentication methods, with 74% and 62%
generating 16.7bn biometric app downloads respectively saying they are likely to use these
and more than 1.37tn payment and non-pay- technologies. 20–21 March 2018
Mary Gates Learning Centre, Washington DC
ment mobile devices transactions that require Jupiter asked 500 US and 500 UK smart- Biometrics institute US Conference 2018
some level of biometric authentication. phone users about mobile banking and con- The programme is under development but will fol-
“The potential for consumer use of mobile tactless payments. It found that the number low the format of last year’s conference, involving
discussion and interaction led by industry experts
biometrics dwarfs any previous application of of contactless payment users grew by only 2% but with additional time for exploration of other
biometrics. More than 1.9bn biometrically year-on-year in the US, with most deployments topics and areas of interest.
enabled mobile devices will be in circulation by coming from smartphone OEMs. In contrast, More information:
the end of 2017. This will grow to an unprec- UK user numbers grew by 12%. conference-2018
edented 5.5bn devices by 2022 as this massive, Continued on page 12...

October 2017 Biometric Technology Today

...Continued from page 3 • A Costcutter supermarket in London is banking

The survey found that while mobile con- piloting fingervein biometrics payments,
tactless payments usage looks set to expand
in both geographies, it is likely that existing
according to the BBC. Costcutter says it
will consider rolling out Fingopay more
Mexican banking body
users will fuel most of that growth. In the widely if the test, at Brunel University, mandates biometrics
US, almost three quarters (73%) of users of is successful. Customers link their fin-
Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay expect
to increase their usage of mobile contactless
payments, but only 39% of non-users expect
gervein data to their payment card and
then pay by presenting their fingertip.
Hitachi has developed the technology
T he Mexican National Banking and
Security Commission (CNBV) has
passed a law mandating biometric
to start using mobile contactless payments. alongside biometric payments company technology in banks, to address
In the UK, only just over a quarter (26%) of Sthaler to target the retail sector. the growing issue of identity theft.
people who do not currently use mobile con- • In Sydney, Australia, NoahFace has cre- According to local reports, the coun-
tactless payments expect that they will start ated software that remembers cafe cus- try’s banks will all have to implement
to use these services any time soon. tomers’ faces and their favourite drink fingerprint biometric technologies
at the Bahista Café, reports The Daily within the next year.
law enforcement Telegraph Australia. According to the Ten fingerprint readings will be taken from
report, the system uses two iPads at the people applying for credit cards or loans and
Facial recognition tech cash register, one facing the customer matched against the database of the National
Electoral Institute. Banks can also authen-
and the other facing staff. When a cus-
sees global uptake for tomer walks in it recognises their face ticate clients by facial or speech recognition
law enforcement and tells the staff their name and regular
biometrics when customers are applying for
services remotely.

L aw enforcement authorities around

the world are developing their use
of facial recognition technology: COMMENT
• Chinese police have used facial recogni- Law enforcement police use of facial recognition technology and
tion technology to catch criminals at authorities around the the associated storage of personal data.
a beer festival in Qingdao, reports The globe are developing These issues are exacerbated if the technol-
Guardian. 25 people were arrested includ- their utilisation of facial ogy does not work reliably. In a blog article,
ing a man who had been on the run for recognition technol- Silkie Carlo, senior advocacy officer at Liberty,
10 years. ogy. However, Liberty, the National Council for Civil Liberties in the
• Police in Shanghai are using facial rec- the UK civil liberties group, has published UK, describes her experiences of observing
ognition technology to catch cyclists concerns about the efficacy of the technology, The Metropolitan Police’s trial of real-time
who are travelling in the wrong lane or based on observation of a trial of the technol- facial recognition on carnival-goers attending
committing other traffic offences. This is ogy in London. the Notting Hill Carnival in London.
reported to be the same technology that Meanwhile, police in China appeared to She reports that police staff running the
has been used at major road junctions to be extending their use of facial recognition project indicated that they were seeking to
catch ‘jaywalkers’. technology. Recently, Biometric Technology match anyone attending the Carnival against
• Meanwhile, Liberty has expressed concerns Today reported on the introduction of facial a watch list of 500 known criminals. Carlo
about the viability of facial recognition tech- recognition technology that photographs blogs, “I watched the facial recognition screen
nology used by Metropolitan Police during people crossing the road against the traffic in action for less than 10 minutes. In that
the Notting Hill Carnival in London. lights, and matches their face against a central short time, I witnessed the algorithm produce
• See comment right. database. Not only would the police then two ‘matches’ – both immediately obvious,
issue a fine for the transgression but, accord- to the human eye, as false positives. In fact
payments ing to reports, the person’s photograph would both alerts had matched innocent women
then appear on social media and flash up on with wanted men.” She reports that there had
Retailers and fast-food large screens in the location of the crossing.
The same technology now looks to be behind
been 35 false-positive matches on one day, at
least five of these resulting in the police stop-
restaurants try out a similar system to identify cyclists who are ping innocent members of the public who had

biometric payments in the wrong lane or committing other traffic

offences in China.
been falsely identified.
Facial recognition is making massive strides,
In the past few weeks, Chinese police especially when it comes to identifying indi-
R etailers and fast-food restaurants
are experimenting with a number
of biometric modalities for payments
were also reported to be using facial recogni-
tion technology to catch criminals at a beer
viduals in real time, so it is likely that we will
see a reduction in error rates and increasing
festival, with some success – 25 people were success rates. At the same time, it would be
and customer service:
arrested including a man who had been on beneficial for law enforcement authorities to
• KFC has introduced facial recognition the run for 10 years. develop more transparent and effective privacy
powered payment in China. KFC cus- As the technology develops, there are increas- practice.
tomers in Zangzhou will be able to use a ing concerns about the privacy implications of Tracey Caldwell
‘Smile to Pay’ facial recognition system.

Biometric Technology Today October 2017

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