Naval - 2nd Month Question Bank

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1. The following data applies to a Ship operating in a particular voyage with a propeller of
6m dia having a pitch ratio of 0.95.
Propeller speed=1.8rps,
Real slip=34%.
Apparent slip=7%,
Specific fuel consumption=210grams/kwhr .
Calculate :
a) Ship speed in knots.
b)Wake factor.
c)Reduced speed to halve the voyage consumption.
d)Voyage distance if the voyage takes 3 days more at reduced speed.
e)Amount of fuel for the voyage at reduced speed

2. The following data obtained during acceptance trials for a Ship of 8000t:
Ship speed=15.5knots, Torque delivered to Propeller=250KNm,Propeller
thrust=325KN, Propeller speed=1.75rps, EHP=2010KW,Propeller efficiency=66%
Apparent slip ratio=0.06, Transmission loss=3%.

(a) Pitch of the propeller
(b) Wake factor
(c)The real slip ratio

3. (a)Draw the Propeller views and mark the parts/ dimentions

(b) What is BAR &DAR w.r.t a Propeller
(c)Find BAR&DAR for a 4 bladed Propeller with following details: Dia=10m,Hub
dia=0.2R,Blade area=9sq.m/blade
(d) If P/D ratio is 0.75 find Pitch angle at tip & root of the Propeller

4. (a)Explain the Power train in a Ship (b)What are the efficiencies & coefficients
involved in the above? Explain
(c)Explain Admiralty Coefficient and it”s uses
(d)Describe Fixed Pitch & Controllable Pitch Propeller

5. ( a) On increasing speed of Ship by 1.5 knots it is found DFC(Daily fuel

consumption)is increased by 25t and 20 % increase in VC(Voyage consumption) for an
voyage of 2250Nautical miles.
Find : 1. Original fuel oil consumption .
6. 2. Original speed of Ship.
(b) A Ship has a speed of 18knots. A reduction of !.5 knots gave a saving of
22t/day. Find consumption per day at 18 knots .
6. ( a) Describe the procedure for speed, power and fuel consumption trials.
(b) A Ship of 1500t displacement has Admiralty Coefficient=420 based on SP. If mech
efficiency=83% ,transmission efficiency=94%, propeller efficiency=65%& QPC=0.71.
At a particular speed thrust power is 255kw. Find IHP & EHP
7. A Spade Rudder an area=6.33 sq.meter. At it’s max designed rudder angle of
35degrees the centre of effort is 0.12m aft of the axis of rotation and 1.6m below the
lower edge of rudder stock bearing.
The force on the rudder normal is given by the expression:
Fn=18.32 Av**2 Alfa Newtons.
A= Area in Sq.meters, v in m/sec , Alfa=Rudder angle in degrees.
Equivalent twisting moment is given by Te=M+ Sq.root of( M**2+T**2 ) Where
m=moment & T=Torque
Maximum stress of the rudder stock material is limited to77MN/sq.m .
(a)Diameter of the rudder stock for a Ship speed=16 knots
(b)The speed to which restricted if the rudder stock diameter is reduced to 375mms

8. a) Define frequency, period,amplitude,node & anti-node w.rt Vibration on Ships

(b)Explain the methods of minimizing vibration problems in Ships during design and
after built
c) Define term “Resonance” and explain its significance wrt vibration in Ships

9. With respect to fire resistant conditions:

a) describe Standard fire test
b)Define incombustible material. c)State requirements of A, B & C class bulkheads

W.R.T Load line Rules define(i) Free board (ii) Free board drck(iii)Super
structure(iv)Type ‘A’ Ship(v)Type ‘B’ Ship.

10. Prepare & Explain Plimsoll marking for a Ship of summer draft =18meters & Fresh
water allowance=550mms.

11. (a)Explain difference between Gross tonnage & Net tonnage

(i) Enclosed spaces
(ii) Excluded space.
12. a) State the reasons for carrying out Sea trials on a newly built Ship
b) Outline the purpose of progressive speed trials
c)State any other 4 trials on Ship & explain 2 of them

13. (a)With respect to Ship hull vibration explain with the aid of diagrams EACH of the
following terms: 3-node horizontal mode,2-node vertical mode .
(b)State how the hull vibration can be minimized in Ship .during the stages: design ,
construction & after built
14. (i)Explain briefly (any four)
a) Types of Resistances experiencing on a Ship at sea.
b) Plimsoll markings.
c) Gross tonnage and Net tonnage.
d) Materials used in Ship building .
e)LSA items on board Ship
15.(a)Explain the role of Classification society in the design and building stages of a Ship.
(b)Explain the classification notation systems used.
(c)Explain the nature of the surveys during the operation stages of the ship to retain its

16. Explain the role of classification society in EACH of the following stages of a ship’s life
(i) Design(ii)Building
(iii) Operation.

17. A Ship of length 0f 110m has a draft of 4.35m aft and 3.85m forward. Hydrostatic
particulars at this condition are: LCF=2.25M aft of midship, Displacement=6300t. GML=80m
& LCB=.6m aft of midship.
a) true draft.
18. An Inclining test is conducted on a Barge of Displacement 1200t by shifting a weight of
15t through a transverse distance of 8.2m. A 2m pendulum hanged in a hold shown a
deflection of 80mm
a) If the KM=8.56M, Calculate the KG.
b) What is the corrected KG, If 50 t to go onboard at a KG of 3m and 5t to go
out from Ship at a KG of 6m.

19. a) Explain how the thrust produced by the Propeller & Propulsion arrangement
for making the Ship to move in water.

b) A Propeller 8m dia with pitch ratio of .75 , BAR=.45 and when turning
at 120rpm has a real slip ratio of 25% and wake factor of .3. If the Propeller
delivers a thrust of 300kn and the Propeller efficiency of 67%.

Calculate : Blade area Thrust power Deliveredpower

20. a )Explain the following: Clean Ballast Tanks, Segregated Ballast Tanks,& Slop tanks

b ) A ship of 1500t displacement has an admiralty coefficient 420. Mechanical

efficiency=83%, shaft losses 6%,,QPC=.71, propeller efficiency=65%. At a particular speed
the thrust power=255kw. Find IHP,EHP &Ship speed

21. a ) Define floodable length, Permeability & factor of subdivision.

b A box barge of 40m long and 10m beam float at an even keel of 3m.
A mid-compt having length 6m got bilged. Find new drafts.

(i) with μ=100%,

(ii) with μ=60%

22. a) Explain Admiralty coefficient & Fuel coefficient with their uses.

b) A Ship’s speed was 18 knots. A reduction of 3.5 knots gave a saving of fuel
Consumption of 22t/day. Calculate the consumption at 18 knots

23. A box barge of 40m long has 320t hull weight evenly distributed over the length. The
barge is divided into 4 equal tanks. End tanks are filled with 340t each.

a)Prepare the curves of weight , buoyancy, load, S&F .

b) Calculate maximum bending moment & S&F value at15m from aft

24. A Ship of 8000t has Rudder area of 18 sq.meters .Force acting is given by
F=580Av*2 Newtons. A=Rudder area in sq.meter & v=speed in m/sec.
a) if centre of effort is .9m from centre of stock , Calculate Rudder stock dia for
a speed of 15knots and for rudder angle of 35degrees

b) Calculate the angle of heel if centroid of rudder=2.1m above keel ,centre of lateral
resistance=3.8m above keel & GM=.4m.

25. Explain briefly (any four)

a)Types of resistances acting on the Ship at sea.
b) Statical Stability & Dynamic Stability ,
c) Angle of Loll,
d) Power train in a Ship and efficiencies involved.,
e) Free surface effect

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