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NANHUA PRIMARY SCHOOL ‘SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT 2~— 2014 PRIMARY FOUR MATHEMATICS TO CANDIDATES 4. Write your name, register number and clas in the space provided. 2. Do nottumn over the page until you are told to do so. 3. Foltowall instructions carefully. 4. Answer all questions, your answers inthe Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided for Questions 4 = 20. S 40 20 Total 400 Name : ) Class : Prd, Dato: 27 Ocbor 2014 Duration: 146 min Parent's Signature —— ‘Section A: Muliple Choice Questions (20 x 2 marks Questions 1 t020 cary 2 marks each Ofthe 4 options gen, only one lscatect. Choose theeorrect answer (1,2, oF 4) and shade the caret oval on the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS). The value of the-digit 4” tn 842058, _ a 4 @ 400 ) 4000 @) 40000 ( 2. Which ofthefolowing numbers when rounded afte the nearest tn becomes 725007 ems @ Ras @) Re @) 72553 c 3, The heigitofatable is about _ @ im @ tan @ 10m @ toon ( 4. How many one-fiths are there in2 wholes? mak 2 @ 2 5 @ 5 @ 1 ‘ 5. Which oftteflowing is natanenuivatent fracionat 27 ot @ 3 3 @ 2 3 wo & 8. Arrange thefollwng fractions fom the smallestithe greatest. 1 2 2 a m3 (erates (orestest) om 2 4 3 2 i 7 2 @ 4, a @) i 2 4 e s 4 1 2 7 a4, z a “ 3 12 7. Looket he figure below Find Its perimater Alttelinos meat at 90" (The figure is notdraun to scale.) 12m om 12m “The paimeter of the above figure is _ a” @ Qo @ Tom 84m. 54m sm Sit and Mina collected 1600 stickers altogether Sit oolcted 86 stickers move than Mina, Howmany stickers dié Miah collect ? a @ @ @ 160 200 840 80 \Whiehof the following is multiple of both 3 and § 2 a @ @ o 6 9 18 30 10. The cartoon started at 20 30. twas 160 minutes long, What time did the cartoon end? () 2150 @) 22 @) 250 @) 2300 “1. Sally stated paying the plano at 12.40 pm and stopped How long i she spend payin the plan? ss em (2) -th1Smin @ — 1n26ain @) 2hi6min @) 2h38mrin « 12 watdoos ©) stra tor? 4 @ 8 G13 @ 212 ‘ 49, Mabel accidentally spilled some ink on her worksheet. Part ofthe worksheet fs shown below. ‘What was the number behind the stain? “506 @ sti ) 516 @) 546 14, In the igure below, which angle fs eater than a ight anole 7 > za @ Zo @ Ze @ Za 115, Paul bought a teddy bear at $39.60 and 2toycars at $14 each. He gave the cashier two $50 notes, how much change did he ge? () $82.50 @) $46.50 @) $53.50 @) $67.50 16. Figure P is made up of Sdentical squares and 1 rectangle. ind the langth of CE. (The igure is not draum to scale.) B A 28 em| ___ gl tOom ae ¢ D aa Figure P (10cm @ ion @ zen @) tem 417, The area of a rectangle is 112 om Is breadth is 7 om. Find is perimeter. () 16cm @ 230m @ em @ 49cm c 48. The total length 0° rbons is 2 m 5 om. The frst ribbon is 65 em long while the second ribpon is 78 cm long. How long is the third ribbon’? () een @) Tem @) 107m (@ 143.6m ‘ 49. The figure belowshows 44 equares, Whats the smallest number of squares that must be added eo thatthe line XY becomes a line of symmetry? mM 8 @ 2 @ 3 @ 4 « 20. Inthe diagram below, the fgures are drawn on a square grid. How many figures have a ine of symmetry? o @ @) @) 27, 809 + 695 = 28. Whatisthe vatusof 2 + +7 63 Express your answer as a mixed number. 29, Find the value of 7.86 X 6. 30, Halim bought 3 similar pensor $1.49. What is the cost of 12 such pens? ‘Thebar graph below shows the amountof money eamed by men each ‘month, Study i carey and answer Questons 31 and 2 Amount of mo vey eamed ($) 31, How much more money did Ahmad eam than Bernard? 