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Rosyth School Second Semestral Assessment 2014 Mathematics Primary 4 Total 100 Name: ee _ Class: Pr 4. Register No. Date: 13% Oct 2014 Parent's Signature: _ Instructions to 2upile: 1. Do not open this booklet until you are told to doo. 2. Follow allinstructions carefully 8. This paper consists of 8 parts, Sections A, Band C. 44. For questons 1 to 20 in Section A, shade the correct ovals on tho Optical Answer Sheet (OAS). 5. ANSWERALL THE QUESTIONS. [ Maximum [Section A 40 This paper cansists of 20 pages altogether (including the cover page). ‘hs paper snot tbe rprduced In pat oruhol without the pmisin of the Principal. ‘Section A (40 marks) For questons 1 1920, four options are gven. One of thomis he correct answer ‘Mako your choice (1, 2, 8 or 4). Shade the correct ovals (2 8 oF 4) onto the ‘Optical Anewor Shest provided. Each quostion carro 2 mars. Inwhich ofthe folowing numbers Is the digit 8 in the thousands place? (570 @ se @ 7250 8907 2. Inwhich ofthe folowing are the numbers a ‘reateat? (mates (oratest) () 9783, 9378, 9937 @ 9307, 9673, 9739 @ 9397, 9739, 9973 9973, 9739, 9367 3nged fom smallest the 3 Complete the following numb patter. 17,25, 8, Ea (94,35 456 @ A149 65,60 4, How many ono-fts ae there in 3 wholes? ws @e @ 18 @ 96 5. What rac fhe shapes inthe box are CC? VIVIIE9V VOCC ES 2 0% 7 7 3 a7) @ z w 5 6. Thedigit 678.182 stands for 8 () tens: @ — hundeds @ tenths (hunted 3 ‘A grow of srtonts wentto tw Singapore Martie Museum, of them ‘wore boys. There were ASboys, How many stents were gis? m5 @ @ » w % “There re 2simitar beakers below. How much more water is needed tof both beaker to the 4 ite mar? ua 0 e oe ® 2 Find the dference between 20 hundredths and 15 tenis (ty 005 @ 190 @ 148 5.00 10. Tre figuoddow snot {snot ran sale, ZPOR wat a Teetgale 20 fndieuwect 2 Nae P 2 6 @ 30 @ oo (120 1 ory ages a ek te em ba 8 angle? o mt @>s @ 6 on 12, Findthe sum of 9325 an 9 aK () 1408 @ 1419 @ 1431 @) 144 413. Allthe ines dawn on the square grid betow are staighttines, e ° s B ¥ Nome a pair of paral! ines. (cower @ cowcH @) Aeira @ cnn 114, When Peterinished his evering run, the time was as shown on the cock below. hotook 36 minutes to na, at what time dd he start his run? (Brpress your answer using the 24-hour clock) (0605 @ ons @) 1605 Cm Use the information below and answer quostions 1 and 16. 46. 16. Tins ge sod Chase Sanaich | — S40 Tie deta Sandwich 3a Plan Pancake es Deitio Ghosiate Pancate | — $4.85 Tar Fra Sata HE Mrs Pesk baught 2 Mini Nutela Sandwiches and atin Fruit Salad. How much dd she pay altogether? a a ° @ $795 10 ses S60 |My Yeo ware to buy 4 Double Chocolate Pancakes but he only had 8. How mich nore money did he need? (a) sis80 siaes @) S980 “ $2180 1. 18. 10, “The figure bobw is fonmed by five -em squares, Find the total area ofthe figure. 4 T I = () 150m! Bom? Saw 60m? “TanicA contsne 24.09 fof water wile Tark B contains 7 times as much ‘water as Tank A. Find the total vourye of water in both tanks. 387 @ 28561 @ tras07 @ 180927 4 4 ‘Aisha bought pack of sugar. She used tolitto make a cake and j oft to make musfins,ehe had 750 9 of sugar ef how much sugar dd she uy at fet? tke @ 20 & 3t9 @) 18ko 20. iti | 4 students eoked atthe map above and made the folowing statements Bala sad, “The Casto fa North ofthe Rockey Hil” Calle sak, "The Dark Forests South of the Oragon, Donovan sal, The Dragon is Southwest ofthe Casta” Elena said, The Rocky Hills Eas ofthe Dragon ‘Who made te corect statement? oo 2) Cale 8) Donovan (6) Elena Section B (40 marks} For questions 21 to 40, show your working clearly inthe space telow each {question and wita your answer nthe answer boxes provided. Give your answers ithe units stated, Each question caries 2 marks. 