32. How much did he § men earn ategeter? 38, The area of a square is 64 em. Whats the perimeter of he square? 34. Ata supermarket, biscuits are only sod in packets of § boxes Each packet fs sold at $8. Jane has $30. How many boxes of biscults cean she buy at fie most 7 = 35, Comnpletethe tessollation below with 2amore.unitshapes. 38. Salim is facing the shopring mal. Atermaking a Sturn nthe ant-clockwise Girecton, where whe be facing ? shopping mal post office 37. Weling ead 2 ofthebook on Monday and realized that sho lll had 132 pages more to read te frish the book. How many pages did she read on Monday? pages 38. The figure shown below is macle up of Sidenticat rectangles and 1 triangle. Find the perimeter of he gure. fH = 4em 30. Peter had 40 more stamps than Jason, After Jason gave 20 stamps to Peter, Peter had twice as many stamps 2s Jason How many stamps did Peter have at frst? 42. ata, et arate we co. Tae wer ay con 8 dors hile the rest were goats. If there were 39 goals, how many animals were there altogether? * Section (624 mas Foroach ofthe follow questions hw yo workings and mathematical atone inthe spas bow each quosion: We your aroner Tn he answer space provided. 41, The distance betwoen the frstJamp post-and the:thied amp post was 3.06 m, The lamp poste were spaced at an: equal interval epart. What was the distance from he 1 lamp post to the 6 lamp post? Ans 42, Dawn and Jack had the same number of cards. After Dawn bought another 48 cards and Jack lot 2 of his cards, Daun had three times as many cards as Jack. How many cards did each ofthem have at fist? Ans _ 43, The fine graph beow shows the number of teddy bears sold in a shop fom April to August. ‘Salo of Teddy Bears 250 20: 450 100 Number of teddy boars cold 50 o Aol May une uly August 2. How many more teddy bears were sold in April than in May? Ans b. Given thatthe price of each teddy bear is $18, what would be the total amount collected in the months from May to July? 44, The figure below ie mado up of two rectangles. Find the area of the unshaded part, (The fgure is not drawn to scale.) Ans: 45. Catissa paid $16.20 for2 simi fies and 3 similar pons. One such fle cost 3 timos as much as a pen. What was the total oost of 1 such fle and 1 such pon ? NAN HUA PRIMARY SCHOOL SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT 2 2014 PRIMARY 4 MATHEMATICS y) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 4 5) 3 6) 2 7 1 8) 1 9 4 10) 4 nyoo4 2 1 13) 3 ua) 3 5) 1 16) 3 m3 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 12074 11800 5a os 24 90"-33"-35° = 22" 15.04 le 47.16 12/3X$1.40 = $5.60 $700-$325 = $375 $700#$325+$450+$825+$600 = $2900 64=8X8, Bem X4=32cm $30/8 =3 R 6, so Jane can only buy3 packets, thus 3x5 boxes = 15 boxes 35) 36) Post office 37) Su-2u=3u 3u>132 2u~> 2/3K132 = 88 pages 38) (3444413434445) cm =26 cm 39) tw ws Peter 120i 40 |20 ——_i wasn [ ‘Ma caw Got 40 +20" 80) 80+20+40 = 140 stamps 40) a cenickensg ———— $005 > — a <— 1 (aunts) a 39/3=13 13X5 = 65 animals 41) 3 lamp posts —> 2 equal intervals 3.06m/2 = 1.53 m 6 lamp posts --> 5 equal intervals 1.53mX5=7.65m & 3 tu 42) Ae Dderwsty —t—> Jack, y aus eI 48412 = 60 60/2= 30 30412 = 42 cards at first 43a) 150-7! =75 more teddy bears were sold in April than in May b) (7542004125) X $15 = $6000 4A) em X 15cm = 180m? 45) «eile 7 t { pen $16.20/9 = $1.80 $1.80 X 4 =$7.20 416-20

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