24. Some factors e!18 are 1,2, 9 and 18. What are the oer tivo factor of (8? {me _] 22, Round of 72452 to the neat hundred, 23, Find the value of = a 26, xpress as 2 mixed numberin its slnpest form Which two ofthe fractions below are in the simplest fam? 26. In thefigue, ABCD is a rectangle. Find the value of Zx A a ae 27. faerange eollowing numbers fom the greatestto the smaliet. oes, 4 , omos Tea 28, Express 0.09 2 fraction init simplest form 29. Wie he desma represented by A sae ow T os A Use the folowing information below to answer questions 30 and 34. “The graph shows Sarn's mass fom 2010 to 2014, 30, at. Sam's mass (kg) from 2010 to 2014 Dring which 1-year period was the increase in his mass the gresiest? Between Year, = and, ‘What was Sam's increase'h mass from 2012 to 20147 Swe 32, Jamgreatorthan 43 but saller than 44, 9 The dit 9 siands for 3 U ave a digit2 in the tents place. ‘The value ofthe dig Bs 008. ‘What number am 12 29. alr an rma hone cad, Jr bk 2 oft eae whe ‘Kumar took the rest if Kumar took 9 mote cards than Javier, How many cards were there at et? 24. Thefgures below ae rot raum to scale, Reclangle WXYZ has the samme 10a ms squete CDEF. Find the perimeter of square CDEF. wm —— x i Ey [+] 3. 9. ‘Randy bought9 similar keychains. He gave the cashier $80 and received a change of $1895, What was the cost of 1 Keychain? “The totat mass ofa basket containing 5 bars of chocolate was 700.54 g When 3 morebars of chocolate were placed in the basko, the total mass increased by 3987 g. Whats the mass of the empty basket? tm ‘A rectangular fower bed is surounded by 24.5 m wide path as shown above. Whatls the perimeter ofthe flower bed? 38, Whenitls 1500 in London, tls 2200 in Singapore on the same day. ‘Cassandra made a call fo her mother from Singapore at 13.00 to London ‘Whattime was it i London when she made the al? (Express yor answer using the 12-hour clock) [| ‘Sho used {kg of flourlese make pancakes thana cake, How much four dic she use in total? (Express your answer inthe simplest form) 32. womans? wetmeronoe eta 40, Davishared 108 m of sting equally wity Amanda, Cais and Si, ICs ‘gave ha ofher share to Sil, how much srw dt il have? 15 Section C (20 marks) Fee quastions 41 to 45, show your woking clearly in the space below each (qeetion and wile your enwers In the blanks provided. ‘The marks for each {vestion or part quesion are given in he brackets, 41, During the Naional Day Parade, there were 26 957 spectators watching the parade. Thote were twice &e many children as women. There wore twice 98 ‘many womnet as men. How mary children were at the National Day Parade? Angwer 16 “The igure below fs made up of rectangle A, rectangle B and square C. ‘The length of square C is 8 cm. ‘ea of square Cis $ the area of rectangle B. 3 ‘rea of recengle Ais tice the area of rectangle B. Whats the aea of the whole figure? 8 ¢ |lscm Answer: ai 43, Aa fruit stall a bag of mangoes cost $Sand a bag of pears cst $3. man bought 25 bags offuts and pald $93, How many bags of mangoes did he buy? 18 Container A and Container B had £0.38 bre of water. Aer 905tire of water 1128 transfered from Container A to B, Container A had tice as much water as Container 8, How much water was in Container Al st? (Round off your answer to 1 decimal piace) foawer: 4 Farah had a bag of ee. She propared an equal amount of rice each day 10 4 sel ater Nasi Lemak sta At the end of3 days, she had # oher bag of roe ft, At the end of @ days, she had 36g ofrice tet. How much ice did she use In 7 days? Answer ro END OF PAPER- ‘Hove you chacked your work thoroughiy? Fa Year: 2014 Level: Primary 4 School: Rosyth Schoo! Subject: Mathematics Semester: SA2 ‘Section A: 7 4 iT 3 Section Bs Q21)3 ands (922) 72900 025) 78 24 v2 25) 4/7 nd ¥8 026) 52° 227) 0.805, 15, 0.085 28) 7100 29) 047 (30) Between Year 2011 and 2012 31) She 032) 43289 (033) 99 ards 03024 m 39 845 36) 186.04 037 48 03 600m os 9v2 4) 405m omy 304 04 76 em" (1) 9 bags of mangoes ew 463 045) 42g

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